Intel S3200SHV - Entry Server Board Motherboard, S3200SH, S3210SH Specification

Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH
Technical Product Specification
Intel Order Number: E14960-009
Revision 1.8
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
Revision History Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
Revision History
Date Revision Number Modifications
Sept. 2007 1.0 Initial release.
Oct. 2007 1.1 Added new updates.
Jan. 2008 1.2 Corrected some document errors.
Apr. 2008 1.3 Added Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology.
July 2008 1.4 Added CMOS Clear instructions
Sept. 2008 1.5 Updated Diagnostic LEDs graphic
Jan. 2009 1.6 Grammatical corrections.
Feb. 2009 1.7 Grammatical corrections and minor updates.
May 2010 1.8 Removed CCC.
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Copyright © Intel Corporation 2007-2010.
ii Revision 1.8
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Chapter Outline........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer ..................................................................................1
2. Server Board Overview........................................................................................................2
2.1 Server Board Feature Set........................................................................................2
2.2 Server Board Layout..............................................................................................10
2.2.1 Server Board Mechanical Drawings ......................................................................11
3. Functional Architecture.....................................................................................................13
3.1 Processor Sub-System .......................................................................................... 15
3.1.1 Processor Voltage Regulator Down (VRD)............................................................ 15
3.1.2 Reset Configuration Logic .....................................................................................15
3.2 Intel® 3200/3210 Chipset .......................................................................................16
3.2.1 Intel® 3200/3210 Chipset MCH: Memory Control Hub...........................................16
3.2.2 PCI-X Hub (LX board SKU only)............................................................................ 19
3.2.3 Intel® ICH9R: I/O Controller Hub 9R ...................................................................... 20
3.3 Memory Sub-System .............................................................................................26
3.3.1 Memory Configuration ...........................................................................................26
3.3.2 Memory DIMM Support.......................................................................................... 28
3.4 I/O Sub-System .....................................................................................................28
3.4.1 PCI Subsystem ...................................................................................................... 28
3.4.2 Interrupt Routing .................................................................................................... 30
3.5 BMC Controller ...................................................................................................... 36
3.6 PCI Express* to PCI-X Bridge 6702PXH (PXH-V) (LX Board SKU Only).............. 38
3.7 Clock Generator..................................................................................................... 38
3.8 Super I/O ...............................................................................................................38
3.9 GigE Controller 82541PI........................................................................................39
3.10 GigE PHY ..............................................................................................................39
3.11 On-Board Components..........................................................................................39
3.11.1 Video Support ........................................................................................................ 39
3.12 Replacing the Back-Up Battery.............................................................................. 42
4. System BIOS.......................................................................................................................43
4.1 BIOS Identification String....................................................................................... 43
4.2 Logo / Diagnostic Window ..................................................................................... 44
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4.3 BIOS Setup Utility .................................................................................................. 44
4.3.1 Operation ............................................................................................................... 44
4.3.2 Server Platform Setup Screens ............................................................................. 47
4.4 Loading BIOS Defaults .......................................................................................... 75
4.5 Multiple Boot Blocks ..............................................................................................75
4.6 Recovery Mode...................................................................................................... 75
4.7 Intel® Matrix Storage Manager...............................................................................76
4.8 Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology II Support........................................... 76
5. Error Reporting and Handling...........................................................................................77
5.1 Error Handling and Logging...................................................................................77
5.1.1 Error Sources and Types.......................................................................................77
5.1.2 Error Logging via SMI Handler ..............................................................................78
5.1.3 SMBIOS Type 15...................................................................................................78
5.1.4 Logging Format Conventions................................................................................. 78
5.2 Error Messages and Error Codes .......................................................................... 80
5.2.1 Diagnostic LEDs .................................................................................................... 80
5.2.2 POST Code Checkpoints....................................................................................... 81
5.2.3 POST Error Messages and Handling ....................................................................84
5.2.4 POST Error Beep Codes ....................................................................................... 85
5.2.5 POST Error Pause Option ..................................................................................... 85
6. Connectors and Jumper Blocks .......................................................................................86
6.1 Power Connectors ................................................................................................. 86
6.1.1 Main Power Connector .......................................................................................... 86
6.2 Intel® Riser Card for L SKU.................................................................................... 87
6.3 SMBus Connector.................................................................................................. 87
