Intel S3000PT - Server Board Motherboard Specification

Intel® Server Board S3000PT
Technical Product Specification
Revision 1.3
February 2007
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division
ii Revision 1.3
Revision History
September 2006
Initial Release December , 2006
Updated February, 2007
Updated calculated MTBF data February, 2007
Inserted non-standard connector information matrix and table
Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel® products. No license, express, imp lied, by estoppel, or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implie d warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instruct ions marked reserved or undefined. Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them.
This document contains information on products in the design p hase of development. Do not finalize a design with this information. Revised information will be published when the product is available. Verify with your local sales office that you have the latest datasheet before finalizing a design.
The Intel® Server Board S3000PT may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request.
Intel, Pentium®, Itanium, and Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. *Other brands and names may be claimed as the property of others. Copyright © Intel Corporation 2006.
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Table of Contents
Revision 1.3
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 1
1.1 Section Outline................................ ................................ .......................................1
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer ................................ ................................ .................1
2. Server Board Overview ................................ ................................ ................................ ......2
2.1 Intel® Server Board S3000PT Feature Set ................................ ............................ 2
3. Functional Architecture ................................ ................................ ................................ .....6
3.1 Processor Sub-System................................ ................................ ........................... 7
3.1.1 Processor Voltage Regulator Down (VRD) ................................ ............................. 7
3.1.2 Reset Configuration Logic ................................ ...................................................... 8
3.1.3 Processor Support ................................ ................................ ................................ .8
3.2 Intel®3000 Chipset................................ ................................ ................................ .9
3.2.1 Memory Controller Hub (MCH) ................................ ................................ ...............9
3.2.2 I/O Controller Hub ................................ ................................ ................................ 11
3.3 Memory Sub-System................................ ................................ ............................ 13
3.3.1 Memory DIMM Support ................................ ........................................................15
3.4 I/O Sub-System................................ ................................ ................................ ....15
3.4.1 PCI Subsystem ................................ ................................................................ ....15
3.4.2 Interrupt Routing ................................ ................................ ................................ ..16
3.5 PCI Error Handling ................................ ................................ ............................... 18
3.5.1 Video Support ................................ ................................ ................................ ......21
3.5.2 Network Interface Controller (NIC) ................................ ................................ .......21
3.5.3 Super I/O Chip ................................ ................................ ................................ .....22
3.5.4 BIOS Flash................................ ................................ ................................ ...........23
3.5.5 System Health Support ................................ ................................ ........................24
3.6 Replacing the Back-Up Battery ................................ ................................ ............24
4. System BIOS ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 25
4.1 BIOS Identification String ................................ ................................ .....................25
4.2 Logo / Diagnostic Window ................................ ................................ .................... 25
4.3 BIOS Setup Utility ................................ ................................ ................................ 26
4.3.1 Operation ................................ ................................ ................................ .............26
4.3.2 Server Platform Setup Screens ................................ ................................ ............28
Table of Contents Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS
iv Revision 1.3
4.4 Loading BIOS Defaults ................................ ................................ ........................ 49
5. Platform Management Architecture ................................ ................................ ................50
5.1 Console Redirection ................................ ................................ ............................. 50
5.1.1 Serial Configuration Settings ................................ ................................ ................50
5.1.2 Keystroke Mappings ................................ ................................ ............................. 50
5.1.3 Limitations................................ ................................ ................................ ............51
5.2 Intel® Active Management Technology (AMT) ................................ ......................51
5.3 Wired For Management (WFM) ................................ ................................ ...........53
5.3.1 PXE BIOS Support ................................ ................................ ............................... 53
5.4 System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) ................................ ................................ .53
5.5 Security................................ ................................ ................................ ................53
5.5.1 Operating Model................................ ................................ ................................ ...53
5.5.2 Password Protection ................................ ................................ ............................ 54
5.5.3 Password Clear................................ ................................ ....................................54
6. Error Reporting and Handling ................................ ................................ ......................... 55
6.1 Error Handling and Logging ................................ ................................ .................55
6.1.1 Error Sources and Types ................................ ................................ .....................55
6.1.2 Error Logging via SMI Handler ................................ .............................................56
6.1.3 SMBIOS Type 15 ................................ ................................ ................................ .56
6.1.4 Logging Format Conventions ................................ ................................ ...............56
6.2 Error Messages and Error Codes ................................ ................................ .........58
6.2.1 Diagnostic LEDs................................ ................................ ................................ ...58
6.2.2 POST Code Checkpoints ................................ ................................ .....................60
6.2.3 POST Error Messages and Handling ................................ ................................ ...62
6.2.4 POST Error Beep Codes ................................ ................................ ...................... 63
