Kenwood KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-5057SD, KDC-BT53U User Manual

IM362_Ref_E_En_03 (English)© 2013 JVC KENWOOD Corporation
1. Before use 4
1-1. Safety precaution 1-2. Important information 1-3. Regulatory Compliance
2. Appendix 8
2-1. Specifications 2-2. Trademarks
3. Basic operations 12
3-1. Component names 3-2. Preparations 3-3. How to select the item 3-4. General operations
4. Audio adjustments (KDC-5057SD) 16
4-1. Audio control 4-2. Audio preset 4-3. Audio preset recall
5. DSP settings (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U) 18
5-1. Audio control 5-2. Manual equalizer control 5-3. Car type selection 5-4. Speaker setting 5-5. X’Over setting 5-6. Listening position setting 5-7. Delay time control 5-8. Channel level fine adjustments 5-9. Resetting of DTA Settings 5-10. DSP preset 5-11. DSP preset recall
6. Listen to the iPod 26
6-1. Models of iPods/iPhones that can be
connected to this unit 6-2. Playing music 6-3. Music search 6-4. Alphabet search 6-5. Direct search 6-6. Skip search 6-7. Skip search ratio setting 6-8. Playback mode 6-9. App & iPod mode setting
7. Aha Radio (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U) 32
7-1. Requirements Aha™ 7-2. Listening to the Aha Radio 7-3. Basic operations 7-4. Station search 7-5. Calling a number in the content 7-6. Aha source control
8. Listen to the CD/ Audio file 36
8-1. Playing music 8-2. Music search 8-3. Skip search 8-4. Skip search ratio setting 8-5. Playback mode 8-6. About the Audio file 8-7. About the USB device 8-8. About SD card 8-9. About "KENWOOD Music Editor Light" and
"KENWOOD Music Control" 8-10. About the discs used with this unit 8-11. Handling discs
9. Listen to the tuner 42
9-1. Listening to the radio 9-2. Station preset memory 9-3. Auto memory 9-4. Recall preset station 9-5. Tuner setting 9-6. PTY (Program Type)
10. Listen to the Digital Radio (KDC-BT73DAB) 46
10-1. Listening to the Digital Radio 10-2. Service preset memory 10-3. Recall preset service 10-4. Service list select 10-5. Alphabet Search for service 10-6. PTY (Program Type) 10-7. Announcement setup 10-8. Replay 10-9. Digital Radio setting 10-10. Digital Radio initial settings
11. Display settings 52
11-1. Selecting a display type 11-2. Information display setting 11-3. Illumination color selection 11-4. Adjusting the Illumination color 11-5. Selecting a text display 11-6. Display & Illumination setting
12. General settings 58
12-1. Adjusting the clock 12-2. Adjusting the date 12-3. Clock & date display type setting 12-4. Auxiliary input display setting 12-5. Muting the audio upon reception of a
phone call 12-6. Demonstration mode setting 12-7. Initial settings
13. Registering a Bluetooth (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U) 62
13-1. About the Bluetooth module 13-2. Registering a Bluetooth device 13-3. Selecting the Bluetooth device you wish to
connect 13-4. Deleting a registered Bluetooth device 13-5. Bluetooth device registration test
14. Hands-free phoning (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U) 66
14-1. Receiving a call 14-2. Calling a number in the phone book 14-3. Dialing a number 14-4. Calling a number in the call log 14-5. Speed dialing (Preset dial) 14-6. Registering in the preset dial number list 14-7. During a call 14-8. Clearing the disconnection message 14-9. Voice Control 14-10. Display of phone number types
15. Bluetooth audio (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U ) 72
15-1. Before use 15-2. Basic operations 15-3. Playback mode
16. Bluetooth settings (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U) 74
16-1. Registering the PIN code 16-2. Downloading the phone book 16-3. Deleting the phone book 16-4. Displaying the firmware version 16-5. Switching between two connected cell-
16-6. Bluetooth detail setting
17. Troubleshooting guide 78
17-1. Setting error 17-2. Operation/wiring error 17-3. Error messages

1. Before use

1-1. Safety precaution

To prevent injuries or a fire, take the following precautions:
• Stop the car before operating the unit.
• To prevent a short circuit, never put or leave any
metallic objects (such as coins or metal tools) inside the unit.
• Adjust the volume so that you can hear the sound
outside the car. Driving with the volume too high may cause an accident.
• Wipe off the dirt on the panel with a dry silicon or
soft cloth. Failure to observe this precaution may result in
damage to the monitor or unit.
• If you experience problems during installation,
consult your Kenwood dealer.

