Intel TIGPT1U - Carrier Grade Server Specification

Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U
Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.0
June, 2004
Enterprise Platforms & Services Division
Intel Secret
Revision History Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
Revision History
June 2004 1.0 Initial release
THIS SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY OTHERWISE ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION OR SAMPLE. Intel disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to use of information in this specification. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein.
The Intel may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
This document is an intermediate draft for comment only and is subject to change without notice. Readers should not design products based on this document.
C is a two-wire communications bus/protocol developed by Philips. SMBus is a subset of the I2C bus/protocol and was developed by Intel. Implementations of the I bus/protocol may require licenses from various entities, including Philips Electronics N.V. and North American Philips Corporation.
Carrier Grader Server TIGPT1U may contain design defects or errors known as errata which
C bus/protocol or the SMBus
Copyright © Intel Corporation 2004.
*Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
Intel Secret Revision 1.0
Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Document Structure and Outline.................................................................. 1
2. System Overview .................................................................................................... 2
2.1 System Features.......................................................................................... 2
2.2 Chapter Structure and Outline...................................................................... 3
2.3 Introduction .................................................................................................. 4
2.4 External Chassis Features........................................................................... 8
2.4.1 Front View of Chassis .................................................................................. 8
2.4.2 Front Panel .................................................................................................. 8
2.4.3 Chassis Peripheral Bay and Hot-Plug SCSI Hard Drive Bays.................... 10
2.4.4 Rear View of Chassis................................................................................. 13
2.5 Internal Chassis Features .......................................................................... 15
2.5.1 Telecom SE7210TP1-E Server Baseboard ............................................... 15
2.5.2 Full-Height, Full-Length PCI Adapter Subsystem....................................... 16
2.5.3 Power Subsystem ...................................................................................... 17
2.5.4 Cooling Subsystem .................................................................................... 18
2.6 Server Management .................................................................................. 19
2.6.1 Baseboard Management Controller ........................................................... 19
2.7 Specifications............................................................................................. 20
2.7.1 Environmental Specifications ..................................................................... 20
2.7.2 Physical Specifications .............................................................................. 21
3. Cables and Connectors ........................................................................................ 22
3.1 Chapter Structure and Outline ................................................................... 22
3.2 Interconnect Block Diagram....................................................................... 23
3.3 Cable and Interconnect Descriptions ......................................................... 24
3.4 Exteranly-Accessible Interconnects ........................................................... 25
3.4.1 Keyboard and Mouse Ports........................................................................ 25
3.4.2 Serial Ports ................................................................................................ 26
3.4.3 Video Port .................................................................................................. 27
3.4.4 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Interface ......................................................... 27
3.4.5 Ethernet Connector.................................................................................... 28
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Table of Contents Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
3.4.6 Telco Alarms Connector............................................................................. 28
3.4.7 AC Power Input for AC-Input Power Supply............................................... 28
3.4.8 DC Power Input for DC-Input Power Supply .............................................. 29
4. Extended Front Panel System Board .................................................................. 30
4.1 Features..................................................................................................... 30
4.2 Chapter Structure and Outline ................................................................... 30
4.3 Introduction ................................................................................................ 31
4.4 Functional Description of Front Panel Switches, LEDs, and Relays .......... 31
4.4.1 Front Panel Switches ................................................................................. 31
4.4.2 Front Panel LEDs....................................................................................... 32
4.4.3 System Status LEDs .................................................................................. 32
4.4.4 System Fault LEDs .................................................................................... 33
4.4.5 LED Color Selection................................................................................... 33
4.4.6 System Fault Relays .................................................................................. 34
4.4.7 Server Management Bus (SMBus) Interface.............................................. 34
4.5 Connector Information ............................................................................... 35
4.5.1 Extended Front Panel Board USB Connector Pinout................................. 37
4.5.2 Extended Front Panel Board uProcessor Power Connector Pinout ........... 37
4.5.3 Extended Front Panel Board Front Panel Connector Pinout...................... 38
4.5.4 Extended Front Panel Board Midplane Connector Pinout.......................... 38
4.5.5 Extended Front Panel Board Power/Signal Connector Pinout ................... 39
