Leica TM30 Series, TS30 Series, TPS1200+ Series Field Manual

Leica TPS1200+/ TS30/TM30
Applications Field Manual
Version 7.1 English


Product identification
Symbols The symbols used in this manual have the following meanings:
Trademarks CompactFlash and CF are trademarks of SanDisk Corporation
Validity of this instrument
To use the product in a permitted manner, please refer to the detailed safety direc­tions in the User Manual.
The type and the serial number of your product are indicated on the type plate. Enter the type and serial number in your manual and always refer to this information when you need to contact your agency or Leica Geosystems authorized service workshop.
Type: _______________
Serial No.: _______________
Type Description
Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
This manual applies to TPS1200+ and TS30/TM30 instruments. Due to the different instruments and equipment, some parts of the manual may not be valid. Where there are differences between the instruments they are clearly described.
Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in practice as they enable the product to be used in a technically correct and efficient manner.
Available documentation
2 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 Introduction
Refer to the following resources for all TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 documentation and software
the Leica SmartWorx DVD

Table of Contents

In this manual Chapter Page
1 Application Programs - Getting Started 7
1.1 Starting an Application Program 7
1.2 Configuration of a Logfile 10
2COGO 11
2.1 Overview 11
2.2 Accessing COGO 12
2.3 Configuring COGO 13
2.4 COGO Calculation - Inverse Method 16
2.4.1 Overview 16
2.4.2 Inverse Between Two Known Points 18
2.4.3 Inverse Between a Known Point and a Line 19
2.4.4 Inverse Between a Known Point and an Arc 20
2.5 COGO Calculation - Traverse Method 22
2.6 COGO Calculation - Intersections Method 26
2.7 COGO Calculation - Line/Arc Calculations Method 30
2.8 COGO Calculation - Shift, Rotate & Scale (Manual) Method 36
2.9 COGO Calculation - Shift, Rotate & Scale (Match Pts) Method 41
2.10 COGO Calculation - Area Division 43
3 Determine Coordinate System - General 49
3.1 Overview 49
3.2 Configuring Det Coord System 51
3.2.1 Configuring Det Coord System - Normal 51
3.2.2 Configuring Det Coord System - One Point Localisation 53
4 Determine Coordinate System - Normal 55
4.1 Determining a New/Updating a Coordinate System 55
4.2 Selecting/Editing a New Pair of Matching Points 60
4.3 Transformation Results 61
5 Determine Coordinate System - One Point Localisation 63
5.1 Accessing Det Coord System - One Point Localisation 63
5.2 Det Coord System - Onestep/Twostep Transformation 64
5.2.1 Determining a New/Coordinate System 64
5.2.2 Computing the Grid Scale Factor for Twostep
5.2.3 Computing the Height Scale Factor for Twostep
5.3 Det Coord System - Classic 3D Transformation 72
5.4 Computing Required Azimuth 73
6 GPS Survey 75
6.1 Overview 75
6.2 Management of Antennas 79
6.2.1 Overview 79
6.2.2 Creating a New Antenna/Editing an Antenna 80
Transformation 70
Transformation 71
Table of Contents TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 3
7 Hidden Point 83
7.1 Overview 83
7.2 Configuring Hidden Point 85
7.3 Measuring Hidden Points 87
8 Reference Line 91