1-2. Important information

Before using the this unit for the first time
This unit is factory-set to operate in the Demonstration mode initially.
When using this unit for the first time, cancel the Demonstration mode. Refer to <Cancel the
Demonstration mode> (page 13).
Cleaning the connector
The unit may not function properly if the connectors between the unit and faceplate are dirty. Detach the faceplate and clean the connector with a cotton swab gently, being careful not to damage the connector.
When the car is air-conditioned, moisture may collect on the laser lens. This may cause disc read errors. In this case, remove the disc and wait for the moisture to evaporate.
How to reset your unit
If the unit fails to operate properly, press the Reset button. The unit returns to the factory settings when the Reset button is pressed.
• When you purchase optional accessories, check with your Kenwood dealer to make sure that they can work with your model and in your area.
• Characters that conform to ISO 8859-1 can be displayed.
• Characters that conform to ISO 8859-5 or ISO 8859-1 can be displayed. Refer to "Russian" of <12-7. Initial
settings> (page 61).
• The illustrations of the display and panel appearing in this manual are examples used to explain more
clearly how the controls are used. Therefore, what appears on the display in the illustrations may differ from what appears on the display on the actual equipment, and some of the images on the display may be inapplicable.
• USB rating is indicated on the main unit under the detachable faceplate.
Before use

1-3. Regulatory Compliance

Information on Disposal of Old Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries (applicable for EU countries that have adopted separate waste collection systems)
Products and batteries with the symbol (crossed-out wheeled bin) cannot be disposed as household waste.
Old electrical and electronic equipment and batteries should be recycled at a facility capable of handling these items and their waste byproducts.
Contact your local authority for details in locating a recycle facility nearest to you.
Proper recycling and waste disposal will help conserve resources whilst preventing detrimental effects on our health and the environment.
Notice: The sign "Pb" below the symbol for batteries indicates that this battery contains lead.
The marking of products using lasers
The label is attached to the chassis/case and says that the component uses laser beams that have been classified as Class 1. It means that the unit is utilizing laser beams that are of a weaker class. There is no danger of hazardous radiation outside the unit.
3-12, Moriyacho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 221-0022, JAPAN
EU Representative:
Kenwood Electronics Europe BV Amsterdamseweg 37, 1422 AC UITHOORN, The
Hereby, JVC KENWOOD declares that this unit KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Par la présente JVC KENWOOD déclare que l’appareil KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.
Par la présente, JVC KENWOOD déclare que ce KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions de la directive 1999/5/CE qui lui sont applicables.
Hiermit erklärt JVC KENWOOD, dass sich dieser KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. (BMWi)
Hiermit erklärt JVC KENWOOD die Übereinstimmung des Gerätes KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Festlegungen der Richitlinie 1999/5/EG. (Wien)
Hierbij verklaart JVC KENWOOD dat het toestel KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
Bij deze verklaat JVC KENWOOD dat deze KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U voldoet aan de essentiële eisen en aan de overige relevante bepalingen van Richtlijn 1999/5/EC.
Declaration of Conformity with regard to the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC
Declaration of Conformity with regard to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC
JVC KENWOOD Corporation
Con la presente JVC KENWOOD dichiara che questo KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Por medio de la presente JVC KENWOOD declara que el KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U cumple con
los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
JVC KENWOOD declara que este KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/ CE.
JVC KENWOOD niniejszym oświadcza, że KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U spełnia zasadnicze wymogi oraz inne istotne postanowienia dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
JVC KENWOOD timto prohlasuje, ze KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53Ue ve shode se zakladnimi pozadavky a s dalsimi prislusnymi ustanoveni Narizeni vlady c. 426/2000 Sb.
Alulírott, JVC KENWOOD, kijelenti, hogy a jelen KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U megfelel az 1999/5/EC irányelvben meghatározott alapvető követelményeknek és egyéb vonatkozó előírásoknak.
Härmed intygar JVC KENWOOD att denna KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U stär l överensstämelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.
JVC KENWOOD vakuuttaa täten että KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
Sellega kinnitab JVC KENWOOD, et see KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U vastab direktiivi 1999/5/EC põhilistele nõudmistele ja muudele asjakohastele määrustele.
Ar šo, JVC KENWOOD, apstiprina, ka KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK galvenajām prasībām un citiem tās nosacījumiem.
Šiuo, JVC KENWOOD, pareiškia, kad šis KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U atitinka pagrindinius Direktyvos 1999/5/EB reikalavimus ir kitas svarbias nuostatas.
Hawnhekk, JVC KENWOOD, jiddikjara li dan KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.
Компанія JVC KENWOOD заявляє, що цей виріб KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U відповідає ключовим вимогам та іншим пов’язаним положенням Директиви 1999/5/EC.
JVC KENWOOD, işbu belge ile KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U numaralı bu ünitenin 1999/5/EC Direktifi’nin özel gereksinimlerine ve ilgili diğer hükümlerine uygun olduğunu beyan eder.
S tem JVC KENWOOD izjavlja, da je ta KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U v skladu z osnovnimi zahtevami in ostalimi ustreznimi predpisi Direktive 1999/5/EC.
Spoločnosť JVC KENWOOD týmto vyhlasuje, že KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U spĺňa zákldné požiadavky a ďalšie prislušné ustanovenia Direktĺvy 1999/5/EC.
Undertegnede JVC KENWOOD erklærer harved, at følgende udstyr KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.

