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Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
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1. Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security Overview
Intel® Stratix® 10 devices provide flexible and robust security features to protect
sensitive data, intellectual property, and the device itself under both remote and
physical attacks.
Intel Stratix 10 devices provide two main categories of security features:
authentication and encryption.
Authentication ensures that both the firmware and the configuration bitstream are
from a trusted source. Authentication is fundamental to Intel Stratix 10 security. You
cannot enable any other Intel Stratix 10 security features without enabling owner
authentication. Integrity checking which is part of authentication prevents accidental
bitstream change, corruption, or malicious attack.
Encryption prevents theft of intellectual property. Encryption protects confidential
information in the owner configuration bitstream.
Here are the specific security features that Intel Stratix 10 devices provide:
Authentication Category
•Elliptic Curve Based Public-Key Authentication: This feature allows the device to
authenticate Intel firmware and the configuration bitstream. Intel Stratix 10
devices always require firmware authentication for all Intel firmware that loads
into silicon. This requirement ensures that Intel is the only source that provides
the primary firmware for the Secure Device Manager (SDM) and most other
firmware that runs on other configuration processors in the Intel Stratix 10 device.
Intel Stratix 10 devices do not require authentication for the owner configuration
bitstream. You enable authentication for your configuration bitstream through
eFuse settings. After you program the hash of the root public key into eFuses, the
Intel Stratix 10 device only accepts an owner configuration bitstream that is
signed with corresponding private signing key.
•Anti-tampering security feature: Anti-tampering addresses physical attacks on
silicon. There are two categories of anti-tampering features: passive and active
— The passive anti-tampering feature enforces physical security features using
redundancy and interlocking systems. Passive anti-tampering is always
running on Intel Stratix 10 devices. Passive anti-tampering functions do not
operate in response to a particular function.
— Active anti-tampering responds when the silicon detects physical attacks from
the outside. By default, all active anti-tampering functions are off. When the
active anti-tampering function is on, you can select which detection functions
and responses to enable.
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Agilex, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, Intel, the Intel logo, MAX, Nios,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or
other countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
1. Intel
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
Stratix® 10 Device Security Overview
Encryption Category
•Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-256 encryption: This feature protects the
owner configuration bitstream intellectual property (IP) or confidential data as part
of root security in the owner configuration bitstream. AES-CTR (counter) mode is
the base for bitstream encryption. To reduce AES key exposure from random
attacks, AES decryption only operates on data that has already passed public key
•Side channel protection: Side channel protection prevents AES Key and
confidential data under non-intrusive attack. Intel Stratix 10 devices include the
following functions to protect side channel leakage from silicon.
— A key update function protects the AES keys in bitstream decryption.
— The authentication first flow protects against unnecessary key exposure.
— Long route data line scrambling protects against side channel leakage over
data lines.
— A 256-bit wide direct key bus loading limits unauthorized access to keys.
— Key scrambling in the key vault protects key values.
•Multiple AES root key choices: Intel Stratix 10 devices support three different
types of root AES keys: eFuse, BBRAM, and physically unclonable function (PUF).
•Black key provisioning: Key provisioning, especially secret key provisioning, is
costly. In addition, key provisioning is the least secure step in the encryption
process. Black key provisioning creates a direct secure channel between your
custom hardware security module (HSM) and the Intel Stratix 10 device for key
provisioning. Having a secure channel ensures confidential information including
the AES key are provisioned into silicon without exposure to an intermediate party.
As a side benefit, black key provisioning also helps secure the supply chain at
contract manufacturing facilities.
Note: These security features are available in Intel Stratix 10 devices that support advanced
security. The ordering codes for Intel Stratix 10 devices that include advanced security
features includes the AS (Advanced Security) suffix. Please contact your Intel
Programmable Solutions representative to get additional information about Intel
Stratix 10 device security features.
Related Information
Intel Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide Programmer
Describes operation of the Intel Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Programmer, which
allows you to configure Intel FPGA devices, and program CPLD and configuration
devices, via connection with an Intel FPGA download cable.
