Konica Minolta bizhub PRESS 1052, bizhub PRESS 1250, bizhub PRESS 1250P User Manual

bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052 Contents-1
1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome .......................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.2 User's Guide ...................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2 Conventions used in this manual .................................................................................................. 1-4
2 Overview
2.1 What is the image controller?........................................................................................................ 2-2
2.1.1 Role of the image controller............................................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 Print flows .......................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.3 Control Panel Layout ......................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.2 Operating environment................................................................................................................... 2-6
2.2.1 Supported computers and OSs......................................................................................................... 2-6
2.3 Setup procedure ............................................................................................................................. 2-8
2.3.1 For network connection ..................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.3.2 For local connection .......................................................................................................................... 2-8
3 Before installing the printer driver
3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Printer drivers compatible with respective operating systems.................................................. 3-2
3.3 Connection methods selectable in each operating system........................................................ 3-4
3.3.1 Windows Vista/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/7.................................................................................. 3-4
3.3.3 Mac OS X 10.4/10.5/10.6................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.4 NetWare ............................................................................................................................................. 3-6
4 Installing the Windows printer driver
4.1 About installer ................................................................................................................................. 4-2
4.1.1 Operating environment of the installer............................................................................................... 4-2
4.2 Easy installation procedure using the installer ............................................................................ 4-3
4.2.1 Settings of this machine .................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.3 Installing the printer driver (PS Plug-in driver) ................................................................................... 4-7
5 Manual Installation Using the Add Printer Wizard
5.1 Windows Vista/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/7 ............................................................................. 5-2
5.1.1 For network connection (LPR/Port 9100/SMB) ................................................................................. 5-2
5.1.2 For network connection (IPP/IPPS) ................................................................................................... 5-7
5.1.3 For network connection (Web service print)...................................................................................... 5-9
5.1.4 For local connection ........................................................................................................................ 5-13
5.2 Windows XP/Server 2003 ............................................................................................................. 5-15
5.2.1 For network connection (LPR/Port9100) ......................................................................................... 5-15
5.2.2 For network connection (SMB) ........................................................................................................ 5-18
5.2.3 For network connection (IPP/IPPS) ................................................................................................. 5-21
5.2.4 For local connection ........................................................................................................................ 5-22
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6 Installation on Macintosh Computers
6.1 Printer Driver for Mac OS............................................................................................................... 6-2
6.1.1 Installing the PS Plug-in driver........................................................................................................... 6-2
6.1.2 Installing the PS PPD driver............................................................................................................... 6-3
6.1.3 Selecting and connecting a printer.................................................................................................... 6-4
7 Installation when Using NetWare
7.1 NetWare ........................................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.1 Network Settings ............................................................................................................................... 7-2
7.1.2 Configuring the Windows client......................................................................................................... 7-2
8 Uninstalling the Printer Driver
8.1 Windows .......................................................................................................................................... 8-2
8.1.1 Uninstalling by the installer (PCL driver) ............................................................................................ 8-2
8.1.2 Uninstalling by the uninstallation program (PCL driver)..................................................................... 8-3
8.1.3 Uninstalling by manual operation (PS Plug-in driver/PPD driver/PCL driver) .................................... 8-4
8.2 Macintosh ........................................................................................................................................ 8-5
8.2.1 Uninstalling by manual operation (PS Plug-in driver)......................................................................... 8-5
8.2.2 Uninstalling by manual operation (PS PPD driver)............................................................................. 8-6
9 Basic Printing Methods and Printer Functions
9.1 Print operations............................................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2 Printer Functions............................................................................................................................. 9-4
9.2.1 Setting paper ..................................................................................................................................... 9-4
9.2.2 Setting a paper tray ........................................................................................................................... 9-6
9.2.3 Printing a number of sets of an original ............................................................................................. 9-9
9.2.4 Printing more than one page ........................................................................................................... 9-11
9.2.5 Setting a front cover, back cover, interleaf, and cover.................................................................... 9-14
9.2.6 Setting finishing ............................................................................................................................... 9-16
9.2.7 Setting transparent .......................................................................................................................... 9-19
9.2.8 Setting an image .............................................................................................................................. 9-20
9.2.9 Saving and reprinting a job .............................................................................................................. 9-21
10 Print functions of PCL driver for Windows
10.1 Default settings of the printer driver........................................................................................... 10-2
10.1.1 Displaying the Properties window ................................................................................................... 10-2
10.1.2 [Configure] tab ................................................................................................................................. 10-3
10.1.3 [Settings] tab.................................................................................................................................... 10-4
10.1.4 About tabs provided by OS ............................................................................................................. 10-5
10.1.5 Registering the default settings ....................................................................................................... 10-6
10.2 Common Setting ........................................................................................................................... 10-7
