User Manual
H.264 MegaPixel PIR Lighting IP Camera
Wireless H.264 MegaPixel PIR Lighting IP Camera
Ver 1.0

Product name: Megapixel Cube Network Camera (WCS-0030/FCS-0030)
Release Date: 2010/02/01
Manual Revision: V1.x Firmware 1.x.x.x
Web site:
Default Settings
IP Address DHCP
Username admin
Password admin
General Public License
This product incorporates open source code into the software and therefore falls under
the guidelines governed by the General Public License (GPL) agreement.
Adhering to the GPL requirements, the open source code and open source license for
the source code are availabl e for free download at http://global.level1.com.
If you would like a copy of the GPL or other open source code in this software on a
physical CD medium, LevelOne (Digital Data Communications) offers to mail this CD to
you upon request, for a price of US$9.99 plus the cost of shipping.
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