Rugby 320 SG Setup10
4 Setup
4.1 General Setup
Location Make sure the location is clear of possible obstructions that may block
or reflect the laser beam.
Make the most efficient use of the Rugby’s operating radius. The Rugby
can be placed in the center of the working area or to one side.
Make sure the ground is stable. Ground vibration and extremely windy
conditions can affect the operation of the Rugby.
If working in very dusty conditions, place the Rugby up-wind. The dirt and
will then be blown away from the Rugby and reduce interference.
Head Speeds
For surveying and manual machine control applications the typical head
speed is 10 rps (600 rpm).
For automatic machine control applications it is recommended to use the
highest head speed, 20 rps, to increase the frequency of updates.
When working at extended distances, decreasing the head speed
(increasing the pulse time on the receiver) or changing the band width
of the receiver to wide band can improve distance and performance.
Tripod Setup Attach the Rugby securely to a tripod or laser trailer, or mount on a
stable level surface.
Always check the tripod or trailer before beginning work.
Make sure all screws, bolts, and nuts are tight.
If your tripod has chains, they should be slightly loose to allow for
thermal expansion during the day.
On extremely windy days, secure the tripod. Placing a sandbag on each
leg can do this. (See also adjustment for setting the wind sensitivity of
the Rugby.)
If using a tripod with a quick disconnect adapter, point the control lever
into the wind. This places the locking mechanism also into the wind, and
will provide better stability.
4.2 Setup Options
The Rugby has several setup options that are easily accessed and
changed in the first setup screen.
From the main operating screen, Press STAR to access the
setup screen.