M P R - 9 8 0 0
Medium Size Systems
THE MPR-9800 PV CONTROLLER is your TOTAL PV controller solution for your
telecommunication, residential and hybrid power needs. TOTAL because we put the
most advanced and innovative features in our basic to advanced controller systems.
The MPR-9800 addresses the TOTAL needs of your batteries as well as your loads.
THE MPR-9800 provides dramatically reduced maintenance costs as well as increased
s u rvivability at your sites.
Kyocera Solar, Inc. provides complete turn-key power system contro l l e r s.
F e a t u re s
• Communication via RS232 Serial Interf a c e
• Advanced MPR-9800 modular Micro - P ro c e s s o r
c o n t rol circ u i t ry to allow flexible controller
c o n f i g u r a t i o n s
• PV power from 35 to 200 amps at 12, 24, 36
and 48VDC
•Two channel subarray staged taper charg e
•Pulse finish charg e
•PV equalizations
• Advanced charging algorithms, EBBM™
•Te m p e r a t u re compensated
• Generator control, Start/Stop voltages
• Load control up to 60 amps
• Complete monitoring capabilities
•B a t t e ry voltage, PV and Load currents,
date and time, Battery and controller temperatures
and all control channel conditions
•L E D ’s - Load, PV, LVA, HVA and GEN
• LCD for viewing monitored paramters
• A l a rm relays, form C voltage fre e
• System Safety
• Reverse polarity pro t e c t e d
• Transient voltage pro t e c t i o n
• Circuit breakers on arrays and Loads
• NEMA 4X enclosure
• Remote communications option
• MAIN battery disconnect option
• Two year limited warr a n t y
M P R - 9 8 0 0
Remote Communication
The MPR-9800 can be equipped with an optional 14,400 baud MODEM which will allow
the user to dial the remote site's MPR using our MPRCOMM software package OR
communications can be accomplished via the RS232 serial interface through your
communication equipment to retrieve the system’s status. This provides a user- f r i e n d l y
i n t e rface to our controllers via your personal computer. This option is one of the most
valuable features the MPR series has to off e r. This communication package allows you
to fully monitor and control your system as if you were physically at the site. Imagine the
money and time that will be save by not having to travel to your remote power system!
Communication Software
K S I ’s new Visual Basic software package will enable the user to communicate with the
MPR-9800 locally or re m o t e l y, using Windows 95 and 98 platforms.
The user-friendly interface allows all system parameter to be monitored and all set points
and controls to be changed.
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
• Voltage: 12 to 48VDC, Neg. or Pos. Gnd
• A rray current: Up to 200 amps
• Load current: Up to 60 amps
• Parasitic load: 30 mA
• Analog inputs: 4
• Digital inputs: 1
• Digital outputs: 6
• Resolution: 8 bit
• Te m p e r a t u re: -40°C to 85°C
• NEMA 4X enclosure 16 in. X 14 in.
• Maximum wire sizes
•B a t t e ry: 2/0
•A rrays: 1/0
•Loads: 1/0
•C o n t rol wire: 14 AW G
• LCD: 2X24 -20°C to 70°C
• Five LED’s
• LVA, HVA and GEN form C output contacts
• UL listed DC rated at 125VDC circuit bre a k e r s
S t a n d a rd MPR-9800 Instrument Panel
480/948-8003 • 800/223-9580
FAX: 480/483-6431
e-mail: industrial@kyocerasolar.com
S t a n d a rd MPR-9800 Power Components