Leica GPS System 500 User Manual

GPS System 500
Technical Reference Manual
Version 4.0
System GPS500
Congratulations on your purchase of Leica System 500
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Symbols used in this manual
Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in practice as they enable the product to be used in a technically correct and efficient manner.
Symbols used in this manual
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View of chapters
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Equipment Setup and Connection
Chapter 3 - Using System 500 without a Terminal
Chapter 4 - TR500 Terminal Overview
Chapter 5 - Configuring the Receiver
Chapter 6 - Jobs and Points
Chapter 7 - Measuring with System 500
Chapter 8 - Coding
Chapter 9 - The CONFIG key
Chapter 10 - Status
Chapter 11 - Applications
Chapter 12 - Utilities
Chapter 13 - Transfer
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View of chapters
1. Introduction ..............................................11
1.1 The GPS Antenna ............................................... 12
1.2 The GPS Receiver............................................... 13
1.3 The TR500 Terminal ............................................ 15
1.4 Data Storage ....................................................... 16
1.5 Batteries/Power Supply ........................................ 18
1.5.1 Charging the Batteries ......................................... 19
2. Equipment Set Up and Connection ....... 20
2.1 GPS Receiver ports ............................................. 21
2.2 Equipment Setup - Post Processed Static/Rapid
Static/Reference on Pillar .................................... 22
2.3 Equipment Setup - Post Processed Static/Rapid
Static/Reference on Tripod .................................. 25
2.4 Equipment Setup - Post Processed Kinematic,
Minipack and Pole ............................................... 28
2.5 Equipment Setup - Post Processed Kinematic,
All on Pole, Direct Clip of TR500 on to Sensor...... 32
2.6 Equipment Setup - Post Processed Kinematic,
All on Pole, TR500 and Sensor separated ............ 35
2.7 Equipment Setup - Real Time Reference,
single tripod ....................................................... 38
2.8 Equipment Setup - Real-Time Reference,
Two Tripods ...................................................... 41
2.9 Equipment Setup - Real-Time Rover,
Pole and Minipack ............................................... 44
2.10 Equipment Setup - Real-Time Rover,
All on Pole, direct clip of TR500 on to Sensor ....... 48
2.11 Equipment Setup - Real-Time Rover,
All on Pole, TR500 and Sensor separated ............ 51
2.12 Equipment Setup - Real Time Rover, GIS Rover . 54
2.13 Equipment Setup - Repeater Station and
Repeater Box ...................................................... 58
2.14 Using the Minipack ............................................ 61
2.15 Measuring Antenna Heights ............................... 63
2.15.1 Mechanical Reference Planes ........................... 64
2.15.2 Antenna Height components ............................. 65
2.15.3 Measuring Slope Heights ................................... 69
3. Using System 500 without a Terminal ... 70
3.1 Setting up the Equipment ..................................... 71
3.2 Operation ............................................................ 71
3.3 Shut Down........................................................... 71
3.4 LED Indicators ..................................................... 72
3.4.1 Power LED .......................................................... 72
3.4.2 Satellite Status LED ............................................. 72
3.4.3 Memory Status LED ............................................ 73
3.5 Field Record Sheet .............................................. 73
4. TR500 Terminal Overview ....................... 74
4.1 Screen Layout ..................................................... 75
4.2 Status Icons ........................................................ 77
4.3 Keyboard ............................................................. 82
4.4 General Operating Principles ............................... 83
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Contents, continued
5. Configuring the Receiver........................ 86
5.1 Configuring the Receiver for Static and Rapid Static
Operations .......................................................... 88
5.1.1 Advanced Operation Mode for Static and Rapid
Static .................................................................... 95
5.2 Configuring the Receiver for Post-Processed
Kinematic Operations .......................................... 99
5.2.1 Advanced Operation Mode for Post-Processed
Kinematic ........................................................... 112
5.3 Configuring the Receiver for Real-Time Reference
Operations ......................................................... 116
5.3.1 Advanced Operation Mode for Real Time
Reference Stations ............................................. 124
5.4 Configuring the Receiver for Real-Time Rover
Operations ........................................................ 127
5.4.1 Advanced Operation Mode for Real Time Rover 148
6. Jobs and Points..................................... 156
6.1 Management of Jobs ......................................... 156
7. Measuring with System 500 ................. 158
7.1 Static and Rapid Static Survey, Post-Processed
Kinematic Reference ......................................... 159
7.1.1 Overview of Procedure ...................................... 160
7.1.2 Adding the Point Id ............................................ 160
7.1.3 Adding the Antenna Height ................................ 161
7.1.4 Adding a Code ................................................... 161