2. Appendix

2-1. Specifications
FM tuner section
Frequency range (50 kHz step)
: 87.5 MHz – 108.0 MHz
Usable sensitivity (S/N = 30dB)
: 7.2 dBf (0.63 μV/75 Ω)
Quieting Sensitivity (S/N = 46dB)
: 15.2 dBf (1.6 μV/75 Ω)
Frequency response (±3 dB)
: 30 Hz – 15 kHz
Signal to Noise ratio (MONO)
: 75 dB (±400 kHz)
Stereo separation
: 45 dB (1 kHz)
MW tuner section
Frequency range (9 kHz step)
: 531 kHz – 1611 kHz
Usable sensitivity (S/N = 20dB)
: 36 µV
LW tuner section
Frequency range (9 kHz step)
: 153 kHz – 279 kHz
Usable sensitivity (S/N = 20dB)
: 57 µV
DAB tuner section (KDC-BT73DAB)
Frequency range
L-BAND : 1452.960 MHz – 1490.624 MHz BAND III : 174.928 MHz – 239.200 MHz
: -100 dBm
Signal to Noise ratio
: 80 dB
Antenna Connector type
Antenna Output Voltage (11 – 16V)
: 14.4 V
Antenna Maximun Current
: <100 mA
CD player section
Laser diode
: GaAlAs
Digital filter (D/A)
: 8 Times Over Sampling
D/A Converter
: 24 Bit
Spindle speed (Audio files)
: 500 – 200 rpm (CLV)
Wow & Flutter
: Below Measurable Limit
Frequency response (±1 dB)
: 10 Hz – 20 kHz
Total harmonic distortion (1 kHz)
: 0.008 %
Signal to Noise ratio (1 kHz)
: 110 dB
Dynamic range
: 93 dB
MP3 decode
: Compliant with MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer-3
WMA decode
: Compliant with Windows Media Audio
AAC decode
: AAC-LC ".m4a" files
USB interface
USB Standard
: USB1.1/ 2.0 (Full speed)
File System
: FAT12 / 16 / 32
Maximum Supply current
: DC 5 V = 1 A
SD section (KDC-5057SD)
Compatible physical format
: Version 2.00
Maximum memory capacity
: 32GB
File system
: FAT12 / 16 / 32
MP3 decode
: Compliant with MPEG-1/2 Audio Layer-3
WMA decode
: Compliant with Windows Media Audio
AAC decode
: AAC-LC ".m4a" files
WAV decode
: Linear-PCM
Audio section
Maximum output power
: 50 W x 4
Output power (DIN45324,+B=14.4V )
: 30 W x 4
Preout level/ Load (CD)
: 2500 mV/10 kΩ
Preout impedance
: ≤ 600 Ω
Speaker Impedance
: 4 – 8 Ω
Band1 : 62.5 Hz ±9 dB Band2 : 100 Hz ±9 dB Band3 : 160 Hz ±9 dB Band4 : 250 Hz ±9 dB Band5 : 400 Hz ±9 dB Band6 : 630 Hz ±9 dB Band7 : 1 kHz ±9 dB Band8 : 1.6 kHz ±9 dB Band9 : 2.5 kHz ±9 dB Band10 : 4 kHz ±9 dB Band11 : 6.3 kHz ±9 dB Band12 : 10 kHz ±9 dB Band13 : 16 kHz ±9 dB
Bass : 100 Hz ±8 dB Middle : 1 kHz ±8 dB Treble : 12.5 kHz ±8 dB
: 10 kΩ
Operating voltage
: 14.4 V (10.5 – 16V allowable)
: 14.4 V (11 – 16V allowable)
Maximum Current consumption
: 10 A
Installation Size (W x H x D)
: 182 x 53 x 159 mm
: 1.3 kg
: 1.2 kg
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Bluetooth section (KDC-BT73DAB/ KDC-BT53U)
: Bluetooth Ver. 2.1+EDR Certified
Frequency range
: 2.402 – 2.480 GHz
Output Power
: +4dBm (MAX), 0dBm (AVE) Power Class 2
Maximum Communication range
: Line of sight approx.10m (32.8 ft)
: HFP (Hands Free Profile) : SPP (Serial Port Profile) : PBAP (Phonebook Access Profile) : OPP (Object Push Profile) : A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) : AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote Control Profile)
Auxiliary input
Frequency response (±3 dB)
: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
Input Maximum Voltage
: 1200 mV
Input Impedance

