La Crosse Technology UV Master UV-100 Instruction Manual

2.0 Parts and Its Functions
1.0 Introduction
3.0 Functional Mode and Functional Display
Instruction Manual
Prevent You Getting UV Over-Exposure
UV Master
Your Watch is carefully designed and produced, in order to utilize this feature of your Watch, it is advisable to use the Watch in conformity with the below notes:
This Watch equipped with an UV sensor that measures UV radiation in terms of UV index. This model also includes 2 UV index alarms. In addition to the UV sensing, this model also included current time, daily alarm, chronograph and timer functions.
! Read this manual before using the Watch.
! Avoid exposing your Watch to extreme
conditions for an unreasonable time.
! Avoid rough use or severe impacts to your
! Store your Watch in a dry place when it is
not in use.
! It is recommended to have the battery
replacement done by a certified service agency as this practice will maintain the water resistance standard on your Watch.
! Clean your Watch occasionally with a soft
moistened cloth. DO NOT expose the Watch to strong chemicals such as gasoline and alcohol, as they will damage your Watch.
! The Watch includes 5 functional modes. They
are the Normal Time Mode, UV Index Mode, Daily Alarm Mode, Chronograph Mode and Timer Mode.
! Every function mode may include one or more
than one function display, it provides supplementary features to the corresponding function mode.
To Switch among the 5 Functional Modes
5 function modes, p
following the adjacent figure.
To Switch among the Function Displays
! To select among the function displays, check the
coming chapters for the detail on how to switch among different function displays.
! To select among the ress
the [mode] button
[mode] Button
l Press the button to select among the 5 function
modes l In function modes: Press and hold the button to select setting display l During setting displays: Press the button to select among different setting items. Press and hold the button to exit setting sequence.
[start/stop] Button
l In Current Time Mode: Press the button to select
between the Date Display and UV Index Display l In Daily Alarm Mode: Press the button to select between ON and OFF the daily alarm l In Chronograph Mode and Timer Mode: Press the button to start/stop the counting l In setting displays: Press the button to scroll through the setting.
[lap/reset] Button
l In Daily Alarm Mode: Press the button to select
between ON and OFF of the hourly chime In Chronograph Mode: When counting, press the button to select the Lap time display. When stop-counting, pres s the button to reset to zero display l In Timer Mode: When stop-counting, press the button to reset the timer to target time l In setting displays: Press the button to scroll the setting.
l In any mode, press the button once to turn ON the EL
back light for about 3 seconds.
[light] Button
Current Time Mode
UV Sensor
UV Index Color Code
[mode] button
[mode] button
[mode] button
Chronograph Mode
UV Index Mode
Daily Alarm Mode
Timer Mode
Function Mode Selection Sequence
[mode] button
[mode] button
Function Mode and Function Display
Function Mode
Note: The operations of the buttons
are summarized in the adjacent paragraphs. However, for the detail operations, please check the coming chapters.
! DO NOT use this Watch for commercial or
professional purpose.
! Make sure that you fully understand the
functions and limitations of this Watch before using it.
! Always compare the UV reading with the
one broadcasted by local weather station.
! Excessive exposure to UV radiation could
cause fatal harm to a human body, always follow the 'Basic Sun Protection Messages' by the World Health Organization when you go out in the Sun.
4.0 Current Time Mode - Date Display & UV Index Display
5.1 UV Index Mode - UV Index Range, Exposure Category and Color Code
5.0 UV Index Mode - What Does the UV Index Mean
4.1 Current Time Mode - To Set the Current Time
scroll the setting by
decrement of 1
scroll the setting by
increment of 1
M-D/ D-M
Current Time Mode
! The Current Time Mode includes two function
displays. They are the Date Display and UV Index Display.
Date Display
!The day of week and date appear on the upper
row of the display. The current time (hour, minute, second) appears on the lower row of the display.
UV Index Display
! Either the Current UV Index info or Peak UV
Index info appears on the upper row. Note 1: The Current UV Index info will appear in
this display if the Current UV Index has been selected in the UV Index Mode.
Note 2: The Peak UV Index info will appear in this display if the Peak UV Index has been selected in the UV Index Mode.