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Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide
Configurable Network Interface
SDM Pins
Secure Device Manager
Dual Purpose I/O
Intel Stratix 10 FPGA
Intel Stratix 10 SX Blocks
Intel Stratix 10 GX Blocks
Intel Stratix 10 TX Blocks
Intel Stratix 10 MX Blocks
Additional blocks in the
Intel Stratix 10 device variants:
SX: Includes Hard Processor System
MX: Includes High-Bandwidth Memory
TX: Includes High-Bandwidth XCVRs
GX: General Purpose FPGA
Configuration Network
Local Sector
Manager (LSM)
Local Sector
Manager (LSM)
Local Sector
Manager (LSM)
Local Sector
Manager (LSM)
1. Intel
Stratix® 10 Device Security Overview
1.1. Intel Stratix 10 Secure Device Manager (SDM)
The Secure Device Manager (SDM) is a triple-redundant processor-based module that
manages the configuration and security features of Intel Stratix 10 devices. The SDM
authenticates and decrypts configuration data.
Figure 1.Secure Device Manager
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
Authentication includes the following steps:
1. First, the SDM performs an integrity check using SHA-256 or SHA-384. The
integrity check ensures that the bitstream is not corrupted due to an accidental
occurrence such as a bad write to flash.
2. Then, the authentication process guarantees that a trusted source, the deviceowner, created the configuration bitstream.
3. If successful, and you have enabled AES Encryption, the SDM then decrypts the
data. The SDM drives the decrypted data on the configuration network to Local
Sector Managers (LSM) on the configuration network. Each LSM parses the sector
configuration block data and configures the logic elements in the sector that it
Related Information
Intel Stratix 10 Configuration User Guide: Secure Device Manager
Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide
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1. Intel
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
Stratix® 10 Device Security Overview
1.2. Intel Stratix 10 Base Security
To enable base security features, you must program the hash of the owner public root
key eFuse into Intel Stratix 10. As soon as you program the owner root key you have
created an Intel Stratix 10 device with basic security. Your configuration bitstream
must be signed.
Note: The fusing process automatically computes the hash of the owner public root key.
When you program the owner public root key, the programmer automatically
programs the hash value, not the full key.
You can enable the following additional security options to further enhance the
security level:
•Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Encryption protects your IP and secures your
data. This option includes multiple sub-options relating to side channel mitigation.
•Configuration firmware joint signature capability allows you to sign the version of
configuration firmware to run on your device. At all times, the device only loads
firmware that Intel has authenticated. An eFuse on the Intel Stratix 10 device
enables this feature.
eFuse programming sets a minimum-security strength. All eFuse enforced security
options are permanent. In contrast to permanent security features, Intel Stratix 10
devices include some dynamic security options that you can control without using
eFuses. JTAG Secure is one example of a dynamic security feature. Intel Stratix 10
devices control dynamic security options by setting optional fields in the configuration
bitstream. Intel recommends using the optional fields in the configuration bitstream to
enforce security options when available. The optional fields provide a similar security
level as the eFuse setting with more flexibility.
1.2.1. Side Channel Resistance
Side channel resistance technology helps prevent secret leakage from the
Intel Stratix 10 device. Side channel mitigation is not limited to the AES engine. Any
circuit which could transport secret key material has its associated mitigation. Long
data transmission lines in silicon also implement security control agreement
The following side channel mitigation features are available in Intel Stratix 10 devices:
•AES side channel mitigation
— Key update: Limits to the amount of data encrypted by each key. The default
limit each key can encrypt is 4 KB.
