Kyocera TASKALFA 5550CI, TASKALFA 3050CI, TASKALFA 3550CI, TASKALFA 4550CI User Manual

Kyocera TASKALFA 5550CI, TASKALFA 3050CI, TASKALFA 3550CI, TASKALFA 4550CI User Manual

Legal Notes

Unauthorized reproduction of all or part of this guide is prohibited.

The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.

We cannot be held liable for any problems arising from the use of this product, regardless of the information herein.

Regarding Trademarks

Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. KPDL is a trademark of Kyocera Corporation. PCL is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.

All other brand and product names herein are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

User interface screen captures shown in this guide may differ depending on your printing system.

Examples of the operations given in this guide support the Windows 7 printing environment. Essentially the same operations are used for Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008 environments.

© 2011 KYOCERA MITA Corporation

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction


System Requirements ...................................................................................................................


Protocols .................................................................................................................................


Web Browser ...........................................................................................................................


Accessing the Embedded Server ..................................................................................................


Chapter 2 The Embedded Server Home Page


Login .............................................................................................................................................


Top Bar .........................................................................................................................................


Navigation Menu ...........................................................................................................................


Status Displays .............................................................................................................................


Chapter 3

About Login



Levels of Login ..............................................................................................................................


Chapter 4

Document Box



Custom Box ..................................................................................................................................



Adding a New Custom Box ......................................................................................................



Editing a Custom Box ..............................................................................................................



Working with a Custom Box .....................................................................................................



Deleting a Custom Box ............................................................................................................



FAX Box .......................................................................................................................................



Adding a New FAX Box ...........................................................................................................



Editing a FAX Box ...................................................................................................................



Working with a FAX Box ..........................................................................................................



Deleting a FAX Box .................................................................................................................



Polling Box ...................................................................................................................................



Polling Box Property ................................................................................................................



Deleting Documents in Polling Box ..........................................................................................



Printing Documents in Polling Box ...........................................................................................


Chapter 5

Address Book



Contacts ........................................................................................................................................



Adding a New Contact .............................................................................................................



Editing a Contact .....................................................................................................................



Deleting a Contact ...................................................................................................................



Groups ..........................................................................................................................................



Adding a New Group ...............................................................................................................



Editing a Group ........................................................................................................................



Deleting a Group .....................................................................................................................


Chapter 6

Settings Pages



Start Page .....................................................................................................................................




Start > Status (Device/Printer Status Page) ............................................................................


Start > Status Pages ................................................................................................................


Start > Information ...................................................................................................................


Basic Page ....................................................................................................................................


Basic > Defaults > Network .....................................................................................................


Basic > Defaults > Time ...........................................................................................................


Basic > Defaults > Reset .........................................................................................................


Basic > Defaults > Device Defaults .........................................................................................


Basic > Security > Device Security > General .........................................................................


Basic > Security > Device Security > Interface Block ..............................................................


Basic > Security > Device Security > Network Security ...........................................................


Basic > Security > User Login .................................................................................................


Basic > Security > Certificates .................................................................................................


Printer Page ................................................................................................................................


Printer > Summary of Network Printer Access Methods ........................................................


Printer > System ....................................................................................................................


Printer > System > APL.Filter (Japan only) ............................................................................


Printer > System > APL.Filter Parameters (Japan only) ........................................................


Printer > Media Input .............................................................................................................


Printer > Document Output ....................................................................................................


Scanner Page .............................................................................................................................


Scanner > Defaults ................................................................................................................


Scanner > FTP ......................................................................................................................


Scanner > SMB .....................................................................................................................


Scanner > E-mail ...................................................................................................................


Scanner > Send and Forward ................................................................................................


Scanner > i-FAX ....................................................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX Page ........................................................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > Common > Defaults ........................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > Common > Transmit .......................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > Common > Receive ........................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > Common RX/Forward Requirements > General .............................................


Setting Destinations ..............................................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > FAX > Defaults ................................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > FAX > Receive ................................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > FAX > FAX Restrictions > General .................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > FAX > FAX Restrictions > Permit Number List ................................................


FAX / i-FAX > FAX > FAX Restrictions > Permit ID List .........................................................


FAX / i-FAX > FAX > FAX Restrictions > Reject Number List ................................................


FAX / i-FAX > FAX > Encryption Key .....................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > Defaults ..............................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > SMTP .................................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > POP3 .................................................................................................


FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > Domain Restrictions > General ..........................................................


FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > Domain Restrictions > SMTP Restriction List ....................................


FAX / i-FAX > i-FAX > Domain Restrictions > POP3 Restriction List .....................................


Advanced Page ...........................................................................................................................


Advanced > Network Protocol Quick Summary/Secure Protocol Quick Summary ................


Advanced > Protocols > TCP/IP > General ...........................................................................


Advanced > Protocols > TCP/IP > IP Filters ..........................................................................


Advanced > Protocols > TCP/IP > Logical Printers ...............................................................


Advanced > Protocols > NetWare .........................................................................................


Advanced > Protocols > IPP ..................................................................................................


Advanced > Protocols > ThinPrint .........................................................................................


Advanced > Protocols > AppleTalk ........................................................................................


Advanced > Protocols > NetBEUI ..........................................................................................


Advanced > E-mail > SMTP > General ..................................................................................



User Guide

Advanced > E-mail > SMTP > E-mail Recipient # .................................................................


Advanced > E-mail > POP3 > General ..................................................................................


Advanced > E-mail > POP3 > User # ....................................................................................


Advanced > Management > SNMP > SNMPv1/v2c ..............................................................


Advanced > Management > SNMP > SNMPv3 .....................................................................


Advanced > Management > LDAP > General .......................................................................


Advanced > Management > LDAP > Ext Address Book ........................................................


Advanced > Management > Authentication > General ..........................................................


Advanced > Management > Authentication > Network User Property ...................................


Advanced > Management > Authentication > Group Authorization Set. ................................


Advanced > Management > IC-Card Settings .......................................................................


Advanced > Management > Notification/Maintenance > Maintenance Notification ...............


Advanced > Management > Maintenance Notification > Sending Log History ......................


Advanced > Security > Secure Protocols ..............................................................................


Advanced > Security > IEEE802.1x .......................................................................................


Advanced > Security > IPSec > General ...............................................................................


Advanced > Security > IPSec > Rule1 (to Rule3) ..................................................................


Advanced > Link > HyPAS Device Online .............................................................................


Chapter 7 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................




1 Introduction

Command Center RX (Remote eXtension), which will hereafter be referred to as the embedded server, refers to the web server that is built into the printing device. It allows you to verify the operating status of the device and make settings related to security, network printing, E-mail transmission and advanced networking.

With the embedded server, the administrator can remotely track paper and toner usages per user and the status of optional equipment installed. The embedded server also configures device settings, monitors jobs, and manages document boxes and address books.

System Requirements

The embedded server operates in the following environment. Check the following before use.


The TCP/IP protocol is installed on the PC.

An IP address is assigned to the printing system.

Web Browser

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later (Microsoft Internet Explorer operates on Microsoft Windows XP/ Vista/7, and Microsoft Windows Server 2003/2008.)

Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or later

Safari 4.0 or later (Safari operates on Apple Mac OS X 10.4 or later.)

Accessing the Embedded Server


Access the embedded server by entering the printing system's host name or IP


address in a web browser. Obtain the IP address from your network




Open a web browser.


Enter the device's host name or IP address as the URL. For example,

The embedded server's home page will be accessed and displayed. The home page requests a User name and Password. For initial login, use the predefined Admin as the User Name, and Admin as the Password. This is set up internally.

For successive logins use any login name or password set up later in the embedded server. Refer to Advanced > Management > Authentication > General on page 6-42.


User Guide



2The Embedded Server Home Page

The embedded server's home page allows you to select a category from the navigation menu on the left to view and set values for that category, as well as displaying information on the device, user, and consumables on the right, which changes according to the selection in the navigation menu.


To fully access the features of the embedded server pages, enter the User Name and Password and click Login. Entering the predefined administrator password allows the user to access all pages, including Document Box, Address Book, and Settings on the navigation menu.

To access the embedded server pages, the users can be identified by choosing one of network authentication, local authentication, and job accounting authentication methods. For details, see Levels of Login on page 3-1.

Top Bar

At the top of the home page, you can perform the following:


User Guide

The Embedded Server Home Page


To quickly return to this home page (top page) from any other server page, click Home.

Select language

The embedded server supports multiple languages. To change the language that the embedded server is displayed in, open the language drop down list and select the appropriate language. If you attempt to view the embedded server with a character set other than the language that is used on the operation panel's display, some characters may be garbled.


