Kyocera KM-C2520, KM-C3225, KM-C3232 Operation Guide

FAX System (N)
General Notice ................................................................................................................................................v
Legal and Safety Information ......................................................................................................................... ix
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... xii
1 Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of
this Fax) ........................................................................................................... 1-1
Main Body Parts .................................................................................................................1-2
Operation Panel ..................................................................................................................1-3
Fax Screens .......................................................................................................................1-4
Preparations .............................................................................................................................1-6
Designating the Type of Phone Line Being Used (Line Type setting) (Inch version only) ..1-6
Turning TTI Transmission ON/OFF (TTI setting) ................................................................1-7
Registering the Information Identifying Your Facsimile (Location Info. setting) ..................1-8
Setting the Current Date and Time (Date & Time setting) ..................................................1-9
Features and Functions of this Fax ........................................................................................1-11
Switching from the Copy Operation Mode to the Fax Operation Mode ............................1-11
What is the Initial Mode? ..................................................................................................1-11
What is the Administrator Number Used For? ..................................................................1-12
When You Press the Reset Key... .....................................................................................1-12
Automatically Clearing the Current Settings (Auto Clear function) ...................................1-12
Using a 3-digit Document Number to Manage Fax Communications
(Document Number) .........................................................................................................1-13
Automatically Engaging the Energy Saving Mode (Auto sleep function) ..........................1-13
Sending a Fax Directly from a Network Computer (Network FAX functions) ...................1-14
Handling 2 Jobs Simultaneously (Dual Access function) .................................................1-15
Sending Multiple Sets of Documents in One Batch (Batch Transmission function) .........1-17
Rotating the Document Image for Transmission (Rotate & Transmit function) .................1-17
Verifying IDs With the Other Party Using F-Codes (F-Code Based Communication) ......1-17
Receiving Documents Even When Paper Has Run Out (Memory Reception function) ...1-18
Rotating Received Data to Fit the Available Paper (Rotate Received Data function) ......1-18
Backing Up Memory Even During a Power Failure (Imaging Memory Backup function) .1-19 Printing Out Received Documents Even During Copying (Fax Priority Printout function) 1-19 Make Copies Even During Printing of an Incoming Fax (Copy Priority Printout function) 1-20
Using a 4-Digit Number to Select the Destination (Abbreviated Numbers) ......................1-20
2 Fax Operation (Basic Use) ............................................................................ 2-1
Sending Documents .................................................................................................................2-2
Receiving Documents Automatically (Automatic Fax Reception) ..........................................2-10
Canceling a Communication ..................................................................................................2-13
Canceling a Memory Transmission (during scanning) ......................................................2-13
Canceling a Memory Transmission (during transmission) ................................................2-13
Canceling a Direct Feed Transmission .............................................................................2-14
Canceling a Reception .....................................................................................................2-14
Entering Characters ...............................................................................................................2-15
What is in the Character Input screen? ............................................................................2-15
How Do I Enter Characters? .............................................................................................2-17
Dialing the Destination Using Only One Key (One-Touch Keys) ............................................2-18
Registering New One-Touch Keys ....................................................................................2-18
Modifying or Deleting Registered Information ..................................................................2-21
Dialing With a One-Touch Key ..........................................................................................2-22
Printing Out a One-Touch Key List ...................................................................................2-23
Dialing the Destination Using Only a 4-Digit Number (Abbreviated Dialing) ..........................2-25
Dialing the Destination Using the Address Book (Address Book) ......................................... 2-27
Searching for a Destination with the Address Book ......................................................... 2-27
How Do I Find a Destination in the Address Book? ......................................................... 2-27
Printing Out a Telephone Directory List ........................................................................... 2-29
Dialing the Same Number Again (Redialing functions) ......................................................... 2-30
Automatic Redialing ......................................................................................................... 2-30
Manual Redialing ............................................................................................................. 2-30
3 Fax Operation (Various Functions) .............................................................. 3-1
Sending 2-Sided Documents (Duplex Transmission) .............................................................. 3-2
Preparing the Next Documents During Another Communication (Standby Transmission) ...... 3-5
Sending the Same Documents to Multiple Destinations (Broadcast Transmission) ................ 3-7
Sending Important Documents Before Others (Interrupt Transmission) .................................. 3-9
Sending Documents at a Specified Time (Communication Using the Timer) .........................3-11
Dialing the Destination With A Registered Number and the Numeric Keys
(Chain Dial Keys) ................................................................................................................... 3-13
Registering New Chain Dial Keys .................................................................................... 3-13
Modifying or Deleting Registered Information .................................................................. 3-15
Dialing With a Chain Dial Key .......................................................................................... 3-16
Managing Information for a Scheduled Communication
(Editing a Communication in Memory) .................................................................................. 3-18
Printing Out a Sample Image of Waiting Documents ....................................................... 3-18
Force-Starting the Communication .................................................................................. 3-19
Deleting the Communication ............................................................................................ 3-19
Modifying the Contents of the Communication ................................................................ 3-20
Initiating the Fax Connection Manually (Manual Fax Transmission) ..................................... 3-23
Initiating the Fax Connection Manually (Manual Fax Reception) .......................................... 3-25
4 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................. 4-1
When the Fax Lamp is Lit ........................................................................................................ 4-2
CAUTIONS before Disconnecting the Power Cord ........................................................... 4-2
If a Power Failure Report is Printed Out ............................................................................ 4-2
If an Error Occurs .................................................................................................................... 4-3
When One of These Message is Displayed ............................................................................ 4-4
Troubleshooting Tables ........................................................................................................... 4-6
5 Other Features of this Fax ............................................................................ 5-1
Automatically Switching Between the Fax and a Telephone (Auto FAX/TEL Switching) ......... 5-2
Automatically Switching Between the Fax and an Answering Machine (TAD Reception) ....... 5-4
Using Different Fax and Telephone Numbers (D.R.D. Reception)
[Available in inch versions only] ............................................................................................... 5-6
Initiating Fax Reception From A Connected Telephone (Remote Switching) .......................... 5-8
Changing the Remote Switching Number .......................................................................... 5-8
Initiating the Reception ...................................................................................................... 5-9
Allowing the Receiving Party to Initiate Reception (Polling Communication) ........................ 5-10
Preparing Documents for a Polling Transmission ............................................................ 5-10
Receiving Documents Using Polling Reception ............................................................... 5-12
Communicating Using F-Codes (F-Code Based Communication) ........................................ 5-14
What F-Codes are used in this fax? ................................................................................ 5-14
What are F-Code Boxes? ................................................................................................ 5-15
Communicating Confidentially (F-Code Based Confidential Communication) ...................... 5-16
