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Service Bulletin
SB Number:
SB AS-134
Creation Date: 13/12/2004
Subject: Compatibility changes for KM-C2630/D (firmware upgrade ‘29L’)
DF-600: finisher for KM-4530, FS-C8026N, KM-C2630/C2630D
DF-610: finisher for KM-4530/5530/6330/7530, FS-C8026N,KM-C2630/C2630D
Please be informed that the following changes have been implemented in order to install the DF-600 and/or
DF-610 to the KM-2630/C2630D.
Please mind that only the DF-600 and DF-610 that have undergone the below changes
Hardware change: Please use the finisher with following serial number or later.
1. Holes and bearings have been added to the ‘BASE’ and ‘STAY, RAIL’ to install the attachment kit.
Ö for details regarding attachment kit for KM-C2630/D, the
Affected S/N hardware changes:
DF-600: G3006540 and later
DF-610: F3010213 and later
Software change: Please upgrade software to the following version or later.
2. Finisher firmware has been upgraded to support the control for new models.
Software level for
supporting KM-C2630/D
The DF-610 or DF-600 that contain above software level or later, hereby supporting KM-C2630 and
KM-C2630D, have an ‘(A)’ mark printed under the product name on the outer case.
Please refer to next page for detailed contents of latest finisher firmware upgrade.
Field Measure
When installing the DF-600 or DF-610 to the KM-C2630/C2630D, please use the new DF-610 / DF-600 that
have undergone the hardware changes.
In addition, please check the finisher firmware level and upgrade to latest version available (at least
3B829528K’!) from http://www.kmissupport.com / MFP Reserved website.
DF-600 / 610
F/W information Program No.
Software Main
can be installed to the
AK-640A, please refer to SB AS-135.
File name
(after decompressing)
3B829528K P3B82952.8K0 9D58
( A ) mark added below the product name.
(This marking is also added to the outer case of DF-600.)
Check SUM
KMIS Service Team, Kyocera Mita Europe 6440, 6728 / SB AS-134

Service Bulletin
Affected Machine Serial Numbers:
Hardware changes DF-610: F3010213 and later
DF-600: G3006540 and later
Software change: DF-610: F3020378 and later
DF-600: G3011763 and later
DF-600 / 610 Finisher firmware upgrade 3B829528K ➩ 3B829529L
Item Remarks
1 Measure for slipping noise of
finisher middle tray paper entry
(This phenomenon may occur
when installing the DF-610 /
DF-600 to the KM-C2630/C2630D
or FS-C8026N)
It is necessary to upgrade copier
firmware to the following version or
Engine Ver.163-0
When a large size paper (A3/11”x17”) is fed through the finisher middle tray, the
paper might be unevenly pulled due to the difference of peripheral speed between
finisher middle tray paper entry roller and eject decurler roller of main machine.
As a result, the paper may slip on the finisher middle tray paper entry roller and a
noise may occur.
Software has been changed to change the timing that the paper passes the finisher
paper entry sensor by adjusting the stop timing of the finisher paper entry motor.
(This operation change is made only for the large size paper (A3/11”x17”) feeding
through finisher middle tray.)
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2 Changing the punch timing for
A4/11”x8.5” size paper
(This phenomenon may occur
when installing the DF-610 /
DF-600 to the KM-C2630/C2630D
or FS-C8026N)
The punch position adjustment range is ±15. However, the actual value for
A4/11”x8.5” is within ‘−6’ to ‘−10’. => The software has been changed so that the
default value becomes nearly ‘0’.
Ö When upgrading the firmware to ‘29L’, please be sure to readjust the punch
position afterwards..
Ö When installing DF-610/600 to KM-C2630/C2630D
paper size A4/11”x8.5”
device) – [PUNCH TIMING] (Full speed) (Half speed)
via maintenance mode U248 (= Setting the paper eject
, readjustment is required for
Firmware Details
Type Program No.
(after decompressing)
File name
Checksum Ver.
Software Main (Finisher) 3B829529L P3B82952.9L0 7748 2080
Affected Machine Serial Numbers (version 3B829529L) :
DF-610: F3025524 and later
DF-600: G3012234 and later
KMIS Service Team, Kyocera Mita Europe 6440, 6728 / SB AS-134