To continuously update the embedded server's pages to the most recent status, select the Auto-Refresh check box.


Click this circular arrow icon to refresh the embedded server pages any time.

Navigation Menu

The navigation menu at the left of the home page divides the following functions onto separate bars. By clicking each bar, you can jump to the desired page as outlined below:

My Information

My Information is accessible only when you have logged in the embedded server with a general user or administrator privilege. This page summarizes the general settings to which access is granted by the general user. This depends on the scope of the user's or group's privileges. For example, if a user is allowed access to the document box, he/she can add or delete documents in the document box shown in My Information.

Device Information

This page includes this machine's various information that apply to the entire machine, such as Device Defaults, Basic Networking as well as model, optional equipment installed, firmware, network parameters, FAX parameters, and information on the supported browsers.

Job Status

This page includes information on all device jobs including job status for printing, scanning, storing, and scheduled as well as job log. After clicking on Job Status, information is available in the following job status pages:

Printing Job Status, Sending Job Status, Storing Job Status

Displays details on each job. You can narrow details you need by pulling down Type. Click Refresh above to update details. Click Cancel Job to abort the job. To see details on each job on the log, click Number or Name of the job.

Scheduled Jobs (when FAX is installed)

This page is populated with FAX jobs currently scheduled for transmission. Click Refresh to update the list. Click Cancel Job to remove the FAX job from the list to abort.

Printing Job Log, Sending Job Log, Storing Job Log

Displays logs to track jobs of each type. You can narrow details by pulling down Type. Click Refresh at the right end of the Top Bar to update the list of logs. To see details on each job on the log, click Number or Name of the job.

Document Box



The Embedded Server Home Page

This page allows you to add, edit, or delete a document box, and delete documents in a document box. Document boxes include Custom Boxes, Fax Boxes, and Polling Boxes. For more information, see page 4-1.

Address Book

This page allows you to add, edit, or delete of a contact address or a group of addresses. For more information see page 5-1.


This page includes advanced settings that apply to the entire device, including primarily advanced network settings and security settings. For more information see page 6-1.


Links to the Kyocera Mita Corporation websites. Visit the following website for more information and downloads.

Download Drivers and Software

For downloading printer drivers and software:

About Kyocera Mita

For more information about products:

Status Displays

The home page displays information on the status of the device, operation panel usage, and consumables, to the right of the page. This page allows you to quickly verify the device's current settings and statuses.

Device Status

Shows the operating status of the printer, scanner, and FAX.

Operation Panel Usage

Shows the user currently logged in the device from the operation panel and its operating status. Note that settings made using the operation panel may override those made using the embedded server.


Shows the size, type, maximum capacity, and the current supply by paper source.


Shows the toner supply by color. The status of the waste toner box is also given.

Optional Equipment Status

Shows the status of the optional devices, such as the amount of the remaining staples and the punch waste.


User Guide

3 About Login

This section provides information to help the administrator manage domain and local users. The administrator can set authentication that allows the predefined users to access the embedded server pages and set administrator passwords.

Levels of Login

An administrator can configure the device to require a user login before it is accessed in either of three different ways of authentication described below.

If you select local or network authentication, User Login must be turned on.

The default user name and password, or the local administrator account when

User Login is turned off, is Admin.

Local Authentication

Users are registered in this device and one-to-one authentication is performed between this printing system and a PC. A local account user accesses the embedded server by entering User Name and Password and selecting Local in the drop-down list (if shown) below the entries, followed by clicking the Login button.

A user logged in with an administrator privilege can gain access to My

Information, Device Information, Job Status, Document Box, Address

Book, Settings and Links on the navigation menu.

A user logged in with a general user account cannot add or delete document boxes, nor view the Address Book and Settings pages.

To add, delete or configure a locally authenticated user, refer to Basic >

Security > User Login on page 6-8.

Network Authentication

In the case where the device is configured for network authentication, the device and the relevant PC's need to be under the management of a Windows domain network. Enter User Name and Password and select the domain you want to login in the drop-down list.

Once you have logged in with an administrator privilege, you can access to

My Information, Device Information, Job Status, Document Box,

Address Book, Settings and Links on the navigation menu.

A user logged in with a general user account cannot add or delete document boxes, nor view the Address Book and Settings pages.