4.5.6 Extended Front Panel Board Alarm/COM2 Connector Pinout.................... 39
4.5.7 Extended Front Panel Board Baseboard Power Connector Pinout............ 40
4.5.8 Extended Front Panel Board COM2/USB Connector Pinout ..................... 40
4.5.9 Extended Front Panel Board NEBS Riser Power Connector Pinout .......... 40
4.6 SCSI Power Subsystem............................................................................. 41
4.6.1 SCSI Drive Power Control.......................................................................... 41
4.6.2 Internal SCSI Drive Power Switching......................................................... 41
4.6.3 SCSI Drive Status LEDs ............................................................................ 42
4.7 Specifications............................................................................................. 43
4.7.1 Electrical Specifications ............................................................................. 43
5. Power Interconnect System Board...................................................................... 44
5.1 Features..................................................................................................... 44
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Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS Table of Contents
5.2 Chapter Structure and Outline ................................................................... 44
5.3 Functional Description of Power Interconnect System Board .................... 44
5.4 Connector Description ............................................................................... 45
5.4.1 Connector Mating to the Power Supply Pinout........................................... 45
5.4.2 Connector Mating to the Extended Front Panel System Board Pinout....... 46
6. NEBS 3.3 V Riser Board........................................................................................ 47
6.1 Chapter Structure and Outline ................................................................... 47
6.2 Functional Description ............................................................................... 47
6.3 Connector Interface ................................................................................... 48
6.3.1 NEBS Riser Power Connector Pinout ........................................................ 50
6.4 Electrical Specification ............................................................................... 51
7. Midplane Board ..................................................................................................... 52
7.1 Chapter Structure and Outline ................................................................... 52
7.2 Introduction ................................................................................................ 52
7.3 Functional Description ............................................................................... 53
7.3.1 Midplane System Board SCSI Subsystem Block Diagram......................... 53
7.3.2 SCSI Bus ................................................................................................... 54
7.3.3 SCA2 Connector Interlocks........................................................................ 54
7.3.4 Signal Descriptions .................................................................................... 54
7.4 Connector Interface ................................................................................... 56
7.4.1 Midplane Power/Signal Connector Pinout.................................................. 57
7.4.2 Midplane SCSl Connector Pinout and SCSI ID settings ............................ 57
7.5 Specifications............................................................................................. 57
7.5.1 Electrical Specifications ............................................................................. 57
8. DC Power Subsystem ........................................................................................... 58
8.1 Features..................................................................................................... 58
8.2 Chapter Structure and Outline ................................................................... 58
8.3 Introduction ................................................................................................ 58
8.4 Mechanical Interface.................................................................................. 59
8.4.1 Power Supply Cage Mechanical Outline.................................................... 59
8.4.2 DC Input Terminal Block Connector........................................................... 60
8.4.3 DC Output Connector ................................................................................ 61
8.4.4 Power Supply Module LED Indicators........................................................ 63
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Table of Contents Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
8.5 Electrical Requirements ............................................................................. 63
8.5.1 DC Input Voltage Specification .................................................................. 63
8.5.2 Dual DC Input ............................................................................................ 63
8.5.3 DC Output Current Specifications .............................................................. 64
9. AC Power Subsystem ........................................................................................... 65
9.1 Features..................................................................................................... 65
9.2 Chapter Structure and Outline ................................................................... 65
9.3 Introduction ................................................................................................ 65
9.4 Mechanical Interface.................................................................................. 66
9.4.1 Power Supply Cage Mechanical Outline.................................................... 66
9.4.2 AC Input Connector ................................................................................... 66
9.4.3 DC Output Connector ................................................................................ 67
9.4.4 Power Supply Module LED Indicators........................................................ 69
9.5 Electrical Requirements ............................................................................. 69
9.5.1 AC Input Voltage Specification................................................................... 69
10. Regulatory Specifications .................................................................................... 70
10.1 Safety Compliance..................................................................................... 70
10.2 Electromagnetic Compatibility.................................................................... 70
10.3 CE Mark..................................................................................................... 70
