Leica Rugby 410, Rugby 410 DG, Rugby 420 DG User Manual

Leica Rugby 410/420 DG
User Manual
Version 1.0 English
Rugby 410/420 DG2
This manual contains important safety directions as well as instructions for setting up the product and operating it. Refer to "9 Safety Directions" for further information.
Read carefully through the User Manual before you switch on the product.
Trademarks XBeePro is a registered trademark of Digi International. All other trade-
marks are the property of their respective owner.
Product identifica­tion
The model and the serial number of your product are indicated on the type plate.
Enter the model and serial number in your manual and always refer to this information when you need to contact your agency or Leica Geosys­tems authorized service workshop.
Symbols The symbols used in this manual have the following meanings:
Type-Serial No.: 410-_______________
Date of purchase: ____________________
Type Description
Danger Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Warning Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an
unintended use which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Caution Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an
unintended use which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury and/or appreciable mate­rial, financial and environmental damage.
Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in practice as they enable the product to be used in a technically correct and efficient manner.
Rugby 410/420 DG 3
Table of Contents
1Introduction 4
2 Features and Functions 5
3Operation 6
3.1 Entering Grade 6
3.2 Identification of the Axes 8
3.3 Slope - Percent of Grade 8
3.4 Alignment of the Axes 8
3.5 Precise Alignment of the Axes 9
3.6 Axis Alignment Application 10
4Setup 13
4.1 General Setup 13
4.2 Setup Options 13
4.3 Additional Setup Options 17
5 Checking Level Accuracy 18
5.1 Checking Level Accuracy 18
5.2 Adjusting Level Accuracy 19
6 Accessories 20
6.1 Batteries 20
6.2 The Sighting Scope 21
6.3 Remote Control 22
7 Troubleshooting 25
7.1 Display Screen Explanations 25
7.2 Troubleshooting Suggestions 27
8 Care and Transport 28
8.1 Transport 28
8.2 Storage 28
8.3 Cleaning and Drying 29
9Safety Directions 30
9.1 General 30
9.2 Intended Use 30
9.3 Limits of Use 31
9.4 Warranty 31
9.5 Responsibilities 31
9.6 Hazards of Use 32
9.7 Laser Classification 35
9.8 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 37
9.9 FCC Statement, Applicable in U.S. 38
10 Technical Data 41
Rugby 410/420 DG Introduction4
1 Introduction
The Rugby Grade laser is designed to serve your needs in a wide variety of applications.
It is a proven tool for increased production with substantial reduction of labor, time and material costs. It can be used to accurately control land leveling, sloped or level grading, trenching, open cut mining, dredging, contouring of levees, general construction and excavation.
This manual contains operating and set-up procedures for common applications. Its purpose is to describe the features of the Rugby and how the Rugby operates. The manual is not intended to describe specific applications. Contact your local dealer or Leica Geosystems for informa­tion specific to your jobsite requirements.
The Rugby Grade lasers are rugged, accurate and fully electronic with an operating range (diameter) of up to:
Rugby 410DG: 2600 feet (800 meters)
Rugby 420DG: 3600 feet (1100 meters) The Rugby 410/420 DG is a dual grade laser and is capable of producing
an accurate plane of laser light for applications that are level (1), single grade (2) or dual grade (3).
Alignment is as easy as sighting over the top of the Rugby to your control point using the integrated alignment sights or the optional sighting scope assembly. For increased accuracy, follow the procedure for "3.5 Precise Alignment of the Axes". For highest accuracy refer to the
Axis Alignment application.
Rugby 410/420 DG 5Features and Functions
2 Features and Functions
a) POWER Button – Powers the Rugby on and off. b) LCD Display – Shows the grade setting for the X axis. The display
shows also Beam Masking, Battery status, H.I. and Head Speed. c) X/Y Button – Press to set grade in the X- and Y-axis. d) UP Arrow Button – After pressing X/Y, press to increase the grade
shown. e) STAR Button – Press to enter setup screens and the grade entry by
digit screen. f) DOWN Arrow Button – After pressing X/Y, press to decrease the
grade shown. g) Circular Level Vial – For initial setup reference. h) 12-volt input – Charge the batteries or run the Rugby directly from
12-volts. i) Dual Batteries – The Rugby will run with one or two sets of
batteries for maximum flexibility and battery life. j) Raised alignment sights and mounting plate for the optional
sighting scope. k) Easy grip handle for carrying and setup. l) Tripod mount for attachment to a 5/8”-11 tripod.
