Korg EXB-PCM09 User Manual

Nous vous remercions d’avoir opté pour la carte d'extension Korg EXB-PCM09 PCM. Afin d’en profiter sans problème durant de
longues années, veuillez lire attentivement le présent manuel et toujours veiller à utiliser la carte correctement.
La carte EXB-PCM09 contient 128 programmes qui couvrent toute une série de sons de guitare bass, de guitare lead et de pads, des sons désaccordés et des sons de batterie indispensables pour la musique domestique/trance. Elle contient aussi 128 combinaisons (à partir de motifs musicaux) qui utilisent ces programmes et les 16 motifs d’arpège. Elle offre aussi 181 motifs/RPPR (trois morceaux) qui peuvent être utilisés immédiatement dans vos propres morceaux.
Contenu du colis
Carte PCM (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mo) ...................................................... 1
Disquette (EXBPCM-09FD) ................................................................. 1
Manuel d'utilisation ............................................................................. 1
Données comprises
Carte PCM (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mo)
La carte PCM (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mo) contient 78 multi-échantillons et 240 échantillons de batterie idéaux pour la musique domestique/ trance.
Multisample (78): Detune: 36, Bass/Lead: 22, Simple Wave: 9, Drumsample (240): BD, SD, HH, Perc, Voice (1 shot)
Sync: 5, Voice Set: 4, SE: 2
Disquette (EXBPCM-09FD)
La disquette fournie (EXBPCM-09FD) contient 128 programmes, 128 combinaisons, 12 ensembles de batterie, 16 motifs d’arpège et 181 motifs/RPPR (trois morceaux) qui utilisent les multi-échantillons et les échantillons de batterie de la carte PCM (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mo).
C_BANK.PCG: Programs: 128 (C)
C_BANK.SNG: Song: 3 (Pattern 181) D_BANK.PCG: Programs: 128 (D)
D_BANK.SNG: Song: 3 (Pattern 181)
* Les contenus de C_BANK.PCG et D_BANK.PCG sont identi-
ques et les contenus de C_BANK.SNG et D_BANK.SNG sont identiques.
Combinations: 128 (C) Drum Kits: 12 (C) Arpeggio Pattern: 16 (C)
Combinations: 128 (D) Drum Kits: 12 (D) Arpeggio Pattern: 16 (D)
Mise en place de la carte EXB-PCM09 et chargement des données
Pour plus de détails concernant l'installation de la carte PCM (EXB­PCM09: 16 Mo) et sur le chargement des données, consulter le manuel d'utilisation de l'instrument dans lequel vous comptez installer la carte. Voici un aperçu de la méthode à suivre.
1. Utiliser "Save All" ("Enregistrer tout" ou une commande
équivalente) pour enregistrer toutes les données importantes de la mémoire de l'instrument sur un dispositif de sauvegarde.
Sauvegardez toutes données importantes sur votre propre disque ou sur un autre support. Lorsque vous chargez les
fichiers fournis avec ce produit, toutes les données qui se trouvaient à la destination de la sauvegarde sont effacées.
2. Mettre l'appareil dans lequel vous installez la carte hors tension,
débrancher le câble d'alimentation puis installer la carte EXB­PCM (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mo). Après la mise en place de la carte, rebrancher le câble d'alimentation puis remettre l'appareil sous tension. Vérifier si la carte est installée correctement.
3. Après avoir vérifié si la carte est bien installée, charger le fichier
PRELOAD.PCG de la disquette fournie avec l'instrument dans lequel vous avez installé la carte.
Les combinaisons et les programmes de la carte EXB-PCM09 utilisent les données suivantes du fichier PRELOAD.PCG.
Program: Bank A and Bank B Drum Kit: 00-15 (A/B) Arpeggio Pattern: 000-199 (A/B)
* Sur certains instruments, les banques ci-dessus s'affichent sous
forme de I-A, I-B et I-A/B. Néanmoins, les motifs d’arpège ne seront pas chargés ou remplacés sur les instruments qui ne sont pas dotés d'un arpégiateur.
Pour le détail sur la sauvegarde des divers types de données, reportez-vous aux pages suivantes.
TRITON STUDIO: BG p.63, 65 TRITON/TRITON pro/TRITON proX: BG p.42, 92 TRITON-Rack: BG p.42, 82 KARMA: BG p.43, 94 (Octobre 02)
4. Charger le fichier C_BANK.PCG ou le fichier D_BANK.PCG de la
disquette (EXBPCM-09FD). Si vous voulez importer le fichier SNG en même temps, cochez soit “Load C_BANK.SNG too” soit “Load D_BANK.SNG too” et appuyez sur [OK]. Les combinaisons de C-Bank ou D-Bank, les données des programmes, des ensembles de batterie, de motifs d’arpège et des morceaux seront chargées.
* Comme C-BANK.PCG et D_BANK.PCG de la carte EXB-
PCM09 ne contiennent pas de combinaisons de banques A et B, de programmes, d’ensembles de batterie 00-15 (A/B) et de motifs d’arpège 000-199 (A/B) ni de données globales, ces données ne seront pas chargées.
Les données des fichiers C_BANK.PCG et D_BANK.PCG sont en format TRITON/TRITONpro/TRITONproX. Les réglages particuliers à d’autres modèles ne sont pas compris.
* Comme les données de morceaux sont perdues lorsque l'appareil
est éteint, il faut les recharger à la prochaine mise sous tension.
Si vous avez le moindre problème, n’hésitez pas à contacter votre distributeur Korg.
Ce produit a été fabriqué suivant des spécifications sévères et des besoins en tension applicables dans le pays où ce produit doit être utilisé. Si vous avez acheté ce produit via l’internet, par vente par correspondance ou/et vente par téléphone, vous devez vérifier que ce produit est bien utilisable dans le pays où vous résidez. ATTENTION: L’utilisation de ce produit dans un pays autre que celui pour lequel il a été conçu peut être dangereuse et annulera la garantie du fabricant ou du distributeur. Conservez bien votre récépissé qui est la preuve de votre achat, faute de quoi votre produit ne risque de ne plus être couvert par la garantie du fabricant ou du distributeur.
Vielen Dank für den Erwerb der Korg PCM-Erweiterungskarte EXB­PCM09. Um den jahrelangen, problemlosen Betrieb zu gewährleisten,
lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung bitte sorgfältig durch und benutzen Sie das Produkt gemäß den Anweisungen.
Die EXB-PCM09 enthält 128 Programme, die eine breite Auswahl von Synth Bass, Lead, Pads, Detuned Sounds und Drum Sounds decken, die für House/Trance-Musik unabdingbar sind. Sie enthält auch 128 Kombinationen (die meisten basierend auf rhythmischen Patterns), die diese Programme verwenden und die 16 Arpeggio-Patterns. Ebenfalls enthalten sind 181 Patterns/RPPR (drei Songs) die Sie sofort in Ihren eigenen Songs verwenden können.
PCM-Erweiterungskarte (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mbyte) ........................ 1
Diskette (EXBPCM-09FD) ................................................................... 1
Bedienungsanleitung ........................................................................... 1
Mitgelieferte Daten
PCM-Erweiterungskarte (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mbyte)
Die PCM-Karte (EXB-PCM09: 16 MByte) enthält 78 Multisamples und 240 Drumsamples, ideal for House/Trance-Musik.
Multisample (78): Detune: 36, Bass/Lead: 22, Simple Wave: 9, Drumsample (240): BD, SD, HH, Perc, Voice (1 shot)
Sync: 5, Voice Set: 4, SE: 2
Diskette (EXBPCM-09FD)
Die mitgelieferte Diskette (EXBPCM-09FD) enthält 128 Programme, 128 Kombinationen, 12 Drum Kits, 16 Arpeggio-Patterns und 181 Patterns/RPPR (drei Songs), die die Multisamples und Drumsamples der PCM-Karte verwenden (EXB-PCM09: 16 MByte).
C_BANK.PCG: Programs: 128 (C)
C_BANK.SNG: Song: 3 (Pattern 181) D_BANK.PCG: Programs: 128 (D)
D_BANK.SNG: Song: 3 (Pattern 181)
* Die Inhalte v on C_BANK.PCG und D_BANK.PCG sind identisch, und die
Inhalte von C_BANK.SNG und D_BANK.SNG sind identisch.
Combinations: 128 (C) Drum Kits: 12 (C) Arpeggio Pattern: 16 (C)
Combinations: 128 (D) Drum Kits: 12 (D) Arpeggio Pattern: 16 (D)
Installation der EXB-PCM09 und Laden der Daten
Für Einzelheiten zur Installation der PCM-Erweiterungskarte (EXB­PCM09: 16 Mbyte) und zum Laden der Daten lesen Sie bitte die Bedienungsanleitung des Instruments, in dem Sie die Karte installieren. Hier folgt ein kurzer Überblick.
1. Benutzen Sie den Befehl „Save All“ (oder einen ähnlich lautenden
Befehl), um alle wichtigen Daten aus dem Speicher des Instru­ments auf entsprechenden Speichermedien zu sichern.
Sie sollten Ihre wichtigen Daten auf der eigenen Diskette oder einem ande­ren Datenträge sichern. Wenn Sie die mit diesem Produkt mitgelieferten Dateien laden, werden vorher am Ladeziel vorhandene Daten überschrie­ben.


本保証書は、保証期間中に本製品を保証するも ので、付属品類は保証の対象にな
りません。 保証期間内に本製品が故障した場合は、保証規定によって無償修理い
たします 。
1.本保証書の有効期間はお買い上げ日より1 ケ年です。
2.次の修理等は保証期間内であっても有料修理となります 。 ・消耗部品(電池など)の交換。 ・お取扱い方法が不適当のために生じた故障。 ・天災(火災、浸水 等)によ って生じた故 障。 ・故障の原因が本製品以外の他の機器にある場合。 ・不当な改造、調整、部品交換などにより生じた 故障または損 傷 。 ・保証書にお買い上げ日、販売店名が未記入の場合、または字 句が書き替えら
尚、当社が修理した部分が再度故障した場合は、保証期間外であっても、修理 した日より3 ケ月以 内に 限り無 償 修 理いたします 。
す。最寄りのコルグ営業所、または サービス ・センターまでお問 い合わせください。
5.修理、運送費用が製品の価格より高く なるこ ともありますので、あらかじめ 最寄りの
コルグ営業 所、またはサービス ・センターへご 相 談ください。 運送にかかる往復の
費用はお客様の負担とさせていただきます 。 本製品の故障、または使 用上 生じたお 客様 の 直接 、間接の損傷につきましては、弊 社はいっさ いの責任を負いかねますのでご了承く ださい。 本保証書は、保証規定により無料修理をお約束するためのもので、これよりお客 様 の 法律上の権利を制限するものではありません。
2. Schalten Sie das für die Installation vorgesehene Instrument aus,
ziehen Sie das Netzkabel aus der Steckdose, und setzen Sie dann die Erweiterungskarte EXB-PCM (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mbyte) ein. Nach Einbau der Karte schließen Sie das Netzkabel wieder an und schalten das Gerät ein. Überprüfen Sie, ob die Karte richtig eingesetzt wurde.