Check the coming '5.4 Current & Peak UV Index Display' Section for more detail on how to select between Current UV Index and Peak UV Index.
! The UV Index Alarm Indicator and the Current
Time appear on the lower row of the display.
To Select between the Date Display and UV Index Display
! Press the [start/stop] button once to select
between the Date Display and UV Index Display.
! As categorized by the World Health Organization,
t ranges between 0 and 11+. Each UV index is matched with an exposure category and color code. Check the adjacent table for more detail on UV index range, exposure category and color code.
! The lower the UV Index, the lower the UV
exposure category, the less likely the damage to our body, while the higher the index, the higher the UV exposure category, the more likely the damage to our body.
! This Watch exhibits UV Index.
UV Index
! World Health Organization ! National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
he UV Index
User can make use of the exhibited to cross-check his/her exposure level, and hence to taking the appropriate protections to safeguard his/her body from the potential harms of UV radiation.
! Hong Kong Observatory Further information (28 August 2003):
2) uv_index/uv_information.html
3) uvbginfo.htm
! World Health Organization ! National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
The UV Index is a measure of the solar UV (ultraviolet) intensity at the Earth's surface relevant to the effect on human skin.
The skin-damaging UV radiation is governed by the erythemal action spectrum, the black line in the adjacent figure.
This spectrum has been adopted by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) to represent the average skin response over the solar UV spectrum.
Hong Kong Observatory
Further information (28 August 2003):
2) uv_index/uv_information.html
3) uvbginfo.htm
! To set the current time and date, and their display
formats, press and hold the [mode] button for about 2 seconds to select the setting display.
! When the '12Hr' or '24Hr' is flashing, press the
[start/stop] or [lap/reset] button to switch between '12Hr' (12 hour format) and '24Hr' (24 hour format).
! When the 'second' flashes on the display,
press [start/stop] or [lap/reset] button to reset the second to zero.
! If one of the setting items (minute, hour, year,
month, day) is flashing, press the [start/stop] or [lap/reset] button to scroll the setting (hold down the button to scroll the setting faster).
! When the 'M-D' or 'D-M' is flashing, press the
[start/stop] or [lap/reset] button to switch between 'M-D' (month-day) and 'D-M' (day-month).
! When the above settings are finished, press and
hold the [mode] button for about 2 seconds to exit the setting sequence.
! The setting display will change to Current Time
Mode automatically if no key-stoke has been activated for about 3 minutes.
'12' changes to '24'; '24' changes to '12'.
reset Second to zero
or [lap/reset]
or [lap/reset]
[start/stop] or [lap/reset]
the setting
the setting
UV Index
Color Code
Exposure Category
8 - 10
Very High
6 - 7
3 - 5
Moderate Yellow
0 - 2
'day-month' changes to 'month-day'; 'month-day' changes to 'day-month'.
Current Time
Setting Sequence
Wavelength (nm)
Erythemal Weighting Factor
0.0001 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400
Current UV Index
Peak UV Index
UV Index Color Code
UV Index Color Code
[start/stop] *1
Date Display
UV Index Display
(Current UV Index)
UV Index Display
(Peak UV Index)
Day of week
Current Time (hour, minute, second)
Current Time (hour, minute, second)
Current Time (hour, minute, second)
UV Index
Alarm Icon
Peak UVI
Current UV Index represents by bar segments
Peak UV Index represents by bar segments
[start/stop] *2
UV Radiation Exposure Categories Source: World Health Organization
Erythemal Action Spectrum
Source: The International Commission on Illumination
!When you go out in the sun, World Health
Organization (WHO) suggests taking the following protective measures against UV radiation:
World Health Organization
1) Limit exposure during midday hours.
2) Seek shade.
3) Wear protective clothing.
4) Wear a broad-brimmed hat to protect the eyes, face and neck.
5) Protect the eyes with wrap-around-design sunglasses or sunglass with side panels.
6) Use and reapply broad-spectru sunscreen of sun protection factor (SPF) 15+ liberally.
7) Avoid tanning beds.
8) Protect babies and young children.