Rugby 410/420 DG Operation6
3 Operation
3.1 Entering Grade
Direct Grade Entry
Grade Entry by Digit
Grade Zero The grade in either axis can quickly be set to zero by pressing both the
Up and Down buttons simultaneously while in either grade entry mode. When changing grade using the direct entry method, the counter will
always stop at zero. Release the button and press again to continue counting beyond zero.
Grade Capability The Rugby 410/420 DG can have up to 15% grade simultaneously in both
axes, or up to 25% in one axis. Grades above 15% in one axis require that the cross axis grade be ±1%
or lower. In this situation, if attempting to enter grades greater than 1% or 15%, a notice will appear on the screen when the button is pressed.
Press POWER to turn the Rugby on.
Press X/Y once to enter X-axis grade. Press X/Y again to enter Y-axis grade.The display will show the grade entry screens.
Use the UP or DOWN buttons to set the desired grade.
Press X/Y to exit.
While in the grade entry screens, press the STAR button and a cursor will appear on the +/- sign.
Press the STAR button to move the cursor to the right.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to change the sign or the digit that is highlighted.
Press X/Y to exit.
Rugby 410/420 DG 7Operation
If no button is pressed, the display will revert to the main display after ten seconds.
Grade Swap The grade in the X and Y axes can easily be swapped from positive to
negative in the Grade Entry by Digit screen. A typical application for this feature is road building. For example, with
the Rugby setup on the crown of the road and with one axis aligned to the center line, the cross axis grade can be made to fall to the right or lefthand side simply by changing the +/- sign on the display.
Grade Matching In Direct Grade Entry mode the movement of the leveling mechanism
moves at the same speed as the grade counters. To match an existing slope, set up the laser over the known gradebreak
(base) of the slope, and align the laser to the end of the slope with both control points parallel to the direction of grade.
Adjust the Rod-Eye receiver on your grade rod for the elevation of the laser at the gradebreak next to the laser.
Move the grade rod to a point on the slope that is too be matched. Then, dial grade into the laser until the Rod-Eye indicates an on-grade reading.
The percent of grade in the display is now equal to the grade being matched.
Rugby 410/420 DG Operation8
3.2 Identification of the Axes
1. X+ Axis – When positive grade is entered in the X-axis, grade will increase in this direction.
2. Y+ Axis – When positive grade is entered in the Y-axis, grade will increase in this direction.
3. Front of Rugby – See also axis labeling on the side of the laser and inside the top windows.
3.3 Slope - Percent of Grade
Slope The change in elevation per unit of measure (foot, meter, etc.)
Percent of Grade The change in elevation per 100 units of measure (feet, meters, etc.)
Calculating Percent of Grade from the Slope
3.4 Alignment of the Axes
When the desired grade is correctly set in the display, it is necessary to align the X and Y axes to the jobsite.
Ensure the circular level vial is positioned near the center of the circle for maximum self-leveling capability.
Ensure the Rugby is properly positioned over a control point. As sh own, the d irec tion of th e X-a xis i s see n fro m the fron t of t he Ru gby,
sighting over the top of the Rugby. Rotate the Rugby slightly until the sights are aligned with your second
control point. Once aligned, work can begin.
Slope = 0.0059 Conversion = 0.0059 x 100 Percent of Grade = 0.590%
Rugby 410/420 DG 9Operation
An optional sighting scope is also available.
For very accurate alignment, refer to the steps for Precise Alignment of the Axes.
3.5 Precise Alignment of the Axes
Under most conditions, the raised alignment marks on the top of the Rugby are adequate for alignment of the axes. However, for more precise alignment, use the following procedure.
