6.2 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP Efficiency.....................................................................40
6.3 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP Latency....................................................................... 42
6.4 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP Timing.........................................................................42
7 Document Revision History for Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide........................43
Intel® Stratix® 10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide
UG-20031 | December 2017
1 Introduction to High Bandwidth Memory
High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) is a JEDEC specification (JESD-235) for a wide, high
bandwidth memory device. The next generation of High Bandwidth Memory, HBM2, is
defined in JEDEC specification JESD-235A. The HBM2 implementation in Intel
Stratix® 10 MX devices complies to JESD-235A.
The High Bandwidth Memory DRAM is tightly coupled to the host die with a distributed
interface. The interface is divided into independent channels, each completely
independent of one another. Each channel interface maintains a 128-bit data bus,
operating at DDR data rates.
1.1 HBM2 in Intel Stratix 10 MX Devices
Intel Stratix 10 MX incorporates a high-performance FPGA fabric along with a HBM2
DRAM in a single package. Intel Stratix 10 MX devices support up to a maximum of
two HBM2 interfaces.
Intel Stratix 10 MX incorporates Intel’s Embedded Multi-Die Interconnect Bridge
(EMIB) technology to implement a silicon bridge between HBM2 DRAM memory and
the Universal Interface Block Subsystem (UIBSS), which contains the HBM2 controller
(HBMC), physical-layer interface (PHY), and I/O ports to interface to the HBM2 stack.
As illustrated below, each Intel Stratix 10 MX device contains a single universal
interface bus per HBM2 interface, supporting 8 independent channels.
The user interface to the HBM2 controller is maintained through the AIX4 protocol.
Sixteen AXI interfaces are available in the user interface from each HBM2 controller,
with one AXI interface available per HBM2 Pseudo Channel. HBM2 DRAM density of
4GB and 8GB are supported.
Figure 1.Intel Stratix 10 MX Device with UIB, EMIB, and HBM2 DRAM
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, Nios, Quartus
and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other
countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
1 Introduction to High Bandwidth Memory
1.2 HBM2 DRAM Structure
The HBM DRAM is optimized for high-bandwidth operation to a stack of multiple DRAM
devices across several independent interfaces called channels. Each DRAM stack
supports up to eight channels.
The following figure shows an example stack containing four DRAM dies, each die
supporting two channels. Each die contributes additional capacity and additional
channels to the stack, up to a maximum of eight channels per stack. Each channel
provides access to an independent set of DRAM banks. Requests from one channel
may not access data attached to a different channel.
Figure 2.High Bandwidth Memory Stack of Four DRAM Dies
UG-20031 | December 2017
1.3 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Features
Intel Stratix 10 MX FPGAs offer the following HBM2 features.
•Supports one to eight HBM2 channels per HBM2 interface in the Pseudo Channel
•Each HBM2 channel supports a 128-bit DDR data bus, with optional ECC support.
•Pseudo Channel mode divides a channel into two individual 64-bit data interfaces
per channel. The Pseudo Channels share the same Address and Command bus,
but decodes and executes commands individually.
Data referenced to strobes RDQS_t / RDQS_c and WDQS_t / WDQS_c, one strobe
pair per 32 DQs.
DDR commands entered on each positive CK_t and CK_c edge. Row Activate
commands require two memory cycles; all other command are single-cycle
•Supports command, write data and read data parity.
•Support for bank grouping.
•Support for data bus inversion.
•Data mask for masking write data per byte. (Not available with ECC.)
•I/O voltage of 1.2V and DRAM core voltage of 1.2V.
1.4 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Controller Features
Intel Stratix 10 MX FPGAs offer the following controller features.
•User applications communicate with the HBMC using the AXI4 Protocol.
•There is one AXI4 interface per HBM2 Pseudo Channel. Each HBM2 interface
supports a maximum of sixteen AXI4 interfaces to the sixteen Pseudo Channels.
