Kodak CIS-201 User Manual

Printer Conversion to KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 8 and EKTACOLOR ROYAL VIII Papers
March 2000 CIS-201
KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 8 and ROYAL VIII Papers incorporate new image-forming components to deliver improved color s. The se new papers are designed so that a visually neutral patch will result in approximately balanced red, green, and blue densities when measured with densitometers that conform to ANSI Status A responses. Some densitometers that do not conform to ANSI Status A responses may produ ce non-matched red, green, and blue densities for a neutral patch on these new papers. Labs that use these non-S tatus A densitometers must compens ate for the differences in densitometer performance when they set up printers for the new papers.
Densitometers fall i nto two classes: (1 ) for a nalytical use and (2) for comparative use.
Analytical densitometers conform to an ANSI standard
called “Status A.” Status A densitomet ers correlate colors similarly to t he human eye t hrough a wide color and de nsity range. These densitometers will give similar readi ngs for KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 7/ROYAL VII and EKTACOLOR Edge 8/ROYAL VIII Papers if the prints appear visually matched.
Comparative densito meters are designed to match prints
to a specif ic densit y . Th ey are not intended for use over a wide range of densities and colors , and they do not see colors as the human eye does. These densitometers are often used in printing systems as a part of a minilab or a high-speed printer. T hey produce con sistent m easurements i n the ranges used for printer setup. However, wit h KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 8 or ROYAL VIII Paper, they do not measure the neutral aim patc hes as neutral. For example, an aim print on EKTACOLOR Edge 8/ROYAL VIII Paper measures 0.8 0 red, 0.80 g ree n, an d 0.80 blue with a St atus A densitometer. The same print may measure 0.70 red,
0.80þgreen, and 0.80 blue with a comparative densitometer.
New EKTACOLOR Edge 8 and ROYAL VIII Papers provide many performance advantages. But when they are used with densitometers that do not conform to Status A specifications, results may vary. Labs that use these non-Status A densitometers must compensate for diffe rences
in densitometer performance when setting up their printers for the new papers.
When you are ready to convert to KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 8 or ROYAL VIII Paper, follow the procedure below to determine how your densitometer performs. Once you’ve determined the densitometer performance, choose the appropriate compen sa tion procedure (if one is necessary).
To Determine If Compensation Is Required
1. Print your “Normal” Printer Control Negat ive on EKTACOLOR Edge 7 or ROYAL VII Paper at the aim density.
2. With EKTACOLOR Edge 8 or ROYAL VIII Paper, balance to match the density readings from Step 1.
3. Compare the two prints . If the prints match visually, follow normal printe r paper c onvers ion proc edures (s ee your printer manual). If the print from Step 2 appears cyan, the densi tometer is reading EKTACOLOR Edge 8 or ROYAL VIII Paper differently. You will need to follow one of the compensation procedures below.
Note: Compensation procedures have not been prepared for equipment that produces matched prints in Step 3 of the procedure above. If your printer is not included in the lis t below, follow your equi pment manu facturer’ s paper setup instructions.
If you have one of the printers in the following list, choose the appropriate procedure:
Compensation Procedure for NORITSU 1401/1501 Printers
Compensation Proc edure for NORITSU 1801 Micro Printer
Compensation Procedure for NORITSU 1701/1702 Printers (without NOUS Scanner)
Compensation Proc edure for NORITSU 901, 1001, 1201, and 1202 Printers
Compensation Procedure for COPAL Minilab, Models 1B, 1C, 5C, 5C II, 5L, 5S
Compensation Procedure for AGFA MSP Printers Compensation Proc edure for AGFA MSC Printers Compensation Procedure for GRETAG Masterlab Compensation Procedure for GRETAG Masterflex
©Eastma n Kodak Compa ny, 2000
For other printers, follow these steps:
1. Print your “Normal” Pri nter Control Negative on EKTACOLOR Edge 8/ROYAL VIII Paper again at the aim density, and with 1 red, 2 red, 3 red, and 4 red color-correction buttons.