6.4 Front Panel Connector........................................................................................... 87
6.5 I/O Connectors....................................................................................................... 88
6.5.1 VGA Connector...................................................................................................... 88
6.5.2 NIC Connectors ..................................................................................................... 88
6.5.3 SATA Connectors .................................................................................................. 89
6.5.4 Floppy Controller Connector..................................................................................89
6.5.5 Serial Port Connectors........................................................................................... 90
6.5.6 Keyboard and Mouse Connector ........................................................................... 91
6.5.7 USB Connector......................................................................................................91
6.6 Fan Headers .......................................................................................................... 92
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Table of Contents
6.7 Miscellaneous Headers and Connectors ............................................................... 92
6.7.1 Back Panel I/O Connectors ...................................................................................92
6.7.2 Chassis Intrusion Header ......................................................................................93
6.7.3 HDD Active LED Header .......................................................................................93
6.7.4 IPMB ...................................................................................................................... 93
6.7.5 HSBP ..................................................................................................................... 93
6.7.6 SATA SGPIO ......................................................................................................... 94
6.8 Jumper Blocks ....................................................................................................... 94
6.8.1 CMOS Clear and Password Reset Usage Procedure ...........................................94
6.8.2 BMC Force Update Procedure ..............................................................................95
7. Absolute Maximum Ratings ..............................................................................................96
7.1 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Test Results.............................................. 96
7.2 Calculated Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)................................................. 96
8. Design and Environmental Specifications.......................................................................97
8.1 Power Budget ........................................................................................................ 97
8.2 Power Supply Specifications .................................................................................98
8.2.1 Power Timing Requirements .................................................................................98
8.2.2 Dynamic Loading ................................................................................................. 101
8.2.3 AC Line Transient Specification........................................................................... 101
8.2.4 AC Line Fast Transient (EFT) Specification ........................................................102
8.3 Product Regulatory Compliance .......................................................................... 102
8.3.1 Product Safety Compliance ................................................................................. 102
8.3.2 Product EMC Compliance – Class A Compliance ............................................... 103
8.3.3 Certifications / Registrations / Declarations ......................................................... 103
8.3.4 Product Regulatory Compliance Markings .......................................................... 105
8.4 Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices ................................................................106
8.4.1 FCC (USA)........................................................................................................... 106
8.4.2 ICES-003 (Canada) ............................................................................................. 107
8.4.3 Europe (CE Declaration of Conformity) ............................................................... 107
8.4.4 VCCI (Japan) ....................................................................................................... 107
8.4.5 Taiwan Declaration of Conformity (BSMI)............................................................107
8.4.6 Korean Compliance (RRL)................................................................................... 108
8.5 Mechanical Specifications ...................................................................................109
9. Hardware Monitoring .......................................................................................................112
9.1 Chassis Intrusion ................................................................................................. 112
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Table of Contents Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
Glossary ....................................................................................................................................113
Reference Documents..............................................................................................................116
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1. Intel
Figure 2. Intel
Figure 3. Intel
Figure 4. Intel
Figure 5. Intel
Server Board S3210SHLX Diagram.....................................................................7
Server Board S3210SHLC Diagram..................................................................... 8
Server Board S3200SH-L/S3200SH-V SKU Diagram.......................................... 9
Server Board S3210SHLC ................................................................................. 10
Server Board S3210SHLX – Hole and Component Positions............................11
Figure 6. Intel® Server Boards S3210SHLC/S3200SHL/S3200SHV – Hole and Component
Figure 7. Intel
Figure 8. Intel
Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH LC/L/V SKU–Block Diagram...................... 13
Server Systems S3200SH/S3210SH LX SKU–Block Diagram .......................... 14
Figure 9. Memory Bank Label Definition.....................................................................................27
Figure 10. Interrupt Routing Diagram .........................................................................................33
Figure 11. Intel
ICH9R Interrupt Routing Diagram .................................................................... 34
Figure 12. PXH-V Interrupt Routing Diagram .............................................................................35
Figure 13. Setup Utility — Main Screen Display ......................................................................... 48
Figure 14. Setup Utility — Advanced Screen Display.................................................................50
Figure 15. Setup Utility — Processor Configuration Screen Display .......................................... 51
Figure 16. Setup Utility — Memory Configuration Screen Display.............................................. 53
Figure 17. Setup Utility — ATA Controller Configuration Screen Display................................... 55