•The full-rate user interface can operate at a frequency lower than the HBM2
interface frequency For information on supported clock frequencies, refer to Intel
Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Supported Frequencies in Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP
Controller Interface Signals.
•The controller offers out-of-order command scheduling and read data reordering.
•The controller supports a user-initiated refresh command (enabled through the
side band Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) interface).
•The controller supports data mask or error correction code (ECC). When you do
not use data mask or ECC, you may use those bits as additional data bits.
Related Links
Clock Signals on page 30
Intel® Stratix® 10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide
UG-20031 | December 2017
2 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Architecture
This chapter provides an overview of the Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 architecture.
2.1 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Introduction
Intel Stratix 10 MX devices use the Intel EMIB technology to interface to the HBM2
memory devices.
•The Intel Stratix 10 MX FPGAs offer up to two HBM2 interfaces.
•Each HBM2 device can have a device density of 4GB or 8GB, based on the FPGA
This system-in-package solution helps to achieve maximum bandwidth and low power
consumption in a small footprint.
2.2 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Architecture
The Intel Stratix 10 MX device architecture includes the universal interface bus (UIB)
subsystem (UIBSS) which contains the necessary logic to interface the FPGA core to
the HBM2 DRAM.
Each UIB subsystem includes the HBM2 hardened controller and the universal
interface bus, consisting of the hardened physical interface and I/O logic needed to
interface to each HBM2 DRAM device. The AMBA AXI4 protocol interfaces the core
logic with the universal interface bus subsystem. An optional soft logic adapter
implemented in the FPGA fabric helps to efficiently interface user logic to the hardened
HBM2 controller.
The following figure shows a high-level block diagram of the Intel Stratix 10 HBM2
universal interface bus subsystem. The UIB subsystem includes the following
hardened logic:
•Rate-matching FIFOs that transfer logic from the user core clock to the HBM2
clock domain.
•HBM2 memory controller (HBMC).
•UIB PHY, including the UIB physical layer and I/O.
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, MAX, Nios, Quartus
and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other
countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
2 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Architecture
UG-20031 | December 2017
Figure 3.Block Diagram of Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Implementation
The user core clock drives the logic highlighted in green, while the UIB clocks the logic
highlighted in blue. The UIB clock also drives the HBM2 interface clock. User logic can
run up to one-to-four times slower than the HBM2 interface.
Soft Logic AXI Adaptor
The HBM2 IP also includes a soft logic adaptor implemented in core logic. The soft
logic adaptor gates the user valid signals (write address valid, write data
valid, and read address valid) with the corresponding pipelined ready signals
from the HBM2 controller. The soft logic adapter also temporarily stores output from
the HBM2 controller (AXI write response and AXI read data channels) when the AXI
ready signal is absent. You can disable the temporary storage logic if user logic is
always ready to accept output from the HBM2 controller through the parameter editor
when generating the HBM2 IP.
The HBM2 DRAM is ideal for high-bandwidth operation to multiple DRAM devices
across many independent interfaces called channels. Each channel provides access to
an independent set of DRAM banks. Requests from one channel cannot access data
attached to another channel.
Each HBM2 channel consists of an independent command and data interface to and
from the HBM2 DRAM. A channel provides access to a discrete pool of memory in the
DRAM device; no channel can access the memory storage for another channel. Each
channel interface provides an independent interface to a specific number of banks of
DRAM of a defined page size.
The following table lists the HBM2 signals that interface to the UIB. The UIB drives the
HBM2 signals and decodes the received data from the HBM2. These signals cannot be
accessed through the AXI4 User Interface.
strobes. One differential pair per 32
DQs for read and write.
The following table lists the HBM2 signals that are common to all Pseudo Channels in
each HBM2 interface. The HBM2 controller interfaces with the following signals; these
signals are not available at the AXI4 user interface.
