Level Mount LM30LP User Manual [en, es, fr]

Installation Instructions
Small Wall Mounts fi t 10”-32” (254 mm - 812,8 mm) Flat Panel Displays
- Up to 45 lbs (21kg) (AISTA, BSFMD, DC30DJ & LM30DJ) or 50 lbs (22,68 kg) (AISOA, DC30LP, LM30LP, LM30LPW, DC30T, LM30T, DC30SJ, LM30SJ, LM30SJW, RSMSL & RSMSS) depending on model.
Fits VESA Patterns: 75mm x 75mm 100mm x 100mm 200mm x 100mm 200mm x 200mm 300mm x 300mm 400mm x 200mm
Medium Wall Mounts fi t 10”-47” (254 mm - 1194,8 mm) Flat Panel Displays
- up to 70 lbs (31,75 kg) (AIMOA, AIMTA, BLSFD, DC37DJ, LM37DJ, LM37DJW, DC37LP, LM37LP, DC37SJ, LM37SJ, RSMML & RSMMS) or 80 lbs (37kg) (DC42DJ & LM42DJ) depending on model.
Fits VESA Patterns: 75mm x 75mm 100mm x 100mm 200mm x 100mm 200mm x 200mm 300mm x 300mm 400mm x 200mm 400mm x 400mm 600mm x 400mm
Please read these Installation Instructions entirely, including the Warnings, before you start the installation and assembly of the TV Wall Mount.
Instructions en Francais, Page 10 Instrucciones en Español, Página 22
Need Help?
Helpful Hints
If you have installation questions about your TV Wall Mount, please go to www.levelmount. com to view product tutorials.
Contacting Level Mount Customer Service
If you have questions, our trained Customer Service Department is happy to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Contact Level Mount Customer Service as follows:
• In North America dial: 1-888-229-1459
• In Europe dial: +0044 844 567 2657
• In the United Kingdom dial: 0844 567 2657
• E-mail Level Mount at www.customersupport@elexausa.com
If you believe the product is defective, has a missing or broken part or are having diffi culty with assembly, please contact Level Mount directly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year as listed above, for a quick and effi cient solution to your problem.
Tools Required
Built-in Bubble Level
Spirit Level
Not Included
Drill Bit 4mm
Drill Bit
Masonry 12mm
Stud Finder
Socket Wrench
EU: +0044 844 567 2657
©2012 Level Mount - Patents Pending
UK: 0844 567 2657
© 2012. All rights reserved. Patents Pending. Level Mount is a trademark of
Elexa Consumer Products, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
What’s in the box? 30LP, 30T, 30SJ, 30DJ, RSMSL & RSMSS
30LP/RSMSL TV Bracket
30T TV Bracket
30SJ/RSMSS TV Bracket
30DJ TV Bracket
Wall Plate
(4) Mini Bayonet
© 2012. Tous droits réservés. Brevets en instance Level Mount est une marque
déposée de Elexa Consumer Products, Inc.
Toutes les autres marques de commerce appartiennent à leurs propriétaires
ou détenteurs respectifs.
© 2012. Todos los derechos reservados. Pendiente de patente. Level Mount
es una marca registrada de Elexa Consumer Products, Inc.
El resto de marcas registradas pertenecen a sus correspondientes dueños.
Bag 1
(2) Concrete Anchors
Bag 5
(4) M4 Lock Washer
(4) M4 x12mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M4 x 20mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M4 x 30mm Phillips Bolt
Flat Back
TV Hardware
Recessed Back
TV Hardware
Bag 2 Bag 3 Bag 4
(4) M6 Lock Washer
Flat Back
(2) Hex Screw
Bag 6
(4) Spacer 14mm x 16mm,
(1) M4 x 8mm Theft Deterrent Screw
(4) Washer 16mm x 6.3mm x 1.2mm
(4) Washer 16mm x 5.3mm x 1.2mm
(4) M6 x12mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M6 x 24mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M6 x 35mm Phillips Bolt
Bag 7
(8) M5 x 12mm Anti-Theft Bolt
(8) Washer 16mm x 5.3mm x 1.2mm
(8) Phillips M5 Nut Screw
TV Hardware
Recessed Back
TV Hardware
(4) M5 x12mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M5 x 20mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M5 x 30mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M5 Lock Washer
Flat Back
TV Hardware
Recessed Back
TV Hardware
EU: +0044 844 567 2657
©2012 Level Mount - Patents Pending
UK: 0844 567 2657
What’s in the box? 37LP, 37SJ, 37DJ, 42DJ, RSMML & RSMMS
37LP/RSMML TV Bracket
37SJ/RSMMS TV Bracket
37DJ TV Bracket
(4) Second
42DJ TV Bracket
Wall Plate
(4) First
Extension Arm
Bag 1 Bag 2 Bag 3 Bag 4
(4) Concrete Anchors
(4) Hex Screw
Bag 5
(4) M4 Lock Washer
(4) M4 x12mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M4 x 20mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M4 x 30mm Phillips Bolt
Flat Back
TV Hardware