Figure 18. Setup Utility — Serial Port Configuration Screen Display.......................................... 57
Figure 19. Setup Utility — USB Controller Configuration Screen Display .................................. 58
Figure 20. Setup Utility — PCI Configuration Screen Display ....................................................60
Figure 21. Setup Utility — Security Configuration Screen Display .............................................61
Figure 22. Setup Utility — Server Management Configuration Screen Display.......................... 62
Figure 23. Setup Utility — Console Redirection Screen Display ................................................64
Figure 24. Setup Utility — Server Management System Information Screen Display ................65
Figure 25. Setup Utility — Boot Options Screen Display ............................................................ 66
Figure 26. Setup Utility — Hard Disk Order Screen Display.......................................................67
Figure 27. Setup Utility — CDROM Order Screen Display ......................................................... 69
Figure 28. Setup Utility — Floppy Order Screen Display............................................................ 69
Figure 29. Setup Utility — Network Device Order Screen Display.............................................. 70
Figure 30. Setup Utility — BEV Device Order Screen Display.................................................... 71
Figure 31. Setup Utility — Boot Manager Screen Display .......................................................... 72
Figure 32. Setup Utility — Error Manager Screen Display.......................................................... 72
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List of Figures Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
Figure 33. Setup Utility — Exit Screen Display...........................................................................73
Figure 34. Example of Diagnostic LEDs on Server Board .......................................................... 81
Figure 35. Intel® Server Board S3210SHLX / S3210SHLC / S3200SHL Back Panel I/O
Connectors ........................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 36. Intel
Server Board S3200SHV Back Panel I/O Connectors ..................................... 93
Figure 37. Output Voltage Timing ............................................................................................... 99
Figure 38. Turn On/Off Timing (Power Supply Signals)............................................................ 100
Figure 39. Intel
Server Board S3200SH Mechanical Drawing ................................................109
Figure 40. Pedestal Mount I/O Shield Mechanical Drawing for the Intel® Server Board S3200SH-
V ......................................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 41. Pedestal Mount I/O Shield Mechanical Drawing for Intel® Server Boards S3200SH-
L/S3210SH-LX ...................................................................................................................111
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1. Intel
Table 2. Intel
Server Board S3210SHLX Board SKU Layout Reference .................................... 7
Server Board S3210SHLC Layout Reference ....................................................... 8
Table 3. Processor Support Matrix .............................................................................................16
Table 4. Segment F Connections ...............................................................................................17
Table 5. Supported DDR2 Modules ............................................................................................ 18
Table 6. Segment E Configuration IDs .......................................................................................19
Table 7. Segment D Arbitration Connections.............................................................................. 19
Table 8. Boot BIOS Destination Selection ................................................................................. 23
Table 9. SPI Required Command Codes................................................................................... 23
Table 10. Memory Bank Labels and DIMM Population Order..................................................... 27
Table 11. Characteristics of Dual/Single Channel Configuration with or without Dynamic Mode28
Table 12. PCI Bus Segment Characteristics............................................................................... 29
Table 13. Segment A Configuration IDs .....................................................................................29
Table 14. Segment A Arbitration Connections............................................................................30
Table 15. PCI AND PCI-X Interrupt Routing/Sharing.................................................................. 30
Table 16. Interrupt Definitions.....................................................................................................31
Table 17. Video Modes ............................................................................................................... 41
Table 18. BIOS Setup Page Layout............................................................................................45
Table 19. BIOS Setup: Keyboard Command Bar........................................................................46
Table 20. Setup Utility — Main Screen Fields ............................................................................49
Table 21. Setup Utility — Advanced Screen Display Fields .......................................................51
Table 22. Setup Utility — Processor Configuration Screen Fields.............................................. 52
Table 23. Setup Utility — Memory Configuration Screen Fields................................................. 53
Table 24. Setup Utility — ATA Controller Configuration Screen Fields ...................................... 56
Table 25. Setup Utility — Serial Ports Configuration Screen Fields ........................................... 57
Table 26. Setup Utility — USB Controller Configuration Screen Fields...................................... 59
Table 27. Setup Utility — PCI Configuration Screen Fields........................................................60
Table 28. Setup Utility — Security Configuration Screen Fields.................................................61
Table 29. Setup Utility — Server Management Configuration Screen Fields .............................62
Table 30. Setup Utility — Console Redirection Configuration Fields..........................................64
Table 31. Setup Utility — Server Management System Information Fields ................................ 65
Table 32. Setup Utility — Boot Options Screen Fields ...............................................................67
Table 33. Setup Utility — Hard Disk Order Fields....................................................................... 68
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Table 34. Setup Utility — CDROM Order Fields......................................................................... 69
Table 35. Setup Utility — Floppy Order Fields............................................................................ 70
Table 36. Setup Utility — Network Device Order Fields ............................................................. 70
Table 37. Setup Utility — BEV Device Order Fields ................................................................... 71
Table 38. Setup Utility — Boot Manager Screen Fields.............................................................. 72