Registering New F-Code Confidential Boxes .................................................................. 5-16
Modifying or Deleting F-Code Confidential Boxes ........................................................... 5-17
Sending Documents Using F-Code Based Confidential Transmission ............................ 5-18
Printing Out Documents from an F-Code Confidential Box ............................................. 5-20
Printing Out an F-Code Confidential Box List .................................................................. 5-21
Entering Documents into an F-Code Confidential Box .................................................... 5-22
Receiving Documents from an F-Code Based Bulletin Board ......................................... 5-23
Using a Relay Station to Send Your Documents (F-Code Based Relay Broadcast
Communication) .....................................................................................................................5-26
Registering New F-Code Relay Boxes .............................................................................5-26
Modifying or Deleting F-Code Relay Boxes ......................................................................5-28
Sending Documents as an F-Code Based Relay Broadcast Transmission ......................5-31
Printing Out an F-Code Relay Box List .............................................................................5-33
Having Received Faxes Forwarded to Another Fax Number (Fax Forwarding) ....................5-34
Registering the Fax Forwarding Information ....................................................................5-34
Modifying Registered Fax Forwarding Information ...........................................................5-35
Turning Fax Forwarding ON/OFF .....................................................................................5-36
Dialing Multiple Destinations as a Group (Group Dial Keys) ..................................................5-38
Registering New Group Dial Keys ....................................................................................5-38
Modifying or Deleting Registered Information ..................................................................5-39
Dialing With a Group Dial Key ..........................................................................................5-42
Printing Out a Group Dial List ...........................................................................................5-43
Saving Specific Communication Settings as a Single Program (Program Keys) ...................5-44
Registering New Program Keys .......................................................................................5-44
Modifying or Deleting Registered Information ..................................................................5-46
Using a Program Key .......................................................................................................5-48
Printing Out a Program Dial List .......................................................................................5-49
Restricting Communication To/From Specific Destinations (TX/RX Restriction) ....................5-50
Registering New Permit Fax Numbers .............................................................................5-50
Modifying or Deleting Permit Fax Numbers ......................................................................5-52
Registering New Permit IDs .............................................................................................5-52
Modifying or Deleting Permit IDs ......................................................................................5-53
Registering New Reject Fax Numbers .............................................................................5-54
Modifying or Deleting Reject Fax Numbers ......................................................................5-55
Turning TX/RX Restriction ON/OFF .................................................................................5-56
Communicating with Encrypted Documents (Encrypted Communication) .............................5-58
Registering New Encryption Keys ....................................................................................5-59
Modifying or Deleting Encryption Keys .............................................................................5-60
Registering New Encryption Boxes ..................................................................................5-61
Modifying or Deleting Encryption Boxes ...........................................................................5-63
Performing the Operation at the Transmitting Fax ............................................................5-64
Performing the Operation at the Receiving Fax ...............................................................5-64
Printing Out Documents from an Encryption Box .............................................................5-65
Printing Out an Encryption Key List ..................................................................................5-66
Printing Out an Encryption Box List ..................................................................................5-67
Managing Fax Use by Each Department (Restricted Access) ...............................................5-68
Using the fax with Restricted Access turned ON... ...........................................................5-70
Accessing the Register Screen When Restricted Access is Turned ON ..........................5-70
Accessing the Application Screen When Restricted Access is Turned ON ......................5-71
Accessing the Print Report Screen When Restricted Access is Turned ON ....................5-72
Printing Out a Restricted Access Report ..........................................................................5-73
6 Managing Information About Your Fax Communications .......................... 6-1
Checking the Result of Each Communication (Communication Result Display) .....................6-2
Checking the Result of Transmissions ...............................................................................6-2
Checking the Result of Receptions ....................................................................................6-3
Printing the Different Management Reports/List (Management Reports/Lists Printout) ...........6-4
Printing Out an Activity Report ...........................................................................................6-4
Printing Out a Confirmation Report ....................................................................................6-4
Printing Out a User Setting List ..........................................................................................6-5
7 Various Settings and Registration ............................................................... 7-1
Turning Print Out of Each Report ON/OFF (Print Report setting) ............................................7-2
Turning the Bulletin Board ON/OFF (Bulletin Board setting) ....................................................7-5
Setting the Number of Rings [Auto Fax Reception] (Number of Rings setting) .......................7-6
Making Volume Settings (Volume setting) ................................................................................7-7
Setting the Number of Redial Attempts (Number of Redials setting) ...................................... 7-9
Setting the Document Size for Scanning from the Document Processor
(Scan from DP setting) .......................................................................................................... 7-10
Setting the Default Transmission Mode (TX Mode/Default setting) ........................................7-11
Selecting the Automatic Reception Mode (Receive Mode setting) ........................................ 7-12
Turning Reception Date & Time Print Out ON/OFF (RX Date/Time setting) ......................... 7-14
Selecting the Paper Feed Selection Mode (Fax Paper Feeding Tray setting) ...................... 7-15
Turning Manual Paper Feed ON/OFF (MP Tray setting) ....................................................... 7-17
Turning Duplex Reception ON/OFF (Duplex RX setting) ...................................................... 7-18
Turning 2 in 1 Reception ON/OFF (2 in 1 RX setting) ........................................................... 7-19
Turning Remote Diagnosis ON/OFF (Remote Diagnosis setting) ......................................... 7-20
Registering the Remote Test ID (Remote Test ID setting) ..................................................... 7-21
Receiving faxes at the same size or a reduced size (Reception Size setting) ...................... 7-22
8 Optional Equipment ....................................................................................... 8-1
Optional Memory ..................................................................................................................... 8-2
9 Network FAX Settings .................................................................................. 9-1
Performing the Setup Procedure ............................................................................................. 9-2
Connecting the Fax Machine and the Computer ..................................................................... 9-3
Making the Initial Settings on the Fax Machine ....................................................................... 9-4
Registering the Network FAX Reception Settings ............................................................. 9-4
Turning the Save Transmitted Documents Function ON/OFF ........................................... 9-5
Selecting the File Type ...................................................................................................... 9-5
Adding Information to the NW-FAX File Name (NW-FAX File Add.Info. setting) ............... 9-6
Registering the Network FAX Information ............................................................................... 9-8
Printing Out a Network FAX Settings List .............................................................................. 9-13
10 Reference Information ................................................................................. 10-1
Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 10-2
Character Input Screens ........................................................................................................ 10-3
Paper Size and Priority Feed Chart (Inch version) ................................................................ 10-5
Paper Size and Priority Feed Chart (Metric version) ............................................................. 10-7
Menu Flow Charts ................................................................................................................. 10-9
Error Code Tables .................................................................................................................10-11
Index ................................................................................................................... Index-1

