Leica ScanStation P30, Cyclone, ScanStation P40 Basic Training Manual

Basic Training Manual
August 2015
This training manual covers the basics on using Leica Geosystem’s Terrestrial Laser Scanner Hardware as well as our Cyclone point cloud processing software.
The course runs through the whole workflow from setting up the instrument and capturing your scene to downloading and combining the captured data into a common coordinate system (registration) all the way to extracting information and creating end-deliverables from this data.
The layout reflects the standard workflow progression as it is executed in the majority of cases.
Below is the basic flowchart on how a standard workflow progression looks like.
We believe that when you have been through these exercises you have sufficient information to start and execute your own projects and understand the philosophy of the software well enough to also use additional functionality within the software package which is not covered here.
All software parts are explained on example databases which are delivered with this class. This allows you revisit and revise certain parts later on at your own pace and time.
Further information on specific items can always be found in the hardware user manuals and system field manuals as well as the Cyclone Help.
All people involved in creating this documentation hope that you find this manual useful and find yourself looking at it also in the future as a reference guide.
Data Capture
Data Import
& Inspection
& Cleanup
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Module 1.0 - Scanning with ScanStation P30 ............................................................................... 1
HDS - ScanStation P30 ................................................................................................... 3
Set up the ScanStation P30 ........................................................................................... 6
MMI (Man Machine Interface) - Overview ..................................................................... 12
Operating P30 using Onboard Graphical Interface ........................................................ 31
Remote Control of the P30 .......................................................................................... 46
Data Management on P30 ............................................................................................ 53
Troubleshoot ............................................................................................................... 59
Module 2.0 - Introduction to Cyclone ........................................................................................... 1
Cyclone Navigator Window ............................................................................................. 3
Managing Databases ...................................................................................................... 5
Linking to / Loading an Existing Database ...................................................................... 8
Using the Online Help .................................................................................................. 10
Database Hierarchy ...................................................................................................... 11
Examine the Database’s Objects .................................................................................. 13
File Management .......................................................................................................... 21
Module 2.1 - Point Cloud Import .................................................................................................. 1
Importing Leica ScanStation data ................................................................................... 3
Importing HDS 7000 data (.zfs) ................................................................................... 12
Import of other scan file formats ................................................................................. 14
Import as Auto Align Project ......................................................................................... 15
Import MultiStation MS50 Data .................................................................................... 16
Using Batch Import tool ............................................................................................... 19
Module 3.0 - Basic Registration .................................................................................................... 1
Auto Alignment Registration (Cloud Constraints) ........................................................... 3
Visual Alignment Registration (Cloud Constraints) ........................................................ 13
Factors that determine the Effectiveness of PointCloud Constraints ............................ 22
Target Registration (Target constraints) ...................................................................... 25
Combined Registration ................................................................................................. 29
Module 3.1 - Applied Registration Techniques .............................................................................. 1
Getting Started .............................................................................................................. 3
Loading and importing Data ........................................................................................... 7
Preparation before registering Scans ........................................................................... 10
Registration ................................................................................................................. 17
Quality Check ............................................................................................................... 29
Geo Referencing .......................................................................................................... 33
Theory Excurse ............................................................................................................. 43
Module 4.0 - Organization & Visualization of point clouds ........................................................... 1
ScanWorld Explorer ........................................................................................................ 3
View Properties .............................................................................................................. 5
Unify a Point Cloud / ModelSpace ................................................................................. 12
Limit Box ...................................................................................................................... 15
User Coordinate System ............................................................................................... 19
Cutplanes and Half-Spaces ........................................................................................... 28
Review ......................................................................................................................... 34
Table of Contents
Module 4.1 - Texture Mapping ...................................................................................................... 1
Texture Mapping with imported images.......................................................................... 3
Texture Mapping with Cube-Maps ................................................................................ 16
Module 4.2 - Cyclone Keyplan ...................................................................................................... 1
Create a Keyplan ............................................................................................................ 3
