Kyocera TASKalfa 250, TASKalfa300, TASKalfa400, TASKalfa500ci SERVICEBULLETINS 2H7 001

Service Bulletin
SB Number:
SB 2H7-001
Kyocera recommended compact ash cards are not recognized
Creation Date: 04/08/2009
Phenomenon The following compact ash cards recommended by Kyocera, may not be recognized.
Kingston CF/32, CF/24, CF/16 and CF/8 (Number after the “/” is the CF capacity in MB)
SST SST48CF032, SST48CF016 and SST48CF008 (number after the “CF” is the CF capacity in MB)
Solution The capacitor C53 at the PWB KUIO IF has been changed to make sure that the power source on
the KUIO PCB boots up, after the power source at the main PCB is nished booting.
Parts No. Old Parts No. New Parts
1 302H794030
302H794031 2H794031
Description Q’TY Interchange-
Old New Old New
1 1 O O O
Field measure Please use other recommended CF cards then the ones mentioned above.
Affected serial numbers
Entire stock rework
If the CF card you are using is among the CF cards mentioned above, please replace the parts PWB KUIO IF assy sp with.
Type Serial number
TASKalfa250ci/300ci/400ci/500ci December 2008 production
In-eld modication at next visit
In-eld modication by case
No modication necessary
KMIS Service Department, Kyocera Mita Europe 8679 / SB 2H7-001
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Service Bulletin
Figure 29 Electrical Components 3 of the parts list
Parts PWB KUIO IF assy SP 302H794030
Cont box 302H739010
Parts PWB main assy SP 302H794010/302JZ94010
Parts PWB KUIO IF assy SP 302H794030 Recognizing if the Parts PWB KUIO
IF assy is old or new type
Old marking at 1 and 2
New marking at 3 and 4 (3 and 4 added)
Old silk print is “0” and New silk print is “1”
KMIS Service Department, Kyocera Mita Europe 8679 / SB 2H7-001
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