2. Compare th es e pri nts t o t he pri nt fr om S tep 1 und er “T o Determine If Compensation Is Require d” (EKTACOLOR Edge 7 or ROYAL VII Paper printed on aim). Determine whic h red-corrected print is the closest match. The amount of red correction used to make that print is the amount required to c ompensate for the difference in de ns itometer measurement. Add the red correction to your paper channel setup for EKTACOLOR Edge 8 or ROYAL VIII Paper.
3. Print the “Normal” Printer Control Negative on the new paper again (the print should appear neutral), and measure this pr int. Record these density readings as your aim densitie s. Write the aim dens ities on thi s print, and keep it to use as your aim.
4. Adjust your paper Under a nd Over slopes to match your aim.
5. Print some customer negatives on thi s setup and adjust for preferences if necessary.
3. Print the “Normal ” Pr inter Setup Negative on the new paper, maki ng sur e to us e the sa me cha nnel a s i n St ep 1. Label the pr int “New-Pape r Tes t Print.”
4. Use the ex ter nal dens itom eter to m easur e the Old -Paper Reference Prin ts and the New-Paper Test Print, and record th e readings . See the exam p le .
Densitom ete r Readi ngs— Norm al Re fere nce
and Normal Test Prints
Cyan Magenta Yellow REFERENCE 75 80 73 TEST 90 87 73 Difference -15 -7 0
Note: To obtain the difference, subtract the test-print density from the reference-print density.
Add the Cyan + Magenta + Yellow diffe rence valu es to obtain an overall density reading. Then divide by 50 to obtain the d ens ity correction:
Difference -15 -7 0 = -22 -22 / 5 = -0.4
Compensation Procedure for NORIT SU 1401/150 1 Pr i n ters
Follow this procedure to co nvert to KODAK EKT ACOLOR Edgeþ8/ROYAL VIII Paper from KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 7/ROYAL VII Paper. This procedure permits conversion without the use of the printer’s built-in densitometer. It includes a choice of methods: an external densitomete r method and a ringaround method.
Densitometer Method
For this method, you mu st use an X-Rite or similar densitometer that has Sta tus A filt ers (e.g. , an X-Rite 881 or 891 densitometer) to measure the print densities.
1. When your supply of EKTACOLOR Edge 7/ ROYAL VII Paper is about to run out, print the Printer Setup Negative “Normal,” “Under,” and “Over” on the channel most commonl y used for the paper. Label the three prints “Old - P ap er R ef er e n ce Print—No rmal,” “Old-Paper Reference Print—Under,” and “Old-Paper Reference Print—Over.”
Keep the negative and prints in a saf e place. Re cor d the paper channel and Morning Setup channel used to print this test.
Also record the channe ls that wi ll be u s in g th e n ew paper. Only these channels will be corrected.
Note: If this paper size/surface will also be used for Morning Setup, you must include chan n el 00 in the corrections.
2. When you are ready to conver t to th e new paper, loa d it into the printer.
Divide the Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow difference values by 10 to obtain the color correction:
Color Correction -1.5 -0.7 0.0
The correction for this example is -1.5 Cyan,
-0.7 Magenta, 0.0 Yellow, and -0.4 Density.
5. Identify which channels are currently using Edge 7/ ROYAL VII Paper. These channels will all require the same correction.
Note: If the Master Balance or Morning Setup channel will use the new paper, you mu st include CH 00 in the Channel Balance Shift.
6. Apply the balanc e correction to the paper channels using this paper siz e:
7. If you will use the new paper f or channels 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, you would enter the following to input the corrections calculated in the example above:
10-15 (N) Range of channels
Input corrections
0.0Y -0.7M 1.5C - 0.4D Y/N
calculat ed abov e.
Press arrow keys to
move cursor.
The Channel Balance correction will be made to channels 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.