2-2. Trademarks

• The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by JVC KENWOOD Corporation is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.
• "Made for iPod" and "Made for iPhone" mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod or iPhone, respectively, and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod or iPhone may affect wireless performance.
• iPhone, iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
• iTunes and Safari are trademark of Apple Inc.
• aha, the Aha logo, and the Aha trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of HARMAN International Industries, used with permission.
• Android and Chrome are trademark of Google Inc.
• Internet Explorer and Windows Media are registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
• The "AAC" logo is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories.
• SDHC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.

3. Basic operations

3-1. Component names

(1) [1/6] button
When listening to the iPod, audio file, CD, or radio, press this button to enter the search mode. In each of the selected modes, press the button to return to the previous item.
(2) [SRC] button
Press the button to select the source. Refer to
<Source selection> (page 14).
(3) [Control] knob (Volume knob)
In the normal mode, turn the knob to adjust the volume or press the knob to enter the Function setting mode. In the Function mode, turn the knob to select an item or press the knob to determine the selection.
(4) [R]/ [S] button
Press the button to select an audio file folder or broadcast band, or use it as a Likes/ Dislikes button on Aha etc.
(5) [G] button
Press the button to eject the disc.
(6) Disc slot cover
When this cover opens upward, the disc insertion slot appears
(7) USB terminal (inside of the cover)
Connect an iPod or USB device.
(8) Auxiliary input (inside of the cover)
Connect the output of an external device using a stereo mini-jack.
(9) REAR USB indicator
When a USB device or iPod is connected to the USB terminal of the rear, this indicator stays lit. During
playback of the connected device, this indicator blinks.
(10) [E]/ [F] button
Press the button to select a song or station.
(11) Release button
Press the button to detach the faceplate.
KDC-BT73DAB KDC-BT53U [Ú] button
Press the button to make, answer, or disconnect a hands-free call.
KDC-5057SD [A~Z] button
Press any of (A to Z) button during the Music search mode to enter the alphabet search mode.

3-2. Preparations

Cancel the Demonstration mode
Cancel the Demonstration mode when you use the unit for the first time after installation.
Press [Control] knob to cancel the
Demonstration mode when the message "To cancel DEMO Press the volume knob" appears (approx. 15 seconds).
Turn [Control] knob to select the "YES", and
then press [Control] knob.
The Demonstration mode can also be canceled in the Function Setting mode. Refer to <12-6.
Demonstration mode setting> (page 60).
Detaching/ Attaching the faceplate
• Remove the faceplate at once after pressing the Release button; otherwise it can fall down due to vibration.
• The faceplate is a precision component of the unit and can be damaged by shocks or jolts.
• Keep the faceplate in its case while detached.
• Do not place the faceplate (and case) in areas exposed to direct sunlight, excessive heat or humidity. Also avoid places with too much dust or the possibility of water splashing.