6.2.5 POST Error Pause Option ................................ ................................ ....................63
7. Connectors and Jumper Blocks ................................ ................................ ......................64
7.1 Power Connectors................................ ................................ ................................ 64
7.2 SMBus Header................................ ................................ .....................................64
7.3 Front Panel Connector ................................ ................................ ......................... 65
7.4 I/O Connectors ................................ ................................ ................................ .....65
7.4.1 VGA Connector ................................ ................................ ....................................65
7.4.2 NIC Connectors................................ ................................ ................................ ....66
7.4.3 SATA Connectors ................................ ................................ ................................ 66
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Table of Contents
Revision 1.3
7.4.4 Serial Port Connectors ................................ ................................ ......................... 67
7.4.5 USB Connector ................................ ................................ ................................ ....67
7.5 Fan Headers ................................ ................................ ................................ ........68
7.6 Miscellaneous Headers and Connectors .............................................................. 69
7.6.1 Back Panel I/O Connectors ................................ ................................ ..................69
7.6.2 Non-Standard Connector Information Matrix ................................ ........................ 69
7.6.3 POST Code LEDs ................................ ................................ ................................ 70
7.7 Jumper Blocks ................................ ................................ ................................ .....70
8. Absolute Maximum Ratings................................ ................................ ............................. 72
8.1 Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Test Results ................................ .............72
9. Design and Environmental Specifications ................................ ................................ .....73
9.1 Power Budget ................................ ................................ ................................ ......73
9.2 Product Regulatory Compliance ................................................................ ...........73
9.2.1 Product Safety Compliance ................................ ................................ ..................73
9.2.2 Product EMC Compliance – Class A Compliance ................................ ................74
9.2.3 Certifications / Registrations / Declarat ions................................ .......................... 74
9.2.4 Product Regulatory Compliance Markings ................................ ........................... 75
9.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility Notices ................................ ................................ .75
9.3.1 Industry Canada (ICES-003) ................................ ................................ ................75
9.3.2 Europe (CE Declaration of Conformity) ................................ ................................ 76
9.3.3 Australia / New Zealand ................................ ................................ .......................76
9.4 Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) ................................ ...................... 76
9.5 Calculated Mean Time Between Fa ilures (MTBF) ................................ ................76
9.6 Mechanical Specifications ................................ ................................ .................... 77
10. Hardware Monitoring ................................ ................................ ................................ .......78
10.1 Monitored Components ................................ ................................ ........................ 78
10.1.1 Fan Speed Control ................................ ................................ ............................... 79
Glossary ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ..80
References ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. 83
List of Figures Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS
vi Revision 1.3
List of Figures
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board S3000PT Layout ................................ ................................ ..........4
Figure 2. Intel® Server Board S3000PT Block Diagram ................................ .............................. 6
Figure 3. Memory Bank Label Definition ................................ ................................ ...................14
Figure 4. Interrupt Routing Diagram ................................ ................................ .......................... 19
Figure 5. Intel® ICH7R Controller Interrupt Routing Diagram ................................ ...................20
Figure 6. Setup Utility — Main Screen Display ................................ ................................ ..........29
Figure 7. Setup Utility — Advanced Screen Display ................................ ................................ ..30
Figure 8. Setup Utility — Processor Configuration Screen Dis play ................................ ...........31
Figure 9. Setup Utility — Memory Configuration Screen Display ...............................................32
Figure 10. Setup Utility — SATA Controller Configuration Screen Display ................................ 33
Figure 11. Setup Utility — Serial Port Configuration Screen Display ................................ .........35
Figure 12. Setup Utility — USB Controller Configuration Screen Display ................................ ..36
Figure 13. Setup Utility — PCI Configuration Screen Display ................................ ...................37
Figure 14. Setup Utility — Power Screen Display ................................ ................................ .....38
Figure 15. Setup Utility — Boot Configuration Screen Display ................................ ..................38
Figure 16. Setup Utility — Hardware Health Configuration Screen Display ............................... 39
Figure 17. Setup Utility — Hardware Monitor Screen Display ................................ ...................40
Figure 18. Setup Utility — Security Configuration Screen Display ................................ .............41
Figure 19. Setup Utility — Server Management Configuration Screen Display .........................42
Figure 20. Setup Utility — Console Redirection Screen Display ................................ ................44
Figure 21. Setup Utility — Server Management System Information Screen D isplay................45
Figure 22. Setup Utility — Boot Options Display ................................ ................................ .......46
Figure 23. Setup Utility — Boot Options Display ................................ ................................ .......46
Figure 24. Setup Utility — Error Manager Screen Displa y................................ ......................... 47
Figure 25. Setup Utility — Exit Screen Display................................ ................................ ..........48
Figure 26. Location of Diagnostic LEDs on Server Board ................................ ......................... 59
Figure 27. Back Panel I/O Connections (not to scale) ................................ ............................... 69
Figure 28. Intel® Server Board S3000PT Mechanical Drawing ................................ .................77
Figure 29. Fan Speed Control Block Diagram ................................ ................................ ...........79
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS List of Tables
Revision 1.3
List of Tables
