• Added 6.1 section Intel® QuickAssist Technology Support
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
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1.1 Intel Server Board Use Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................... 14
2. Server Board Family Overview .............................................................................................................................. 15
2.1 Server Board Family Feature Set ....................................................................................................................... 17
2.2 Server Board Component/Feature Identification ......................................................................................... 19
2.3 Server Board Mechanical Drawings .................................................................................................................. 23
2.5 System Software Stack ......................................................................................................................................... 28
2.5.1 Hot Keys Supported During POST .................................................................................................................... 29
2.5.2 Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) and Sensor Data Record (SDR) Data ........................................................ 31
3. Processor Support .................................................................................................................................................... 33
4. System Memory ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
4.3 Memory Slot Identification and Population Rules ....................................................................................... 48
4.3.1 DIMM Population Guidelines for Best Performance .................................................................................... 50
4.4 Memory RAS Features ........................................................................................................................................... 51
4.4.1 DIMM Populations Rules and BIOS Setup for Memory RAS ..................................................................... 52
5. PCIe* Support ............................................................................................................................................................ 53
5.1.1 PCIe* Enumeration and Allocation .................................................................................................................... 53
6. System I/O ................................................................................................................................................................. 55
6.1 Intel® QuickAssist Technology (Intel® QAT) Support .................................................................................. 55
6.2 PCIe* Add-in Card Support .................................................................................................................................. 56
6.3.4 Intel® Virtual RAID on Chip (Intel® VROC) For NVMe* ................................................................................. 66
6.3.5 Onboard SATA Support ........................................................................................................................................ 67
6.3.6 Onboard SATA RAID Options ............................................................................................................................. 69
6.5 Serial Port Support ................................................................................................................................................. 73
6.6 USB Support ............................................................................................................................................................. 75
6.6.1 External USB 3.0 Connector ................................................................................................................................ 75
6.6.2 Internal USB 2.0 Type-A Connector ................................................................................................................. 75
6.6.3 Front Panel USB 3.0 Connector ......................................................................................................................... 75
6.6.4 Front Panel USB 2.0 Connector ......................................................................................................................... 76
6.7 Video Support .......................................................................................................................................................... 77
6.7.1 Onboard Video Connectors ................................................................................................................................. 78
6.7.2 Onboard Video and Add-In Video Adapter Support................................................................................... 79
6.7.3 Dual Monitor Support ............................................................................................................................................ 79
7.1 Power Connectors .................................................................................................................................................. 80
7.1.1 Main Power ............................................................................................................................................................... 80
7.1.2 Hot Swap Backplane Power Connector ........................................................................................................... 82
7.1.3 Riser Card Supplemental 12-V Power Connectors...................................................................................... 83
7.1.4 Peripheral Power Connector ............................................................................................................................... 84
7.2 Front Control Panel Headers and Connectors .............................................................................................. 85
7.2.1 Front Panel LED and Control Button Features Overview .......................................................................... 86
7.3 System Fan Connectors ........................................................................................................................................ 88
8. Basic and Advanced Server Management Features .......................................................................................... 91
8.1 Dedicated Management Port .............................................................................................................................. 92
8.2 Embedded Web Server ......................................................................................................................................... 92
8.3 Advanced Management Feature Support ....................................................................................................... 94
8.3.2 Media Redirection ................................................................................................................................................... 95
9.1 System ID LED .......................................................................................................................................................... 98
9.2 System Status LED.................................................................................................................................................. 98
9.3 BMC Boot/Reset Status LED Indicators ........................................................................................................... 99
9.4 Post Code Diagnostic LEDs ............................................................................................................................... 100
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
9.5 Fan Fault LEDs ...................................................................................................................................................... 100
9.7 CPU Fault LEDs ..................................................................................................................................................... 100