10.4 NEBS Compliance (DC Input Only) ........................................................... 71
10.5 ETSI Standards Compliance (DC Input Only)............................................ 71
Appendix A: Glossary................................................................................................. 72
Appendix B: Reference Documents .......................................................................... 76
Intel Secret Revision 1.0
Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 2-1. Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U ........................................................... 4
Figure 2-2. Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U (shown with top covers and bezel
removed) ................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2-3. Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U Block Diagram ................................... 7
Figure 2-4. Front View of System.................................................................................... 8
Figure 2-5. Front View of System (shown with bezel removed) ...................................... 8
Figure 2-6. Front Panel Details ....................................................................................... 9
Figure 2-7. Chassis Peripheral Bay and Hard Drive Bays............................................. 10
Figure 2-8. Peripheral Drive Bay ................................................................................... 11
Figure 2-9. Drive Carrier Assembly ............................................................................... 11
Figure 2-10. SCSI Hard Drive Bays .............................................................................. 12
Figure 2-11. SCSI Hard Drive Carrier............................................................................ 13
Figure 2-12. Rear View of System ................................................................................ 13
Figure 2-13. Telecom SE7210TP1-E Server Baseboard Block Diagram ...................... 15
Figure 2-14. Full-Height, Full-Length PCI Adapter Subsystem...................................... 17
Figure 2-15. System Fan Assemblies............................................................................ 18
Figure 3-1. Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U Interconnect Block Diagram ........... 23
Figure 3-2. Telco Alarms Connector.............................................................................. 28
Figure 3-3. AC Power Input Connector ......................................................................... 29
Figure 3-4. DC Power Input Connector ......................................................................... 29
Figure 3-5. Terminal Lug ............................................................................................... 29
Figure 4-1. Extended Front Panel Board....................................................................... 31
Figure 4-2. Extended Front Panel Board Connector Location....................................... 36
Figure 5-1. Physical Layout of Power Interconnect System Board................................ 44
Figure 6-1. Physical Layout of NEBS 3.3 V Riser Board ............................................... 48
Figure 7-1. Midplane System Board SCSI Subsystem Block Diagram.......................... 53
Figure 7-2. Extended Front Panel Board Connector Location....................................... 56
Figure 8-1. Power Subsystem Enclosure Outline Drawing............................................ 59
Figure 8-2. DC Input Terminal Block ............................................................................. 60
Figure 8-3. Terminal Lug ............................................................................................... 60
Figure 8-4. Terminal Block Polarity .............................................................................. 60
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List of Figures Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
Figure 8-5. Edge Finger Layout..................................................................................... 62
Figure 9-1. Power Subsystem Enclosure Outline Drawing............................................ 66
Figure 9-2. Edge Finger Layout..................................................................................... 68
Intel Secret Revision 1.0
Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 2-1. Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U Feature List......................................... 2
Table 2-2. Front Panel Features ..................................................................................... 9
Table 2-3. System Features - Rear ............................................................................... 14
Table 2-4. Environmental Specifications Summary....................................................... 20
Table 2-5. Dimensions and Weight ............................................................................... 21
Table 3-1. System Interconnect Descriptions................................................................ 24
Table 3-2. Keyboard/Mouse PS/2 Connector Pin Out (J9A1) ....................................... 25
Table 3-3. COM1: 9-pin Serial A Port Pin Out (J8A1) ................................................... 26
Table 3-4. COM2: Serial Port Connector on Front Panel .............................................. 26
Table 3-5. Video Connector .......................................................................................... 27
Table 3-6. Single USB Connector ................................................................................. 27
Table 3-7. Magjack Connector (RJ45, 10/100/1000) Pin Out (J5A1, J6A2) .................. 28
Table 3-8. Telco Alarms Connector............................................................................... 28
Table 4-1. Front Panel Switch Description .................................................................... 31
Table 4-2. LED Specifications ....................................................................................... 32
Table 4-3. Front Panel System Status LED Description................................................ 32
Table 4-4. Front Panel System Fault LED Description.................................................. 33
Table 4-5. LED Color Selection..................................................................................... 33
Table 4-6. Alarms SMBus I/O Mapping......................................................................... 34
Table 4-7. SCSI SMBus I/O Mapping............................................................................ 35
Table 4-8. Extended Front Panel System Board Connector Information....................... 35
Table 4-9. Connector Housing Information.................................................................... 36
Table 4-10. 8-pin (1 x 8) USB J2G1 Connector............................................................. 37