To add, delete or configure a network authenticated user, refer to Advanced > Management > Authentication > General on page 6-42.

Authentication Using Job Account ID

In the case where the device is configured for job accounting but not for User Login, a user can be authenticated by his/her job account ID. Enter the job account ID in Account Login and click Login.

If a user is registered as an administrator on the User Login user list (Refer to Basic > Security > User Login on page 6-8.), he/she can select either

Account Login or Administrator Login.



About Login

For access using a job account ID, My Information, Device Information,

Job Status, Document Box, Address Book, and Links are displayed in the navigation menu.


User Guide

4 Document Box

This page is accessible when you have logged in using a general user or administrator account. It allows you to add or delete a document box, as well as deleting documents in a document box. A general user is not allowed to add or delete a document box.

There are three types of document boxes: Custom Box, FAX Box, and Polling Box as described below. Note that FAX Box and Polling Box are available only if the device is equipped with a FAX kit.

The users with a general user account can delete the documents which were created and added in their own document boxes.

Custom Box

The section below explains how to add, edit or delete custom boxes as well as working with their contents.

Adding a New Custom Box

1 Click Custom Box under Document Box on the navigation menu.




Click Add. The New Box - Property page will open.

Make entries required to define the custom box, such as Number, Name, etc.

Click Submit.

Editing a Custom Box





Click Custom Box under Document Box on the navigation menu.

Select the custom box you want to edit by clicking on its Number or Box Name. The documents contained in the custom box are displayed with its name, date of creation, size, etc. You can choose List View or Thumbnail to view the box contents.

Alternatively, you can open the list of the user boxes, directly enter the box number in the Box # window and click Go to, or enter the box name in the Box Name window and click the magnifying glass icon, to quickly search the custom box.

Click Box Property. The Property page opens.

Make entries required to modify the custom box properties such as Number, Name, etc.



Document Box

5 Click Submit.

Working with a Custom Box


You can delete, move, copy, join, download, E-mail or print documents in the


custom box.


First select the document to apply any of the above actions by following the


steps below:


Click Document Box, then Custom Box which will open below on the


navigation menu.


Select the custom box you want to work with by clicking on its Number or Box


Name. If the box is password-protected, enter the password to proceed. The


documents contained in the custom box are displayed with its name, date of


creation, size, etc. You can choose List View or Thumbnail to view the box




Alternatively, you can open the list of the user boxes, directly enter the box


number in the Box # window and click Go to, or enter the box name in the Box


Name window and click the magnifying glass icon, to quickly search the custom




In the custom box, select the check box next to the name of the document that


you want to apply the action. You can select multiple documents




Deleting a Document

Select the document to delete as described above.

Click Delete.

Moving a Document from Box to Box



Select the document to move as described above.

Click Move. The Move Settings page opens. The files selected are shown in

Selected Files.


Select the box to move the document to in Destination. If the box is password-


protected, enter the password.


Click Move. The document is moved to the box.


Copying a Document to Box



Select the document to copy as described above.

Click Copy. The Copy Settings page opens. The files selected are shown in

Selected Files.


User Guide


Document Box


Select the box to store the copied document in Destination. If the box is


password-protected, enter the password.


Click Copy. The document is copied into the box.


Joining Documents in One




Select the documents to join as described above.

Click Join. The Join Settings page opens. The files selected are shown in

Selected Files.

If desired, change the order of the documents to be joined by clicking Top, Up, Down, and Bottom. You can exclude a document from the Selected Files list by clicking Delete.


Name the new document which the documents selected are joined in File




Click Join. The documents are joined in the new document.


Downloading a Document to PC


Select a document you want to download and store into your PC as described


above. You can download only one document at a time.


Click Download. The Download Settings page opens. The selected file is


shown in Selected Files.


Use the Color Selection drop-down list if you want to change the color of the


document after downloading. For example, you can download a color document


as a monochrome document when it is stored in PC.


Use the File Format drop-down list to choose the type of the document you


want to download.


Click Download to begin downloading. Enter the name and destination of the


document as you are prompted.

Note: If downloading is interrupted by the web browser's pop-up blocking, perform the following:

• For example, on Internet Explorer 8, go to Tools > Pop-up Blocker > Turn Off Pop-up Blocker to turn off pop-up blocking. Or, go to Pop-up Blocker Settings and enter the print system's IP address in Allowed sites.