10. System Security ...................................................................................................................................................... 101
10.1.2 System Administrator Password Rights ....................................................................................................... 102
10.1.3 Authorized System User Password Rights and Restrictions .................................................................. 102
10.2 Front Panel Lockout ............................................................................................................................................ 103
10.3 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Support .................................................................................................... 103
12.1 Management Feature Set Overview ............................................................................................................... 109
12.1.1 IPMI 2.0 Features Overview .............................................................................................................................. 109
12.1.2 Non-IPMI Features Overview ........................................................................................................................... 109
12.2 Platform Management Features and Functions ........................................................................................ 111
12.2.1 Power Subsystem ................................................................................................................................................ 111
12.2.2 Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) .............................................................................. 111
12.2.3 System Initialization ............................................................................................................................................ 112
12.3.3 Standard Fan Management .............................................................................................................................. 114
12.3.5 Power Management Bus (PMBus*) ................................................................................................................. 117
12.3.6 Component Fault LED Control ........................................................................................................................ 118
Appendix A. Integration and Usage Tips ............................................................................................................... 119
Appendix B. POST Code Diagnostic LED Decoder .............................................................................................. 120
B.1. Early POST Memory Initialization MRC Diagnostic Codes .................................................................. 121
B.2. BIOS POST Progress Codes .............................................................................................................................. 123
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Appendix C. POST Code Errors ................................................................................................................................ 126
C.1. POST Error Beep Codes ..................................................................................................................................... 133
Appendix D. Statement of Volatile Memory Components ................................................................................ 134
Appendix E. Supported Intel® Server Systems..................................................................................................... 136
E.1. Intel® Server System R1000WF Product Family ........................................................................................ 136
E.2. Intel® Server System R2000WF Product Family ........................................................................................ 138
Appendix F. Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 140
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
List of Figures
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board S2600WF .................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2. Intel® Server Board S2600WF with available onboard options ...................................................................... 16
Figure 3. Server board component/feature identification .................................................................................................. 19
Figure 26. DIMM population diagram ........................................................................................................................................ 50
Figure 27. Two systems connected through an NTB ............................................................................................................ 54
Figure 43. Onboard SATA port connector identification..................................................................................................... 68
Figure 51. External USB 3.0 ports ............................................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 52. Internal USB 2.0 type-A connector ........................................................................................................................ 75
Figure 53. Front panel USB 3.0 connector ............................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 54. Front panel USB 2.0 connector ............................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 55. Rear external video connector ................................................................................................................................. 78
Figure 56. Front panel video connector .................................................................................................................................... 78
Figure 58. Hot swap backplane power connector ................................................................................................................. 82
Figure 59. Riser slot auxiliary power connectors ................................................................................................................... 83
Figure 60. High power add-in card 12-V auxiliary power cable option .......................................................................... 84
Figure 61. Peripheral power connector ..................................................................................................................................... 84
Figure 62. Front control panel connectors .............................................................................................................................. 85
Figure 63. Example front control panel view (for reference purposes only) ................................................................ 85
Figure 64. Dual-rotor fixed mount fan pin connector orientation .................................................................................... 88
Figure 65. Hot swap fan connector pin orientation ............................................................................................................... 88
Figure 66. Fan connector locations ............................................................................................................................................ 89
Figure 70. Onboard diagnostic and fault LED placement ................................................................................................... 97
Figure 71.DIMM fault LED placement ........................................................................................................................................ 98
Figure 73. Reset and recovery jumper block location ....................................................................................................... 105
Figure 74. High-level fan speed control process ................................................................................................................ 116
Figure 75. Onboard POST diagnostic LED location and definition ............................................................................... 120
