Intel S2600CO Family, S2600CO Series Technical Product Specification

Revision 1.0
February, 2012
Enterprise Platforms and Services Division – Marketing
Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family
Technical Product Specification
Revision History Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
February, 2012
Initial release.
Revision History
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Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation
Revision 1.0
Intel order number G42278-002
Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Chapter Outline ........................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer .................................................................................. 1
2. Product Overview ................................................................ ................................................. 3
2.1 Server Board Connector and Component Layout .................................................... 5
2.2 Server Board Dimensional Mechanical Drawings .................................................. 10
3. Functional Architecture Overview .................................................................................... 15
3.1 Processor Support ................................................................................................. 16
3.1.1 Processor Socket Assembly .................................................................................. 16
3.1.2 Processor Population Rules .................................................................................. 16
3.1.3 Processor Initializion Error Summary .................................................................... 17
3.2 Processor Function Overview ................................................................................ 19
3.2.1 Intel® QuickPath Interconnect ................................................................................ 20
3.2.2 Integrated Memory Controller (IMC) and Memory Subsystem .............................. 21
3.2.3 Processor Integrated I/O Module (IIO) ................................................................... 30
3.3 Intel® C600-A Chipset Functional Overview .......................................................... 34
3.3.1 Low Pin Count (LPC) Interface .............................................................................. 34
3.3.2 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Controller ................................................................... 35
3.3.3 On-board Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)/Serial ATA (SATA)/RAID Support and Options 35
3.3.4 Manageability ......................................................................................................... 37
3.4 Integrated Baseboard Management Controller Overview ...................................... 38
3.4.1 Super I/O Controller ............................................................................................... 39
3.4.2 Graphics Controller and Video Support ................................................................. 40
3.4.3 Baseboard Management Controller ....................................................................... 41
4. Technology Support .......................................................................................................... 43
4.1 Intel® Trusted Execution Technology ..................................................................... 43
4.2 Intel® Virtualization Technology – Intel® VT-x/VT-d/VT-c ....................................... 43
4.3 Intel® Intelligent Power Node Manager .................................................................. 44
4.3.1 Hardware Requirements ........................................................................................ 45
5. System Security ................................................................................................................. 46
5.1 BIOS Password Protection .................................................................................... 46
5.2 Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Support ............................................................... 47
5.2.1 TPM security BIOS ................................................................................................ 47
5.2.2 Physical Presence ................................................................................................. 48
5.2.3 TPM Security Setup Options ................................................................................. 48
5.3 Intel® Trusted Execution Technology ..................................................................... 50
6. Platform Management Functional Overview .................................................................... 52
6.1 Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) Firmware Feature Support................. 52
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Table of Contents Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
6.1.1 IPMI 2.0 Features .................................................................................................. 52
6.1.2 Non IPMI Features ................................................................................................. 53
6.1.3 New Manageability Features ................................................................................. 54
6.2 Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) ........................................... 56
6.3 Power Control Sources .......................................................................................... 56
6.4 BMC Watchdog ...................................................................................................... 57
6.5 Fault Resilient Booting (FRB) ................................................................................ 57
6.6 Sensor Monitoring .................................................................................................. 58
6.7 Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Inventory Device .................................................... 58
6.8 System Event Log (SEL) ....................................................................................... 59
6.9 System Fan Management ...................................................................................... 59
6.9.1 Thermal and Acoustic Management ...................................................................... 59
6.9.2 Fan Profiles ............................................................................................................ 60
6.9.3 Thermal Sensor Input to Fan Speed Control ......................................................... 60
6.9.4 Memory Thermal Throttling .................................................................................... 62
