Thank you for selecting one of our models. Be
assured that it represents precision workmanship,
distinctive styling and high quality, traditional with
our vehicles.
Before you start to drive this vehicle, read the
Owner’s Manual and all the Supplements. Be sure
you are familiar with all vehicle controls, particularly those used for braking, steering and transmission shifting. Learn how your vehicle handles
on different road surfaces. Your driving skills will
improve with experience, but as in driving any
vehicle, take it easy as you begin. Always observe
local laws wherever you drive.
After you read the manual, it should be stored
in the vehicle for convenient reference and
remain with the vehicle when sold so that the
new owner will be aware of all safety warnings.
Failure to operate this vehicle correctly may result
in loss of control or an accident.
Operating this vehicle at excessive speeds may
result in loss of control, collision with other vehicles or objects, going off the road, or overturning; any of which may lead to serious injury or
death. Also, failure to use seat belts subjects the
driver and passengers to a greater risk of injury or
To keep your vehicle running at it’s best, have your
vehicle serviced at recommended intervals by an
authorized dealer who has the qualified personnel, special tools and equipment to perform all
The manufacturer and its distributors are vitally
interested in your complete satisfaction with this
vehicle. If you encounter a service or warranty
problem which is not resolved to your satisfaction,
discuss the matter with your dealer’s management.
Your authorized dealer will be happy to assist you
with any questions about your vehicle.
Utility vehicles have a significantly higher rollover
rate than other types of vehicles. This vehicle has
a higher ground clearance and a higher center of
gravity than many passenger cars. It is capable of
performing better in a wide variety of off-road
applications. Driven in an unsafe manner, all vehicles can go out of control. Because of the higher
center of gravity and the narrower track, if this
vehicle is out of control it may roll over when some
other vehicles may not.
Do not attempt sharp turns, abrupt maneuvers, or
other unsafe driving actions that can cause loss of
vehicle control. Failure to operate this vehicle
safely may result in an accident, rollover of the
vehicle, and severe or fatal injury. Drive carefully.
Rollover Warning Label
Failure to use the driver and passenger seat
belts provided is a major cause of severe or fatal
injury. In a rollover crash, an unbelted person is
significantly more likely to die than a person
wearing a seat belt. Always buckle up.
This Owners Manual has been prepared with the
assistance of service and engineering specialists
to acquaint you with the operation and mainte-
nance of your new vehicle. It is supplemented by
a Warranty Information Booklet and various customer oriented documents. You are urged to read
these publications carefully. Following the instructions and recommendations in this Owners
Manual will help assure safe and enjoyable operation of your vehicle.
After you have read the Owners Manual, it should
be stored in the vehicle for convenient reference
and remain with the vehicle when sold.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make
changes in design and specifications, and/or to
make additions to or improvements in its products
without imposing any obligations upon itself to
install them on products previously manufactured.
The Owner’s Manual illustrates and describes the
features that are standard or available as extra
cost options. Therefore, some of the equipment
and accessories in this publication may not appear on your vehicle.
Be sure to read the Owner’s Manual first before
driving your vehicle and before attaching or
installing parts/accessories or making other
modifications to the vehicle.
In view of the many replacement parts and accessories from various manufacturers available on
the market, the manufacturer cannot be certain
that the driving safety of your vehicle will not be
impaired by the attachment or installation of such
parts. Even if such parts are officially approved
(for example, by a general operating permit for the
part or by constructing the part in an officially
approved design), or if an individual operating
permit was issued for the vehicle after the attachment or installation of such parts, it cannot be
implicitly assumed that the driving safety of your
vehicle is unimpaired. Therefore, neither experts
nor official agencies are liable. The manufacturer
only assumes responsibility therefore when parts,
which are expressly authorized or recommended
by the manufacturer, are attached or installed at
an authorized dealer. The same applies when
modifications to the original condition are subsequently made on the manufacturer’s vehicles.
Your warranties do not cover any part that the
manufacturer did not supply. Nor do they cover
the cost of any repairs or adjustments that might
be caused or needed because of the installation
or use of non-manufacturer parts, components,
equipment, materials, or additives. Nor do your
warranties cover the costs of repairing damage or
conditions caused by any changes to your car
that do not comply with the manufacturers specifications.
Original Mopar! parts and accessories and other
products approved by the manufacturer, including qualified advice, are available at your authorized dealer.
