konica auto a User Guide

Name of Each Part .....................................................................
Major Specifications for KONICA AUTOREFLEX A...
Loading of Mercury Battery Cells ...............................................
Handling of Mercury Battery Cells ..............................................
Film Loading ...............................................................................
Shutter and Aperture ..................................................................
TTL Metering and Fully Automatic Control ................................
Name of Meter in Viewfinder .....................................................
Watching Meter in Viewfinder .....................................................
Electric-Eye Photography ............................................................
Meter's Coupling Range ..............................................................
Important Points for Light Measurement at
Training of Camera ......................................................................
Focusing .......................................................................................
Depth of Field ..............................................................................
Infrared Film Compensation Mark ..............................................
Depth of Field Table.....................................................................
Film Rewind.................................................................................
B (Bulb) Exposure ........................................................................
Synchroflash Photography ..........................................................
Exposure for Synchroflash Pictures ............................................
Lens Interchange .........................................................................
Stopped-Down Aperture Measurement ......................................
Important Points of Stopped-Down Aperture
Hexanon Interchangeable Lenses ..............................................
Accessories ..................................................................................
Full Lens Opening .......................................................
Measurement .............................................................
4 9
10 11 1 2 16 18 21 22 24 26
28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 43 45 46 48
50 52 56
Type : 35 mm SLR equipped with focal plane shutter and built-in CdS meter for automatic exposure
Picture Size :
Standard Lens: HEXANON 57mm f/1.2 (6-group and 7-element), 57mm f/1.4 (5-group and 6-element) or 52 mm f/
Aperture Device :
Viewfinder: Eye-level viewfinder using pentaprism, lens focused with Micro Dia Prism of dispersion alignment type at viewfinder
Dimensions and Weight:
Adjustment : TTL system using super-high sensitive compound CdS meter (light measured mostly at center of
EE Coupling Range:
Film Wind :
Film Counter :
Film Rewind:
24 X 36 mm.
Film : 35mm film in cartridge, 20 or 36 exposure.
1.8 (5-group and 6-element). Minimum taking distance 1.5 ft. (0.45m.)
KONICA Mount II (bayonet), 47mm. in
Fully automatic aperture (automatic full lens opening).
Shutter : Copal Square S, B, 1 - 1/500 sec. calibrated in equally-graded 1 :2 progression, M and X
synchro, electronic light coupled to 1/125 sec. with X synchro and to all shutter speeds with M synchro.
Mirror edge vertically flips.
picture image). Automatic aperture lens Electric-eye: Full electric-eye system coupled to film speed, shutter speed and interchangeable lenses at full opening. Manual aperture: direct reading of f-number coupled to film speed, shutter speed. method after camera is set to film and shutter speeds. Zero-method system in which camera is coupled to pre-set aperture, film and shutter speeds. used as electric source.
EV4.5 to EV17 with ASA 100. Coupled to ASA 25 to 1,600 (DIN 15 to 33).
Film wound by cocking wind lever in single action.
and automatic aperture set simultaneously.
Automatic Film Counter which returns to "Start" mark simultaneously with opening of back cover
and indicates number of pictures exposed.
Film rewind button depressed at first for subsequent film rewind with crank. Button automatically
returns to original position.
With f 1.8 lens -- 148 mm (width) 95mm (height) X 89 mm (thickness), 930grams. With f/1.4 lens -
148mm (width) 95mm (height) X 90mm (thickness), 1,010 grams. With f/1.2lens - - 148mm (
diameter and 40.5 mm. in flange back.
Meter visible within field of view.
Full quick return type.
Manual pre-set aperture
Two 1.3V mercury battery cells
Shutter charged and mirror
width) X 95mm (height)
96mm (thickness), 1,200grams.
This manual was created by www.butkus.org/chinon and should only be found at my site.
The compound CdS meter of the KONICA AUTOREFLEX A takes two 1.3V mercury battery cells as its electric source. Wipe the mercury battery cells, accessories for camera, with a piece of dry and clean cloth and put them into the mercury battery chamber.
1 Turn the cover of the Mercury Battery Chamber 27 counterclockwise with a coin and detach it from the chamber.
2 Insert the two cells into the mercury battery chamber, the "+" side up, according to the figure printed on the seal inside the
chamber. After the cells have been put into position, put the cover on the chamber and screw it tightly.
Handling of
J Amercurybatteryisfullyserviceableformorethanoneyearif usednormally.Thebatteryvoltagedropsabruptlywhenit becomes
weak,theCdSmeterwillstopnormaloperation.Whenthemeterpointerdoesnotmoveeveninbrightlight,replacethebattery with a new one.
observed when replacing so as not to damage the camera. When not using the camera for a long period, store it in a place with little moisture after taking out the mercury battery.
Mercury Battery Cells
For the mercury battery, it is recommendable to use 1.3V battery, Mallory PX-675 or Eveready EPX-675. Since there are various batteries which resemble the above, but are of a different voltage than that required, caution should be
This manual was created by www.butkus.org/chinon and should only be found at my site.
The KONICA AUTOREFLEX A takes 35 mm roll film which comes in a cartridge.
For film loading, avoid the direct sunlight and do it in the shade. If there is no shade, one way would be to use the
shadow of your body.
1 Pull the Back Cover Lock 26 and open the Back Cover 32 of the camera.
2 Direct toward the underside of the camera that side of the cartridge through which its spindle sticks out and put the cartridge
into the Cartridge Chamber
2 .
InsertthefilmtipintotheFilmTake-upSlit33,of the Film Take-up Spool tip can be inserted with ease.
141 Turn the Film Cocking Lever (17) and take up the film on the spool. Ascertain that the teeth of the Sprocket 15) r in gear with film
perforations, before the back cover is to be closed. Depress the back cover with o finger tip, and it will be closed with ease.
Anyslitis usable.Chooseanyslitintowhichthefilm
This manual was created by www.butkus.org/chinon and should only be found at my site.
After the back cover is closed, flip up the Film Rewind Crank 13 and turn it in the direction indicated by an arrow mark on it to reduce the slack of the film.
Wind the film and depress the Shutter Button (1(. Repeat this action until the figure
appears in the Film Counter Window
TurntheFilmCockingLeveruntilit doesnot movefurtherandthefilmwillbetransportedbyoneframeandtheshutter charged at the s time. The mirror and the automatic aperture will also be set.
<>Eachtimewhenthecockinglevermanipulated,thefilmcounteradvancesonereading,indicatingthe numberof picturesthat
havebeentaken.Whenthebackcoveris openedaftertheexposureofa rolloffilm,thefilmcounterautomaticallyreturnsto the "S" (Start) position.
To Check Film Advance:
does not turn counterclockwise, it means that the film is not being properly wound.
chinon and should only be found at my site.
When the film is being taken up in a correct manner, the Film Rewind Knob 14) turns counterclockwise. If it
This manual was created by www.butkus.org/
A shutter is designed to control the amount of light reaching the film surface in terms of time and photographically to fix an image of a subject on it. The shutter speed scale has calibrations of B and 1 to 500.
The readings of
2, 4, 8 .... 500
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