Document Number: 466-1539 Rev. C
January 2000
Product Summary
The ITI SAW Learn Mode™ Water Sensor detects a water
leak in a home or business. The detector is connected to the
sensor by an 8-foot (2.4-meter) cable. Water that reaches
both detector contact points activates the sensor, causing it
to transmit an alarm signal.
The SAW 319.5 MHz transmitter has an operating range of
at least 500 feet in open air (depending on panel type and
installation environment). The sensor has an estimated battery life of 3 to 5 years.
Tools and Equipment Needed
❑ Double-sided tape (included) for mou nting the detector
and sensor
❑ 1.5-inch wire (used for programming the sensor)
❑ #6 pan head screws (included) if mounti ng sens or with-
out double-sided tape is preferred
❑ Slotted screwdriver (not included) if mounting sensor
with screws
Installation Guidelines
This section describes the detector and sensor (transmitter)
mounting requirements.
Detector Mounting:
ITI Part No. 60-744
Installation Instructions
The contact points on the detector may corrode if
exposed to wate r f or more than 24 hours . Instruct y our
customer to temporarily remove the detector from the
water , if poss ible , during a flood to av oid da maging the
Sensor Mounting:
❑ Program and test the sensor before mounting.
❑ Install the sensor where it is easily accessible and not
exposed to moisture or extreme temperatures.
❑ Locate the sensor within 100 feet of the panel when-
ever possible. Although the sensor has an open-air
range of at least 500 feet, the indoor range may be less.
This section describes how to add (learn) the sensor into the
memory of compatible panels.
Simon® Panels
1. Open the control panel cover.
2. Enter Utility Access Code 1 or 2 using the red-numbered buttons.
3. Press Add from the Start Menu.
4. Press the Sensor/Remote button from the Main menu
until you hear the location name you wish to use with
the sensor. The panel announces the names in the following order:
❑ Install the detector on the floor for low water-level
detection or on the bottom of a wall, just above the
floor for higher water-level detection.
Detector mounted
for high level water
(on wall)
Figure 1. Detector Mounting Options
SAW Learn Mode Water Sensor
Detector mounted
for low level wa te r
(on floor)
keychain remote, touchpad remote, front door, back
door, garage door, bedroom, guest room, child’s room,
utility room, living room, dining room, bathroom, laundry room, kitchen, office, den, garage, special chime,
basement, upstairs, downstairs, hallway, medicine cabinet, closet, attic.
Each name may be used more than once.
When adding sensors, if you wish to use a more
descriptive location you may press the option button to
use the compass directions (north, north east, east,
south east, south, south west, west, north west).
5. Press DONE.
6. Enter the sensor type number (29) with the
bered keys.
red num-

Testing the Water Sensor
If you wish to use a senso r numb er other tha n the ne xt
available, enter a 2-digit sensor number with the red
numbered keys immediately after entering the sensor
7. Remove the sensor outer cover by pressing the cover
release button on the end of the transmitter (see Figure
Cover release button
Figure 2. Transmitter Cover Release Button
8. Press and hold the “PRESS TO PROGRAM” plastic
tab on the sensor until the control panel confirms the
Concord™ and Concord Express™ Panels
The sensor must be in the alarm state for Concord family
panels to learn the sensor correctly.
1. Remove the sensor outer cover by pressing the cover
release button on the end of the transmitter (see Figure
2. Short across the detector by wrapping the wire around
the two contact points (see Figure 3).
Contact Points
Adhesive Tape
Figure 3. Detector Components (Shown Upside-Down)
3. Using an alphanumeric touchpad, enter program mode
by pressing
8 + 4 3 2 1 + 0 + 0. The display
4. Press
ƒ and the display shows SECURITY.
5. Press A or B repeated ly until the display shows SEN-
6. Press
7. For panels with partitions, press
ƒ and the display shows LEARN SENSORS.
ƒ and the display
shows SENSOR PTN 1.
ƒ to select partition 1 or press 2 + ƒ to select
partition 2.
8. The display should now show SEN SOR GROUP 00.
2 + 9 to select sensor group 29, then press ƒ.
9. The display shows TRIP SENSOR nn, where nn is the
next available sensor number. To change the displayed
sensor number , select the desi red 2-digit sen sor number
and press
10. Press and hold the “PRESS TO PROGRAM” plastic
tab on the sensor for at least one full second. The
touchpad display should advance to the next available
sensor number, indicating the pane l learned the Water
11. Press
‚ repeatedly until the display shows SYSTEM
12. Press A or B until the display shows EXIT PROGRAM MING, then press
13. Remove the wire from the detector.
Quik Bridge® Loop Receivers
The sensor must be in the alarm state for loop receivers to
learn the sensor correctly.
1. Remove the sensor outer cover by pressing the cover
release button on the end of the transmitter (see Figure
2. Short across the detector by wrapping the wire around
the two contact points (see Figure 3).
3. Enter program mode by sl id i ng the DIP switch up. The
low battery and supervisory LEDs b link back and forth.
Zone LEDs turn on if sensors are already learned into
those zones.
4. Press and release the ADV switch until the desired
zone LED turns on. (Pressing and holding the ADV
switch advances to the next zone and causes the zone
LED to flicker.)
5. Press and release the SEL switch once to select this
zone for learning sensors. The zone LED remains on
and the low battery and supervisory LEDs stop flashing.
6. Trip the sensor by pressing and holding the “PRESS
TO PROGRAM” plastic tab on the sensor for at least
one full second. Each time the receiver learns a sensor,
the selected zone LED blinks once.
7. Exit program mode by sliding the DIP switch back
8. Remove the wire from the detector.
Testing the Water Sensor
Perform Sensor Test
The following steps describe the general guidelin es for testing the sensor. Refer to the specific panel installation
instructions or reference manual for complete testing
1. Place the control panel into dealer sensor test mode.
2. Trip the sensor by pressing the “PRESS TO PROGRAM” plastic tab on the sensor (cover removed) until
the panel indicates the number of RF packets received.
3. Listen for the appropriate siren response as described in
the panel installation instructio ns.
SAW Learn Mode Water Sensor