3. Nachdem Sie sich vergewissert haben, dass die Karte richtig
installiert ist, laden Sie die Datei PRELOAD.PCG von der Diskette o. ä., die mit dem betreffenden Instrument geliefert wurde.
Die Kombinationen und Programme von EXB-PCM09 verwenden die folgenden Daten aus der Datei PRELOAD.PCG.
Program: Bank A and Bank B Drum Kit: 00-15 (A/B) Arpeggio Pattern: 000-199 (A/B)
* Bei einigen Instrumenten werden die obigen Bänke als I-A, I-B
und I-A/B angezeigt. Bei Instrumenten, die keinen Arpeggiator besitzen, werden die Arpeggio-Pattern nicht geladen (bzw. nicht überschrieben).
Einzelheiten zum Laden verschiedenener Datentypen siehe folgende Seiten.
TRITON STUDIO: BG p.63, 65 TRITON/TRITON pro/TRITON proX: BG p.42, 92 TRITON-Rack: BG p.42, 82 KARMA: BG p.43, 94 (Oktober / 02)
4. Laden Sie die Datei C_BANK.PCG oder D_BANK.PCG von der
Diskette (EXBPCM-09FD). Wenn Sie die Datei SNG gleichzeitig laden wollen, markieren Sie
entweder "Load C_BANK.SNG too" oder "Load "D_BANK.SNG too", und drücken dann OK. Die C-Bank- oder D-Bank-Kombina­tionen, Programme, Drum-Kits, Arpeggio-Patterns und Song­Daten werden geladen.
* Da C_BANK.PCG und D_BANK.PCG der EXB-PCM09 nicht
die A- und B-Bank-Kombinationen, Programme, Drum-Kits 00­15 (A/B) und Arpeggio-Patterns 000-199 (A/B) und globale Daten enthalten, werden diese Daten nicht geladen.
Die Werksdateien auf den Disketten C_BANK.PCG und D_BANK.PCG beruhen auf dem TRITON/TRITONpro/ TRITONproX-Format. Einstellungen, die spezifisch für andere Modelle sind, sind nicht enthalten.
* Da Song-Daten beim Ausschalten verloren gehen, müssen Sie sie
beim nächsten Einschalten neu laden.
Falls etwas unklar ist, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Korg-Händler.
Dieses Produkt wurde unter strenger Beachtung von Spezifikatio­nen und Spannungsanforderungen hergestellt, die im Bestim­mungsland gelten. Wenn Sie dieses Produkt über das Internet, per Postversand und/oder mit telefonischer Bestellung gekauft haben, müssen Sie bestätigen, dass dieses Produkt für Ihr Wohngebiet ausgelegt ist. WARNUNG: Verwendung dieses Produkts in einem anderen Land als dem, für das es bestimmt ist, verwendet wird, kann gefährlich sein und die Garantie des Herstellers oder Importeurs hinfällig lassen werden. Bitte bewahren Sie diese Quittung als Kaufbeleg auf, da andernfalls das Produkt von der Garantie des Herstellers oder Importeurs ausgeschlossen werden kann.
1. 保証書に販売年月日等の記入がない場合は無効となります 。 記入できないときは、 お買い上げ年月日を証明でき る領収書等と一緒に保管してください。
コ ルグEXB-PCM09
本保証書は上記の保証規定により無料修理を行うことをお約束するものです。 お買い上げ日から満1年の間に万一故障が発生した場合は、製品と共に本保証 書を必ずご持参の上、修理を依頼してください。
お買い上げ 日 日 販売店名


ア フターサービス についてのご質問、ご相談は、お買い上げの販売店、最寄りのコル グ営業所、またはサービ ス・センターへお問い合わせください。
商品のお取り 扱 いに関するご質問、ご相談は、お客様相談窓口へお問い合わせくだ
お客様相談窓口 TEL03(3799)9086
サービ ス・センター:〒143-0001東京都大田区東海5-4-1
名古屋営業所:〒466-0825名古屋市昭和区八事本町100-51 TEL052(832)1419
大阪営業所:〒531-0072大阪市北区豊崎3-2-1淀川5番館7F TEL06(6374)0691
福岡営業所:〒810-0012福岡市 中央区 白 金1-3-25第2池田ビル1F TEL092(531)0166
15-12, Shimotakaido 1-chome, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan
C 2002 KORG INC. 1410 CTH
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Complies with Canadian ICES-003 Class B. Conforme au Reglement Canadian NMB-003 classe B.
Thank you for purchasing the Korg EXB-PCM09 PCM expansion board. To ensure years of trouble-free enjoyment, please read this
owner's manual carefully and use the product correctly. The EXB-PCM09 contains 128 programs that cover a broad selection
of synth bass, lead, pads, detuned sounds and drum sounds that are indispensable for house/trance music. It also contains 128 combina­tions (most of them based on rhythmic patterns) that use these programs and the 16 arpeggio patterns. Also included are 181 patterns/RPPR (three songs) that you can use immediately in your own songs.
Contents of the package
PCM board (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mbyte) ................................................ 1
Floppy disk (EXBPCM-09FD)............................................................. 1
Owner's manual .................................................................................... 1
Included data
PCM board (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mbyte)
The PCM board (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mbyte) contains 78 multisamples and 240 drum samples ideal for house/trance music.
Multisample (78): Detune: 36, Bass/Lead: 22, Simple Wave: 9, Drumsample (240): BD, SD, HH, Perc, Voice (1 shot)
Sync: 5, Voice Set: 4, SE: 2
Floppy disk (EXBPCM-09FD)
The included floppy disk (EXBPCM-09FD) contains 128 programs, 128 combinations, 12 drum kits, 16 arpeggio patterns, and 181 patterns/RPPR (three songs) that use the multisamples and drum samples of the PCM board (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mbyte).
C_BANK.PCG: Programs: 128 (C)
C_BANK.SNG: Song: 3 (Pattern 181) D_BANK.PCG: Programs: 128 (D)
D_BANK.SNG: Song: 3 (Pattern 181)
* The contents of C_BANK.PCG and D_BANK.PCG are identical,
and the contents of C_BANK.SNG and D_BANK.SNG are iden­tical.
Combinations: 128 (C) Drum Kits: 12 (C) Arpeggio Pattern: 16 (C)
Combinations: 128 (D) Drum Kits: 12 (D) Arpeggio Pattern: 16 (D)
Installing the EXB-PCM09 and loading the data
For details on how to install the PCM board (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mbyte) and load the data, refer to the owner's manual of the instrument into which you are installing the board. Here is an overview of the process.
1. Use "Save All" (or an equivalent command) to save any important
data from the memory of the instrument to storage media.
You should back up important data onto your own disk or other storage medium. When you load the files included with this prod­uct, any data that was previously in the loading-destination will be overwritten.
2. Turn off the power of the instrument into which you are installing
the board, disconnect the power cable, and then install the EXB­PCM board (EXB-PCM09: 16 Mbyte). After installing the board, re-connect the power cable and turn on the power. Verify that the board was installed correctly.
3. After you have verified that the board is correctly installed, load
the PRELOAD.PCG file from such as floppy disk which was provided with the instrument in which you installed the board.
The combinations and programs of the EXB-PCM09 use the following data from the PRELOAD.PCG file.
Program: Bank A and Bank B Drum Kit: 00-15 (A/B) Arpeggio Pattern: 000-199 (A/B)
* On some instruments, the above banks will be displayed as I-A,
I-B, and I-A/B. The arpeggio patterns will not be loaded or overwritten on instruments that do not contain an arpeggiator.
For details on loading various types of data, refer to the following pages.
TRITON STUDIO: BG p.63, 65 TRITON/TRITON pro/TRITON proX: BG p.42, 92 TRITON-Rack: BG p.42, 82 KARMA: BG p.43, 94 (October / ’02)
4. Load the C_BANK.PCG file or D_BANK.PCG file from the
floppy disk (EXBPCM-09FD). If you want to load the SNG file at the same time, check either
"Load C_BANK.SNG too" or "Load D_BANK.SNG too," and then press OK. The C-bank or D-bank combinations, programs, drum kits, arpeggio patterns, and song data will be loaded.
* Since C_BANK.PCG and D_BANK.PCG of the EXB-PCM09
do not contain A- and B-bank combinations, programs, drum kits 00-15 (A/B), and arpeggio patterns 000-199 (A/B), and global data, this data will not be loaded.
The C_BANK.PCG and D_BANK.PCG data is in the TRITON/ TRITONpro/TRITONproX format. Settings that are specific to other models are not included.
* Since song data is lost when you turn off the power, you will
need to reload it the next time you turn on the power.
If you have any questions, please contact your Korg distributor.
This product has been manufactured according to strict specifica­tions and voltage requirements that are applicable in the country in which it is intended that this product should be used. If you have purchased this product via the internet, through mail order, and/or via a telephone sale, you must verify that this product is intended to be used in the country in which you reside. WARNING: Use of this product in any country other than that for which it is intended could be dangerous and could invalidate the manufacturer's or distributor's warranty. Please also retain your receipt as proof of purchase otherwise your product may be disqualified from the manufacturer's or distributor's warranty.