Figure 76. Intel® Server System R1000WF product family .............................................................................................. 136
Figure 77. Intel® Server System R2000WF product family .............................................................................................. 138
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Table 2. Intel® Server Board S2600WF product family feature set.................................................................................. 17
Table 3. POST hot keys................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Table 4. Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable family feature comparison............................................................................. 36
Table 5. Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable family with integrated Intel® OP HFI features.......................................... 39
Table 6. IFT carrier LED functionality ......................................................................................................................................... 43
Table 7. Power level classification for QSFP+ modules....................................................................................................... 43
Table 10.DDR4 RDIMM and LRDIMM support ......................................................................................................................... 48
Table 11. Memory RAS features .................................................................................................................................................. 51
Table 12. CPU - PCIe* port routing ............................................................................................................................................. 53
Table 22. SATA and sSATA controller feature support ....................................................................................................... 68
Table 23. SATA and sSATA controller BIOS setup utility options .................................................................................... 69
Table 24. External RJ45 NIC port LED definition ................................................................................................................... 72
Table 27. Front panel USB 2.0/3.0 connector pinout (“FP_USB_2.0/ 3.0”) ................................................................... 76
Table 28. Front panel USB 2.0 connector pinout ("FP_USB_2.0_5-6 ") .......................................................................... 77
Table 29. Supported video resolutions ..................................................................................................................................... 77
Table 30. Front panel video connector pinout ("FP VIDEO").............................................................................................. 78
Table 31. Main power (slot 1) connector pinout (“MAIN PWR 1”) .................................................................................... 81
Table 32. Main power (slot 2) connector pinout (“MAIN PWR 2”) .................................................................................... 81
Table 33. Hot swap backplane power connector pinout (“HSBP PWR”) ........................................................................ 82
Table 35. Peripheral drive power connector pinout ("Peripheral_PWR") ...................................................................... 84
Table 36. Front panel control button and LED support ...................................................................................................... 85
Table 37. 30-pin front panel connector pinouts .................................................................................................................... 86
Table 38. Power/sleep LED functional states ......................................................................................................................... 86
Table 39. NMI signal generation and event logging .............................................................................................................. 87
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Table 40. Dual-rotor fixed mount fan connector pinout ..................................................................................................... 88
Table 41. Hot swap fan connector pinout ................................................................................................................................ 88
Table 42. Hot swap backplane I
Table 43. Hot swap backplane I
C connector – SMBUS 3-pin (J5C3) ............................................................................. 89
C connector – SMBUS 4-pin (J1K1) ............................................................................. 90
Table 46. Basic and advanced server management features overview .......................................................................... 91
Table 47. System status LED states ............................................................................................................................................ 99
Table 48. BMC boot/reset status LED indicators ................................................................................................................... 99
Table 49. Power control sources .............................................................................................................................................. 111
Table 50. ACPI power states ...................................................................................................................................................... 111
Table 52. POST progress code LED example ....................................................................................................................... 120
Table 55. POST progress codes ............................................................................................................................................... 123
Table 56. POST error messages and handling .................................................................................................................... 127
Table 57. POST error beep codes ............................................................................................................................................ 133
Table 59. Volatile and non-volatile components ............................................................................................................... 135
Table 60. Intel® Server System R1000WF product family feature set ......................................................................... 137
Table 61. Intel® Server System R2000WF product family feature set ......................................................................... 138
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Document Title
Document Classification
Intel® Servers System BMC Firmware EPS for Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable Family
Intel Confidential
Intel® Server System BIOS EPS for Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable Family
Intel Confidential
Intel® C62x Series Chipset Platform Controller Hub External Design Specification
Intel Confidential
Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable family Server Processor External Design Specification
Doc ID: 546831, 546833, 546834, 546832
Intel® Ethernet Connection X557-AT2 Product Brief
1. Introduction
This Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides a high level overview of the features, functions,
architecture and support specifications of the Intel® Server Board S2600WF product family.
Note: This document includes several references to Intel websites where additional product information can
be downloaded. However, these public Intel sites will not include content for products in development.
Content for these products will be available on the public Intel web sites after their public launch.
Note: Some of the documents listed in the following table are classified as “Intel Confidential”. These
documents are made available under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with Intel and must be ordered
through your local Intel
For more in-depth technical information, refer to the documents in Table 1.
