Sostenuto pedal
Soft pedal Sustain pedal
Please read the Owner's Manual for the other features that are not described in this Quick Start Guide.
The page numbers indicated in this Quick Start Guide denote those of the standard Owner's Manual.
Pre ss this but ton to select
from the hymns to play.
Pr ess H YMNS a nd SON GS
buttons tog ether to enter
Prelude Music feature.
This slider controls t he pian o’s master volume
level. Move the slider to the right to increase the
volume and to the left to decrease the volume.
This slider also controls the headphone volume
and the LINE output level of the piano’s sound.
Pre ss th is bu tt on to
se le ct f ro m Children's
Songs to play.
These buttons are used to access menu
functions that control the piano’s tuning,
system and MIDI functions. (Page 65)
These buttons are also used to access the
LESSON feature for an enjoyable piano
lesson experience.
Use the SOUND SELEC T buttons to select from two
piano and eight orga n sou nds. Whe n a button is
pressed, an LED indicator will light to indicate that the
sound has been selected.
These buttons are also used to select hymns or songs
by number using the values shown below each button.
The LC D d isplay pr ov id es
useful information such as the
currently selected sound type
or song title.
It also shows values or status
when ot he r f un ct io ns ar e
Use the EFFECTS button to
add chorus, delay, tremolo
and rotary speaker effects
to the sound. (Page 18)
These two buttons are used to
ch ang e the val ue for va rio us
Wh en u si ng the Hymn Player
function, these buttons are used
to select a hymn or song by title.
U s e th e REVE R B bu t t on
to ad d rever ber at io n t o
the sound, simulating the
acous tic env ironmen t of a
recital room. (Page 17)
The PLAY/STO P bu tt on is used to
start/stop playba ck of Hymns and
Children's Songs.
The split function divides the
keyboard into two sections—
upper and lower—allowing
either part to be played with
a dierent sound. (Page 14)
The LOOP button is used to play
an introduction for the selected
hymn or song when the Hymn
Player function is activated.
This function is not available.
Pr ess th is butt on to tu rn
power on or off. Be sure to
turn off the instrument after
1. Turn power on and verify language selection with the VALUE UP or VALUE
DOWN buttons next to the display.
2. Select piano or organ voice using one of the ten SOUND SELECT buttons.
3. Set volume with the MASTER VOLUME control.
The CN43-LDS oers three separate types of Prelude Music—Hymn Prelude,
Christmas Prelude and Children’s Prelude.
1. To activate Prelude Music, press the HYMNS and SONGS buttons
simultaneously. The LED lights for both buttons will light. When you release
the buttons, a randomly selected hymn from the Hymn Prelude list will
begin to play using the Soft Strings sound. To change this sound, press any
SOUND SELECT button. When the initial hymn nishes, the next hymn in
the preset sequence will play.
2. To select the Christmas Prelude or Children’s Prelude, press and hold down
the HYMNS and SONGS buttons simultaneously while using the MENU
UP or MENU DOWN buttons to select the desired prelude type. When you
release the buttons, a randomly selected song from the selected prelude
type will begin to play. The default sound for Christmas Prelude will be Soft
Strings. The default sound for Children’s Prelude will be Studio Grand.
3. Once a new prelude type is selected, that new type will remain the default
prelude until a dierent prelude type is selected.
4. Press either the HYMNS or SONGS button again to stop the Prelude Music
at any time. When stopped, both LED button lights will go o. To stop in the
middle of a verse, you may consider lowering the volume control gradually
before stopping the prelude music for a more natural transition.
1. To turn HYMN PLAYER function on, select either hymns or children’s songs
using the HYMNS or SONGS buttons at the left side of the panel. The LED
indicator will light when a selection is made and the HYMN PLAYER function
is enabled.
“The HYMN PLAYER function is turned o by pressing either the enabled
(LED lit) HYMNS or SONGS button.”
You can choose a hymn or song that corresponds to those found in the LDS
Hymn Book or Children’s Song Book by one of two methods:
a. Search alphabetical listing of hymns or songs by using the VALUE UP or
VALUE DOWN buttons next to display.
b. Select by hymn or song number using the SOUND SELECT buttons. Each
SOUND button has a number printed below it that is used for entering
a hymn or song number. To select, hold down the HYMNS or SONGS
button with the left hand and enter the desired number using the
SOUND SELECT buttons (and referring to the numbers shown beneath
them). For example, to select hymn number 174, hold down the HYMNS
button, press 1 (the PIANO 1 button), the 7 (ORGAN 5 button) and then
4 (the ORGAN 2 button).