Table 1. Server Board Layout Reference ................................ ................................ ....................5
Table 2. Processor Support Matrix ................................ ................................ .............................. 8
Table 3. Segment E Connections ................................ ................................ ............................. 10
Table 4. Supported DDR 2 Modules ................................ ................................ .......................... 10
Table 5. Memory Bank Labels and DIMM Population Order ................................ ......................14
Table 6. Characteristics of Dual/Single Channel Configuration with or without Dynamic Mode .15
Table 7. Segment A Configuration IDs ................................ ................................ ......................16
Table 8. Segment A Arbitration Connections ................................ ............................................16
Table 9. PCI Interrupt Routing/Sharing ................................ ................................ .....................17
Table 10. Interrupt Definitions ................................ ................................................................ ...17
Table 11. Video Modes ................................ ................................ ................................ .............21
Table 12. Intel® 82573E Interface Connector (NIC1)................................ ................................ 22
Table 13. Intel® 82573V Interface Connector (NIC2) ................................ ................................ 22
Table 14. Serial A Header Pin -out................................ ................................ ............................. 23
Table 15. Serial B Header Pin-out................................ ................................ ............................. 23
Table 16. BIOS Setup Page Layout ................................ ................................ .......................... 26
Table 17. BIOS Setup: Keyboard Command Bar ................................ ......................................27
Table 18. Setup Utility — Main Screen Fields ................................ ................................ ...........29
Table 19. Setup Utility — Processor Configuration Screen Fields ................................ .............31
Table 20. Setup Utility — Memory Configuration Screen Fields ................................ ................33
Table 21. Setup Utility — ATA Controller Configuration Screen Fields ................................ .....34
Table 22. Setup Utility — Serial Ports Configuration Screen Fields ................................ ..........35
Table 23. Setup Utility — USB Controller Configuration Screen Fields ................................ .....36
Table 24. Setup Utility — PCI Configuration Screen Fields ................................ ....................... 37
Table 25. Setup Utility — Power Screen FieldsBoot Configuration ................................ ...........38
Table 26. Setup Utility — System Acoustic and Per formance Configuration Screen Fields ......39
Table 27. Setup Utility — Security Configuration Screen Fields ................................ ................41
Table 28. Setup Utility — Server Management Configuration Screen Fields ............................. 42
Table 29. Setup Utility — Console Redirection Configuration Fields ................................ .........44
Table 30. Setup Utility — Server Management System Information Fields ............................... 45
Table 31. Setup Utility — Error Manager Screen Fields ................................ ............................ 46
List of Tables Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS
viii Revision 1.3
Table 32. Setup Utility — Error Manager Screen Fields ................................ ........................... 47
Table 33. Setup Utility — Error Manager Screen Fields ................................ ............................ 47
Table 34. Setup Utility — Exit Screen Fields................................ ................................ .............48
Table 35. Console Redirection Escape Sequences for Headless Operation ............................. 51
Table 36. Function List................................ ................................ ................................ ..............53
Table 37. Security Features Operating Model ................................ ................................ ...........54
Table 38. Event List ................................ ................................ ..................................................55
Table 39. SMBIOS Type 15 Event Record Format ................................ ................................ ....57
Table 40. Event Type Definition Table ................................ ...................................................... 57
Table 41. POST Progress Cod e LED Example ................................ ................................ .........59
Table 42. POST Code Checkpoints ................................ ................................ .......................... 60
Table 43. POST Error Messages and Handling ................................ ................................ ........63
Table 44. POST Error Beep Codes................................ ................................ ........................... 63
Table 45. Power Connector Pin -out (J3K2)................................................................ ...............64
Table 46. SMBus Header Pin-out (J1A1) ................................ ................................ ..................64
Table 47. Front Panel 14-pin Header Pin-out (J4K3) ................................ ................................ 65
Table 48. VGA Connector Pin -out (J4A1) ................................ ................................ .................65
Table 49. NIC1- Intel® 82573E (10/100/1000) Connector Pin -out (JA2A1)............................... 66
Table 50. NIC2- Intel® 82573V (10/100/1000) Connector Pin -out (JA2A2)............................... 66
Table 51. SATA Connector Pin -out (J1C2, J1C3)................................ ................................ .....66
Table 52. External DB9 Serial A Port Pin -out (J3A1) ................................ ................................ 67
Table 53. Internal 9-pin Serial B Port Pin-out (J2B1)................................ ................................ .67
Table 54. USB Connectors Pin-out (JA2A1) ................................ ................................ .............67
Table 55. Optional USB Connection Header Pin -out (J1C1)................................ .....................68
Table 56. 8-pin Fan Headers Pin-out (J3K1,J4K2,J4K1)................................ .......................... 68
Table 57. Non-Standard Connector Information ................................ ................................ ........70
Table 58. CMOS Clear Jumper Options (J1B1) ................................ ................................ ........70
Table 59. NIC1 Firmware Update Jumper Options (J1B2)................................ ........................ 71
Table 60. System Maintenance Mode Jumper Options (J1B3)................................ .................71
Table 61. Absolute Maximum Ratings ................................ .......................................................72
Table 62. The Board Power Budget ................................ ................................ .......................... 73
Table 63. Product Certification Markings ................................ ................................ ..................75
Table 64. Calculated MTBF Data ................................ ................................ .............................. 76
Table 65. Monitored Components ................................................................ ............................. 78
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Introduction
Revision 1.3
1. Introduction
This Intel® Server Board S3000PT Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides a high -level technical description for the Intel® Server Board S3000PT. It details the architecture and feature set for all functional sub -systems that make up the server board.