Recessed Back
TV Hardware
(4) M8 Lock Washer
(4) M8 x16mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M8 x 25mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M8 x 40mm Phillips Bolt
Bag 6
(4) Spacer 14mm x 16mm,
(1) M5 x 15mm Theft Deterrent Screw
(4) Washer 16mm x 6.3mm x 1.2mm
(4) Washer 16mm x 5.3mm x 1.2mm
Flat Back
TV Hardware
Recessed Back
TV Hardware
(4) M6 Lock Washer
(4) M6 x12mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M6 x 24mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M6 x 35mm Phillips Bolt
Bag 7 Extension Arms
(8) M5 x 12mm
(8) M4 Nut
(8) M4 Lock Washer
Anti-Theft Bolt
(8) M4 x 36mm Phillips Bolt
(8) Washer 16mm x 5.3mm x 1.2mm
(8) Phillips M5 Nut Screw
Flat Back
TV Hardware
Recessed Back
TV Hardware
Extension Arm
(4) M5 Lock Washer
(4) M5 x12mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M5 x 20mm Phillips Bolt
(4) M5 x 30mm Phillips Bolt
Flat Back
TV Hardware
Recessed Back
TV Hardware
Imagen 14
Soporte de TV
Imagen 15
Imagen 13
Nivel de burbuja incorporado/Nivel
Placa de Soporte
Tuerca antirrobo
Gancho gerente
Llave de Tubo
Tornillo Hexagonal
Placa de Soporte
Soporte de TV
botón de ajuste de inclinación
botón de ajuste
Paso 5 - Coloque la placa de pared a la pared
Para colocar la placa de pared de vigas de madera o tornillos de concreto, el uso. Con una llave de tubo apretar los tornillos superiores sólo, como se muestra en Imagen 13.
Una vez más, utilizando la incorporada en el nivel de burbuja / nivel de burbuja, ajustar la placa de pared hasta que esté nivelado, como se muestra en Imagen 12. Cuando la placa de pared es el nivel, utilice una llave de tubo para apretar el tornillo en el orificio inferior de la placa de pared. Vissezassez empresa para producir un fuerte vínculo, pero no en exceso o dañará los medios de comunicación o los tornillos.
Utilizar los tornillos para montar la placa de pared a la pared.
Paso 6 - Coloque el televisor a la placa de pared
Para montar el televisor en la pared, deslice el soporte para TV (con la televisión) sobre la placa de pared (que se fija a la pared como se muestra arriba) y la inferior como se muestra en magen 14.
La configuración de Quick-Lock se incorporará soporte para el televisor a la placa de la pared.
Paso 7 - Coloque, la inclinación y extender el soporte de TV
Una vez que el apoyo de la TV en la placa de pared, instale el tornillo de bloqueo (Bolsa 6) como se muestra en Imagen 15.
Si la TV no es recta después de ser asegurado para el montaje, la nivelación puede ser ajustado 7-8 ° simplemente colocando ambas manos en ambos lados de la pantalla del televisor y girar hacia arriba o hacia abajo hasta su nivel.
Para inclinar la TV, use la perilla de ajuste de inclinación para apretar o aflojar el sello como se muestra en Imagen 15.
Para ampliar la TV, afloje la perilla de ajuste, haga el ajuste y apriete la perilla de ajuste como se muestra en Imagen 15.
El sistema de gestión de cable evita enredos de cables, como se muestra en Imagen 15.
EU: +0044 844 567 2657
©2012 Level Mount - Patents Pending
UK: 0844 567 2657
©2012 Level Mount - Patents Pending
EU: +0044 844 567 2657
UK: 0844 567 2657
Broca para
madera 12 mm
Imagen 9
Detector de Madera
Pladur con estructuras visibles
Placa de Soporte
Nivel de burbuja incor­porado/Nivel
Muro de hormigón
Muro de hormigón
Broca para
madera 12 mm
Muro de hormigón
Tacos para hormigón
Imagen 10
Imagen 11
Imagen 12
Étape 4 - Percer des trous dans le mur pour la plaque murale
Opción A – Si las paredes son de pladur
Para fijar la placa de soporte a una pared de pladur, localice las estructuras de madera con un detector de madera. Cuando haya encontrado el lugar donde crea que está el centro de la estructura de madera (utilizando el Detector de Madera), clave un clavito en el hueco lo suficiente para confirmar que está clavando sobre madera sólida (y no en algo menos denso, como una tabla de aglomerado); una vez realizado, vuelva a quitar el clavito.
Alinee el agujero superior de la Placa de soporte con el centro de la estructura de madera que haya marcado en la pared, a la altura deseada. Utilice un lápiz para marcar la pared a través del agujero superior izquierdo de la Placa de soporte sobre el centro de la estructura, tal y como muestra la Imagen 10.