General Notice

Trademark Information
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows ME and Windows XP are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
IBM and IBM PC-AT are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
All other company and product names in this Operation Guide are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. The designations™ and ® are omitted in this guide.
Declarations to European Directives
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY TO 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 93/68/EEC and 1999/5/EC
We declare under our sole responsibility that the product to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following specifications.
Limits and methods of measurement for immunity characteristics of information technology equipment
Limits and methods of measurement for radio interference characteristics of information technology equipment
Limits for harmonic currents emissions for equipment input current
16A per phase
Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supply systems for equipment with rated current 16A
Safety of information technology equipment, including electrical business equipment
The common technical regulation for the attachment requirements for connection to the analogue public switched telephone networks (PSTNs) of terminal equipment (excluding terminal equipment supporting the voice telephony justified case service) in which network addressing, if provided, is by means of dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) signaling
EN55022 Class B
CTR 21
Technical regulations for terminal equipment
This terminal equipment complies with:
•TBR21 . DE 05R00 National AN for D
AN 01R00 AN for P DE 08R00 National AN for D
AN 02R01 AN for CH and N DE 09R00 National AN for D
AN 04R00 General Advisory Note DE 12R00 National AN for D
AN 05R01 AN for D, E, GR, P and N • DE 14R00 National AN for D
AN 06R00 AN for D, GR and P ES 01R01 National AN for E
AN 07R01 AN for D, E, P and N GR 01R00 National AN for GR
AN 09R00 AN for D GR 03R00 National AN for GR
AN 10R00 AN for D GR 04R00 National AN for GR
AN 11R00 AN for P NO 01R00 National AN for N
AN 12R00 AN for E NO 02R00 National AN for N
AN 16R00 General Advisory Note P 03R00 National AN for P
DE 03R00 National AN for D P 04R00 National AN for P
DE 04R00 National AN for D P 08R00 National AN for P
Network Compatibility Declaration
The manufacturer declares that the equipment has been designed to operate in the public switched telephone networks (PSTN) in the following countries:
Austria Germany Liechtenstein Slovakia
Belgium Greece Lithuania Slovenia
Cyprus Hungary Luxembourg Spain
Czech Iceland Malta Sweden
Denmark Ireland Norway Switzerland
Estonia Italy Poland The Netherlands
Finland Latvia Portugal United Kingdom
Safety Instructions Regarding the Disconnection of Power
CAUTION: The power plug is the main isolation device! Other switches on the equipment are
only functional switches and are not suitable for isolating the equipment from the power source.
VORSICHT: Der Netzstecker ist die Hauptisoliervorrichtung! Die anderen Schalter auf dem Gerät sind nur Funktionsschalter und können nicht verwendet werden, um den Stromfluß im Gerät zu unterbrechen.
This page intentionally left blank.

