Jabra BIZ 2400 DUO, BIZ 2400 MONO Datasheet

The ulTimaTe corded user experience
- Supe rior aud io with Neodym ium speakers
- Gold contacts for cr ystal-clear voice tran smission
- Improv ed noi se ca nceling
- Break-pr oof FreeSpin boom with 360–deg ree-plus rotation
- Surgi cal steel f or ma xi mum streng th
- Ultra- str ong K evlar-reinfo rced cord
- Supe rsoft ea r cushions
- Cho ice of 3 wear in g styles for mono version s only
- Clo thing c lip with ID tag
- 3-Year w arranty
The Jabra B IZ 24 00 hea dsets for t rad iti ona l desk phon es ar e par t of a co mprehen siv e fam il y of hea dsets that raises t he bar o n corded headset qualit y and perform ance.
The Jabra B IZ 24 00 Ser ies f eatures a cascade of i mpr ove­ments that pushes the envelope for the levels of audio qua lity, com for t and durabilit y necessary for dealing with th e spec ial requir eme nts in contact center and office enviro nments.
Bet ter audio
The Jabra B IZ 2400 headset s are configu red for bus iness and contact c ente r profess ionals u sing sta ndard desk ph ones operati ng i n the 3 00-3,400 H z frequency range. Han d-ma de Neody mi um speakers provide maximu m frequen cy respon se within th is range, resu lting i n gr eater cal l clarity, few er mi sunder sta ndings and be tter cus tomer ser vice al l rou nd. The head sets a re av ai labl e with di fferent microp hones and noi se-canceling s ystems to m atch any work environ ment.
Bet ter Buil d
The Jabra B IZ 24 00 Ser ies i s designed to en sure ma xi mum ser vice li fe and mi ni mum m ai nten ance costs. Key deta il s are mad e of su rg ica l steel, th e cord is re-inforced with Ke vla r.
Bet ter com fort
Jabra BIZ 2 400 headsets are ava ilable w ith mono or duo spea ker configu rat ion . And all mono versions offer a choice of 3 wearing styles—earhook, neckband or headband wit h details that ensur e easy adjustm ent fo r use on both l eft o r right ea r. The h eadband features a T-ba r spec ial ly desig ned to prevent it fr om get ti ng ta ngl ed in your h air.
Jabra BIZ 2 400 headsets are also ava il able i n wi deba nd ver­sions opt imized for IP ha rdph ones a nd sof tphones, a nd a USB stereo model fo r the u ltimate IP/mult imedia e xpe rie nce.
GN Netcom i s a world leade r in innovative headset solut ions. GN Netcom develop s, manufac tures and mark ets its produc ts under the Jab ra brand name
fe atu res Benefits
Frequency response specially configured to the 300–3,400 Hz ra nge, matching the bandwidth used for traditional PSTN telephony
Close integration with the specific type of phone system provides better call clarit y – at both ends of the c all
Neodymium speak ers provide exceptiona l sound clarit y within the designated frequency response ra nge
Bet ter sound helps users understand what customers are saying, and help prevent irritating misunderstanding s
Choice of microphone:
- Standard Omni-direc tional for quiet work environments
- Noise-canceling for noisy work environments
- Ultra Noise-canceling for ver y noisy environments
Technology filters out unwanted background noise so customers can clearly hear what users are saying, with less interference and background noise.
This makes it possible to provide better customer service. Moreover, there is less need to place users in costly, space-demanding individual cubicles, and less need for s ound proofing, etc.
Elega nt design in strong materials such as Kevlar and surgical steel, intended for intensive use by many different employees
Long service life, with a minimum of faults and breakages.
This help s avoid productivity losses, saves on equipment pur chases, and cuts down on service/maintenance costs
Supersoft ear cushions Enhances comfort and makes sure the earpieces f ully enclose the ear. This helps users
hear what is being s aid more clearly, and there is less distrac tion from surrounding noise sources
Patented FreeSpin boom in which traditional fixed wiring has been replaced with gold-plated slider c ontac ts
This allows users to rotate the boom freely in both directions, making it quick and easy for users to swap the headset over from one ear to the other.
This help s prevent breakages—a key issue in many contact centers and office environments
3-in-1 FlexFit mono wearing s tyles:
- Hea dband
- Neckband
- Earhook
Provides user s with choice of favorite wearing style with speaker on preferred ear for optimum comfort and c all clarity. The system makes it easy to swap between the different wearing s tyles. The headband features a T-bar specia lly designed to prevent it from ge tting tangled in your hair
Peak stop™ technology limits sound spikes and sudden loud noises transmitted via the telephone network
Users are protected against acoustic shocks which can result in hea ring damage
Extended 3-Year wa rranty Protects headset investment by adding a full year to GN Netcom’s standard warranty
FeaTures and BeneFiTs
The Jabra B IZ 2400 meets the elec tric strength t est and impul se
test requ irements of the internationa l sta ndard I EC 60950-1.
It also meets EN 60950, AS/ NZS 3260 a nd UL 60950 s tan dar ds.