Note: If the Master Balanc e or Morning Setup channel will use the new paper, you mu st include CH 00 in the Channel Ba lance Shi ft. Fo r exampl e, if cha nnels 01 , 02, 03, 04, 05, 06,and 07 , and the Master Balance or
2 Printer Conversion to KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 8 and EKTACOLOR ROY A L VIII Papers CIS-201
Morning Setup channel will use the new paper, you would input the f ollowing:
00-07 (N) Range of channels
0.0Y -0.7M 1.5C -0.4D Y/N
Input corrections
calculat ed abo ve.
This Channel Balance correction will be made to channels 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, and 07.
Note: If th e cha nne ls t hat wil l us e t he new pap er are no t in a continuous range, you will have to make multiple corrections to avoid altering channels that use other paper types.
8. Repeat Steps 3 through 7 until the Normal test print matches the Normal reference print within one button. When the test print matches the referenc e print, you can proceed to “Setting the Paper Slope.”
Setting the Paper Slope
After matching th e Normal test and Normal ref erence prints , make test prints from the “Under” and “Over ” Printer Setup Negative. Make sure to use the same channel that was used to make the Old-Paper Reference Prints. If the Under and Over test pr int s mat ch the refe re nce pr in ts, the con vers i on is complete.
If the test and reference prints do not match, proceed as
1. Calculate the corrections from the density readings in the same way you did for the normal te s t and reference prints.
2. Apply the slope corre ction to the paper channels tha t will use the new paper by using the channel shift command:
To corr ect the Under sl o pe: MODE 33 (CH SHIFT)→YES→CH BALANCE
To corr ect the Over slo p e: MODE 33 (CH SHIFT)→YES→CH BALANCE
You do not include CH 00 in the cha nnel range, be cause slope is switched off for CH 00.
3. Repeat the steps until the Under and Over test prints match the Und er and Ove r reference prints to within one button.
When Channel 00 is set up for EKTACOLOR Edge 8/ ROYAL VIII Paper, you must make a new Morning Setup reference pri nt to use in pla ce of the old E dge 7/ROYAL VII Paper reference print. When you have achieved the final balance, make a prin t on CH 00 and s tore it to use for Morning Setup.
Ringaround Method
This method does not require a densitometer.
1. When your supply of EKTACOLOR Edge 7/ ROYAL VII Paper is about to run out, print the Printer Setup Negative “Normal,” “Under,” and “ Over” on the channel most commonl y use d for the paper. Label the three prints “Old-Paper Reference Print—Normal,” “Old-Paper Reference Print—Under,” and “Old-Paper Reference Print—Over.”
Keep the negative and prints in a safe pla ce. Recor d the paper channel (00 to 59) an d Morning Setup channel (11 to 84) used to print this test.
Also record the channels that will be using the new paper. Only these chan nels will be corrected.
Note: If this paper size/surface will also be used for Morning Setup, you must include ch an n e l 00 in the corrections.
2. When you are ready to conver t to the new pa per, loa d it into the printer.
3. Print a one-button ringaround, using the sa me tes t negative y ou used to m ake the reference p rints in Step 1. You must use the same paper channel and Morning Setup channel as be fore. Print a ringaround from the Normal negative as follows :
To print a one-butt on ringaround: MODE 32 (AUTO RINGAROUND)→YES→AUTO
4. When the prints are processed, select the print that is the closest match to the reference pr in t . A p pl y the correction as indi cated by the backprint . It will appear in this order:
Key: Print Order Channel Y M C D CF Data: 236 45 011 1 N N N N 2
This is a typical example. Some printe rs may ha ve different CVP setti ngs . If the backprint is switched off or not legible, keep the prints in order and mark the correction on the back. The prints are printed in this order: - Y , +Y , - M , +M , -C, +C, -D, +D , N .
5. Identify the channels that are currently us ing the old paper . These channels will all require the same correction.
Note: If the Master Balance or Morning Setup channel will use the new paper, you mu st include CH 00 in the Channel Balance Shift.
6. Apply the balanc e correction to the paper channels using this paper siz e:
7. Determine which chan nels use thi s paper . For example , to input the correcti on if the -1M print is closest to the
Printer Conversion to KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 8 and EKTACOLOR ROYAL VIII Papers CIS-201 3
reference print, and if you use the same paper for channels 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, you would input:
10-15 (N) Range of channels
Input corrections
0.0Y -1.0M 0.0C 0.0D Y/N
calculat ed abo ve.