Once a hymn or song is selected, it can be played in one of three ways:
a. METER PLAY METHOD (default setting): Simply tap any key with evenly
spaced beats to control the tempo of the chosen hymn or song. Continue
tapping a key to continue to the next verse.
b. AUTO PLAY – Press the PLAY/STOP button and the selected hymn or
song will play automatically. To play another verse of the hymn or song,
press the PLAY/STOP button again after the button LED light goes o.
To start a new verse immediately, press the PLAY/STOP button twice.
c. RHYTHM PLAY METHOD – Please see the 'Skillful' type Concert Magic
explanation in the standard CN43 Owner’s Manual for details. (Page 22)
4. INTRO Feature
Each hymn and song is equipped with its own introduction, or INTRO. To
start a hymn or song with an introduction, press the LOOP button (PLAY
INTRO is printed below it) found in the recording button area. When the
INTRO is nished, tapping a key or pressing the PLAY/STOP button is used
to start the hymn or song.
Press the MENU UP and MENU DOWN buttons simultaneously. The display will
indicate that you have entered the Lesson Mode. Refer to page 28 in the Owner’s
Manual for the use of this feature. Press both MENU buttons simultaneously to
exit Lesson Mode.
The CN43-LDS piano has three pedals—just like a grand piano. They are Sustain,
Sostenuto and Soft.
Sustain pedal
Sustains the sound after hands are lifted from the keyboard. The sustain
pedal is capable of responding to half pedaling.
Sostenuto pedal
Depressing this pedal after playing the keyboard and before releasing
the keys sustains the sound of only the keys just played. Any keys that are
pressed after the Sostenuto pedal is depressed will not be sustained after
the keys are released.
Soft pedal
Depressing this pedal softens the sound and reduces its volume. When the
rotary eect is active, the soft pedal is
used to change the speed of the rotor
between slow and fast.
There are two headphone jacks located
on the left underside of the piano. Up
to two pairs of headphones can be
connected simultaneously.
This USB port allows USB memor y or
USB flo ppy dis k drive devices to be
connected to the CN43-LDS piano. This
provides a convenient way to record or
play back Standard MIDI (SMF), WAV or
MP3 song les. It also allows access to
the USB recorder that lets you record
up to 16 independent MIDI tracks.

HYMN TITLES (in alphabetical order)