Opción B – Si las paredes son de hormigón
Para fijar la Placa de soporte al hormigón, colóquela a la altura deseada. Marque los agujeros con un lápiz cuando haya nivelado la Placa de Soporte usando el Nivel de burbuja que viene incorporado o el nivel, tal y como muestra la Imagen 10.
Deje la Placa de soporte a un lado. Taladre agujeros en el hormigón, en el lugar marcado, tal y como muestran las Imágenes 11. Para taladrar los agujeros de los tacos para hormigón en el hormigón, utilice un taladro eléctrico con una broca de 12 mm para madera.
Inserte los tacos para hormigón en los agujeros, tal y como muestra la Imagen 12, e introdúzcalos con un martillo hasta que queden a ras de la pared de hormigón, como muestra la Imagen 12.
No utilice un martillo neumático, pues rompería y debilitaría el
The Small TV Wall Mounts were designed specifically to hold: 10”-32” (254 mm-812,8 mm) Flat Panel Displays - up to 45 lbs (21kg) (AISTA, BSFMD, DC30DJ & LM30DJ) or 50 lbs (22,68kg) (AISOA, DC30LP, LM30LP, LM30LPW, DC30T, LM30T, DC30SJ, LM30SJ, LM30SJW, RSMSL & RSMSS), The Medium TV Wall Mounts were designed specifically to hold: 10”-47” (254 mm - 1194,8 mm) Flat Panel Displays up to 70 lb (31,75kg) (AIMOA, AIMTA, BLSFD, DC37DJ, LM37DJ, LM37DJW, DC37LP, LM37LP, DC37SJ, LM37SJ, RSMML & RSMMS) or up to 80 lb (37kg) (DC42DJ & LM42DJ). Using this product with a TV heavier than the maximum weight, or that exceeds these dimensions, may result in serious personal injury and damage to equipment and property.
1. Do not begin the installation of the TV Wall Mount until you have read and understood the instructions and warnings contained in these Installation Instructions. Failure to read, thoroughly understand and follow the instructions can result in serious personal injury and damage to equipment and property. It is the installer’s responsibility to make sure all components are properly assembled and installed using the instructions provided.
2. If you have questions that do not appear to be covered in these Installation Instructions, please refer to the “Helpful Hints” section of the detail page for the TV Wall Mount or contact us as described under the “Need Help” section. If you are at all unsure about any step in these instructions or your ability to install the TV Wall Mount safely and securely, you should seek professional help from a qualified contractor.
3. This TV Wall Mount contains small items that could be a hazard if swallowed. Keep these items away from children.
4. The TV Wall Mount must be attached to wood studs or to properly installed anchors in concrete. Do not install the TV Wall Mount only to drywall or plasterboard. If mounting to wood studs, make sure that mounting screws are anchored into the center of the studs. See Stud Finder Instructions, included below. Do not use the TV Wall Mount for devices other than as specified in these instructions.
5. Make sure all screws and bolts are tightened before allowing the TV Wall Mount to bear the full weight of the TV. Tighten screws and bolts firmly but do not over-tighten them. Once the screw is flush against the TV and the screwdriver is more difficult to turn and will not turn further, stop; otherwise there is a risk of over­tightening the bolt. Over-tightening the screws or bolts could damage the TV Wall Mount, greatly reducing its holding power. Periodic tightening may be required.
6. Screws should easily and completely thread into the TV mounting holes. If any of the screws provided are not suitable for the TV Wall Mount system, the installer must not under any circumstances drill holes into the TV or into the TV Wall Mount components. Using screws of improper size can damage the TV.
7. Do not lift more weight than you can handle. Use at least two people when lifting and positioning the TV on the TV Wall Mount.
8. Before installing, check to make sure all parts of the TV Wall Mount indicated in these Installation Instructions are included and undamaged. Never use damaged parts or try to install the TV Wall Mount if you do not have all needed parts.
9. It is the installer’s responsibility to select the appropriate installation location and the supporting surface on which to mount this TV Wall Mount and to ensure that the TV Wall Mount is anchored properly to the wall. It is also the installer’s responsibility to ensure that the TV is properly and securely attached to the TV Wall Mount using only the enclosed fasteners and components and to verify that the screws and power cords do not touch wires, pipes, or metal parts within the wall (since this could cause damage to these items or cause electrical shock).
10. Level Mount has made every effort to make these Installation Instructions accurate and complete. However, Level Mount makes no claim that the information contained herein covers all details, conditions or variations, nor does it provide for every possible contingency in connection with the installation, assembly or use of this product. Level Mount makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the information contained in this document. Level Mount is not responsible for any damage or injury caused by incorrect mounting, assembly, installation or use.
EU: +0044 844 567 2657
©2012 Level Mount - Patents Pending
UK: 0844 567 2657
EU: +0044 844 567 2657
©2012 Level Mount - Patents Pending
UK: 0844 567 2657
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