Table 4-11. 8-pin (2 x 4) uP Power J5A1 Connector..................................................... 37
Table 4-12. 34-pin (2 x 17) Front Panel J8A1 Connector .............................................. 38
Table 4-13. 12-pin (2 x 6) Mid-Plane J1E1 Connector .................................................. 38
Table 4-14. 10-pin (2 x 5) Power/Signal J9A1 Connector ............................................. 39
Table 4-15. 24-pin (2 x 12) Alarm/COM2 J9B1 Connector............................................ 39
Table 4-16. 20-pin (2 x 10) Baseboard Power J10A1 Connector .................................. 40
Table 4-17. 16-pin Baseboard Power J1A1 Connector ................................................. 40
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List of Tables Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
Table 4-18. 3-pin (1 x 3) NEBS Riser Power J3E1 Connector ...................................... 40
Table 4-19. LED Activity Definitions .............................................................................. 42
Table 4-20. Maximum Power Requirements (mA) ........................................................ 43
Table 5-1. 2 x 31 Connector Pinout to 250 Watt Power Supply .................................... 45
Table 5-2. 2 x 31 Connector Pinout to Extended Front Panel System Board................ 46
Table 6-1. Riser Card Slot Pin-out Common Signals .................................................... 48
Table 6-2. PCI Card Connector Signals ........................................................................ 49
Table 6-3. 3-pin (1 x 3) NEBS Riser Power J1A1 Connector ........................................ 50
Table 7-1. LVD SCSI Bus Signals – J2L1, J4A1, J8A1................................................. 55
Table 7-2. Extended Front Panel System Board Connector Information....................... 56
Table 7-3. Connector Housing Information.................................................................... 57
Table 7-4. 12-pin (2 x 6) Midplane J9L1 Connector ...................................................... 57
Table 7-5. MPB Power Requirements ........................................................................... 57
Table 8-1. 250 Watt DC-input Power Supply DC Output Ratings.................................. 58
Table 8-2. Edge Finger Pinout ...................................................................................... 61
Table 8-3. LED Indicators.............................................................................................. 63
Table 8-4. DC Input Rating............................................................................................ 63
Table 8-5. 250 W Load Ratings..................................................................................... 64
Table 9-1. 250 Watt AC-input Power Supply DC Output Ratings.................................. 65
Table 9-2. Edge Finger Pinout ...................................................................................... 67
Table 9-3. LED Indicators.............................................................................................. 69
Table 9-4. AC Input Rating............................................................................................ 69
Intel Secret Revision 1.0
Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS Introduction
1. Introduction
This document provides an overview of the Intel Industrial Grade Prescott 1U (1.75”) high) and includes information on chassis hardware, cables, connectors, SE7210TP1-E System Baseboard, system boards, power subsystem, and regulatory requirements.
Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U (Telecom
1.1 Document Structure and Outline
This document is organized into the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction
Provides an overview of this document.
Chapter 2: System Overview
Provides an overview of the Intel
Chapter 3: Cables and Connectors
Describes the cables and connectors used to interconnect the system board set and the Intel
Chapter 4: Extended Front Panel System Board
Describes the specifications of the extended front panel system board.
Chapter 5: Power Interconnect System Board
Describes the specifications of the power interconnect system board.
TIGPT1U components.
TIGPT1U server chassis hardware.
Chapter 6: NEBS 3.3 V Riser Board
Describes the specifications of the Network Equipment Building Specifications (NEBS) 3.3 V riser board.
Chapter 7: Midplane Board
Describes the specifications of the midplane board.
Chapter 8: DC Power Subsystem
Describes the specifications of the DC power subsystem.
Chapter 9: AC Power Subsystem
Describes the specifications of the AC power subsystem.
Chapter 10: Regulatory Specifications
Describes system compliance to regulatory specifications.
Revision 1.0 Intel Secret 1
System Overview Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
2. System Overview
This chapter describes the features of the Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U chassis.
2.1 System Features
Table 2-1 provides a list and brief description of the features of the Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U.
Table 2-1. Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U Feature List
Feature Description
Compact, high-density system Rack-mount server with a height of 1 U (1.75 inches) and a depth of 20.0 inches
Configuration flexibility Single processor capability in low profile and cost/value effective packaging
Stand-alone system Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor with hyper-threading technology at 3.0 GHz
Serviceability Front access to hot swap disk drives
Availability Integrated HostRAID™ ready to provide RAID 1 capability using two hot-swap
Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) disk drives.
Manageability Remote management
Emergency management port (Serial and LAN)
IPMI 1.5 compliant
Remote diagnostics support
System-level scalability 4 GB DDR333/DDR400 unbuffered 184-pin DDR SDRAM DIMM memory
Single Intel
1 Full Height Full Length 3.3 V/Universal 64-bit x 66 MHz PCI-X Slots
2 internal hot-swap SCSI disk drives (SCA support)
1 Low Profile CD-ROM
Front panel Power switch
Reset switch
NMI switch
ID switch
Main power LED
HDD activity LED
NIC activity LED
Pentium® 4 Processor support
Hard Drive 0 Fault LED
Hard Drive 1 Fault LED
Telco power alarm fault LED/Relay
Telco critical alarm fault LED/Relay
Telco major alarm fault LED/Relay
Telco minor alarm fault LED/Relay
Revision 1.0
Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS System Overview
2.2 Chapter Structure and Outline
This chapter is organized into the following sections. The content of each section is summarized as follows.
Section 2.3: Introduction
Provides an overview and block diagram of the Intel
Carrier Grade
Server TIGPT1U.
Section 2.4: External Chassis Features
Describes features of the Intel
Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U chassis in
detail (buttons, switches, bezel, etc.).
