Kodak EKTAPRO 4010, EKTAPRO 3000, EKTAPRO 5000, EKTAPRO 3010, EKTAPRO 7010 Quick Reference Manual

The Quick Reference - is designed to be your ultimate source to all applications, technical constellations, accessories etc. for
Kodak Ektapro Slide Projectors
Quick Reference
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
50 questions regarding projection techniques with EKTAPRO. This is our most important
improvement in this revised edition. You will find an answer to all questions in this Quick Reference. We will take you there. With the help of these questions, we would like to help the user not only to find problem solutions but we would like to point out the variety of applications/AV­solutions possible with Ektapro projectors.
Not only the 50 questions but the index on page 76 will help you to get quick and specific information.
Should we have missed something - please let us know. Our address is found in the appendix.
Stuttgart, January 2001
Introduction to the Millenium Edition of the
Quick Reference
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Introduction to the Millenium Edition of the Quick Reference.............................. ...2
Content .............................................................................................................3
50 FAQs ...............................................................................................................4
Global Usage ....................................................................................................7
Optional Accessories..................................................................................................8
Cable Remote Control ........................................................................................9
IR Remote Control ...............................................................................................10
Parallel Projection ..............................................................................................14
Endless Projection .............................................................................................18
Fading ................................................................................................................22
Trays ................................................................................................................23
Autofocus ......................................................................................................26
No-slide-no-light ..............................................................................................27
Slide Recording ...............................................................................................28
Lenses ..................................................................................................................29
Lamps .................................................................................................................34
Extra Bright Lamp Module ......................................................................................36
External Control ..............................................................................................42
Carrying Case .......................................................................................................50
Professional Installation ....................................................................................51
Specification .......................................................................................................56
DMX Application .............................................................................................58
MIDI Application ...........................................................................................59
Business Presentations ...................................................................................60
Addresses .......................................................................................................69
Quality ................................................................................................................73
History ...............................................................................................................74
Editorial ..............................................................................................................75
Index ..................................................................................................................76
For a detailed search, please use the INDEX at page 76
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
50 FAQs
1. Q: I still own lenses with spiral rack for my old Kodak S-AV projectors. Can I use these for the
Kodak EKTAPROs as well?
2. Q: I would like to install an EKTAPRO in an auditorium/conference room. Is it possible to
use the 6 pole cable of the speaker’s desk for controlling the EKTAPRO?
3. Q: I would like to take my EKTAPRO projector when I travel internationally. Is there anything
I need to consider?
4. Q: I had a slide show programmed in Germany and would like to show it in the U.S.A. What
do I need to consider?
Slide Trays/Transport
5. Q: Since I make very many presentations, using the 140 slide tray seems very reasonable.
What are the differences between the 140 and the 80 slide tray?
6. Q: I already projected several slides. How can I take the slide tray off quickly?
7. Q: I would like to tilt the projector for a special application. What do I need to consider?
8. Q: Sometimes it is hard to put the slide tray onto the projector. What do I need to
9. Q: I would like to project slides endless with built-in timer. Anything to consider?
10. Q: I would like to show several slides in continuous operation with built-in timer. After the last
slide has been projected, I want the slide tray to go back to 0-position and show the first slide again. What do I do?
11. Q: I have an Ektapro without built-in timer. How can I make an automatic slide change
PAGES 19 - 21
12. Q: Even though the AF is on, I feel like the slides are not focussed.
13. Q: The AF does not always work with my 4 x 4 slides. Why is that?
14. Q: I was able to control my old S-AV projectors via an AV tape recorder. Does this work
with the EKTAPROs as well?
15. Q: I would like to turn the projector on and off via the power switch. However, I don’t want
the slide tray to go into 0-position. I would like to continue with the last slide that had been shown.