Press arrow keys to
move cursor.
The Channel Balance correction will be made to channels 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.
Note: If the Master Balanc e or Morning Setup channel will use the new paper , you mu st include CH 00 in the Channel Ba la nce Shi ft. For exam ple, i f cha nnels 01 , 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, and 07, and the Master Balance or Morning Setup channel will use the new paper, you would input the f ollowing:
00-07 (N) Range of channels
0.0Y -1.0M 0.0C 0.0D Y/N
Input corrections
calculat ed abo ve.
This Channel Balance correction will be made to channels 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, and 07.
Note: If th e cha nne ls t hat wil l us e t he new pap er are no t in a continuous range, you will have to make multiple corrections to avoid altering channels that use other paper types.
8. Print a half-button ringaround to fine-tune the correction:
9. Repeat the steps above to match the channels to the reference prints on Edge 7/ROYAL VII Paper. When the Normal test print matches the Normal reference print withi n one butt on, you c an pr oceed to “Se tt ing the Paper Slope.”
Setting the Paper Slope
After matching th e Normal test and Normal ref erence prints , follow the same procedu re you did for balance.
1. Print a ringaround from the Under and Over Printer Setup Negatives.
2. Apply the slope corre ction to the paper channels tha t will use the new paper by using the channel shift command:
To corr ect the Under sl o pe: MODE 33 (CH SHIFT)→YES→CH BALANCE
To corr ect the Over slo p e: MODE 33 (CH SHIFT)→YES→CH BALANCE
You do not include CH 00 in the cha nnel range, be cause slope is switched off for CH 00.
When Channel 00 is set up for EKTACOLOR Edge 8/ ROYAL VIII Paper, you must make a new Morning Setup reference pri nt to use i n pla ce of t he ol d Edge 7/ROYAL VII Paper reference print. When you have achieved the final balance, make a prin t on CH 00 and st ore it to use for Morning Setup.
Compensation Procedure for NORITSU 1801 Micro Printer
Follow this procedure to co nvert to KODAK EKT ACOLOR Edge 8/ROYAL VIII Paper from KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 7/ROYAL VII Paper. This procedure permits conversion without the use of the printer’s built-in densitometer.
Before Yo u Begin
1. Save or record your current setup information. This procedure wil l erase any corre ctions t hat may have bee n entered.
2. Ensure tha t the equipment is c orrect ly set up to l ab aims. This procedure allows cros sover to the new paper without noti ce able differences in print quality.
Setup Proc e du r e
Before your supply of EKTACOLOR Edge 7/ROYAL VII Paper runs out, be sure that you have a Morning Setup reference print on Edge 7/ROYAL VII Paper. If none is available, perfor m a Morning Setup to make a reference print on the old paper. Then do this:
1. Install the EKTACOLOR Edge 8/ROYAL VIII Paper magazine.
2. Perform a Morning Setup on the ne w paper, and proc ess the print.
3. Calculate a correction to produce a visual match between the test print on Edge 8/ROYAL VIII Paper and the reference print on Edge 7/ROYAL VII Pa per as shown in t h e example. Use an X-Rite o r similar densitometer that has Status A filters (e.g., an X-Rite 881 or 891 densitometer) to measure the print densities.
Dens itometer Read ings— Refe rence a nd Test Prints
Cyan Magenta Yellow REFERENCE 75 80 73 TEST 90 87 73 Difference -15 -7 0
Note: To obtain the difference, subtract the test-print densities from the reference-print densities.
Add the Cyan + Magenta + Yellow diffe rence valu es to obtain an overall density reading. Then divide by 50 to obtain the d ens ity correction:
Difference -15 -7 0 = -22 -22 / 50 = -0.4
4 Printer Conversion to KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge 8 and EKTACOLOR ROY A L VIII Papers • CIS-201
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