Table 39. Setup Utility — Error Manager Screen Fields ............................................................. 73
Table 40. Setup Utility — Exit Screen Fields .............................................................................. 73
Table 41. Event List .................................................................................................................... 77
Table 42. SMBIOS Type 15 Event Log record format.................................................................79
Table 43. Event Type Definition Table........................................................................................79
Table 44. POST Progress Code LED Example ..........................................................................81
Table 45. POST Code Checkpoints............................................................................................81
Table 46. POST Error Messages and Handling.......................................................................... 84
Table 47. POST Error Beep Codes ............................................................................................85
Table 48. Power Connector Pin-out (J4G1)................................................................................86
Table 49. Auxiliary CPU Power Connector Pin-out (J9B2) ......................................................... 86
Table 50. SMBus Connector Pin-out (J1E1)...............................................................................87
Table 51. Front Panel 24-Pin Header Pin-out (J1K2) ................................................................. 87
Table 52. VGA Connector Pin-out (J8B1)...................................................................................88
Table 53. NIC2-Intel
Table 54. NIC1- Intel
82541PI (10/100/1000) Connector Pin-out (J5B1)...................................88
82566E (10/100/1000) Connector Pin-out (J6B1)...................................89
Table 55. SATA Connector Pin-out (J2K1, J1K1, J1J3, J1H3, J1H2, J1H1) .............................. 89
Table 56. Legacy 34-pin Floppy Connector Pin-out (J3K1) ........................................................ 89
Table 57. External DB9 Serial A Port Pin-out (J8B1).................................................................. 90
Table 58. Keyboard and Mouse PS/2 Connectors Pin-out (J9A1).............................................. 91
Table 59. USB Connectors Pin-out (J5B1) ................................................................................. 91
Table 60. Optional USB Connection Header Pin-out (J1G1)......................................................92
Table 61. Four-pin Fan Headers Pin-out (J4D1, J1K2, J7K1, and J4K1J6B2)........................... 92
Table 62. Chassis Intrusion Header (J1B2) Pin-out.................................................................... 93
Table 63. HDD LED Header (J1J1) Pin-out ................................................................................ 93
Table 64. Absolute Maximum Ratings ........................................................................................ 96
Table 65. MTBF Data.................................................................................................................. 96
Table 66. Power Budget ............................................................................................................97
Table 67. Server Board Power Supply Voltage Specification ..................................................... 98
Table 68. Output Voltage Timing ................................................................................................ 98
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS List of Tables
Table 69. Turn On/Off Timing ................................................................................................... 100
Table 70. Transient Load Requirements................................................................................... 101
Table 71. AC Line Sag Transient Performance ........................................................................ 101
Table 72. AC Line Surge Transient Performance ..................................................................... 102
Table 73. Product Certification Markings .................................................................................. 105
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List of Tables Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
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xii Revision 1.8
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Introduction
1. Introduction
This Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides a high-level technical description for the
Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH. It details the architecture and feature set for all
functional sub-systems that make up the server boards.
Note: The document uses the term “server board” throughout and it applies to all four board
SKUs. When exceptions occur, the document calls out the specific board by name.
1.1 Chapter Outline
This document contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 2 – Server Board Overview Chapter 3 – Functional Architecture Chapter 4 – System BIOS Chapter 5 – Error Reporting and Handling Chapter 6 – Connectors and Jumper Blocks Chapter 7 – Absolute Maximum Ratings Chapter 8 – Design and Environmental Specifications Chapter 9 – Hardware Monitoring Glossary Reference Documents
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer
Intel Corporation server boards support add-in peripherals and contain a number of high-density VLSI and power delivery components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel ensures through its own chassis development and testing that when Intel server building blocks are used together, the fully integrated system will meet the intended thermal requirements of these components. It is the responsibility of the system integrator who chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of airflow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation cannot be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any of the published operating or non-operating limits.
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
2. Server Board Overview
The Intel® Server Boards S3210SHLX, S3200SHL, S3200SHV, and S3210SHLC are monolithic printed circuit boards (PCBs) with features designed to support the entry server market.
2.1 Server Board Feature Set
All board SKUs are based on the Intel® 3200/3210 Chipset  Supports processors in LGA775 package 800/1066/1333 MHz Front Side Bus (FSB) speed Four DDR2 667/800MHz unbuffered DIMM memory sockets with or without ECC
Supports the Intel LX board SKU supports the following I/O slots:
o One PCI Express* x16 connector to be used as a x16 link from chipset (If a VGA
adapter is inserted into this slot, the VGA card will only work at PCI Express* x1 speed; this is a chipset limitation.)
o One PCI Express* x8 connector to be used as a PCI Express* x8 link from the
o Two PCI-X 133 MHz, 64-bit connectors o One PCI 5 V, 32-bit, 33 MHz connector
LC board SKU supports following I/O slots:
o One PCI Express* x16 connector to be used as a x16 link from chipset (If a VGA
adapter is inserted into this slot, the VGA card only works at PCI Express* x1 speed; this is a chipset limitation.)
o One PCI Express* x8 connector to be used as a PCI Express* x8 link from the
o One PCI Express* x8 connector routed to PCI Express* x4 bus from the ICH9R o Two PCI 5 V, 32-bit, 33 MHz connectors
L and V board SKUs support the following I/O slots:
o One PCI Express* x16 connector to be used as a x8 link from chipset (If a VGA
adapter is inserted into this slot, the VGA card only works at PCI Express* x1 speed; this is a chipset limitation.)
