How to upgrade your
Jabra GN2000 USB headset
Jabra PC Suite version 2.2.9
如何用 2.2.9版Jabra PC Suite升级 Jabra GN2000 USB 耳麦
Table of content Page
目录 页
Determine the right version of your headset………………………………………..................... 2
正确识别耳麦型号……………………………………………………………………………............. 2
Installation guide for Standard and Microsoft OC/Lync version.............................. 3-5
标准型号和 Microsoft OC/Lync 型号软件安装指南........................…………………………… 3-5
Direct link to software for Standard and Microsoft OC/Lync version……………….…....... 6
标准型号和Microsoft OC/Lync型号软件下载链接………………………………………….… 6
Installation guide for CIPC(Cisco) version………………………………………………………………….. 7-8
CIPC(Cisco) 型号软件安装指南…………………………………………………………………… 7-8
Direct link to software for CIPC(Cisco) version………………………………………………………….. 9
CIPC(Cisco) 型号软件下载链接……………………………………………………………………. 9
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Determine the right version of your headset
STEP 1: Determine the right version of your Jabra GN2000 USB headset. Please look at
the barrel label, which is attached on the USB cord.
第1步: 正确识别Jabra GN2000 USB 耳麦型号。请查看USB线上的筒式标签。
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No upgrade available. Please contact your local Jabra sales office for support
无升级版本。请与当地 Jabra 销售处联系以获得支持
Go to page 3 for software upgrade instruction
软件升级说明见第 3 页
Microsoft OC/Lync
Microsoft OC/Lync
No upgrade available. Please contact your local Jabra sales office for support
无升级版本。请与当地 Jabra 销售处联系以获得支持
Go to page 3 for software upgrade instruction
软件升级说明见第 3 页
Picture of the barrel label on the cord
STEP 2: Find your specific product in the table below. Please go to the correct pages for
correct software update instruction.
第2步: 在下表找到需要升级的耳麦产品。在对应的页面找到软件升级说明。
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Go to page 7 for software upgrade instruction
软件升级说明见第 7 页
Installation guide for Standard and Microsoft OC/Lync version
标准型号和 Microsoft OC/Lync 型号软件安装指南
STEP 1: Plug in your Jabra GN 2000 USB headset directly to the USB port on your
第1步: 将Jabra GN2000 USB耳麦直接插入电脑USB端口。
Please update your Jabra PC Suite to the latest version, 2.2.9 before updating the Jabra
GN2000 USB headset. Go to www.jabra.com/pcsuite for download. Or use the update function
in the >Help< menu in Jabra PC Suite.
第 2 步: 注意!
在升级 Jabra GN2000 USB 耳麦前,请将 Jabra PC Suite 升级至最新版本 2.2.9。从
www.jabra.com/pcsuite 下载最新版本或使用 Jabra PC Suite“帮助”菜单中的升级功能进行
STEP 3: Find the right software directly in this guide on page 6. Or go to the
www.jabra.com support pages for the Jabra GN2000 USB product.
第 3 步: 在本指南第 6 页直接找到相应的软件下载链接或在 www.jabra.com 网站的 Jabra
GN2000 USB 支持页面找到下载链接。
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