このたびは、コルグPCMエクスパ ンジョン・ボードEXB-PCM09をお買い上げ いただきまして誠にありが と う ご ざいます。本製品を末永くご愛用いただくた めにも、この取扱説明書や、取り 付ける機器の取扱説明書を よくお 読み になっ て正しい方法でご使用ください。
EXB-PCM09は、 リー ド,パッド,デチューン・サ ウンドやド ラム・サウンドなど128プログラムと、 これらのプログラムと16種のアルペジオ・ パターンを駆使したリズミックなパ ターンを中心と した128コンビネーションを収録しています。その他、曲づ くり ですぐに使える181パターン/RPPR(3ソング分)を収録しています。
ハウス/トランス・ミ ュージック に欠かせないシンセ・ベース,
PCMボード(EXB-PCM09: 16Mbyte) .............................................. 1
フロッピー・ディ スク(EXBPCM-09FD) ............................................ 1
取扱説明書 .............................................................................................1
PCM ボード(EXB-PCM09: 16Mbyte)
PCMボード(EXB-PCM09: 16Mbyte)は、ハウス/トラ ンス・ミュージックに
適した 78マルチサンプル,240ドラムサンプルを収録しています。
Multisample (78): Detune: 36, Bass/Lead: 22, Simple Wave: 9, Sync:
Drumsample (240): BD, SD, HH, Perc, Voice (1 shot)
フロッピー・ ディスク (EXBPCM-09FD)
付 属フ ロッピ ー・ディス ク (EXBPCM-09FD)は、PCM ボード(EXB-PCM09:
16Mbyte)のマ ルチサンプル , ドラムサンプルを使用した 128プログラム,
128コンビネーション,12ドラムキットと、16アルペジオ・パターン,181パ ターン/RPPR(3ソング分)を収録しています。
C_BANK.PCG: Programs: 128 (C)
C_BANK.SNG: Song: 3 (Pattern 181)
D_BANK.PCG: Programs: 128 (D)
D_BANK.SNG: Song: 3 (Pattern 181)
5, Voice Set: 4, SE: 2
Combinations: 128 (C) Drum Kits: 12 (C) Arpeggio Pattern: 16 (C)
Combinations: 128 (D) Drum Kits: 12 (D) Arpeggio Pattern: 16 (D)
PCMボード (EXB-PCM09: 16Mbyte) の取り付け、およびデータのロー ド方 法の詳細は、取り付ける機器の取扱説明書をご覧ください。 ここでは概要を説明します。
1. 取 り付ける機器の必要なデータを メディアにセーブ(SaveAll等)します。 大切なデータはお 手持ちのディスク等へあら かじめセーブしておいて
ください。本製品の各ファイルをロードすると、ロード先の各データが 上書きされます。
2. 取り付ける機器の電源をオフにして電源コードをはずし、EXB-PCMボー
(EXB-PCM09: 16Mbyte)を取り付けます。取り付け後、電源を入れ、正
しく 取り付けられたことを確認してください。
3. 確認後、取り付ける機器に付属されているフロッピー・ディスクの
PRELOAD.PCGファイルをロードします。 EXB-PCM09のコンビネーションとプログラムはPRELOAD.PCGファイ
プログラム: バンクAとバンクB
ドラムキット: 00-15(A/B)
アルペジオ・パターン: 000-199(A/B)
* 機器によって、上記のバンクがI-A, I-B, I-A/Bと表示されます。
なお、アルペジエーター機能を搭載していない機種では、アルペジオ・ パターンはロードできません。
TRITON STUDIO: BG p.63, 65 TRITON/TRITON pro/TRITON proX: BG p.42, 92 TRITON-Rack: BG p.42, 82 KARMA: BG p.43, 94
4. フロッピー・ディスク(EXBPCM-09FD)C_BANK.PCGファイルまたは
D_BANK.PCGファイルをロードします。 SNGファイ ルも一括してロードする場合は、Load C_BANK.SNG tooまた
Load D_BANK.SNG tooをチェックして、OKを押します。CバンクまたDバンクのコンビネーション,プログラム,ドラムキット,アルペジオ・パ ターンと、ソング・データがロードされます。
EXB-PCM09C_BANK.PCGD_BANK.PCGは、A,Bバンクの ビネーション オ・パターン: 000-199(A/B),グローバル・データ これらのデータはロードされません。
*ソング・データは、電源をオフにすると消去さ れますので再度電源をオ
ンに した後に、ロードし直す必要があります。
プログラム, ドラムキット: 00-15(A/B), アルペジ
Printed in Japan
(200210月現在 )


C/D # Name Category
000 Trance Anthem Rhythmic Pattern 001 ::Pure Energy:: Rhythmic Pattern 002 Hard House Rhythmic Pattern 003 Free Way Rhythmic Pattern 004 Goa-in For It Rhythmic Pattern 005 K A M P U S Rhythmic Pattern 006 Killer Tune Rhythmic Pattern 007 Sea Wave Rhythmic Pattern 008 Infinity Pad Synth 009 Goanna... Rhythmic Pattern 010 Trance Power Rhythmic Pattern 011 Hard Groove Rhythmic Pattern 012 PursuitOfJustice Rhythmic Pattern 013 MassTrance Pad Pads 014 ] Electrified [ Rhythmic Pattern 015 U no U Want It Rhythmic Pattern 016 DaDaDaa Rhythmic Pattern 017 Know Trance Rhythmic Pattern 018 SeriousBleeper Rhythmic Pattern 019 Goa Abduction Rhythmic Pattern 020 Feel Wide Bass Complex & SE 021 DEEP in da House Rhythmic Pattern 022 Cell Phone City Rhythmic Pattern 023 Surrender Now Rhythmic Pattern 024 Awake All Night LeadSplits 025 Sunrise @ IBIZA MotionSynth 026 OAB Techno Rhythmic Pattern 027 Hard Hitting Ds/Hits 028 Large one MotionSynth 029 Counterpoint Arp MotionSynth 030 Male Xpansions Complex & SE 031 Massiv KAOS Kit Ds/Hits 032 Night Flight Rhythmic Pattern 033 Groove Wah Bass Rhythmic Pattern 034 Hard Floor Rhythmic Pattern 035 The Horizon Rhythmic Pattern 036 TranceBuildSW1/2 Rhythmic Pattern 037 Komplicate Rhythmic Pattern 038 Jumpin' n Pumpin Rhythmic Pattern 039 Planet of Love Rhythmic Pattern
C/D # Name Category
040 Deep Vox Pad Pads 041 Trancendental Rhythmic Pattern 042 Rave Killer Rhythmic Pattern 043 Power Bar Rhythmic Pattern 044 Can't Remember Rhythmic Pattern 045 VocalPadLand Pads 046 Beyond the World Rhythmic Pattern 047 2 Finger Magik Rhythmic Pattern 048 Majority Rules Ds/Hits 049 ResonaceParty Rhythmic Pattern 050 SW1/2 Breakdown Rhythmic Pattern 051 SquaredOrCubed? Rhythmic Pattern 052 Death Groove Rhythmic Pattern 053 Xperiment YZ52 Rhythmic Pattern 054 Lookin'4 Trouble Rhythmic Pattern 055 Voco Loco Rhythmic Pattern 056 Nights Of Fire Rhythmic Pattern 057 Tekno Overture Pads 058 Pop Pizza Rhythmic Pattern 059 Crowd Pleaser Rhythmic Pattern 060 Amazing Strings Strings 061 AssimilatedArps MotionSynth 062 Female Xpansions Complex & SE 063 Dach Groove Ds/Hits 064 TheMissingBleep Rhythmic Pattern 065 Beauty/Beast Rhythmic Pattern 066 Trance Blade Synth 067 Cyber Dance Rhythmic Pattern 068 5th Movement Rhythmic Pattern 069 Blood Pressure Rhythmic Pattern 070 Love Me Tonight Rhythmic Pattern 071 Patho's Song Rhythmic Pattern 072 Edition ARP Synth 073 Pickled Rhythmic Pattern 074 Hard Project Rhythmic Pattern 075 Heavy Groove Rhythmic Pattern 076 SlowGroover Rhythmic Pattern 077 PS6 Gated Pad MotionSynth 078 OOD Techno Rhythmic Pattern 079 U DO Tekno ? Rhythmic Pattern
C/D # Name Category
080 Intro... Rhythmic Pattern 081 Swinging Party Rhythmic Pattern 082 Hard at it Rhythmic Pattern 083 Nasal Passage Rhythmic Pattern 084 Swept Away MotionSynth 085 Are U really U ? Rhythmic Pattern 086 Cloud Travel Rhythmic Pattern 087 Eternity Rhythmic Pattern 088 Out On The Floor Rhythmic Pattern 089 Chill w/my Piano Keyboard 090 FunkyDancer Rhythmic Pattern 091 Syncro Sonic Rhythmic Pattern 092 Flanged Pad MotionSynth 093 UltraAnoString MotionSynth 094 Vox-N-Jams Complex & SE 095 Hard House Bells Rhythmic Pattern 096 DryPuffyTrance Rhythmic Pattern 097 ChordBlocker Rhythmic Pattern 098 Detune Massive Synth 099 National Pulse Rhythmic Pattern 100 ATGater(SWBuild) Rhythmic Pattern 101 Dawn Dancer Rhythmic Pattern 102 Heart To Heart Rhythmic Pattern 103 Misty Morning Rhythmic Pattern 104 Vocalist MotionSynth 105 Green Strings Synth 106 Quadrangle Rhythmic Pattern 107 DreamState... MotionSynth 108 TimeOut... MotionSynth 109 Gated Padding MotionSynth 110 Crop Circling Rhythmic Pattern 111 Did U See God 2? Rhythmic Pattern 112 Mad at the World Rhythmic Pattern 113 LC Nagger Rhythmic Pattern 114 Hard Bleeper Rhythmic Pattern 115 EnsembSynPizz Synth 116 High Sync Lead Synth 117 Organ Bass Rhythmic Pattern 118 Euphorious Rhythmic Pattern 119 Confirmation Rhythmic Pattern
C/D # Name Category