7.1.5 Adding a Starting Time ...................................... 163
7.1.6 Measuring procedure ......................................... 163
7.1.7 Using the ADD key ............................................ 166
7.2 Post-processed Kinematic Survey (Rover) ......... 167
7.2.1 Overview of Procedure ...................................... 168
7.2.2 Adding the Point Id ............................................ 168
7.2.3 Adding the Antenna Height ................................ 169
7.2.4 Adding a Code ................................................... 170
7.2.5 Adding a Starting Time ...................................... 171
7.2.6 Measuring Procedure ........................................ 172
7.2.7 Using the AUTO key .......................................... 174
7.2.8 Using the ADD key ............................................ 174
7.3 Real-Time Reference Stations ........................... 176
7.3.1 Measuring procedure ......................................... 177
7.3.2 Using the ADD key ............................................ 180
7.4 Real-Time Rover, Surveying New Points ............ 181
7.4.1 Overview of Procedure ...................................... 182
7.4.2 Adding the Point Id ............................................ 182
7.4.3 Adding the Antenna Height ................................ 183
7.4.4 Adding a Code ................................................... 184
7.4.5 Adding a Starting Time ...................................... 185
7.4.6 Measurement Procedure ................................... 186
7.4.7 Using the AUTO key .......................................... 190
7.4.8 Using the INIT key ............................................. 193
7.4.9 Using the ADD key ............................................ 194
7.4.10 Using the NEAR key ........................................ 206
7.4.11 Radio Down Infill .............................................. 206
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Contents, continued
7.5 Real-Time Rover, Staking Out ............................ 208
7.5.1 Entering Stakeout .............................................. 208
7.5.2 Stake-Out Types ................................................ 209
7.5.3 The Stake-Out Screen ....................................... 210
7.5.4 Orientation ......................................................... 211
7.5.5 Polar and Orthogonal ........................................ 215
7.5.6 Using the Reverse function ................................ 216
7.5.7 Using the Redraw function ................................. 217
7.5.8 Picking up a new point ....................................... 217
7.5.9 Using the INIT key ............................................. 217
7.5.10 Using the NEAR key ........................................ 218
7.5.11 Graph .............................................................. 218
7.5.12 Aux Pt .............................................................. 219
7.5.13 Point Stake-Out - Procedure ............................ 220
7.5.14 Slope Stake-Out - Procedure ........................... 222
7.5.15 Grid Stake-Out - Procedure ............................. 226
8. Coding .................................................... 232
8.1 Thematical Coding ............................................. 232
8.1.1 Importing, Selecting and Defining a
Thematical Codelist ............................................ 233
8.1.2 Defining New Codes and Attributes ................... 234
8.1.3 Defining and Activating/Deactivating Layers ...... 235
8.1.4 Adding a Thematical Code to a Point ................. 236
8.2 Free Coding ...................................................... 237
8.2.1 Importing, Selecting and Defining a
Free Codelist ...................................................... 237
8.2.2 Defining New Codes .......................................... 238
8.2.3 Adding a Free Code .......................................... 239
9. The CONFIG Key ................................... 241
9.1 Survey - Satellite ................................................ 242
9.2 General - Units .................................................. 243
9.3 General - Language ........................................... 244
9.4 General - Hot Keys ............................................ 244
9.5 General - Time and Initial Position ...................... 245
9.6 General - Start-Up ............................................. 245
9.7 General - TR500 ................................................ 246
9.8 General - Identification ....................................... 247
9.9 Interfaces ......................................................... 247
9.10 Interfaces - Real-Time ..................................... 247
9.11 Interfaces - NMEA Output ................................ 248
9.12 Interfaces - ASCII Input .................................... 249
9.13 Interfaces - Hidden Point .................................. 253
9.14 Interfaces - GSI/User Out................................. 253
9.15 Interfaces - Remote ......................................... 254
9.16 Interfaces - PPS Out ........................................ 255
9.17 Interfaces - Event Input .................................... 256
10. Status ................................................... 259
10.1 Real-Time Input Status .................................... 259
10.2 Stop and Go Indicator ...................................... 261
10.3 Position ........................................................... 263
10.4 Logging Status ................................................. 266
10.5 Satellite Status ................................................. 267
10.6 Point Log Status .............................................. 269
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Contents, continued
