Kodak CIS-144 User Manual

Supplement ary Information on KODAK EKTAMAX RA Professional Paper
March 2000 CIS-144
November 1998 CIS-164
March 2000 CIS-144
KODAK EKTAMAX RA Professional Paper uses colored dyes to form black-and-whi te images in prints made from color and black- and-white negatives. It is des igned for processing in KODAK EKTACOLOR RA Chemicals for Process RA-4 along with color negative papers.
The information in this publication supplements the information provid ed in the instruction shee t and in KODAK Publication No. G-22 , KODAK E KTAMAX RA Prof ession al Paper.
Suggested uses for EKTAMAX RA Professional Paper include interm ediat e appli cations for graphic s repr oductio n, displays, re al-estate brochures, publications, press releas es , and portrait proofs. The paper may also be acceptable for other applications in which long-ter m display and keeping are not required. In applications that require archival or long-term keepi ng or complete image ne utrality , a tradit ional black-and-white paper is a better choice.
Store unexpos ed paper at 13°C (55°F) or lower in the original s ealed packa ge. High t emperature s or high h umidity may produced undesi rable photog raphic cha nges. St orage of
unexposed paper at room temperature will produce a hue shift over time (see “Effects of Storage Conditions”).
Avoid moisture conden sa tion by removing the package from cold storage the day before printing.
Handle paper carefully by the edges. The paper is packaged with the emulsion side of all sheets facing in the same direction. For complete light and moisture protection, use the inn er bag an d the two-p art c ardboard box to s tore the paper.
The spectral sensitivity and printing speed of KODAK EKTAMAX RA Professional Paper are designed to be the same as those of KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA, SUPRA, and ULTRA Papers. Therefore, printing EKTAMAX RA Paper should be very similar to printing KODAK PROFESSIONAL Papers. If you are printing color negatives and ha ve a ba lance setup for those color papers , you can use that setup for EKTAMAX RA Paper. An adjustment of filtrati on from that balance wil l not change the
hue of EKTAMAX RA Paper, but it will cause a change in contrast.
If you are printing black-and-white negatives onto EKTAMAX RA Paper, two methods can pro vide suitable results:
• Put a piece of processed D-min from KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Film in the exposing beam along with the filters you normally use to print color negatives.
• To the filtration that you use to print color negatives, add 35 units of magenta and 65 units of yellow filtration to simulate a piece of film D-min.
If you do not have any processed D-min from PROFESSIONAL PORTRA Film or a st art ing filter pack, a filter pack of 80M + 110Y is a reasonable starting point.
You shou ld not notic e shif ts i n t he la te nt i ma ge w ith k ee ping times from 1 m inute to 2 4 hours . Ther efore, you do n ot need to change your print ing procedures to compensate for latent-image shifts under normal temperature and handling conditions . (If shifts do occur , you c an minimi ze their ef fect by keeping the time between exposure and processing the same for all paper.)
The term “hue” usually doesn’t apply to untoned black-and-white papers. However, this paper can exhibit slight variations in hue becaus e it uses colored dye s t o form images. When we use the te rm “hue” in this publication, we are referring to the image tone (or image-tone neutrality) of prints. We will use hue interchangeably with image tone to describe images that vary slightly from neutral.
Those who view print s o n this paper e xpect t hem to appear neutral. Therefore, viewers are more sensitive to hue variations in prints on EKTAMAX RA Paper than they are to hue variations in color prints.
The most likely contributor to hue variations is the color quality of the viewing light. However, improper storage conditions and some processing problems can also cause variations in hue. (The references to hue in the following sections a r e ba sed on tests made in the school-fini shing and commercial markets.)
©Eastma n Kodak Compa ny, 2000
Effects of Viewing Conditions
Under certain types of illumination, the hue of prints on EKTAMAX RA Paper can appear warm. A silver-based black-and-white image reflects all frequencies of light equally, so a slight deficiency in one color of the viewing light will not have an adverse effect. A chromogenic image—e. g., an image on E KT AMAX RA P aper—is f ormed by dyes that have specific color absorption and ref lection characteristics. Dyes do not reflect all frequencies of light equally. Instead, they reflect only specific wavelengths of red, green, and blue light. If a light source is slightly deficient in green light, a chromogenic print may look very pink (magenta) depending on the dye and the green-region deficiency of the light source.
