Leica Rugby 300 SG User Manual

Leica Rugby 300 SG
User Manual
Version 1.1
Rugby 300 SG 1.1.0en
Read Carefully through the User Manual before you switch on the product.
The symbols used in the User Manual have the following meaning:
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended use which, if
not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended use which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury and / or appreciable material, financial and environmental damage.
Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in practice as they enable the product to be used in a technically correct and efficient manner.
Product Identification
The instrument model and serial number of your product are indicated on the label on the base of the unit.
Enter the model and serial number in your manual and always refer to this information when you need to contact your agency or Leica Geosystems authorized service workshop.
Type-Serial No.: 300-____________ Date of purchase:_____________
Rugby 300 SG 1.1.0en
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................. 4
Features and Functions ............ 5
Operation ...................................... 6
Entering Grade .............................. 6
Direct Grade Entry....................... 6
Grade Entry by Digit .................... 6
Grade Zero .................................. 6
Grade Capability.......................... 6
Grade Swap................................. 7
Grade Matching ........................... 7
Identification of the Axes................ 8
Slope - Percent of Grade ............... 8
Alignment of the Axes.................... 8
Precise Alignment of the Axes....... 9
Setup............................................ 10
General Setup.............................. 10
Location ..................................... 10
Recommended Head Speeds ... 10
Tripod Setup .............................. 10
Setup Options .............................. 11
Head Speeds............................. 12
H.I. (Height of Instrument) ......... 12
Automatic and Manual Mode:.... 12
Manual Mode with Grade .......... 13
Wind Sensitivity ......................... 13
Beam Masking........................... 13
Additional Setup Options ............. 14
Checking Level Accuracy....... 15
Checking Level Accuracy ............ 15
Checking the X-Axis .................. 15
Checking the Y-Axis .................. 15
Adjusting Level Accuracy............. 16
To Enter Adjustment Mode........ 16
X-Axis Accuracy Adjustment ..... 16
Y-Axis Accuracy Adjustment ..... 16
Accessories ............................... 17
Batteries....................................... 17
The Sighting Scope ..................... 18
Troubleshooting........................ 19
Display Screen Explanations....... 19
Troubleshooting Suggestions ...... 20
Care and Transport .................. 21
Transport ..................................... 21
Storage ........................................ 21
Cleaning and Drying .................... 22
Safety Directions ...................... 23
General........................................ 23
Intended Use ............................... 23
Permitted use ............................ 23
Adverse use............................... 23
Limits of Use ................................ 24
Responsibilities............................ 24
Warranty ...................................... 24
Hazards of Use ............................ 24
Laser classification ...................... 26
Labeling ....................................... 27
Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) .......................................... 28
Description................................. 28
FCC Statement, Applicable in
U.S............................................... 29
Labeling Rugby 300 SG ............. 30
Technical Data........................... 31
Rugby 300 SG 1.1.0en
The Rugby Grade laser is designed to serve your needs in a wide variety of applications.
It is a proven tool for increased production with substantial reduction of labor, time and material costs. It can be used to accurately control land leveling, sloped or level grading, trenching, open cut mining, dredging, contouring of levees, general construction and excavation.
This manual contains operating and set-up procedures for common applications. Its purpose is to describe the features of the Rugby and how the Rugby operates. The manual is not intended to describe specific applications. Contact your local dealer or Leica Geosystems for information specific to your jobsite requirements.
The Rugby Grade lasers are rugged, accurate and fully electronic with an operating range up to 2,500 feet (770 meters) diameter.
The Rugby 300 SG is a single grade laser and is capable of producing an accurate plane of laser light for applications that are level (1) or having a single grade (2).
Alignment is as easy as sighting over the top of the Rugby to your control point using the integrated alignment sights or the optional sighting scope assembly. For increased accuracy, follow the procedure for Precise Alignment of the Axes.
Rugby 300 SG 1.1.0en
Features and Functions
Features and Functions
1 POWER Button – Powers the
Rugby on and off.
2 LCD Display – Shows the grade
setting for the X axis. The display shows also Beam Masking, Battery status, H.I. and Head Speed.
3 X-axis Button – Press to set grade
in the X-axis.
4 UP Arrow Button – After pressing
X, press to increase the grade shown.
5 STAR Button – Press to enter
setup screens and the grade entry by digit screen.
6 DOWN Arrow Button – After
pressing X, press to decrease the grade shown.
7 Circular Level Vial – For initial
setup reference.
8 12-volt input – Charge the
batteries or run the Rugby directly from 12-volts.
9 Dual Batteries – The Rugby will
run with one or two sets of batteries for maximum flexibility and battery life.
10 Raised alignment sights and
mounting plate for the optional sighting scope.
11 Easy grip handle for carrying and
12 Tripod mount for attachment to a
5/8”-11 tripod.
Rugby 300 SG 1.1.0en
Entering Grade
Direct Grade Entry
Grade Entry by Digit
Grade Zero
The grade in either axis can quickly be set to zero by pressing both the Up and Down buttons simultaneously while in either grade entry mode.
When changing grade using the direct entry method, the counter will always stop at zero. Release the button and press again to continue counting beyond zero.
