Janome AirThread 2000D Service Manual

Second Edition: xx May 2018
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Top Cove r
Required Tools ...................................................................................................................................... 1
Replacing External Parts
Top c o v e r ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Face plate (1) ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Face plate (2) ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Belt cover .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Base plate ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Looper cover ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Front cover ............................................................................................................................................8
Side cover ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Rear cover ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Mechanical Adjustment
To adjust the presser foot bar height ................................................................................................... 12
To adjust the feed dog height .............................................................................................................. 13
To adjust the differential feed .............................................................................................................. 14
To adjust the stitch length .................................................................................................................... 15
To adjust the timing of the needle and the upper knife ....................................................................... 16
To adjust the positions of the upper knife and the lower knife ............................................................ 17
To replace the lower looper ................................................................................................................. 18
To adjust the position of the lower looper (1) ....................................................................................... 19
To adjust the position of the lower looper (2) ...................................................................................... 20
To adjust the clearance of the needle and lower looper and the clearance of the needle and
needle guard (front) (1) ................................................................................................................... 21
To adjust the clearance of the needle and lower looper and the clearance of the needle and
needle guard (front) (2) .................................................................................................................. 22
To adjust the clearance of the needle and needle guard (rear) .......................................................... 23
To adjust the timing of the needle and the lower looper ...................................................................... 24
To replace the upper looper and to adjust the position of the tip of the upper looper ......................... 25
To adjust the leftmost position of the upper looper ............................................................................. 26
To adjust the timing of the upper looper and the lower looper ............................................................ 27
To adjust the clearance of the upper looper and the lower looper ...................................................... 28
To adjust the clearance between the needle and the upper looper .................................................... 29
To adjust the position of the chaining finger ........................................................................................ 30
To adjust the thread tensions .............................................................................................................. 31
To adjust the pre-tension ..................................................................................................................... 32
To adjust the position the looper thread take-up lever ........................................................................ 33
To adjust the looper threader (air) (1) .................................................................................................. 34
To adjust the looper threader (air) (2) .................................................................................................. 35
To adjust the needle threader .............................................................................................................. 36
To adjust the height of the rubber sole (rear left) ................................................................................ 37
Replacing External Parts
To replace the machine socket ............................................................................................................ 38
To replace the motor (1) ......................................................................................................................39
To replace the motor (2) ...................................................................................................................... 40
To replace the LED .............................................................................................................................. 41
To change the micro switch (to detect covers and the looper threader switch lever) .........................42
To change the micro switch (to detect the presser foot lifter).............................................................. 43
Plate gauge
Lower looper height gauge
Timing gauge
Needle bar gauge
Required Tools
Guide line
Position of the lower looper tip
Lower looper height
Upper looper tip gauge
Not gauge. If threading special threads, such as wooly nylon. Looper threading wire to clean the pipe of the looper.
Position of the upper looper tip
A: Needle bar height (Refer to page 11) B: Presser bar height (Refer to page 12) C: Feed dog height (Refer to page 13) D1: Minimum stitch length (Refer to page 15)
D2: Maximum stitch length (Refer to page 15) E: Overlap of the upper knife and the lower knife (Refer to page 17) F: Leftmost position of the upper looper (Refer to page 26) G: Timing of the upper looper and the lower looper (Refer to page 27)
Top c o v e r
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Replacing External Parts
Top cover
To remov e :
1. Remove the setscrews (2 pcs.) on the rear side of the to p c over.
HookFront cover
2. Release the hooks of the top cover from the front cov er.
3. Remove the top cover.
To attach:
Follow the above procedure in reverse.
Face plate
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Replacing External Parts
Face plate (1)
Cap Setscrew
Needle treader lever
To remov e :
1. Remove the top cover.
2. Remove the cap.
3. Remove the setscrew.
Face plate
4. Slightly lower the needle threader lever and remove
the face plate.
Replacing External Parts
Face plate (2)
To attach:
1. Attach the face plate in place.
Hold the face plate with your finger.
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Front cover
2. Pull the front cover lightly and place the ribs into the inside of the front cover.
3. Tighten the setscrew and attach the cap.
Face plate
Replacing External Parts
Belt cover
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Looper cover
Belt cover
Setscrew A
To remov e :
1. Remove the top cover.
2. Open the looper cover.
3. Remove the cap.
4. Remove the setscrew A.
5. Loosen the setscrew B on the base.
6. Remove the belt cover.
Setscrew BBase plate
7. Close the looper cover.
To attach:
Follow the above procedure in reverse.
Hinge screw
Rubber sole (unit)
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Replacing External Parts
Base plate
Base plate
Hinge screw
Rubber sole (unit)
To remov e :
1. Open the side cover.
2. Remove the hinge screw (3 pcs.) and remove the rubber soles (unit).
3. Remove the setscrew.
4. Remove the base plate.
Base plate
To attach:
Follow the above procedure in reverse.
