Service and support
For information: www.lenco.com
For support: http://l encosupport.zendes k.com
Lenco helpdesk:
Germany 0900-152053 0 (Local charges)
The Netherlands 0900- 23553626 (Local charges + 1c t p/min)
Belgium 02-6200115(Loca l charges)
France 03-81484280( Local charges)
The helpdesk is accessi ble from Monday till Frida y from 9 AM ti ll 6 PM.
When contacting Lenco, you will always be asked for t he model and serial
number of your product. The s erial number can be found on t he back of the
device. Please write do wn the serial number below :
Serial number:_____ ___________________________
Lenco offers service and wa rranty in accordance to Eu ropean law, which
means that in case of repairs (both during and after th e warranty period)
you should contact your l ocal dealer.
Important note: It is not p ossible to send products that need repairs to
Lenco directly.
Important note: If this u nit is opened or accessed by a non-official
service center in any way, the warranty expires.
This device is not suitab le for professional use. I n case of professional
use, all warranty oblig ations of the manufactur er will be voided.
This sy mb ol indi ca tes tha t th e relev an t elect ri cal pro du ct or bat te ry shou ld n ot be dis po sed of
as gene ra l house ho ld wast e in E urope . To ens ure the cor rect wa st e treat me nt of the p ro duct
and bat te ry, pl ea se disp os e them in a cc ordan ce t o any app li cable l oc al laws o f re quire me nt for
dispo sa l of elec tr ical eq ui pment o r ba tteri es . In so doi ng , you wil l he lp to con se rve nat ur al
resou rc es and im pr ove sta nd ards of e nv ironm en tal pro te ction i n tr eatme nt a nd disp os al of
elect ri cal was te ( Wast e Elect ri cal and E le ctron ic E quipm en t Direc ti ve).
User’s Manual
Produ ct s with th e CE m arkin g co mply wi th t he EMC Di re ctive ( 20 04/10 8/ EC) and t he L ow
Volta ge Dire ct ive (20 06 /95/E C) i ssued b y th e Commi ss ion of th e Eu ropea n Co mmuni ty.
The dec la ratio n of c onfor mi ty may be c on sulte d at
https :/ /lenc os uppor t. zende sk .com/ fo rums/ 22 41316 1- CE-Do cu ments
®All rights reserved
1. PRECA UTIONS… ……………………… ………………………………….…… 01
2. MAINT ENANCE… ……………………… …………………………………….. . 02
3. SPECI FICATION……… ……………………… …………………………….... 02
4. PARTS NAME . ................ ......... .……………… ……………………… ....... 03
5. BUTTON FU NCTION DESC RIPTION.…………….…… ………………….. .04
6.CHOO SE THE POWER SOUR CE.............. ......... ....... ......... ......... ....... .06
6.1.Co nnectin g the AC power cord........ ......... ....... ......... ......... ....... ........ 06
6.2.Us ing the pla yer on batter ies...... ....... ......... ................ ......... ............ 06
7.PLAYING A CD ……….………………………………… …………….……. ..….06
8. ……………… …...……. ..…………... ..…….….07
8.1. Pre set and sto re the statio n ......... ....... ......... ................ ...………... …07
...... ...………… ………………... …..…..…….………...0 8
10. TROUBLES HOOTING.. ......... ........... ......... ......... ......... .. ......... ......... ..09
Before using the c heck li st please ma ke all th e connecti ons fir st.
If you still have qu setio ns after goi ng thro ugh the chec klist , please consult yo ur
local cus tomer s ervice represen tativ e.
The power is not on
There is no sound
Connect the AC power cord to a wall
outlet securely
Make sure the batteries are inserted
correctly and they are fresh
Make sure the sound is not in mute mode
Adjust the volume
Make sure that the CD compartment
is closed
CD does not play
The sound drips out
CD does not play while the
radio continues to play on
battery power
The sound is weak or has
poor quality
Page 9
Place the CD with the label side up
Take out the CD and leave the CD DOOR
open for about an hour to dry moisture
Replace the disc(this set will not play
damaged or scratched CDs), or buy a
disc repair polisher to repair it yourself
Clean the CD
Clean the CD, or replace it if the CD is
badly damaged
Place the player in a location free from
Check if your batteries are fresh
It is normal since the radio uses less
power than the CD player
Replace all the batteries with new ones if
they are weak, or bring the set near a
window, or rotate the set