120 Reflexer Rhythmic Pattern 121 Splashdown MotionSynth 122 90's House Rhythmic Pattern 123 Wild Nights Rhythmic Pattern 124 Interdic Pad Synth 125 ThrobbingFingers MotionSynth 126 Racing the Clock Complex & SE 127 Hit onC4 Ds/Hits


C/D # Name Category
000 d MassiveKillerPad FastSynth 001 d Nu Goa Synth FastSynth 002 d Anthem Tool FastSynth 003 d Toxic Buzz Hit/Arpg 004 d Sub Arp Hit/Arpg 005 d Pulse Bass Bass 006 d Saw Bass Bass 007 d Infected Bass Bass 008 d Antic Bass Bass 009 d Pretty Pad SlowSynth 010 d Padulus SW1 MotionSynth 011 d LightOfTheSource MotionSynth 012 d Brass Oct Synth FastSynth 013 d DetuneTranceLead LeadSynth 014 d Rebel Lead LeadSynth 015 d Saw Lead/Bass LeadSynth 016 d Pumpin' Kit Drums 017 d Hard Kit 2 Drums 018 d She's a GOA! Drums 019 d Male Voice SW1 SE 020 d FemaleVoice3 SW1 SE 021 d Strato Grand Keyboard 022 d Transonic Grand Keyboard 023 s Plus Pulse Bass 024 d Attack Sub Bass Bass 025 s Breaker Bass Bass 026 d Square Face Bass Bass 027 d PWM Lead/Bass Bass 028 d Deep'nDark Bass Bass 029 d Mondo Sync Bass Bass 030 d Snappy Bass/Lead Bass 031 d Digilog Bass Bass 032 d Deep Organ Bass Bass 033 d Bass-Depot Bass 034 s Mondo Saw Bass Bass 035 d Monopoly Bass Bass 036 d Reso Stereo Bass Bass 037 d [ VeloBASS ] Bass 038 d Tunnel Bass Bass 039 d Phone Bass Bass
C/D # Name Category
040 d BaBaBass Bass 041 d Grawkr Bass Bass 042 d Unison Bass Bass 043 s Angry Tea Bee Bass 044 d LFO Trance Lead LeadSynth 045 d Psycho Stab LeadSynth 046 d Wide Detune Lead LeadSynth 047 d Sharp Blade LeadSynth 048 d Free Detox PWM LeadSynth 049 d ) HARD Liner ( LeadSynth 050 s Viral Lead LeadSynth 051 d Big Fog Horn LeadSynth 052 d Toxic Lead LeadSynth 053 d Morpher Lead LeadSynth 054 d MS-2000 Sync 1 LeadSynth 055 d MS-2000 Sync 2 LeadSynth 056 s HardBody Lead LeadSynth 057 d HYPER BRAT LeadSynth 058 d Pulse Padding SlowSynth 059 d Thick Pad SlowSynth 060 d KillerPadSW1Ribb SlowSynth 061 d Introduction MotionSynth 062 d Euphorisim MotionSynth 063 s Trance Scream MotionSynth 064 d 5th Sweeper MotionSynth 065 d AStabInTheDark MotionSynth 066 d Cookin Oil MotionSynth 067 d Dream Catcher MotionSynth 068 d Red Rain MotionSynth 069 d Bombers Pad MotionSynth 070 d Trance in Motion MotionSynth 071 d Europhonic MotionSynth 072 d Storm Chaser MotionSynth 073 d Sonic Throbber MotionSynth 074 d MonolithicMotion MotionSynth 075 d Wave Hunter MotionSynth 076 d WelcomeToMyWorld MotionSynth 077 d Man Of War MotionSynth 078 d Club L.F.O. MotionSynth 079 d Robotica MotionSynth
C/D # Name Category
080 d ISaw&ISquared MotionSynth 081 d Voxic Vocal/Airy 082 d Breath of God Vocal/Airy 083 d Epic Trance Stab FastSynth 084 d Massive Pad FastSynth 085 d BladeBoard FastSynth 086 d Detuned SynBrass FastSynth 087 d Big Dancer FastSynth 088 d Killer DetunSyn FastSynth 089 d Fat Fogger FastSynth 090 d Blade Run FastSynth 091 d Xtreme Edge FastSynth 092 d Eurosynth FastSynth 093 d Dreamy Punk FastSynth 094 d Pulse Width Mod FastSynth 095 d Dyna-Saw-Rus-Rex FastSynth 096 d Pure Pulse FastSynth 097 d Pure Saw FastSynth 098 d Phone Boy FastSynth 099 d Minority FastSynth 100 d Puncher FastSynth 101 d RUDE Puncher FastSynth 102 d Widow Maker FastSynth 103 d Trance Hit Hit/Arpg 104 d Industrial Stab Hit/Arpg 105 d Mega Pulse Hit Hit/Arpg 106 d Wake Up Now! Hit/Arpg 107 d Modal Hit Hit/Arpg 108 d 7th House Hit Hit/Arpg 109 d Sync Slider Hit/Arpg 110 d ArppHEAD Hit/Arpg 111 d ARP Yer TRANCE Hit/Arpg 112 d Synpathic Hit/Arpg 113 d Dub Panner Hit/Arpg 114 d SimmerReso Hit/Arpg 115 d Trance Bells Bell/Mallet 116 d TEK NO Kit 1 Drums 117 d TEK NO Kit 2 Drums 118 d DemBeatsMan :-) Drums 119 d Hard Kit 1 Drums
C/D # Name Category
120 d Xtreme Kit Drums 121 d PhatBoy Kit Drums 122 d Pitch Slam Kit Drums 123 d Techno Perc Drums 124 d Nu Trix Kit Drums 125 d SweepingAllAside SE 126 d FemaleVoice1 SW1 SE 127 d FemaleVoice2 SW1 SE
s: single program, d: double program, d : Drums program

Drum kits

16/32: TekNo Kit 1
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 29 EXB9, 29 C#1 EXB9, 3 EXB9, 3 D1 EXB9, 4 EXB9, 4 D#1 EXB9, 47 EXB9, 47 E1 EXB9, 49 EXB9, 49 F1 EXB9, 167 EXB9, 167 F#1 EXB9, 166 EXB9, 169 G1 EXB9, 160 EXB9, 160 G#1 EXB9, 168 EXB9, 166 A1 EXB9, 161 A#1 ROM, 157 B1 EXB9, 162 C2 EXB9, 11 EXB9, 0 C#2 EXB9, 32 EXB9, 27 D2 EXB9, 17 EXB9, 8 D#2 EXB9, 31 EXB9, 5 E2 EXB9, 11 EXB9, 8 F2 EXB9, 51 EXB9, 51 F#2 EXB9, 53 G2 EXB9, 61 G#2 EXB9, 62 A2 EXB9, 166 EXB9, 165 A#2 EXB9, 168 B2 EXB9, 3 EXB9, 18 C3 EXB9, 25 EXB9, 23 C#3 EXB9, 139 D3 EXB9, 45 D#3 EXB9, 57 EXB9, 63 E3 EXB9, 40 EXB9, 40 F3 EXB9, 112 F#3 EXB9, 74 EXB9, 74 G3 EXB9, 112 G#3 EXB9, 70 EXB9, 70 A3 EXB9, 112 A#3 EXB9, 66 EXB9, 66 B3 EXB9, 137 ROM, 117 C4 EXB9, 137 ROM, 117 C#4 ROM, 153 D4 EXB9, 137 ROM, 117 D#4 EXB9, 83 EXB9, 84 E4 EXB9, 86 F4 EXB9, 86 EXB9, 86 F#4 EXB9, 128 EXB9, 128 G4 EXB9, 162 G#4 EXB9, 216 EXB9, 218 A4 EXB9, 202 A#4 EXB9, 215 B4 EXB9, 234 C5 EXB9, 185 C#5 EXB9, 186 D5 EXB9, 184 D#5 EXB9, 172 E5 EXB9, 157 F5 EXB9, 155 F#5 EXB9, 149 G5 EXB9, 210 G#5 EXB9, 162 A5 EXB9, 144 EXB9, 144 A#5 EXB9, 108 B5 EXB9, 149 C6 EXB9, 159 C#6 EXB9, 148 D6 EXB9, 193 D#6 EXB9, 208 E6 EXB9, 226 F6 EXB9, 178 F#6 EXB9, 157 G6 EXB9, 159 G#6 EXB9, 210 EXB9, 210 A6 EXB9, 239 EXB9, 239 A#6 EXB9, 226 B6 EXB9, 211 C7 EXB9, 157 C#7 EXB9, 214 D7 EXB9, 233 D#7 EXB9, 234 E7 EXB9, 197 F7 EXB9, 189 F#7 EXB9, 190 G7 EXB9, 147 G#7 EXB9, 173 A7 EXB9, 154 A#7 EXB9, 218 B7 EXB9, 156 C8 EXB9, 152
17/33: TekNo Kit 2
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 29 EXB9, 29 C#1 EXB9, 3 EXB9, 3 D1 EXB9, 4 EXB9, 4 D#1 EXB9, 47 EXB9, 47 E1 EXB9, 49 EXB9, 49 F1 EXB9, 167 EXB9, 167 F#1 EXB9, 166 EXB9, 169 G1 EXB9, 160 EXB9, 160 G#1 EXB9, 168 EXB9, 166 A1 EXB9, 161 A#1 ROM, 157 B1 EXB9, 162 C2 EXB9, 17 C#2 EXB9, 29 EXB9, 28 D2 EXB9, 15 EXB9, 7 D#2 EXB9, 21 EXB9, 21 E2 EXB9, 24 EXB9, 24 F2 EXB9, 50 F#2 EXB9, 47 G2 EXB9, 56 G#2 EXB9, 40 A2 EXB9, 55 A#2 EXB9, 54 B2 EXB9, 18 EXB9, 18 C3 EXB9, 0 EXB9, 25 C#3 EXB9, 52 D3 EXB9, 42 D#3 EXB9, 60 EXB9, 62 E3 EXB9, 48 EXB9, 48 F3 EXB9, 110 F#3 EXB9, 68 EXB9, 64 G3 EXB9, 110 G#3 EXB9, 73 EXB9, 73 A3 EXB9, 110 A#3 EXB9, 66 EXB9, 66 B3 EXB9, 113 ROM, 117 C4 EXB9, 113 ROM, 117 C#4 EXB9, 85 D4 EXB9, 113 ROM, 117 D#4 EXB9, 83 EXB9, 84 E4 EXB9, 87 F4 EXB9, 86 EXB9, 96 F#4 EXB9, 127 EXB9, 127 G4 EXB9, 88 G#4 ROM, 305 A4 EXB9, 39 EXB9, 38 A#4 EXB9, 107 EXB9, 107 B4 EXB9, 90 EXB9, 90 C5 EXB9, 132 C#5 EXB9, 133 D5 EXB9, 137 EXB9, 135 D#5 EXB9, 134 E5 EXB9, 138 F5 ROM, 285 ROM, 284 F#5 ROM, 281 ROM, 281 G5 EXB9, 126 G#5 EXB9, 128 A5 EXB9, 129 EXB9, 129 A#5 EXB9, 118 B5 EXB9, 146 C6 EXB9, 158 C#6 EXB9, 151 D6 EXB9, 182 D#6 EXB9, 201 E6 EXB9, 232 F6 EXB9, 171 F#6 EXB9, 149 EXB9, 150 G6 EXB9, 148 G#6 EXB9, 174 A6 EXB9, 183 A#6 EXB9, 239 EXB9, 224 B6 EXB9, 179 C7 EXB9, 155 C#7 EXB9, 214 D7 EXB9, 233 D#7 EXB9, 234 E7 EXB9, 197 F7 EXB9, 189 F#7 EXB9, 190 G7 EXB9, 147 G#7 EXB9, 173 A7 EXB9, 154 A#7 EXB9, 218 B7 EXB9, 156 C8 EXB9, 152