10.3 Parameter details.......................................................................................................................... 10-9
10.3.1 My Tab ............................................................................................................................................. 10-9
10.3.2 [Basic] tab ...................................................................................................................................... 10-11
10.3.3 [Layout] tab .................................................................................................................................... 10-15
10.3.4 [Finishing] tab................................................................................................................................. 10-20
10.3.5 [Cover Mode] tab ........................................................................................................................... 10-24
10.3.6 [Stamp/Composition] tab............................................................................................................... 10-26
10.3.7 [Quality] tab.................................................................................................................................... 10-30
10.3.8 [Other] tab ...................................................................................................................................... 10-32
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11 Print functions of PS Plug-in driver
11.1 Default settings of the printer driver........................................................................................... 11-2
11.1.1 Displaying the Configure screen...................................................................................................... 11-2
11.2 Common Setting ........................................................................................................................... 11-4
11.3 Parameter details.......................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.3.1 [General] tab..................................................................................................................................... 11-5
11.3.2 [Layout] tab ...................................................................................................................................... 11-7
11.3.3 [Finishing] tab................................................................................................................................... 11-9
11.3.4 [Output] tab .................................................................................................................................... 11-11
11.3.5 [Paper] tab...................................................................................................................................... 11-13
11.3.6 [Cover] tab...................................................................................................................................... 11-14
11.3.7 [Page Settings] tab......................................................................................................................... 11-17
11.3.8 [Tabs] tab ....................................................................................................................................... 11-18
11.3.9 [Tab Settings] tab........................................................................................................................... 11-19
11.3.10 [Imaging] tab .................................................................................................................................. 11-20
11.3.11 [Forms] tab..................................................................................................................................... 11-22
11.3.12 [Image Position] tab ....................................................................................................................... 11-23
11.3.13 [Stamp] tab..................................................................................................................................... 11-24
11.3.14 [WorkFlow] tab............................................................................................................................... 11-25
11.3.15 [Authent.] tab.................................................................................................................................. 11-26
11.3.16 [Configure] tab ............................................................................................................................... 11-28
11.3.17 [Version] tab ................................................................................................................................... 11-30
11.3.18 [Advanced] tab............................................................................................................................... 11-31
12 Print functions of PPD driver for Windows
12.1 Default settings of the printer driver........................................................................................... 12-2
12.1.1 Displaying the Properties window ................................................................................................... 12-2
12.1.2 [Device Settings] tab........................................................................................................................ 12-3
12.1.3 About tabs provided by OS ............................................................................................................. 12-3
12.1.4 Registering the default settings ....................................................................................................... 12-4
12.2 Common Setting ........................................................................................................................... 12-5
12.3 Parameter details.......................................................................................................................... 12-6
12.3.1 [Layout] tab ...................................................................................................................................... 12-6
12.3.2 [Paper/Quality] tab ........................................................................................................................... 12-7
12.3.3 [Advanced Options] window ............................................................................................................ 12-8
13 Print functions of PPD driver for Mac OS X
13.1 Default settings of the printer driver........................................................................................... 13-2
13.1.2 Registering the default settings ....................................................................................................... 13-3
13.2 Common Setting ........................................................................................................................... 13-4
13.3 Adding the Custom Size............................................................................................................... 13-5
13.4 Parameter details.......................................................................................................................... 13-6
13.4.1 [Page Attributes] .............................................................................................................................. 13-6
13.4.2 [Copies & Pages].............................................................................................................................. 13-7
13.4.3 [Finishing] ......................................................................................................................................... 13-8
13.4.4 [Image/Layout] ............................................................................................................................... 13-11
13.4.5 [Setup]............................................................................................................................................ 13-12
13.4.6 [Secure Print].................................................................................................................................. 13-14
14 Function Details
14.1 Secure Print ................................................................................................................................... 14-2
14.1.1 Printer Driver Settings (PCL driver/PS Plug-in driver/PPD driver (Mac OS X)) ................................ 14-2
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14.1.2 Calling a job from the control panel................................................................................................. 14-5
14.2 Save in User Box ........................................................................................................................... 14-6
14.2.1 Printer Driver Settings (PCL driver/PS Plug-in driver/PPD driver (Mac OS X)) ................................ 14-6
14.2.2 Calling a job ..................................................................................................................................... 14-8
14.3 Proof Print/Wait Mode/Hold Print ............................................................................................. 14-10
14.3.1 Printer Driver Settings (PCL driver/PS Plug-in driver/PPD driver (Mac OS X)) .............................. 14-10
14.3.2 Calling a job ................................................................................................................................... 14-13