68 A Mighty Fortress is Our God
29 A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
165 Abide with Me; 'Tis Eventide
166 Abide with Me!
62 All Creatures of Our God and King
69 All Glory, Laud, and Honor
13 An Angel from on High
203 Angels We Have Heard on High
277 As I Search the Holy Scriptures
309 As Sisters in Zion
149 As the Dew from Heaven Distilling
206 Away in a Manger
130 Be Thou Humble
219 Because I Have Been Given Much
191 Behold the Great Redeemer Die
251 Behold! A Royal Army
249 Called to Serve
255 Carry On
299 Children of Our Heavenly Father
239 Choose the Right
200 Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
117 Come unto Jesus
322 Come, All Ye Sons of God
30 Come, Come, Ye Saints
116 Come, Follow Me
21 Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice
59 Come, O Thou King of Kings
50 Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise
119 Come, We That Love the Lord
58 Come, Ye Children of the Lord
94 Come, Ye Thankful People
241 Count Your Blessings
221 Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd
96 Dearest Children, God Is Near You
140 Did You Think to Pray?
237 Do What Is Right
293 Each Life That Touches Ours for Good
300 Families Can Be Together Forever
212 Far, Far Away on Judea's Plains
133 Father in Heaven
92 For the Beauty of the Earth
35 For the Strength of the Hills
146 Gently Raise the Sacred Strain
67 Glory to God on High
263 Go Forth with Faith
152 God Be with You Till We Meet Again
24 God Bless Our Prophet Dear
87 God Is Love
187 God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son
78 God of Our Fathers Whose Almighty Hand
170 God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray
306 God's Daily Care
83 Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
264 Hark, All Ye Nations!
209 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
223 Have I Done Any Good?
199 He Is Risen!
281 Help Me Teach with Inspiration
5 High on the Mountain Top
242 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
27 Praise to the Man
145 Prayer is the Soul's Sincere Desire
93 Prayer of Thanksgiving
81 Press Forward, Saints
252 Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
298 Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth
259 Hope of Israel
85 How Firm a Foundation
125 How Gentle God's Commands
6 Redeemer of Israel
66 Rejoice, the Lord is King
287 Rise, Ye Saints, and Temples Enter
195 How Great the Wisdom and the Love
86 How Great Thou Art
267 How Wondrous and Great
230 Scatter Sunshine
144 Secret Prayer
204 Silent Night
301 I Am a Child of God
134 I Believe in Christ
214 I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
302 I Know My Father Lives
156 Sing We Now at Parting
160 Softly Now the Light of Day
142 Sweet Hour of Prayer
147 Sweet Is the Work
136 I Know That My Redeemer Lives
98 I Need Thee Every Hour
193 I Stand All Amazed
270 I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
226 Improve the Shining Moments
172 In Humility, Our Savior
190 In Memory of the Crucied
307 In Our Lovely Deseret
7 Israel, Israel, God is Calling
207 It Came upon the Midnight Clear
304 Teach Me to Walk in the Light
137 Testimony
52 The Day Dawn Is Breaking
213 The First Noel
274 The Iron Rod
305 The Light Divine
89 The Lord Is My Light
108 The Lord Is My Shepherd
1 The Morning Breaks
2 The Spirit of God
269 Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth
181 Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King
102 Jesus, Lover of My Soul
196 Jesus, Once of Humble Birth
141 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
26 Joseph Smith's First Prayer
201 Joy to the World
266 The Time Is Far Spent
194 There Is a Green Hill Far Away
227 There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today
122 Though Deepening Trials
157 Thy Spirit Lord Has Stirred Our Souls
229 Today, While the Sun Shines
254 True to the Faith
273 Truth Reects upon Our Senses
303 Keep the Commandments
97 Lead, Kindly Light
291 Turn Your Hearts
184 Upon the Cross of Calvary
143 Let the Holy Spirit Guide
243 Let Us All Press On
232 Let Us Oft Speak Kind Words
163 Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing
220 Lord, I Would Follow Thee
153 Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part
294 Love at Home
308 Love One Another
250 We Are All Enlisted
225 We Are Marching on to Glory
216 We Are Sowing
23 We Ever Pray for Thee
19 We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
182 We'll Sing All Hail to Jesus' Name
280 Welcome, Welcome, Sabbath Morning
128 When Faith Endures
105 Master, the Tempest is Raging
131 More Holiness Give Me
135 My Redeemer Lives
100 Nearer, My God, to Thee
3 Now Let Us Rejoice
159 Now the Day Is Over
129 Where Can I Turn for Peace?
174 While of These Emblems We Partake
210 With Wondering Awe
319 Ye Elders of Israel
321 Ye Who Are Called to Labor
228 You Can Make the Pathway Bright
175 O God, the Eternal Father
208 O Little Town of Bethlehem
295 O Love That Glories the Son
292 O My Father
150 O Thou Kind and Gracious Father
272 Oh Say, What Is Truth?
202 Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
246 Onward, Christian Soldiers
113 Our Savior's Love
12 A Child’s Prayer
198 A Happy Family
166 A Young Man Prepared
252 Lift Up Your Voice and Sing
190 Love Is Spoken Here
136 Love One Another
42 Away in a Manger
44 Mary’s Lullaby
100 Baptism