1.1 Section Outline
This document is divided into the following chapters:
Section 1 – Introduction Section 2 – Server Board Overview Section 3 – Functional Architecture Section 4 – System BIOS Section 5 – Platform Management Architecture Section 6 – Error Reporting and Handling Section 7 – Connectors and Jumper Blocks Section 8 – Absolute Maximum Ratings Section 9 – Design and Environmental Specifications Section 10 – Hardware Monitoring Glossary References
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer
Intel® server boards contain a number of high -density VLSI* and power delivery components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel’s own chassis are designed and tested to meet the intended thermal requirements of these components when the fully integrated system is used together. It is the responsibility of the system integrator that chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of airflow required for their specific application and environmental conditions. Intel Corporation cannot be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any of its published operating or non -operating limits.
Server Board Overview Intel® Server Board S3000 PT TPS
2 Revision 1.3
2. Server Board Overview
The Intel® Server Board S3000PT is a monolithic printed circuit board with features that support the UP server market.
2.1 Intel® Server Board S3000PT Feature Set
The Intel® Server Board S3000PT supports the following feature set:
Processor and Front Side Bus (FSB) support
- Supports Intel® Xeon® processor 3000 sequence, Intel® Core™2 Extreme Edition, Intel® Core™2 Duo, Intel® Pentium® Processor Extreme Edition,Intel® Pentium® D Processor,Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor, Intel® Celeron® D Processor in the Intel® LGA775 package
- Supports Intel® Dual Core Architecture
- Supports Hyper-Threading Technology
- Supports Intel® Extended Memory System 64 Technology (Intel® EM64T)
Intel® 3000 Chipset components
- Intel® 3000 MCH Memory Controller Hub
- Intel® ICH7R I/O Controller
- 12-deep In-order Queue
Memory System
- Four DIMM sockets supporting DDR2 533/667MHz DIMMs
- Data bandwidth per channel of 4.2GB/s or 8.4GB/s in dual channel when using
DDR2 667MHz
- Support for up to two DDR2 channels for a total of four DIMMs (2 DIMMs / c hannel)
providing up to 8-GB max memory capacity.
- Support for 512-MB, 1-GB and 2-GB DRAM modules
I/O Subsystem Board I/O Subsystem:
- Segment A: One embedded ATI* ES1000 video controller (Supports PCI
Specification, Rev 2.3).
- Segment B: One x1 PCI Express* resource implemented as an embedded Intel®
82573V 10/100/1000 gigabit Ethernet Controller
- Segment C: One x1 PCI Express* resource implemented as an embedded Intel®
82573E 10/100/1000 gigabit Ethernet Controller
- Segment D: One x8 PCI Express* resource implemented as a riser slot supporting
single x1/x4/x8 PCI Express* add -in cards through a riser
Serial ATA host controller Two independent SATA ports suppo rt data transfer rates up to 3.0 Gb/s (300MB/s) per
Universal Serial Bus 2.0 (USB)
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Server Board Overview
Revision 1.3
Two external USB ports with an additional internal header providing two optional USB
ports for front panel support.
- Supports wake-up from sleeping states S1 -S4 (S3 not supported)
- Supports legacy keyboard/m ouse connections when using PS /2-USB dongle
LPC (Low Pin Count) bus segment with one embedded device
- Super I/O controller chips providing all PC -compatible I/O (two serial COM ports) and integrated hardware monitoring
- LC Super I/O = SMSC* SCH5027 or SMSC* SCH5017
Customized 14-pin SSI front panel 2x9 power connectors Fan support
- Three customized 8-pin fan headers with PWM and Tach capability
- One 4-pin fan header without PWM and Tach capability
Intel® Light-guided Diagnostic LEDs to display POST code indicato rs during boot
Server Board Overview Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS
4 Revision 1.3
The following figure shows the board layout of the Intel® Server Board S3000PT. Each connector and major component is identified by letter and is identified in Table 1.
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board S3000PT Layout
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Server Board Overview
Revision 1.3
Table 1. Server Board Layout Reference
Post LEDs
Battery B
PCI-E x8 riser slot
USB 3 and 4 header C
SATA port 2 D
Intel® 82802 ICH7R
SATA port 1 E
Clock generator
Serial B header F
SMSC* SCH5027 or SMSC* SCH5017 Super I/O (SIO)
Video Memory
Intel®3000 Memory Controller Hub (MCH)
Intel® 82573E LAN Controller
775-Land (LGA) CPU Socket
Intel® AMT firmware (NIC1) update jumper I
System Fan 1 (8-pin)
Clear CMOS jumper J
System Fan 2 (8-pin)
NIC1 SPI Flash K
System Fan 3 (8-pin)
Intel® 82573V LAN Controller L
2 x 7 Front Panel header
SMBus Connector M
2 x 9 Power connector
NIC1 RJ-45 and USB 1 and 2 connector N
Auxiliary Fan (4-pin)
NIC2 RJ-45 connector O
Memory Slot DIMM 2B
Memory Slot DIMM 1B
Serial A connector Q
Memory Slot DIMM 2A
VGA connector R
Memory Slot DIMM 1A
ATI* ES1000 video controller
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS
6 Revision 1.3
3. Functional Architecture
This section provides a high -level description of the functionality associated with the architectural blocks that make up the Intel® Server Board S3000PT.
