Intel Storage System SSR212MA Configuration Manual

Intel® Storage System SSR212MA
Spares / Parts List & Configuration Guide
A reference guide to assist customers in ordering the necessary components to configure the Intel® Storage System SSR212MA
Rev 1.7 Subject to Change
August 2006
Change History:
8/15/2005 Rev. 0.1: Initial Release 9/13/2005 Rev. 0.2: Added Product Brief copy, added in MM#’s for base hardware & software upgrades 9/16/2005 Rev. 0.5: Added UPCs, updated Product Brief copy, edited recom mended memory section 9/29/2005 Rev. 0.9: Updated MM#’s for software upg rade packs 10/25/2005 Rev. 0.95: Corrected MM#’s for software upgrade packs & Jarrell2 baseboa rd 10/28/2005 Rev. 0.96: Added North American SKU 11/1/2005 Rev. 1.0: Final revision before product launch 11/10/2005 Rev. 1.1: Corrected spares & accessories 1/11/2006 Rev. 1.2: Updated MM# for SSR212MANA 1/26/2006 Rev. 1.3: Changed product code for power supply. Old code is discontinued 5/10/2006 Rev. 1.4: Changed product code for motherboa rd spare. Changed note on software keys. Ch anged some software key descriptions. 5/31/2006 Rev 1.5: Removed DOM Spare 6/28/2006 Rev 1.6: ROHS MM# changes 8/25/2006 Rev 1.7: Changed MM# for NA sku to RoHS versio n. Updated po wer supply M M#
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*Other brands and names may be claim ed as the prope rty of others. Int el, Pentium, Itanium , and Xeon are tradem arks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
All products, dates, and figures are preliminary and are subject to change without an y notice. Copyright © Intel Corporation 2005.


Production Configurations................................................................................3
Base Unit Description.................................................................................. 3
Production System Codes................................................................................4
Production Optional Software Accessories................................................ 4
Production Hardware Spares (Field Replaceable Units)...........................5
Existing Production Spares & Accessories .....................................................5

Production Configurations

Base Unit Description

This section contains information needed t o order and configur e a production SS R212MA. The uni t is shipped as a complete, fully integrated, system . The base sy stem in cludes soft ware, however there are optio nal software packages available to upgrade the functionality of the unit.
1) The SSR2 12MA storage sy stem contains the following:
1 x 2U system chassis (including SATA ba ckplane, cooli ng module, power supply enclosure)
1 x 500 W power supply module
1 x Intel
2x Intel® PRO/1000 Network connections
1 x Intel Xeon™ Processor 2.8 GHz
Server Board SE7520JR2 (Jarrell)
2x Intel RAID Controller SRCS28X, w/ Battery Backup Units (BBU)
12 x Intel hard disk drive carriers (for use with Serial ATA driv es)
12x hard disk drive labels
12x Serial ATA hard disk drive cable
1 x Disk On Module (DOM) containing the OS an d SAN Application sof tware
1x Rail Kit
1x Serial Configuration Cable
1x printed Quick Start Guide
1x Resource CD
SAN management software (installed on unit)
Storage System Console (remote configuration and ma nagement tool)
2) The follo wing optional software pa ckages are offered a s accessories for the SSR212MA ba se unit:
Scalability Package: allows clustering of multiple SSR212MA unit s Configurable Snapshot Package: allows snapshots to be created automati cally Remote Data Protection Package: offers remote volume copy over IP networks
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