When it comes to service, remember that your
authorized dealer knows your vehicle best, has
the factory-trained technicians and genuine Mopar! parts, and is interested in your satisfaction.
Consult the Table of Contents to determine which
section contains the information you desire.
The detailed Index at the back of this manual
contains a complete listing of all subjects.
Consult the following table for a description of the
symbols that may be used on your vehicle or
throughout this Owner’s Manual.
This Owners Manual contains WARNINGS
against operating procedures that could result in
an accident or bodily injury. It also contains CAU-TIONS against procedures that could result in
damage to your vehicle. If you do not read this
entire Owners Manual, you may miss important
information. Observe all Warnings and Cautions.
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is found
on the left front corner of the instrument panel. The
VIN is visible from outside of the vehicle through
the windshield.
Vehicle Identification Number
Any modifications or alterations to this vehicle
could seriously affect its roadworthiness and
safety and may lead to an accident resulting in
serious injury or death.
• A WORD ABOUT YOUR KEYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
when the ignition key is placed in the LOCK or
ACC position.
The Sentry Key! Immobilizer System prevents
unauthorized vehicle operation by disabling the
engine. The system does not need to be armed or
activated. Operation is automatic, regardless of
whether the vehicle is locked or unlocked.
The system uses ignition keys, which have an
embedded electronic chip (transponder), to prevent unauthorized vehicle operation. Therefore,
only keys that are programmed to the vehicle can
be used to start and operate the vehicle. The
system will shut the engine off in two seconds if
someone uses an invalid key to start the engine.
A key, which has not been programmed, is also
considered an invalid key even if it is cut to fit
the ignition switch lock cylinder for that vehicle.
During normal operation, after turning on the
ignition switch, the Vehicle Security Alarm Indicator Light will turn on for three seconds for a bulb
check. If the light remains on after the bulb check,
it indicates that there is a problem with the electronics. In addition, if the light begins to flash after
the bulb check, it indicates that someone used an
invalid key to start the engine. Either of these
conditions will result in the engine being shut off
after two seconds.
If the Vehicle Security Alarm Indicator Light turns
on during normal vehicle operation (vehicle running for longer than 10 seconds), it indicates that
there is a fault in the electronics. Should this
occur, have the vehicle serviced as soon as
• The Sentry Key! Immobilizer System is not
compatible with some aftermarket remote
starting systems. Use of these systems may
result in vehicle starting problems and loss
of security protection.
• Additional Sentry Keys!, or any other
transponder-equipped components on the
same key chain will not cause a key-related
(transponder) fault unless the additional
part is physically held against the ignition
key being used when starting the vehicle.
Cell phones, pagers, or other RF electronics
will not cause interference with this system.
All of the keys provided with your new vehicle
have been programmed to the vehicle electronics.
Replacement Keys
Only keys that have been programmed to the
vehicle electronics can be used to start the
vehicle. Once a Sentry Key! has been programmed to a vehicle, it can not be programmed to any other vehicle.
Always remove Sentry Keys! from the vehicle
and lock all doors when leaving the vehicle
At the time of purchase, the original owner is
provided with a four-digit Personal Identification
Number (PIN). Keep the PIN in a secure location.
This number is required for authorized dealer
replacement of keys. Duplication of keys consists
of programming a blank key to the vehicle electronics. A blank key is one, which has never been
programmed. See your authorized dealer if you
require replacement or additional keys for your
When having the Sentry Key! Immobilizer Sys-
tem serviced, bring all vehicle keys with you to
your authorized dealer.
General Information
Operation is subject to the following conditions:
• This device may not cause harmful interference.
• This device must accept any interference that
may be received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation.
The Vehicle Security Alarm (VSA) system monitors
the vehicle doors, liftgate, hood, and liftgate
flip-up window for unauthorized entry and ignition
for unauthorized operation.
If something triggers the alarm, the system will
sound the horn intermittently, flash the headlights
and taillights, and flash the VSA Indicator Light in
the cluster.
Rearming of the System:
If something triggers the Security Alarm, the Security Alarm system will signal with the siren for 30
seconds. If the triggering device is not deactivated the siren will sound again after a five
second delay for another 30 seconds. If the
trigger remains present this cycle will repeat for
up to five minutes.
To Arm the System:
1. Remove the key from the ignition switch and
exit the vehicle.
2. Lock the doors and liftgate by pressing the
power door lock switch or the LOCK button on the
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter.