18/34: Trance Kit 1
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 129 C#1 EXB9, 114 D1 ROM, 317 D#1 ROM, 166 E1 ROM, 311 ROM, 311 F1 ROM, 291 F#1 ROM, 289 G1 ROM, 288 G#1 EXB9, 60 A1 ROM, 312 A#1 EXB9, 10 B1 EXB9, 20 C2 EXB9, 38 C#2 EXB9, 39 D2 EXB9, 0 D#2 EXB9, 1 E2 EXB9, 2 F2 EXB9, 42 F#2 EXB9, 44 G2 EXB9, 45 G#2 EXB9, 46 A2 EXB9, 55 A#2 EXB9, 40 B2 EXB9, 9 C3 EXB9, 0 C#3 EXB9, 115 D3 ROM, 182 D#3 EXB9, 59 E3 ROM, 184 F3 EXB9, 113 F#3 EXB9, 64 G3 EXB9, 113 G#3 EXB9, 65 A3 EXB9, 113 A#3 EXB9, 66 B3 EXB9, 113 C4 EXB9, 113 C#4 EXB9, 85 D4 EXB9, 83 D#4 ROM, 161 E4 ROM, 158 F4 ROM, 164 F#4 ROM, 291 G4 EXB9, 66 G#4 EXB9, 160 EXB9, 161 A4 EXB9, 66 A#4 EXB9, 162 EXB9, 163 B4 ROM, 157 ROM, 157 C5 EXB9, 1 C#5 EXB9, 107 EXB9, 107 D5 EXB9, 103 D#5 ROM, 267 E5 ROM, 268 F5 ROM, 261 F#5 EXB9, 78 G5 ROM, 260 G#5 EXB9, 80 A5 EXB9, 94 A#5 EXB9, 104 B5 EXB9, 105 C6 EXB9, 62 C#6 ROM, 293 D6 EXB9, 132 D#6 ROM, 292 E6 EXB9, 133 F6 EXB9, 110 F#6 EXB9, 74 G6 EXB9, 110 G#6 EXB9, 75 A6 EXB9, 110 A#6 EXB9, 76 B6 EXB9, 110 C7 EXB9, 110 C#7 EXB9, 85 D7 ROM, 207 ROM, 207 D#7 ROM, 206 ROM, 206 E7 ROM, 205 ROM, 205 F7 EXB9, 136 F#7 EXB9, 138 G7 EXB9, 134 G#7 EXB9, 133 A7 EXB9, 132 A#7 EXB9, 131 B7 EXB9, 137 C8 EXB9, 135 C#8 ROM, 324 D8 ROM, 202
19/35: Trance Kit 2
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 129 C#1 EXB9, 114 D1 ROM, 317 D#1 ROM, 166 E1 ROM, 311 ROM, 311 F1 ROM, 291 F#1 ROM, 289 G1 ROM, 288 G#1 EXB9, 60 A1 ROM, 312 A#1 EXB9, 10 B1 EXB9, 20 C2 EXB9, 38 C#2 EXB9, 39 D2 EXB9, 3 D#2 EXB9, 5 E2 EXB9, 2 F2 EXB9, 42 F#2 EXB9, 41 G2 EXB9, 45 G#2 EXB9, 44 A2 EXB9, 55 A#2 EXB9, 61 B2 EXB9, 9 C3 EXB9, 0 C#3 EXB9, 115 D3 ROM, 182 D#3 EXB9, 59 E3 ROM, 184 F3 ROM, 198 F#3 EXB9, 74 G3 ROM, 198 G#3 EXB9, 75 A3 ROM, 198 A#3 EXB9, 77 B3 ROM, 198 C4 ROM, 198 C#4 EXB9, 85 D4 EXB9, 144 D#4 ROM, 161 E4 ROM, 158 F4 ROM, 164 F#4 ROM, 291 G4 EXB9, 66 G#4 EXB9, 210 A4 EXB9, 66 A#4 EXB9, 211 B4 EXB9, 85 C5 EXB9, 1 C#5 ROM, 206 ROM, 206 D5 EXB9, 103 D#5 ROM, 235 E5 ROM, 239 F5 ROM, 232 F#5 EXB9, 75 G5 ROM, 234 G#5 EXB9, 77 A5 EXB9, 94 A#5 EXB9, 104 B5 EXB9, 105 C6 EXB9, 57 C#6 ROM, 293 D6 EXB9, 164 D#6 ROM, 292 E6 EXB9, 171 F6 EXB9, 202 F#6 EXB9, 64 G6 EXB9, 204 G#6 EXB9, 65 A6 EXB9, 217 A#6 EXB9, 66 B6 EXB9, 220 C7 EXB9, 222 C#7 ROM, 157 D7 ROM, 207 ROM, 207 D#7 ROM, 206 ROM, 206 E7 ROM, 205 ROM, 205 F7 EXB9, 136 F#7 EXB9, 138 G7 EXB9, 134 G#7 EXB9, 133 A7 EXB9, 132 A#7 EXB9, 131 B7 EXB9, 137 C8 EXB9, 135 C#8 ROM, 324 D8 ROM, 202
20/36: Hard Kit 1
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 14 C#1 EXB9, 15 D1 EXB9, 7 D#1 EXB9, 6 E1 EXB9, 13 F1 EXB9, 12 F#1 EXB9, 16 G1 EXB9, 63 G#1 EXB9, 38 A1 EXB9, 39 A#1 EXB9, 48 B1 EXB9, 0 C2 EXB9, 0 C#2 EXB9, 9 D2 EXB9, 11 D#2 EXB9, 29 E2 EXB9, 18 F2 EXB9, 44 F#2 EXB9, 40 G2 EXB9, 47 G#2 EXB9, 42 A2 EXB9, 43 A#2 EXB9, 56 B2 EXB9, 6 C3 EXB9, 20 C#3 EXB9, 114 D3 EXB9, 55 D#3 EXB9, 59 E3 EXB9, 47 F3 EXB9, 110 F#3 EXB9, 65 G3 EXB9, 110 G#3 EXB9, 69 A3 EXB9, 110 A#3 EXB9, 70 EXB9, 70 B3 EXB9, 110 C4 EXB9, 110 C#4 EXB9, 85 D4 EXB9, 110 D#4 EXB9, 84 E4 EXB9, 85 F4 EXB9, 121 F#4 EXB9, 75 G4 EXB9, 126 G#4 EXB9, 76 A4 EXB9, 124 A#4 EXB9, 77 B4 EXB9, 128 C5 EXB9, 135 C#5 EXB9, 130 D5 EXB9, 137 D#5 EXB9, 131 E5 EXB9, 138 F5 EXB9, 51 F#5 EXB9, 92 EXB9, 101 G5 EXB9, 52 G#5 EXB9, 94 EXB9, 93 A5 EXB9, 109 A#5 EXB9, 96 EXB9, 95 B5 EXB9, 109 C6 EXB9, 53 C#6 EXB9, 117 D6 EXB9, 53 D#6 EXB9, 118 E6 EXB9, 87 F6 EXB9, 141 F#6 EXB9, 119 G6 EXB9, 142 G#6 EXB9, 120 A6 EXB9, 144 A#6 EXB9, 120 B6 EXB9, 87 C7 EXB9, 3 C#7 EXB9, 81 D7 EXB9, 45 D#7 EXB9, 82 E7 EXB9, 61 F7 EXB9, 163 F#7 EXB9, 156 G7 EXB9, 161 G#7 EXB9, 183 A7 EXB9, 148 A#7 EXB9, 174 B7 EXB9, 153 C8 EXB9, 151
21/37: Hard Kit 2
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 ROM, 325 ROM, 326 C#1 ROM, 329 ROM, 328 D1 ROM, 327 D#1 ROM, 335 ROM, 334 E1 ROM, 331 ROM, 330 F1 ROM, 332 ROM, 333 F#1 ROM, 337 ROM, 336 G1 ROM, 343 ROM, 342 G#1 ROM, 348 ROM, 345 A1 ROM, 349 ROM, 350 A#1 ROM, 350 ROM, 351 B1 ROM, 352 ROM, 353 C2 EXB9, 17 EXB9, 17 C#2 EXB9, 13 EXB9, 13 D2 EXB9, 18 EXB9, 18 D#2 EXB9, 18 EXB9, 18 E2 EXB9, 36 EXB9, 36 F2 EXB9, 46 EXB9, 46 F#2 EXB9, 41 EXB9, 41 G2 EXB9, 173 G#2 EXB9, 44 EXB9, 44 A2 EXB9, 52 A#2 EXB9, 51 EXB9, 51 B2 EXB9, 16 C3 EXB9, 16 EXB9, 16 C#3 EXB9, 115 D3 EXB9, 40 EXB9, 40 D#3 EXB9, 57 EXB9, 57 E3 EXB9, 44 F3 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 F#3 EXB9, 65 EXB9, 64 G3 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 G#3 EXB9, 71 EXB9, 71 A3 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 A#3 EXB9, 66 EXB9, 66 B3 EXB9, 130 EXB9, 130 C4 EXB9, 130 EXB9, 130 C#4 EXB9, 103 D4 EXB9, 131 EXB9, 131 D#4 EXB9, 84 EXB9, 84 E4 EXB9, 99 F4 EXB9, 71 EXB9, 71 F#4 EXB9, 117 G4 EXB9, 85 G#4 EXB9, 103 A4 ROM, 388 A#4 EXB9, 96 B4 EXB9, 45 EXB9, 45 C5 EXB9, 134 C#5 EXB9, 138 EXB9, 138 D5 EXB9, 137 EXB9, 137 D#5 EXB9, 58 E5 EXB9, 135 EXB9, 135 F5 EXB9, 124 EXB9, 124 F#5 EXB9, 37 G5 EXB9, 88 G#5 EXB9, 56 A5 EXB9, 97 A#5 EXB9, 8 B5 EXB9, 95 C6 EXB9, 165 C#6 EXB9, 168 D6 EXB9, 118 D#6 EXB9, 128 E6 EXB9, 163 F6 EXB9, 160 F#6 EXB9, 99 G6 EXB9, 169 G#6 EXB9, 58 EXB9, 58 A6 EXB9, 66 A#6 EXB9, 70 EXB9, 70 B6 EXB9, 47 C7 EXB9, 4 C#7 EXB9, 95 EXB9, 95 D7 EXB9, 61 EXB9, 61 D#7 EXB9, 96 E7 EXB9, 39 EXB9, 38 F7 ROM, 194 ROM, 194 F#7 ROM, 385 G7 ROM, 386 G#7 ROM, 340 ROM, 341 A7 ROM, 338 ROM, 339 A#7 ROM, 314 B7 ROM, 390 C8 ROM, 367 C#8 EXB9, 118
22/38: Pumpin' Kit