Legal and Safety Information

Legal Notice
Safety Conventions in This Guide
Please read the Operation Guide before using the facsimile. Keep it close to the facsimile for easy reference.
The sections of this handbook and parts of the facsimile marked with symbols are safety warnings meant to protect the user, other individuals and surrounding objects, and ensure correct and safe usage of the facsimile. The symbols and their meanings are indicated below.
WARNING: Indicates that serious injury or even death may result from insufficient attention to or incorrect compliance with the related points.
CAUTION: Indicates that personal injury or mechanical damage may result from insufficient attention to or incorrect compliance with the related points.
The symbol indicates that the related section includes safety warnings. Specific points of attention are indicated inside the symbol.
.... [General warning]
.... [Warning of danger of electrical shock]
.... [Warning of high temperature]
The symbol indicates that the related section includes information on prohibited actions. Specifics of the prohibited action are indicated inside the symbol.
.... [Warning of prohibited action]
.... [Disassembly prohibited]
The z symbol indicates that the related section includes information on actions which must be performed. Specifics of the required action are indicated inside the symbol.
.... [Alert of required action]
.... [Remove the power plug from the outlet]
.... [Always connect the machine to an outlet with a ground connection]
Please contact your service representative to order a replacement if the safety warnings in this Operation Guide are illegible or if the guide itself is missing. (fee required)
Due to performance updating, information in this Operation Guide is subject to change without notice.
Important! Please read it first.
This Operation Guide contains information on using the facsimile functions of this machine. be sure to read the Operation Guide for your machine as well and maintain both guides in good condition in a location close to the machine.
During use, refer to the Operation Guide for your machine for information regarding the sections listed below.
Caution Labels Replacing the toner cartridge and waste toner tank
Installation Precautions When paper misfeeds
Precautions for Use Troubleshooting
How to load paper Cleaning the copier
Installation Precautions
Avoid installing this product in locations where the top or upper rear portion of the unit will be exposed to direct sunlight. Such conditions might adversely effect the unit’s ability to detect the correct size of originals and documents. When such a location cannot be avoided, change the direction the unit is facing in order to eliminate exposure to direct sunlight.
Power supply/Grounding the product
Do not connect this product to the same outlet as an air conditioner or copier, etc.
Precautions for Use
Do not leave the Document Processor open as there is a danger of personal injury.
Other precautions
Do not open the front cover or left cover, turn off the power switch, or pull out the power plug while transmitting, receiving, or copying.
This product may only be used within the country of purchase due to the different safety and communication standards in each country. (International communication standards, however, make the communication between countries possible.)
This product may be inoperable in areas with poor telephone lines or communication conditions.
“CALL WAITING” or other telephone company optional services that produce audible tones or clicks on the line can disrupt or cause termination of facsimile communications.
No matter what the status of the unit, if the sound of the motor within the unit is audible, never open either the front cover or the left cover, nor turn off the power switch.
Return used battery to point of sales.