10.7 Code Log Status .............................................. 270
10.8 Message Log Status ........................................ 270
10.9 Memory/Battery Status ..................................... 270
10.10 Sensor Status ................................................ 271
10.11 Software Version Status ................................. 271
10.12 Interfaces Status ............................................ 272
11. Applications ......................................... 273
11.1 Determining a Coordinate System .................... 273
11.2 Adding Points to Existing Coordinate Systems .. 283
11.3 Point Management ........................................... 284
11.4 Calculator ........................................................ 288
11.5 Wake-up Sessions ........................................... 288
11.6 COGO ............................................................. 290
11.7 Area ................................................................ 303
11.8 Line Division .................................................... 304
12. Utilities ................................................. 307
12.1 Directory of Memory Device ............................. 307
12.2 Format Memory Module ................................... 308
12.3 Enter Security Code ......................................... 309
12.4 Self Test .......................................................... 309
13. Transfer ................................................ 310
13.1 Job .................................................................. 310
13.2 Config Set ....................................................... 310
13.3 Coordinate System ........................................... 311
13.4 Antenna Info ..................................................... 311
13.5 Codelist ............................................................ 311
13.6 ASCII/GSI to Job ............................................ 312
13.7 GSI / User ....................................................... 314
13.8 Geoid Field File................................................ 316
13.9 CSCS Field File ............................................... 316
13.10 Firmware ....................................................... 316
13.11 Firmware TR500 ............................................ 317
13.12 Language Version .......................................... 317
13.13 Application Text .............................................. 317
13.14 Almanac ........................................................ 318
13.15 Account File ................................................... 318
13.16 CFC Log Mask File ........................................ 318
13.17 Beacon Station List ....................................... 319
13.18 Modem/GSM Station List ............................... 319
13.19 System ......................................................... 319
13.20 Any File Type ................................................. 320
Appendix A - Operating and Storage
Temperatures ............................................. 321
Appendix B - Observation Times ............. 322
Appendix C - Seismic Record Format ..... 323
Appendix D - Defined Line File Format ... 324
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Contents, continued
Appendix E - NMEA Message Formats .... 325
GGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data ............... 327
GGK - Real-Time Position with DOP ........................ 328
GGK(PT) - Real-Time Position with DOP ................. 328
GGQ - Real-Time Position with CQ .......................... 329
GLL - Geodetic Position - Latitude, Longitude ........... 329
GNS - GNSS Fix Data ............................................. 330
GSA - GPS DOP and Active Satellites ..................... 330
GSV - GPS Satellites in View ................................... 331
LLK - Leica Local Position and GDOP ...................... 331
LLQ - Leica Local Position and Quality ..................... 332
VTG - Course Over Ground and Ground Speed ....... 332
ZDA - Time and Date............................................... 333
Appendix F - Pin Assignments and
Sockets ...................................................... 334
Appendix G - Data Device Directory
Structure .................................................... 336
Appendix H - External Devices................. 338
RS232 .................................................................... 339
Radio and Repeaters............................................... 340
GSM ....................................................................... 344
Modem ................................................................... 350
RTB Module (CSI) ................................................... 352
RTS Module (Racal) ................................................ 354
SAPOS ................................................................... 356
Using a SAPOS decoder box ..................................... 356
Using a SMARTgate box ............................................ 357
Using the Telemax Service ......................................... 359
Hidden Point ........................................................... 361
Appendix I - MC500 ................................... 364
Appendix J - RS500 ................................... 369
Appendix K- GS50 / GS50+ and GIS Data
Collection ................................................... 377
Hardware and Accessories ...................................... 378
Compact Flash and Sensor Transfer........................ 382
Operation and Configuration .................................... 383
The CONFIG Key .................................................... 384
The STATUS Key .................................................... 388
Data Collection with the GS50 and GS50+ ............... 389
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1. Introduction