Objective To establish Point A on the Y-axis as a reference and take an eleva-
tion reading.
To dial grade into the X-axis and then adjust the position of the laser until the original elevation at Point A is again found.
Procedure 1. With 0.000% grade in both axes, set up the Rugby directly over a
grade stake and rough align the Y-axis to a second grade stake that we will call Point A.
2. Take an elevation reading at Point A using a Rod-Eye Receiver and a survey rod.
3. Enter +5.000% grade into the X-axis. When grade is entered in the X-axis, the Y-axis acts like a hinge or fulcrum.
4. With 5.000% in the X-axis, take a second reading at Point A.
Alignment If the second reading is equal to the first reading, the X-axis is
aligned correctly.
If the second reading is greater than the first reading, rotate the Rugby clockwise (to the right) until the two readings are the same.
If the second reading is less than the first reading, rotate the Rugby counter-clockwise (to the left) until the two readings are the same.
Rugby 410/420 DG Operation10
3.6 Axis Alignment Application
The Axis Alignment Application is designed to precisely align the axis when grade accuracy is extremely important. For most applications, the traditional sighting method (using the sights on the laser, or using the optional sighting scope) is sufficient, but when precise grades are crit­ical, it is important to have the axes accurately aligned. This Axis Align­ment Application is only available on the Rugby 410/420 DG.
How to use the Axis Alignment Application:
Preparation Power up the laser and enter the desired grade.
(For Example: X=+10.000% and Y=+2.000%).
To establish a proper laser position, make use of the sights on the top of the laser (or the optional scope) and adjust the laser on the tripod so that the axis you intend to precisely align is aimed at your second control point. We recommend using the X-axis when possible.
Using the optional remote control, the Axis Alignment procedure can be a one person operation. With-out the remote control, two people are needed to complete the set-up.
Be sure the remote control is 'enabled' if you intend to use it for this set­up. Refer to page 17 of this manual.
Step 1 Access the Axis Alignment Application (directly from the laser or via the
remote control). From the main operation screen:
Press the STAR button once.
Press the X/Y button once.
Use the UP / DOWN buttons to toggle to the Axis Alignment Application.
Press the STAR button once to start the application.
Rugby 410/420 DG 11Operation
Step 2 The X-Axis is automatically pre-selected as the axis to be precisely
aligned. Press the X/Y button to change to the Y-axis if desired. During this process the cross-axis is automatically reset to 0.000% grade.
The cross axis is at 0.000% grade when 'OK' is shown on the display.
On the second control point adjust the Rod-Eye receiver on the grade rod and make sure it is located in the on-grade position on the axis selected (solid bar or solid tone). This part of step 2 is very
When you're done press STAR to continue.
Once STAR is pressed, the cross axis grade will change from 0.000% to +5.000%.
As a result the laser beam signal on the receiver will most likely change the elevation indication from the 'on-grade' position to either a 'high or low' position. This is because the Rugby is not mechanically aligned and the laser will no longer be giving an on grade signal. This is where the electronic Axis Alignment is used.
Step 3 Carefully watch the arrows (laser beam) on the receiver.
•Use the UP / DOWN buttons to move the laser beam once again on the center.
Select between Speed 1, 2 or 3 which is available in both directions.
• One push will start moving the beam in slow speed.
• A second push will move the beam at medium speed.
• A third push will move the beam at highest speed.
• During this process an arrow symbol is shown.
If the arrow symbol stops flashing the maximum limit is reached and the laser beam does not move anymore. (If the laser beam did not pass the 'on-grade' position on the receiver please consider re-orientating the laser instrument).
• To stop the laser beam movement press STAR.
• If the Rod-Eye receiver shows an UP arrow displayed, use the
DOWN arrow on the remote control to return to 'on-grade'.
• If the Rod-Eye receiver shows a DOWN arrow, then use the UP
arrow on the remote control to return to 'on-grade'.
Rugby 410/420 DG Operation12
Step 4 Hold the receiver steady and watch the laser beam. When the on-
grade signal is achieved, the laser is precisely aligned.