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 ROM, 315 C#1 ROM, 257 ROM, 258 D1 ROM, 391 ROM, 391 D#1 ROM, 319 ROM, 319 E1 ROM, 311 ROM, 311 F1 ROM, 291 F#1 ROM, 288 ROM, 289 G1 ROM, 310 G#1 ROM, 309 ROM, 309 A1 ROM, 312 ROM, 312 A#1 EXB9, 0 ROM, 177 B1 EXB9, 32 EXB9, 32 C2 EXB9, 18 EXB9, 18 C#2 EXB9, 1 EXB9, 1 D2 EXB9, 17 EXB9, 17 D#2 EXB9, 6 EXB9, 6 E2 EXB9, 39 EXB9, 38 F2 EXB9, 45 EXB9, 45 F#2 EXB9, 40 EXB9, 40 G2 EXB9, 41 EXB9, 41 G#2 EXB9, 61 A2 EXB9, 103 A#2 EXB9, 56 B2 EXB9, 37 C3 EXB9, 6 EXB9, 6 C#3 ROM, 185 ROM, 185 D3 EXB9, 42 EXB9, 42 D#3 EXB9, 57 EXB9, 57 E3 EXB9, 55 EXB9, 55 F3 EXB9, 216 F#3 EXB9, 72 EXB9, 72 G3 EXB9, 239 G#3 EXB9, 65 EXB9, 65 A3 EXB9, 183 A#3 EXB9, 73 EXB9, 73 B3 EXB9, 65 C4 EXB9, 75 EXB9, 75 C#4 EXB9, 75 EXB9, 76 D4 EXB9, 77 EXB9, 77 D#4 EXB9, 84 EXB9, 84 E4 EXB9, 85 F4 EXB9, 138 EXB9, 138 F#4 EXB9, 74 G4 EXB9, 87 EXB9, 87 G#4 EXB9, 94 EXB9, 94 A4 ROM, 158 ROM, 158 A#4 EXB9, 105 EXB9, 105 B4 EXB9, 135 EXB9, 134 C5 EXB9, 6 EXB9, 6 C#5 EXB9, 111 EXB9, 111 D5 EXB9, 163 D#5 EXB9, 160 E5 EXB9, 210 F5 EXB9, 223 F#5 EXB9, 172 G5 EXB9, 124 G#5 EXB9, 8 A5 EXB9, 64 EXB9, 213 A#5 EXB9, 106 B5 EXB9, 164 C6 EXB9, 144 C#6 EXB9, 146 D6 EXB9, 150 D#6 EXB9, 193 E6 EXB9, 201 EXB9, 200 F6 EXB9, 191 F#6 EXB9, 194 G6 EXB9, 211 G#6 EXB9, 210 A6 EXB9, 179 A#6 EXB9, 225 B6 EXB9, 116 C7 EXB9, 145 C#7 ROM, 152 ROM, 152 D7 ROM, 155 ROM, 155 D#7 ROM, 162 ROM, 162 E7 ROM, 238 ROM, 242 F7 ROM, 235 ROM, 233 F#7 ROM, 165 ROM, 165 G7 ROM, 239 ROM, 236 G#7 ROM, 305 ROM, 305 A7 ROM, 307 ROM, 307 A#7 ROM, 305 ROM, 305 B7 ROM, 256 C8 EXB9, 93 C#8 EXB9, 75 D8 ROM, 202
23/39: PhatBoy Kit
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 5 EXB9, 0 C#1 EXB9, 132 EXB9, 132 D1 EXB9, 38 EXB9, 38 D#1 EXB9, 138 EXB9, 138 E1 EXB9, 9 EXB9, 9 F1 EXB9, 47 EXB9, 47 F#1 EXB9, 62 EXB9, 62 G1 EXB9, 58 EXB9, 58 G#1 EXB9, 112 EXB9, 112 A1 EXB9, 71 A#1 EXB9, 145 B1 EXB9, 31 C2 EXB9, 22 EXB9, 22 C#2 EXB9, 35 EXB9, 35 D2 EXB9, 32 EXB9, 32 D#2 EXB9, 36 EXB9, 36 E2 EXB9, 37 EXB9, 37 F2 EXB9, 46 EXB9, 46 F#2 EXB9, 54 EXB9, 54 G2 EXB9, 54 EXB9, 54 G#2 EXB9, 44 EXB9, 43 A2 EXB9, 45 EXB9, 44 A#2 EXB9, 45 EXB9, 45 B2 EXB9, 6 EXB9, 3 C3 EXB9, 9 EXB9, 11 C#3 EXB9, 115 EXB9, 115 D3 EXB9, 55 EXB9, 55 D#3 EXB9, 60 EXB9, 60 E3 EXB9, 56 EXB9, 56 F3 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 F#3 EXB9, 68 EXB9, 68 G3 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 G#3 EXB9, 69 EXB9, 69 A3 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 A#3 EXB9, 70 EXB9, 70 B3 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 C4 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 C#4 EXB9, 86 D4 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 D#4 EXB9, 83 EXB9, 83 E4 EXB9, 87 EXB9, 87 F4 EXB9, 105 EXB9, 105 F#4 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 G4 EXB9, 128 EXB9, 128 G#4 EXB9, 103 EXB9, 103 A4 EXB9, 141 A#4 EXB9, 104 B4 EXB9, 80 EXB9, 80 C5 EXB9, 136 EXB9, 136 C#5 EXB9, 137 EXB9, 137 D5 EXB9, 139 EXB9, 139 D#5 EXB9, 165 EXB9, 165 E5 EXB9, 132 EXB9, 132 F5 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 F#5 EXB9, 141 EXB9, 141 G5 EXB9, 131 G#5 ROM, 206 A5 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 A#5 EXB9, 129 EXB9, 129 B5 EXB9, 98 C6 EXB9, 109 C#6 EXB9, 112 EXB9, 112 D6 EXB9, 142 D#6 EXB9, 124 EXB9, 124 E6 EXB9, 102 F6 EXB9, 96 F#6 EXB9, 234 G6 EXB9, 174 G#6 EXB9, 126 EXB9, 126 A6 EXB9, 144 EXB9, 144 A#6 EXB9, 128 EXB9, 123 B6 ROM, 312 C7 EXB9, 39 C#7 EXB9, 98 EXB9, 98 D7 EXB9, 56 EXB9, 56 D#7 EXB9, 128 E7 ROM, 191 ROM, 191 F7 EXB9, 102 EXB9, 102 F#7 EXB9, 62 G7 EXB9, 127 G#7 EXB9, 162 A7 EXB9, 168 ROM, 172 A#7 EXB9, 107 B7 ROM, 354 C8 ROM, 355
24/40: Nu Trix Kit
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 170 EXB9, 170 C#1 ROM, 328 ROM, 328 D1 EXB9, 164 D#1 EXB9, 208 EXB9, 208 E1 EXB9, 141 EXB9, 141 F1 EXB9, 105 EXB9, 105 F#1 EXB9, 233 EXB9, 233 G1 EXB9, 234 EXB9, 234 G#1 EXB9, 163 EXB9, 163 A1 EXB9, 160 EXB9, 160 A#1 EXB9, 161 EXB9, 161 B1 EXB9, 3 EXB9, 3 C2 EXB9, 0 EXB9, 0 C#2 EXB9, 7 EXB9, 7 D2 EXB9, 36 EXB9, 36 D#2 EXB9, 16 EXB9, 16 E2 EXB9, 2 EXB9, 2 F2 EXB9, 40 EXB9, 40 F#2 EXB9, 62 G2 EXB9, 47 G#2 EXB9, 55 EXB9, 55 A2 EXB9, 50 A#2 EXB9, 48 EXB9, 48 B2 EXB9, 16 EXB9, 13 C3 EXB9, 14 EXB9, 14 C#3 ROM, 206 D3 EXB9, 49 EXB9, 49 D#3 EXB9, 58 EXB9, 60 E3 EXB9, 41 EXB9, 41 F3 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 F#3 EXB9, 78 EXB9, 78 G3 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 G#3 EXB9, 79 EXB9, 79 A3 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 A#3 EXB9, 80 EXB9, 80 B3 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 C4 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 C#4 EXB9, 85 D4 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 D#4 EXB9, 86 EXB9, 86 E4 EXB9, 84 F4 ROM, 165 F#4 EXB9, 140 G4 EXB9, 85 G#4 EXB9, 105 A4 ROM, 354 EXB9, 107 A#4 EXB9, 107 B4 EXB9, 96 EXB9, 96 C5 EXB9, 38 EXB9, 38 C#5 EXB9, 34 EXB9, 134 D5 EXB9, 125 EXB9, 125 D#5 EXB9, 215 EXB9, 215 E5 EXB9, 135 EXB9, 135 F5 EXB9, 99 EXB9, 99 F#5 EXB9, 141 G5 ROM, 218 G#5 EXB9, 104 EXB9, 104 A5 EXB9, 95 A#5 EXB9, 99 EXB9, 99 B5 EXB9, 108 C6 EXB9, 92 C#6 EXB9, 141 D6 EXB9, 140 D#6 EXB9, 127 EXB9, 127 E6 EXB9, 143 F6 EXB9, 127 F#6 EXB9, 128 G6 EXB9, 118 G#6 EXB9, 120 A6 ROM, 206 A#6 EXB9, 132 B6 EXB9, 144 C7 EXB9, 4 C#7 EXB9, 75 EXB9, 75 D7 EXB9, 56 EXB9, 56 D#7 EXB9, 77 E7 EXB9, 130 F7 EXB9, 103 EXB9, 103 F#7 EXB9, 107 G7 EXB9, 143 G#7 EXB9, 169 EXB9, 169 A7 EXB9, 170 EXB9, 170 A#7 ROM, 314 B7 ROM, 390 C8 EXB9, 39
25/41: Xtreme Kit
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 113 EXB9, 113 C#1 EXB9, 132 EXB9, 132 D1 EXB9, 39 EXB9, 39 D#1 EXB9, 138 EXB9, 138 E1 EXB9, 9 EXB9, 9 F1 EXB9, 134 EXB9, 134 F#1 EXB9, 134 EXB9, 134 G1 EXB9, 135 EXB9, 135 G#1 EXB9, 116 EXB9, 116 A1 EXB9, 120 A#1 EXB9, 145 B1 EXB9, 6 C2 EXB9, 15 EXB9, 15 C#2 EXB9, 14 EXB9, 14 D2 EXB9, 7 EXB9, 7 D#2 EXB9, 24 EXB9, 24 E2 EXB9, 30 EXB9, 30 F2 EXB9, 40 EXB9, 40 F#2 EXB9, 41 EXB9, 41 G2 EXB9, 42 EXB9, 42 G#2 EXB9, 43 EXB9, 43 A2 EXB9, 44 EXB9, 44 A#2 EXB9, 45 EXB9, 45 B2 EXB9, 0 EXB9, 0 C3 EXB9, 1 EXB9, 1 C#3 EXB9, 139 EXB9, 139 D3 EXB9, 47 EXB9, 47 D#3 EXB9, 57 EXB9, 57 E3 EXB9, 55 EXB9, 55 F3 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 F#3 EXB9, 75 EXB9, 75 G3 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 G#3 EXB9, 76 EXB9, 76 A3 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 A#3 EXB9, 77 EXB9, 77 B3 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 C4 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 C#4 EXB9, 85 D4 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 D#4 EXB9, 86 EXB9, 86 E4 EXB9, 87 EXB9, 87 F4 EXB9, 99 EXB9, 99 F#4 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 G4 EXB9, 124 EXB9, 124 G#4 EXB9, 208 EXB9, 168 A4 EXB9, 144 A#4 EXB9, 106 B4 EXB9, 80 EXB9, 80 C5 EXB9, 5 EXB9, 5 C#5 EXB9, 134 EXB9, 134 D5 EXB9, 136 EXB9, 136 D#5 EXB9, 160 EXB9, 160 E5 EXB9, 132 EXB9, 132 F5 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 F#5 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 G5 EXB9, 131 G#5 ROM, 206 A5 EXB9, 143 EXB9, 143 A#5 EXB9, 129 EXB9, 129 B5 EXB9, 106 C6 EXB9, 107 C#6 EXB9, 111 EXB9, 111 D6 EXB9, 108 D#6 EXB9, 106 E6 EXB9, 103 F6 EXB9, 103 F#6 EXB9, 224 G6 EXB9, 210 EXB9, 170 G#6 EXB9, 120 EXB9, 120 A6 EXB9, 140 A#6 EXB9, 118 EXB9, 118 B6 ROM, 312 C7 EXB9, 2 C#7 EXB9, 98 EXB9, 98 D7 EXB9, 56 EXB9, 56 D#7 EXB9, 128 E7 ROM, 191 ROM, 191 F7 EXB9, 102 EXB9, 102 F#7 EXB9, 62 G7 EXB9, 127 G#7 EXB9, 162 A7 EXB9, 168 ROM, 172 A#7 EXB9, 107 B7 ROM, 354 C8 ROM, 355