14.4 Printing a document on the machine for which user authentication is specified ................ 14-15
14.5 Printing a document on the machine for which Account Track function is enabled ........... 14-17
15 Settings on the Control Panel
15.1 Controller Machine Setting .......................................................................................................... 15-2
15.1.1 Displaying the Controller screen...................................................................................................... 15-2
15.1.2 Controller Machine Setting Menu screen ........................................................................................ 15-3
15.2 Basic operations of User Settings............................................................................................. 15-13
15.2.1 Displaying the Utility Menu screen................................................................................................. 15-13
15.2.2 Function Setting............................................................................................................................. 15-14
15.3 Basic operations in Administrator Settings.............................................................................. 15-15
15.3.1 Displaying the Administrator Settings screen................................................................................ 15-15
15.3.2 Administrator Setting screen ......................................................................................................... 15-16
15.4 Controller NIC Setting Menu...................................................................................................... 15-17
15.4.1 Displaying the Controller NIC Setting screen ................................................................................ 15-17
16 PageScope Web Connection
16.1 Using PageScope Web Connection ............................................................................................ 16-2
16.1.1 Operating environment .................................................................................................................... 16-2
16.1.2 Accessing PageScope Web Connection......................................................................................... 16-2
16.1.3 Web browser cache......................................................................................................................... 16-3
16.1.4 Online help function ......................................................................................................................... 16-3
16.2 Login and Logout .......................................................................................................................... 16-4
16.2.1 Login and logout flows..................................................................................................................... 16-4
16.2.2 Logout.............................................................................................................................................. 16-7
16.2.3 Login ................................................................................................................................................ 16-8
16.3 Structure of pages ...................................................................................................................... 16-11
16.4 Overview of the user mode ........................................................................................................ 16-13
16.4.1 Information..................................................................................................................................... 16-13
16.4.2 Job ................................................................................................................................................. 16-14
16.4.3 Box................................................................................................................................................. 16-15
16.4.4 Direct print ..................................................................................................................................... 16-16
16.5 Administrator mode overview.................................................................................................... 16-17
16.5.1 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................. 16-17
16.5.2 Security .......................................................................................................................................... 16-18
16.5.3 Box................................................................................................................................................. 16-18
16.5.4 Printer Setting ................................................................................................................................ 16-19
16.5.5 Scan ............................................................................................................................................... 16-20
16.5.6 Network.......................................................................................................................................... 16-21
17 Utility tool
17.1 Font Management Utility .............................................................................................................. 17-2
18 Troubleshooting
18.1 Cannot print................................................................................................................................... 18-2
18.2 Cannot configure the settings/Cannot print according to the settings................................... 18-4
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18.2.1 The printer driver settings have no effect ........................................................................................ 18-4
18.2.2 Others .............................................................................................................................................. 18-5
18.2.3 Error message.................................................................................................................................. 18-5
19 Product Specification/Report
19.1 Product specifications.................................................................................................................. 19-2
19.2 Printing reports ............................................................................................................................. 19-5
19.2.1 Configuration Page Print.................................................................................................................. 19-5
19.2.2 PCL Demo Page Print.................................................................................................................... 19-11
19.2.3 PS Demo Page Print ...................................................................................................................... 19-12
19.2.4 PCL Font List ................................................................................................................................. 19-13
19.2.5 PS font list...................................................................................................................................... 19-16
20 Appendix
20.1 PPD driver (For Linux and applications) ..................................................................................... 20-2
20.1.1 PPD driver types .............................................................................................................................. 20-2
20.1.2 PPD driver for Linux......................................................................................................................... 20-2
20.1.3 PPD driver for applications .............................................................................................................. 20-3
20.2 Glossary ......................................................................................................................................... 20-4
21 Index
21.1 Index by item ................................................................................................................................. 21-2
21.2 Index by button.............................................................................................................................. 21-4
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1.1 Welcome
1 Introduction
1.1 Welcome
Thank you for purchasing this machine.
This User's Guide describes the functions, operating instructions, precautions for correct operation, and sim­ple troubleshooting guidelines of this machine. In order to obtain maximum performance from this product and use it effectively, please read this User's Guide as necessary.
1.1.1 Composition of User's Guide
Printed manuals Overview
[User's Guide - Security] This guide describes the security functions.
Please read this guide for comprehension of how to use the Enhanced Security mode and detailed ma­chine operation in Enhanced Security mode.
[Operation Quick Guide] This guide mainly describes how to use frequently
used functions. Please read this guide for quick com­prehension of various features available on the ma­chine.
[Safety Information] This guide provides precautions and requests that
should be followed to ensure safe usage of this ma­chine. Please be sure to read this guide before using the ma­chine.
User's guide CD manuals Overview
[User's Guide - Copier] This guide describes an outline of the machine and
copy operations.
