Leica DVM2000 – 5000
Digital Microscopes – New Level of Portability and Speed
for Industrial Quality Control

Digital Microscopy – The New
Benchmark for Optical Profiling
Which microscope is right for you?
Digital microscopy offers clear advantages for
a wide variety of quality inspections. Fracture
analysis, analysis of inclined or vertical sur-
faces, and onsite inspections of large parts
such as turbine rotors are just a few examples
in which the strengths of digital microscopy
make the biggest difference. However, there
are also applications where a traditional solu-
tion with stereomicroscopes is best. Leica
Microsystems’ sales team has comprehensive
application knowledge and can provide onsite
consultation. Drawing from one of the most
extensive product lines of industrial micro-
scopes, we can create the optimal configura-
tion for your needs based on tried-and-tested
Leica Microsystems quality.
Portable, fast, and reliable
Digital technologies have revolutionized both our work and everyday lives in many
respects, and there is no end to these innovations in sight. In particular, industrial
quality control – which places the most stringent requirements on macroscopic
and microscopic imaging and image processing – benefits from innovative, reli-
able digital technology. The new generation of Digital Microscopes from Leica
Microsystems opens new horizons in terms of mobility and speed. For many appli-
cations, they offer an ideal supplement to traditional inspection and analysis.
The microscopic image is displayed directly on a high-resolution monitor. This
means that the user does not have to look through an eyepiece. The streamlined
zoom optics reach extremely difficult-to-access surfaces, which allows non-
destructive inspection of even the largest stationary parts that can be exami-
ned using traditional microscope techniques only with great effort. Leica Digital
Microscopes not only feature outstanding, high-quality optics, they also
offer a wide variety of quantitative analysis options – whether 2D
analyses or advanced 3D surface measurements.
Modular system fits every application
Three Digital Microscope solutions, the Leica DVM5000, DVM3000,
and DVM2000, provide a wide range of different configurations –
from the “intelligent,” portable, all-in-one system to the modular
basic model. Each system can be configured for specific appli-
cations and individual requirements using an extensive range of
components and accessories. A Digital Microscope system from
Leica Microsystems opens up entirely new possibilities for quality
control of products – while providing an effective supplement to
traditional microscope inspection.

Leica DVM5000 –
The Portable All-in-One-System
Compact, highly integrated, and exceptionally mobile
The Leica DVM5000 is a highly integrated system that features outstanding perfor-
mance capacity and speed. Within a very short time, the Leica DVM5000 provides
the desired results – even complex 3D models are available in mere seconds.
Ready to use in every situation
For quality control, usually a sample is brought to the microscope for inspection
and analysis. However, some products cannot be transported and do not allow
a sample to be taken for microscopic analysis; only nondestructive inspection is
possible. The Leica DVM5000 is specifically designed for such situations. Here, you
can bring the microscope to the sample.
The Digital Microscope, including the optics, monitor and computer, can convert
into a compact, portable system with just a few hand movements. It can be used
to inspect stationary samples, such as production machines or airplanes, at any
time. The Leica DVM5000 also provides benefits when quality assurance must be
carried out at multiple locations. For example, the system can accompany an engi-
neer during audits, so that he or she can always use the same familiar technology.
Megapixels are not everything
Digital cameras are often evaluated according
to the number of megapixels. Many believe that
the more pixels, the better. However, in micros-
copy, the camera with the most megapixels
is not necessarily the best for a particular appli-
cation. Rather, the application and optical per-
formance of the microscope determine which
camera is best suited for providing optimal
results during image acquisition. Long before
the advent of digital photography, American
researcher Harry Nyquist proved that cameras
in the double-digit megapixel range do not pro-
vide more image information, but fill the hard-
ware with excess data more quickly.
Optimized digital imaging
All Leica Digital Microscopes are equipped with a 2.11-megapixel digital camera,
which is perfectly matched to the microscope’s optics. Combined with high-resolu-
tion optical zoom, this highly sensitive CCD camera generates digital images of all
samples with optimum results. It provides the best possible information yield –
without enlarging the data volume and file size of individual images.