— Authentication first: The device authenticates the bitstream before decrypting
it. Attackers cannot perform differential attacks on the AES before breaking
•Datapath random number scrambling
•Physically unclonable function (PUF) enrollment and extraction scrambling
•256-bit point-to-point Key bus
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Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide
1. Intel
Stratix® 10 Device Security Overview
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
1.3. Owner Security Keys and Programming
Intel Stratix 10 devices support two types of security keys:
•Owner public root key hash: Programming this key enables the base security
features. The Intel Stratix 10 stores the SHA-256 or SHA-384 hash of this key in
eFuses or virtual eFuses. This key authenticates the final owner design signing key
through the public signature chain.
•Owner AES key: This optional key decrypts the encrypted owner image during the
configuration process. You can store the AES key in virtual or physical eFuses, a
BBRAM, or a PUF. You program the AES key using JTAG. The configuration
bitstream specifies the owner AES key location. For extra security, you can
program fuses to enforce eFuse key selection. For example, if your design stores
the AES key in eFuses, you can disable the BBRAM root key fuse for additional
security. Intel Stratix 10 devices support both red key (unencrypted) and black
key (encrypted) programming.
Note: You program or blow eFuses by flowing a large current for a specific amount of time.
This process is irreversible.
1.3.1. eFuse (Volatile or Non-Volatile) AES Root Key
Virtual eFuses are volatile. Physical eFuses are non-volatile. Once you program the
physical eFuse key, you cannot change or reprogram the key. The value stored in
eFuses is a device-unique scrambled version of the original owner key.
The Intel Quartus® Prime Programmer includes a Device security key storage
option. This option is available for Intel Stratix 10 and later devices that include the
SDM when you program a Intel Quartus Prime encryption key .qek.
Note: The current release only support the battery-backed RAM (BBRAM) storage location.
1.3.2. BBRAM (Volatile) AES Root Key
In contrast to eFuse keys, BBRAM keys are reprogrammable. The BBRAM key vault
holds a single key. Programming a new key deletes the previously programmed key.
The BBRAM key vault includes a built-in function to perform periodic key flipping to
prevent key imprinting.
The BBRAM AES key has its own power supply. V
The allowed voltage range is 1.2V - 1.8V.
Related Information
Recommended Operating Conditions for V
in Stratix 10 Device Datasheet
powers the BBRAM AES key.
Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide
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UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
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2. Design Authentication
For networked systems, every power up or remote system upgrade to an
unauthenticated bitstream is vulnerable to attack. Malicious attacks can occur because
the FPGA does not verify that configuration bitstream is from a trusted source. Intel
Stratix 10 FPGAs include a feature to authenticate the bitstream, guaranteeing that
the bitstream is from a trusted source. Authentication uses signature keys to validate
the content of a bitstream, preventing the Intel Stratix 10 FPGA from configuring with
an unauthorized configuration bitstream.
When you use authentication, your manufacturing process programs the hash digest
of the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) public signature key into
FPGA eFuses. The configuration bitstream contains the public signature key. The SDM
compares the hash digest of configuration bitstream public signature key to the hash
digest stored in eFuses. The SDM only loads the bitstream if the values match.
You can choose either ECDSA256 or ECDSA384. The ECDSA256 and ECDSA384 use
the SHA-256 and SHA-384 cryptographic hash function to create the secure hash.
Intel recommends that you use 384-bit algorithm. The 256-bit algorithm is weaker
than the algorithm and consequently more likely to become vulnerable to attack. Use
the 256-bit algorithm if you have a custom hardware security module (HSM) that does
not accept SHA-384 hashes. SHA-384 generates a bitstream that is larger than
SHA-256. SHA-384 hashes result in longer configuration times.
2.1. The Configuration Bitstream
The figure below shows an Intel Stratix 10 configuration bitstream that includes an
FPGA and HPS. The firmware section is static and is dependent on the Intel Quartus
Prime version.
The SDM always authenticates the firmware configuration bitstream whether you
choose to authenticate the other dynamic sections of the bitstream. To create an
additional level of security, you may request joint signing for the configuration
bitstream by programming the Joint Signature fuse on the device. When the Joint
Signature fuse is programmed, the device checks for an owner signature on the
firmware section of the configuration bitstream. The device only runs firmware with
both signatures.