Figure 2. Intel® Server Board S3000PT Block Diagram
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.3
3.1 Processor Sub-System
The Intel® Server Board S3000PT supports the following:
Intel® Xeon® processor 3000 sequence Intel® Core™2 Extreme Edition Intel® Core™2 Duo Intel® Pentium® Processor Extreme Edition Intel® Pentium® D Processor Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor Intel® Celeron® D Processor
The processors, built on 90nm and 65nm process technology in the 775 -land package, utilize Flip-Chip Land Grid Array (FC-LGA4) package technology and plug into a 775-land LGA socket (which is referred to as the Intel®LGA775 socket).
The processors in the 775-land package, like their predecessors in the 478 -pin package, are based on the same Pentium® 4 micro -architecture. They maintain compatibility with 32 -bit software written for the IA -32 instruction set, while supporting 64 -bit native mode operation when coupled with supported 64 -bit operating systems and applications.
The Celeron® Processor is not available with dual core, Hyper -Threading Technology or Intel® EM64T.
3.1.1 Processor Voltage Regulator Down (VRD)
The Intel® Server Board S3000PT has a VRD (Voltage Regulator Down) to support one processor. It is compliant with the VRD 11 DC-DC Converter Design Guide Line and provides a maximum of 125A, which is capable of supporting the requirements for the following processors:
Intel® Xeon® processor 3000 sequence Intel® Core™2 Extreme Edition Intel® Core™2 Duo Intel® Pentium® Processor Extreme Edition Intel® Pentium® D Processor Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor Intel® Celeron® D Processor
The board hardware monitors the processor V TTEN (Output enable for VTT) pin before turning on the VRD. If the VTTEN pin of the processors is not asserted, the Power ON Logic will not turn on the VRD.
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS
8 Revision 1.3
3.1.2 Reset Configuration Logic
The BIOS determines the processor stepping, cache size, etc., through the CPUID instruction. The processor information is read at every system power -on. Note: The processor speed is the processor power -on reset default value. No manual
processor speed setting options exist either in the form of a BIOS setup option or jumpers.
3.1.3 Processor Support
The Intel® Server Board S3000PT supports one processor in the Intel®LGA775 package. The support circuitry on the server board consists of the following:
One Intel® LGA775 processor socket supporting:
o Intel® Xeon® processor 3000 sequence o Intel® Core™2 Extreme Edition processor o Intel® Core™2 Duo processor o Intel® Pentium® Processor Extreme Edition processor o Intel® Pentium® D processor o Intel® Pentium® 4 processor o Intel® Celeron® D processor
Processor host bus AGTL+ support circuitry.
Table 2. Processor Support Matrix
Processor Name
Cache size
FSB Frequency
Intel® Xeon® 3000 Processor
Intel® LGA775
4MB L2
800/1066MHz Intel® Xeon® 3000
Intel® LGA775
2MB L2
800/1066MHz Intel® Core™2 Extreme
Intel® LGA775
4MB L2
Intel® Core™2 Duo
Intel® LGA775 Intel® Pentium® 4
Processor Extreme Edition
Intel® LGA775
2 x 1MB L2
800MHz Intel® Pentium® 4
Processor Extreme Edition
Intel® LGA775
2MB L2
Intel® Pentium® D
Intel® LGA775
3.2 – 4.0GHz
2 x 1MB L2
800MHz Intel® Pentium® 4
Intel® LGA775
3.2 – 4.0GHz
1MB or 2MB L2
800MHz Intel® Celeron® D
2.26 – 3.2 GHz
256K L2
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.3
Note: For a complete list of all supported processors, please visit the Intel® Server Board
S3000PT support site located at the following URL:
In addition to the circuitry described above, the processor subsystem contains the following:
Reset configuration logic
3.2 Intel®3000 Chipset
The Intel® Server Board S3000PT is designed around the Intel® 3000 chipset. The chipset provides an integrated I/O bridg e and memory controller, and a flexible I/O subsystem core (PCI Express*). The chipset consists of three primary components.
3.2.1 Memory Controller Hub (MCH) Intel® 3000 Chipset MCH: Memory Control Hub
The MCH accepts access requests from the host (processor) b us and directs those accesses to memory or to one of the PCI Express or PCI buses. The MCH monitors the host bus, examining addresses for each request. Accesses may be directed to the following:
A memory request queue for subsequent forwarding to the memor y subsystem An outbound request queue for subsequent forwarding to one of the PCI Express or PCI
The MCH also accepts inbound requests from the Intel® ICH7R. The MCH is responsible for generating the appropriate controls to control data transfer to a nd from memory.
The MCH is a 1202-ball FC-BGA device and uses the proven components of the following previous generations:
Pentium® Processor Extreme Edition , Pentium® D Processor , Pentium® 4 Processor,
Celeron® D Processor bus interface unit
Hub interface unit PCI Express interface unit DDR2 memory interface unit
The MCH incorporates an integrated PCI Express* interface. The PCI Express* interface allows the MCH to directly interface with the PCI Express* devices. The MCH also increases the main memory interface bandwidth and maximum memory configuration with a 72-bit wide memory interface.