System 500 is used to receive signals from GPS satellites which are then processed to obtain a position on the earth’s surface.
It can be used in many applications, the main ones being Land Survey, Stakeout and Hydrographic Survey.
The main components of System 500 are the GPS Antenna and GPS Receiver. Ancilliary components are the Terminal, Batteries, PC Cards and cables.
SKI-Pro, a PC based software is also used in conjunction with the hardware listed above for post-processing GPS data and for downloading coordinates recorded in the field. Instructions for using SKI-Pro can be found in the accompanying printed guides and on­line help.
System 500 - main hardware components
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1. Introduction

1.1 The GPS Antenna

There are several System 500 GPS Antennas available. These are:
• AT501 Single Frequency Antenna.
• AT502 Dual Frequency Antenna.
• AT503 Dual Frequency Choke Ring Antenna.
• AT504 JPL Design Dual Fre­quency Choke Ring Antenna.
• Single Frequency Choke Ring Antenna.
The GPS Antenna is selected for use based upon the application. The vast majority of applications will require the AT501 or AT502 Antenna.
The AT501 is a L1 single frequency antenna. Use it with the SR510 Receiver. The AT502 is a dual fre­quency antenna. Use it with the SR520 or SR530 Receiver.
The Choke Ring Antennas are designed for use where the utmost precision is required. Typical applica­tions include Static Surveys of long baselines, Tectonic Plate monitoring, Reference Stations, etc.
Use the AT503 and AT504 with the SR520 or SR530 Receiver. Use the Single Frequency Choke Ring with the SR510 Receiver.
Also available is a combined GPS/ RTB or GPS/ RTS antenna. Refer to Appendix K for further information.
AT502 Antenna
1. Introduction
AT504 Antenna
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1.2 The GPS Receiver

The GPS Receiver is the instrument that processes the GPS signals received by the GPS Antenna.
There are six different models of GPS receiver in System 500. The model number is printed on the PC card lid.
See the detailed descriptions of each of these receivers given down below.
SR510 - Tracks the L1 C/A code and uses it to reconstruct the carrier phase. Data can be stored for post­processing in SKI-Pro. Baselines can be calculated with a precision of up to about 5-10mm +2ppm.
With a radio modem attached the receiver can be used for real-time measurements accepting RTCM code corrections. Coordinates can be calculated with a precision of up to about 0.5m.
SR520 - Tracks the L1 C/A code and L2 P-code to reconstruct the carrier phase. When Anti-Spoofing (A-S) is activated, the receiver switches to a patented P-code aided tracking technique that provides full L2 carrier measurements and L2 pseudoranges. Data can be stored for post-processing. Baselines can be calculated with a precision of up to about 3-10mm +1ppm.
With a radio modem attached the receiver can be used for real-time measurements accepting RTCM code corrections. Coordinates can be calculated with a precision of up to about 0.5m.
SR530 - Tracks the L1 C/A code and L2 P-code to reconstruct the carrier phase. When Anti-Spoofing (A-S) is activated, the receiver switches to a patented P-code aided tracking technique that provides full L2 carrier
measurements and L2 pseudoranges. A radio modem attaches and the receiver can be used for RTK operations. Coordinates can be calculated with a precision of up to about 1cm
Data can also be stored for post­processing. Baselines can be calcu­lated with a precision of up to about 3-10mm +1ppm.
System 500 GPS Receivers can be operated with or without the TR500 Terminal (see section 1.3). The TR500 is used for field data acquisi­tion and for configuring the receiver.
Details of using the Receiver without a Terminal are given in Chapter 3.
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1. Introduction
MC500 - A ruggedized version of the SR530 designed specifically for Machine Control. Can also be utilised as a dedicated GPS Reference Station. Please refer to Appendix I for specific details.
RS500 - A dedicated GPS Reference Sation receiver designed for perma­nent installation. Please refer to Appendix J for specific details.
GS50 - This receiver has been specifically designed for GIS applica­tions. Please refer to Appendix K for more information that is specific to the GS50 and the corresponding PC­software GIS DataPRO.
1. Introduction
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1.3 The TR500 Terminal

The TR500 Terminal provides a full user interface to all System 500 GPS Receivers.
It can be used to set parameters in the receiver and to steer the GPS measurement operation.
The TR500 can be used to set and store parameters in one GPS receiver and then removed and used to set parameters in another System 500 receiver. The receiver can then be used in the field without the TR500 attached. Note that whilst this is possible when measuring in any mode, for a Reference or Rover, it is recommended that the Receiver only be used without a TR500 at Refer­ence stations or with Static/Rapid Static Rovers.
The TR500 is connected either directly to the receiver or via a cable.
Data input is via a fully alphanumeric QWERTY keyboard and an LCD display of 32 x 12 characters which may be illuminated.
TR500 mounted on the Receiver TR500 connected using the cable
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1. Introduction