o One PCI Express* x8 connector routed to the PCI Express* x4 bus from the
o Two PCI 5 V, 32-bit, 33 MHz connectors
On-board ServerEngines* LLC Pilot II controller (Integrated BMC) supports the following
o Integrated 2-D video controller on PCI Express* x1 o Super I/O on LPC o Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) based on ARM946E-S
ICH9R I/O Controller, interfaced with MCH via DMI
2 Revision 1.8
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Server Board Overview
Winbond* PC8374L super I/O chip interfaced to the Intel® ICH9R through LPC supports
the following:
o PS/2 keyboard/mouse o Floppy disk drive (FDD) o Six SATA II connectors
Five USB 2.0 ports: two ports on USB/LAN combo connectors at the rear of the server
board, two ports via on-board headers, and one port on an internal vertical connector
Two Gigabit (Gbit) Ethernet devices interfaced to the Intel
ICH9R to support two rear panel RJ-45 connectors with integrated magnetics; one is through PCI Express* x1, the other one is through PCI32
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) power management System monitoring (temperature, voltage, and fans) VRD11 for processor
The server board supports the following feature set:
Processor and FSB support
o Supports Intel
series, Intel
Xeon® processor 3000 series, Intel® Xeon® processor 3100
Xeon® processor 3200 series, and Intel® Xeon® processor 3300
dual-core technology
Extended Memory System 64 Technology (Intel® EM64T)
o Supports Intel o Supports Intel
3200/3210 Chipset components
o Intel o Intel o Intel
3200/3210 Memory Controller Hub (MCH)
ICH9R I/O Controller
6702 PXH-V PCI-X Hub (LX board SKU only)
Memory System
o Four DIMM sockets supporting DDR2 667/800MHz DIMMs o Data bandwidth per channel of 4.2 GB/s or 8.4 GB/s in dual channel when using
DDR2 667 MHz
o Support for up to two DDR2 channels for a total of four DIMMs (two DIMMs /
channel) providing up to 8 GB max memory capacity
o Support for 512 MB, 1 GB, and 2 GB DRAM modules
Notes: 1. The server board does not support DDR2-533 DIMMs.
2. The server board does not support 256 MB DIMMs.
I/O Subsystem Clock
o CK-505 compliant System Clock Generator
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
Video ServerEngines* Integrated BMC (Baseboard management controller) External 32 MB (or greater) DDR2 533 MHz memory VGA Video external connector Peripheral Interface (PCI Express* and PCI)
o Two different PCI Express* configurations on a single board, dependent on board
LX board SKU: One PCI Express* x16 and one PCI Express* x8 slot,
connected to the PCI Express* ports of the MCH
LC board SKU: One PCI Express* x16 and one PCI Express* x8 slot,
connected to the PCI Express* ports of the MCH; one PCI Express* x8 slot, connected to PCI Express* x4 interface of the ICH
L and V board SKUs: Two PCI Express* x8 slots, one connected to the
PCI Express* x8 interface of the MCH and the other connected to the PCI Express* x4 interface of the ICH
HDD Interface
o Six SATA II ports, 300 MB/s
o Two USB 2.0 ports connected to the server rear panel o Two USB 2.0 ports connected to headers on the server board o One USB 2.0 port connected to an internal vertical connector
o One Gigabit Ethernet device (82541PI, MAC + PHY) connect to PCI interfaces
on the Intel
o One Gigabit Ethernet PHY (82566DM) connected to the Intel
ICH9R through
GLC/LCI interface (not in V board SKU)
o Two 10/100/1000 Base-TX interfaces through RJ-45 connectors with integrated
o Link and speed LEDs on the RJ-45 connector
Power Supply
o SSI EEB (Server System Infrastructure Electronic Bay) Power Connectors o On-board Power generation
VRD 11 processor core voltage 1.2 V regulator for FSB VTT 1.25 V regulator for MCH core and I/Osf 1.05 V regulator for ICH9R core 1.5 V regulator for the ICH9R I/O 1.8 V for DDR2 and 0.9 V for DDR2 termination 3.3 V SB voltage regulator 1.8 V AUX, 1.2 V AUX, and 0.9 V AUX for Integrated BMC and the DDR2
memory supporting it
4 Revision 1.8
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Server Board Overview
System Management
o Processor on die temperature monitoring through PECI (Platform Environment
Control Interface)
o Board temperature measurement o Fan speed monitoring and control o Voltage monitoring o IPMI-based (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) server management
o Socketed, Lithium coin cell-3 V
o One LGA775 processor (Socket-T) o Four DDR2 DIMM Sockets o One battery (CR2032)
Legacy Interfaces
o Serial o Floppy o PS/2 keyboard o PS/2 mouse
Power Management Modes Supported (ACPI [Advanced Configuration and Power
Interface] Sleep states)
o S0 – Full on o S1 – Power-on-suspend o S4 – Suspend to Disk o S5 – Soft on/off
Connectors List
o Four 240-Pin DDR2 DIMM connectors o PCI Express*, PCI-X, and PCI connectors (see SKU specific information) o One RJ-45 Connectors with magnetics and LEDs o One stacked RJ-45 with magnetics and LEDs and two-USB combo connector o 34-pin floppy drive connector o One serial port headers o Dual-stacked PS/2 keyboard and mouse connector o USB connectors (two stacked on the rear panel and three on the server board
o SSI-EEB ATX power connectors o One 4-pin auxiliary power connector o One stacked DB-15 VGA/DB-9 serial port connector o Six 7-pin SATA II connectors o 60-pin XDP connector o Four 4-pin, 0.10-inch pitch fan headers o 24-Pin, SSI-EEB, front panel connector
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
o One 4-pin SATA RAID Key o One 2-pin intrusion detection
Power Management
o Support for Power Management of all capable components o ACPI-compliant motherboard and BIOS o Sleep Switch and dual mode LED indicator
o Surface mount technology. Single-sided assembly for LC/V board SKUs and
double-sided assembly for the LX board SKU
o Six-layer PCB
Form Factor
o ATX 2.0, 12-inches x 9.6-inches, 1U thermally optimized, and SSI TEB Rev 2.11
Universal Serial Bus 2.0 (USB)
o Two external USB ports (located at the rear panel) with an additional internal
header providing two optional USB ports for front panel support
o Supports wake-up from ACPI sleeping states S1 and S4 (S3 is not supported) o Supports legacy keyboard/mouse connections when using a PS/2-USB dongle
LPC (Low Pin Count) bus segment with one embedded device
o Super I/O controller (SMSC* SCH5027D) providing all PC-compatible I/O (floppy,
serial, keyboard, mouse, two serial com ports) and integrated hardware monitoring.