Working with a KeyPlan .................................................................................................. 8
Module 4.3 - Cyclone TruSpace .................................................................................................... 1
Open and View a TruSpace ............................................................................................. 3
Tools and Functions within TruSpace ............................................................................. 6
Review ......................................................................................................................... 13
Module 5.0 - Cyclone Basic Modelling ........................................................................................... 1
Point Cloud Selection ..................................................................................................... 2
Fitting and Editing Patches ............................................................................................. 8
Fitting Continued ......................................................................................................... 17
Further Editing ............................................................................................................. 29
Module 5.1 - Measurements ......................................................................................................... 1
Measurements ............................................................................................................... 2
Obtaining Measurements ............................................................................................... 4
Edit and Save Measurements ......................................................................................... 5
Copying Measurements .................................................................................................. 8
Module 5.2 - Mesh Functions ....................................................................................................... 1
Mesh Creation and Editing ............................................................................................. 3
Creating Deliverables from Meshes ................................................................................ 9
Enhanced TIN Mesh Creation and Editing ..................................................................... 18
Creating a Uniform Sample Grid Pattern ....................................................................... 27
Module 5.3 - Alignments & Sections ............................................................................................ 1
Getting Started .............................................................................................................. 3
Remove Car Noise .......................................................................................................... 7
Create an Alignment .................................................................................................... 11
Create Sections ............................................................................................................ 14
Sections Manager ......................................................................................................... 15
Review ......................................................................................................................... 18
Module 6.0 - Export / Import ........................................................................................................ 1
Image Export .................................................................................................................. 2
Export ............................................................................................................................ 4
Import ............................................................................................................................ 7
COE – Cyclone Object Exchange ................................................................................... 11
Export pcE Application Files .......................................................................................... 12
Module 6.1 - Animation ................................................................................................................ 1
Defining an Animation Path ........................................................................................... 2
Editing the Path ............................................................................................................. 4
Editing the Frames ......................................................................................................... 4
Preview the Animation ................................................................................................... 6
Generating the Frames ................................................................................................... 7
1 - 4
Training Course Agenda
Day 1 - Tuesday
Morning Session (09:00am – 12:00pm)
09:00 Introduction: Student and teacher introduction.
Overview of the training schedule and training goals.
09:15 Module 1.0: Overview Scanning, Targets, Connect Scanners
09:45 Module 1.1: Scanning with ScanStation P30 / P40
10:30 Break
10:45 Module 1.1: Scanning with ScanStation P30 / P40 cont.
12:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session (01:00pm – 5:00pm)
01:00 Module 2.0: Introduction to Cyclone
02:30 Break
02:45 Module 2.1: Point Cloud Import
03:45 Module 3.0: Scanning and Registration Basics
Placing and using targets, scanning from different positions for registration. Registering to survey control.
05:00 End of Day 1
2 - 4
Training Course Agenda
Day 2 - Wednesday
Morning Session (09:00am – 12:00pm)
09:00 Module 3.1: Basic Pointcloud Registration
10:30 Break
10:45 Module 3.2: Applied Registration Techniques
12:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session (01:00pm – 5:00pm)
01:00 Module 3.2: Applied Registration Techniques cont.
02:30 Break
02:45 Module 4.2: Cyclone Keyplan
03:15 Module 4.3: Cyclone TruSpace
03:45 Module 4.4: Cyclone Publisher & TruView
05:00 End of Day 2
3 - 4
Training Course Agenda
Day 3 - Thursday
Morning Session (09:00am – 12:00pm)
09:00 Module 4.0: Organization & Visualization of Pointclouds
10:30 Break
10:45 Module 4.0: Organization & Visualization of Pointclouds cont.
11:15 Module 5.0: Cyclone Basic Modelling
12:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session (01:00pm – 5:00pm)
01:00 Module 5.0: Cyclone Basic Modelling cont.
02:30 Break
02:45 Module 5.1: Measurements
03:00 Module 5.2: Mesh Functions
04:00 Module 5.3: Alignments & Sections
05:00 End of Day 3
4 - 4
Training Course Agenda
Day 4 - Friday
Morning Session (09:00am – 12:00pm)
09:00 Execution of Scanning Project in the Field
11:30 Import Scans
12:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session (01:00pm – 4:00pm)
01:00 Registration/ Aligning of Scans from the morning session
Review of scanning project
01:30 Module 6.0: Export / Import
02:00 Module 6.1: Animation
02:30 Customizing Cyclone
03:00 optional: CloudWorx AutoCAD Demo
03:30 Review and Participants’ Feedback
04:00 End of Day 4
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P301 -
Module 1.0 - Scanning with ScanStation P30
The Leica ScanStation P30 is the industry’s best performing ultra-high speed and easy to learn “Wave-Form-Digitized” scanner. The scanner is equipped with survey grade accuracy, range and field-of-view in combination with an integrated video camera, laser plummet, internal WiFi adapter and onboard set-up methods.