1.4 Data Storage

Data is stored on either an Internal Memory or PC Card. The PC Card is the preferred data storage medium. The Internal Memory is an option.
The PC Card is inserted into the slot on the front of the GPS Receiver. PC Cards are available from Leica with varying capacities. Note that whilst other PC Cards may be used, Leica recommend Leica PC cards only and cannot be held responsible for data loss or any other error that may occur whilst using a non-Leica card.
To insert the PC Card in the GPS Receiver, open the card slot door, with the Leica Logo uppermost and facing you, slide the card into the slot firmly until it clicks into position. Press the eject button at the side of the card to remove it.
The Internal Memory is available in 8MB or 16MB capacities and resides in the Receiver. When data has to be downloaded to SKI-Pro, connection is made between port 2 on the Receiver and a serial port on the PC.
The memory device is checked before starting a survey. If it is more than 80% full, an information mes­sage appears.
Follow the care instructions shown on the rear of the card. Keep the card dry, only use within the specified temperature range, do not bend the card and protect it from direct shock. Failure to follow these instructions could result in data loss and/or permanent damage to the card.
The card can become very hot during use. Avoid touching the metal parts of the card after prolonged use.
Inserting the PC Card
1. Introduction
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PC Card versus Internal Memory
The PC Card is the preferred data storage medium as it has the follow­ing advantages over internal memory:
Faster download times. A PC Card download using a PC Card Reader or PCMCIA port is virtually instantaneous. Internal memory has to download through a serial connection and can take time.
Flexibility / no downtime of GPS Receiver. A PC Card can be removed from a receiver when it is full and replaced with a spare. The Receiver does not have to be taken back to the office for downloading.
Using an Internal Memory means however that the data has less chance of being misplaced or lost. This can happen when multiple PC Cards are used for the same project.
If you are not sure about which type of memory to use, try using a PC card but don’t remove it from the Receiver. You can still download as if it were Internal Memory through any port.
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1. Introduction

1.5 Batteries/Power Supply

System 500 will normally be powered by two GEB121 camcorder type batteries. which plug into the under­side of the GPS receiver.
Two batteries, fully charged, will power the SR510 and TR500 for about 7.5 hours continuously and the SR520/530 for about 6 hours continu­ously.
Operating times will be shorter when working in cold weather and when a radio modem is connected.
Plug in and remove the GEB121 batteries as shown opposite.
System 500 can also be powered by the GEB71 7Ah battery or any 12V DC power supply via either power port, on the front face of the receiver using an appropriate cable.
Connecting a GEB121 Battery
With the Receiver upside down and the Leica logo on the battery facing you, locate one end into the battery bay. Press the opposite end of the battery down until it audibly clicks into place.
The battery contains toxic material and must be disposed of in an environmen­tally friendly manner. Do not dispose of the battery in normal household or office waste.
Removing a GEB121 Battery
Pull and hold the battery catch. Withdraw the battery with the other hand.
1. Introduction
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1.5.1 Charging the Batteries

GEB121 Batteries
GEB121 Batteries can be charged using the GKL122 or GKL111 battery chargers. The preferred model is the GKL122.
GEB71 Batteries
GEB71 Batteries can be charged using the GKL122 battery charger only.
The GKL122 is an intelligent charger. It will charge the batteries by the exact amount required. This maxi­mizes battery life. The GKL122 can charge up to 2 GEB121 batteries at once. The GDI121 extension plate enables a further two batteries to be charged from the same charger at the same time.
Additionally, the GKL122 can charge up to two GEB71 batteries.
The GKL111 battery charger is a simple charger. It will charge one GEB121 battery at a time. It will charge the batteries by the exact amount required. This maximizes battery life.
The batteries are delivered
from the factory totally discharged. They will require a full charging cycle before the equipment can be used. For full instructions on battery charging, refer to the manual accompanying the charger you are using.
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1. Introduction

2. Equipment Set Up and Connection

The type of equipment set up that is used will vary with the type of site occupation and the measuring mode. This also applies to the way in which the various components are con­nected together. There are optimal solutions for setting up the equipment on a tripod, in a backpack and on the pole.
Set up on Tripod
Set up on Unipole
2. Set-up and Connection
Set up on pole with Minipack
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2.1 GPS Receiver ports