3-3. How to select the item

For how to select setting items such as a function setting item, see the following example:
Example: Setting the Date format of the display
Press [Control] knob.
"Function" appears and enters the Function setting mode.
Select the Date Mode function item.
Turn [Control] knob to select "Settings", and then press [Control] knob. Next, turn [Control] knob to select "Clock&Date", and then press [Control] knob. Finally, turn [Control] knob to select "Date Mode", and then press [Control] knob.
To cancel and return to the previous item, press [1/6].
Turn [Control] knob to select a format (7
types), and then press [Control] knob.
Returns to the previous item.
Press and hold [1/6].
Exits the Function setting mode.
About the description in this manual
In this manual, operations performed in steps 2 and 3 are described as follows:
2 Select "Settings"
using [Control knob].
3 Select a format (7 types) using [Control] knob.
> "Clock&Date" > "Date Mode"
Basic operations

3-4. General operations

Press [SRC] to turn the power ON. Press and hold [SRC] to turn the power OFF.
Source selection
Press [SRC].
The source will switch each time upon pressing the button.
Source Display
Standby "STANDBY" Digital radio[2] "DIGITAL RADIO" Tuner "TUNER" USB device connected to front USB terminal "USB(FRONT)" USB device connected to rear USB terminal "USB(REAR)" iPod connected to front USB terminal[1] "iPod(FRONT)" iPod connected to rear USB terminal[1] "iPod(REAR)" aha™ of iPod connected to front USB terminal[1]
aha™ of iPod connected to rear USB terminal[1]
aha™ of device connected via Bluetooth[1][2][3] "aha" Bluetooth audio[2][3] "BT AUDIO" SD[1][4] "SD" CD[1] "CD" Auxiliary Input "AUX"
[1] This source can be selected only when it can be played. [2] Function of KDC-BT73DAB. [3] Function of KDC-BT53U. [4] Function of KDC-5057SD.
Setting the source switching
Source switching can be set so that pressing [SRC] switches among sources. For more details, refer to <12-7. Initial
settings> (page 61).
Source switching can be set so that "aha" and "AUX" sources can not be selected when not in use. For more details, refer to <12-7. Initial settings> (page 61).
Turn [Control] knob.
USB terminal
A USB device or iPod can be connected. The CA-U1EX (Max. 500mA) or KCA-iP102 (optional accessories) is recommended to connect a USB device or iPod.
Auxiliary input
A portable audio device can be connected with a stereo mini-plug (3.5 mm ø).

4. Audio adjustments (KDC-5057SD)

4-1. Audio control

You can adjust the audio control items.
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a audio control item using [Control]
Display Audio control item Range
"SubWoofer Level" Subwoofer level –15 — +15 (dB) "Bass Level" Bass level –8 — +8 (dB) "Middle Level" Middle level –8 — +8 (dB) "Treble Level" Treble level –8 — +8 (dB) "Equalizer PRO"
"Bass Adjust"
"Bass Center FRQ"
"Bass Level" Bass level –8 — +8 (dB) "Bass Q Factor" Bass Q Factor 1.00/ 1.25/ 1.50/ 2.00 "Bass EXT" Bass Extend OFF/ ON
"Middle Adjust"
"Middle Center FRQ"
"Middle Level" Middle level –8 — +8 (dB) "Middle Q Factor" Middle Q Factor 0.75/ 1.00/ 1.25
"Treble Adjust"
"Treble Center FRQ"
"Treble Level" Treble level –8 — +8 (dB)
"Preset Equalizer" Preset Equalizer curve "Rock"/ "Pops"/
"Bass Boost" Bass Boost "Level1"/ "Level2"/
"Loudness" Loudness "Level1"/ "Level2"/
"Balance" Balance Left 15 — Right 15 "Fader" Fader Rear 15 — Front 15 "SubWoofer" Subwoofer output OFF/ ON
Bass Center Frequency 60/ 80/ 100/ 200 (Hz)
Middle Center Frequency
Treble Center Frequency
0.5/ 1.0/ 1.5/ 2.5 (kHz)
10.0/ 12.5/ 15.0/
17.5 kHz
"Easy"/ "Top40"/ "Jazz"/ "Powerful"/ "Natural"/ "User"[2]
"Level3"/ "OFF"
"Detailed Settings"
"HPF" High Pass Filter Through/ 100/ 120/
"LPF SubWoofer" Low Pass Filter 85/ 120/ 160/ Through
"SubWoofer Phase"
"Supreme"[3] Supreme setting ON/ OFF "Audio Preset" Audio Preset
"Volume Offset" Volume offset –8 — ±0 (dB)
[1] Refer to <4-2. Audio preset> (page 17), <4-3. Audio
preset recall> (page 17).
[2] "User": The customized Bass, Middle, and Treble settings
are effective.
[3] Audio file source only
Subwoofer Phase Reverse (180°)/
150 (Hz)
Normal (0°)
Recall/ Memory
(AUX: -8 — +8)
Select a value using [Control] knob.
Returns to the previous item.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].
Adjusting Bass, Middle, and Treble levels
You can set Bass, Middle, and Treble levels for each source.

