Firmware Upgrade (Upgrade Pack MAIN V13.01)
TASKalfa500ci, TASKalfa400ci, TASKalfa300ci, TASKalfa250ci
KDCās Classification Entire Stock Rework In-Field modification at next visit
In-Field modification by case No modification necessary
Field Measure: Please upgrade the firmware when the problem described below arises.
Serial Nos. of the Affected Machines: No production is planned.
Fax System(Q)/(S)C MIX *5
PF-720/720B (Two cassettes)
DF-760/760B (3000) MIDDLE
MT-720/720B (3000)MAIL BOX
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2H7-0094 (C295)
<Date> November 5, 2012
The firmware was upgraded as follows.
Content of Changes Please refer to the next page and after.
For the KM sales companies, it is possible to download the firmware at the download center on the Service World.
When upgrading the firmware or replacing a board, please upgrade all kinds of the firmware (PACK of MAIN
FRAME/ENHANCEMENT) to the latest version at the same time.
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)
Changes and Implementations
Measures against the drum pin
The calibration at toner near end was abolished since it increased the
aging time which causes excess charge to toner if the calibration at
toner near end was executed every time after recovery from the sleep
The main charger roller tends to absorb moisture, and excess current
flows at high humidity where the drum refresh mode is required and it
might cause the drum pin holes. Therefore, 500V of the main charge
voltage (Vpp) is now applied during the drum refresh in order to
evaporate moisture.
The main charger voltage (Vdc) was reviewed.
Measures against the low image
(Decrease of the developer drive
time at warm-up)
The developer drive time was shortened as follows as the measure
against the low image density.
- The developer motor will be turned OFF after completing the main
charge adjustment when warming up at power-up and recovering from
the sleep mode. (Currently, it is driven until the fuser temperature
reaches the Ready temperature.)
Measures against the low image
density at low humidity
<Low-end models only>
TASKalfa 300ci, TASKalfa 250ci
The image density of the TASKalfa 300ci and TASKalfa 250ci might
be decreased in the winter. Therefore, the density adjustment control
for the low humidity environment was corrected.
Measures against the erroneous
BW mode at color toner empty
The BW mode should be automatically cancelled when all emptied
color toner containers were replaced and toners are refilled.
However, the BW mode might be continually applied even after the
color toners are refilled. Therefore, the following change was made.
If the BW mode is not yet cancelled when all toners are refilled after
toner container replacement was detected, the engine firmware will
issue a retry request to cancel the BW mode.
Service Bulletin Ref. No. 2H7-0094 (C295)
<Date> November 5, 2012
*1) Please make sure to upgrade the MAIN and the MMI firmware at the same time. If the firmware is individually upgraded, the
CF000 error may appear, which cannot be cleared at the customer site.
*2) Please note that the default value of U327 (Setting Cassette Heater Control) will be reset to OFF if the firmware is upgrade
to the version 004.001 or later from older version. For more details, please refer to the Service Bulletin SB-2H7-0012-8746).
*3) Please perform AC Calibration in the maintenance mode U464 (Set ID Adjustment Mode) after upgrading the firmware
version to 006.009 or later from older version.
*5) Combined firmware of five kinds of FAX firmware (*4). When downloading the combined firmware, the appropriate firmware
will be installed by detecting the FAX system (Q) or (S)C.
Content of Changes
KYOCERA Document Solutions Europe
Technical Customer Service Division (TCSD)