The explanations contained in this Operation Guide have been separated into different sections in order to allow those using a fax for the first time, as well as those well familiar with such operation, to use this machine efficiently, properly and with relative ease. A basic introduction to each section can be found below for reference. Refer to the related section when using this fax.
Important! Please read it first.
This section contains notes and cautions on installation and operation that should be read prior to using this fax machine for the first time and then strictly obeyed in order to ensure its safe and proper operation. BE SURE to read the notes and cautions contained in the Operation Guide for your machine as well.
1 Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)
This section contains explanations on the names of the various parts of this fax and their functions, as well as certain settings and preparations required before you actually use the fax for the first time.
Reading the explanations regarding the various features and functions of this fax as well will assist you in its overall use.
2 Fax Operation (Basic Use)
This section contains explanations on such basic fax operations as “Sending Documents” and “Receiving Documents Automatically”. Reading this section will make it possible for you to perform the basic procedures required to operate this fax machine.
3 Fax Operation (Various Functions)
This section contains explanations on attempting procedures that will enable more effective use of this fax by those individuals who have already become somewhat familiar with its basic operation. It includes such instructions as setting the time for a transmission to begin, transmitting the same documents automatically to multiple destinations and for transmitting both sides of duplex (2-sided) documents.
4 Troubleshooting
This section contains explanations on handling problems that may occur during operation of this fax. It includes information on responding to error messages that are displayed as well as check points regarding the various settings made.
BE SURE to read this section carefully and follow all procedures and cautions precisely.
5 Other Features of this Fax
This section contains explanations on using the more specialized functions of this fax for those individuals who have become knowledgeable about and quite comfortable with its operation. It includes such special instructions as how to limit who can transmit and receive documents with this machine as well as on the procedures for receiving confidential documents that should not be seen by third parties.
In addition, this fax contains F-Code Based Communication capabilities that enable more functional compatibility with other companies’ fax machines and a Restricted Access function that enables the convenient control of fax communication performed with this machine.
6 Managing Information About Your Fax Communications
This section contains explanations on checking the message display for information on the conditions surrounding recent fax transmissions and reception.
In addition, it includes explanations on how to print out the management reports and lists that contain information about the result of fax communications and other settings made in this fax.
7 Various Settings and Registration
This section contains explanations on certain settings and registration such as adjusting the volume of the alarm that sounds in the event of some sort of error. Use this section to perform the settings and registration most appropriate to how you use this fax.
8 Optional Equipment
This section contains an explanation on the addition of Optional Memory, something which enables the use of the Ultra fine resolution mode and thus allows even clearer fax transmission and reception of documents.
9 Network FAX Settings
This section contains explanations on the setup procedure and settings to be performed on the machine in order to use the Network FAX functions. Be sure to read the On-Line Manual on the included CD-ROM as well.
10 Reference Information
This section contains information on the specifications for this fax machine, a flowchart of the menus that are shown in the message display and tables with explanations related to various error codes. Use this section as reference when using this fax.
NOTE: This Operation Guide contains information that corresponds to using both the inch and metric versions of these machines.
The inch versions of these machines are shown in the screens in this guide. If you are using the metric version, use the messages provided for the inch version as reference only. In the body text, only the inch messages are given if these versions differ only in capitalization. When there is even a slight difference in the message, we have listed the information for the inch version followed, in brackets, by the corresponding information for the metric version.
1 Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations /
Features and Functions of this Fax)
This section contains the names of parts and explanations on the general features and functions of this fax.
Names of Parts...1-2
Features and Functions of this Fax...1-11
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)

Names of Parts

Main Body Parts

The following contains information on the names when this machine is used as a facsimile.
Refer to the Operation Guide for your machine for information on other parts of this machine.
1 Operation panel
2 Telephone jack (T)
3 Line jack (L)
4 Power switch
IMPORTANT: Be aware that fax transmission/reception will not be available if the power switch is
turned OFF ({). To continue to allow fax communication, turn the power off by pressing the Power key on the operation panel.
Document Processor
This unit is a duplex document feeder from which you can fax both 1-sided and 2-sided originals.
5 Document tray
6 Document insert guides
7 Document Processor cover
8 Document eject table
9 Document Processor open/close lever
10 Document set indicator

Operation Panel

Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)
10 11
1 Touch panel
2 Numeric keys
3Start key
4Fax key/Fax indicator
5Fax lamp
6 Reset key
7Stop/Clear key
8 Print Management key
9 System Menu/Counter key
10 Interrupt key/indicator lamp
11 Power key
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)

Fax Screens

The initial screen that appears in the touch panel when you press the [Fax] key in the Copy Operation mode, etc., in order to change to the Fax Operation mode is called the ‘basic fax screen’. Press (A), (B), (C) or (D) to switch between the various fax screens as follows:
(A) Basic fax screen
Ready for fax transmission.
Place the original & assign destination.
Mem or y u sag e:
OCT-11-2005 16:00
Abbr ev .
Basic Application
TXAddr ess settingbook
Reg ist er
Print Report
(B) (C) (D)
Dest. check
Re- di al
Mem or y T X
Auto RX
1 Message display Current status, the next step in a procedure and error messages
are shown in the message display.
2 Number of destinations
The number of destinations that you have chosen to dial to is shown in this area.
3 Speed-dial keys Keys that you have registered to function as either a one-touch
key, a group dial key (G), a program key (P) or a chain dial key (C) are displayed here.
4 Memory bar Indicates the amount of data stored in memory. As documents
are being stored, the bar will move towards 100% indicating that the data stored in memory is increasing. Once it reaches 100%, no more documents can be stored in memory.
5 Reception mode select key Press this key when you want to select a different reception
mode. The display will change to the reception mode selection screen where you can select the desired reception mode by pressing the [Auto RX], [Manual RX] or [Answering Machine] key, as appropriate.
(B) Application screen
(C) Register screen
Option screen Sele ct item.
TX Polling
RX Polling
Basic Application Register
Registering item option scr een. Select item for register.
Location Info.
Date & Time
Basic Application Register
Sub.conf. box input
Sub.conf. box output
Print encr data box
TX/RX Rest ri ct.
Rese rv ed TX status
TX resu lt on LCD
RX r esul t on LCD
Fax Forwarding
Remo te SW dial
Remo te Test ID
Print Report
Encryption key
Network FAX
Print Report
.0%Mem or y u sag e:
OCT-11-2005 16:00
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)
(D) Print Report screen
Report printing option screen. Sele ct item.
Sele ct size
Activ ity report
Confi rm . report
User set. list
Basic Application Register
Subad conf box list
Subad. rel box list
Encryption box list
One- touch key list
Group dial List
Program dial l ist
Tele phone st
Encryption key list
NW-FAX set. li st
Print Report
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)