Table 1. Reference documents
Intel Confidential
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
1.1 Intel Server Board Use Disclaimer
Intel Corporation server boards support add-in peripherals and contain a number of high-density VLSI and
power delivery components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel ensures through its own chassis
development and testing that when Intel
system will meet the intended thermal requirements of these components. It is the responsibility of the
system integrator who chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor
datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of airflow required for their specific
application and operating environment. Intel Corporation cannot be held responsible if components fail or
the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any of its published operating or nonoperating limits.
server building blocks are used together, the fully integrated
1.2 Product Errata
Shipping product may have features or functionality that may deviate from published specifications. These
deviations are generally discovered after the product has gone into formal production. Intel terms these
deviations as product Errata. Known product Errata will be published in the Monthly Specification Update for
the given product family which can be downloaded from http://www.intel.com/support
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
2. Server Board Family Overview
The Intel® Server Board S2600WF is a monolithic printed circuit board assembly with features that are
intended for high density 1U and 2U rack mount servers. This server board is designed to support the Intel®
Xeon® processor Scalable family. Previous generation Intel® Xeon® processors are not supported.
Figure 1. Intel® Server Board S2600WF
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Support for KR
based OCP
module options
80 mm M.2
Support for Intel®
Integrated SAS RAID
module options
80 mm M.2
TPM 2.0
Support for dual hot swap
power supply modules
1+0, 1+1, 2+0 configurations
Figure 2. Intel® Server Board S2600WF with available onboard options
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Intel® Server
Board Feature
(2) – LGA3647-0 (Socket P) processor sockets
Design Power (TDP). See the appropriate Intel® System TPS for maximum supported TDP.
• (24) – total DIMM slots
• DDR4 standard voltage of 1.2 V
Intel® C62x Series
Intel® C624 Chipset
Intel® C624 Chipset
Intel® C628 Chipset
Intel® Quick Assist
Intel® Omni-Path
Onboard LAN
Dual Port RJ45 10 GbE
OCP Module
• Dual Port 10Gb RJ45 –
• Quad Port 1Gb RJ45 –
• Quad Port 1Gb RJ45 –
Intel® Integrated
SAS Module
Onboard PCIe*
• (4) – OCuLink connectors
support (accessory option)
• (4) – OCuLink connectors
support (accessory option)
• (2) – OCuLink connectors
(accessory option)
2.1 Server Board Family Feature Set
Table 2 lists the server board product family feature set.
Table 2. Intel® Server Board S2600WF product family feature set
• Supports (1) or (2) processors from the Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable family (Platinum, Gold, Silver, and
Bronze). Note: Previous generation Intel® Xeon® processors are not supported.
• Maximum supported Thermal Design Power (TDP) of up to 205 W (board only)
• Note: Intel® Server Systems based on this server board family may support a lower maximum Thermal
o (12) – DIMM slots per processor, (6) – memory channels per processor
o (2) – DIMMs per channel
• (6) – system fans supported in two different connector formats: hot swap (2U) and cabled (1U)
Board Feature S2600WFT S2600WF0 S2600WFQ
rates supported)
o (2) – single port 7-pin SATA connectors
o (2) – M.2 connectors – SATA / PCIe*
o (2) – 4-port mini-SAS HD (SFF-8643) connectors
• Embedded SATA Software RAID
o Intel® RSTe 5.0
o Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology 2 1.60 with
optional RAID 5 key support
• Riser #1 – PCIe* 3.0 x24 (CPU1 x16, CPU2 x8) – 2 and 3 slot riser card options available
• Riser #2 – PCIe* 3.0 x24 (CPU2 x24) – 2 and 3 slot riser card options available
• 16MB of DDR4 video memory
• (1) – DB-15 external connector
• (1) – internal type-A USB 2.0 port
• (1) – internal 20-pin connector for optional 2x USB 3.0 port front panel support
Gb/s and 1.5 Gb/s transfer rates
o (2) – single port 7-pin SATA
o (2) – M.2 connectors –
• Embedded SATA Software RAID o Intel® RSTe 5.0
Note: 4-port mini-SAS HD connectors
are present on S2600WFQ but are not
configured as SATA; these cables are
used only for Intel® QAT.