All other components of System 500 connect to the GPS Receiver.
The TR500 Terminal fits either directly on the Receiver or can be connected to the Terminal port using a cable.
A Radio Modem in a housing can also be fitted directly to the Receiver. Alternatively, if the housing is not being used, the radio modem can be connected to Port 1 or Port 3 using a cable.
The Antenna is connected to the Receiver via the ANT Port.
External power can be connected via a cable through Port 2.
46 8910
1. Port 3. 8 pin Lemo.Power/data in/out
2. Event Input 1 (Optional)
3. 5 pin Lemo. Power
4. Power ON/OFF
5. PPS Output (Optional)
6. GPS Antenna in
7. Event Input 2 (Optional)
SR530 Receiver, front panel
8. Port 2. 5 pin Lemo. Power/data in/out.
9. Pressure equalisation vent.
10. Port 1. 8 pin Lemo. Power/data in/out.
11. PC Card door.
12. Terminal in/out or Remote Interface in/out.
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2. Set-up and Connection

2.2 Equipment Setup - Post Processed Static/Rapid Static/Reference on Pillar

Static/Rapid Static operations or as Reference for Kin­ematic.
The Receiver and TR500 (if used) can be assembled to make one unit. One connection is made to the GPS Antenna which is mounted on the Pillar. The Receiver and TR500 can be kept in the case. Note that the Receiver can be programmed with the TR500 prior to use which can then be omitted from the set up.
1. GPS Antenna is mounted directly using screw fitting.
If using stub and GAD 31 adapter, procedures may vary slightly.
2. GPS Antennas are AT501 or AT502. Procedures/
setup may vary if AT503, 504 or single frequency choke ring are used.
2. Set-up and Connection
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Equipment Checklist
1. GPS Antenna AT501, 502, 503,
504 or 505
2. GRT146 Carrier
3. GDF122 or GDF112 Tribrach
4. Pillar Plate (if required)
5. GEV120 2.8m Antenna Cable
6. 2, GEB121 Batteries
7. SR510/520/530 GPS Receiver
8. TR500 Terminal (if required)
9. MCF XMB-3 PC Flash Card.
10. GVP602 System 500 Transport
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2. Set-up and Connection
1. If a pillar plate is being used,
locate it on the pillar.
2. Screw the tribrach to the pillar
plate or the pillar. Level the tribrach.
3. Place and lock the GRT146
Carrier in the Tribrach.
4. Screw the Antenna onto the
5. Check that the Tribrach is still
6. Connect the GPS Receiver to
the Antenna using the GEV120 Antenna cable.
7. Plug the GEB121 batteries into
the GPS Receiver.
8. Attach the TR500 Terminal to
the Receiver if required.
9. Insert the PCMCIA Flash Card
into the Receiver.
10. Switch on the system using the
ON/OFF button.
11. The Receiver can be placed in
the Transport Case for additional protection.
The Next Steps
If the Receiver has been pre-pro­grammed and the TR500 is not being used, further guidance is available in Chapter 3.
If the Receiver has been pre-pro­grammed and the TR500 is being used, further guidance is available in Chapter 7.
If the Receiver requires programming with the TR500, further guidance is available in Chapter 5.
When Using the GAD31
adapter and GRT144 carrier, ensure that the Antenna and GAD31 assembly slide down the full length of the GRT144 stub. An incorrectly mounted Antenna will have a direct effect on your results.
In wet conditions the Re-
ceiver can be placed in the transport case during use for extra protection. Try to shut the case as completely as possible.
If the Receiver is left in the
case during use in tempera­tures exceeding 25°C, the lid should be left open. Refer to Appendix A for operating and storage temperatures.
Use an external battery such
as GEB71 to extend the operating time past 6 hours.
2. Set-up and Connection
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2.3 Equipment Setup - Post Processed Static/Rapid Static/Reference on Tripod