4-2. Audio preset

You can register the values set the Audio control items.
Set the audio control items
Refer to <4-1. Audio control> (page 16).
Select "Audio Control" > "Detailed Settings"
> "Audio Preset" > "Memory" using [Control]
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select "YES" using [Control] knob.
"Memory Completed" appears.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].
Number of Audio preset memories that can be stored
Register a pair of Audio preset memories. You cannot register them by source.
When reset
When you press the Reset button, audio control values of all sources will be set to the values registered here.
Audio control items that can be registered
The following Audio control items can be registered. "Bass Center FRQ", "Bass Level", "Bass Q Factor", "Bass EXT", "Middle Center FRQ", "Middle Level", "Middle Q Factor", "Treble Center FRQ", "Treble Level", "SubWoofer Level", "HPF", "LPF SubWoofer", "SubWoofer Phase"

4-3. Audio preset recall

You can recall the Audio control items registered to the <4-2. Audio preset> (page 17).
Press [SRC] to select a recall source.
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Detailed Settings" >
"Audio Preset" > "Recall" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select "YES" using [Control] knob.
"Recall Completed" appears.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].

5. DSP settings (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U)

5-1. Audio control

You can adjust the audio control items.
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a audio control item using [Control]
Display Overview
"SubWoofer Level" You can set subwoofer level.
"Preset Equalizer"[1][4] Select from among preset equalizer curves
"Manual Equalizer""[1][4] Set the equalizer curve manually.
"Pro Setup"
"DSP Set" Turn on/off the DSP function.
"Car Type"[4] To get clear sound, set the sound "Speaker Setting"[4] "X’Over"[4] "DTA Settings"[4]
"Sound Enhancements"[4]
"Supreme"[5] Turns ON/OFF the Supreme function.
"Space Enhancer"[3] Virtually enhances the sound space using
"–15" — "0" — "+15"
to set the sound quality.
"User"[2]/ "Natural"/ "Rock"/ "Pops"/ "Easy"/ "Top 40"/ "Jazz"/ "Powerful"/ "iPod"(During iPod source only)
Refer to <5-2. Manual equalizer control>
(page 19).
"Bypass": Disables the DSP function. "Through": Enables the DSP function.
environment according to the location and size of physically installed speakers with reference to the followings:
<5-3. Car type selection> (page 19) <5-4. Speaker setting> (page 20) <5-5. X’Over setting> (page 20) <5-6. Listening position setting> (page
21) <5-7. Delay time control> (page 21) <5-8. Channel level fine adjustments> (page 22) <5-9. Resetting of DTA Settings> (page
Can be set while Audio file source of USB/ CD and iPod source.
"ON"/ "OFF"
Compensates the low volume or bass sound being lost by road noises to make vocal sound clearer.
"OFF"/ "Low"/ "Middle"/ "High"
the DSP.
"OFF"/ "Small"/ "Medium"/ "Large"
"Sound Realizer" Virtually makes the sound more realistic
using the DSP.
"OFF"/ "Level1"/ "Level2"/ "Level3"
"Sound Elevation" Virtually raises the sound field using
the DSP.
"OFF"/ "Low"/ "Middle"/ "High"
"Volume offset" Sets each source’s volume as a difference
from the basic volume.
"–8" — "0" (AUX: "–8"— "+8")
"Rear Mute" Sets the Rear channel Mute.
"ON"/ "OFF"
"SubWoofer Mute" Sets the Subwoofer Mute.
"ON"/ "OFF"
"Audio Preset" You can register the values set the Audio
control items.
Refer to <5-10. DSP preset> (page
24), <5-11. DSP preset recall> (page
"Bass Boost"[4] Sets the Bass Boost level in 3 steps.
"OFF"/ "Level1"/ "Level2"/ "Level3"
"Loudness"[4] Makes the sounds at high and low
frequencies louder.
"OFF"/ "Low"/ "High"
"Balance" Adjusts left/right speaker balance.
"Left15" — "0" — "Right15"
"Fader" Adjusts front/rear speaker balance.
"Rear15" — "0" — "Front15"
(Colored text: Factory setting)
[1] You can select for each source. [2] "User": The Equalizer curve set in the section <5-2.
Manual equalizer control> (page 19) is recalled.
[3] This function is not effective for the Tuner and Digital
radio source.
[4] Displayed only when "DSP Set" is set to "Through". [5] Audio file source only
Select a value using [Control] knob.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].
When you selected "iPod" for "Preset Equalizer"
When you selected "iPod" for "Preset Equalizer", next select an equalizer curve. Select a desired equalizer curve using [Control] knob from among 22 equalizer curves displayed after you selected "iPod".