8.1 Overview 91
8.2 Configuring Reference Line 92
8.3 Starting Reference Line 97
8.3.1 Manually Entering a Reference Line/Arc 97
8.3.2 Selecting an Existing Reference Line/Arc 100
8.3.3 Defining the Offsets related to a Reference Line/Arc 104
8.3.4 Defining the Slope related to a Reference Line/Arc 106
8.4 Measuring to a Reference Line/Arc 110
8.5 Staking to a Reference Line/Arc 113
8.6 Gridstaking to a Reference Line/Arc 117
8.7 Staking to a Polyline 119
8.7.1 Overview 119
8.7.2 Accessing Staking to Polylines & Choosing a Polyline 120
8.7.3 Stake Parameters 121
8.7.4 Staking Operation 123
8.7.5 Results of Stakeout 126
9 Reference Plane & Face Scan 129
9.1 Overview 129
9.2 Configuring Reference Plane 132
9.3 Managing Reference Planes 134
9.4 Measuring Points to a Reference Plane 139
9.5 Scanning a Plane 140
10 Sets of Angles 143
10.1 Overview 143
10.2 Sets of Angles 144
10.2.1 Accessing Sets of Angles 144
10.2.2 Configuring Sets of Angles 145
10.2.3 Managing the Points List 148
10.2.4 Measuring the New Points 150
10.2.5 Measuring the Sets 151
10.2.6 Calculating Angles and Distances in Two Faces 152
10.2.7 Viewing Angle and Distance Results in Two Faces 153
10.2.8 Viewing Angle and Distance Results in One Face 155
10.3 Monitoring 156
4 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 Table of Contents
11 Setup 159
11.1 Overview 159
11.2 Configuring Setup 162
11.3 Setup with SmartStation 165
11.4 Setup with SmartPole 168
11.5 Setup Reminder 171
11.6 Setup Method - Set Azimuth 172
11.7 Setup Method - Known Backsight Point 175
11.8 Setup Method - Orientation & Height Transfer 177
11.9 Setup Method - Resection/Resection Helmert 180
11.10Setup Method - Local Resection 181
11.11Setup Results - Least Square and Robust Calculation 182
11.12Setup Results - Local Resection 185
12 Stakeout 187
12.1 Overview 187
12.2 Configuring Stakeout 188
12.3 Staking Out 193
12.4 Stakeout Difference Limit Exceeded 196
13 Survey - General 197
14 Survey - Auto Points 201
14.1 Overview 201
14.2 Configuring Auto Points 202
14.3 Auto Points 206
14.4 Offset Points of Auto Points 209
14.4.1 Overview 209
14.4.2 Configuring Offset Points 210
15 Survey - Remote Point 213
15.1 Overview 213
15.2 Configuring Remote Point 214
15.3 Remote Point 215
16 Survey Cross Section 217
16.1 Overview 217
16.2 Configuring Survey Cross Section 218
16.3 Surveying Cross Sections 220
16.4 Cross Section Templates 222
16.4.1 Accessing Cross Section Template Management 222
16.4.2 Creating/Editing a Cross Section Template 223
Table of Contents TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 5
17 Traverse 227
17.1 Overview 227
17.2 Configuring Traverse 228
17.3 Traverse Information and Traverse Management 230
17.4 Traverse Data 232
17.5 Traverse Point Results 233
17.6 Traverse Results 235
17.7 Traverse Methods 237
17.7.1 Starting Traverse 237
17.7.2 Continuing an ExistingTraverse 238
17.7.3 Closing Traverse 240
17.8 Traverse Adjustment 242
17.8.1 Accessing Traverse Adjustment 242
17.8.2 Adjustment Results 243
18 Volume Calculations 245
18.1 The Volume Calculations Menu 245
18.2 Step 1) Surveying the Points 246
18.3 Step 2) Triangulating the Surface 248
18.4 Step 3) Computing the Volume 251
Index 253
6 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 Table of Contents
1 Application Programs - Getting Started