• If pop-up blocking is still engaged, on Internet Explorer 8, go to Tools >

Internet Options > Security > Custom level > Downloads > Automatic prompting for file downloads and select Enable.

• If downloading won't complete, try to turn off SmartScreen Filter by browsing to Tools > SmartScreen Filter > Turn Off SmartScreen Filter on Internet Explorer 8.



Document Box


Sending a Document to a Destination


Select a document you want to send as described above. You can send only


one document at a time.


Click Send. The Send Settings page opens. The selected file is shown in


Selected Files.


In Destination, select a destination from Address Book, E-mail, Folder, FAX


and i-FAX.


To select a destination, select Address Boox to display the destinations


currently registered (depending on E-mail, Folders, FAX, i-FAX, or Groups).


Note, however, FAX is not displayed if the entry of new addresses is prohibited


in the device's system menu.


To delete a destination from Destinations, click Delete.


Use the Color Selection drop-down list if you want to change the color of the


document to send. For example, you can send a color document as a

monochrome document.



Name the document in File Name.

Enter the date of sending and job ID in Additional Information. These entries are appended in the file name.


Use the File Format drop-down list to select the type of the document you want


to send.


Click Send. If you are prompted to confirm sending, in case Confirmation


Screen is activated on the device's operation panel, make confirmation. The

document is sent to the destination.






Printing a Document

Select the document(s) to print as described above.

Click Print. The Print Settings page opens. The files selected are shown in

Selected Files.

If desired, change the order of the documents to be printed by clicking Top, Up, Down, and Bottom. You can exclude a document from the Selected Files list by clicking Delete.

Enter the number of copies to print in Copies.

Use the Color Selection drop-down list if you want to change the color of the document when it is printed.

6 In Functions, change settings for Duplex, EcoPrint, Toner Save Level as desired.


User Guide


Document Box


Click Print. The document is printed.

Deleting a Custom Box


Click Custom Box under Document Box on the navigation menu. The Custom


Boxes page opens. Click All Boxes to show all custom boxes present in the


device, and click My Boxes to show only the custom boxes of your own.


Click Delete once. This will not delete any custom box yet, but this will let the


checkboxes (Select) appear to the left.


Select the custom box you want to delete by selecting the checkbox to the left.


You can select only one custom box to delete at a time.


You can enter the box name in the Box Name window and click the magnifying


glass icon to quickly search the custom box.


Click Delete.


The section below explains how to add, edit or delete FAX boxes as well as working with their contents.

Adding a New FAX Box




Click Document Box > FAX Box in the navigation menu.

Click Add and enter descriptions for the FAX Box.

Click Submit.

Editing a FAX Box






Click FAX Box under Document Box on the navigation menu.

Select the FAX Box you want to edit by clicking on its Number or Box Name. The documents contained in the FAX Box are displayed with its name, date of creation, size, etc. You can choose List View or Thumbnail to view the box contents.

Alternatively, you can directly enter the box number in the Box # window and click Go to, or enter the box name in the Box Name window and click the magnifying icon, to quickly search the FAX Box.

Click Box Property. The Property page will appear.

Make entries required to modify the FAX Box properties such as Number, Name, etc.

Click Submit.



Document Box

Working with a FAX Box



Click FAX Box under Custom Box in the navigation menu.

Select the FAX Box you want to work with by clicking on its Number or Box Name. If the box is password-protected, enter the password to proceed. The documents contained in the FAX Box are displayed with its name, date of creation, size, etc. You can choose List View or Thumbnail to view the box contents.

Alternatively, you can directly enter the box number in the Box # window and click Go to, or enter the box name in the Box Name window and click the magnifying glass icon, to quickly search the FAX Box.


In the FAX Box, select the check box next to the name of the document that you


want to apply the action. You can select more than one document




Select either of Delete, Download, and Print to apply to the document. To


perform any of these actions, follow the same procedure as described in


Working with a Custom Box on page 4-2.

Deleting a FAX Box


Click FAX Box under Document Box in the navigation menu. The FAX Boxes


page opens. Click All Boxes to show all custom boxes present in the device,


and click My Boxes to show only the custom boxes created under your




Click Delete once. This will not delete any FAX Box yet but this will let check


boxes (Select) appear to the left.


Select the FAX Box you want to delete by selecting the check box to the left.