6.10 Messaging Interfaces ............................................................................................. 62
6.10.1 User Model ............................................................................................................ 63
6.10.2 IPMB Communication Interface ............................................................................. 63
6.10.3 LAN interface ......................................................................................................... 64
6.10.4 Address Resoluton Protocol (ARP) ....................................................................... 70
6.10.5 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) ............................................................ 70
6.10.6 Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) ....................................................................... 70
6.10.7 Secure Shell (SSH) ................................................................................................ 71
6.10.8 Serial-over-LAN (SOL 2.0) ..................................................................................... 71
6.10.9 Platform Event Filter .............................................................................................. 71
6.10.10 LAN Alterting .......................................................................................................... 72
6.10.11 Altert Policy Table .................................................................................................. 72
6.10.12 SM-CLP (SM-CLP Lite) ......................................................................................... 73
6.10.13 Embeded Web Server ........................................................................................... 73
6.10.14 Virtual Front Panel ................................................................................................. 75
6.10.15 Embedded Platform Debug ................................................................................... 75
6.10.16 Data Center Management Interface (DCMI) .......................................................... 78
6.10.17 Lightweight Directory Authentication Protocol (LDAP) .......................................... 78
7. Advanced Management Features Support (RMM4)......................................................... 79
7.1 Keyboard, Video, and Mouse (KVM) Redirection .................................................. 79
7.1.1 Remote Console .................................................................................................... 80
7.1.2 Performance .......................................................................................................... 80
7.1.3 Security .................................................................................................................. 81
7.1.4 Availability .............................................................................................................. 81
7.1.5 Usage .................................................................................................................... 81
7.1.6 Force-enter BIOS Setup ........................................................................................ 81
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Table of Contents
7.2 Media Redirection .................................................................................................. 81
7.2.1 Availability .............................................................................................................. 82
7.2.2 Network Port Usage ............................................................................................... 82
8. On-board Connector/Header Overview ............................................................................ 83
8.1 Power Connectors ................................................................................................. 83
8.1.1 Main Power ............................................................................................................ 83
8.1.2 CPU Power Connectors ......................................................................................... 83
8.1.3 PCIe Card Power Connectors ............................................................................... 84
8.2 Front Panel Headers and Connectors ................................................................... 84
8.2.1 SSI Front Panel Header ......................................................................................... 84
8.2.2 Front Panel USB Connector .................................................................................. 88
8.2.3 Intel Local Control Panel Connector ...................................................................... 88
8.3 On-Board Storage Connectors .............................................................................. 88
8.3.1 SATA Only Connectors: 6 Gbps ............................................................................ 88
8.3.2 SATA/SAS Connectors .......................................................................................... 89
8.3.3 SAS SGPIO Connectors ........................................................................................ 89
8.3.4 Intel® RAID C600 Upgrade Key Connector ............................................................ 89
8.3.5 HSBP_I2C Header ................................................................................................. 89
8.3.6 HDD LED Header .................................................................................................. 90
8.3.7 Internal Type-A USB Connector ............................................................................ 90
8.3.8 Internal 2mm Low Profile eUSB SSD Connector ................................................... 90
8.4 Management and Security Connectors ................................................................. 90
8.4.1 RMM4_Lite Connector ........................................................................................... 90
8.4.2 RMM4_NIC connector ........................................................................................... 91
8.4.3 TPM Connector ...................................................................................................... 91
8.4.4 PMBUS Connector ................................................................................................ 91
8.4.5 Chassis Intrustion Header ..................................................................................... 91
8.4.6 IPMB Connector .................................................................................................... 92
8.5 Fan Connectors ..................................................................................................... 92