26/42: Grand Slam Kit
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 13 EXB9, 13 C#1 EXB9, 61 EXB9, 61 D1 EXB9, 38 EXB9, 38 D#1 EXB9, 130 EXB9, 130 E1 EXB9, 11 EXB9, 11 F1 EXB9, 120 EXB9, 120 F#1 EXB9, 139 EXB9, 139 G1 EXB9, 114 EXB9, 114 G#1 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 A1 EXB9, 117 A#1 ROM, 215 B1 EXB9, 28 C2 EXB9, 15 EXB9, 15 C#2 EXB9, 13 EXB9, 13 D2 EXB9, 7 EXB9, 7 D#2 EXB9, 25 EXB9, 25 E2 EXB9, 31 EXB9, 31 F2 EXB9, 45 EXB9, 45 F#2 EXB9, 52 EXB9, 52 G2 EXB9, 47 EXB9, 47 G#2 EXB9, 49 EXB9, 49 A2 EXB9, 50 EXB9, 50 A#2 EXB9, 51 EXB9, 51 B2 EXB9, 3 EXB9, 3 C3 EXB9, 36 EXB9, 36 C#3 EXB9, 134 EXB9, 134 D3 EXB9, 52 EXB9, 52 D#3 EXB9, 62 EXB9, 62 E3 EXB9, 53 EXB9, 53 F3 EXB9, 111 EXB9, 111 F#3 EXB9, 78 EXB9, 78 G3 EXB9, 111 EXB9, 111 G#3 EXB9, 79 EXB9, 79 A3 EXB9, 111 EXB9, 111 A#3 EXB9, 80 EXB9, 80 B3 EXB9, 111 EXB9, 111 C4 EXB9, 111 EXB9, 111 C#4 EXB9, 86 D4 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 D#4 EXB9, 87 EXB9, 87 E4 EXB9, 88 EXB9, 88 F4 EXB9, 102 EXB9, 102 F#4 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 G4 EXB9, 126 EXB9, 126 G#4 EXB9, 131 A4 EXB9, 141 A#4 EXB9, 107 EXB9, 107 B4 EXB9, 82 EXB9, 82 C5 EXB9, 23 EXB9, 23 C#5 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 D5 EXB9, 138 EXB9, 138 D#5 EXB9, 163 EXB9, 163 E5 EXB9, 134 EXB9, 134 F5 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 F#5 EXB9, 127 EXB9, 127 G5 EXB9, 130 G#5 ROM, 205 A5 EXB9, 108 EXB9, 106 A#5 EXB9, 128 EXB9, 128 B5 EXB9, 163 C6 EXB9, 106 C#6 EXB9, 110 EXB9, 110 D6 EXB9, 140 D#6 EXB9, 108 E6 EXB9, 101 F6 EXB9, 99 F#6 EXB9, 210 G6 EXB9, 166 G#6 EXB9, 121 EXB9, 120 A6 EXB9, 141 A#6 EXB9, 119 EXB9, 119 B6 ROM, 313 C7 EXB9, 12 EXB9, 12 C#7 EXB9, 99 EXB9, 99 D7 EXB9, 56 EXB9, 56 D#7 EXB9, 129 E7 ROM, 190 ROM, 190 F7 EXB9, 101 EXB9, 101 F#7 EXB9, 63 G7 EXB9, 128 G#7 EXB9, 164 A7 EXB9, 170 ROM, 172 A#7 EXB9, 109 B7 ROM, 355 C8 ROM, 354
27/43: Techno Per c
Note Bank, Drumsample #
High Low
C1 EXB9, 39 EXB9, 39 C#1 EXB9, 143 EXB9, 143 D1 EXB9, 162 EXB9, 162 D#1 EXB9, 161 EXB9, 161 E1 EXB9, 160 EXB9, 160 F1 EXB9, 173 EXB9, 173 F#1 EXB9, 170 EXB9, 170 G1 EXB9, 169 EXB9, 169 G#1 EXB9, 143 EXB9, 143 A1 ROM, 206 ROM, 206 A#1 EXB9, 112 EXB9, 116 B1 EXB9, 111 EXB9, 112 C2 ROM, 205 C#2 EXB9, 162 D2 EXB9, 38 D#2 EXB9, 59 E2 EXB9, 104 F2 EXB9, 105 F#2 EXB9, 25 G2 EXB9, 102 G#2 EXB9, 105 A2 EXB9, 141 A#2 EXB9, 107 EXB9, 107 B2 EXB9, 143 C3 EXB9, 36 C#3 EXB9, 104 D3 EXB9, 103 D#3 EXB9, 107 E3 EXB9, 58 F3 EXB9, 111 F#3 ROM, 207 G3 EXB9, 112 G#3 EXB9, 54 A3 EXB9, 116 A#3 EXB9, 142 B3 EXB9, 56 C4 EXB9, 63 C#4 EXB9, 103 D4 EXB9, 161 D#4 EXB9, 20 E4 EXB9, 108 F4 EXB9, 136 F#4 EXB9, 137 G4 EXB9, 131 G#4 EXB9, 130 A4 EXB9, 103 A#4 EXB9, 113 B4 EXB9, 111 EXB9, 111 C5 EXB9, 141 EXB9, 141 C#5 EXB9, 137 D5 ROM, 205 D#5 ROM, 207 E5 EXB9, 116 EXB9, 116 F5 EXB9, 134 F#5 EXB9, 138 G5 EXB9, 116 G#5 EXB9, 115 A5 EXB9, 132 A#5 EXB9, 100 B5 EXB9, 100 C6 ROM, 259 ROM, 258 C#6 ROM, 297 ROM, 297 D6 EXB9, 97 EXB9, 97 D#6 EXB9, 125 EXB9, 125 E6 EXB9, 129 EXB9, 129 F6 EXB9, 106 EXB9, 106 F#6 EXB9, 140 G6 EXB9, 140 EXB9, 140 G#6 EXB9, 118 A6 EXB9, 99 EXB9, 99 A#6 EXB9, 130 EXB9, 130 B6 EXB9, 107 C7 EXB9, 97 C#7 EXB9, 96 D7 EXB9, 107 D#7 EXB9, 61 E7 EXB9, 107 F7 EXB9, 127 EXB9, 127 F#7 EXB9, 131 G7 EXB9, 39 G#7 EXB9, 140 A7 EXB9, 143 A#7 ROM, 361 B7 EXB9, 130 C8 ROM, 310

User Arpeggio Patterns

C# D# Name Length
U200 U216 Dr-Techno 1 8 U201 U217 Dr-Techno 2 8 U202 U218 Dr-Hard Trance 16 U203 U219 Dr-Kontemplate 16 U204 U220 Dr-U-T E K N O 16
C# D# Name Length
U205 U221 Dr-Hard&Fast 32 U206 U222 Dr-Goa Drums 32 U207 U223 Bs-Komplicate 32 U208 U224 Syn-Tekno Ptn 8 U209 U225 Bs/Rf-NuTrance 16
C# D# Name Length
U210 U226 Bs/Rf-Pickled 32 U211 U227 Bs/Rf-Chiller 32 U212 U228 Bs/Rf-Goanna 32 U213 U229 Bs/Rf-Epic 8 U214 U230 Bs/Rf-Uplifting 8 U215 U231 Bs/Rf-Full On 8


Song000: }Face Off{
# Pattern Name
U00 BD01 U01 BD02 U02 BD Roll U03 BD 1Shot U04 SD01 U05 SD02 U06 SD Roll U07 HH01 U08 HH02 U09 HH03 U10 HH04 U11 HH05 U12 HH Ambi U13 Ride U14 Crash Cym U15 Voice/Perc.01 U16 Voice/Perc.02 U17 EQ-DB/SD01 U18 EQ-DB/SD02 U19 EQ-DB/SD03 U20 EQ-SD U21 EQ-HH01 U22 EQ-HH02 U23 EQ-HH03 U24 EQ-HH04 U25 EQ-Perc. U26 EQ-Voice U27 Bass01-1 U28 Bass01-2 U29 Bass01-3
# Pattern Name
U30 Bass01-4 U31 Bass02-1 U32 Bass02-2 U33 Bass02-3 U34 Bass02-4 U35 Arp Synth01 U36 Arp Synth02 U37 Arp Synth03 U38 Arp Synth04 U39 Arp Synth05 U40 Pad01 U41 Pad02 U42 Pad03 U43 Cutting Arp01-1 U44 Cutting Arp01-2 U45 Cutting Arp01-3 U46 Cutting Arp02-1 U47 Cutting Arp02-2 U48 Cutting Arp02-3 U49 Cutting Arp02-4 U50 Cutting Arp02-5 U51 Storm01 U52 Storm02 U53 Piano Arp01 U54 Piano Arp02 U55 Voice01 U56 Voice02 U57 Voice03 U58 Voice04 U59 Voice05 U60 The Whole Groove
Song001: The Red Sky
# Pattern Name
U00 Epic Drum01 U01 Epic Drum02 U02 Epic Drum03 U03 Epic Drum04 U04 Epic Drum05 U05 Epic Drum06 U06 Epic Drum07 U07 Epic Drum08 U08 Hard Drum01 U09 Hard Drum02 U10 Hard Drum03 U11 Hard Drum04 U12 Hard Drum05 U13 Hard Drum06 U14 Hard Drum07 U15 Brake Drum U16 Crash01 U17 Crash02 U18 SD Roll01 U19 SD Roll02 U20 BigBrakeDown01 U21 BigBrakeDown02 U22 Epic Bass U23 Brake Bass U24 Hard T.Bass01 U25 Hard T.Bass02 U26 Hard T.Bass03 U27 Hard T.Bass02Sub U28 Epic Bass/Riff01 U29 Epic Bass/Riff02
# Pattern Name
U30 Epic 3-Bass01 U31 Epic 3-Bass02 U32 Epic 3-Bass03 U33 Epic Syn Lead01 U34 Epic Syn Lead02 U35 Epic Syn Lead03 U36 Epic Syn Lead04 U37 Epic Syn Lead05 U38 Brake Lead U39 Hard T.Lead01 U40 Hard T.Lead02 U41 Hard T.Lead03 U42 Hard T.Lead04 U43 Hard T.Sweep Pad U44 Hard T.Big Pad U45 Hard Cutting Pad U46 Epic Pad01 U47 Epic Pad02 U48 Epic Pad03 U49 Epic Pad04 U50 Epic Pad05 U51 Epic Pad06 U52 Epic W-Pad01 U53 Epic W-Pad02 U54 Epic Killer Arp01 U55 Epic Killer Arp02 U56 Epic Killer Arp03 U57 Epic Killer Arp04 U58 Epic Stab Arp01 U59 Epic Stab Arp02
2: 8amKnowWotlMean?