Grade Capability
The Rugby 300 SG can have up to
25.000% grade in the X-axis.
The Y-axis does not have grade capabilitiy, and is a “level only” axis.
If no button is pressed, the display will revert to the main display after ten seconds.
Press POWER to turn the Rugby on.
Press X to enter X-axis grade mode.
Use the UP or DOWN buttons to set the desired grade.
Press X to exit.
While in the grade entry screens, press the STAR button and a cursor will appear on the +/- sign.
Press the STAR button to move the cursor to the right.
Press the UP or DOWN buttons to change the sign or the digit that is highlighted.
Press X to exit.
Rugby 300 SG 1.1.0en
Grade Swap
The grade in the X-axis can easily be swapped from positive to negative in the Grade Entry by Digit screen.
Align the Y-axis (level) to the center line, the X-axis or cross axis grade can be made to fall to the right or lefthand side simply by changing the +/- sign on the display.
Grade Matching
In Direct Grade Entry mode the movement of the leveling mechanism moves at the same speed as the grade counters.
To match an existing slope, set up the laser over the known gradebreak (base) of the slope, and align the cross axis (level only) of the laser to the end of the slope with both control points parallel to the direction of grade.
Adjust the Rod-Eye receiver on your grade rod for the elevation of the laser at the gradebreak next to the laser.
Move the grade rod to a point on the slope that is too be matched. Then, dial grade into the laser until the Rod­Eye indicates an on-grade reading.
The percent of grade in the display is now equal to the grade being matched.
Rugby 300 SG 1.1.0en
Identification of the Axes
1 X+ Axis – When positive grade is
entered in the X-axis, grade will increase in this direction.
2 Y Axis – Always level
3 Front of Rugby – See also axis
labeling on the side of the laser and inside the top windows.
Slope - Percent of Grade
The change in elevation per unit of measure (foot, meter, etc.)
Percent of Grade:
The change in elevation per 100 units of measure (feet, meters, etc.)
Calculating Percent of Grade from the Slope:
Slope = 0.0059
Conversion = 0.0059 x 100
Percent of Grade = 0.590%
Alignment of the Axes
When the desired grade is correctly set in the display, it is necessary to align the X and Y axes to the jobsite.
Ensure the circular level vial is positioned near the center of the circle for maximum self-leveling capability.
Ensure the Rugby is properly positioned over a control point.
As shown, the direction of the X-axis is seen from the front of the Rugby, sighting over the top of the Rugby.
Rotate the Rugby slightly until the sights are aligned with your second control point.
Once aligned, work can begin.
An optional sighting scope is also available.
For very accurate alignment, refer to the steps for Precise Alignment of the Axes.
Rugby 300 SG 1.1.0en
Precise Alignment of the Axes
Under most conditions, the raised alignment marks on the top of the Rugby are adequate for alignment of the axes. However, for more precise alignment, use the following procedure.
To establish Point A on the Y-axis as a reference and take an elevation reading.
To dial grade into the X-axis and then adjust the position of the laser until the original elevation at Point A is again found.
1 With 0.000% grade in both axes,
set up the Rugby directly over a grade stake and rough align the Y­axis to a second grade stake that we will call Point A.
2 Take an elevation reading at Point
A using a Rod-Eye Receiver and a survey rod.
3 Enter +5.000% grade into the X-
axis. When grade is entered in the X-axis, the Y-axis acts like a hinge or fulcrum.
4 With 5.000% in the X-axis, take a
second reading at Point A.
If the second reading is equal to the first reading, the X-axis is aligned correctly.
If the second reading is greater than the first reading, rotate the Rugby clockwise (to the right) until the two readings are the same.
If the second reading is less than the first reading, rotate the Rugby counter-clockwise (to the left) until the two readings are the same.
Rugby 300 SG 1.1.0en
General Setup
Make sure the location is clear of possible obstructions that may block or reflect the laser beam.
Make the most efficient use of the Rugby’s operating radius. The Rugby can be placed in the center of the working area or to one side.
Make sure the ground is stable. Ground vibration and extremely windy conditions can affect the operation of the Rugby.
If working in very dusty conditions, place the Rugby up-wind. The dirt and will then be blown away from the Rugby and reduce interference.
Recommended Head Speeds
For surveying and manual machine control applications the typical head speed is 10 rps (600 rpm).
For automatic machine control applications it is recommended to use the highest head speed, 20 rps, to increase the frequency of updates.
When working at extended distances, decreasing the head speed (increasing the pulse time on the receiver) or changing the band width of the receiver to wide band can improve distance and performance.
Tripod Setup
Attach the Rugby securely to a tripod or laser trailer, or mount on a stable level surface.
Always check the tripod or trailer before beginning work.
Make sure all screws, bolts, and nuts are tight.
If your tripod has chains, they should be slightly loose to allow for thermal expansion during the day.
On extremely windy days, secure the tripod. Placing a sandbag on each leg can do this. (See also adjustment for setting the wind sensitivity of the Rugby.)
If using a tripod with a quick disconnect adapter, point the control lever into the wind. This places the locking mechanism also into the wind, and will provide better stability.
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