8.5.1 System FAN Connectors ....................................................................................... 92
8.5.2 CPU FAN Connector ............................................................................................. 93
8.6 Serial Port Connectors ........................................................................................... 93
8.6.1 Serial Port A connector (DB9) ............................................................................... 93
8.6.2 Serial Port B Connector ......................................................................................... 93
8.6.3 Video Connector .................................................................................................... 93
8.7 Other Connectors and Headers ............................................................................. 94
8.7.1 FAN BOARD_I2C Connector ................................................................................. 94
8.7.2 IEEE 1394b Connector .......................................................................................... 94
9. Reset and Recovery Jumpers ........................................................................................... 96
9.1 BIOS Default (a.k.a CMOS Clear) and Password Reset Usage Procedure .......... 97
9.1.1 Set BIOS to default (a.k.a Clearing the CMOS) ..................................................... 97
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Table of Contents Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
9.1.2 Clearing the Password ........................................................................................... 97
9.2 Integrated BMC Force Update Procedure ............................................................. 98
9.3 ME Force Update Jumper ...................................................................................... 98
9.4 BIOS Recovery Jumper ......................................................................................... 99
10. Light Guided Diagnostics ................................................................................................ 100
10.1 5-volt Stand-by LED ............................................................................................. 100
10.2 Fan Fault LEDs .................................................................................................... 100
10.3 DIMM Fault LEDs ................................................................................................ 102
10.4 System ID LED, System Status LED and POST Code Diagnostic LEDs ............ 102
10.4.1 System ID LED .................................................................................................... 103
10.4.2 System Status LED .............................................................................................. 104
10.4.3 POST Code Diagnostic LEDs .............................................................................. 104
11. Environmental Limits Specification ............................................................................... 106
11.1 Processor Thermal Design Power (TDP) Support ............................................... 106
11.2 MTBF ................................................................................................................... 106
12. Power Supply Specification Guidelines ......................................................................... 108
12.1 Power Supply DC Output Specification ............................................................... 108
12.1.1 Output Power/Currents ........................................................................................ 108
12.1.2 Cross Loading ...................................................................................................... 108
12.1.3 Standby Output .................................................................................................... 109
Appendix A: Integration and Usage Tips .............................................................................. 114
Appendix B: Compatiable Intel® Server Chassis ................................................................. 115
Appendix C: Integrated BMC Sensor Tables ........................................................................ 122
Appendix D: Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family Specific Sensors ................................ 135
Product ID .......................................................................................................................... 135
ACPI S3 Sleep State Support ............................................................................................ 135
Processor Support for Intel® Server Board S2600CO ........................................................ 135
Supported Chassis ............................................................................................................. 135
Hot-plug fan support ........................................................................................................... 136
Fan redundancy support .................................................................................................... 136
HSC Availability .................................................................................................................. 138
Power unit support ............................................................................................................. 138
Redundant Fans only for Intel® Server Chassis ................................................................. 139
Fan Fault LED support ....................................................................................................... 139
Memory Throttling support ................................................................................................. 139
Appendix E: Management Engine Generated SEL Event Messages ................................. 140
Appendix F: POST Code Diagnostic LED Decoder.............................................................. 142
Appendix G: POST Code Errors ............................................................................................ 147
Glossary ................................................................................................................................... 154
Reference Documents ............................................................................................................ 157
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1. Major Board Components .............................................................................................. 6
Figure 2. Intel® Light Guided Diagnostic LED Identification .......................................................... 7
