This document is intended to descr ibe the unique features of the Inter nal SCSI
Option on LSDT scanners. This is not a replacement for the “Operators’ Reference
2. System Description
The Internal SCSI Option is composed of a standard LSDT scanner with an
embedded microprocessor based co nt r oller. The unit’s external interfaces consists of a
SCSI 2 connecto r , RJ-11 serial connecto r , and a rotar y switch for selecting the SCSI
ID. The scanner control program running on the internal microprocessor board
provides the interface between the host commands coming from the SCSI bus and the
scanner hardware.
During a scan operation, image data from the scanner is buffered in a circular buffer
on the contr oller. The circular buffer is 4MB or optionally 16MB. If the host co mputer
fails to read th e image data in a timely fashion a data lost er ror will occur. T h is data
lost error is unique to the internal SCSI option. The older external SCSI option was
always configured with enough internal memory to buffer a complete image.
3. Installation
Please refer to the “Operato r s’ Reference Guide” section 2 for general unpacking
and setup. However ignore the sections 2.2.4 “Installation of Data Control Board
(DCB)” and 2.2.4 “Installation of Control Interconnect Cable”
Installation of the LSDT scanner with internal SCSI option should be easy. Plug in
the scanner power, at tach the SCSI cable and select t he SCSI I D and t he system is
ready to scan. Depending on the host system software the scanner configuration file
may need to be modified using the serial interface.
3.1 SCSI Cabling
The scanner has a 50 pin SCSI-2 connecto r. Connect directly from the host interface
card or another SCSI device.
There is a small rotary switch on the back of the scanner next to where the SCSI
cable is connected. This switch selects bot h t he SCSI I D and enables SCSI bus
termination. SCSI ID’s range from 0 through 7. Every device on the SCSI bus must
have a unique ID. The switch rotates from “0” to “F”. Switch values from 0 through
7 select SCSI ID = value, with bus termination DISABLED. Switch values from 8
through F select SCSI ID = (value - 8), with bus termination ENABLED. For example
if t he rot ary sw itch is set to “C” then the scan n er will res pond to SCSI ID 4 with the
SCSI bus termination ena bled.
SCSIIDTer mination
00 NO
11 NO
22 NO
33 NO
44 NO
55 NO
66 NO
77 NO
80 YES
91 YES
3.3 Hardware Configuration
Normally no hardware co nfiguration is required. The microcontr oller interface board
has 4 jumpers (JP1 , JP 2 , JP3, JP4) . Jumper JP1 is really a connector for a r e set butt on,
if jumped the syste m will not run (c on stan t re set). Jumpe rs JP 2 and JP3 are used to
configure the memory size. Jumper JP4 enables the SCSI bus state indicator LEDs.
When JP4 is enabled the LEDs show t he curr ent S CSI bus state. S ince the LEDs are
located inside the scanner they are only used for tro uble shoot ing.
WARNING: If JP4 is enabled th e LED s will cause stra y light that will adv erse ly effe ct
t he image qua lity.
JP2 JP3 Memory size
1-21-21MB(1MB is NOT enough to run the scanner)
3.4 Scanner Configuration (LSDTCONF.DAT)
The s c anner ha s sever al minor configura tion options. The file D: \LSD TCON F .DAT
on the internal controller defines all user configuration options. There ar e 7 option
parameters: protocol, inquiry type, target SCSI ID, wait for digitize, mode, film
present, and request sense length. The meaning and syntax of each parameter is
described in the following sections. The factory default sett ings are corr ect for the
majorit y of user s.
Example LSDTCONF.DAT file:
Inquiry_Type ANSI ; LUMISYS or ANSI
TARGET_SCSI_ID 4 ; from 0 through 6 are valid
; TRUE -> more like LS150/200
; INTERRUPTABLE returns busy
; on image data reads when no
; data is available. Host must
; retry.
; NORMAL holds the SCSI bus
; until data is available.
FILM_PRESENTNO; TRUE or YES if sensor present
REQ_SENSE_LENGTH0; Non-Zero overrides response length
This parameter sele cts the scanne r c ommand proto col, cu rren tly on ly “ LUMI SY S”
is supported.
Default = LUMISYS
3.4.2Inquiry Type
This parameter selects t he format o f the Inquiry response data. Legal values are
“LUMISYS” or “ANSI”. It is highly recommended that “ANSI” be used. The correct
value is determined by th e host so ftware. So me host so ftware will ex cept eith er format.
Default = ANSI
3.4.3Target SCSI ID
NOT USED T his parameters is provided only for compatibility w ith previous
version of the scanner. The SCSI I D is set ONLY using the rotar y switch at the back of
the scanner.
3.4.4Wait for Digitize
This parameter det er mines the behavior of the scanner when a Digitize command is
received. Legal values are “TRUE” or “FALSE”. Most host systems prefer FALSE,
but a value of TRUE cause a more LUMISCAN 150/200 like behavior.
Default = FALSE
This parameter determines the behavior o f the scanner when a Receive Data
command is processed and the is no dat a cur r ent ly available. Legal values are
“NORMAL” or “INTE RRUP TABLE”. A setting of NORMAL causes the SCSI bus to
be held bu sy wh ile w aiting for the image data. While th e S CS I bus is he ld no othe r
SCSI device can be accessed during the 8+ seconds that it takes to load the film fo r
scanning. A sett ing of IN TER R UPT AB L E re turns a BUSY c ondition and the host
must poll until data is availab le. Most syste ms will scan co rrectly with either value, but
general host system performance could be affected. The corr ect value is determined by
the host system.
Default = NORMAL
3.4.6Film Present
Th e setting of the p ar ameter s ind icates to the scanner the pres ence of a film presen t
sensor in the hardware. The factory value for this parameters should not be changed
except by a field service person insta lling a hardware upgrade.
Default = (depends are act ual hardware, TRUE if detecto r is present in hardware)
3.4.7Request Sense Length
This parameter allows the length of the response to a “Request S ense” command to
be overridden. The correct value is determined by the host software. Don’t change this
parameters unless your host software requires it.
Default = 0