1.1 Starting an Application Program

Access an application program step-by-step
XX Begin SURVEY Survey Begin is shown as an example. Additional fields are available for
Step Description
1. PROG. The PROG key opens the TPS1200+ Programs menu.
2. Select an application program from the menu.
3. Press CONT (F1) to access a Begin screen.
) )
particular application programs.
Some application programs are protected. They are activated through a specific licence key. This can either be typed in Main Menu: Tools...\Licence Keys or the first time the application program is started.
Four application programs can be open at one time. XX Begin is shown for the application program opened first, but not for the following applica­tion programs.
To accept changes and access the subsequent screen.
To configure the application program.
To set up the station.
To select a different coordinate system. Not available for <Use Auto
CrdSys: Yes> configured in CONG­FIGURE Additional Rover Settings.
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Stakeout Job:> Choicelist Available for Stakeout.
<Fixpoint Job:> Choicelist Available for Traverse.

Application Programs - Getting Started

The job containing the points to be staked.
The job containing points for the control points, to begin, to check and to end the traverse.
TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 7
Field Option Description
<Job:> Choicelist The active job.
For Stakeout and Reference Line: points which are occupied after staking out are stored in this job.
<Coord System:> Output The coordinate system currently
<Codelist:> Choicelist No codes are stored in the selected
Output Codes have already been stored in
<DTM Job:> Choicelist Available for Stakeout if <Use DTM:
<Config Set:> Choicelist The active configuration set.
<Reflector:> Choicelist The active reflector.
<Add. Constant:> Output The additive constant stored with the
attached to the selected <Job:>.
<Job:>. All codelists from Main Menu: Manage...\Codelists can be
the selected <Job.>.
DTM only> and <Use DTM: DTM & Stake Job> in STAKEOUT Configu­ration, Heights page.
Available for Reference Line if
<Heights: Use DTM Model> in REFLINE Configuration, Heights
To select a DTM to be staked and to select the active DTM layer to be used. Heights are then staked out relative to the selected DTM.
chosen reflector.
Description of fields for Determine Coordinate System
Field Option Description
<Name:> User input A unique name for the coordinate system.
The name may be up to 16 characters in length and may include spaces. Input is mandatory.
<WGS84Pts Job:> Choicelist The job from which the points with
WGS84 coordinates will be taken.
<Local Pts Job:> Choicelist The job from which the points with local
coordinates will be taken.
8 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 Application Programs - Getting
Entering the name of an existing coordinate system will allow that system to be updated.
Field Option Description
<Method:> Choicelist Method used to determine the coordinate
Next step
IF the application program
is to be accessed CONT (F1) accepts the changes and starts the application
is to be configured CONF (F2). Refer to the relevant chapters.
program. Refer to the relevant chapters.
Application Programs - Getting Started
TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 9

1.2 Configuration of a Logfile

Description A logfile is a summary of the calculations done while using an application program.
The logfile is written to the \DATA directory of the CompactFlash card or internal memory if fitted. The creation of a logfile can be activated while configuring an appli­cation program.
Access step-by-step
XX Configuration, Logfile page
Step Description
1. PROG. The PROG key opens the TPS1200+ Programs menu.
2. Select an application program from the menu.
3. Press CONT (F1) to access a Begin screen.
4. Press CONF (F2) to access XX Configuration.
5. Press PAGE (F6) until the Logfile page is active.
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Write Logfile:> Yes or No To generate a logfile when the application
program is exited.
<File Name:> Choicelist Available for <Write Logfile: Yes>. The
name of the file to which the data should be written.
<Format File:> Choicelist Available for <Write Logfile: Yes>. A
format file defines which and how data is written to a logfile. Format files are created using LGO.
Next step PAGE (F6) changes to the first page on this screen.
10 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 Application Programs - Getting

2.1 Overview

Description COGO is an application program for coordinate geometry calculations such as:
• coordinates of points.
• distances between points.
• bearings between points.
The calculations can be made from:
• existing point data in the job, known distances or known azimuths.
• measured points.
• entered coordinates.
COGO calculation methods
Distances and azimuths
Changing coordinates of a point which has been previously used in COGO does not result in the point being recomputed.
The COGO calculation methods are:
• Intersections.
• Line calculations.
• Arc calculations.
• Shift, Rotate & Scale (Manual)
• Shift, Rotate & Scale (Match Pts)
• Area Division
Type of distances: The choices are: Ground, Grid, Ellipsoidal.
Type of azimuths: The azimuths are grid azimuths relative to the local grid.

COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 11

2.2 Accessing COGO

Access step-by-step
Step Description
1. PROG. The PROG key opens the TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 Programs menu.
2. Select COGO and press CONT (F1).
3. Press CONT (F1) to access COGO COGO Menu
All COGO calculation methods and the option to end COGO are listed.
Select the COGO calculation method to be started.
4. Press CONT (F1) to access the screen for the COGO calculation method.
The screens for each COGO calculation method can be accessed directly by pressing a configured hot key or USER. The currently active configura­tion set and job are used.
12 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO

2.3 Configuring COGO

a Ellipsoid
P1 First known point P2 Second known point
d1 Ground distance d2 Ellipsoid distance d3 Grid distance
Access step-by-step
COGO Configuration, Parameters page
Step Description
1. PROG. The PROG key opens the TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 Programs menu.
2. Select COGO and press CONT (F1).
3. Press CONF (F2) to access COGO Configuration.
The explanations for the softkeys given below are valid for all pages.
To accept changes and return to the screen from where this screen was accessed.
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Distance Type:>
Grid, Ground or Ellipsoid
The type of distances and offsets to be accepted as input, shown as output and used in the calculation.
<Two Faces:> Yes or No Defines if the instrument measures the
second face automatically after storing the first or not.
<Use Offsets:> Yes or No Activates the use of offsets in the COGO
calculations. Input fields for the offsets are available in COGO XX.
<Store Pts As:> MEAS or CTRL To store the cogo point with point
class MEAS or with point class CTRL.
COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 13
Field Option Description
Points stored with point class MEAS can be stored with the same point ID. The averaging functionality (configured under job manage­ment) can then be used to calculate an average for these points.
Points stored with point class CTRL can only be stored with a unique point ID. A message is always displayed when a point is about to be stored with an already existing point ID. The user can then decide to either keep the existing point or overwrite the existing point.
<Est Pos Qlty:> User input The estimated value for the position quality
assigned to all calculated COGO points which is used for the averaging calculation.
<Est Ht Qlty:> User input The estimated value for the height quality
assigned to all calculated heights which is used for the averaging calculation.
When the Intersections method=TPS Obs-TPS Obs, the following fields apply:
<Compute Ht:> Using Average,
Defines the height being used.
Use Upper Height or Use Lower Height
Next step PAGE (F6) changes to the Residuals page.
COGO Configuration, Residuals page
This page applies to COGO Shift, Rotate & Scale (Match Pts).
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Easting:>, <Northing:> or <Height:>
<Residual Distbtn:>
User input The limit above which
Easting/Northing/Height residuals will be flagged as possible outliers.
The method by which the residuals of the control points will be distributed throughout the transformation area.
None No distribution is made. Residuals remain
with their associated points.
Distributes the residuals according to the distance between each control point and the newly transformed point.
Multiquadratic Distributes the residuals using a multiquad-
ratic interpolation approach.
14 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO
Next step PAGE (F6) changes to the Logfile page. Refer to "1.2 Configuration of a Logfile".
<Azimuth:> is used throughout this chapter. This should always be considered to also mean <Bearing:>.
COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 15

2.4 COGO Calculation - Inverse Method


2.4.1 Overview

Description It is possible to compute an inverse result between point, line and arc elements:
Option 1: inverse between point - point
To compute an inverse between two known
16 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO
Known elements: P1 First known point (From) P2 Second known point (To) Unknown elements: α Direction from P1 to P2 d1 Slope distance between P1 and P2 d2 Horizontal distance between P1 and P2 d3 Height difference between P1 and P2
Option 2: inverse between point - line
To compute an inverse between a known point and a given line (the inverse is computed as the perpendicular between the known point and the given line).
Known elements: P0 Instrument station P1 Starting point P2 End point or the direction from P1 to P2 P3 Offset point Unknown elements: P4 Base point d1 The perpendicular offset to the base point d2 The distance along the line
Option 3: inverse between point - arc
To compute an inverse between a known point and a given arc (the inverse is computed as the perpendicular between the known point and the given arc).
Known elements: P0 Instrument station P1 Starting point P2 End point P3 Offset point P4 Second point or arc radius or arc/chord
length Unknown elements: P4 Base point d1 The perpendicular offset to the base point d2 The distance along the arc
The coordinates of the points must be known. The points:
may be taken from the active job.
may be measured during the COGO calculation.
may be entered manually.
COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 17

2.4.2 Inverse Between Two Known Points

Access Refer to "2.2 Accessing COGO" to access COGO Inverse.
To store the result.
To measure a known point for the calculation.
To configure the program.
To change to another page on the screen.
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<From:> or <To:> Choicelist The point ID of the two known points. To type
in coordinates for a known point open the choicelist. Press NEW (F2) to create a new point.
<Azimuth:> Output The direction from the first point to the
second point.
<HDist-XX:> Output The horizontal distance between the two
<ΔHeight:> Output The height difference between the two
<Slope Dist:> Output The slope distance between the two points.
<Grade:> Output The grade between the two points.
<ΔEasting:> Output The difference in Easting between the two
<ΔNorthing:> Output The difference in Northing between the two
Storing the results step-by-step
18 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO
Step Description
1. Press STORE (F1) to store the inverse result to the active job.
There are no points stored to the database, only the inverse result.
2. Inverse results can be exported from the job using a format file. The format file is created with Format Manager in LEICA Geo Office.

