Printin g Colo r Fil ms Dev eloped as Black-and-White
April 1999 • AE-31
When Kodak color fil ms have been mis take nly proc essed as
black-and-whi te, there are several ways you can sa lvage
pictures from them. You can obtain black-and-white prints
from your fil ms, or you c an obtai n color prints o r color s lides
from them (except KODACHROME Films) by following
the procedures described here.
These prints or sl ides would not be acceptable compared
with those from color films which have been processed
correctly . But th e salvaged prints s hould certainly be of value
especially when you can’t take the pictures over again.
When Kodak color films are processed accidentally as
black-and-whi te, they usually have an overall yellow or
orange stain along with a black-and-white image. Use the
following procedures to obtain black-and-white prints.
KODAK Color Negative Films. The stain in t he n ega ti ves
from these films is reddish orange and is similar to the
overall red dish-or ange c olor of nega tiv es when th e fi lms ar e
properly processed as color negatives. Therefore, you can
make black -and-white pri nts from these films without gi ving
the negatives spec ial tre atment. You can use fast papers like
PANALURE SELECT RC Paper is better for this purpose.
PANALURE SELECT RC Paper is designed for making
black-and white prints from color negatives. Exposures will
be much short er on PANALURE Paper than on c onventional
papers because of the reddish-orange stain in the negatives.
Process E-6. When KODACHROME Film is processed as
black-and-whi te, the black rem-jet backing m ay not have
been remove d. T o remove t he r em-jet b acking , swab th e film
with cotton dippe d in a mild alkaline solution—a 5-percent
solution of sodiu m carbonat e will do the job. Be sure to keep
this sol ution of f t he emulsi on s ide of t he fil m. Ri ns e the film
to remove the sodium carbonate.
You can make prints on PANALURE Paper, but if you
remove the yellow or orange stain from these misprocessed
films, you can print the negatives on conv entional
black-and-white paper the same as you would any normal
black-and-white negatives. Do not remove the stain from
EKTACHROME Films if you plan to reprocess them as
color negatives.
To remove the stain from KODACHROME and
1. Prepare the bleach bath by dis solving 1 ounce (28 g) of
KODAK Citric Acid (Anhydrous) in 1 gal lon (4 L) of
KODAK Rapid Fixe r dilu te d as reco mmended for film s
in the fixer instructions.
2. Handle only on e negati ve at a t ime. T reat the nega tive in
KODAK PHOTO-FLO Solution at 75-80°F (24-27°C)
for 1 minute. Use fr esh sol ution pre pared as di recte d on
the labe l.
3. Rinse in water at 75-80°F for 20 seconds .
4. Immerse in the bleach bath (prepared in step 1) at
75-80°F for 7-14 minutes.
Stop bleaching if reduction of the silver image becomes
apparent . I t is better to leave a little stain than to lose the
silver im age.
5. Wash the negative thoroughly in running water at
75-80°F for 10 minutes.
6. Remove water drople ts with a soft, viscose sponge. or
treat the film with KODAK PHOTO-FLO Solution for
1 minute. Dry the negative.
Print the negative as you would any normal
black-and-white negative.
Warni ng
Avoid unnecessary or prolonged skin contact with the
bleach. Use rubber gloves. In case of accidental skin or eye
contac t, f lu sh th e af fe ct ed ar e a wi t h p le n ty of w ater
immediately. Contact with the liqui d or the vapor can cause
skin and eye irritation. Provide adequate ventilation. Keep
tanks covered when you aren’t using them.
If you want color prints or col or sl ides from your films
(except KODACHROME Films), you ca n bleach and
process the negatives to obtain color negatives. In many
cases, this procedure will res tore re asonable color im ages to
the negatives so that color prints or slides can be made from
It’s impossible to predict whether the color pictures you
obtain will be acceptable. There is an infinite number of
black-and whi te development and process conditions which
would have a di rect effect on the final results . Howe ver, the
color prints or slides that have been salvaged with this
emergency procedure should have more value than
black-and-white prints from the same negatives.
©Eastma n Kodak Compa ny, 1998

Printing Color Films Developed as Black-and-White
The procedures described here for salvaging pictures in
color are not recommended for KODACHROME Films.
Only black-and-wh ite prints can be made from
KODACHROME Films that have been misprocessed as
When you want color pict ures from your fi lms, do not use
the procedures for removing stain described previou sl y for
making black-and-white prints.
Before you reprocess you r negati ve s to obtain colo r , it ’s a
good idea to make the be st possible black- and-white prints
for insurance. Be cause of the yellow or orange stain in the
negatives, make your insurance prints on PANALURE
Paper. Otherwise, the expo sure time would be excessively
long on conventional black-and-white papers.
To reprocess KODAK Color Negative and
EKT ACHROME Fil ms, u se th e fo llo w ing pr ocedure
in normal room illumination:
1. Wash—15 minutes at 73–77°F (23–25°C).
2. Bleach in KODAK Bleach, Process E-6—6 minutes at
98–102°F (37–39°C ) ; or in KODAK FLEXICOLOR
Bleach, Process C-41—4 minutes at 98–102°F.
Note: The bleach must be free of hypo. If in doubt, use
a fresh bleach solution.
3. Wash—15 minutes at 73–77°F.
4. Expose to the light from a No. 2 photoflood lamp at a
distance of 1 foot (0.3 m) for 15 seconds on each side.
Even though the preceding steps were done in room
illumination, the exposure may have been unev en.
Kodak has many publ icat ions t o assist you wit h inf ormati on
on Kodak products, equipment, and materials.
Additional inform ation is avai lable on the Kodak websi te
and through the U.S.A. /Ca nada faxback system.
The following public ations are available from Kodak
Customer Servic e, from dealers who s ell Kodak produc ts, or
you can contact Kodak in your c ountry for mor e information .
KODAK Chemicals, Process E-6
For the latest version of technical support publications for KODAK
visit Kodak on-line at:
Many technical support publications for KODAK
Products can be sent to your fax machine
from the Kodak Information Center. Call:
U.S. 1-800-242-2424, Ext. 33 / Canada 1-800-295-5531
—Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—
If you have questions about KODAK Products, call Kodak.
In the U.S.A.:
1-800-242-2424, Monday–Friday
9 a.m.–7 p.m. (Eastern time)
In Canada:
1-800-465-6325, Monday–Friday
8 a.m.–5 p.m. (Eastern time)
A lighted photoflood lamp becomes quite hot and wil l
shatter if you allo w any liquid to spl ash on its surfa ce. Pla ce
sheets of glass where they will protect the lamp from
spattering or splashing of the solutions or the wash water.
5. Process the film normally in KODAK FLEXICOLOR
Chemicals, Process C-41.
Now that you have reprocessed your films as color
negatives, you can make color prints on KODAK
EKTACOLOR Edge 7 or ROYAL VII Paper, or
black-and-white pri nts on PANALURE SELECT RC Paper;
or color slides on KODAK VERICOLOR Slide Film.
Printing Color Films Develope d as
Black-and- Whi t e
KODAK Publication No. AE-31
CAT 800 1513
Kodak, Kodachrome, Ektachrome, Ektacolor, Flexicolor, Panalure, Photo-Flo, Polymax,
Portra, Royal, Select, and Vericolor are trademark s .
Consumer Imaging
Minor Revis ion 4-99
Printed in U.S.A.