• Support for Intel® Server Management software
• Dedicated onboard RJ45 management port
o (6) – 10-pin managed system fan headers (sys_fan 1-6) – used for 1U system configuration
o (6) – 6-pin hot swap capable managed system fan connectors (sys_fan 1-6) – used for 2U system
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
2.2 Server Board Component/Feature Identification
Figure 3. Server board component/feature identification
Note: Intel® Server Board S2600WFT shown. Some features may not be present on Intel® Server Boards
S2600WF0 and/or S2600WFQ.
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
A – RJ45 network port – NIC #1
B – RJ45 network port – NIC #2
C – Video
D – RJ45 serial A port
E – Stacked 3-port USB 3.0
F – RJ45 dedicated management port
Figure 4. Intel® Server Board S2600WF external I/O connector layout
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Figure 6. Intel® Light Guided Diagnostic – LED identification
Note: See Appendix B
for POST Code Diagnostic LED decoder information.
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Figure 7. Board configuration and recovery jumpers
For more information on reset and recovery jumpers, see Section 11.
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
2.3 Server Board Mechanical Drawings
Figure 8. Intel® Server Board S2600WF primary side keepout zone
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Figure 9. Intel® Server Board S2600WF hole and component positions
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Figure 10. Intel® Server Board S2600WF secondary side keepout zone
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Figure 11. Intel® Server Board S2600WF primary side height restrictions
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
2.4 Product Architecture Overview
The architecture of Intel® Server Board S2600WF product family is developed around the integrated features
and functions of the Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable family, the Intel® C620 series chipset (PCH), Intel®
Ethernet Controller X557-AT2 (S2600WFT only), and the ASPEED* AST2500 baseboard management
controller (BMC).
Figure 12 provides an overview of the server board architecture, showing the features and interconnects of
each of the major sub-system components.
Figure 12. Intel® Server Board S2600WF product family architectural block diagram
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Figure 13. Intel® Server Board S2600WFQ architectural block diagram
2.5 System Software Stack
The server board includes a system software stack that consists of the bystem BIOS, BMC firmware, Intel®
Management Engine (Intel® ME) firmware, and field replacement unit (FRU) and sensor data record (SDR)
data. Together, they configure and manage features and functions of the server system.
Many features and functions of the server system are managed jointly by the system BIOS and the BMC
firmware, including:
• IPMI watchdog timer
• Messaging support, including command bridging and user/session support
• BIOS boot flags support
• Event receiver device – The BMC receives and processes events from the BIOS.
• Serial-over-LAN (SOL)
• ACPI state synchronization – The BMC tracks ACPI state changes that are provided by the BIOS.
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification
Hot Key
Enter the BIOS setup utility
Pop-up BIOS boot menu
Network boot
Switch from logo screen to diagnostic screen
Stop POST temporarily
• Fault resilient booting (FRB) – Fault resistant boot level 2 (FRB-2) is supported by the watchdog timer
• Front panel management – The BMC controls the system status LED and chassis ID LED. It supports
secure lockout of certain front panel functionality and monitors button presses. The chassis ID LED is
turned on using a front panel button or a command.
• DIMM temperature monitoring – New sensors and improved acoustic management using closed-loop
fan control algorithm taking into account DIMM temperature readings.
• Integrated KVM
• Integrated remote media redirection
• Intel® Intelligent Power Node Manager support
• Sensor and SEL logging additions/enhancements (e.g., additional thermal monitoring capability)
• Embedded platform debug feature, which allows capture of detailed data for later analysis by Intel
A complete system software stack is pre-programmed on the server board during the board assembly
process, making the server board functional at first power on. However, to ensure the most reliable system
operation, it is highly recommended to check http://downloadcenter.intel.com
for the latest available system
System updates can be performed in a number of operating environments, including the UEFI shell using the
UEFI-only system update package (SUP), or under different operating systems using the Intel® One Boot
Flash Update (Intel® OFU) utility.