2.4.3 Inverse Between a Known Point and a Line

Access Refer to "2.2 Accessing COGO" to access COGO Inverse.
To calculate the result.
INV (F2)
To calculate the inverse between two points.
To select the values for distance and offset from previous COGO inverse calculations.
To measure a known point for the calculation.
To configure the program
To modify the original azimuth, distance or offset value.
To change to another page on the screen.
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Method:> 2 Points or Pt/Brg/Dist.
The method for calculating the inverse result.
<Start Point:> Choicelist The point ID defining the start of the line.
<End Point:> Choicelist The point ID defining the end of the line.
<Azimuth:> Output The direction from the first point to the
second point.
<HDist-XX:> Output The horizontal distance between the two
<Offset Point:> Choicelist The point ID defining an offset to the line.
Storing the results step-by-step
COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 19
Step Description
1. Press CALC (F1) to calculate the inverse result.
2. Press STORE (F1) to store the inverse result to the active job.
There are no points stored to the database, only the inverse result.
3. Inverse results can be exported from the job using a format file. The format file is created with Format Manager in LEICA Geo Office.

2.4.4 Inverse Between a Known Point and an Arc

Access Refer to "2.2 Accessing COGO" to access COGO Inverse.
To calculate the result.
INV (F2)
To calculate the inverse between two points.
To select the values for distance and offset from previous COGO Inverse calculations.
To measure a known point for the calculation.
To configure the program.
To modify the original azimuth, distance or offset value.
To change to another page on the screen.
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Method:> 3 Points or 2 Points/Radius or
2 Tgnts/Radius or 2 Tgnts/Arc Lngt or 2 Tgnts/Chrd Lngt.
The method for calculating the inverse result.
<Start Point:> Choicelist The point ID defining the start of the arc.
<Second Point:> Choicelist The point ID defining a second point on
the arc.
<End Point:> Choicelist The point ID defining the end of the arc.
<Arc Length:> User Input The arc length.
<Azimuth:> Output The direction from the first point to the
second point.
<Chord length:> User Input The chord length of the arc.
<HDist-XX:> Output The horizontal distance between the two
<Offset Point:> Choicelist The point ID defining an offset to the arc.
<PI Point:> Choicelist The point ID defining the intersection of
the tangents.
20 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO
Field Option Description
<Point 1:> Choicelist The point ID (with PI Point) defining the
1st tangent.
<Point 2:> Choicelist The point ID (with PI Point) defining the
2nd tangent.
<Radius:> User Input The radius of the arc.
Storing the results step-by-step
Step Description
1. Press CALC (F1) to calculate the inverse result.
2. Press STORE (F1) to store the inverse result to the active job.
There are no points stored to the database, only the inverse result.
3. Inverse results can be exported from the job using a format file. The format file is created with Format Manager in LEICA Geo Office.
COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 21