When using the fax functions of this machine for the first time after purchasing your Fax System, perform the procedures as explained in Designating the Type of Phone Line Being Used (Line Type setting) (Inch version only) through Setting the Current Date and Time (Date & Time setting).
NOTE: If your service representative performs these settings during set-up of your Fax System, there is no further need for you to perform these procedures.

Designating the Type of Phone Line Being Used (Line Type setting) (Inch version only)

Set the type of phone line here to correspond to the type of telephone service that you are using. BE SURE the type of phone line you select here is correct because, if the setting is incorrect, fax communication will be impossible.
NOTE: Prior to operation, check the message display to make sure that the touch panel is in the initial mode for fax operation. (Refer to What is the Initial Mode? on page 1-11.)
If you want to cancel the procedure part way through, press the Reset key. The touch panel will return to the initial mode screen.
Press the System Menu/Counter key. The Default
Setting screen will appear.
Press the [FAX Default] key.
Make sure that Line Type is highlighted and press the [Change #] key.
Press either the [Tone Line (DTMF)] key
or the [Pulse Line (10PPS)] key, as appropriate.
Press the [Close] key. The message display will return to the same screen as was displayed in step
System Menu / Counter
System Menu
Copy Default
Scanner Default
Mac hi ne Default
FAX Default
Printer Default
Document Management
Default setting screen
Line Type
Tone lin e (DTMF)
Pulse line (10 PPS)
MP tr ay Setting
Reg iste r Ori g. Size
If you are finished making settings, press the Reset key to return to the initial mode.
Job Accoun ting
BOX Management
Print Rep or t
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)

Turning TTI Transmission ON/OFF (TTI setting)

The TTI (Transmit Terminal Identifier) refers to information – such as the time of the transmission, the number of pages, your station name and fax number, etc. – that is automatically sent to the receiving party's fax and printed out on the received documents. With this fax, you can select here whether or not that TTI information will be sent to the receiving party's fax, and – if it is – whether it will be printed inside or outside the border of the transmitted page.
NOTE: Prior to operation, check the message display to make sure that the touch panel is in the initial mode for fax operation. (Refer to What is the Initial Mode? on page 1-11.)
If you want to cancel the procedure part way through, press the Reset key. The touch panel will return to the initial mode screen.
Press the System Menu/Counter key. The Default
Setting screen will appear.
Press the [FAX Default] key.
Press the [T] cursor key until TTI is highlighted and then press the [Change #] key.
If you want your TTI information to be
sent to the other party, press the desired location where you want it to be
System Menu / Counter
System Menu
Copy Default
Scanner Default
Mac hi ne Default
FAX Default
Printer Default
Document Management
Default setting screen
Langua ge
MP tr ay Setting
Reg ist er Ori g. Size
printed.If you do NOT want it to be sent, press the [Not Printed] key.
Outside page
Inside page
Not Printed
Press the [Close] key. The message display will return to the same screen as was displayed in step
If you are finished making settings, press the Reset key to return to the initial mode.
Job Accounting
BOX Management
Print Rep ort
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)

Registering the Information Identifying Your Facsimile (Location Info. setting)