The system will not arm if you lock the doors
with the manual door lock plungers or the
driver’s door lock cylinder.
3. Close all the doors.
The VSA Indicator Light in the instrument cluster
will flash rapidly for about 16 seconds to signal
that the system is arming. During this period,
opening any door or the liftgate will cancel the
arming process. If the system arms successfully,
the VSA Indicator Light will flash at a slower rate to
indicate the alarm is set.
To Disarm the System:
Either press the UNLOCK button on the RKE
transmitter or insert a valid Sentry Key! into the
ignition lock cylinder and turn the key to the ON
• Unlocking the doors with the manual door
lock plungers or the driver’s door lock cylinder will not disarm the system.
• When the system is armed, the interior
power door lock switches will not unlock the
The VSA is designed to protect your vehicle;
however, you can create conditions where the
system will give you a false alarm. If the previously
described arming sequence has occurred, the
system will arm regardless of whether you are
inside or outside the vehicle. If you remain inside
the vehicle and open a door, the alarm will sound.
If this occurs, disarm the system.
The Security Alarm system monitors the doors,
hood latch, liftgate, and ignition switch for unauthorized operation.
If something triggers the Security Alarm, the Security Alarm system will signal with the siren for 30
seconds. If the triggering device is not deactivated the siren will sound again after a five
second delay for another 30 seconds. If the
trigger remains present this cycle will repeat for
up to five minutes.
If the intrusion sensor is enabled, the Security
Alarm will trigger the siren for 30 seconds. When
this portion of the alarm is set, movement inside
the vehicle will trigger the Security Alarm.
To set the alarm:
1. Remove the key from the ignition switch and
get out of the vehicle.
2. Lock the door using either the power door lock
switch, or the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter and close all doors.
3. The indicator light in the instrument cluster will
flash rapidly for 16 seconds. This shows that the
Security Alarm is pre-arming. After 16 seconds
the deadbolt locks will activate and the indicator
light will continue to flash slowly. This shows that
the Security Alarm system is fully armed.
Vehicles equipped with the Sentry Key! Immobilizer system can be safely started with a valid key.
A valid key is one that is programmed to that
particular vehicle. A valid key will disarm the
Security Alarm, an invalid key will allow the engine
to run for two seconds then stop.
The intrusion sensor (motion detector) actively
monitors your vehicle every time you arm the
Security Alarm system. If you prefer, you can
turn off the intrusion sensor when arming the
Security Alarm.
To disable the intrusion sensor, activate the LOCK
request three times using the RKE transmitter
during the pre-arming period (lamp flashing
quickly). The intrusion sensor will automatically be
enabled the next time the Security Alarm is set.
To disarm the system:
1. Press UNLOCK on the RKE transmitter.
2. Starting the vehicle with a valid Sentry Key! will
disarm the Security Alarm. A valid key is one that
is programmed to that particular vehicle. A valid
key will disarm the Security Alarm, an invalid key
will allow the engine to run for two seconds then
• Battery disconnects will not disarm the Security Alarm system.
• Using the key in the door lock cylinder will
only unlock the deadbolt locks.
• Once the Security Alarm is set and the
deadbolt locks are activated, the only way to
open the doors is with the unlock button on
the RKE transmitter, using the Sentry Key!
in the ignition switch, or using the key in the
door lock cylinder. The deadbolt feature deactivates the door lock plungers and door
If the Security Alarm has been triggered the
indicator light will flash twice every two seconds.
Security System Manual Override
The Security Alarm will not arm if you lock the
doors using the manual door lock plunger.
The interior lights will turn on when you use the
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter or open a
This feature also turns on the approach lighting (if
so equipped). For details, refer to “Illumination
Approach,” under “Personal Settings (Customer
Programmable Features)” under “Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)” in Section 4.
The interior lights will fade to off after about 30
seconds or they will immediately fade to off once
the ignition switch is turned ON.
• The Illuminated Entry system will not operate the interior lights if the dimmer control is
in the extreme downward position.
This system allows you to lock or unlock the doors
and liftgate or open the liftgate flip-up window
from distances up to 23 ft (7 m) using a hand-held
Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter. The RKE
transmitter does not need to be pointed at the
vehicle to activate the system. However, the line of
transmission must not be blocked with metal
objects when using the RKE transmitter.
Inserting the key into the ignition switch dis-
ables all buttons on the RKE transmitter.