5-2. Manual equalizer control

You can adjust the equalizer curve manually.
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Manual Equalizer"
using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a equalizer control item using [Control]
Display D escription R ange
"Gain" Adjust the gain of each band. -9 – 0 – +9 dB "Q Factor" Adjust Q of each band. 1.35/ 1.50/ 2.00 "Bass EXT" Adjust the gain of lower
frequencies than 62.5 Hz to the level equivalent to 62.5 Hz.
(Colored text: Factory setting)
When "Bass EXT" and "Q Factor" are selected, skip step 5.
"OFF"/ "ON"
Select a Band using [Control] knob.
"BAND1"; 62.5 Hz, "BAND2"; 100 Hz, "BAND3"; 160 Hz, "BAND4"; 250 Hz, "BAND5"; 400 Hz, "BAND6"; 630 Hz, "BAND7"; 1 kHz, "BAND8"; 1.6 kHz, "BAND9"; 2.5 kHz, "BAND10"; 4 kHz, "BAND11"; 6.3 kHz, "BAND12"; 10 kHz, "BAND13"; 16kHz
Select a value using [Control] knob.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].
When the "Manual Equalizer" item is not displayed
This function is not available when "iPod" is selected for "Preset Equalizer".

5-3. Car type selection

You can compensate the delay of the sound arrival time by selecting your environment from the car types.
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Pro Setup" > "Car
Type" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a car type using [Control] knob.
Display Car type
"OFF" Not compensating. "Compact" Compact car "Sedan" Sedan "Wagon" Station wagon "Minivan" Minivan "SUV" Sport-utility vehicle "Passenger Van" Passenger van
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].
To set the delay time finely
You can compensate the distances in more details by using
<5-7. Delay time control> (page 21) function.
DSP settings (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U)

5-4. Speaker setting

The speaker X’Over is automatically set when the position and size of each speaker are selected from the following items.
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Pro Setup" >
"Speaker Setting" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a speaker type using [Control] knob.
Speaker type Setting item Setting value
"Front" Front speaker
location "SIZE" Front speaker size
"TW" Tweeter size
"Rear" Rear speaker
location "SIZE" Rear speaker size
"SubWoofer" "SIZE" Speaker Size Subwoofer
(Colored text: Factory setting)
[1] Value set when "Minivan" or "Passenger Van" is selected
as described in <5-3. Car type selection> (page 19).
"Door", "On Dash", "Under Dash”
"O.E.M.", "8cm", "10cm", "12cm", "13cm", "16cm", "17cm", "18cm", "4x6", "5x7", "6x8", "6x9", "7x10"
"None", "Small", "Medium", "Large" "Door", "Rear Deck"
("2nd Row", "3rd Row"[1])
"None", "O.E.M.", "8cm", "10cm", "12cm", "13cm", "16cm", "17cm", "18cm", "4x6", "5x7", "6x8", "6x9", "7x10"
"None", "16cm", "20cm", "25cm", "30cm", "38cm Over"
Select a setting item using [Control] knob.Select a setting value using [Control] knob.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].

5-5. X’Over setting

Fine adjusting the following setting values corresponding to the X’Over values set in the section <5-4. Speaker setting> (page 20).
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Pro Setup" >
"X’Over" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a speaker type using [Control] knob.
Speaker type Setting item Setting value
"Front" "FC" Front high pass filter
Through, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,
100, 120, 150, 180, 220, 250 Hz
"SLOPE"[1] Front high pass slope
-6, -12, -18, -24 dB/Oct
"GAIN" Front gain
-8 ,-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 dB
"Rear" "FC" Rear high pass filter
Through, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,
100, 120, 150, 180, 220, 250 Hz
"SLOPE"[1] Rear high pass slope
-6, -12, -18, -24 dB/Oct
"GAIN" Rear Gain
-8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 dB
"SubWoofer" "FC" Subwoofer low pass filter
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180, 220, 250, Through Hz
"SLOPE"[1] Subwoofer slope
-6, -12, -18, -24 dB/Oct
"GAIN" Subwoofer gain
-8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 dB
"PHASE" Subwoofer phase
"REV" (180°)/ "NML" (0°)
"Tweeter" "FC" Shelving filter
1, 1.6, 2.5, 4, 5, 6.3, 8, 10, 12.5 kHz
"Volume" Tweete volume
-8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 dB
(Colored text: Factory setting)
[1] Displayed only when "FC" is set to "30" - "250".
Select a setting item using [Control] knob.Select a setting value using [Control] knob.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].