You can check only one custom box to delete at a time. You can enter the box name in the Box Name window and click the magnifying glass icon to quickly search the custom box.


Polling Box

Click Delete. If required, enter the password and click OK.

This page allows you to print or delete documents in polling boxes. Also, you can determine whether documents are automatically deleted or retained after polling.

Polling Box Property

Polling Box Property determines after the document has been sent, whether you want the document to be automatically deleted or to be retained (overwritten).

1 Click Document Box, then Polling Box which opens below on the navigation menu. The Polling Box page opens.


User Guide


Document Box


Click Box Property. The Polling Box - Property opens to select whether the


document which was sent is deleted, or overwritten and retained.


To configure the box so that documents are overwritten at updating, set


Overwrite Setting to On. To configure the box so that documents are

automatically deleted after transmission, set Delete after Transmit to On.

4 Click Submit.

Deleting Documents in Polling Box


To delete documents in a polling box, proceed as follows:


Click Document Box, then Polling Box which opens below on the navigation


menu. The Polling Box page opens. You can choose List View or Thumbnail


to view the box contents. To view details on a document in the polling box, click


its Name. The Property page opens and you can view the number of pages,


resolution, etc. You can also change the file name by clicking Change File


Name or preview by clicking Preview on this page.


Select the document(s) you want to delete by selecting the check box to the left.


You can select more than one check box to delete the documents




Click Delete.

Printing Documents in Polling Box


To print documents in a polling box, proceed as follows:


Click Document Box, then Polling Box which opens below on the navigation


menu. The Polling Box page will appear. You can choose List View or


Thumbnail to view the box contents. To view details on a document in the


polling box, click its Name. The Property page will appear and you can view the


number of pages, resolution, etc. You can also change the file name by clicking


Change File Name or preview by clicking Preview on this page.


Select the document(s) you want to print by checking the checkbox to the left.


You can select more than one checkbox to print the documents in succession.



Click Print. The Basic submenu will open.

You can immediately start to print the documents in the order shown in Selected Files by clicking Print. If you want to change the order of printing, highlight a document and press Top, Up, etc. If you want to omit a document from the list, press Delete.

5 Press Print.



5 Address Book

This page is accessible when you have logged in the embedded server with an administrator privilege.


This section explains how to add, edit or delete contacts in the address book.

In the Addresses page, contacts and groups are listed together. Contacts are identified by the 'single-person' icon and groups by the 'triple-person' icon. You can filter the display for contacts or groups by choosing Contact or Group on the Type drop-down list.

Adding a New Contact




Click Address Book in the navigation menu. The Addresses page appears.

Click Add Contact. The New Contact - Property page opens.

Enter the contact's Number, Name and E-mail.

You can also enter SMB and FTP access information for the contact. Specify Host Name, Port Number, Path to the shared folder, Login User Name, and Login Password for the contact.

If the FAX system is installed or i-FAX is activated in the system, you can include a FAX number and/or i-FAX address.

4 Click Submit to complete. To cancel, click Back.

Editing a Contact



The steps below allow you to modify the number or name, e-mail address, SMB and FTP information, FAX and i-FAX settings of a contact.

Click Address Book in the navigation menu. The Addresses page appears.

Select the contact you want to edit by clicking its Number or Name. The Property page appears.

Alternatively, you can directly enter the address number in the Address # window and click Go to, or enter the contact name in the Address Name window and click the magnifying glass icon, to quickly search the contact.


Modify Number, Name, or E-mail of the contact. If the system is installed with a


FAX system or has i-FAX activated, you can modify these settings.


Modify the settings for SMB and FTP accesses as desired.


User Guide

Address Book

5 Click Submit. To cancel, click Back.

Deleting a Contact



Click Address Book in the navigation menu. The Addresses page appears.

Select the contact(s) you want to delete by selecting the checkbox to the left.

If you want all contacts displayed on the page deleted, click Check All. To deselect all, click None.

3 Click Delete.


This page allows you to add, edit or delete groups of contacts. In the Addresses page, contacts and groups are listed together. Contacts are identified by the 'single-person' icon and groups by the 'triple-person' icon. You can filter the display for contacts or groups by choosing Contact or Group on the Type drop-down list.

Adding a New Group




Click Address Book in the navigation menu. The Addresses page appears.

Click Add Group. The New Group - Property page opens.