Vehicle Key
To Unlock the Doors and Liftgate:
Press and release the UNLOCK button on the RKE
transmitter once to unlock the driver’s door, or
twice to unlock all doors and the liftgate. The turn
signal lights will flash to acknowledge the unlock
signal. The Illuminated Entry system will also turn
Remote Key Unlock, Driver Door/All Doors
This feature lets you program the system to unlock
either the driver’s door or all doors and the liftgate
on the first press of the UNLOCK button on the
RKE transmitter. To change the current setting,
proceed as follows:
• For vehicles equipped with the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC), refer to “Remote Key Unlock,” under “Personal Settings
(Customer Programmable Features)” under
“Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)”
in Section 4 of this manual
• For vehicles not equipped with the EVIC, perform the following steps:
1. Press and hold the LOCK button on a pro-
grammed (i.e., functional) RKE transmitter for at
least four seconds, but not longer than 10 seconds. Then, press and hold the UNLOCK button
while still holding the LOCK button.
2. Release both buttons at the same time.
3. Test the feature from outside the vehicle by
pressing the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons on the
RKE transmitter.
Repeat these steps if you want to return this
feature to its previous setting.
Pressing the LOCK button on the RKE trans-
mitter while you are inside the vehicle will
activate the Vehicle Security Alarm (VSA).
Opening a door with the VSA activated will
cause the alarm to sound. Press the UNLOCK
button to deactivate the VSA.
Illuminated Approach — If Equipped
This feature activates the headlights for up to 90
seconds when the doors are unlocked with the
RKE transmitter. The time for this feature is programmable on vehicles equipped with the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC). For details, refer to “Illumination Approach,” under
“Personal Settings (Customer Programmable Features)” under “Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)” in Section 4 of this manual.
To Lock the Doors and Liftgate:
Press and release the LOCK button on the RKE
transmitter to lock all doors and the liftgate. The
turn signal lights will flash to acknowledge the lock
Flash Lights with Lock
The feature will cause the turn signal lights to flash
when the doors are locked or unlocked with the
RKE transmitter. This feature can be turned on or
turned off. To change the current setting, proceed
as follows:
• For vehicles equipped with the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC), refer to “Flash
Lights with Remote Key Lock,” under "Personal
Settings (Customer Programmable Features)”
under “Electronic Vehicle Information Center
(EVIC)” in Section 4 of this manual.
• For vehicles not equipped with the EVIC, perform the following steps:
1. Press and hold the UNLOCK button on a
programmed (i.e., functional) RKE transmitter for
at least four seconds, but not longer than 10
seconds. Then, press and hold the LOCK button
while still holding the UNLOCK button.
2. Release both buttons at the same time.
3. Test the feature from outside the vehicle by
pressing the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons on the
RKE transmitter.
Repeat these steps if you want to return this
feature to its previous setting.
Pressing the LOCK button on the RKE trans-
mitter while you are inside the vehicle will
activate the VSA. Opening a door with the VSA
activated will cause the alarm to sound. Press
the UNLOCK button to deactivate the VSA.
To Unlatch the Liftgate Flip-Up
Press the rear RELEASE button twice to unlatch
the liftgate flip-up window.
To avoid injury stand back when opening. Glass
will automatically rise.
Programming Additional RKE
If you do not have a programmed RKE transmitter,
contact your authorized dealer for details.
Battery Replacement
The recommended replacement battery is
• Do not touch the battery terminals that are
on the back housing or the printed circuit
1. Remove the screw from the RKE transmitter
case (if equipped).
2. With the RKE transmitter buttons facing down,
use a flat blade tool to pry the two halves of the
RKE transmitter case apart. Make sure not to
damage the seal during removal.
Separating Case Halves
3. Remove and replace the batteries. Avoid
touching the new batteries with your fingers. Skin
oils may cause battery deterioration. If you touch
a battery, clean it with rubbing alcohol.
4. To reassemble the RKE transmitter case, snap
the two halves together.
5. Reinstall and tighten the screw until snug (if
General Information
RKE transmitters and receivers operate on a carrier frequency of 433.92 MHz as required by EEC
regulations. These devices must be certified to
conform to specific regulations in each individual
• This device may not cause harmful interference.
• This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
If your RKE transmitter fails to operate from a
normal distance, check for these two conditions.
1. Weak batteries in the RKE transmitter. The
expected life of the battery is a minimum of three
2. Closeness to a radio transmitter such as a
radio station tower, airport transmitter, and some
mobile or CB radios.
