The Jabra BIZ™ 2400 Series consists of more
than 20 models. Each optimized for the particular
requirements encountered with specific types of
phone systems — both traditional desk phones,
softphones and wideband hardphones — with
frequency response rates and noise canceling
systems appropriate to the kind of work they will be
used for.
There are narrowband models for use with
conventional desk phones (300–3,400 Hz), wideband
models for IP hardphones (150–6,800 Hz), and USB
models for softphones and multimedia use
(80-16,000 Hz) including a special USB version
optimized for use with Microsoft Office
Jabra BIZ™ 2400 is available in both mono and duo
speaker configurations with a wide selection of
high quality microphone types and noise-canceling
systems to match the acoustic profiles in particular
kinds of work surroundings.
This versatility makes Jabra BIZ™ 2400 headsets ideal
for all kinds of phone systems and work environments
— right from quiet individual offices to noisy open
plan contact centers.
For more details visit
Through its Ja bra bra nd, GN Netc om is a world leader in innova tiv e heads et solu tion s. Wit h around 90 0 employ ees and sa les of fic es aro und the world, GN Netcom
deve lops, manuf ac ture s and mar ket s a broad ra nge of wir eles s head set s and spea ker phone s for mobile users and both wir eles s and cor ded hea dse ts for con tac t
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A model for every requirement
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