As part of the initial system integration process, system integrators must program system configuration data
onto the server board using the FRUSDR utility to ensure the embedded platform management subsystem is
able to provide the best performance and cooling for the final system configuration. The FRUSDR utility is
included in the SUP and OFU packages. For additional information, see Section 2.5.2.
Refer to the following Intel documents for more indepth information about the system software stack and
their functions:
• Intel® Server Board S2600 Family BIOS External Product Specification – Intel NDA Required
• Intel® Server System Integrated Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) Firmware External Product
Specification for Intel® Servers Systems supporting the Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable family – Intel
NDA Required
2.5.1 Hot Keys Supported During POST
Certain hot keys are recognized during power-on self-test (POST). A hot key is a key or key combination that
is recognized as an unprompted command input, where the operator is not prompted to press the hot key. In
most cases, hot keys are recognized even while other processing is in progress.
The BIOS supported hot keys are only recognized by the system BIOS during the system boot time POST
process. Once the POST process has completed and hands off the system boot process to the operating
system, BIOS supported hot keys are no longer recognized.
Table 3 provides a list of available POST hot keys along with a description for each.
Table 3. POST hot keys
Intel® Server Board S2600WF Product Family Technical Product Specification POST Logo/Diagnostic Screen
If quiet boot is enabled in the BIOS setup utility, a splash screen is displayed with the standard Intel logo
screen or a customized original equipment manufacturer (OEM) logo screen if one is present in the
designated flash memory location. By default, quiet boot is enabled in the BIOS setup utility and the logo
screen is the default POST display. However, the pressing <Esc> hides the logo screen and displays the
diagnostic screen instead.
If a logo is not present in the BIOS flash memory space, or if quiet boot is disabled in the system
configuration, the POST diagnostic screen is displayed with a summary of system configuration information.
The POST diagnostic screen is purely a text mode screen, as opposed to the graphics mode logo screen.
If console redirection is enabled in the BIOS setup utility, the quiet boot setting is disregarded and the text
mode diagnostic screen is displayed unconditionally. This is due to the limitations of console redirection,
which transfers data in a mode that is not graphics-compatible. BIOS Boot Pop-Up Menu
The BIOS boot specification (BBS) provides a boot pop-up menu that can be invoked by pressing the <F6>
key during POST. The BBS pop-up menu displays all available boot devices. The boot order in the pop-up
menu is not the same as the boot order in the BIOS setup utility. The pop-up menu simply lists all of the
available devices from which the system can be booted, and allows a manual selection of the desired boot
When an administrator password is installed in the BIOS setup utility, the administrator password is required
to access the boot pop-up menu. If a user password is entered, the user is taken directly to the boot manager
in the BIOS setup utility only allowing booting in the order previously defined by the administrator. Entering BIOS Setup
To enter the BIOS setup utility using a keyboard (or emulated keyboard), press the <F2> function key during
boot time when the OEM or Intel logo screen or the POST diagnostic screen is displayed.
The following instructional message is displayed on the diagnostic screen or under the quiet boot logo
Press <F2> to enter setup, <F6> Boot Menu, <F12> Network Boot
Note: With a USB keyboard, it is important to wait until the BIOS discovers the keyboard and beeps; until the
USB controller has been initialized and the keyboard activated, key presses are not read by the system.
When the BIOS setup utility is entered, the main screen is displayed initially. However, if a serious error
occurs during POST, the system enters the BIOS setup utility and displays the error manager screen instead
of the main screen.
For additional BIOS setup utility information, refer to Intel® Server Board S2600 Family BIOS Setup User Guide. BIOS Update Capability
To bring BIOS fixes or new features into the system, it is necessary to replace the current installed BIOS
image with an updated one. The BIOS image can be updated using a standalone IFLASH32 utility in the UEFI
shell or using the OFU utility program under a supported operating system. Full BIOS update instructions are
provided with update packages downloaded from the Intel website.
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