Table 2.Summary of Global HBM2 Signals
Signal NameSignal WidthNotes
Reset1Reset input
TEMP3Temperature output from HBM2.
Cattrip1Catastrophic temperature sensor.
The Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 IP supports only the Pseudo Channel mode of the HBM2
specification. Pseudo Channel mode includes the following features:
•Pseudo Channel mode divides a single HBM2 channel into two individual
subchannels of 64 bit I/O.
•Both Pseudo Channels share the channel’s row and column command bus, CK, and
CKE inputs, but decode and execute commands individually.
•Pseudo Channel mode requires a burst length of 4.
•Address BA4 directs commands to either Pseudo Channel 0 (BA4 = 0) or Pseudo
Channel 1 (BA4 = 1). The HBM2 controller handles the addressing requirements of
the Pseudo Channels.
•Power-down and self-refresh are common to both Pseudo Channels, due to a
shared CKE pin. Both Pseudo Channels also share the channel’s mode registers.
Each Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 interface supports a maximum of eight HBM2 channels.
Each HBM2 channel has two AXI4 interfaces, one per Pseudo Channel. The following
figure shows the flow of data from user logic to the HBM2 DRAM through the UIBSS,
while selecting HBM2 channels 0 and 7.
Intel® Stratix® 10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide
2 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Architecture
UG-20031 | December 2017
Figure 4.Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Interface Using HBM2 Channels 0 and 7 through
There is one AXI interface per Pseudo Channel. The AXI4 protocol can handle
concurrent writes and reads to the HBM2 controller. There is also a sideband user port
per user channel pair, compliant to the Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB). The sideband
provides access to user-controlled features such as refresh requests.
Related Links
Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Controller Details on page 10
The hardened HBM2 controller provides a controller per Pseudo Channel.
Each controller consists of a write and read data path and the control logic that helps
to translate user commands to the HBM2 memory. The control logic accounts for the
HBM2 memory specification timing and schedules commands in an efficient manner.
The following figure shows a block diagram of the HBM2 controller, corresponding to
channel 0. Each channel consists of two AXI ports (one per Pseudo Channel), and a
sideband APB interface, which lets you issue requests, such as auto-refresh, to the
This topic explains some of the high level HBM2 controller features.
HBM2 burst transactions
The HBM2 controller supports only the Pseudo Channel mode of accessing the HBM2
device; consequently, it can only support BL4 transactions to the DRAM. For improving
efficiency, it supports the pseudo-BL8 mode, which helps to provide two back-to-back
BL4 data using a given start address, similar to a BL8 transaction.
Each BL4 transaction corresponds to 4*64 bits or 32 bytes and a BL8 transaction
corresponds to 64 bytes per Pseudo Channel. You can select the burst transaction
mode (32 B vs 64B) through the parameter editor.
The user logic can interface to a maximum of 16 Pseudo Channels (16 AXI ports) per
HBM2 interface. Each AXI port has a separate write and read interface, and can handle
write and read requests concurrently at the same clock. Each write and read data
interface per AXI port is 128 bits wide.
User interface vs HBM2 Interface Frequency
The user interface runs at a frequency lower than the HBM2 interface; the maximum
interface frequency depends on the chosen device speed grade and the FPGA core
logic frequency. The rate-matching FIFOs within the UIB subsystem handle the data
transfer between the two clock domains.
Intel® Stratix® 10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide
2 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Architecture
UG-20031 | December 2017
The user interface runs at full rate – that is, data provided on the AXI write or read
data bus on each user clock cycle corresponds to that required in one HBM2 memory
clock cycle.
Command Priority
You can set command priority for a write or read command request through the AXI
interface, through the qos signal in the AXI write address channel, or in the AXI read
address channel. The HBM2 controller supports normal and high priority levels. The
system executes commands with the same priority level in a round-robin scheme.
Starvation limit
The controller tracks how long each command waits and leaves no command
unserviced in the command queue for a long period of time. The controller ensures
that it serves every command efficiently.