Section 2.5: Internal Chassis Features
Provides an overview of the components of the Intel
Carrier Grade
Server TIGPT1U.
Section 2.6: Server Management
Describes the server management features of the Intel
Carrier Grade
Server TIGPT1U.
Section 2.7: Specifications
Summarizes the environmental and physical specifications of the Intel
Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U.
Revision 1.0
System Overview Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
2.3 Introduction
The Intel® TIGPT1U is a compact, high-density, rack mount server system with support for one
Pentium® 4 Processor and 4 GB DDR266/DDR333/DDR400 unbuffered 184-pin DDR SDRAM DIMM memory. The Intel drives and remote management. The scalable architecture of the Intel variety of operating systems (OS).
Figure 2-1 shows an isometric view of the system.
Figure 2-2 shows the system with the top covers and the front bezel removed.
TIGPT1U high availability features include hot swap disk
TIGPT1U supports a
Figure 2-1. Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U
The Intel® TIGPT1U uses the SE7210TP1-E system baseboard, which contains connectors for installing one Intel DIMM slots and supports up to 4 GB error checking and correcting (ECC) unbuffered Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM). The SE7210TP1-E system baseboard also contains 1 PCI slots (implemented via riser cards), input/output (I/O) ports and various controllers.
Pentium® 4 Processor utilizing the uPGA478 socket. The baseboard has 4
Revision 1.0
Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS System Overview
Figure 2-2. Intel
Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U (shown with top covers and bezel removed)
A. Power Supply H. SCSI Hard Disk Drive Bays B. PCI card bracket (full-length) I. Peripheral Bay (CDROM or DVD) C. Riser card assembly (full-length) J. Front Panel LEDs and Switches D. SE7210TP1-E Server Baseboard K. COM2/USB Front Panel Connector E. System Memory L. Extended Front Panel System Board F. System Fans M. Power Interconnect System Board G. Midplane System Board
The SE7210TP1-E system baseboard is mounted horizontally toward the rear of the chassis behind the system fan array.
Revision 1.0
System Overview Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
Up to two 1.0” Ultra-320 SCSI technology hard drives can be mounted in the hot swap drive bays,
which are located in the bottom front of the chassis. The front bezel needs to be removed to
access the hot swap drive trays when installing or removing them from the hot
swap drive bays.
Figure 2-2 shows the location of the two hot swap drive bays.
A slim-line CD-ROM drive can also be mounted in the system above the two hot swap drive bays.
System boards include the extended front panel board, the power supply interface board, and the SCSI hot swap backplane board. The extended front panel board is located in the front left of the chassis, the power supply interface board is located in the mid left of the chassis, and the SCSI hot swap backplane is located in the mid center and right of the chassis.
The 250 W power supply is mounted at the left-rear of the chassis. Two power supply options are available, one with AC-input and one with DC-input.
The system contains a fan array consisting of two 40 x 48 mm fans and one 40 x 28 mm fans to cool the SE7210TP1-E System Baseboard and other components. The fans are installed directly behind the drive bays and are located in front of the baseboard. Another 40 x 28 mm fan is located to the left of the hot swap drive bays and is used to cool the PCI adapter and left side of the SE7210TP1-E System Baseboard. Individual fan connectors are located on the system baseboard.
The front bezel can be customized to meet OEM industrial design requirements. The bezel design allows adequate airflow to cool the system components. The front bezel is removed to access the drive bay.
Figure 2-3 shows a block diagram of the Intel
Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U with
Revision 1.0
Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS System Overview
250 W Power Supply
(AC-input or DC-input)
Interconnect Board
LAN 2 82541 Gb E/N
PCI Slot 1
Full Height/Full Length
5V Riser PCI-X 64/66
PCI Riser Slot 1
PCI-X 64/66
USB1/2/3 (Back)
USB 4 (Front)
ATA/100 (IDE)
Front Panel
Front Panel Baseboard Pwr
PCI-X 64/66
I/O Controller
Fan 6
Super I/O
Baseboard Pwr
8 Mb
F/W Hub
Flash BIOS
HUB Interface
Fan 1
Alarm Out
PS2 Keyboard/Mouse
COM1 (Back)
COM2 (Front)
LAN1 82547 Gb E/N
Pentium 4 uPGA478
Front Side Bus
800 MB/s
827210 Memory
Controller Hub
Channel A
Channel B
DDR 400/333
Fan 5Fan 4Fan 3 Fan 2
Extended Front Panel Board
Push Buttons
O M 2
System Fault LEDs
Activity/ID LEDs
Figure 2-3. Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U Block Diagram
Drive is positioned above
SCSI Hard Drive Bay 1
Sig 2x20, Pwr 1x2
MidPlane Board
MP Pwr
SCSI SCA Conn 80pin
SCSI SCA Conn 80pin
SCSI Hard Drive 1 Hot Plug Drive Assembly Consists of:
1. SCA SCSI Disk Drive
2. Drive Carrier
SCSI SCA Conn 80pin
SCSI SCA Conn 80pin
SCSI Hard Drive 1 Hot Plug Drive Assembly Consists of:
1. SCA SCSI Disk Drive
2. Drive Carrier
SCSI Hard Drive Bay 1 SCSI Hard Drive Bay 0
68 Pin Wide U-320 SCSI Bus
Revision 1.0
System Overview Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
2.4 External Chassis Features
2.4.1 Front View of Chassis
Figure 2-4 shows the front view of the system. Figure 2-5 shows the front view of the system with the front bezel removed. Removing the front bezel provides access to the two hot-plug hard drive bays.