The MCH integrates the following main functions:
An integrated high performance main memory subsystem A PCI Express* bus which provides an interface to the PCI-Express devices( Fully
compliant to the PCI Express* Base Specification, Rev 1.0a )
A DMI which provides an interface to the Intel® ICH7R
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS
10 Revision 1.3
Other features provided by the MCH include the following:
Full support of ECC on the DDR2 memory bus Twelve deep in-order queue, two deep defer queue Full support of un-buffered DDR2 ECC DIMMs Support for 256-MB, 512-MB, 1-GB and 2-GB DDR2 memory modules Segment D PCI-Express x8
In this board, the MCH PCIe Lanes 0~7 are connected to an x8 PCI -E riser connector directly through the MCH. It can support x1, x4, and x8 PCI-E add-in cards through a riser card.
Table 3. Segment E Connections
Lane 0~7
Slot 1 (PCI Express* x8) MCH Memory Sub-System Overview
The MCH supports a 72-bit wide memory sub-system that can support a maximum of 8 GB of DDR2 memory using 2GB DIMMs. This configuration needs external registers for buffering the memory address and control signals. The four chip selects are registered inside the MCH and need no external registers fo r chip selects.
The memory interface runs at 533/667MT/s. The memory interface supports a 72 -bit wide memory array. It uses seventeen address lines (BA [2:0] and MA [13:0]) and supports 256-MB, 512-MB, 1-GB, and 2-GB DRAM densities. The DDR DIMM interface supports single-bit error correction, and multiple bit error detection . DDR2 Configurations
The DDR2 interface supports up to 8 GB of main memory and supports single - and double­density DIMMs. The DDR2 can be any industry-standard DDR2. The following table shows the DDR2 DIMM technology supported.
Table 4. Supported DDR2 Modules
DDR2-533/667 Un-buffered
SDRAM Module Matrix
# Address bits
32M x 72
32M x 8
9 /1 / 4
13 / 2 / 10 512MB
64M x 72
32M x 8
18 / 2 / 4
13 / 2 / 10 512MB
64M x 72
64M x 8
9 / 1 / 4
14 / 2 / 10 1GB
128M x 72
64M x 8
18 / 2 / 4
14 / 2 / 10 1GB
128M x 72
128M x 8
9 / 1 / 8
14 / 4 / 10 2GB
256M x 72
128M x 8
18 / 2 / 8
14 / 8 / 10
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.3
3.2.2 I/O Controller Hub Intel® ICH7R: I/O Controller Hub 7R
The Intel® ICH7R controller has several components. It provides the interface for a 32-bit/33-MHz PCI bus. The Intel® ICH7R controller can be both a master and a target on that PCI bus and includes a USB 2.0 controller and an IDE controller. The Intel® ICH7R controller is also responsible for much of the power management functions, with ACPI control registers built in. It also provides a number of GPIO pins and has the LPC bus to support low -speed Legacy I/O.
The MCH and Intel® ICH7R chips provide the pathway between the processor and the I/O systems. The MCH is responsible for accepting access requests from the host (pro cessor) bus, and directing all I/O accesses to one of the PCI buses or Legacy I/O locations. If the cycle is directed to one of the PCI Express* segments, the MCH communicates with the PCI Express* devices (add-in card, on board devices) through the PCI Express* interface. If the cycle is directed to the Intel® ICH7R controller, the cycle is output on the MCH’s DMI bus. All I/O for the board, including PCI and PC -compatible I/O, is directed through the MCH and then through the Intel® ICH7R provided PCI buses.
The Intel® ICH7R controller is a multi-function device, housed in a 652-pin mBGA device. It provides the following:
A DMI bus A PCI 32-bit/33-MHz interface An IDE interface An integrated serial ATA Host controller A USB controller A PCI Express* x4 inte rface Two PCI Express* x1 interface A power management controller
Each function within the Intel® ICH7R controller has its own set of configuration registers. Once configured, each appears to the system as a distinct hardware controller sharing the same PC I bus interface.
The primary role of the Intel® ICH7R controller is providing the gateway to all PC -compatible I/O devices and features. The board uses the following Intel® ICH7R features:
PCI 32-bit/33MHz interface to dedicated ATI* ES1000 video subsystem LPC bus interface x1 PCI Express* interface for Intel® 82573E Gigabit Ethernet Controller x1 PCI Express* interface for Intel® 82573 V Gigabit Ethernet Controller DMI (Direct Media Interface) Integrated dual-port Serial ATA Host controller Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0 interface PC-compatible timer/counter and DMA controllers APIC and 82C59 interrupt controller
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Power management System RTC Supports the SMBus 2.0 Specification General-purpose I/O (GPIO)
The following are the descriptions of how each supporte d feature is used for the Intel® ICH7R controller on the board. SATA Controller
The Intel® ICH7R controller has an integrated SATA host controller that supports independent DMA operation on four ports and supports data transfer rates of up to 3.0 Gb/s (300 MB/s). Compatibility Modules (DMA Controller, Timer/Counters, Interrupt Controller)
The DMA controller incorporates the logic of two Intel® 82C37 DMA controllers, with seven independently programmable channels. Channels 0 –3 are hardwired to 8-bit, count-by-byte transfers, and channels 5 –7 are hardwired to 16-bit, count-by-word transfers. Any two of the seven DMA channels can be programmed to support fast Type -F transfers.