118 Book of Mormon Stories
206 Mother Dear
207 Mother, I Love You
211 My Dad
174 Called to Serve
9 Can a Little Child Like Me?
304 My Eternal Family
228 My Heavenly Father Loves Me
16 Children All Over the World
160 Choose the Right Way
210 Daddy’s Homecoming
158 Dare to Do Right
64 Did Jesus Really Live Again?
120 Nephi’s Courage
48 Oh, Hush Thee, My Baby
88 On a Golden Springtime
41 Once within a Lowly Stable
258 Our Primary Colors
96 Faith
188 Families Can Be Together Forever
94 Family History – I Am Doing It
214 Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked
242 Popcorn Popping
189 Family Prayer
29 Father, I Will Reverent Be
197 Quickly I’ll Obey
110 Follow the Prophet
241 Rain Is Falling All Around
236 “Give,” Said the Little Stream
200 Grandmother
284 Happy, Happy Birthday
34 He Sent His Son
99 Help Me, Dear Father
300 Holding Hands Around the World
31 Reverence Is Love
26 Reverently, Quietly
196 Saturday
303 Scripture Power
109 Search, Ponder, and Pray
108 Seek the Lord Early
144 Shine On
2 I Am a Child of God
163 I Am Like a Star
74 I Feel My Savior’s Love
193 Sing Your Way Home
159 Stand for the Right
37 Stars Were Gleaming
272 I Have Two Little Hands
169 I Hope They Call Me on a Mission
5 I Know My Father Lives
95 I Love to See the Temple
202 I Often Go Walking
7 I Thank Thee, Dear Father
230 I Think the World Is Glorious
56 I Think When I Read That Sweet Story
168 I Want to Be a Missionary Now
148 I Want to Live the Gospel
162 I Will Be Valiant
164 I Will Follow God’s Plan
28 I Will Try to Be Reverent
302 I’ll Follow Him in Faith
140 I’ll Walk with You
78 I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus
177 Teach Me to Walk in the Light
57 Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
176 Tell Me, Dear Lord
20 Thanks to Our Father
119 The Books in the Book of Mormon
77 The Church of Jesus Christ
208 The Dearest Names
86 The Golden Plates
105 The Holy Ghost
153 The Lord Gave Me a Temple
52 The Nativity Song
89 The Priesthood Restored
281 The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
233 The World Is So Lovely
218 To Be a Pioneer
301 If the Savior Stood Beside Me
25 We Bow Our Heads
70 Jesus Has Risen
58 Jesus Is Our Loving Friend
55 Jesus Once Was a Little Child
61 Jesus Said Love Everyone
60 Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
172 We’ll Bring the World His Truth
82 When He Comes Again
103 When I Am Baptized
38 When Joseph Went to Bethlehem
198 When We’re Helping
138 Where Love Is
146 Keep the Commandments
145 Kindness Begins with Me
285 You’ve Had a Birthday
292 O My Father
146 Gently Raise the Sacred Strain
147 Sweet Is the Work
165 Abide with Me; ’Tis Eventide
181 Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King
194 There Is a Green Hill Far Away
193 I Stand All Amazed
113 Our Savior’s Love
131 More Holiness Give Me
129 Where Can I Turn for Peace?
220 Lord, I Would Follow Thee
141 Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
98 I Need Thee Every Hour
136 I Know That My Redeemer Lives
302 I Know My Father Lives
142 Sweet Hour of Prayer
195 How Great the Wisdom and the Love
143 Let the Holy Spirit Guide
117 Come unto Jesus
149 As the Dew from Heaven Distilling
301 I Am a Child of God
190 In Memory of the Crucied
196 Jesus, Once of Humble Birth
108 The Lord Is My Shepherd
184 Upon the Cross of Calvary
116 Come, Follow Me
172 In Humility, Our Savior
191 Behold the Great Redeemer Die
182 We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name
166 Abide with Me!
187 God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son
213 The First Noel
201 Joy to the World
41 Once within a Lowly Stable
210 With Wondering Awe
202 Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
37 Stars Were Gleaming
42 Away in a Manger (Children’s Song)
203 Angels We Have Heard on High
212 Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plain
206 Away in a Manger (Hymn Version)
209 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
208 O Little Town of Bethlehem
38 When Joseph Went to Bethlehem
204 Silent Night
207 It Came upon the Midnight Clear
214 I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
177 Teach Me to Walk in the Light
158 Dare to Do Right
144 Shine On
160 Choose the Right Way
172 We’ll Bring the World His Truth
120 Nephi’s Courage
252 Lift Up Your Voice and Sing
82 When He Comes Again
78 I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus
29 Father, I Will Reverent Be
16 Children All Over the World
94 Family History – I Am Doing It
2 I Am a Child of God
5 I Know My Father Lives
190 Love Is Spoken Here
138 Where Love Is
74 I Feel My Savior’s Love
57 Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
228 My Heavenly Father Loves Me
61 Jesus Said Love Everyone
7 I Thank Thee, Dear Father
26 Reverently, Quietly
55 Jesus Once Was a Little Child
34 He Sent His Son
169 I Hope They Call Me on a Mission
145 Kindness Begins with Me
99 Help Me, Dear Father
64 Did Jesus Really Live Again?
56 I Think When I Read That Sweet Story
109 Search, Ponder, and Pray
146 Keep the Commandments
95 I Love to See the Temple
9 Can a Little Child Like Me?
12 A Child’s Prayer
189 Family Prayer
108 Seek the Lord Early
Prelude Music will always play in this preset
order, and will begin at a random start point
in the sequence.
CN43-LDS Quick Start Guide
817394 (KPSZ-0507)
Printed in Indonesia