This system uses the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE)
transmitter to start the engine conveniently from
outside the vehicle while still maintaining security.
The system has a targeted range of 328 ft (100 m).
Remote Start Button
The vehicle must be equipped with an auto-
matic transmission to be equipped with Remote Start.
How To Use Remote Start
All of the following conditions must be met before
the engine will remote start:
• Shift lever in PARK.
• Doors closed.
• Hood closed.
• Liftgate closed.
• Hazard switch off.
• Brake switch inactive (brake pedal not
• Ignition key removed from ignition switch.
• Battery at an acceptable charge level.
• RKE PANIC button not pressed.
To Enter Remote Start Mode
Press and release the REMOTE
START button on the RKE transmitter
twice. The engine will start and the
vehicle will remain in the Remote
Start mode for a 15-minute cycle.
• For security, power window operation and
sunroof or Sky Slider! operation (if
equipped) is disabled when the vehicle is in
the Remote Start mode.
• The engine can be started two consecutive
times (two 15-minute cycles) with the RKE
transmitter. However, the ignition switch
must be cycled to the ON position before
you can repeat the start sequence for a third
To Exit Remote Start Mode without Driving
the Vehicle
Allow the engine to run for the entire 15-minute
To Exit Remote Start Mode and Drive the
Before the end of the 15-minute cycle, press and
release the UNLOCK button on the RKE transmitter to unlock the doors and disarm the Vehicle
Security Alarm (if equipped). Then, insert the key
into the ignition switch and turn the switch to the
ON position.
The ignition switch must be in the ON position
in order to drive the vehicle.
To Turn Off the Engine While in Remote Start
Press and release the REMOTE START button one
To avoid inadvertent shut downs, the system
will disable the one-time press of the REMOTE
START button for two seconds after receiving
a valid Remote Start request.
Manual Door Locks
To lock each door, push the door lock plunger on
each door trim panel downward. To unlock each
door, pull the door lock plunger on each door trim
panel upward.
Manual Lock Plunger
If the door lock plunger is down when you shut the
door, the door will lock. Therefore, make sure the
keys are not inside the vehicle before closing the
The manual door locks will not lock or unlock
the liftgate.
• For personal security and safety in the event
of an accident, lock the vehicle doors as you
drive as well as when you park and leave the
• When leaving the vehicle always remove the
key from the ignition lock, and lock your
vehicle. Unsupervised use of vehicle equipment may cause severe personal injuries and
• Never leave children alone in a vehicle. Leaving unattended children in a vehicle is dangerous for a number of reasons. A child or others
could be seriously or fatally injured. Don’t
leave the key in the ignition. A child could
operate power windows, other controls, or
move the vehicle.
Power Door Locks
A power door lock switch is located on each of the
front door trim panels. Use this switch to lock or
unlock the doors and liftgate.
Power Door Lock Switch
If you press the power door LOCK switch while the
key is in the ignition, and any front door is open,
the power locks will not operate. This prevents you
from accidentally locking your keys in the vehicle.
Removing the key or closing the door will allow the
locks to operate. A chime will sound if the key is in
the ignition switch and a door is open, as a
reminder to remove the key.
Automatic Door Locks
The doors will lock automatically on vehicles with
power door locks if all of the following conditions
are met:
1. The Automatic Door Locks feature is enabled.
2. The transmission is in gear.
3. All doors are closed.
4. The throttle is pressed.
5. The vehicle speed is above 15 mph (24 km/h).
6. The doors were not previously locked using the
power door lock switch or Remote Keyless Entry
(RKE) transmitter.
Automatic Door Locks Programming
The Automatic Door Locks feature can be enabled or disabled as follows:
• For vehicles equipped with the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC), refer to “Personal Settings (Customer Programmable Features)” under “Electronic Vehicle Information
Center (EVIC)” in Section 4.
• For vehicles not equipped with the EVIC, performing the following procedure:
1. Close all doors and place the key in the igni-
2. Cycle the ignition switch between LOCK and
ON and then back to LOCK four times, ending up
in the LOCK position.
3. Depress the power door LOCK switch to lock
the doors.
4. A single chime will indicate the completion of
the programming.
5. Repeat these steps if you want to return this
feature to its previous setting.
Use the Automatic Door Locks feature in ac-
cordance with local laws.
