ION Gas Clam User Manual

GasClam Instrument User Manual V1.3
GasClam Instru ment User Man ual part number: 25001
Gasclam Ion Science Ltd
Gasclam Ion Science Ltd
Introduction to GasClam ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 3
Getting Sta rted ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 5
Packing list................................ ................................ ................................ .......................... ...... ........................ 5
Turning on the Gasclam................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 5
Physical Characteristics................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 6
How the Gasclam Works................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 7
Battery Change................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 7
Software I nstallation................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 8
System Requirements................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 8
Running the installation software................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 8
Basic screen................................ ................................ ................................ ................. ............... ...................... 9
Setup................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .13
Sampling Rate................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 13
Device ID................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 13
Venting................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 14
Unit date and time................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .............14
Erasing Data Memory................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 14
Switching off the unit................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 14
Update firmware................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 15
Return to main screen................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .........15
Downloading................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 16
Viewing D ata ................................ ............... ................. ................................ ................................ ...................... 17
Selecting file for display................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......17
Data Display Options........................ ........ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 17
Sampling data................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ...................18
Selecting data channel................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........19
Scale label................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 20
Setting auxiliary axes................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 21
Changing the scale................................ ..................... ........... ................................ ................................ .............21
Service and Calib ration ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ........25
Unit calibration................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .................. 25
Service................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 25
User serviceable parts................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......... 25
User Serviceable Parts................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ .........26
Update L og................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 29
Gasclam Ion Science Ltd
Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres — General
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Flameproof
PTTI EN 60079-11:2007
Directive 2004/108EC
Declaration of conformity
The manufacturer, Elok-Opava, hereby declares and confirms that the characteristics of the product conform to the technical requirements stipulated by the technical standards. Furthermore, the manufacturer declares the product to be safe whilst adhering to the
correct conditions for its installation, maintenance and use.
Manufactur er: E lok-Opava spol s r.o., Sddek 17, 747 7 5 Velké Her altice, Czech Republ ic,
Product De scripti on: A landfill Gas mo nitor desi gned for in -situ bore hole monitor ing. T he entire cas ing is made from
solid sta inless st eel. T he bat tery pac k is in the upper p art of t he ho using in a flam e -proof casing. The measuring unit consisti ng of fo ur gas se nsors is located in the i ntrinsica lly safe lower p art of t he housing. The valves, p ump a nd filter assembly a re locat ed at th e bottom of the housing.
Author ised Subject: FT ZU, AO 210, NB 10 26, Pikartskd 7, 716 07 OSTRAVA-RADVANICE, IC0-00 577880
Type of Prote ction :
II 2G Ex d ib [ib] IIB T4
Cert ificate Numb er: Quality assura nce notification: FTZU 02 ATE X Q 025 acc ording t o EN 13980, CE 1026
F TZU 07 A TE X 0105X
Method of determining conformi ty: The products conformity with the respective requirements of directive 94/9/EC and
- it was compared with the submitted documentation
- it was tested according standards
List of Technical Regulations and Standards:
PTTI EN 60079-0:2006 Requirement
PTTI EN 60079-1:2004 enclosures `d'
Explosive Atmospheres equipment protection by Intrinsic Safety T
Name: Ing. Jiri Kl ein Position: Mana ging Di rector
Signa ture : Dat e: 03/06/20 08
Gasclam Ion Science Ltd
Introduction to GasClam
GasClam is the worlds first in-sit u borehole gas m onitor, suitable for the detecti on of a wide r ange of gasses com monly found in borehole monitoring including m ethane (CH4), Carbon Diox ide (C O2) an d Oxygen (O2). In addition to this t he
GasClam c an detect temp erature, barometr ic press ure a nd borehole pressure.
All of thes e read ings can be take n at user-set intervals, providing an i nvaluable s et of data t o the use r. The defau lt setting f or the G asclam is to take readings every h our, g iving it a pproxima tely th ree mo nths ’ operational life before it
must be co nnecte d to the Gasclam softwa re for data retr ieval. While co nnecte d to the s oftware the sett ings of t he Gasclam u nit can be altered incl uding the frequenc y at which rea dings are logged by the o nboard memory.