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
16. Q: Is there any way to lock certain buttons on my IR transmitter in order to avoid pressing a
wrong button during my presentation? PAGE 66
17. Q: Can I connect and control the projector directly via the computer? PAGES 42, 45
18. Q: Can I control the projector directly via my Apple Macintosh computer? PAGE 44
19. Q: I would like to make a quick slide change. The slide should only be visible for a fraction of
a second. How do I program this? PAGE 46
20. Q: Can I connect and operate a computer and an IR remote control simultaneously?
21. Q: Is it possible to transmit computer data over a greater distance – possibly cable-free?
22. Q: We would like to utilize projectors in theaters. Is it possible to integrate the projectors in
the already existing light installation? PAGE 58
23. Q: Is a smart solution available to connect the projector with different control systems ?
24. Q: I have an enormous stock of slides. I want to present my Power Point charts together with
my slides for my business presentations. Is it possible to connect a slide projector and a data projector simultaneously to a laptop? PAGE 68
25. Q: I am a musician and would like to combine slide projection with my music. Is it possible to
control the projector synchronous to my live music? PAGE 59
Lamp Module/Light
26. Q: How can I assure that an unused spare lamp with full life time is always available in the
dual lamp module? PAGE 35
27. Q: Can I also utilize the dual lamp module into the EKTAPRO 3020 resp. 320? PAGE 37
28. Q: Can I also utilize the single lamp module into projectors with the dual lamp modules?
29. Q: My slides regularly develop sweat spots. How do I avoid this? PAGE 41
30. Q: I already have two older EKTAPRO models (5000) and now bought an EKTAPRO 5020
with Extra Bright Lamp Module. Is it possible to adjust the new projector in brightness resp. color temperature to the EKTAPRO 5000? PAGE 39
31. Q: How bright are the various lamps actually? PAGE 34
32. Q: What actually makes the Bright Light Lamp Module special? PAGE 36
33. Q: My slide frames are black. Can they be used with the Extra Bright Lamp Module?
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
34. Q: How bright are the projectors actually? PAGE 37
Remote Control
35. Q: Although the IR remote control is supposed to reach a 30 m range, I get no response at
10 m. Why is that? PAGE 11
36. Q: The range of the IR remote control (of 30 m) is not sufficient for my application. Is it
possible to extend the range? PAGE 11
37. Q: The premises are so adverse that I cannot aim directly at the projector from the lectern. Is
it possible to place the receiver somewhere else? PAGE 11
38. Q: Is it possible to operate two IR systems in one room? PAGE 13
39. Q: Is it possible to control two projectors individually with one IR transmitter? PAGE 13
40. Q: Can an IR remote control be connected to the twin socket adapter instead of the cable
remote? PAGE 15
41. Q: Long focal distance lenses have the disadvantage that the projected image moves e.g.
during slide change. Is there a solution? PAGE 31
42. Q: Why can’t all lenses be used for 4x4 projections? PAGE 33
43. Q: What is the difference between EKTAPRO Standard and Select lenses? PAGE 29
44. Q: For a special application I would like to turn off the ”No Slide No Light” feature. The
projector aperture should remain open if no slide is in the slide gate. Is that possible?
45. Q: What is fade in/out? How do I activate this on my projector? PAGE 22
46. Q: I would like to get a longer dissolve cable for my Master/Slave application (dissolve with 2
EKTAPROs). Can I use an ordinary RS232 extension cable? PAGE 65
47. Q: Is it possible to get the images on my computer onto slide material?
48. Q: I would like to build the projector into a special rack/furniture. Are there any specified
fixing holes? PAGE 54
49. Q: To eliminate fan and slide change noises, we would like to build the projector into a noise
insulation. What do I need to consider? PAGE 54
50. Q: Before starting my multivision show I need to adjust the projectors accurately. Are there
any aids available? PAGE 55
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Global Usage
EKTAPRO Slide Projectors can be used around the world if you pay attention to the following:
1. Get informed about the local mains plug at your destination. Different wall plugs need
a different mains cable or an adaptor!
2. Get informed about the local mains voltage. You need to set the voltage selector to the
local mains voltage at your destination. An incorrectly adjusted mains voltage can damage the projector! For correct voltage setting, see the instruction manual.
3. Different fuse: countries with 100 or 120 V mains need a 4 A slow blow/250 V fuse;
countries with 220, 230 or 240 V mains need a T 2A L/250 V fuse. For fuse exchange, see the instruction manual.
Use of slide shows:
Please note the following when travelling international with Ektapro projectors and multivision slide shows: Due to different voltage frequencies (50 Hz or 60 Hz), some fast programmed slide sequences may be projected a little bit faster or slower!
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Optional Accessories
EKTAPRO Accessories CAT NO See page
4 x 4 Condens er K it 714 4967 33 80 Slide Tray 712 8580 24 Cable Remot e (4 m) 712 1080 9 Carrying Case 718 1993 50 Diss olve Cable 715 3992 61 Ex t ra Bright Dual Lam p M odule 712 4369 37 Ex t ra Bright S ingle Lam p M odule 718 3379 37 Heatfilter +10 717 7157 39 IR Remote Rec eiver RA 712 8606 14 IR Remote S y s tem RA 712 1072 10 IR Remote Sy s tem RA /LP with built in Laser Point er
712 1064 10
Lens S upport 715 1335 31 Lenses (s ee s ect ion "Lens es " ) 29 Remot e E x tens ion Cable 8 m 712 5925 9,11 St andard Heatfilter 717 7140 39 Twin Sock et A dapter 712 5909 15,16 Twin Sock et A dapter Cable 712 5917 15,16 CARO US E L TRANS V UE 140 Slide Tray 184 0768 24 Project ion Lam p E XR -35 h 145 2259 34 Project ion Lam p E XY- 200 h 145 2143 34 Project ion Lamp F HS - 70 h 147 7678 34
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
All current
and all former
Ektapro Cable
712 1080
4 m
n General
Remote Control
Max. 3 extension cables = 28 m!