Both areas are described in detail in the following sections.
RJ45 COM2 and USB Connectors
RJ45 COM2 and Dual USB Connectors
Front Panel Control Switches and Status LEDs
Figure 2-4. Front View of System
Front Panel Control Switches and Status LEDs
Peripheral Bay
Drive Bay 2 Drive Bay 1
Peripheral Bay
Drive Bay 2 Drive Bay 1
Figure 2-5. Front View of System (shown with bezel removed)
Drive Bay 2 Handle Drive Bay 1 Handle
2.4.2 Front Panel
The front panel features are shown in Figure 2-6 and described in Table 2-2. All front panel control switches and status LEDs are contained on the front panel system board. Please refer to Section 5 Front Panel System Board for a detailed description of the control switches and status LEDs contained on the Front Panel.
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Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS System Overview
Figure 2-6. Front Panel Details
Table 2-2. Front Panel Features
Item Feature Description
Front Panel Switches
A Power switch Toggles the system power
B Reset switch Resets the system
L ID switch Toggles system ID LED
M NMI switch Assert NMI to baseboard
Front Panel Alarm LEDs and Relays
C Critical (amber) When continuously lit, indicates the presence of a Critical System
Fault. A critical system fault is an error or event that is detected by the system with a fatal impact to the system. In this case, the system cannot continue to operate. An example could be the loss of a large section of memory, or other corruption, that renders the system not operational. The front panel critical alarm relay will be engaged.
D Major (amber) When continuously lit, indicates the presence of a Major System Fault.
A major system fault is an error or event that is detected by the system that has discernable impact to system operation. In this case, the system can continue to operate but in a “degraded” fashion (reduced performance or loss of non-fatal feature reduction). An example could be the loss of one of two mirrored disks. The front panel major alarm relay will be engaged.
E Minor (amber) When continuously lit, indicates the presence of a Minor System Fault.
A minor system fault is an error or event that is detected by the system but has little impact to actual system operation. An example would be a correctable ECC error. The front panel minor alarm relay will be engaged.
F Power (amber) When continuously lit, indicates the presence of a Power System
Fault. The front panel power alarm relay will be engaged.
Front Panel Status LEDs
G Disk 1 Activity/Fault LED
H Disk 2 Activity/Fault LED
I Main power LED (green) When continuously lit, indicates the presence of DC power in the
Indicates disk 1 SCSI hard drive activity when green, or a disk 1 SCSI hard drive fault when amber
Indicates disk 2 SCSI hard drive activity when green, or a disk 2 SCSI hard drive fault when amber
server. The LED goes out when the power is turned off or the power source is disrupted.
Revision 1.0
System Overview Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
Item Feature Description
J NIC0/NIC1 activity LED (green) Indicates activity on either NIC0 or NIC1
K System ID LED (white) Continuously lit when activated by (1) software command to extended
front panel board or (2) by the front panel ID switch
2.4.3 Chassis Peripheral Bay and Hot-Plug SCSI Hard Drive Bays
The Intel® TIGPT1U server chassis provides two hot-swap SCSI hard drive bays at the front of the chassis, along with a peripheral bay that supports either a fixed CDROM Drive (read-only or read/write, or a fixed DVD Drive. Both hot-plug SCSI hard drive bays may be populated with a
3.5” SCSI Single Connector Attachment (SCA) hard disk drive mounted in a SCSI drive carrier.
The SCSI ID for each hard drive position is hardwired on the midplane board, so the use of jumper(s) to select a unique SCSI ID is not necessary. Hard disk drive position 1 is hardwired to SCSI ID 0 on the SCSI bus and hard disk drive position 2 is hardwired to SCSI ID 1 on the SCSI bus.