• Configuration and specifications of the main body and options
• Turning on/off the machine
• Paper information
• Making a basic copy and setting procedures
• Supplies and disposals
• Application, Output Setting, and Job List
• Troubleshooting
[User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference] This guide provides you with detailed information on
machine management and how to customize the ma­chine according to your daily use.
• Tray Setting
• Both Sides Adjust
• Controller Setting
• Adjustment, Utility Menu Screen
•Network Setting
• PageScope Web Connection
• Web Utilities
[User's Guide - Printer] This guide describes the settings of the printer drivers
and utility tools.
• PCL driver
• PS Plug-in driver
• PS PPD driver
• PageScope Web Connection
bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052 1-3
1.1 Welcome
1.1.2 User's Guide
This User's Guide is intended for users ranging from those using this machine for the first time to administra­tors.
It describes basic operations, functions that enable more convenient operations, maintenance procedures, simple troubleshooting operations, and various setting methods of this machine.
Note that basic technical knowledge about the product is required to enable users to perform maintenance work or troubleshooting operations. Limit your maintenance and troubleshooting operations to the areas ex­plained in this manual.
Should you experience any problems, please contact our service representative.
[User's Guide - Network Scanner ] This guide describes operations of the network scan-
ner functions.
• Saving on the HDD for main body/Outputting
• Sending via e-mail
• Saving on the HDD for controllers
• Sending to FTP server
• Sending to SMB server
• Sending to group
[Trademarks/Copyrights] This guide describes trademarks, licenses, and copy-
rights concerning this machine. Please be sure to refer to this guide before using the machine.
User's guide CD manuals Overview
bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052 1-4
1.2 Conventions used in this manual
1.2 Conventions used in this manual
1.2.1 Symbols used in this manual
Symbols are used in this manual to express various types of information.
The following describes each symbol related to correct and safe usage of this machine.
Safety Information
- This symbol indicates that a failure to heed the instructions may lead to death or serious injury.
- This symbol indicates that negligence of the instructions may lead to mishandling that may cause injury
or property damage.
This symbol indicates a risk that may result in damage to this machine or documents. Follow the instructions to avoid property damage.
Procedural instruction
0 This check symbol indicates that it is a precondition for steps or information that you should be noted
before performing the steps.
1 This format number "1" represents the first step.
2 This format number represents the order of serial steps.
% This symbol indicates a supplementary explanation of a pro-
cedural instruction.
% This symbol indicates transition of the control panel to access a desired menu item.
The relevant image is shown.
The operation procedures are described using instruction.
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1.2 Conventions used in this manual
d Reference
This symbol indicates a reference.
View the reference as required.
Key symbols
[ ] Key names on the touch panel or computer screen, or a name of user's guide are indicated by these brackets.
Bold text Key names on the control panel, part names, product names and option names are indicated in bold text.
1.2.2 Original and paper indications
Paper size
The following explains the indication for originals and paper described in this manual. When indicating the original or paper size, the Y side represents the width and the X side the height.
- "X" is defined as "length" in "User's Guide - Copier".
Paper indication
w indicates the paper size with the height (X) being longer than the width (Y).
v indicates the paper size with the height (X) being shorter than the width (Y).
bizhub PRESS 1250/1250P/1052 2-2
2.1 What is the image controller?
2 Overview
This chapter describes the overview and connection environment of the image controller that provides the printer function of the machine.
2.1 What is the image controller?
The image controller is a device that enables the printing and network printing functions on the machine.
2.1.1 Role of the image controller
Incorporating the image controller enables the machine to function as a printing system, allowing printing us­ing applications on the computer connected to this printing system. When using the machine as a network printer, you can print using applications on the computer.
1. The machine
2. Image controller
3. Printing system
The image controller provides the following functions.
- Printing data sent from a printer driver on a computer
- Support of network protocols including TCP/IP (IPv4/IPv6), IPX/SPX, and AppleTalk
- Printing via a network using Web service (Windows Vista/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/7), SMB (Win-
dows), LPR or IPP printing
- Configuring settings for the machine and the image controller from a client computer via the network
(using a Web browser)
- Control of the number of pages to be printed (the User Authentication and Account Track functions)
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2.1 What is the image controller?
2.1.2 Print flows
The following outlines the flow of operations for using this printing system as a printer.
Print data sent from an application is received by the printer driver.
The data is sent to the image controller via the USB interface for USB connection or via Ethernet (TCP/IP, etc.) for network connection. Then the data is passed from the image controller to the machine. The image controller rasterizes images (expands output target characters and images to bitmap data). This data is print­ed from the machine.
While this machine is operating as a printer, originals can be scanned using the copy function or network scan function. To use the copy function of this machine, press the [Copy] key on the touch panel.
When a print job is received during copying, the data is stored in the memory of the machine. When the cop­ying is completed, the print job is automatically printed.