SSI-compliant connectors for SSI interface support Standard 24-pin SSI front panel, 2x12 main power connector, and 2x4 CPU power
Fan Support
o Five general purpose 4-pin fan headers
One 4-pin processor fan header (active heat sink required) Four 4-pin system fan headers (3-pin fans are compatible with all fan
headers. You should only use 4-pin fans with Sys Fan 1 and Sys Fan 2; Sys Fan 3 and Sys Fan 4 are connected to the PWM processor, which is programmed to work with the 4-pin active heat sink fan.)
Diagnostic LEDs to display POST (Power-on Self-Test) code indicators during boot Onboard SATA RAID
o Intel
Matrix Storage Technology supports software SATA RAID 0, 1, 10 and 5;
Microsoft Windows* driver support only.
The following figure shows the board layout of the LX board SKU. A letter (shown in Table 1) identifies each connector and major component.
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Server Board Overview
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board S3210SHLX Diagram
Table 1. Intel® Server Board S3210SHLX Board SKU Layout Reference
Ref Description Ref Description Ref Description
A PCI-X (64-bit/133 MHz) Slot 1 N Channel 2 DIMM Sockets AA Password Clear Jumper
B PCI-X (64-bit/133 MHz) Slot 2 O Channel 1 DIMM Sockets BB Front Panel Connector
C IPMB P Processor Fan 2 Connector CC Chassis Intrusion Jumper
D PCI 5 V (32-bit/33 MHz) Slot 3 Q Battery DD Floppy Connector
E HSBP R Main Power Connector EE Internal USB
F PCI Express* x8 S System Fan 2 Connector FF External USB
G PCI Express* x16 T SATA 0 GG CMOS Clear Jumper
H System Fan 1 Connector U SATA 1 HH BMC Force Update Jumper
I Back Panel Connectors V SGPIO II BIOS Recovery Jumper
J Diagnostic LEDs W SATA 2 JJ BMC Boot Block WP Jumper
K Processor Fan 1 Connector X SATA 3 KK Serial Port Connector
L 2X4 Aux Power Connector Y SATA 4
M Processor Socket Z SATA 5
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
The following figure shows the board layout of the LC board SKU. A letter identifies each connector and major component (shown in Table 2).
Figure 2. Intel® Server Board S3210SHLC Diagram
Table 2. Intel® Server Board S3210SHLC Layout Reference
Ref Description Ref Description Ref Description
A PCI (32-bit/33 MHz) Slot 1 N System Fan4 Connector AA SATA 4
B PCI (32-bit/33 MHz) Slot 2 O System Fan3 Connector BB SATA 5
C PCI Express* x8 (x8 lane) P Battery CC SATA 3
D PCI Express* x8 (x4 lane) Q Main Power Connector DD Internal USB
E PCI Express* x16 R System Fan2 EE External USB
F System Fan 1 Connector S Floppy Connector FF CMOS Clear Jumper
G Back Panel Connectors T SGPIO GG Password Clear Jumper
H Diagnostic LEDs U SATA 0 HH Recovery Mode Jumper
I Processor Fan 1 Connector V HSBP II Serial Port
J 2X4 Aux Power Connector W SATA1 JJ BMC Boot Block WP Jumper
K Processor Socket X SATA2 KK Chassis Intrusion
L Channel 2 DIMM Sockets Y IPMB LL BMC Force Update Jumper
M Channel 1 DIMM Sockets Z Front Panel Connector
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Server Board Overview
The following figure shows the board layout of the Intel® Server Boards S3200SHL/S3200SHV. A letter identifies each connector and major component (shown in Table 3).