A. Hard drive bay 1 (SCSI ID 0) B. Hard drive bay 2 (SCSI ID 1) C. Peripheral drive bay D. CD-ROM drive or DVD drive mounted in a peripheral carrier E. Hard disk drive module
Figure 2-7. Chassis Peripheral Bay and Hard Drive Bays Peripheral Drive Bay
The peripheral bay supports either a CDROM drive or a DVD drive.
The peripheral drive carrier assembly can be configured with either a 0.5” (12.7 mm) slim-line CD-ROM or DVD drive. The install sequence is (1) slide the peripheral drive carrier into the peripheral drive bay, (2) tighten the thumb screw to secure the peripheral drive carrier to the chassis, and (3) connect the IDE and power cables to the interconnect board.
Note: A floppy drive cannot be installed in the system using the peripheral drive bay. If a floppy drive is needed, it will be necessary to use a Universal Serial Bus (USB) floppy and connect it to
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Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS System Overview
the USB connection on the front of the unit or one of the USB connections on the back of the unit.
Figure 2-8. Peripheral Drive Bay Peripheral Drive Carrier Assembly
The CDROM drive or DVD drive is installed in the drive carrier assembly before installing it into the system. An exploded view of the drive carrier assembly is shown in the following figure:
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A. Drive carrier metal housing B. CD-ROM or DVD Drive C. Interface Board D. Two screws to connect interface board to CD-ROM or DVD drive
Figure 2-9. Drive Carrier Assembly
System Overview Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
Prior to installing the drive in the system, (1) the interface board is connected to the back of the drive and secured with two 8mm screws. The drive is then installed in the drive carrier metal housing by holding the left side of the drive carrier in the left hand, and with the right hand installing the right side of the drive into the right side of the drive carrier, (2) making sure to line up the two holes in the right side of the drive with the two mounting tabs on the right side of the drive carrier. Then, while flexing the left side of the drive carrier slightly down, (3) insert the left side of the drive into the drive carrier, making sure to line up the two holes on the left side of the drive with the two mounting tabs on the left side of the drive carrier. If this is done correctly, the drive carrier will be flush with the bottom and sides of the drive, and all four mounting tabs will be installed in the mounting holes on the drive. Observe that the right side mounting tabs are correctly inserted into the right side mounting holes on the drive by looking at the right bottom of the drive carrier assembly. Observe that the left side mounting tabs are correctly inserted into the left side mounting holes on the drive by looking at the top left of the drive carrier assembly. Hard Drive Bays
There are two hot-plug SCSI SCA hard drive bays in the system (see (1) and (2) in the drawing below). Each hard drive bay supports a U320 SCA (single connector attach) SCSI disk drive mounted in a drive tray. The drive tray is installed into the front of the chassis in the hard drive bay, and then secured in place by latching the handle on the drive tray. Ultra 320 SCSI technology (SCA interconnect) or slower hard disk drives can be installed in the hard drive bays. The hard drive bays are designed to accept 15,000 rotations per minute (RPM) hard drives (and below) that consume up to 18 W of power.
The SCSI ID for each hard drive position is hardwired on the midplane board, so the use of jumper(s) to select a unique SCSI ID is not necessary. Hard disk drive position 1 is hardwired to SCSI ID 0 on the SCSI bus and hard disk drive position 2 is hardwired to SCSI ID 1 on the SCSI bus.
Figure 2-10. SCSI Hard Drive Bays
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Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS System Overview Hard Drive Tray
Each hard drive used in the system must be mounted to a drive tray using four screws inserted into the sides of the drive as shown in the figure.
Figure 2-11. SCSI Hard Drive Carrier
2.4.4 Rear View of Chassis
Figure 2-12. Rear View of System
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System Overview Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
Table 2-3. System Features - Rear
Item Description
A USB 1, USB 2, USB 3
B PS/2 Mouse
C DB15 Alarm Connector
D PCI card bracket (full-height)
E Power supply
F AC power input ( AC input power supply shown)
G Ground Studs (used with system with DC input power supply)
H RJ45 Network Interface Card (NIC) 2 connector
I RJ45 NIC 1 connector
J Video connector
K DB9 serial 2 port
L PS/2 Keyboard connector
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Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS System Overview
2.5 Internal Chassis Features
2.5.1 Telecom SE7210TP1-E Server Baseboard
The telecom SE7210TP1-E Server Baseboard is a monolithic printed circuit board that can accept one Intel The figure below shows the functional blocks of the telecom SE7210TP1-E Server Baseboard and the plug-in modules that it supports.
Pentium® 4 Processor with hyper-threading technology in a µPGA478 socket.