Extension cable CAT No 712 5925 8 m
Your Control Di s t anc e: up to 4 m
You Need: cabl e rem ot e, only
Your Control Di s t anc e: up to 12 m
You Need: cabl e rem ot e and 1 ex tensi on cable
Your Control Di s t anc e: up to 20 m
You Need: cabl e rem ot e and 2 ex tensi on cables
Your Control Di s t anc e: up to 28 m
You Need: cabl e rem ot e and 3 ex tensi on cables
Ektapro Cable
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Remote Control
30 m!
All current and all former Ektapro models
Dimmed fluorescent light (neon) may reduce max. achievable IR distance! For more information see page 12!
The Kodak IR Remote System always consists of a transmitter and a receiver!
n General
IR Remote System RA
CAT No 712 1072
and RA/LP
CAT No 712 1064
IR Receiver
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Remote Control
IR + Extension Cable
n One Ektapro Projector, IR Remote System and 8 m extension cable for
optimal placement of IR receiver
30 m!
Max. 3 extension cables
CAT No 712 5925 8 m
IR Remote System RA
CAT No 712 1072
and RA/LP
CAT No 712 1064
IR Receiver
All current and all former Ektapro models
Extension cable
CAT No 712 5925
8 m
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Remote Control
Reduced operation distance with IR remote controls
We recommend the following two solutions:
1. Use of an extension cable (CAT No. 712 5925, see page 11)
2. A shield for the IR Receiver
As the housing is transmissive for IR radiation we recommend to use a black carton to shield the top and rearside of the receiver. According to our experience in most cases the problem will be overcome.
Reduced operation distance
A reason for reduced operation distance could be fluorescent light which is dimmed. The light itself emits IR radiation that is influencing the IR operation of the projectors in a negative way.
IR Receiver
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Remote Control
2 IR Systems
n Individual control of two projectors in one room via 2 IR Systems
Channel 1
Channel 0
Individual control of two projectors with one IR transmitter and two IR receivers is not practicable. A solution for this application can be found on page 63.
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
IR Remote Receiver
CAT No 712 8606
30 m!
IR Remote System RA
CAT No 712 1072
and RA/LP
CAT No 712 1064
All current and all former Ektapro models
Parallel Projection
Via IR Receivers
n IR Remote System and additional receivers in a single room
Parallel Projection
You want t o c ont rol : 2 project ors
You Need: 1Remote System RA and 1 IR Recei ver
You want t o c ont rol : 3 project ors
You Need: 1Remote System RA and 2 IR Recei vers
You want t o c ont rol : 4 project ors
You Need: 1Remote System RA and 3 IR Recei vers
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Parallel Projection
IR and a Twin Socket
n IR Remote System and a Twin Socket
712 5909
Extension cable CAT No 712 5925 8 m
Twin Socket Connecting Cable 2 m CAT No 712 5917
All current and all former Ektapro models
30 m!
IR Remote Receiver CAT No 712 8606
IR Remote System RA CAT No 712 1072 and RA/LP CAT No 712 1064
Twin Socket
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
n Cable Remote and Twin Socket(s) for max. three projectors*
712 1080
4 m
712 5909
Twin Socket Connecting Cable 2 m CAT No 712 5917
Parallel Projection
Cable Remote + Twin Socket
All current and all former Ektapro models
Twin Socket Connecting Cable 2 m CAT No 712 5917
*Maximum of 3 projectors Please note: With this configuration we guarantee that 3
projectors will work in parallel. Additional projectors or longer cables bear the risk that noise will execute unwanted transport commands.
Paralle l P rojection
You want t o control: 2 projectors
You Need:
1Cable Remot e 1Twin Sock et 1 Twin Soc ket Connec ting Cables
You want t o control: 3 projectors
You Need:
1Cable Remot e 1Twin Sock et 2 Twin Soc ket Connec ting Cables
If cable length is not sufficient, it can be extended. See page 9.
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Parallel Projection
Parallel Mode Setting
n One IR Remote and two Ektapro 7020 or 9020 Projectors
EKTAPRO 7020, 9020
Dissolve Cable
CAT NO 715 3992
max. 30 m!
The Parallel Mode (970) must be set again after projector has been switched off/on again! If you want to keep the setting, switch projector to standby! Do not switch it off!