Automatic Unlock Doors on Exit
The doors will unlock automatically on vehicles
with power door locks if:
1. The Automatic Unlock Doors On Exit feature is
2. The transmission is in gear and the vehicle
speed returned to 0 mph (0 km/h).
3. The transmission is in NEUTRAL or PARK.
4. The driver door is opened.
5. The doors were not previously unlocked.
6. The vehicle speed is 0 mph (0 km/h).
Automatic Unlock Doors on Exit
The Automatic Unlock Doors On Exit feature can
be enabled or disabled as follows:
• For vehicles equipped with the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC), refer to “Personal Settings (Customer Programmable Features)” under “Electronic Vehicle Information
Center (EVIC)” in Section 4.
• For vehicles not equipped with the EVIC, perform the following procedure:
1. Close all doors and place the key in the igni-
2. Cycle the ignition switch between LOCK and
ON and then back to LOCK four times, ending up
in the LOCK position.
3. Depress the power door UNLOCK switch to
unlock the doors.
4. A single chime will indicate the completion of
the programming.
Repeat these steps if you want to return this
feature to its previous setting.
Use the Automatic Unlock Doors On Exit fea-
ture in accordance with local laws.
Child-Protection Door Lock System
(Rear Doors)
To provide a safer environment for small children
riding in the rear seats, the rear doors are
equipped with a Child Protection Door Lock system.
To Engage the Child Protection Door Lock
1. Open the rear door.
2. Insert the tip of the ignition key into the child
lock control and rotate it to the LOCK position.
Inserting Ignition Key
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 on the opposite rear
When the child lock system is engaged, the
door can be opened only by using the outside
door handle even though the inside door lock
is in the unlocked position.
Avoid trapping anyone in a vehicle in a collision.
Remember that the rear doors can only be
opened from the outside when the child protection locks are engaged.
• After engaging the Child Protection Door
Lock system, always test the door from the
inside to make certain it is in the desired
• For emergency exit with the system engaged, move the lock plunger up (unlocked
position), roll down the window, and open
the door with the outside door handle.
To Disengage the Child Protection Door Lock
1. Open the rear door.
2. Insert the tip of the ignition key into the child
lock control and rotate it to the UNLOCK position.
Inserting Ignition Key
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 on the opposite rear
After disengaging the Child Protection Door
Lock system, always test the door from the
inside to make certain it is in the desired
Power Windows
The window controls on the driver’s door trim
panel control all the door windows.
Power Window Switches
There are single window controls on each passenger door trim panel, which operate the passenger
door windows. The window controls will operate
when the ignition switch is in the ON or ACC
Never leave children in a vehicle, with the key in
the ignition switch. Occupants, particularly unattended children, can become entrapped by the
windows while operating the power window
switches. Such entrapment may result in serious
injury or death.
Auto Down Feature
The driver power window switch has an Auto
Down feature. Press the window switch past the
first detent, release, and the window will go down
To open the window part way, press the window
switch to the first detent and release it when you
want the window to stop.
To stop the window from going all the way down
during the Auto Down operation, pull up on the
switch briefly.
For vehicles not equipped with the Electronic
Vehicle Information Center (EVIC), the power window switches will remain active for 45 seconds
after the ignition switch is turned to the LOCK
position. Opening either front door will cancel this
For vehicles equipped with the EVIC, the power
window switches will remain active for up to 10
minutes after the ignition switch is turned to the
LOCK position. Opening either front door will
cancel this feature. The time is programmable. For
details, refer to “Delay Power Off to Accessories
Until Exit,” under “Personal Settings (Customer
Programmable Features,” under “Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)” in Section 4.
Auto Up Feature with Anti-Pinch
Protection — If Equipped
On some models, the driver’s power window
switch has an Auto Up feature. Pull the window
switch up to the second detent, release, and the
window will go up automatically.
To stop the window from going all the way up
during the Auto Up operation, push down on the
switch briefly.
To close the window part way, pull the window
switch up to the first detent and release when you
want the window to stop.
For vehicles not equipped with the Electronic
Vehicle Information Center (EVIC), the power window switches will remain active for 45 seconds
after the ignition switch is turned to the LOCK
position. Opening either front door will cancel this
For vehicles equipped with the EVIC, the power
window switches will remain active for up to 10
minutes after the ignition switch is turned to the
LOCK position. Opening either front door will
cancel this feature. The time is programmable. For
details, refer to “Delay Power Off to Accessories
Until Exit,” under “Personal Settings (Customer
Programmable Features)” under “Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)” in Section 4.