# Pattern Name
U00 Drum01-1 U01 Drum01-2 U02 Drum01-3 U03 Drum01-4 U04 Drum01-5 U05 Drum02-1 U06 Drum02-2 U07 Drum02-3 U08 Drum02-4 U09 Drum02-5 U10 Drum02-6 U11 Drum03-1 U12 Drum03-2 U13 Drum03-3 U14 Drum03-4 U15 Drum04-1 U16 Drum04-2 U17 Drum04-3 U18 Drum04-4 U19 Drum SFX U20 Drum Intro01 U21 Drum Intro02 U22 Choir U23 SFX01 U24 SFX02 U25 Bass01 U26 Bass02 U27 Bass03 U28 Bass04 U29 Bass05
# Pattern Name
U30 Bass06 U31 Bass<Slid> U32 Goa01 U33 Goa02 U34 Bleep01 U35 Bleep02 U36 Bleep03 U37 Bleep04 U38 Bleep05 U39 Hard Bleep01 U40 Hard Bleep02 U41 Hard Bleep03 U42 Hard Bleep04 U43 SQ01 U44 SQ02 U45 SQ03 U46 Anthem01 U47 Anthem02 U48 Anthem03 U49 Anthem04 U50 Syn Pizzo01 U51 Syn Pizzo02 U52 Syn Pizzo03 U53 Syn Pizzo04 U54 Syn Brass01 U55 Syn Brass02 U56 Syn Brass03 U57 Killer Pad01 U58 Killer Pad02 U59 Killer Pad03


#:Multisample Name
000:Detuned-Synth 1 001:Detuned-Synth1LP 002:Detunde-Syn1 REV 003:Detuned-Synth 2 004:Detuned-Synth2LP 005:Detuned-Syn2 REV 006:Detuned-Synth 3 007:Detuned-Synth3LP 008:Detuned-Syn3 REV 009:Detuned-SynBrass 010:Detun-SynBrassLP 011:Detun-SynBrasREV 012:Detuned-Massive 013:Detun-MassiveREV 014:Detuned-Lead 1 015:Detun-Lead 1 REV 016:Detuned-Lead 2 017:Detun-Lead 2 REV 018:Detuned-DancePad 019:Dtun-DancePadREV 020:Detuned-PulsePad 021:Dtun-PulsePadREV 022:Bass/Lead-MG1 023:Bass/Lead-MG2 024:Bs/Lead-MG Rez1 025:Bs/Lead-MG Rez2 026:Bass/Lead-800DV1 027:Bass/Lead-800DV2 028:Bass/Lead-M/poly 029:Bass/Lead-Dance1 030:Bass/Lead-Dance2 031:Bs/Lead-Pure Sub 032:Bs/Lead-Dist.Sin 033:Bs/Lead-Sync MG 034:Bass/Lead-DSP1 035:Bass/Lead-DSP2 036:Bass/Lead-DSP3 037:Bass/Lead-DSP4 038:Bs/Lead-DSPMetal 039:Bs/Lead-NuPulse1
#:Multisample Name
040:Bs/Lead-NuPulse2 041:Bs/Lead-Nu Saw1 042:Bs/Lead-Nu Saw2 043:Saw-EXB09 044:Rez Saw-EXB09 045:Pulse-EXB09 046:Sine-EXB09 047:Triangle-EXB09 048:Square-EXB09 049:Saw+Sqr-EXB09 050:Syn-Phone Square 051:PWM-EXB09 052:Syn-FogHornSynth 053:Syn-FogHornSynLP 054:Syn-F.HornSynREV 055:Syn-Stack 056:Syn-Stack LP 057:Syn-Stack REV 058:Syn-Blade 059:Syn-Blade REV 060:Syn-Attacker 061:Syn-Attacker REV 062:Syn-Bright Wave 063:Syn-BritWave REV 064:Syn-Dist.Sync5th 065:Syn-DistSync5REV 066:Syn-Dist.Bs/Lead 067:Syn-Dual Sync 1 068:Syn-Dual Sync 2 069:Syn-MS2K Sync 1 070:Syn-MS2K Sync 2 071:Syn-M/Poly Sync 072:Male Voice Set 073:FemaleVoiceSet 1 074:FemaleVoiceSet 2 075:FemaleVoiceSet 3 076:Big Break Down 1 077:Big Break Down 2


#:Drumsample Name
0000:BD-EXB09 01 0001:BD-EXB09 02 0002:BD-EXB09 03 0003:BD-EXB09 04 0004:BD-EXB09 05 0005:BD-EXB09 06 0006:BD-EXB09 07 0007:BD-EXB09 08 0008:BD-EXB09 09 0009:BD-EXB09 10 0010:BD-EXB09 11 0011:BD-EXB09 12 0012:BD-EXB09 13 0013:BD-EXB09 14 0014:BD-EXB09 15 0015:BD-EXB09 16 0016:BD-EXB09 17 0017:BD-EXB09 18 0018:BD-EXB09 19 0019:BD-EXB09 20 0020:BD-EXB09 21 0021:BD-EXB09 22 0022:BD-EXB09 23 0023:BD-EXB09 24 0024:BD-EXB09 25 0025:BD-EXB09 26 0026:BD-EXB09 27 0027:BD-EXB09 28 0028:BD-EXB09 29 0029:BD-EXB09 30 0030:BD-EXB09 31 0031:BD-EXB09 32 0032:BD-EXB09 33 0033:BD-EXB09 34 0034:BD-EXB09 35 0035:BD-EXB09 36 0036:BD-EXB09 37 0037:BD-Jungle-EXB09 0038:BBD-EXB09 01 0039:BBD-EXB09 02 0040:SD-EXB09 01 0041:SD-EXB09 02 0042:SD-EXB09 03 0043:SD-EXB09 04 0044:SD-EXB09 05 0045:SD-EXB09 06 0046:SD-EXB09 07 0047:SD-EXB09 08 0048:SD-EXB09 09 0049:SD-EXB09 10
#:Drumsample Name
0050:SD-EXB09 11 0051:SD-EXB09 12 0052:SD-EXB09 13 0053:SD-EXB09 14 0054:SD-EXB09 15 0055:SD-EXB09 16 0056:SD-Jungle-EXB09 0057:Clap-EXB09 01 0058:Clap-EXB09 02 0059:Clap-EXB09 03 0060:Clap-EXB09 04 0061:Clap-EXB09 05 0062:Clap-EXB09 06 0063:Clap-EXB09 07 0064:HH01-Cl-EXB09 0065:HH01-Ho-EXB09 0066:HH01-Op-EXB09 01 0067:HH01-Op-EXB09 02 0068:HH02-Cl-EXB09 0069:HH02-Ho-EXB09 0070:HH02-Op-EXB09 01 0071:HH02-Op-EXB09 02 0072:HH03-Cl-EXB09 0073:HH03-Op-EXB09 0074:HH04-Cl-EXB09 0075:HH04-Ho-EXB09 01 0076:HH04-Ho-EXB09 02 0077:HH04-Op-EXB09 0078:HH05-Cl-EXB09 0079:HH05-Ho-EXB09 0080:HH05-Op-EXB09 0081:HH06-Ho-EXB09 0082:HH06-Op-EXB09 0083:Ride-EXB09 01 0084:Ride-EXB09 02 0085:Crash-EXB09 01 0086:Crash-EXB09 02 0087:Crash-EXB09 03 0088:CrashJungle-EXB9 0089:HH-DDD1-EXB09 0090:
Cym-DDD1-H-EXB09 0093:Perc01-Cl-EXB09 0094:Perc01-Op-EXB09 0095:Perc02-Cl-EXB09 0096:Perc02-Op-EXB09 0097:Perc02-Rev-EXB09 0098:Perc03-Cl-EXB09 0099:Perc03-Op-EXB09
#:Drumsample Name
0100:Perc04-Cl-EXB09 0101:Perc04-Op-EXB09 0102:Perc-Metal-EXB09 0103:Perc-Ambi-EXB09 0104:Perc05-Cl-EXB09 0105:Perc05-Op-EXB09 0106:Perc06-Cl-EXB09 0107:Perc06-Op-EXB09 0108:Perc07-Cl-EXB09 0109:Perc07-Op-EXB09 0110:Perc-Tom-EXB09 1 0111:Perc-Tom-EXB09 2 0112:Perc-Tom-EXB09 3 0113:Perc-Tom-EXB09 4 0114:Perc-Rim-EXB09 1 0115:Perc-Rim-EXB09 2 0116:Perc-Mute-EXB09 0117:Perc-DDD-EXB09 1 0118:Perc-DDD-EXB09 2 0119:Perc-DDD-EXB09 3 0120:Perc-DDD-EXB09 4 0121:Perc-Junk-EXB9 1 0122:Perc-Junk-EXB9 2 0123:Perc-Junk-EXB9 3 0124:Perc-Junk-EXB9 4 0125:Perc-Junk-EXB9 5 0126:Perc-Junk-EXB9 6 0127:Perc-Junk-EXB9 7 0128:Perc-Junk-EXB9 8 0129:Perc-Junk-EXB9 9 0130:Woodblock-L-EXB9 0131:Woodblock-H-EXB9 0132:Conga01-L-EXB09 0133:Conga01-H-EXB09 0134:Conga01-Hm-EXB09 0135:Conga02-Ho-EX9 1 0136:Conga02-Ho-EX9 2 0137:Conga02-Hs-EX9 1 0138:Conga02-Hs-EX9 2 0139:Sidestick-EXB09 0140:Tombourine-EXB09 0141:Camera-EXB09 0142:Car Horn-EXB09 0143:Soda-EXB09 0144:Glass-EXB09 0145:Revers-EXB09 0146:Vo-09 Hey M 0147:Vo-09 Wild 0148:Vo-09 Love 0149:Vo-09 Ha
#:Drumsample Name
0150:Vo-09 Ready 0151:Vo-09 Funky 1 0152:Vo-09 Funky 2 0153:Vo-09 KeepRockin 0154:Vo-09 Break itUp 0155:Vo-09 Bass 0156:Vo-09 Yeah 1 0157:Vo-09 Yeah 2 0158:Vo-09 Bang 0159:Vo-09 Let's Go 0160:Vo-09 Ahhhh 0161:Vo-09 Ohhhh 0162:Vo-09 Ooooh 0163:Vo-09 Aaaah 0164:Vo-09 Love 0165:Vo-09 Kkkkk 0166:Vo-09 Kaaaa 0167:Vo-09 Baaaa 0168:Vo-09 Hrrrr 0169:Vo-09 Click 0170:Vo-09 Trrrr 0171:Vo-09 Club 0172:Vo-09 Oh-Yeah M 0173:Vo-09 Uagh 0174:Vo-09 Hah 0175:Vo-09 Baby 0176:Vo-09 Vavy 0177:Vo-09It'sAllGood 0178:Vo-09 Ya-ee 0179:Vo-09 Ya-ee-ha 0180:Vo-09 Ye-ah 0181:Vo-09 Ya-ee-ye-e 0182:Vo-09 Ay-ay-he 0183:Vo-09 Aow 0184:Vo-09 You-are-h 0185:Vo-09 What 0186:Vo-09 Ever 0187:Vo-09 Oooua 0188:Vo09It'sWhatEver 0189:Vo-09 CaMon 0190:Vo-09 Do It 0191:Vo-09 Party 0192:Vo-09 TurnAround 0193:Vo-09 Wo'I dance 0194:Vo-09 Take Up 0195:Vo-09 n Round 0196:Vo-09 Ye-ah-ar 0197:Vo-09 Go-o 0198:Vo-09 Oh-o-owu 0199:Vo-09 Well
#:Drumsample Name
0200:Vo-09 Ho-o 0201:Vo-09 Dance 0202:Vo-09 Ha-ooo-wa 0203:Vo-09 I feel 0204:Vo-09 Good 0205:Vo-09 Turnin' Up 0206:Vo-09 Oohh 0207:V o-09 Ahoo 0208:Vo-09 Mmmm 0209:Vo-09 Ooh (wet) 0210:Vo-09 Uuh 0211:Vo-09 Uh-a-ha 0212:Vo-09 Hey F1 0213:Vo-09 Hey F2 0214:Vo-09 Haaay 0215:Vo-09 C'mon 0216:Vo-09 Com'On 0217:Vo-09 Come On 0218:Vo-09 Pardy 0219:Vo-09 PartyNight 0220:Vo-09 Yaeh 0221:Vo-09 Yah 0222:Vo-09 Oh-ya-yah 0223:Vo-09 Oohh 0224:Vo-09 Owww 0225:V o-09 Aaa! 0226:V o-09 Aa-ow 0227:Vo-09 Uhwoah 0228:Vo-09 Oh-Yeah F 0229:V o-09 Alright 0230:Vo-09 I Love It 0231:Vo-09 I believe 0232:Vo-09 Don't Stop 0233:Vo-09 I wanna 0234:Vo-09 Be 0235:Vo-09 I Need 0236:Vo-09 You 0237:Vo-09 Crazy 0238:Vo-09 Get Down 0239:Vo-09 Go