EKTAPRO 4010, 4020, 5000, 5020, 7000, 7010, 9000, 9010, 9020
Need a third projector in parallel?
With a special cable available from AVSZ ( address page 69) you can connect a third projector
IR Remote System RA CAT No 712 1072 and RA/LP CAT No 712 1064
To activate the Parallel Mode input <970> and confirm with <*>
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
n Integrated Timer
EKTAPRO 5020, 9020
Endless Projection
Note Ektapro 5020 Projector:
In order to avoid "dark pause" it is recommended that the slide tray is filled as completely as possible (81 or 141 slides):
The built-in timer enables the projector to automatically transport your slides. Eleven time settings between 1 and 60 seconds can be made.
1. Due to the tray design, it is
not possible to insert a slide directly into the zero compartment
2. Insert the slide
directly into the slide gate
3. Place the tray as usual
in the zero-position (see page 25)
4. With the next slide
transport the slide will be lifted from the slide gate into the zero compartment of the tray
Note EKTAPRO 9020 Projector:
You can immediately bring the tray back to the zero position after the last slide with the help of the automatic zero positioning feature. This is useful when continuous projection is required using only a few slides.
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Endless Projection
n External Timer (no Kodak product)
External Timer
320, 4020,
An external timer is offered by AVSZ ( Address on page 69).
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
n One Projector, IR Remote System and Autotimer Mode Setting
EKTAPRO 5020, 7020, 9020
30 m!
Settings 1-60 sec. To activate the autotimer mode input codes 600 - 660.
Example: 4 s Input <604> and confirm with <*>
The Autotimer Mode must be set again after projector has been switched off/on!
Endless Projection
Autotimer Setting
IR Remote System RA CAT No 712 1072 and RA/LP CAT No 712 1064
IR Remote Receiver CAT No 712 8606
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
n Two Projectors, IR Remote System and Autotimer Mode Setting
30 m!
Ektapro 7020, 9020
Dissolve Cable
CAT No 715 3992
Ektapro 4010, 4020, 5000, 5020, 7000, 7010, 9000, 9010, 9020
The Autotimer Mode must be set again after the projector has been switched off/on!
Endless Projection
Autotimer Setting
IR Remote System RA CAT No 712 1072 and RA/LP CAT No 712 1064
IR Remote Receiver CAT No 712 8606
Settings 1-60 sec. To activate the autotimer mode input codes 600 - 660.
Example: 4 s Input <604> and confirm with <*>
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Soft Slide Change
(One Projector)
n Fading up and down (Soft Slide Change) with one projector via IR
Remote System
30 m!
EKTAPRO 7020, 9020
IR Remote System RA
CAT No 712 1072
and RA/LP
CAT No 712 1064
IR Remote Receiver CAT No 712 8606
avoids hard
light changes
during slide
The Fading Mode must be set again after projector has been switched off/on! If you want to keep the setting, switch projector to standby! Do not switch it off!
Input fade times of 0 sec (hard cut) up for a long fade of 9.9 sec in increments of a tenth of a second
Code: <801 - 899>
Example: 4 s Input <840> and confirm with <*>
Fade Up: Set time via IR. Within this time lamp increases brightness!
Fade Down: Set time via IR. Within this time lamp decreases brightness!
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
Inserting Slides
n General
n Check each slide’s orientation (horizontal or vertical), and arrange them in the order
you wish to show them. Then turn the slide upside down.
n Number each mount in the upper right-hand corner of the film’s shiny side.
n Insert your first slide into the first slot in the tray so that the number is visible on the
outer circumference of the tray. Insert your second slide in the second slot with the emulsion (dull side) facing your first slide, and so on.
AFTER: n View each slide against a light source and orient for projection (check for proper
horizontal, vertical, right and left positioning.)
n Arrange the slides in the order you wish to show them.
n Rotate them 180 degrees - upside down.
n Number (or mark) each mount in the upper right-hand corner.
n Insert the slides into the tray slots so that the number (or mark) is on the outer
circumference of the tray.
Quick Reference -- The ultimate reference for Kodak EKTAPRO Slide Projectors
by Kodak GmbH Stuttgart, PT CMS edition 1/2001 -QR-Epro.pm6.5
max 3.2 mm
max 1.6 mm
EKTAPRO 4020, 5020, 7020, 9020
KODAK EKTAPRO Slide Tray for 80 slides CAT. No. 712 8580
KODAK CAROUSEL TRANSVUE Slide Tray for 140 slides CAT. No. 184 0768
Tray Selector Switch
For use with all types of mounts (e.g. 3 mm,
2.3 mm CS, cardboard, LKM,
For use with cardboard and very thin glassless plastic mounts, only!
+ 53 hidden pages