Ultra-high speed scanners (up to 1 million points per second) are known for their ultra-fast scan speed and offer higher level of detail. To this, the break-through, compact Leica ScanStation P30 also brings unprecedented data quality at range (270m, max), plus outstanding environmental capabilities, survey-grade tilt compensation and an industry first "Check & Adjust" capability.
With "Check & Adjust" users can electronically check the accuracy of their instrument and adjust it themselves to ensure the highest level of performance, without having to send it to the factory or service center (explained in the “Field Techniques” part of the manual).
Cyclone compatibility is given with the Cyclone 9.0 version. This software package is required for import of ScanStation P30 data. Previous Cyclone versions do not support the ScanStation P30 format.
When finished this module you will be able to:
Set up a ScanStation P30
Acquire scans, images and targets using the onboard functionality of ScanStation P30
Acquire scans, images and targets using the WiFi connection for remote control
Transfer the collected data to a computer for further processing
Files to Use
2 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
Table of Contents
1 HDS - ScanStation P30 ............................................................................................................ 3
1.1 ScanStation P30 Components ........................................................................................ 3
2 Set up the ScanStation P30 ..................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Packing / Unpacking the System ..................................................................................... 7
2.2 Scanner Setup on Tripod ................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Setup over a Benchmark using the Internal Laser Plummet ............................................ 8
2.4 Determine the Instrument’s Height .............................................................................. 10
2.5 Power up the ScanStation P30 ..................................................................................... 11
3 MMI (Man Machine Interface) - Overview ............................................................................... 12
3.1 Main Screen ................................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Main Menu ................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Onboard Controls ......................................................................................................... 21
4 Operating P30 using Onboard Graphical Interface ................................................................. 31
4.1 Preparation .................................................................................................................. 31
4.2 Scanning and Taking Images ........................................................................................ 33
4.3 Acquiring Targets ......................................................................................................... 43
5 Remote Control of the P30 .................................................................................................... 46
5.1 Remote Control with Leica CS10 and CS15 ................................................................... 46
5.2 Remote Control with Apple devices .............................................................................. 48
5.3 Remote Control with Android devices .......................................................................... 50
6 Data Management on P30 ..................................................................................................... 53
6.1 Data Transfer via USB device ........................................................................................ 53
6.2 Data Transfer via Data Copy Tool ................................................................................. 54
7 Troubleshoot ......................................................................................................................... 59
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P303 -
1 HDS - ScanStation P30
The following chapter is showing several configurations and how to set up the scanning system.
1.1 ScanStation P30 Components
System Components
The Leica ScanStation P30 - 3D laser scanning system is consisting of:
Figure 1
ScanStation P30/P40
GEV228 Ethernet Cable
GEB242 internal batteries
GKL123 AC Power Adapter
GEV259 power cable
GEV225 AC power supply for GKL271
GKL271 charging station and GEB271 battery pack
Transport container for P30/P40
Transport container for P30/P40 accessories
4 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
Accessory Set
The Leica ScanStation P30 accessory set is consisting of:
Figure 2
GEV259 power cable
GEB271 external battery pack
GKL271 charging station
GEV225 AC power supply for GKL271
GKL311 Single-bay Charger Professional 3000
GEB242 internal batteries
AC/DC adapter for basic charger with daisy chain cable
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P305 -
Field of View (FoV)
The instrument has a rotating Scanhead and a rotating mirror that covers a 360° x 270° field of view (FoV).
Figure 3
Scanhead Components
Figure 4
Removable handle
Rotating mirror (laser and camera aperture)
Battery compartment B
Circular level
Socket for power supply,
5 pin female with blue colour ring
ON/OFF button
USB socket
Battery compartment A
Ethernet socket, 8 pin female with grey
colour ring
6 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
2 Set up the ScanStation P30
The instrument should always be set up on its tripod. Using the tripod specified for the scanning system guarantees maximum stability during scanning operations.
General Information
Do not set up the instrument directly on the ground for scanning operations.
It is always recommended to shield the instrument from direct sunlight and avoid uneven temperatures around the instrument.
Unfavourable surfaces
Highly reflective objects (polish metal).