Command scheduling
The HBM2 controller schedules the incoming commands to achieve maximum
efficiency at the HBM2 interface. The HBM2 controller also follows the AXI ordering
model of the AXI4 protocol specification.
Data re-ordering
The controller can reorder read data to match the order of the read requests.
Address ordering
The HBM2 controller supports different address ordering schemes that you can select
for best efficiency given your use case. The chosen addressing scheme determines the
order of address configurations in the AXI write and read address buses, including row
address, column address, bank address, and stack ID (applicable only to the 8H
devices). The HBM2 controller remaps the logical address of the command to physical
memory address.
Intel® Stratix® 10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide
2 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Architecture
UG-20031 | December 2017
Thermal Control
The HBM2 controller uses the TEMP and CATTRIP outputs from the HBM2 device to
manage temperature variations in the HBM2 interface.
•Temperature compensated refresh (TEMP): The HBM2 DRAM provides temperature
compensated refresh information to the controller through the TEMP[2:0] pins,
which defines the proper refresh rate that the DRAM expects to maintain data
integrity. Absolute temperature values for each encoding are vendor-specific. The
encoding on the TEMP[2:0] pins reflects the required refresh rate for the hottest
device in the stack. The TEMP data updates when the temperature exceeds
vendor-specified threshold levels appropriate for each refresh rate.
•Catastrophic temperature sensor (CATTRIP): The CATTRIP sensor detects whether
the junction temperature of any die in the stack exceeds the catastrophic trip
threshold value CATTEMP. The device vendor programs the CATTEMP to a value
less than the temperature at which permanent damage to the HBM stack would
If a junction temperature anywhere in the stack exceeds the CATTEMP value, the
HBM stack drives the external CATTRIP pin to 1, indicating that catastrophic
damage may occur. When the CATTRIP pin is at 1, the controller stops all traffic to
HBM and stalls indefinitely. To resolve the overheating situation and return the
CATTRIP value to 0, remove power from the device and allow sufficient time for
the device to cool before again applying power.
•Thermal throttling: Thermal throttling is a controller safety feature that helps
control thermal runaway if the HBM2 die overheats, preventing a catastrophic
failure. You can specify the HBM2 device junction temperature at which the
controller begins to throttle input commands, and the throttle ratio that
determines the throttle frequency. The controller deasserts the AXI ready signals
(awready, wready and arready) when it is actively throttling the input
commands and data.
Refresh requests
The HBM2 controller handles HBM2 memory refresh requirements and issues refresh
requests at the optimal time. The controller automatically controls refresh rates based
on the temperature setting of the memory through the TEMP vector that the memory
provides. You can select the HBM2 controller refresh policy, based on the frequency of
refresh requests. You can choose to issue refresh commands directly, through the
sideband APB interface.
Precharge policy
The HBM2 controller issues precharge commands to the HBM2 memory based on the
write/read transaction address. In addition, you can issue an auto-precharge
command together with a write and read command, through the AXI write address
port and AXI read address port.
There are two auto-precharge modes:
•HINT – You can issue the auto-precharge request. The controller then decides
when to issue the precharge command.
•FORCED – You provide auto-precharge requests through the AXI interface and the
precharge request executes.
Intel® Stratix® 10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide
2 Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Architecture
UG-20031 | December 2017
Power down enable
To conserve power, the HBM2 controller can enter power-down mode when the bus is
idle for a long time. You can select this option if required.
HBM2 Controller features enabled by default
The HBM2 controller enables the following features by default:
•DBI – The DBI option supports both write and read DBI, and optimizes SI/power
consumption by restricting signal switching on the HBM2 DQ bus.
•Parity – Supports command/address parity and DQ parity.
Related Links
•Clock Signals on page 30
•Intel Stratix 10 MX HBM2 Architecture on page 6
Intel® Stratix® 10 MX HBM2 IP User Guide
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