Static/Rapid Static operations or as Reference for Kine­matic.
The Receiver and TR500 (if used) can be assembled to make one unit. This clips to the tripod leg or is placed in the transport container. One connection is made to the Antenna. Note that the Receiver can be programmed with the TR500 prior to use which can then be omitted from the set up.
1. GPS Antenna is mounted directly using screw fitting.
If using stub and GAD 31 adapter, procedures may vary slightly.
2. GPS Antennas are AT501 or AT502. Procedures/
setup may vary if AT503, 504 or single frequency choke ring are used.
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2. Set-up and Connection
Equipment Checklist
1. GPS Antenna AT501 or AT502
2. GRT146 Carrier
3. GDF122 or GDF112 Tribrach
4. GST20, GST05 or GST05L
5. GZS4 Height Hook
6. GEV120 2.8m Antenna Cable
7. 2, GEB121 Batteries
8. SR510/520/530 GPS Receiver
9. TR500 Terminal (if required)
11. GVP602 System 500 Transport
2. Set-up and Connection
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1. Set up the tripod.
2. Mount and level the tribrach on
the tripod.
3. Place and lock the GRT146
Carrier in the Tribrach.
4. Screw the Antenna onto the
5. Check that the Tribrach is still
5. Insert the Height Hook into the
6. Connect the GPS Receiver to
the Antenna using the GEV120 Antenna cable.
7. Plug the GEB121 batteries into
the GPS Receiver.
8. Attach the TR500 Terminal to
the Receiver if required.
9. Insert the PCMCIA Flash Card
into the Receiver.
10. Using the hook on the rear of
the unit, hang it on the Tripod leg or place it in the box.
11. Switch on the system using the
ON/OFF button on the Receiver.
The Next Steps
If the Receiver has been pre-pro­grammed and the TR500 is not being used, further guidance is available in Chapter 3.
If the Receiver has been pre-pro­grammed and the TR500 is being used, further guidance is available in Chapter 7.
If the Receiver requires programming with the TR500, further guidance is available in Chapter 5.
When Using the GAD31
adapter and GRT144 carrier, ensure that the Antenna and GAD31 assembly slide down the full length of the GRT144 stub. An incorrectly mounted Antenna will have a direct effect on your results.
In wet conditions the Re-
ceiver can be placed in the transport case during use for extra protection. Try to shut the case as completely as possible.
If the Receiver is left in the
case during use in tempera­tures exceeding 25°C, the lid should be left open. Refer to Appendix A for operating and storage temperatures.
Use an external battery such
as GEB71 to extend the operating time past 6 hours.
Technical Reference Manual-4.0.0en
2. Set-up and Connection

2.4 Equipment Setup - Post Processed Kinematic, Minipack and Pole

Post Processed Kinematic Rover. The Receiver is placed in the Minipack. Connections are
made to the Antenna and TR500. Recommended for extended periods of use in the field.
1. GPS Antenna is mounted directly using screw fitting.
If using stub and GAD 31 adapter, procedures may vary slightly.
2. Aluminium poles are used. You may replace them
with their Carbon Fiber equivalents without any change to these instructions.
2. Set-up and Connection
Technical Reference Manual-4.0.0en
Equipment Checklist
1. GPS Antenna AT501 or 502
2. GLS21 Upper half aluminium
pole with screw
3. GHT25 Grip for pole
4. GHT27 Holder for TR500
5. GLS20 Lower half aluminium
6. GEV141 1.2m Antenna cable
7. GEV142 1.6m Antenna cable
8. TR500 Terminal
9. 2, GEB121 Batteries
10. SR510, 520 or 530 GPS Re-
11. GVP603 Minipack
12. MCF XMB-3 PCMCIA flash card
13. GEV97 1.8m, 5pin Lemo cable
Technical Reference Manual-4.0.0en
2. Set-up and Connection
How to set up the equipment
1. Screw the two halves of the pole
2. Slide the grip onto the pole.
Attach the TR500 holder and tighten the screw.
3. Screw the GPS Antenna to the
top of the pole.
4. Slide the TR500 into the holder
until it clicks into place.
5. Insert the PC Card into the
Receiver and plug in the GEB121 batteries.
6. Place the Receiver front panel
up in the Minipack with the batteries facing outwards. Fasten the strap around the Receiver
7. Connect the GPS Antenna to the
Receiver using the two Antenna cables. Connect the longest cable to the Receiver, pass the cable through the cable brake and down through the opening in the bottom corner of the Minipack flap. Draw the required
amount of cable out of the Minipack and tighten the cable brake. Refer to the diagram.
8. Connect the TR500 to the port
labelled “Terminal” on the Receiver using the 1.8m cable. Pass it through the opening in the bottom of the Minipack flap, down through a cable brake and then plug into the Receiver. Refer to the diagram.
10. Switch on the system using the
ON/OFF button on the Receiver.
To GPS Antenna
To Terminal
Connecting the TR500 Terminal and GPS Antenna in the Minipack
2. Set-up and Connection
Technical Reference Manual-4.0.0en
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