•Press the STAR button to apply the axis correction, to quit the appli­cation and return to the main menu.
Notes The X and Y-axis return now to the previously entered grade values.
The alignment is electronically compensated; therefore the mechan­ical alignment of the laser may not be in alignment with the axes.
In order to indicate that axis alignment is active, the axis alignment icon appears on the display instead of the remote icon.
As a control watch the laser beam on your receiver, insure that it is still centered.
Important In order to reset the axis alignment correction, select the axis align-
ment dialog and press STAR.
The axis alignment icon is not shown if the axis alignment correction is off.
By turning off the instrument the axis alignment correction is turned off as well.
HI alert is disabled during the axis alignment procedure.
Limits and Excep­tions
The X- or Y-axis must have less than -3.500% or 13.500% grade.
The maximum angle of miss-orientation allowed is 5 degrees. (This represents an offside of 8.7m at 100m).
The maximum working distance for axis alignment is limited to the operation of the remote control when used, or the sensor's ability to receive the laser signal when the remote is not used.
Rugby 410/420 DG 13Setup
4 Setup
4.1 General Setup
Location Make sure the location is clear of possible obstructions that may block
or reflect the laser beam. Make the most efficient use of the Rugby’s operating radius. The Rugby
can be placed in the center of the working area or to one side. Make sure the ground is stable. Ground vibration and extremely windy
conditions can affect the operation of the Rugby. If working in very dusty conditions, place the Rugby up-wind. The dirt and
will then be blown away from the Rugby and reduce interference.
Recommended Head Speeds
For surveying and manual machine control applications the typical head speed is 10 rps (600 rpm).
For automatic machine control applications it is recommended to use the highest head speed, 20 rps, to increase the frequency of updates.
When working at extended distances, decreasing the head speed (increasing the pulse time on the receiver) or changing the band width of the receiver to wide band can improve distance and performance.
Tripod Setup Attach the Rugby securely to a tripod or laser trailer, or mount on a
stable level surface. Always check the tripod or trailer before beginning work. Make sure all screws, bolts, and nuts are tight. If your tripod has chains, they should be slightly loose to allow for
thermal expansion during the day. On extremely windy days, secure the tripod. Placing a sandbag on each
leg can do this. (See also adjustment for setting the wind sensitivity of the Rugby.)
If using a tripod with a quick disconnect adapter, point the control lever into the wind. This places the locking mechanism also into the wind, and will provide better stability.
4.2 Setup Options
The Rugby has several setup options that are easily accessed and changed in the first setup screen.
From the main operating screen, Press STAR to access the setup screen.
Head Speed Selections – 5, 10, 15, 20 rps.
Rugby 410/420 DG Setup14
Changing the Setup Options
When entering the setup screen, the EXIT window will be highlighted. To change the setup options in this window the buttons are used in the
following way:
Press the Star button and the cursor will become a thick border around the selected parameter. Once selected, use the Up and Down buttons to change the parameter.
If no button is pressed, the display will revert to the main display after ten seconds.
Head Speeds The Rugby can be set to any of four different head speeds – 5, 10 , 15,
or 20 rps. (300, 600, 900, 1200 rpm) Select the head speed that provides the best performance for your appli-
cation. The selected head speed is shown on the bottom, right corner of the main display screen.
HI Function – Turns the H.I. function on and off.
Automatic, Manual or Manual with Grade.
Wind Sensitivity (1-5) – (1) for calm days, (3) for normal days, (5) for extremely windy days.
Beam Masking – Turns the beam off in the selected quadrants.
Use the STAR button to select or deselect the setup parame­ters and exit the setup screen.
Use the UP and DOWN buttons to move the cursor or change the selected parameter.
Use the X/Y button to switch between the first and second page of the setup screen.
Beam masking requires using also the X/Y button.
With the beam masking option selected, press the X/Y button to turn the beam on or off in the selected quadrant.
Use the Up and Down buttons to move around the quadrants.
The quadrant will become solid and dark when selected for the beam to be masked (off) in the quadrant.
Select the EXIT window, then press the Star button to exit and return to the main display.
+ 30 hidden pages