Used with a USB
Used with a network
Application Application
Printer Driver Printer Driver
Image processing
Printing system
Hard disk
Secure Print Hold Print
TCP/IP etc.
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2.1 What is the image controller?
2.1.3 Control Panel Layout
No. Name Description
1 Keypad Enters numeric values.
2 Reset Restores the machine to the initial settings.
3 Power LED Lights up in red when the main power switch is
turned on, then turns green when the sub power switch is turned on.
4 Data LED Flashes while the machine is receiving print data.
5 Interrupt Stops copying/printing/scanning in progress to allow
another copying job of settings newly specified.
6 Stop Suspends the current output job or stops the machine
7 Proof Copy Used to print a single set or the first page to verify the
copy settings.
8 Start Activates various machine operations.
9 Start LED Lights up in blue when the machine is ready to oper-
ate. It turns orange when any operation cannot be started.
10 C (Clear) Allows change in entered numeric value.
11 Access Sets the machine to allow the operation only when the
next user is authenticated, if user authentication or account track function is activated and an authenti­cated user has used the machine.
12 Mode Check Used to the Mode Check Screen to check the current
copy settings.
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2.1 What is the image controller?
Do not press hard or pointed objects against the touch panel on the control panel.
- Otherwise, the glass may be scratched or break and you may be injured. Use fingers to operate the
touch panel.
Stop the operation immediately when the Service Call Screen is displayed and copying cannot be continued any more.
- Otherwise, an unexpected trouble may be caused. Write down the report code as stated on the 2nd
line of the message, turn off the sub power switch and main power switch in this order, then discon­nect from the power socket. Contact your service representative and inform them of the report code.
The main power switch should normally be kept turned on. Be sure not to turn off/on the main power switch in usual operation.
Be sure not to turn off the main power switch before turning off the sub power switch.
Be sure not to turn off the main power switch while the following messages are displayed after turning off the sub power switch.
[Cooling in progress / After cooling, power off automatically]
[Power off in progress / Please do not turn the main power off]
Turning off the main power switch with these messages displayed may cause serious machine trouble such as toner fixation.
d Reference
For details on turning off the power supply, refer to "User's Guide (POD Administrator's Reference)".
13 Utility/Counter Displays the Utility Menu Screen and various
14 Mode Memory Registers/Recalls the desired copy settings. Also re-
calls previous copy settings.
15 Accessibility Adjusts the response time in touch panel and control
panel key operation.
16 Help Displays the Help Screen that provides information on
how to operate the screen currently displayed on the touch panel. Also provides information on various supplies and disposals when pressed with the Machine Screen dis­played.
17 Brightness adjustment dial Turned to adjust the brightness of the touch panel.
18 Power Save Enables temporary use of the machine when the
Power Save LED is lit. Also, activates power-saving mode when pressed while the machine is inactive.
19 Power Save LED Lights when any power-saving mode is activated, or
machine power is off due to the weekly timer function.
20 Touch panel Displays various screens to allow the function setting.
No. Name Description
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2.2 Operating environment
2.2 Operating environment
This section describes the system requirements for using this printing system and the interfaces used for connection.
2.2.1 Supported computers and OSs
Make sure that the computer to be connected meets the following conditions.
Operating system The supported OS varies depending on the type of printer driver. For details, re-
fer to page 3-2.
CPU Any processor of the same or higher specifications as recommended for your
operating system
Memory Memory capacity as recommended for your operating system
Sufficient memory resource is required for your operating system and the appli­cations to be used.
Drive CD-ROM drive
Operating system Mac OS X (10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
CPU PowerPC, Intel Processor
Memory Memory capacity as recommended for your operating system
Drive CD-ROM drive
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2.2 Operating environment
2.2.2 Interfaces used for connection
To connect this printing system to a computer, the following interfaces can be used.
Use this interface to use this printing system via a network connection. It supports 1000Base-T, 100Base-TX, and 10Base-T standards. In addition, TCP/IP (LPD/LPR, IPP, SMB), Web services, IPX/SPX (NetWare), AppleTalk (EtherTalk) protocols are supported.
USB interface
Use this interface to use this printing system via a USB connection. The USB interface can be connected to a computer running Windows. A USB cable is required for connection. Use a type A (4 pin, male) or type B (4 pin, male) USB cable. A USB cable measuring three meters or less is recommended.
Connection diagram
The printer cables are connected to the each port of the image controller.
Back side of the machine
1. Ethernet port (1000Base-T/100Base-TX/10Base-T)
2. USB port
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2.3 Setup procedure
2.3 Setup procedure
To use this printing system, you must complete the setup in advance.
The setup refers to a series of procedures for connecting the printing system to the computer and installing the printer driver to the computer.
Perform the setup using the following procedures.