The timer/counter block contains three counters that are equivalent in function to t hose found in one Intel® 82C54 programmable interval timer. These three counters are combined to provide the system timer function, and speaker tone. The 14.31818 -MHz oscillator input provides the clock source for these three counters.
The Intel® ICH7R controller provides an ISA-Compatible Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC) that incorporates the functionality of two, 82C59 interrupt controllers. The two interrupt controllers are cascaded so that 14 external and two internal interrupts are possible. In addition, the Intel® ICH7R controller supports a serial interrupt scheme.
All of the registers in these modules can be read and restored. This is required to save and restore the system state after power has been removed and restored to the platform. Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC)
In addition to the standard ISA compatible Programmable Interrupt controller (PIC) described in the previous section, the Intel® ICH7R incorporates the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC). Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller
The Intel® ICH7R controller contains one EHCI* USB 2.0 controller and four USB ports. The USB controller moves data between main memory and up to four USB connectors. All ports function identically and with the same bandwidth . The Intel® Server Board S3000PT implements four ports on the board.
Two external USB ports are provided on the back of the server board. The Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 1.1, defines the external connectors.
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.3
The third/fourth USB port is optional and can be accessed by cabling from an internal 9 -pin connector located on the server board to an external USB port located either in front of or on the rear of a given chassis. Enhanced Power Management
The Intel® ICH7R controller’s power management functions include enhanced clock control and various low-power (suspend) states (e.g., Suspend -to-RAM and Suspend-to-Disk). A hardware­based thermal management circuit permits a software-independent entrance to low -power states. The Intel® ICH7R controller contains full support for the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) Specification, Revision 3.0. The server board supports sleep states S1, S4, and S5.
3.3 Memory Sub-System
The memory interface between the MCH and the DIMMs is a 72-bit (ECC) wide interface. There are two banks of DIMMs, labeled 1 and 2. Bank 1 contains DIMM socket locations
DIMM_1A and DIMM_1B. Bank 2 contains DIMM socket locations DIMM _2A and DIMM_2B. The sockets associated with each bank , or “channel,” are located next to each other, and the DIMM socket identifiers are marked on the base board silkscreen, near the DIMM socket. When only two DIMM modules are being used, the population order must be DIMM_1A, DIMM_1B to ensure dual-channel operating mode.
In order to operate in dual-channel dynamic paging mode, the following conditions must be met:
Two identical DIMMs are installed, one each in DIMM_1A and DIMM_1B Four identical DIMMs are installed (one in each socket location)
Note: Installing only three DIMMs is not supported . Do not use DIMMs that are not “matched” (same type and speed). Use of identical memory parts is always the preferred method.
See Figure 3 for reference. The system design is free to populate or not to populate any rank on either channel, including
either degenerate single channel case.
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DIMM and memory configurations must adhere to the following:
DDR2 533/667, un-buffered, DDR2 DIMM modules DIMM organization: x72 ECC Pin count: 240 DIMM capacity:512 MB, 1 GB and 2 GB DIMMs Serial PD: JEDEC Rev 2.0 Voltage options: 1.8 V Interface: SSTL2
Table 5. Memory Bank Labels and DIMM Population Order
DIMM Label
Population Order
1 J1D2
3 J1D3
2 J1D1
Figure 3. Memory Bank Label Definition
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.3
Table 6. Characteristics of Dual/Single Channel Configuration with or without Dynamic Mode
Throughput Level
Dual channel with dynamic paging mode
All DIMMs matched Dual channel without dynamic paging mode
DIMMs matched from Channel A to Channel B DIMMs not matched within channels Single channel with dynamic paging mode
Single DIMM or DIMMs matched within a channel
Single channel without dynamic paging mode
DIMMs not matched
3.3.1 Memory DIMM Support
The board supports un-buffered (not registered) DDR2 533/667 ECC DIMMs operating at 533/667MT/s. Only DIMMs tested and qualified by Intel o r a designated memory test vendor are supported on this board. A list of qualified DIMMs is available at .
Note: All DIMMs are supported by design, but only fully qualified DIMMs will be supported on the board.
The minimum supported DIMM size is 256 MB. Therefore, the minimum main memory configuration is 1 x 256 MB or 256 MB. The largest size DIMM supported is 2 GB and as such, the maximum main memory configuration is 8 GB implemented by 4 x 2-GB DIMMs.
Only un-buffered DDR2 533/667 compliant, ECC x8 or x16 memory DIMMs are
ECC single-bit errors (SBE) will be corrected; multiple -bit error (MBE) will only be
Intel® Server Board S3000PT supports Intel® x4 Single Device Data Correction with x4
The maximum memory capacity is 8 GB via four 2 -GB DIMM modules. The minimum memory capacity is 256 MB via a single 256-MB DIMM module.
3.4 I/O Sub-System
3.4.1 PCI Subsystem
There are three independent PCI bus segments directed from the Intel® ICH7R controller on the Intel® Server Board S3000PT. PCI Segment A is a legacy PCI bus while PCI Segments B and C are PCI Express*.