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Agilex, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, Intel, the Intel logo, MAX, Nios,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or
other countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
Firmware Section
Firmware section
is static and
Quartus Prime
version dependent
Design Section
(IO Configuration)
Design Section
(FPGA Core Configuration)
Design Section
(HPS boot code)
Header Block
Hash for Hash Block 0
Hash in the
Header Block
Hash Block 0
Hash and signature
over Header Block
Signature Block
Hash Block 0 (SHA-384 or SHA-256)
Data Block 0
Data Block 1
Data Block 83 or 125
Hash Block 1 (SHA-384 or SHA-256)
Data Block 83 or 125
Hash Block N
Data Block 0
Data Block 1
Hash Block 0
Hash Block 1,
and so on
2. Design Authentication
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
Figure 2.Example of an Intel Stratix 10 Configuration Bitstream Structure
The I/O, HPS, and FPGA sections are dynamic and contain the device configuration
information based on your design. Each dynamic section of the configuration bitstream
stores information in the same format. Each section begins with a 4 kilobyte (KB)
header block, followed by a signature block, hash blocks, and data.
Figure 3.Configuration Bitstream Layout
Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide
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SHA-384 hash over Header Block1st Signature Chain
2nd Signature Chain
3rd Signature Chain
4th Signature Chain
Root Key
Public Key Entry 1 (Recommended)
Public Key Entry 2 (Optional)
Header Block Entry
Offset to signature chains
Up to 4 Signature Chains
Dynamic Sector Pointers
32-bit CRC
2. Design Authentication
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
The header block contains a hash which validates hash block 0. Each hash block
contains up to 125 SHA-256 hashes or 83 SHA-384 hashes. These hashes validate
subsequent data blocks.
2.2. Signature Block
The signature block validates the contents of the header block. After successfully
validating the signatures, the SDM processes the data based on the signatures
Figure 4.Signature Block Format
Table 1.Signature Block
SHA-384 hash of
header block
Signature chainsZero or more signature chains. Each signature chain can include up to 3 keys, including the owner
Dynamic sector
32-bit CRCProtects the block from accidental modification. The CRC does not provide security. Software tools
This hash function checks for accidental changes in the preceding block of the configuration
bitstream, typically the header block.
public root key. The other 2 keys support separate signatures for the firmware, core, and HPS
sections of the configuration bitstream.
The Intel Quartus Prime Software supports 2 keychains for control module firmware (CMF) signing
and up to 4 keychains for the configuration bitstream. Multiple keychains provide some flexibility. For
example, if you change your root key and want to create a design which works on devices with both
the old and new root key.
Locate the design sections for the remainder of the image when you store the image in flash
can check the CRC to identify accidental modifications.
Signature Chain Details
Intel Stratix 10 FPGAs support up to four signature chains. If a signature chain is
invalid, it is ignored. The FPGA starts validating the next signature chain. This
capability allows for root key rollover. To pass authentication, at least one signature
keychain must pass.
Table 2.Signature Chain Content
Root Key
Public Key
The Root Entry anchors the chain to a root key known to the FPGA. The FPGA calculates the hash of the root
entry and checks if the it matches the expected hash. You store the root key in eFuses.
Signature chains enable flexible key management. Intel recommends one public key entry in each signature
chain. The previous public key signs the new public key. The public key entry provides following capabilities:
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Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide
Create 1st Level
Signature ChainSignature Chain
Root Keychain
Permission = 4 (HPS, FSBL)
Cancellation ID = 33
Level Public Key
Permission = 2 (Core, I/O, PR)
Cancellation ID = 32
1st Level
Level Public Key
• Key bit fields to limit the areas a public key entry can sign. The following permissions values are valid:
— Bit 0: Firmware
— Bit 1: FPGA I/O, core sections, and PR sections
— Bit 2: HPS I/O and first stage bootloader sections (FSBL)
• If more than one bit field is on, the key can sign more than one section. For example, if both bits 1 and 2
are on, the key can sign the FPGA I/O, score, PR, HPS I/O, and FSBL sections of the design.