Figure 2-13. Telecom SE7210TP1-E Server Baseboard Block Diagram
o Support for an Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor with hyper-threading technology in a µPGA478
socket (3.0 GHz frequency, 1 M L2 cache, 800 MHz Front Side Bus (FSB), 90 nm manufacturing technology).
o 400/533/800 MHz FSB o Intel
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E7210 chipset
827210 Memory Controller Hub (MCH)
6300ESB I/O Controller Hub (Hance Rapids)
82802AC 8 Megabit Firmware Hub (FWH)
System Overview Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS
o Support for single-sided or double-sided dual inline memory module (DIMM) double-data
rate (DDR) memory providing up to 4 GB of system memory with four 184-pin DIMM sockets
PC3200 (400 MHz): to run 400 MHz memory at full speed requires an Intel
Pentium® 4
Processor with 800 MHz system bus frequency.
PC2700 (333 MHz): to run 333 MHz memory at full speed requires an Intel
Pentium® 4
Processor with 533 MHz system bus frequency.
o Intel
Note: PC2700 (333 MHZ) memory will run at 320 MHz frequency when using an Intel Pentium
82547EI Platform LAN Connect (PLC) device for 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet LAN
4 Processor with 800 MHz system bus frequency.
o Intel
82541EI device for 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet LAN connectivity
o Two independent PCI buses (one 32-bit, 33 MHz, 5 V; one 64-bit, 66 MHz, 3.3 V) with one
PCI connectors and two embedded devices:
One PCI-X 64-bit 66-MHz PCI slots
Integrated 2D/3D graphics controller: ATI* Rage* XL Video Controller with 8 MB of
Single channel, Ultra 320 Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Controller: Adaptec* 7901*
o Low Pin Count (LPC) bus segment with one embedded device: Winbond* W83627HF-AW
LPC Bus I/O controller chip providing all PC-compatible I/O (floppy, serial, keyboard and mouse)
o Three external USB 2.0 ports on the back panel with an additional internal header, which
provides support for one additional USB port for front panel support (four total USB 2.0 ports)
o One serial port and one serial port header o Two Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) interfaces with Ultra 33, 66 and 100 Direct Memory
Access (DMA) mode
o Support for up to six system fans o Server System Infrastructure (SSI)-compliant connectors for SSI interface support: front
panel, power connector
o Intel
Server Management 5.8 support via the National Semiconductor* PC87431M*
Baseboard Management Controller (mBMC)
2.5.2 Full-Height, Full-Length PCI Adapter Subsystem
A one-slot PCI adapter assembly that supports one full-height/full-length PCI adapter is installed in the PCI riser slot located at the left side of the SE7210TP1-E System Baseboard. This PCI adapter assembly is configured and installed as shown in the following figure. After the PCI adapter assembly is removed from the system, it is configured with one PCI adapter by plugging the PCI adapter into the PCI connector on the riser card (either a 3.3 V riser card or a 5 V riser card) that is part of the PCI adapter assembly. The PCI adapter assembly is then installed into the system by plugging the riser card into the riser card connector on the SE7210TP1-E System Baseboard. Finally, the thumb screw located on the back of the server is secured to the PCI adapter assembly. Refer to the SE7210TP1-E System Baseboard specification for electrical characteristics for this PCI adapter subsystem. The maximum power supported for PCI adapters installed in the PCI Adapter subsystem is 25 watts.
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Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U TPS System Overview
1-slot PCI Adapter Assembly - supports one full-height/full-length PCI adapter or one full-height/half-length PCI adapters
Install PCI Adapter Assembly in System
Secure PCI Adapter Assembly to chassis
with captive fastener on back of chassis
Install PCI Adapter in
PCI Adapter Assembly
Figure 2-14. Full-Height, Full-Length PCI Adapter Subsystem
2.5.3 Power Subsystem
The Intel® Carrier Grade Server TIGPT1U can be configured with either a 250 watt AC-input power supply or a 250 watt DC-input power supply.
The 250 watt power supply interconnects to the power interface board with a board-edge connector. A board edge connector is also used by the extended front panel board to interconnect to the power interface board. Power is then is carried to the 5 V riser board, the midplane board, and the system baseboard via discrete cables connected to individual connectors on the extended front panel board. The 250 watt power supply is capable of handling the worst-case power requirements for a fully configured Intel TIGPT1U. This includes one Intel
Pentium® 4 Processor, 4 GB of memory, two hard drives at 18 W per drive (typical worst case 3.5-inch by 1.0-inch, 15 k RPM drive), and one 25 watt PCI adapter.
Carrier Grade Server
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