2.5 COGO Calculation - Traverse Method

Diagram COGO traverse calculation with offset for a single point
P1 Known point α Direction from P1 to P2 d1 Distance between P1 and P2 d2 Positive offset to the right d3 Negative offset to the left Unknown P2 COGO point without offset P3 COGO point with positive offset P4 COGO point with negative offset
COGO traverse calculation without offset for multiple points
P1 Known point
α1 Direction from P1 to P2 α2 Direction from P2 to P3 α3 Direction from P3 to P4 α4 Direction from P3 to P5
d1 Distance between P1 and P2 d2 Distance between P2 and P3 d3 Distance between P3 and P4 d4 Distance between P3 and P5 Unknown P2 First COGO point P3 Second COGO point P4 Third COGO point - sideshot P5 Fourth COGO point
Access Refer to "2.2 Accessing COGO" to access COGO Traverse Input.
COGO Traverse Input, Input page
To calculate the COGO point.
INV (F2)
To calculate the values for the azimuth, distance and the offset from two existing points. Available if
<Azimuth:>, <HDist-XX:> or <Offset:> is highlighted.
22 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO
To calculate the point as a sideshot.
To select the values for the distance and the offset from previous COGO inverse calculations. Available if
<Azimuth:>, <HDist-XX:> or <Offset:> is highlighted.
To measure a point for the COGO calculation. Available if <From:> or
<Backsight:> is highlighted.
To configure the COGO application program.
To type in numbers for the multiplica­tion, division, addition and subtrac­tion with the original azimuth, distance or offset value. The standard rules of mathematical oper­ations apply. Available if
<Azimuth:>, <Angle Right:>, <HDist-XX:> or <Offset:> is high-
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Method:> Azimuth or
Angle Right
<From:> Choicelist The point ID of the known point.
<Backsight:> Choicelist The point ID of a point used as backsight.
<Angle Right:> User input The angle between <Backsight:> and
<Azimuth:> Output The direction from the known point to the
The direction from the known point to the COGO point.
Available for <Method: Angle Right>.
the new COGO point to be calculated from the point selected as <From:>. A positive value is for clockwise angles. A negative value is for counter clockwise angles. Available for <Method: Angle Right>.
COGO point. For <Method: Angle
Right> this is calculated from <Angle Right:>.
To type in coordinates for a known point open the choicelist when <From:> is highlighted. Press NEW (F2) to create a new point.
COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 23
Field Option Description
<HDist-XX:> User input The horizontal distance between the
known point and the COGO point.
<Offset:> User input The offset of the COGO point from the
line of direction. A positive offset is to the right, a negative offset is to the left.
Next step CALC (F1) calculates the result and accesses COGO Traverse Results.
COGO Traverse Results, Result page
The calculated coordinates are displayed.
To store the result and return to
COGO Traverse Input, Input page.
To view other coordinate types unless <Coord System: None>.
To access the Stakeout application program and stake out the calculated COGO point.
To change between entering an indi­vidual point ID different to the defined ID template and the running point ID according to the ID template.
Does not store the COGO point and exits COGO calculation.
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Point ID:> User input The identifier for the COGO point
depending on the point ID template configured. The point ID can be changed.
To start a new sequence of point ID’s overtype the point ID.
SHIFT INDIV (F5) for an individual point ID independent of the ID template. SHIFT RUN (F5) changes back to the next ID from the config­ured ID template.
Next step PAGE (F6) changes to the Code page.
24 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO
COGO Traverse Results Code page
The settings for <Thematc Codes:> in CONFIGURE Coding & Linework deter­mines the availability of the fields and softkeys. They are identical to those of themat­ical coding with/without codelist. Refer to "TPS1200+ System Field Manual" for infor­mation on coding.
Next step PAGE (F6) changes to the Plot page.
COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 25