Rubber sole (unit)
Hinge screw
Replacing External Parts
Looper cover
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Looper cover shaft
Hook of looper cover position detecting arm
Looper cover
Hook of looper cover position detecting arm
Looper cover shaft
To remov e :
1. Remove the base plate.
2. Remove the setscrews (2 pcs.).
3. Release the hook of looper cover position detecting
arm from the looper cover shaft.
4. Remove the looper cover.
To attach:
1. Set the looper threader switch lever to the "THREADING" (right side). Make sure that the looper cover position detecting arm comes in front of the looper. threader switch lever connecting lever (shown as the looper cover position detecting arm on top the looper threader switch lever connecting lever in the figure).
2. Put the hook of looper cover position detecting arm on
the looper cover shaft.
3. Tighten the setscrews (2 pcs).
4. Attach the base plate.
Looper threader switch lever connecting lever
Looper cover position detecting arm
Replacing External Parts
Front cover
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Front cover
Setscrew A
To remov e :
1. Remove the top cover, the face plate, the belt cover, the base plate and the looper cover.
2. Set the upper looper to the lowest position by turning the handwheel toward you.
Front cover
3. Remove the setscrews A (2 pcs.).
Upper looper
Setscrew C
Setscrew A
Looper cover position detecting arm
Looper threader lever
Setscrew B
4. Loosen the setscrew B.
5. Loosen the setscrews C (2 pcs.).
6. Raise the looper threader lever halfway.
7. Set the looper cover position detecting arm to the right and remove the front cover.
Setscrew C
To attach:
Follow the above procedure in reverse. * Make sure that set the front cover into the catch of the looper cover position detecting arm.
Side cover
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Replacing External Parts
Side cover
To remov e :
1. Open the side cover as far as it will go.
2. Remove the setscrews (2 pcs.).
3. Remove the side cover.
Groove of the rear cover
Edge of the side cover
Recess of the base plate
To attach:
1. Put the edge of the side cover on the groove of the
rear cover and partially tighten the setscrews (2 pcs.).
2. Open and close the side cover adjusting the position
vertically and horizontally. Make sure that there is no gap with the needle plate, the rear cover or the looper cover guide.
3. Make sure that the tab of the side cover is engaged
with the recess of the base plate.
4. Tighten the setscrews (2 pcs.).
Tab of the side cover
Thread guide base
Rear cover
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Replacing External Parts
Rear cover
To remov e :
1. Remove the face plate, the belt cover and the side cov er.
2. Remove the setscrews A (2 pcs.) on the carrying handle.
Setscrew A
Setscrew B Setscrew B
Setscrew C
3. Remove the setscrews B (2 cps.) from the base.
4. Loosen the setscrew C.
5. Remove the rear cover.
To attach:
Follow the above procedure in reverse.
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Mechanical Adjustment
To adjust the needle bar height
The distance between the tip of the right needle (HA x 1SP#14) and the surface of the needle plate should be 11.6 to
12.2 mm when the needle is at the heighest position.
11.6〜12.2 mm
Needle bar
Right needle
11.9 mm
Surface of needle plate
To check:
1. Remove the presser foot (unit).
2. Turn the handwheel toward you to raise the needle
bar at the highest poisition.
3. Use the gauge to check if the distance between the
tip of the right needle and the surface of the needle plate is 11.6 mm to 12.2 mm.
4. If not, adjust as follows;
To adjust:
1. Remove the top cover and face plate.
2. Lower the needle threader lever to align the hole and
setscrew. Access the setscrew with the hexagonal wrench (2 mm) through the hole.
3. Loosen the setscrew with the hexagonal wrench (2
mm), and adjust the needle bar height moving the needle bar up or down. Be careful not to turn the needle bar while moving it.
Tighten the setscrew after adjustment.
4. Turn the handwheel toward you. Be sure that the distance between the tip of the right
needle and the needle plate is 11.6 mm to 12.2 mm.
5. Attach the face plate and the top cover.
Needle threader lever
MODEL: AirThread 2000D
Mechanical Adjustment
To adjust the presser bar height
The distance between the bottom of the presser foot and the surface of the needle plate should be in the range of 5.2 mm to 5.8 mm when the presser foot is raised.
To check:
Presser foot
5.2 to 5.8 mm
Measure just under the pin
Surface of needle plate
5.5 mm
1. Raise the presser foot.
2. Use the gauge to check if the distance between the bottom of the presser foot and the surface of the needle plate is 5.2 mm to 5.8 mm.
3. If not, adjust as follows;
Presser bar
To adjust:
1. Remove the top cover and face plate.
2. Loosen the setscrew, and adjust the presser foot bar height up or down. Be careful not to turn the presser bar while moving it.
Tighten the setscrew after adjustment.
3. Lower and raise the presser foot again.
Be sure that the distance between the presser foot
and the needle plate is 5.2 to 5.8 mm.
4. Turn the handwheel toward you.
Make sure that the clearance between the needle and
the upper looper is appropriate.
5. Make sure that the presser foot and the feed dog teeth are parallel.
6. Attach the face plate and the top cover.
The presser foot should be parallel with the slots for feed dogs.
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