• Cancellation ID: Specifies the number that cancels a key that is no longer valid. Intel Stratix 10 devices
include 32 cancellation IDs. Cancellation IDs 0-31 cancel owner keys. Once you cancel a key, any
previous designs using the canceled key are unusable. You can use this feature to prevent older designs
from running on a device or as part of recovery from a compromised key. Firmware controls the order in
which eFuses are blown.
Second- or third-level keys typically sign data. Intel Stratix 10 devices support signature chains containing
up to three keys, including up to 2 public key entries.
Block Entry
The final entry in a signature chain signs the actual data. The Block0 Entry authenticates the first block of
the section, and thus authenticates the whole section.
Understanding Permissions and Cancellation IDs
You use permissions to specify the sections that a key can sign. You can use the same
or different cancellation key for the different sections. If you use the same cancellation
ID for more than one section, canceling any section with that cancellation ID cancels
all sections using that cancellation ID. For example, if you assign the same
cancellation ID to both the FPGA and HPS sections, canceling the HPS section also
invalidates the FPGA section. The root signature key does not have a cancellation ID.
Consequently, you cannot cancel the root key. However, you can cancel a signature
chain that includes two or more signature levels. Intel strongly recommends that you
create a signature chain with at least two levels to retain the ability to update your
signature keychain. The following figure shows a signature chain with a root key and
two level one signature keys. The level one keys have different permissions and
cancellation IDs.
2. Design Authentication
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
Figure 5.Three-Key Signature Chain
Here are some reasons that you may need to cancel a signature key:
•A private key is accidentally released
•You find a vulnerability in your design
•You find a bug in the design after having created the signed configuration
•You want to update the current design as part of a normal release cycle
Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide
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2. Design Authentication
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
2.2.1. Authentication for HPS Software
If you are using an SoC device, the HPS Boot Code is part of the bitstream that is
authenticated by the SDM during configuration.
After you successfully load the HPS Boot Code on the Intel Stratix 10 device, you may
need to ensure that the following boot stages of the HPS Software are also
The Rocketboards web page includes an example that uses U-boot to authenticate
the subsequent boot stages of the HPS software.
Related Information
Intel Stratix 10 SoC Secure Boot Demo Design
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Intel® Stratix® 10 Device Security User Guide
Operation: fuse_info
Operation: sign
Operation: make_private_pem
Operation: make_public_pem
Operation: append_keyOperation: make_root
Write Hash
to Fuses
Create Root
Signature Chain
Create 1st Level
Signature Chain
1st Level
Signature Chain
2nd Level
Signature Chain
Create 2nd Level
Signature Chain
Add Signature
to Bitstream
2nd Level
Public Key
1st Level
Public Key
2nd Level
Private Key
Public Key
Private Key
1st Level
Private Key
UG-S10SECURITY | 2019.05.10
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3. Using the Authentication Feature
To authenticate an Intel Stratix 10 FPGA configuration bitstream, you prepare an
authentication signature chain which includes root and public keys.
Starting with version 18.1 of the Intel Quartus Prime software, you can use the
quartus_sign command to create a signature chain.
The following figure provides an overview of the steps to create an authentication
signature chain. It shows the steps for the following operations:
make_root (light yellow)
fuse_info (darker yellow)
append_key (light blue)
sign (light gray)
The make_private_pem and make_public_pem (top right of figure) prepare the
public and private keys that are inputs to the four operations listed above.
Figure 6.Steps to Create a Signature Chain
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Agilex, Altera, Arria, Cyclone, Enpirion, Intel, the Intel logo, MAX, Nios,
Quartus and Stratix words and logos are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or
other countries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in
accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services
at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel
customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published
information and before placing orders for products or services.
*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
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