2.3.1 For network connection
1 Connect this printing system to the computer.
2 Check that the computer to be used is connected to the network.
3 Specify the IP address of the machine, and then connect it to the network.
4 Change the network settings for this printing system according to the connection method or protocol.
% LPR: In [LPD Setting], enable LPD printing. % Port9100: In [TCP/IP Settings], enable the RAW port number (initial setting: [9100]). % SMB: Configure settings of [Print Settings] in [SMB Settings]. % IPP/IPPS: In [IPP Settings], enable IPP printing. To use IPPS printing, install the certificate into the
machine in advance.
% Web Service Print: In [Web Service Settings], enable the print function. % Bonjour: In [Bonjour Setting], enable Bonjour. % AppleTalk: In [AppleTalk Settings], enable AppleTalk.
5 Install the printer driver.
% Specify the network port for the printer driver according to the connection method or protocol.
6 Install the screen fonts.
% The "Screen Font" or "Screen Fonts" folder in the Driver CD-ROM contains the screen fonts. % Install the screen fonts using the standard function for the OS of adding fonts. For details, refer to
Help of the Operating System.
% Macintosh fonts are compressed. Decompress them before installing.
- After installing the printer driver, perform test print to make sure that the connections are made prop-
d Reference
For details on the connectable interfaces, refer to page 2-7.
For details on the network settings, refer to "User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference".
The procedure for installing the printer driver varies depending on the connection method with the machine, operating system of the computer, and printer driver. For details, refer to page 3-2.
To update an existing printer driver, uninstall it first. For details, refer to page 8-2.
2.3.2 For local connection
1 Connect this printing system to the computer.
2 Install the printer driver.
3 Install the screen fonts.
% The CD-ROM contains the European TrueType fonts as "screen fonts". The "ScreenFont" or
"Screen Fonts" folder in the CD-ROM contains the screen fonts.
% Install the screen fonts using the standard function for the OS of adding fonts. For details, refer to
Help of the Operating System.
Before installing the printer driver
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3.1 Introduction
3 Before installing the printer driver
The following describes the information necessary for selecting a printer driver.
3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the information you should keep in mind before installing the printer driver.
The procedure for installing the printer driver varies depending on how this machine is connected to the com­puter, operating system installed on the computer, and type of the printer driver to be installed.
To determine the printer driver to be installed and connection method, check the operating system of the computer and connection environment.
Select the installation method according to the printer driver and connection method.
3.2 Printer drivers compatible with respective operating systems
Before using this printing system, you must install the printer driver.
The following lists the printer drivers included on the CD and the supported operating systems. Select the required printer driver.
Printer driver Page de-
scription lan­guage
Supported Operating Systems
PCL Driver PCL Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 3)*
Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 3)* Windows XP Professional e64 Edition (Service Pack 2) Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (Service Pack 2)* Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (Service Pack 2) Windows Vista Business (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Enterprise (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Home Basic (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Home Premium (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Ultimate (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008, Standard Edition (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Edition (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Service Pack 1)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 Home Basic (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 Home Premium (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Professional (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Ultimate (Service Pack 1)
* Supports 32-bit (e86)/64-bit (e64) environment.
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3.2 Printer drivers compatible with respective operating systems
- Select the page description language according to the application used for printing.
- Either the installer or Add Printer Wizard can be used for installing the PS Plug-in driver and PCL driver
for Windows.
PS Plug-in Driver PostScript 3
Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 3)* Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 3)* Windows XP Professional e64 Edition (Service Pack 2) Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (Service Pack 2)* Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (Service Pack 2)* Windows Vista Business (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Enterprise (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Home Basic (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Home Premium (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Ultimate (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008, Standard Edition (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Edition (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Service Pack 1)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 Home Basic (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 Home Premium (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Professional (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Ultimate (Service Pack 1)
* Supports 32-bit (e86)/64-bit (e64) environment.
Mac OS X 10.4/10.5/10.6
PostScript PPD driver (PS-PPD)
PostScript 3 Emulation
Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 3)* Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 3)* Windows XP Professional e64 Edition (Service Pack 2) Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (Service Pack 2)* Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (Service Pack 2) Windows Vista Business (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Enterprise (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Home Basic (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Home Premium (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Ultimate (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008, Standard Edition (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Edition (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Service Pack 1)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 Home Basic (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 Home Premium (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Professional (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Ultimate (Service Pack 1)
* Supports 32-bit (e86)/64-bit (e64) environment.
Mac OS X (10.4, 10.5, 10.6)
Printer driver Page de-
scription lan­guage
Supported Operating Systems
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3.3 Connection methods selectable in each operating system
3.3 Connection methods selectable in each operating system
The connection method for this machine varies depending on the operating system of the computer. The printer driver installation method also varies depending on the connection method. This machine can be con­nected via a network or a USB interface. In network connection, the printer driver installation method varies depending on the protocol to be used.