If you register information identifying your station (fax number, station name and station ID) here, it can be sent to the receiving party's fax and printed on the received documents, thereby instantly notifying that party of the source of the fax transmission.
NOTE: Use the following procedure as well when you want to change information that is already registered.
Prior to operation, check the message display to make sure that the touch panel is in the initial mode for fax operation. (Refer to What is the Initial Mode? on page 1-11.)
If you want to cancel the procedure part way through, press the Reset key. The touch panel will return to the initial mode screen.
Press the [Register] key. The Register
screen will appear.
Press the [Location Info.] key. The
currently registered information will be displayed.
NOTE: To register your fax number: Press the [] key and go to step 3. To register your station name: Press the [Own Name] key and go directly to step
5. To register your station ID: Press the [Own ID] key and proceed directly to step 7.
Ready for fax transmission.
Place the original & assign destinati on.
Abbr ev .
Basic Application
Registering item option screen. Select item for register.
Location Info.
Date & Time
Basic Application Register
Progr am Fax Parameter.
Regi st'd conte nts cnf
TX/RX Res tri ct.
Own Name
Own ID 0000.
TXAddr ess settingbook
Reg ist er
Fax Forwarding
Rem ote S W dial
Rem ote Test ID
Print Report
Encrypti on key
Network FAX
Print Report
Mem or
Registering your fax number
Use the numeric keys to enter your fax number.
Progr am Fax Parameter.
Own locati on tel # Back
Enter usi ng # key. (MAX. 20 digits)
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)
NOTE: The fax number can be up to 20 digits in length.
If you want to clear the currently displayed number from the message display, simply press the Stop/Clear key.
If you want to revise the entered number, press the [] or [] cursor key to move the cursor to the number that you want to change. Then press the [Delete] key to delete that number and enter the correct number as desired.
Press the [OK] key. The message display will return to the same screen as was displayed in step 2.
Registering your station name
Enter the desired name for your station. (Refer to Entering Characters on page 2-15.)
NOTE: Your station name can be up to 32 characters in length.
In the Character input screen, press the [End] key. The message display will return to the same
screen as was displayed in step 2.
Registering your station ID
Use the numeric keys to enter the desired station ID (4 digits).
Program Fax Parameter.
Own ID Back
Enter using # key.
NOTE: If you want to reset the displayed number to 0000, simply press the Stop/Clear key.
If you want to revise the entered number, press the [] or [] cursor key to move the cursor to the number that you want to change. Then enter the correct number as desired.
Press the [Confirm] key. The message display will return to the same screen as was displayed in
step 2.
If you are finished making settings, press the Reset key to return to the initial mode.

Setting the Current Date and Time (Date & Time setting)

Set the date and the time that will appear in the message display here. BE SURE that the date and time that you set here are correct since they will serve as a basis for all communications that use the timer.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to periodically check the time that is shown in the touch panel on the operation panel, and adjust it to match the current time when necessary.
( 4 di gits)
NOTE: Prior to operation, check the message display to make sure that the operation panel is in the initial mode for fax operation.(Refer to What is the Initial Mode? on page 1-11.)
If you want to cancel the procedure part way through, press the Reset key. The touch panel will return to the initial mode screen.
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)
Press the [Register] key. The Register
screen will appear.
Press the [Date & Time] key. The
currently registered information will be displayed.
Use the numeric keys to enter the
present date, in order of the month, day and year (day, month and year).
Use the [] or [] cursor keys to move the cursor as required.
Ready for fax transmission.
Place the original & assign destinati on.
Abbr ev .
Basic Application
Registering item option screen. Select item for register.
Location Info.
Date & Time
Basic Application Register
Regi ster d ate & ti me.
Enter usi ng # key.
TX/RX Res tri ct.
2005-10- 09.
TXAddr ess settingbook
Reg ist er
Fax Forwarding
Rem ote S W dial
Rem ote Test ID
Print Report
Encrypti on key
Network FAX
Print Report
Mem or
Press the [Time] key and then use the numeric keys to enter the present time.
NOTE: The time should be entered on a 24-hour basis (00:00 - 23:29).
Press the [Confirm] key. The message display will return to the same screen as was displayed in
step 2.
If you are finished making settings, press the Reset key to return to the initial mode.
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)

Features and Functions of this Fax

The following contains explanations about features and functions that should be understood when this machine is used as a facsimile.

Switching from the Copy Operation Mode to the Fax Operation Mode

This machine was fundamentally designed for use as a copy machine and the default setting is the Copy Operation mode. Therefore, if you want to send a fax to another party it is first necessary to switch to the Fax Operation mode.
However, in terms of receiving a fax. since the Automatic Fax Reception mode is the default setting, fax reception is possible and the documents will be printed out automatically even when the machine is in the Copy Operation mode.
When the machine is in the Copy Operation mode, the COPY indicator will be lit. To switch to the Fax Operation mode, simply press the Fax key. Once the machine is in the Fax Operation mode, the Fax indicator will light and the touch panel will change to the basic fax screen.

What is the Initial Mode?

The initial screen that appears in the touch panel when you press the Fax key and change to the Fax Operation mode,
Ready for fax transmission.
Place the original & assign destinati on.
Mem or
or that normally appears in the Fax Operation mode after a successful fax transmission or reception, is called the basic fax screen. The accompanying default settings and related operational status is known as the “initial mode”.
Abbr ev .
Basic Application
TXAddr ess setti ngbook
Reg iste r
Print Report
When the fax machine is in the initial mode for fax operation, Ready for fax transmission will be shown in the message display. Always check the touch panel to make sure that is it is in the initial mode and displaying this basic fax screen PRIOR to performing any facsimile operation.
The fax machine will also return to the initial mode when the Auto Clear function engages.
Message display when Restricted Access is turned ON...
Even if the fax machine is in the initial mode for fax operation, the message
ID-code is set.
Mem or
display will differ if Restricted Access is turned ON.
Enter I D-code.
In this case, it is necessary to enter your ID-code or the registered administrator number in order to use the fax.
If a viable ID-code or the registered
Basic Application
Cle ar
Register Print Report
administrator number is entered, the touch panel will change to the standard initial mode for fax operation.
NOTE: When Restricted Access is turned ON, it is necessary to enter the registered administrator number in the Restricted Access Login Screen in order to access the various setting and registration procedures of this fax. Even if a viable ID-code that enables fax operation is entered, the menus that correspond to the various management-related setting and registration procedures of this fax will not be available. (Refer to Managing Fax Use by Each Department (Restricted Access) on page 5-68, and the Advanced Operation Guide for your machine.)
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)

What is the Administrator Number Used For?

