MF/HF radio equipment
– the newly designed 150W MF/HF radio equipment delivers enhanced performance and stability
3.8−inch high visibility display
Standard 6 channel DSC built-in
Flexible black box configuration
Digital audio and integrated speaker
Easy operation with JOG dial

MF/HF radio equipment
– performance features
Unique features
The new JSS-2150 Class A MF/HF radio equipment
features an intuitive user interface and advanced
modular design that allows for a exible installation
approach in con ned spaces.
6-channel DSC built-in
The MF/HF has a 6-channel Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
as standard with a built-in DSC watch-keeping receiver. You
can generate and receive digital selective calls for quick and
e cient establishment of distress, urgency, safety and routine
communication with other ships and coast stations.
In urgent situations, the JSS-2150 sends a distress alert once you
press the distress button. The integrated DSC watch-keeping
receiver monitors distress alarms through continuous scanning
of distress frequencies.
Digital audio
The MF/HF integrates an advanced digital audio ampli er with a
built-in speaker, which increases the amount of power, making your
message loud and clear.
Setting your settings
The JSS-2150 uses a 3.8-inch high visibility LCD display, which you
can adjust at your own convenience. The display has 10 dim settings
and you can set the contrast up to 11 di erent levels, integrated
screensaver and assign a commonly used menu to the user key for
direct access. These are just a few of the possibilities.
Distress alerts
The JSS-2150 includes a prominent distress button,
with features to prevent accidental activation.
When in distress, you can send a DSC message
instantly, transmitting your MMSI, position, time
of position and nature of distress, enabling an
immediate response for search and rescue e orts.
JSS-2150 MF/HF – c ruc ial for ens uri ng the ea se of effec ti ve comm uni c at ion