• If the window runs into any obstacle during
auto-closure, it will reverse direction and
then stop. Remove the obstacle and use the
window switch again to close the window.
• Any impact due to rough road conditions
may trigger the auto reverse function unexpectedly during auto-closure. If this happens, pull the switch lightly to the first
detent and hold to close window manually.
There is no anti-pinch protection when the window is almost closed. Be sure to clear all objects
from the window before closing.
Window Lockout Switch
The window lockout switch on the driver’s door
trim panel allows you to disable the window control on the other doors. To disable the window
control on the other doors, press and release the
window LOCK button (setting it in the down position). To enable the window controls, press and
release the window LOCK button again (setting it
in the up position).
Window Lockout Switch
It may be necessary at some point in time to
reactivate the Auto Up feature. To do so, perform
the following procedure:
1. Pull the window switch up to close window
completely and continue to hold the switch up for
an additional two seconds after the window is
2. Push the window switch down firmly to the
second detent to open the window completely
and continue to hold the switch down for an
additional two seconds after the window is fully
Wind Buffeting
Wind buffeting can be described as the perception of pressure on the ears or a helicopter-type
sound in the ears. Your vehicle may exhibit wind
buffeting with the windows down, or the sunroof or
Sky Slider! (if equipped) in certain open or partially open positions. This is a normal occurrence
and can be minimized. If the buffeting occurs with
the rear windows open, then open the front and
rear windows together to minimize the buffeting. If
the buffeting occurs with the sunroof or Sky
Slider! open, adjust the sunroof or Sky Slider!
opening to minimize the buffeting or open any
To open the liftgate, pull up (squeeze) on the
handle and lift.
Liftgate Release
Use the power door LOCK switch on either
front door trim panel or the Remote Keyless
Entry (RKE) transmitter to lock and unlock the
liftgate. The manual door locks on the doors
and the driver’s door lock cylinder will not lock
and unlock the liftgate.
Driving with the liftgate open can allow poisonous exhaust gases into your vehicle. You and
your passengers could be injured by these
fumes. Keep the liftgate closed when you are
operating the vehicle.
Some of the most important safety features in your
vehicle are the restraint systems. These include
the front and rear seat belts for the driver and all
passengers, front airbags for both the driver and
front passenger, and side curtain airbags for the
driver and passengers seated next to a window. If
you will be carrying children too small for adultsize belts, your seat belts also can be used to hold
infant and child restraint systems.
Please pay close attention to the information in
this section. It tells you how to use your restraint
system properly to keep you and your passengers
as safe as possible.
In a collision, you and your passengers can
suffer injuries, including fatalities, if you are not
properly buckled up. You can strike the interior of
your vehicle or other passengers, or you can be
thrown out of the vehicle. Always be sure you
and others in your vehicle are buckled up
Buckle up even though you are an excellent
driver, even on short trips. Someone on the road
may be a poor driver and cause a collision that
includes you. This can happen far away from
home or on your own street.
Research has shown that seat belts save lives,
and they can reduce the seriousness of injuries in
a collision. Some of the worst injuries happen
when people are thrown from the vehicle. Seat
belts reduce the possibility of ejection and the risk
of injury caused by striking the inside of the
vehicle. Everyone in a motor vehicle should be
belted at all times to reduce or prevent injuries.
Lap/Shoulder Belts
All seating positions in your vehicle have combination lap/shoulder belts. The belt webbing retractor is designed to lock during very sudden
stops or collisions. This feature allows the shoulder part of the belt to move freely with you under
normal conditions. However, in a collision, the belt
will lock and reduce your risk of striking the inside
of the vehicle or being thrown out.
• It is extremely dangerous to ride in a cargo
area, inside or outside of a vehicle. In a
collision, people riding in these areas are
more likely to be seriously injured or killed.
• Do not allow people to ride in any area of
your vehicle that is not equipped with seats
and seat belts.
• Be sure everyone in your vehicle is in a seat
and using a seat belt properly.
• Wearing a seat belt incorrectly is dangerous. Seat belts are designed to go around
the large bones of your body. These are the
strongest parts of your body and can take
the forces of a collision the best.
• Wearing your belt in the wrong place could
make your injuries in a collision much
worse. You might suffer internal injuries, or
you could even slide out of part of the belt.
Follow these instructions to wear your seat
belt safely and to keep your passengers
safe, too.