Figure 3. Jumper Block Identification ............................................................................................ 8
Figure 4. Rear I/O Layout ............................................................................................................. 9
Figure 5. Mounting Hole Locations (1 of 2) ................................................................................. 10
Figure 6. Mounting Hole Locations (2 of 2) ................................................................................. 11
Figure 7. Major Connector Pin-1 Locations ................................................................................ 12
Figure 8. Primary Side Keep-out ................................................................................................. 13
Figure 9. Secondary Side Keep-out ............................................................................................ 14
Figure 10. Intel® Server Board S2600CO Functional Block Diagram ......................................... 15
Figure 11. Processor Socket Assembly ...................................................................................... 16
Figure 12. Integrated Memory Controller Functional Block Diagram .......................................... 21
Figure 13. Intel® Server Board S2600CO DIMM Slot Layout ...................................................... 24
Figure 14. Functional Block Diagram of Processor IIO Sub-system ........................................... 31
Figure 15. Functional Block Diagram - Chipset Supported Features and Functions .................. 34
Figure 16. Intel® RAID C600 Upgrade Key Connector ................................................................ 35
Figure 17. Integrated BMC Functional Block Diagram ................................................................ 38
Figure 18. Integrated BMC Hardware ......................................................................................... 39
Figure 19. Setup Utility – TPM Configuration Screen ................................................................. 49
Figure 20. High Level Fan Speed Control Structure ................................................................... 61
Figure 21. Server Board Jumper Block Locations (J1E2, J1E3, J1E4, J1E6, J2J2) ................... 96
Figure 22. 5-volt Stand-by Status LED Location ....................................................................... 100
Figure 23. Fan Fault LED’s Location ........................................................................................ 101
Figure 24. DIMM Fault LED’s Location ..................................................................................... 102
Figure 25. Location of System Status, System ID and POST Code Diagnostic LEDs .............. 103
Figure 26. Differential Noise test setup ..................................................................................... 111
Figure 27. Output Voltage Timing ............................................................................................. 112
Figure 28. Turn On/Off Timing (Power Supply Signals) ............................................................ 113
Figure 29. Intel® Server Chassis P4308XXMFEN ..................................................................... 115
Figure 30. Intel® Server Chassis P4308XXMHGC .................................................................... 116
Figure 31. Chassis/System Product Code Naming Conventions .............................................. 117
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List of Tables Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
List of Tables
Table 1. Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family Feature Set ......................................................... 3
Table 2. Mixed Processor Configurations Error Summary .......................................................... 18
Table 3. UDIMM Support Guidelines .......................................................................................... 22
Table 4. RDIMM Support Guidelines .......................................................................................... 22
Table 5. LRDIMM Support Guidelines ........................................................................................ 23
Table 6. Intel® Server Board S2600CO DIMM Nomenclature ..................................................... 24
Table 7. Supported Intel® Integrated RAID Modules ................................................................... 32
Table 8. Supported Intel® Riser Card .......................................................................................... 33
Table 9. External RJ45 NIC Port LED Definition ......................................................................... 33
Table 10. Intel® RAID C600 Upgrade Key Options ..................................................................... 36
Table 11. Video Modes ............................................................................................................... 40
Table 12. Video mode ................................................................................................................. 41
Table 13. Data Center Problems ................................................................................................ 44
Table 14. Setup Utility – Security Configuration Screen Fields .................................................. 50
Table 15. ACPI Power States ..................................................................................................... 56
Table 16. Power Control Initiators ............................................................................................... 56
Table 17. Fan Profile Mapping .................................................................................................... 60
Table 18. Standard ID Channel Assignments ............................................................................. 63
Table 19. Factory Configured PEF Table Entries ....................................................................... 71
Table 20. Diagnostic Data. .......................................................................................................... 77
Table 21. Additional Diagnostics on Error. .................................................................................. 77
Table 22. Intel® RMM4 options kits ............................................................................................. 79
Table 23. Enabling Advanced Management Features ................................................................ 79
Table 24. Main Power Connector Pin-out (“MAIN PWR”) ........................................................... 83
Table 25. CPU Power Connector Pin-out (“CPU_1 PWR” and “CPU_2 PWR”) ......................... 83