Enter the group's Number, or leave it to the system to automatically assign a number, and the group's Name.


Add contacts to the group by clicking the plus sign (+). The Addresses page




Select the contact to join in the group by selecting the Select checkbox to the


left. You can select more than one checkbox at a time. Note that the contacts to


join must already have been existent on the Addresses page.


Click Submit. You are returned to the Property page. To delete a contact, click


the X sign.


Click Submit again. Repeat the above steps to add more groups.

Editing a Group


Click Address Book in the navigation menu. The Addresses page appears.


Select the group you want to edit by clicking its Number or Name. The


Property page of the group opens.

Alternatively, you can directly enter the group's Number in Address # window and click Go to, or the group's Name in the Address Name window and click the magnifying glass icon to search by name.



Address Book





Modify the group's Number and Name as desired.

To add new contacts to the group, click the plus sign (+). The Addresses page appears.

Select the contact to join in the group by selecting the Select checkbox to the left. You can select more than one checkbox at a time.

You can filter contacts by selecting E-mail, Folder, FAX, or i-FAX on the Type drop-down list.

Click Submit to add the contacts. You are returned to the Property page.

To delete a contact, click the X sign.

Deleting a Group



Click Address Book on the navigation menu. The Addresses page appears.

Select the group(s) you want to delete by selecting the check box to the left.

If you want all groups displayed on the page deleted, click Check All. To deselect all, click None.

Note: Deleting a group does not delete the contacts joined in the group.

3 Click Delete. To cancel, click Back.


User Guide

6 Settings Pages

The Settings page divides the following functions onto separate pages. You can jump to the desired pages by clicking the tab located at the top of each page. The following is an outline of each page accessed, described on the page as indicated below.

Start Page

This page allows you to verify the device’s current settings and, depending on model, current operating status. For details, see page 6-1.

Basic Page

This page includes settings that apply to the entire device, such as Device

Defaults, Security, and Basic Networking. For details, see page 6-4.

Printer Page

This page includes settings that apply to the printing function of the device, such as Default Print Resolution and Copy Count. For details, see page 6- 11.

Scanner Page

This page includes settings that apply to the scanning function of the device, such as Default Scan Resolution and Original Placement. For details, see page 6-13.

FAX/i-FAX Page

This page includes settings that apply to the FAX function of the device, such as FAX transmit and receive settings. For details, see page 6-17.

Advanced Page

This page includes advanced settings that apply to the entire device and is comprised primarily of advanced network settings. For details, see page 6- 29.

Start Page

The Start page lets you view to verify the following information of the device. To gain access to this page, an administrator privilege is required.

Verifying the device's operating status

Verifying various settings (device, printing, FAX, scanning, network and E- mail)

Verifying the number of scanned pages and the number of prints made on the device

Start > Status (Device/Printer Status Page)

The Device/Printer Status Page will be the first screen that appears after you clicked on Settings on the home page. This page allows you to view status for various functions on the device.

Device Details



Settings Pages

This indicates the device's model, serial number, asset number, firmware information, etc.

Device Settings

This shows whether the administrator password is defined, the language the embedded server is displayed in, and the status of Auto Sleep, A4-Letter override, and Auto Error.

Device Options

This provides you with the information on installation of optional hardware equipment, such as a document processor.

Printer Settings

System information on the printing system is displayed, allowing you to verify the resolution, number of copies, gloss mode, EcoPrint mode, etc.


This shows the time of day set in the printing system.

Media Input

This shows the size and media type for the paper loaded in the MP tray and the cassettes.

Document Output

This shows stack mode of each paper output devices. Face down delivers printed pages in forward order, whereas, Face up delivers printed pages in reverse order.


This shows the total memory installed in the printing system in megabytes.

Advanced Options

This provides you with the information on advanced features currently installed in the printing system. This includes Security Kit, Fax Kit, Card Reader, etc.

Start > Status Pages

These pages allow you to verify the various settings (device, printing, scanning, network and E-mail) that were made on the operation panel or using the embedded server.

It is divided by the following items.







Network > General

This allows you to verify the current settings for LDAP, TCP/ IP, IPP, IPP over SSL, AppleTalk, NetBEUI, IPv4, and IPv6. For more information, refer to Advanced Page on page 6-29.

Network > IP Filters


User Guide

+ 53 hidden pages