• Two people should never be belted into a
single seat belt. People belted together can
crash into one another in an accident, hurting one another badly. Never use a lap/
shoulder belt or a lap belt for more than one
person, no matter what their size.
Lap/Shoulder Belt Operating Instructions
1. Enter the vehicle and close the door. Sit back
and adjust the seat.
2. The seat belt latch plate is above the back of
your seat. Grasp the latch plate and pull out the
belt. Slide the latch plate up the webbing as far as
necessary to make the belt go around your lap.
Latch Plate
3. When the belt is long enough to fit, insert the
latch plate into the buckle until you hear a “click.”
Latch Plate To Buckle
• A belt that is buckled into the wrong buckle will
not protect you properly. The lap portion could
ride too high on your body, possibly causing
internal injuries. Always buckle your belt into the
buckle nearest you.
• A belt that is too loose will not protect you as
well. In a sudden stop, you could move too far
forward, increasing the possibility of injury. Wear
your seat belt snugly.
• A belt that is worn under your arm is very
dangerous. Your body could strike the inside
surfaces of the vehicle in a collision, increasing
head and neck injury. A belt worn under the arm
can cause internal injuries. Ribs aren’t as strong
as shoulder bones. Wear the belt over your
shoulder so that your strongest bones will take
the force in a collision.
• A shoulder belt placed behind you will not
protect you from injury during a collision. You are
more likely to hit your head in a collision if you do
not wear your shoulder belt. The lap and shoulder belt are meant to be used together.
4. Position the lap belt across your thighs, below
your abdomen. To remove slack in the lap belt
portion, pull up a bit on the shoulder belt. To
loosen the lap belt if it is too tight, tilt the latch
plate and pull on the lap belt. A snug belt reduces
the risk of sliding under the belt in a collision.
• A lap belt worn too high can increase the risk of
injury in a collision. The belt forces won’t be at
the strong hip and pelvic bones, but across your
abdomen. Always wear the lap part of your seat
belt as low as possible and keep it snug.
• A twisted belt can’t do its job as well. In a
collision, it could even cut into you. Be sure the
belt is straight. If you can’t straighten a belt in
your vehicle, take it to your authorized dealer
and have it fixed.
5. Position the shoulder belt on your chest so that
it is comfortable and not resting on your neck. The
retractor will withdraw any slack in the belt.
Removing Slack From Belt
6. To release the belt, push the red button on the
buckle. The belt will automatically retract to its
stowed position. If necessary, slide the latch plate
down the webbing to allow the belt to retract fully.
A frayed or torn belt could rip apart in a collision
and leave you with no protection. Inspect the belt
system periodically, checking for cuts, frays, or
loose parts. Damaged parts must be replaced
immediately. Do not disassemble or modify the
system. Seat belt assemblies must be replaced
after an accident if they have been damaged
(bent retractor, torn webbing, etc.).
Adjustable Upper Shoulder Belt Anchorage
In the front seating positions, the shoulder belt
can be adjusted upward or downward to position
the belt away from your neck. Press the release
button to release the anchorage, and then move it
up or down to the position that fits you best.
Adjusting Upper Shoulder Belt
As a guide, if you are shorter than average, you
will prefer a lower position, and if you are taller
than average, you will prefer a higher position.
When you release the anchorage, try to move it up
and down to make sure that it is locked in position.
Lap/Shoulder Belt Untwisting
Use the following procedure to untwist a twisted
lap/shoulder belt.
1. Position the latch plate as close as possible to
the anchor point.
2. At about 6 to 12 in (15 to 30 cm) above the
latch plate, grasp and twist the belt webbing 180°
to create a fold that begins immediately above the
latch plate.
3. Slide the latch plate upward over the folded
webbing. The folded webbing must enter the slot
at the top of the latch plate.
4. Continue to slide the latch plate up until it
clears the folded webbing.
Seat Belt Pretensioners
The driver and front passenger seat belts are
equipped with pretensioning devices that are
designed to remove any slack from the seat belt
systems in the event of a collision. These devices
improve the performance of the seat belt by
assuring that the belt is tight around the occupant
early in a collision. Pretensioners work for all size
occupants, including those in child restraints.
These devices are not a substitute for proper
seat belt placement by the occupant. The seat
belt must still be worn snugly and positioned
The pretensioners are triggered by the Occupant
Restraint Controller (ORC). Like the front airbags,
the pretensioners are single use items. After a
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