In order to manage each individual's or each department's use of this fax in the Fax Operation mode – and enhance security during Encrypted Communication as well – it is necessary to enter the registered administrator number in those cases noted in 1 and 2 below.
As you can only register one administrator number, it is recommended that the person-in-charge of managing use of this fax be the one to register that number.
NOTE: The factory default administrator number is either 2500 (25/20 ppm model) or 3200 (32/25 ppm and 32/32 ppm models). For more detailed information on the administrator number, refer to the Advanced Operation Guide for your machine.
1 You must enter the administrator number when...
turning Restricted Access ON and OFF.
registering ID-codes.
registering Encryption Keys.
printing out the Encryption Key List.
registering the SMTP authorization password (Registering the Network FAX information)
2 If Restricted Access is turned ON, you must enter the administrator number when...
printing out any report or list other than the Activity Report.
performing any setting or registration procedure.
NOTE: It is suggested that you make some sort of note of the new administrator number after changing it. If, for any reason, you lose reference to the number, you will not be able to access to the various setting, registration, modification and deletion procedures of this fax.

When You Press the Reset Key...

When you want to cancel a procedure part way through, simply press the Reset key. The touch panel will automatically return to the initial mode for fax operation.
NOTE: If, however, documents have already been set when you press the Reset key, the displayed size of those documents will remain in the message display.
Depending on the status of the operation, there are occasions when pressing the Reset key may have no effect.

Automatically Clearing the Current Settings (Auto Clear function)

The Auto Clear function will clear all entered settings and the touch panel will return to the initial mode settings after any type of transmission or print out, or if you do not press any keys within 90 seconds during any procedure.
NOTE: If, however, documents are set when the Auto Clear function engages, the displayed size of those documents will remain in the message display.
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)

Using a 3-digit Document Number to Manage Fax Communications (Document Number)

The fax uses a 3-digit document number in order to manage each fax communication. This document number is assigned during each procedure and in the order that each communication
Che ck Sta tus of Fa x
Status of Fax
Port Doc #: Diali ng.
that uses the timer, as well as each transmission or reception, is accomplished.
The actual timing of the determination of each document number will differ depending upon the operation being carried out.
In addition to appearing in the message display, this document number can be verified by checking the Transaction Result display, the Delayed Communication Report that is printed out for each communication that uses the timer or by printing out a Confirmation Report. (Refer to Checking the
Result of Transmissions on page 6-2, Printing Out a Confirmation Report on page 6-4, and Turning Print Out of Each Report ON/OFF (Print Report setting) on page 7-2.)

Automatically Engaging the Energy Saving Mode (Auto sleep function)

Anytime there is no operation of or activity with this fax (no keys are pressed, no documents are set, nothing is printed out, etc.) for a designated period of time, the Auto sleep function will engage for energy saving purposes and the fixing section heater and fan inside the machine will shut down.
The amount of time most copy or fax machines spend waiting for some operation to begin is generally greater than the time actually spent on copying or fax communication. Thus, the energy consumed during that time is a great percentage of the overall energy used by the machine. Shutting down the fixing section heater and fan enables energy and cost reductions by minimizing unnecessary energy consumption while the machine is in this waiting state.
Mem or
NOTE: It is possible to change the amount of time that will elapse before the Auto sleep function is to engage (factory default: 45 minutes). It is recommended that this be set to a longer period of time if the machine is used frequently during the day, and to a shorter time if there are normally long periods between use. (Refer the Advanced Operation Guide for your machine.)
Once the Auto sleep function engages, the power will be automatically turned OFF and all indications on the operation panel will go out except for the Main Power Indicator. To send a fax or perform other fax operations, simply press the Power key.
If you receive a fax while the Auto sleep function is engaged...
Incoming faxes will be received and printed out even when the Auto sleep function is engaged.
Energy saving mode Fax reception Warm-up Fax print out
Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)

Sending a Fax Directly from a Network Computer (Network FAX functions)

Use the Network FAX functions to send a document made on a network computer to the other fax machine, or to receive a document from the other fax machine onto your network computer. The main functions are as follows.
When this fax machine and a computer are connected over the same network, the image data of a document created on the computer can be sent with the Scanner function and then transmitted to the other fax, etc.
Documents sent by the other fax machine, etc., will be received by this fax and saved via the Scanner function into a designated folder on the network’s server computer (the computer on which the included Scanner File Utility is installed). In this case, the received document will be saved as a PDF or a TIFF file.
Address Book
Destination fax numbers can be registered in advance for transmission. Groups of up to 80 fax numbers can be registered in this machine and can be used conveniently for Broadcast Transmission, etc.
In addition, it is possible to import CSV format address books created with other applications.
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