In addition to the se nsors already mentioned, the Gasclam can be upgra ded wit h a photo ionis ation detector (PID) for detection of V olatile Organic Compounds (V OCs), a C arbon M onoxide (CO) sensor a nd a wate r dept h sensor s hould the data be required.
Gasclam Ion Science Ltd
Getting Started
Packing list
Please take a little t ime to examine t he contents of the Gasclam Packa ge.
Item Descripti on Qty
Turni ng on the Gasclam
To stop t he Gascla m press the button for two sec onds, when it h as stopped the L ED will stop flash ing, th is equates to sleeping m ode
Barbs (Fitt ed) 3 Blank (NOT Fitted) 1 Tool for remo ving Ba rbs or B lank 1 Length of p ipe ( 30cm) 3
Snorkel fi lter 1 Battery A llen Key 1 Comms cable 1
Start c able 1 Manual and soft ware (on C D) 1 Rubber C ollar 1 GasClam Unit 1
1.5v Duracell Batt eries (F itted) 2
The Gasc lam can be switched on and off using the remot e. The r emote c onnects t o the commun ication p ort on t op of th e Gasc lam . To start t he Gasclam hol d the button do wn for two seco nds, the r ed LED will flas h rapidly
indicating t he Gasclam h as start ed and is currently going through the pr ocesses i n a samp ling cycle, t his equates t o sampling mo de.
After the s ampling processes have fi nishe d the red L ED flash es inter mittent ly, this e quates t o the measuring mod e.
No flashing Sleeping
Rapid flash Sampling
Intermittent flash Measuring
Gasclam Ion Science Ltd
1 8
Getting Started
Physical Char acter istics
1. Communication p ort
2. Pressure t ransducer port
3. Pressure t ransducer port cap
4. Gas inlet
5. Gas Out
6. Water sensor
7. Pressure t ransducer hook
8. Battery compartme nt lid
Pictures of the Gasc lam Identificati on plates, detailin g the spec ifications of the unit (p. 24)
Gasclam Ion Science Ltd
Getting Started
How the Gasclam Works
Batt ery Cha nge
The Batte ries fitted t o the GasClam will last up to th ree mo nths de pending on type of batter ies, t he operat ing temperature and t ime seq uence se lected.
Only change batt eries i n a safe are a.
The batter y compartment is accessed by remov ing the 4 screws f rom the battery c om partme nt lid, see diagra m. To remove t he batteries tilt th e Gasc lam u ntil they fa ll out. R eplace with the stipulated batter ies positive ter minal facing
Optimum battery l ife is based on 1 hou r sampling.
The Gasc lam takes t wo D cell batteries.
NB Do not mix old a nd new batter ies withi n the sam e unit, chang e bo th batter ies at the sa me time . Failure to do so will re duce battery life of the new cell fitt ed.
Gasclam Ion Science Ltd
Software Installation
System Require ment s
The Gasc lam software ne eds 30MB free space o n the hard disk fo r instal lation.
The programme will run o n the fo llowing platforms:
- Windows 98
- Windows 98 Second Edition
- Windows 2000 service pack 3
- Windows ME
- Windows Server 2 003
- Windows XP service pack 2
- Windows Vista
The program me ne eds .Net Fr amework 2.0 (x 86) insta lled t o run properly. Th is version is included on the software CD, alternativ ely it ca n be downloade d from th e Microsoft w ebsite.
To install . Net Fra mework 2.0 (x 86) from the CD o pen the DOTNETF X f older an d do uble clic k Windo wsinsta ller­KB893803 -V2-x8 6
The guide will take y ou thr ough the instal lation process st ep by ste p.
Running t he installatio n software
Insert the installat ion CD; t he inst allatio n program s hould automat ically begin. If t his option is disab led, r un the setup.exe program me man ually (found on the insta llation CD ).
The guide will take y ou thr ough the instal lation process st ep by ste p.
The defau lt location for th e Gasc lam soft ware is:
C:\Program Files\ Salamander\G asClam \
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