6 .
SCHEMATIC DRAWING ---------------------------------------------- 6- 1
SERVICE INFORMATION -------------------------------------------- 6- 2
TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------------------------------------- 6- 3
CYLINDER HEAD COVER REMOVAL ----------------------------- 6- 4
CAMSHAFT REMOVAL----------------------------------------------- 6- 4
CYLINDER HEAD REMOVAL --------------------------------------- 6- 6
CYLINDER HEAD DISASSEMBLY --------------------------------- 6- 7
CYLINDER HEAD ASSEMBLY -------------------------------------- 6- 8
CYLINDER HEAD INSTALLATION -------------------------------- 6- 9
CAMSHAFT INSTALLATION---------------------------------------- 6-10
CYLINDER HEAD COVER INSTALLATION---------------------- 6-11

• The cylinder head can be serviced with the engine installed in the frame. Coolant in the radiator
and water jacket must be drained first.
• When assembling, apply molybdenum disulfide grease or engine oil to the valve guide movable
parts and valve arm sliding surfaces for initial lubrication.
• The valve rocker arms are lubricated by engine oil through the cylinder head engine oil passages.
Clean and unclog the oil passages before assembling the cylinder head.
• After disassembly, clean the removed parts and dry them with compressed air before inspection.
• After removal, mark and arrange the removed parts in order. When assembling, install them in the
reverse order of removal.
Cylinder head compression pressure
Cylinder head cap nut 19.6N-m Apply engine oil to threads
Valve clearance adjusting nut 8.8N-m Apply engine oil to threads
Cylinder head cover bolt 7.8_ 11.8N-m
Valve spring compressor
Valve seat cutter, 24.5mm 45° IN-EX
Valve seat cutter, 25mm Plane cutter 37.5° EX
Valve seat cutter, 22mm Plane cutter 37.5° EX
Valve seat cutter, 26mm Plane cutter 63.5° IN/EX
Cutter clip
Valve guide driver
Valve guide reamer

• The poor cylinder head operation can be diagnosed by a compression test or by tracing engine
top-end noises.
Poor performance at idle speed White smoke from exhaust muffler
• Compression too low • Worn valve stem or valve guide
• Damaged valve stem oil seal
Compression too low
• Incorrect valve clearance adjustment Abnormal noise
• Burned or bend valves • Incorrect valve clearance adjustment
• Incorrect valve timing • Sticking valve or broken valve spring
• Broken valve spring • Damaged or worn camshaft
• Poor valve and seat contact • Worn cam chain tensioner
• Leaking cylinder head gasket • Worn camshaft and rocker arm
• Warped or cracked cylinder head
• Poorly installed spark plug
Compression too high
• Excessive carbon build-up in combustion