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS
16 Revision 1.3 Device IDs (IDSEL)
Each device under the PCI hub bridge has its IDSEL signal connected to one bit of AD (31:16), which acts as a chip select on the PCI bus segment in configuration cycles. This determines a unique PCI device ID value for use in configuration cycles. The following table shows the bit to which each IDSEL signal is attached for Segment A devices and the corresponding device description.
Table 7. Segment A Configuration IDs
ATI* ES1000 video controller Segment A Arbitration
PCI Segment A supports two PCI devices: the Intel® ICH7 R and one PCI bus master (NIC). All PCI masters must arbitrate for PCI access, using resources supplied by the Intel® ICH7 R. The host bridge PCI interface (ICH7 R) arbitration lines REQx* and GNTx* are a special case in that they are internal to the host bridge. The following table defines the arbitration connections.
Table 8. Segment A Arbitration Connections
Server Board Signals
ATI* ES1000 video controller
3.4.2 Interrupt Routing
The board interrupt architecture accommodates both PC -compatible PIC mode and APIC mode interrupts through use of the integrated I/O APICs in the Intel® ICH7R controller. Legacy Interrupt Routing
For PC-compatible mode, the Intel® ICH7R controller provides two 82C59-compatible interrupt controllers. The two controllers are cascaded with interrupt levels 8 -15 entering on level 2 of the primary interrupt controller (standard PC configuration). A single interrupt signal is presented to the processors, to which only one processor will respond for servicing. The Intel® ICH7R contains configuration registers that define which interrupt source logically maps to I/O APIC INTx pins.
The Intel® ICH7R controller handles both PCI and IRQ interrupts. The Intel® ICH7R translates these to the APIC bus. The numbers in the following table indicate the Intel® ICH7R PCI interrupt input pin to which the associated device interrupt (INTA, INTB, INTC, INTD, INT E, INTF, INTG, INTH for PCI bus and PXIRQ0, PXIRQ1, PXIRQ2, PXIRQ3 for PCI-X bus) is connected. The Intel® ICH7R I/O APIC exists on the I/O APIC bus with the processors.
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.3
Table 9. PCI Interrupt Routing/Sharing
ATIES 1000
PIRQC APIC Interrupt Routing
For APIC mode, the ser ver board interrupt architecture incorporates three Intel® I/O APIC devices to manage and broadcast interrupts to local APICs in each processor. The Intel® I/O APICs monitor each interrupt on each PCI device, including PCI slots in addition to the ISA compatibility interrupts IRQ (0 -15).
When an interrupt occurs, a message corresponding to the interrupt is sent across a three -wire serial interface to the local APICs. The APIC bus minimizes interrupt latency time for compatibility interrupt sources. The I/O APICs can also supply greater than 16 interrupt levels to the processor(s). This APIC bus consists of an APIC clock and two bi -directional data lines. Legacy Interrupt Sources
The following table recommends the logical interrupt mapping of interrupt sourc es on the board. The actual interrupt map is defined using configuration registers in the Intel® ICH7R controller.
Table 10. Interrupt Definitions
ISA Interrupt
Processor interrupt NMI
NMI to processor IRQ0
System timer IRQ1
Keyboard interrupt IRQ2
Slave PIC IRQ3
Serial port 1 interrupt from Super I/O* device, user-configurable IRQ4
Serial port 1 interrupt from Super I/O* device, user-configurable IRQ5
Floppy disk IRQ7
Generic IRQ8_L
Active low RTC interrupt IRQ9
Generic IRQ11
Generic IRQ12
Mouse interrupt IRQ13
Floating point processor
Compatibility IDE interrupt from prim ary channel IDE devices 0 and 1 IRQ15
Secondary IDE cable SMI*
System Management Interrupt. General -purpose indicator sourced by the Intel® ICH7R Controller to the processors.
Functional Architecture Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS
18 Revision 1.3 Serialized IRQ Support
The Intel® Server Board S3000PT supports a serialized interrupt delivery mechanism. Serialized Interrupt Requests (SERIRQ) consists of a start frame, a minimum o f 17 IRQ / data channels, and a stop frame. Any slave device in the quiet mode may initiate the start frame. While in the continuous mode, the start frame is initiated by the host controller.
3.5 PCI Error Handling
The PCI bus defines two error pins, PERR# and SERR#, for reporting PCI parity errors and system errors, respectively. In the case of PERR#, the PCI bus master has the option to retry the offending transaction, or to report it using SERR#. All other PCI -related errors are reported by SERR#. SERR# is routed to the NMI if enabled by the BIOS.
Intel® Server Board S3000PT TPS Functional Architecture
Revision 1.3
Figure 4. Interrupt Routing Diagram
Intel® ICH7R
Controller IOAPIC 0
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Figure 5. Intel® ICH7R Controller Interrupt Routing Diagram
Super I/O
Serial Port2/ISA
Serial Port1/ISA
Coprocessor Error
Not Used
Serialized IRQ Interface
Intel® ICH7R
Controller Interrupt
ATI ES1000
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