Highly absorbent objects (black surfaces).
Translucent surfaces (window glasses).
Unfavourable weather
Rain, snow and fog cause poor measurements.
Surfaces that directly illuminated by the sun cause an increased range noise
Objects that are scanned against the sunlight or a bright spotlight can be dazzled
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P307 -
2.1 Packing / Unpacking the System
When in its transport container, the ScanStation P30 can sit in face-up or face-down position.
Figure 5
To take the instrument out of its container, grasp the handle and the base of the instrument and lift (See Figure 5).
Use caution due to the weight of the instrument (12 kg).
Pack the instrument the same way it is delivered.
8 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
2.2 Scanner Setup on Tripod
Figure 6
1. Extend the tripod legs to allow for a comfortable working posture. Tighten the screws at the bottom of the legs.
2. Place the tribrach on the tripod and secure it with the central fixing screw.
3. Set up the tripod so that the tripod plate is as horizontal as possible.
4. Push the tripod legs firmly into the ground.
5. Place the instrument on the tribrach and secure it with the tribrach’s locking knob.
6. Level up the instrument using the instrument’s circular level. Turn two of the foot screws together in opposite directions. The index finger of your right hand indicates the direction in which the bubble should move. Now use the third foot screw to center the bubble.
2.3 Setup over a Benchmark using the Internal Laser Plummet
This topic describes an instrument setup over a marked ground point using the laser plummet. Geo-referencing of the ScanStation P30 is established by setting up over a known or assumed control point, with optional target extraction to set the azimuth direction, and establishing a local or global coordinate system. The ScanStation P30 allows you to execute a traverse, resection or free stationing. Known azimuth or known backsight measurements can be observed.
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P309 -
It is always possible to set up the instrument without the need for a marked ground point.
The laser plummet described in this topic is built into the vertical axis of the instrument. It projects a red spot onto the ground, making it appreciably easier to center the instrument.
The laser plummet cannot be used in conjunction with a tribrach equipped with an optical plummet.
Figure 7
1. Extend the tripod legs to allow for a comfortable working posture (a). Position the tripod approximately over the marked ground point, centring it as well as possible (b).
2. Place the tribrach on the tripod (c) and secure it with the central fixing screw (d).
3. Place the instrument on the tribrach (e) and secure it with the tribrach’s locking knob.
4. Turn the tribrach’s footscrews (h) to level the instrument.
5. Turn on the instrument by pressing the ON/OFF button (f). Go to Status, Level and Laser Plummet, Plummet and activate the laser plummet (g).
6. Move the tripod legs (a) and use the tribrach’s footscrews (h) to center the plummet (i) over the ground point.
7. Adjust the tripod legs (j) to level the circular level (k).
8. By using the electronic level (Status, Level and Laser plummet, Level) turn the tribrach’s footscrews (h) to precisely level the instrument.
9. Center the instrument precisely over the ground point (i) by shifting the tribrach on the tripod plate.
10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 until the required accuracy is achieved.
10 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
2.4 Determine the Instrument’s Height
To get an accurate height measurement use the GHM008 instrument height meter in conjunction with the GHT196 distance holder that are both included in the scanner’s delivery.
Figure 8
1. Place tripod centrally over the ground point, level instrument.
2. Click GHT196 distance holder to tribrach. It must "snap" onto the cover
3. Unfold measuring tongue, pull out tape measure a little.
4. Insert GHM008 instrument height meter in the distance holder and attach.
Swivel measure in the direction of the
ground point, pull out until the tip of the measuring tongue touches the point on the ground, keep under tension and do not allow to sag, clamp if necessary.
6. Read height of the instrument (ground - tilt axis) in the reading window at the red marking (in the example 1.627 m).
The tilt axis height of the ScanStation P30 is 250 mm. Take care to use the GHM008 which has a special scale to measure the height of instruments with a tilt axis height of 250 mm. Do not use a tape with any other scale.
Alternatively the instrument height can be measured with a common, 1:1 scaled measuring tape from the point on the ground to the little notch under the red Leica logo at both side covers of the scanner. This distance will then be from the ground point to the tilt axis.
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P3011 -
2.5 Power up the ScanStation P30
The ScanStation P30 is delivered with 4 internal batteries. It can also be powered with an external battery (See Accessories Box) or with an AC-Adapter.