To evaluate and display prints, use light sources such as tungsten and tungs ten halogen/quart z halogen. These light sources provide a continuous frequency distribution of energy in the visible spectrum, and the image will appear neutral. Non-continuous light sources, such as mercury vapor and some fluorescent tubes, can give the image a slightly pink appearance.
A good average viewing c ondi tion is a light sourc e with a color temperature of 5000 ± 1000 K, a Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 85 to 100, and an illuminance of at least 50 footcandles (538 l ux). Fl uore scent la mps s uch a s t he c ool white deluxe lamp (made by several manufacturers) meet these conditi ons. You can also use warmer la mps, such as the Phillips 50 00 K Ul tralume, or a mixtur e o f in candesc ent a nd fluorescent lamps. For each pair of 40-watt cool white deluxe fluorescent lamps, use a 75-watt frosted tungs ten bulb. Your light source should meet the standards specified in ANSI PH2.30-1989, Viewing Cond itions—Color Print s, Transparencies, and Photomechanical Reproductions.
For consistenc y, labs s houl d alwa ys e valuate pri nt qualit y under the same type of lighting conditions that will be used for print viewing and display.
Effects of Storage Conditions
When kept under refrigerated conditions (13°C [55°F] or lower), this pape r can age for 18 months and sti ll be within limits for hue. As unexposed, unprocessed paper ages, its hue moves in a green direction.
Room-temperature storage will accele rat e the agi ng effe ct, an d wil l ca us e a cha nge in hu e. After thre e m onth s at room temperature, the hue wil l be about ha lfway to the l imit, but prints made on t he paper will still be acceptable. After six months at room temperature, the hue will be close to the limit, and you will notice a hue in prints.
Effects of Processing Problems
Severe developer oxidation or low pr oce ssor utilization will produce a slightly pink (magenta) hue in images on EKTAMAX RA Paper. Extreme contaminatio n of the developer wit h blea ch-fix wi ll produce a gree n hue s hif t and a green D-min. In most cases, a process condition that causes a noticeabl e hue shift will also yiel d unacceptable results with KODAK PROFESSIONAL PORTRA, SUPRA, and ULTRA Papers, and will be evident in control-strip plots.
The one condition tha t proces s controls s trips do not show very well is the formation of leuco cyan dye. With color papers, a slight level of leuco cyan dye can be tole rated in prints, a nd wil l sho w up i n the c ontr ol p lots t o a ve ry limi ted degree. However, even low le vels of leuco cyan dye can cause a red hu e in images on EK TA M A X RA P a pe r .
The following section, “Process Troubleshooting,” describes ways to avoid and correct process problems that cause a hue shift in EKTAMAX RA Paper.
Images on EKTAMAX RA Professional Paper that have a noticeable hue may indicate that your process has a developer or a bleach-fix problem.
Before making any changes t o your proce ss, be sure that you are using the appropr ia te lig ht sour ce t o vi ew the print s. An
apparent hue shift ma y be rel ated to viewing conditions .
Identify ing th e Problem
Follow the st eps below to identif y the cause of a hue shift:
1. Check for high developer activity (e.g.,
If the image tone is cold
If the image
tone is warm
If the image tone is pink (magenta)
If the image tone is red*
* You can u se the KODAK Color P r int Vie w ing Filter Kit to differentiate
between pi nk and red. If pri nts l ook better through the cyan filter than through the green filter, the hue is red. You can suspect that leuco cyan dye is pr esent.
high repl enishment rat e, high temper ature, contamination of the developer by bleach-fix, etc.)
2. Check control plots.
1. Check for leuco cyan dye (follow procedure outlined below); if none is present, proceed to Step 2. If leuco cyan dye is present, see “Leuco cyan dye/low bleach-fix pH.”
2. Identify the image tone as pink or red.
a. Check fo r l o w d eveloper acti vity (e.g., low
utilization, low replenishment, high oxidation, etc.); if none is present, proceed to Step b.
b. Check for excess developer in the
bleach-fix (excessive carryover or low bleach-fix replenishment).
a. Recheck for leuco cyan dye.
2 Supplementary Information on KODAK EKTAMAX RA Professio nal Paper CIS-144
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