FIRMWARE VERSION ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
NETWORK AND TIME SETUP ....................................................................................................................................... 8
USER SETTINGS .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
CONFIGURE I-VIEW NOW ENTRY DELAYS ............................................................................................................. 17
TEST SETTINGS .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
This manual will provide assistance in setting up I-View Video Verification functionality based on sensor
events configured in the interlogix truVision 11c. It is not a replacement for the excellent manuals for the
interlogix truVision 11c, which can be downloaded from their site at
Once the DVR has been set up it is ready to be tested with I-View. The following illustration shows the path of two
message flows comprising a typical “Video Verification” scenario:
1-3 - An onsite alarm ‘event’ causes an SMTP message to be sent to the I-View Now system. The alarm event is
usually the result of a simple contact closure wired into the back panel of the DVR.
4, 5 - The resulting message path I-View initiates upon receipt of the SMTP message to retrieve the ‘pre’ and
‘post’ alarm video associated with the alarm event. The number of pre and post seconds can vary but it’s usually
not less than 3 and normally about 10 on either side of the alarm condition that initiates the sequence.
The user can view one or more consecutive alarm event ‘clips’ as they arrive from the I-View Now portal via a cell phone,
or a PC or tablet device’s browser. With each clip is the ability to see one or more “Live Views” for various cameras
associated with the DVR that generated the SMTP alarm.
The following steps describe a high level workflow to be followed in order to properly configure and install a truVision
DVR 11c to work with I-View Now. Subsequent sections will provide more detail on each step outlined here.
1.Network Setup: Configure the DVR and router/firewall at the site so the DVR can connect to the Internet.
Router/Firewall instructions will vary by location, manufacturer and site LAN configuration. In addition, data
from this step needs to be input into the portal, such as the External IP Address for the site, as
well as the “Client Port”. These are necessary so that the I-View Now portal can gain access to the DVR for “Live Views” and retrieving video “Clips” associated with alarm events. Finally, a static IP must be available for the
DVR on site which the router will send I-View requests to as well as services on specific ports.
2. Configure SMTP email: This will be used to communicate alerts and alarms to I-View Now. The SMTP server and
SMTP ID provided on the “Installer Data” Worksheet obtained from the portal is a necessary for
this step.
3. User Setup: Change the default administrator login password from ‘1234’ to a unique password. I-View Now
will be using this password to log into the device programmatically for ‘Live View’ and ‘Clip’ retrieval. As such I-
View Now recommends using the suggested password on the “Installer Data” worksheet. If a password for the
admin account on the DVR differs from the one provided on the worksheet, this needs to be communicated to IView administrators in order to update the database.
4. Alarm Input Setup: The technician will configure alarm inputs on the back of the DVR to perform two actions:
1. Trigger recording on all connected cameras
2. Send SMTP (email) alerts to I-View Now when an alarm event occurs
5. Recording Setup: The DVR can be set to record by schedule or by events. Event recording from alarm inputs is
the recommended approach for I-View Now although other modes, such as motion detection, are possible with
some caveats. These are described in more detail in this section.
6. Configure I-View Now Entry Delay: Entry delay is configured through the I-View Now portal.
7. Test: Here you will test the individual inputs on the DVR as they are connected to your alarm panel relays or
other input devices. It is recommended that you test all inputs for functionality and to ensure the proper
workflow is configured within the portal.
8. Trouble Shooting: This section is provided to help the technician troubleshoot common problems encountered
The I-View Now Portal Installation Worksheet is created after entering the DVR make and model into the system. A
portion of an example worksheet is printed below. This sheet should be generated from the system before attempting
to set up the site for integration with I-View as it enables setup of the DVR onsite login and password as well as the
means to send SMTP messages back to the I-View Now server. There is a place on the form for recording the Location IP
Address which is the external IP address used for the router at the site facing the Internet. In addition the ports on the
external router that will be forwarded to the DVR should be noted on this form. This information needs to be input into
the system so it will know the external IP address and ports used to communicate from the site through
the router at the site and onto the DVR.
Figure 2
Retrieve the IP address by asking the Customer/IT department for the IP address, or visit while
on-site for a possible correct address; however, verify with the IT department that the IP address discovered is valid to
use as a target from the I-View servers. The IT Site Administration must enable port forwarding from their
router/firewalls to the Speco DS 16 DVR port address.
Plug a monitor into the VGA output on the DVR. Also, plug the mouse provided with the DVR into the front side USB port
of the DVR unit. The mouse must be plugged in before the DVR is turned on, or the DVR will not recognize it.
User Name: admin
Password: 1234
Although a keyboard can be used it’s not required as the system will provide for mouse selection of alpha-numeric