Figure 3. Intel® Server Board S3200SH-L/S3200SH-V SKU Diagram
Table3. Intel
Ref Description Ref Description Ref Description
A PCI (32-bit/33 MHz) Slot 1 M System Fan4 Connector Y Front Panel Header
B PCI (32-bit/33 MHz) Slot 2 N System Fan3 Connector Z SATA 4
C PCI Express* x8 (x4 lane) O Battery AA SATA 5
D PCI Express* x16 (x8 lane) P Main Power Connector BB SATA 3
E System Fan 1 Connector Q System Fan2 CC Internal USB
F Back Panel Connectors R Floppy Connector DD External USB
G Diagnostic LEDs S SGPIO EE CMOS Clear Jumper
H Processor Fan 1 Connector T SATA 0 FF Password Clear Jumper
I 2X4 Aux Power Connector U HSBP GG Recovery Mode Jumper
J Processor Socket V SATA1 HH Serial Port
K Channel 2 DIMM Sockets W SATA2 II BMC Boot Block WP Jumper
L Channel 1 DIMM Sockets X IPMB JJ Chassis Intrusion
KK BMC Force Update Jumper
Server Boards S3200SH-L/S3200SH-V Component Layout Reference
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
2.2 Server Board Layout
Figure 4. Intel® Server Board S3210SHLC
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Server Board Overview
2.2.1 Server Board Mechanical Drawings
Figure 5. Intel® Server Board S3210SHLX – Hole and Component Positions
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Server Board Overview Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
Figure 6. Intel® Server Boards S3210SHLC/S3200SHL/S3200SHV – Hole and Component Positions
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Functional Architecture
3. Functional Architecture
This chapter provides a high-level description of the functionality associated with the architectural blocks that make up the Intel
PCIe* x16 (Slot 6)
PCIe* x8 (Slot 5)
u s
PCI-E x8 (Slot 4)
Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH.
PCI 32 (Slot 1)
PCI 32 (Slot 2)
Figure 7. Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH LC/L/V SKU–Block Diagram
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Functional Architecture Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
Figure 8. Intel® Server Systems S3200SH/S3210SH LX SKU–Block Diagram
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Functional Architecture
3.1 Processor Sub-System
The server board supports the following processors:
Intel Intel Intel Intel
Xeon® processor 3000 series
Xeon® processor 3100 series
Xeon® processor 3200 series
Xeon® processor 3300 series
The server board does not support the following processors:
All Intel All Intel
5XX and 6XX series processors
8XX and 9XX series processors
The processors built on 65 nm (nanometer) and 45 nm process technology in the 775-land package use Flip-Chip Land Grid Array (FC-LGA4) package technology, and plug into a 775­land LGA socket, referred to as the Intel
LGA775 socket.
The processors in the 775-land package are based on the same core micro-architecture. They maintain compatibility with 32-bit software written for the IA-32 instruction set, while supporting 64-bit native mode operation when coupled with supported 64-bit operating systems and applications.
3.1.1 Processor Voltage Regulator Down (VRD)
The server board has a VRD (Voltage Regulator Down) to support one processor. It is compliant
with the VRD 12 DC-DC Converter Design Guide Line and provides a maximum of 125 A.
The board hardware monitors the processor VTTEN (Output enable for VTT) pin before turning on the VRD. If the VTTEN pin of the processors is not asserted, the Power ON Logic will not turn on the VRD.
3.1.2 Reset Configuration Logic
The BIOS determines the processor stepping and processor cache size through the CPUID instruction. The processor information is read at every system power-on.
Note: The processor speed is the processor power-on reset default value. No manual processor
speed setting options exist either in the form of a BIOS setup option or jumpers.
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Functional Architecture Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
Table 3. Processor Support Matrix
Process Name Socket Core Frequency Cache size FSB Frequency
Intel® Xeon® processor 3000 series
Intel® Xeon® processor 3100 series
Intel® Xeon® processor 3200 series
Intel® Xeon® processor 3300 series
1.86 GHz –
2.66 GHz
2.13 GHz –
2.40 GHz
2 MB or 4 MB 1066 MHz
8 MB 1066 MHz
3.2 Intel
The server board is designed around the Intel® 3200/3210 Chipset. The chipset provides an integrated I/O bridge and memory controller, and a flexible I/O subsystem core (PCI Express*). The chipset consists of three primary components.
The Intel The role of the MCH in the system is to manage the flow of information between its four interfaces:
Processor Interface (FSB) System Memory Interface (DDR2) DMI interface to the Intel PCI Express* connectivity to one or two PCI Express* x8 connectors
The feature list of the MCH includes:
Processor / Host Interface
System Memory Controller
DMI Interface
3200/3210 Chipset
Intel® 3200/3210 Chipset MCH: Memory Control Hub
3200/3210 Chipset is designed for use with Intel® processors in a UP server platform.