! ! Hong Kong Observatory
Further information (28-08-2003):
2) euvtoday.htm
! This Watch uses a built-in UV sensor to detect
ambient Ultraviolet radiation which is then converted to UV Index.
! The UV Sensor is the small spot that is located
on the lower part of the dial. Check the previous
'2.0 Parts and Its Functions' Section for the
detail on the location of the UV Sensor.
Notes to UV Measurement
! To make an accurate result, employ the
following steps when taking a UV measurement:
1) Position the UV Sensor directly to the source of radiation, for example the Sun.
2) Avoid sheltering the UV Sensor unintentionally.
3) Rotate the Watch slowly and search for the maximum reading.
4) Clean the lens of the Watch with a soft cloth before the measurement, this practice allows NO dirt or dust sheltering the UV sensor.
! During the first five minutes of UV Index Mode, the
Watch needs two seconds to get a reading.
! After the first five minutes of UV Index Mode, the
Watch needs 10 seconds to get a reading.
! The UV Index Mode includes two functional
displays. They are the Current UV Index Display and Peak UV Index Display.
Current UV Index Display
! The Current UV Index Bar Segment displays on
the upper row of the display. The Cu rren t UV Index and UV Index Alarm Indicator display on the lower row of the display.
Note: When this display has been selected, and then the watch returns to Current Time Mode: the Current UV Index Bar Segment and Current UV Index will display if UV Index Display is selected.
Peak UV Index Display
! The Peak UV Index Bar Segment appears on the
upper row of the display. The Peak UV Index and the UV Index Alarm Indicator appear on the lower row of the display.
Note: When this display has been selected, and then the watch returns to Current Time Mode: the Peak UV Index Bar Segment and Peak UV Index will display if UV Index Display is selected.
To Select between the Current and Peak UV Index Display
! Press the [start/stop] button once to select
between the Current UV Index Display and Peak UV Index Display.
UV Index Bar Segment
! To provide user a quick concept about the Current
and Peak UV Indexes, this Watch exhibits them by displaying a different number of bar segments on the upper row of the display.
! Whether the Current or Peak UV Index Bar
Segment appear on the upper row of the display, one exhibited bar segment equals one UV Index. For example, if there are 5 bar segments displayed on the upper row of the display, the UV Index is 5.
UV Index Color Code
Read the color code of a UV index by checking the color background of the right-most exhibited UV index bar segment. For example, if there are 5 bar segments displayed on the upper row of the display, the color code is Yellow.
! As categorized by the World Health Organization,
each UV index is matched with a color code. Check the previous '5.1 UV Index Range, Exposure Category and Color Code' Section for more detail on the Color Code.
! To provide user a quick concept about the color
code of the current and peak UV index, this Watch also printed green, yellow, red (stand for orange and red) and purple color on the display.
5.2 UV Index Mode - Basic Sun Protection Messages
5.3 UV Index Mode - How UV is Sensing
5.4 UV Index Mode - Current & Peak UV Index Display
5.5 UV Index Mode - How to Read UV Index Bar Segment & Color Code
Current UV Index
Peak UV Index
UV Index Color Code
UV Index Mode
(Current UV Index Display)
UV Index Mode
(Peak UV Index Display)
UV Alarm
Current UV Index
bar segment
Peak UV Index
bar segment
Check The
Uv Index
Position the
UV Sensor
directly to
the source
and Loose-fitting
Rotate the
Watch Slowly
and Search for
Maximum Reading
Wear UV
Stay Away
From The Sun
If the UV Index is
Very High
Avoid Shelter the UV Sensor Unintentionally
Wear a Broad Brim Hat or Use An Umbrella
Clean the lens
of the Watch with
a Soft Cloth before
the measurement
Apply UV
Blocking Lotion
Protect Babies
Young Child
Peak UV Index
Current UV Index
UV Index Bar Segment
UV Index Bar Segment & Color Code
2 Bar Segments; hence UV Index = 2
5 Bar Segments; hence UV Index = 5
UV Index = 5
Color Code: Yellow
UV Index Color Code
the Sun
Ultraviolet Radiation
How UV is Sensing
Notes to UV Measurement
UV Index
the Watch
UV Sensor
The color code categorized by the World Health Organization
+ 5 hidden pages