Network connection (Ethernet): This machine is connected as a network printer. This printing system supports 1000Base-T, 100Base-TX, and 10Base-T standards. In addition, TCP/IP (LPD/LPR, IPP, SMB), IPX/SPX (NetWare), AppleTalk (EtherTalk) protocols are supported. The applicable protocols vary depending on the operating system of the computer.
USB interface: This machine is connected as a local printer. The USB interface can be connected to a computer running Windows. For USB connection, this manual covers only the plug and play based setup procedures.
3.3.1 Windows Vista/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/7
Setup procedures Connection method Reference page
Connection meth­od in which install­er-based setup is possible
Port 9100 A network connection using the
PORT9100 print service. It uses a TCP/IP protocol and the RAW printing port.
p. 4-2
• Select a connection method during instal­lation procedures. Select [Normal Print­ing] for the Port 9100 or USB connection method, or [Internet Printing] for the IPP connection method.
IPP A network connection using the
IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) print service. Printing via the In­ternet is possible with the HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) of the TCP/IP protocol.
USB A connection using a USB port.
Connection meth­od in which setup is possible using Add Printer Wizard
LPR A network connection using the
LPR (Line Printer Remote) print service. It uses a TCP/IP protocol and the LPR printing port.
p. 5-2
Port9100 A network connection using the
PORT9100 print service. It uses a TCP/IP protocol and the RAW printing port.
SMB A network connection using SMB
(Server Message Block) for shar­ing files or printers in Windows. It supports the TCP/IP protocol.
IPP/IPPS A network connection using the
IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) print service. Printing via the In­ternet is possible with the HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) of the TCP/IP protocol. IPPS is an IPP for SSL encrypted communi­cation.
Web service print
It is a connection corresponding to Web Service function of Win­dows Vista/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/7 and capable of auto­matically detecting the printer on the network.
USB A connection using a USB port.
Connection meth­od in which plug and play-based setup is possible
USB A connection using a USB port. p. 5-13
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3.3 Connection methods selectable in each operating system
- Log on to the computer using a user name with the Administrator privilege, and then install the printer
d Reference
To use this machine in the network environment, you must configure network settings for this machine in ad­vance. For details, refer to "User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference".
You cannot set up IPPS connection (Secure Print) using the installer. To use IPPS connection, use the Add Printer Wizard. For details, refer to page 5-7.
3.3.2 Windows XP/Server 2003
- Log on to the computer using a user name with the Administrator privilege, and then install the printer
- The installer does not support installation in the IPv6 environment of Windows XP/Server 2003.
d Reference
To use this machine in the network environment, you must configure network settings for this machine in ad­vance. For details, refer to "User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference".
Setup procedures Connection method Reference page
Connection meth­od in which install­er-based setup is possible
Port9100 A network connection using the
PORT9100 print service. It uses a TCP/IP protocol and the RAW printing port.
p. 4-2
• Select a connection method during instal­lation procedures. Select [Normal Print­ing] for the Port9100 or USB connection method, [Internet Printing] for the IPP connection method, or [Secure Printing] for the IPPS connec­tion method.
IPP/IPPS A network connection using the
IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) print service. Printing via the In­ternet is possible with the HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) of the TCP/IP protocol. IPPS is an IPP for SSL encrypted communi­cation.
USB A connection using a USB port.
Connection meth­od in which setup is possible using Add Printer Wizard
LPR A network connection using the
LPR (Line Printer Remote) print service. It uses a TCP/IP protocol and the LPR printing port.
Windows XP/ Server 2003: p. 5-15
Port9100 A network connection using the
PORT9100 print service. It uses a TCP/IP protocol and the RAW printing port.
SMB A network connection using SMB
(Server Message Block) for shar­ing files or printers in Windows. It supports the TCP/IP protocol.
IPP/IPPS A network connection using the
IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) print service. Printing via the In­ternet is possible with the HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) of the TCP/IP protocol. IPPS is an IPP for SSL encrypted communi­cation.
USB A connection using a USB port.
Connection meth­od in which plug and play-based setup is possible
USB A connection using a USB port. Windows XP/ Server
2003: p. 5-22
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3.3 Connection methods selectable in each operating system
3.3.3 Mac OS X 10.4/10.5/10.6
- AppleTalk connection supports Mac OS X 10.4/10.5 only.
d Reference
To use this machine in the network environment, you must configure network settings for this machine in ad­vance. For details, refer to "User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference".
3.3.4 NetWare
d Reference
For details on the NetWare functions, refer to the NetWare operation manual. To use this machine in the NetWare environment, you must configure the network settings for this machine in advance. For details, refer to "User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference".