ICH9R South Bridge
o Supports LGA775 processors in an UP System configuration o 200/266/333 MHz FSB Clock frequency o GTL+ bus drivers with integrated GTL termination resistors
o Supports 512 Mbit and 1 Gbit memory technologies o DDR2 – 667, 800 MHz o 8 GB addressable memory o Supports unbuffered, ECC and non-ECC DIMMs o No support for DIMMs less than 512 MB and memory speeds less than 667 MHz
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Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS Functional Architecture
o Interface to ICH9R South Bridge o 100 MHz reference clock shared with PCI Express* interface(s)
PCI Express* x8 Interface
o Connected to two PCI Express* X8 connectors as shown in the block diagram o Compliant with the PCI Express* base specification
The MCH accepts access requests from the host (processor) bus and directs those accesses to memory or to one of the PCI Express* or PCI buses. The MCH monitors the host bus, examining addresses for each request. Accesses may be directed to the following queues:
A memory request queue for subsequent forwarding to the memory subsystem An outbound request queue for subsequent forwarding to one of the PCI Express* or
PCI buses
The MCH also accepts inbound requests from the Intel
ICH9R. The MCH is responsible for
generating the appropriate controls to control data transfer to and from memory.
The MCH is a FC-BGA device and uses the proven components of the following previous generations:
Hub interface unit PCI Express* interface unit DDR2 memory interface unit
The MCH incorporates an integrated PCI Express* interface. The PCI Express* interface allows
the MCH to directly interface with the PCI Express* devices. The MCH also increases the main memory interface bandwidth and maximum memory configuration with a 72-bit wide memory interface.
The MCH integrates the following main functions:
An integrated high performance main memory subsystem A PCI Express* bus which provides an interface to the PCI Express* devices (Fully
compliant to the PCI Express* Base Specification, Rev 1.0a)
A DMI which provides an interface to the Intel
Other features provided by the MCH include the following:
Full support of ECC on the processor bus Twelve deep in-order queue, two deep defer queue Full support of unbuffered DDR2 ECC DIMMs Support for 512 MB, 1 GB, and 2 GB DDR2 memory modules Segment F PCI Express* x8
The MCH PCI Express* Lanes 0~7 provide an x8 PCI Express* connection directly to the MCH. This resource can support x1, x4, and x 8 PCI Express* add-in cards or cards through the I/O riser when using the riser slot for the L board SKU.
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Table 4. Segment F Connections
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Functional Architecture Intel® Server Boards S3200SH/S3210SH TPS
Lane Device
Lane 0~7 Slot 6 (PCI Express* x16 with 8 Lanes layout) MCH Memory Sub-System Overview
The MCH supports a 72-bit wide memory sub-system that can support a maximum of 8 GB of DDR2 memory using 2 GB DIMMs. This configuration needs external registers for buffering the memory address and control signals. The four chip selects are registered inside the MCH and need no external registers for chip selects.
The memory interface runs at 667/800 MT/s. The memory interface supports a 72-bit wide memory array. It uses seventeen address lines (BA [2:0] and MA [13:0]) and supports 512 MB, 1 GB, and 2 GB DRAM densities. The DDR DIMM interface supports single-bit error correction, and multiple bit error detection. DDR2 Configurations
The DDR2 interface supports up to 8 GB of main memory and supports single- and double­density DIMMs. The DDR2 can be any industry-standard DDR2. The following table shows the DDR2 DIMM technology supported.
Table 5. Supported DDR2 Modules
DDR2-667/800 Un-buffered
SDRAM Module Matrix
512 MB 64M x 72 256 Mbit 32M x 8 18 / 2 / 4 13 / 2 / 10
512 MB 64M x 72 512 Mbit 64M x 8 9 / 1 / 4 14 / 2 / 10
1 GB 128M x 72 512 Mbit 64M x 8 18 / 2 / 4 14 / 2 / 10
1 GB 128M x 72 1 Gbit 128M x 8 9 / 1 / 8 14 / 4 / 10
2 GB 256M x 72 2 GB 128M x 8 18 / 2 / 8 14 / 8 / 10
DIMM Organization
SDRAM Density
# Address bits
rows/Banks/column Memory Population Rules and Configurations
You must follow a few rules when populating memory. The server board supports two DDR2 DIMM slots for channel A and two DDR2 DIMM slots for channel B. They are placed in a row and numbered from 0 to 3 with DIMM0 being closest to the MCH. The four slots are partitioned with channel A representing the channel A DIMMs (DIMM0 and DIMM1) and channel B representing the channel B DIMMs (DIMM2 and DIMM3).
Note the following memory population rules:
If dual-channel operation is needed, you must populate channel A and channel B identically (for example, same capacity).
Use DDR2 667/800 MHz memory only. The slowest DIMM in the system determines the speed used on all the channels.
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