Internal Battery
Figure 9
1. Unlock and open the battery compartment.
2. Remove the battery holder.
3. Remove the battery from the battery holder. Insert the new battery into the battery holder, ensuring that the contacts are facing outward and that the tip on the holder fits into the slot of the battery. The battery should click into position.
4. Insert the battery holder back into the battery compartment.
5. Turn the knob to lock the battery holder in place.
6. Switch on the instrument to start the boot process.
External Battery
Figure 10
1. Slide the battery pack into the charging station. When connected, the three LEDs on the charging station light up for 1 sec.
2. Connect the GEV259 power cable to port P2
of the charging station. Use the plug with the
red bend protection.
3. Connect the other end of the GEV259 power cable to the power port of the instrument. Use the plug with the blue bend protection.
4. Press the ON/OFF button on the instrument to start the boot process.
12 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
3 MMI (Man Machine Interface) - Overview
When the scanner is correctly set up and completely booted the following MMI-Screen (Man Machine Interface) appears in the graphical onboard display.
3.1 Main Screen
Figure 11
Element Description
Time The current local time is shown
Caption Shows location in menu system
Title bar Shows name of current screen
Screen area Working area of the screen
Message bar Shows messages
Status bar Shows current status information of the instrument
Escape button Returns to the previous screen
Menu icon Selecting menu icons opens submenus
SHIFT button Displays the second level of soft keys
Soft keys Commands can be executed with the soft keys
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P3013 -
Status Bar
Status bar icons display status information of the instrument. Their appearance changes accordingly to the system status.
Figure 12
Internal battery A indicates the status of the battery in compartment A which is located at the same side cover as the touchscreen.
Internal battery B indicates the status of the battery in compartment B at the opposite side cover without a screen.
Icon Description
Range Mode
Range mode enabled (P40 only)
Range filter
Range filter enabled
14 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
Icon Description
Active target type
HDS B/W 4,5” target
HDS B/W 6” target
HDS Sphere target
User defined target B/W 4,5”
User defined target B/W 6”
User defined target Sphere
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P3015 -
Icon Description
Dual-axis compensator (DAC)
On and levelled
On but out of range
Icon Description
Onboard WiFi adapter on and connected
Onboard WiFi adapter off
Onboard WiFi adapter on
Icon Description
Internal hard disk
25% memory used
50% memory used
75% memory used
16 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
Icon Description
Status of external memory
Ready to be removed
Do not remove!
Icon Description
External memory
33% memory used
50% memory used
67% memory used
Icon Description
External battery / AC
Power supply
External battery connected
AC power supply connected
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P3017 -
Icon Description
Internal batteries A/B
(Symbols for the currently used
battery; the symbol for the currently unused battery is greyed out)
The internal batteries are hot swappable
40% capcity
60% capcity
User Input
The system offers two different virtual keyboards for user input:
1) If an alphanumeric input box is selected with the stylus, an alphanumeric keyboard pops up offering letters, numbers and special characters.
Figure 13
a) Input field
b) Alphanumeric keypad
c) Backspace
d) Enter
e) Toogle between letters and
numbers/special characters
f) Shift -
Toogle between lower
case and upper case characters
18 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
2) If a numeric input box is selected with the stylus, a numeric keyboard pops up offering numbers and some special character.
Figure 14
a) Input field
b) Backspace
c) Numeric keypad
d) Enter
Toogle between positive and
negative number
f) Unit calculator (optional
when distance units ft or fi are selected)
Scanner & Scanning Features
Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P3019 -
3.2 Main Menu
The Main Menu will be displayed after the system boot process. Idle State in the message bar indicates that the instrument is ready for scanning.
Switch between Simple and Advanced User Interface using
Adv. UI
, see Figure 15
Figure 15
Figure 16
Icon Function
Offers access to all commands for scanner setup and operation control.
Check & Adjust
Allows determining and updating angular parameters and tilting compensator, set range offset.
Offers access to all commands for project, target and control point management.
Offers access to all commands for the scanner’s status information.
20 - 60 Module 1.0
- Scanning with ScanStation
P30 Scanner & Scanning Features
Icon Function
Offers access to all commands for the configuration of the system.
Offers access to all commands for disk formatting, data transfer, license management and display calibration.
Menu independent commands
Command Function
Return to previous menu in menu hierarchy.
Shift + Quit
Return to main menu.
Switch between pages in a menu.
+ 362 hidden pages