Setup procedures Connection method Reference page
Connection meth­od in which setup is possible
Bonjour A network connection using Bon-
p. 6-2
• Install your desired driver using the in­staller and specify the connection meth­od when selecting the printer.
AppleTalk A network connection using Ap-
LPR A network connection using the
LPR print service.
IPP A network connection using the
IPP print service.
NetWare version Protocol used Connection method
NetWare 4.x IPX Bindery Pserver Nprinter/Rprint-
NetWare 5.x IPX NDS Pserver Nprinter/Rprinter
NetWare 6.x IPX NDS Pserver
Installing the Windows printer driver
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4.1 About installer
4 Installing the Windows printer driver
This chapter describes the procedure for installing the Windows printer driver using the installer.
4.1 About installer
The installer automatically detects the printer on the same TCP/IP network as your computer or the machine connected via USB to your computer, and allows you to install the required printer driver. You can also install the printer driver by manually specifying the connection destination.
The installer installs the PS Plug-in driver and PCL driver.
4.1.1 Operating environment of the installer
- Installing the driver to Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/7 based computers
requires the administrator authority.
- If a wizard window for adding new hardware opens when using USB connection, click [Cancel].
- The installer supports installation in both IPv4/IPv6 environments of Windows Vista/Server 2008/Server
2008 R2/7 only. Note that it does not support [Secure Printing] (IPPS) in Windows Vista/Server 8/Server 2008 R2/7 and [Internet Printing] (IPP) in the IPv6 environment.
Operating system Windows XP Home Edition (Service Pack 3)
Windows XP Professional (Service Pack 3)
Windows XP Professional e64 Edition (Service Pack 2) Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (Service Pack 2) Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (Service Pack 2) Windows Vista Business (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Enterprise (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Home Basic (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Home Premium (Service Pack 2)
Windows Vista Ultimate (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008 Standard (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise (Service Pack 2)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard (Service Pack 1)
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 Home Basic (Service Pack 1) Windows 7 Home Premium (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Professional (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Enterprise (Service Pack 1)
Windows 7 Ultimate (Service Pack 1)
The operating environment required for the printer driver is service
pack 1 or later.
Supports 32-bit (e86)/64-bit (e64) environment.
CPU Any processor of the same or higher specifications as recommend-
ed for your operating system
Memory Memory capacity as recommended for your operating system
Sufficient memory resource is required for your operating system and the applications to be used.
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4.2 Easy installation procedure using the installer
4.2 Easy installation procedure using the installer
4.2.1 Settings of this machine
To connect the network environment, you must configure network settings for this machine in advance.
d Reference
You can set the network settings for this machine in the screen that is displayed by selecting [Utility/Counter]
- [Administrator Setting] - [Network Setting] - [Controller NIC Setting Menu].
For details, refer to "User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference".
TCP/IP settings for this machine
In [TCP/IP Settings] of this machine, specify the IP address.
d Reference
When this machine is connected through the network, you must previously specify the IP address on this machine so that it can be detected automatically. For details, refer to [User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference].
RAW port number/IPP setting for this machine
Change the network settings for this machine according to the connection method or protocol.
- Port9100: In [TCP/IP Settings], enable the RAW port number (initial setting: [9100]).
- IPP/IPPS: In [HTTP Server Setting], enable IPP printing.
d Reference
For details on TCP/IP setting and IPP setting for this machine, refer to "User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference".
Before you can use IPPS printing, you must register a certificate with this machine. You can use the self­signed certificate that is preinstalled in this machine. For details, refer to "User's Guide - POD Administrator's Reference".
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4.2 Easy installation procedure using the installer
4.2.2 Installing the printer driver (PCL driver)
1 Insert the Driver CD-ROM for PCL into the CD-ROM drive.
% If the [User Account Control] window appears, click [Yes] or [Continue]. % Confirm the CD menu is displayed, go to Step 2. % If the CD menu is not displayed, double-click [AutoRun.exe] on the CD-ROM, and then go to Step 2.
2 Select the required printer driver according to the screen.
The installer of the printer driver starts.
3 Click [AGREE].
% If you disagree, you will not be able to install the driver. % In the language display box, you can change the language used with the installer as required.
4 Select [Install printers/MFPs] and click [Next].
% When Printers/MFPs are detected on both IPv4 and IPv6, you can specify [IPv4 Priority] or [IPv6 Pri-
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4.2 Easy installation procedure using the installer
5 Select this machine from the list, and click [Next].
% From among the connected printers/MFPs, the models corresponding to the printer driver appears
in the list. If multiple models appears, check the IP address.
% If the connection with this machine is not detected, no model appears in the list. In this case, select
the [Specify the Printer/MFP Except for the Above. (IP Address, Host Name...)] at the lower part of the screen.
6 Select the component to be installed and click [Next].
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