2.6 COGO Calculation - Intersections Method

Diagram Bearing - Bearing
P1 First known point P2 Second known point
α1 Direction from P1 to P3 α2 Direction from P2 to P3
Unknown P3 COGO point
Bearing - Distance
P1 First known point P2 Second known point α Direction from P1 to P3 and P4 r Radius, as defined by the distance
Unknown P3 First COGO point P4 Second COGO point
Known P1 First known point P2 Second known point r1 Radius, as defined by the distance
r2 Radius, as defined by the distance
Unknown P3 First COGO point P4 Second COGO point
Distance - Distance
By Points
from P2 to P4 and P3
from P1 to P3 or P4
from P2 to P3 or P4
Known P1 First known point P2 Second known point P3 Third known point P4 Fourth known point a Line from P1 to P2 b Line from P3 to P4
26 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO
P5 COGO point
TPS Observation - TPS Observation
Known P0 First known point (TPS Stn) P1 Second known point (TPS Stn)
α1 Direction from P0 to P2 α2 Direction from P1 to P2
Unknown P2 COGO point
Access Refer to "2.2 Accessing COGO" to access COGO Intersection Input.
COGO Intersection Input, Input page
The setting for <Method:> in this screen determines the availability of the subse- quent fields and softkeys. The softkeys are identical to those available for traverse COGO calculations. Refer to "2.5 COGO Calculation - Traverse Method" for infor­mation on the softkeys.
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Method:> Choicelist The type of intersection COGO calcula-
<1st Point:>, <2nd Point:>, <3rd Point:> or <4th Point:>
<1st TPS Stn:> or <2nd TPS Stn:>
<TPS Measmnt:> Choicelist Only for <Method: TPS Obs- TPS Obs>.
<Azimuth:> User input The direction from the first known point to
Choicelist The point ID of the known point. For
<Method: By Points>, these are the start and end points of the lines.
Choicelist Only for <Method: TPS Obs- TPS Obs>.
The point ID of the known point.
The point ID of the TPS measurement made from the selected station for <1st TPS Stn:> or <2nd TPS Stn:>.
the COGO point. For <Method: Brng &
Brng> and <Method: Brng & Dist>. For <Method: TPS Obs- TPS Obs> the
option is an output field.
To type in coordinates for a known point open the choicelist when this field is highlighted. Press NEW (F2) to create a new point.
COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 27
Field Option Description
<Offset:> User input Input optional.
User input For <Method: Brng & Brng> and
<Method: Brng & Dist>.
The offset of the COGO point from the line of direction. A positive offset is to the right, a negative offset is to the left.
•For <Method: By Points>: The offset of the line in the direction start point to end point. A positive offset is to the right, a negative offset is to the left.
<HDist-XX:> User input The horizontal distance between the two
known points. Available for <Method:
Brng & Dist> and <Method: Dist & Dist>.
Next step CALC (F1) calculates the result and accesses COGO XX Results. For <Method: Brng - Dist>, two results are calculated. They are displayed on the
Result1 page and the Result2 page. For simplicity, the title Result is used in the
COGO XX Results, Result page
28 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO
The calculated coordinates are displayed. The majority of softkeys is identical to those available for traverse COGO calcula­tions. Refer to "2.5 COGO Calculation - Traverse Method" for information on the identical softkeys.
To store the result and return to COGO Intersection Input, Input page. For <Method: Brng - Dist>, each result must be stored individu­ally on the relevant page.
RSLT1 (F3) or RSLT2 (F3)
To view the first and second result. Available for <Method: Brng - Dist>.
To access the Stakeout application program and stake out the calculated COGO point.
Description of fields
Field Option Description
<Point ID:> User input The identifier for the COGO point
<Ortho Ht:> or <Local Ell Ht:>
<Ht Computed:> Output The height modus being used in the
Next step PAGE (F6) changes to the Code page.
User input The height of the first point used in the
depending on the point ID template configured. The point ID can be changed.
To start a new sequence of point ID’s overtype the point ID.
SHIFT INDIV (F5) for an individual point ID independent of the ID template. SHIFT RUN (F5) changes back to the next ID from the config­ured ID template.
COGO calculation is suggested. A height value to be stored with the calculated point can be typed in. For <Method: TPS Obs- TPS Obs> the option is an output field.
COGO calculation.
COGO XX Results, Code page
COGO TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 29
The settings for <Thematc Codes:> in CONFIGURE Coding & Linework deter­mines the availability of the fields and softkeys. They are identical to those of themat­ical coding with/without codelist. Refer to TPS1200+ Technical Reference Manual for information on coding.
Next step PAGE (F6) changes to the Plot page.

2.7 COGO Calculation - Line/Arc Calculations Method

P0 P1
d1 d1 d1 d2
P0 P1
Diagrams Line Calculation
The functionality of all screens and fields are similar for both the COGO line and COGO arc calculations. For simplicity, both COGO calculation methods are explained in this chapter. The screen names, field names and explanations for lines are used. If required, additional information is given for COGO arc calculations.
Base Point
P0 Instrument station P1 <Start Point:>
P2 <End Point:> P3 <Offset Point:>
Unknown P4 Base point d1 <Offset-XX:> d2 <ΔLine-XX:>
Offset Point
P0 Instrument station P1 <Start Point:>
P2 <End Point:> d1 <Offset-XX:>
d2 <ΔLine-XX:> Unknown
P3 <Offset Point:> P4 Base point
Line divided by
<Method: No. of Segments>
P0 <Start Point:> P1 <End Point:> d Equally spaced segments result
from dividing a line by a certain number of points.
Line divided by
<Method: Segment Length>
P0 <Start Point:> P1 <End Point:> d1 <Seg Length:> d2 Remaining segment
30 TPS1200+/TS30/TM30 COGO
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