5-6. Listening position setting

You can adjust sound localization according to the listening position.
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Pro Setup" > "DTA
Settings" > "Preset Position" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a listening position using [Control]
Display Compensation seat
"All" Not compensating. "Front R" Front Right seat "Front L" Front Left seat "Front All" Front seat
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].

5-7. Delay time control

Adjusting fine tuning of the speaker position compensation value specified at <5-3. Car type
selection> (page 19).
Preparation for setting
If you specify the distance from the center of the currently set listening position to every speaker, the delay time will be automatically computed and set.
1. Determine the center of the currently set listening position as the reference point ( in the illustration shown below).
2. Measure the distances from the reference point to the speakers.
3. Calculate the differences between the distance of the furthest speaker and other speakers.
4. Input the differences calculated in step 3 for individual speakers.
5. Adjust gain for individual speakers. A sound image will be shifted to the speaker with increased gain. Example: When "Front" is selected as the listening position (<5-6. Listening position setting> (page 21)).
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Pro Setup" > "DTA
Settings" > "DTA" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a speaker using [Control] knob.
Speaker Display Range
Front Left speaker "FrontL" 0 – 610 cm Front Right speaker "FrontR" 0 – 610 cm Rear Left speaker "RearL" 0 – 610 cm
DSP settings (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U)
Rear Right speaker "RearR" 0 – 610 cm Subwoofer Left "SW L" 0 – 610 cm Subwoofer Right "SW R" 0 – 610 cm
(Colored text: Factory setting)
Select a value using [Control] knob.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].
5-8. Channel level fine adjustments
After DTA compensation, you can finely adjust the unsatisfactory speaker volume of respective speaker.
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Pro Setup" > "DTA
Settings" > "Channel Level" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a speaker using [Control] knob.
Speaker Display Range
Front Left speaker "Front" "L" -8 – 0 dB Front Right speaker "Front" "R" -8 – 0 dB Rear Left speaker "Rear" "L" -8 – 0 dB Rear Right speaker "Rear" "R" -8 – 0 dB Subwoofer Left "SW" "L" -8 – 0 dB Subwoofer Right "SW" "R" -8 – 0 dB
(Colored text: Factory setting)
Select a value using [Control] knob.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].

5-9. Resetting of DTA Settings

You can reset the DTA-compensated values to the factory settings.
Press [SRC] to select a source other than
Standby ("STANDBY").
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Pro Setup" > "DTA
Settings" > "Reset DTA Setting" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select "YES" using [Control] knob.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].
DSP settings (KDC-BT73DAB, KDC-BT53U)

5-10. DSP preset

You can register the values set the DSP control items.
Set the DSP control items
Refer to the following operations to setup the Sound Control.
- "SubWoofer Level" of <5-1. Audio control> (page
- <5-2. Manual equalizer control> (page 19)
- <5-3. Car type selection> (page 19)
- <5-4. Speaker setting> (page 20)
- <5-5. X’Over setting> (page 20)
- <5-6. Listening position setting> (page 21)
- <5-7. Delay time control> (page 21)
- <5-8. Channel level fine adjustments> (page
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Pro Setup" > "Audio
Preset" > "Memory" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a memory number ("Memory 1" or
"Memory 2") using [Control] knob.
Select "YES" using [Control] knob.
"Memory Completed" appears.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].
When reset
When this unit is reset, all setting values stored in "Memory 1" are applied to the source.

5-11. DSP preset recall

You can recall the DSP control items registered to the <5-10. DSP preset> (page 24).
Press [SRC] to select a recall source.
Refer to <Source selection> (page 14).
Press [Control] knob.
Enters the Function setting mode.
Select "Audio Control" > "Pro Setup" > "Audio
Preset" > "Recall" using [Control] knob.
For how to use [Control] knob, refer to <3-3. How
to select the item> (page 13).
Select a recall memory number ("Recall 1" or
"Recall 2") using [Control] knob.
Select "YES" using [Control] knob.
"Recall Completed" appears.
Exiting from the Function setting mode
Press and hold [1/6].
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