Service Bulletin
SB Number:
SB 2K3-003
Firmware upgrade (Firmware pack 1.02)
Creation Date: 04/03/2011
Model: FS-6025MFP/6025MFP(B)/6030MFP
Item Contents
1 Added support for BAM. The recovery timing from the power saving priority mode has been shortened and
2 Improvement of the Fax
one touch screen timing.
3 Incorrect barcode print-out. The barcode may not be printed or may be printed incorrectly.
4 Error code CF248 Error code CF248 may occur.
Type Program No. Version
Upgrade Pack Ver. 2K3_V1.02E 1.02
MAIN 2K3_2F00.001.403 001.403
MMI 2K3_7000.001.404 001.404
ENGINE 2K3_1000.004.002 004.002
IO 2K3_1E00.001.010 001.010
DP 3M8_9500.002.001 002.001
FAX BOOT/APL * 5JR_5500.B01.019 B01.019
When the Fax is set to the one touch screen, and you press the reset key to cancel
a selected address, the time to reset the screen has been shortened.
Firmware notes *: BOOT: B01.019 / APL: B01.019
Field measure When the above mentioned phenomena occur, please upgrade the rmware to the latest
Serial numbers of affected machines
Type Serial number
FS-6025MFP/6025MFP/B/6030MFP February 2011 production.
The above mentioned changes have been applied to machines produced after the above mentioned production date.
Entire stock rework
In-eld modication at next visit
In-eld modication by case
No modication necessary
KMIS Service Department, Kyocera Mita Europe B053 / SB 2K3-003
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