Table 26. PCIe Card Power Connector Pin-out (“OPT_12V_PWR”) .......................................... 84
Table 27. SSI Front Panel Header Pin-out (“SSI Front Panel”) .................................................. 84
Table 28. Power/Sleep LED Functional States ........................................................................... 85
Table 29. NMI Signal Generation and Event Logging ................................................................. 86
Table 30. System Status LED State Definitions .......................................................................... 86
Table 31. Front Panel USB Connector Pin-out (USB5-6) ........................................................... 88
Table 32. Intel Local Control Pane Connector Pin-out (LCP) ..................................................... 88
Table 33. SATA Only Connector Pin-out (SATA_0 and SATA_1) .............................................. 88
Table 34. SATA/SAS Connector Pin-out (SATA/SAS_0 to SATA/SAS_7) ................................. 89
Table 35. SAS SGPIO Connector Pin-out (SAS_SPGIO_0 and SAS_SPGIO_1) ...................... 89
Table 36. Intel® RAID C600 Upgrade Key Connector Pin-out (STRO UPG KEY) ...................... 89
Table 37. HSBP_I2C Header Pin-out (HSBP_I2C) ..................................................................... 89
Table 38. Hard Drive Acitivity Header Pin-out (HDD_LED) ........................................................ 90
Table 39. Internal Type-A USB2.0 Connector Pin-out (USB_4) ................................................. 90
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Table 40. Internal eUSB Connector Pin-out (eUSB_SSD) ......................................................... 90
Table 41. RMM4_Lite Connector Pin-out (RMM4_Lite) .............................................................. 91
Table 42. RMM4_NIC Connector Pin-out (RMM4_NIC) ............................................................. 91
Table 43. TPM Connector Pin-out (TPM) ................................................................................... 91
Table 44. PMBUS Connector Pin-out (SMB_PMBUS) ............................................................... 91
Table 45. Chassis Intrusion Header Pin-out (CHAS INTR) ........................................................ 92
Table 46. Chassis Instrusion Header State Description ............................................................. 92
Table 47. IPMB Connector Pin-out (IPMB) ................................................................................. 92
Table 48. 6-pin System FAN Connector Pin-out (SYS_FAN_1 to SYS_FAN_6) ........................ 92
Table 49. 4-pin System FAN Connector Pin-out (SYS_FAN_7) ................................................. 92
Table 50. CPU Fan Connector Pin-out (CPU_1 FAN and CPU_2 FAN) .................................... 93
Table 51. Serial Port A Connector Pin-out (SERIAL_A) ............................................................. 93
Table 52. Serial-B Connector Pin-out (SERIAL_B) ..................................................................... 93
Table 53. Rear VGA Video Connector Pinout (VGA) .................................................................. 93
Table 54. HSBP 4-PIN I2C BUS Connector pin out(FAN BOARD_I2C) ..................................... 94
Table 55. IEEE 1394b Connector pin out ................................................................................... 95
Table 56. Server Board Jumpers (J1E2, J1E3, J1E4, J1E6, J1J2) ............................................ 96
Table 57. System Status LED ................................................................................................... 104
Table 58. POST Code Diagnostic LEDs ................................................................................... 105
Table 59. Server Board Design Specifications ......................................................................... 106
Table 60. MTBF Estimate ......................................................................................................... 107
Table 61. Over Voltage Protection Limits ................................................................................. 108
Table 62. Loading Conditions ................................................................................................... 108
Table 63. Voltage Regulation Limits ......................................................................................... 109
Table 64. Transient Load Requirements ................................................................................... 109
Table 65. Capacitive Loading Conditions ................................................................................. 110
Table 66. Ripples and Noise ..................................................................................................... 110
Table 67. Output Voltage Timing .............................................................................................. 111
Table 68. Turn On/Off Timing ................................................................................................... 112
Table 69. Intel® Server Chassis P4000M family Features ........................................................ 118
Table 70. BMC Core Sensors ................................................................................................... 124
Table 71. Chassis-specific Sensors .......................................................................................... 135
Table 72. Fan Domain Definition .............................................................................................. 136
Table 73. Power Supply Support .............................................................................................. 138
Table 74. Server Platform Services Firmware Health Event ..................................................... 140
Table 75. Node Manager Health Event ..................................................................................... 141
Table 76. POST Progress Code LED Example ........................................................................ 142
Table 77. Diagnostic LED POST Code Decoder ...................................................................... 143
Table 78. MRC Progress Codes ............................................................................................... 145
Table 79. MRC Fatal Error Codes ............................................................................................ 145
Table 80. POST Error Codes and Messages ........................................................................... 147
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List of Tables Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
Table 81. POST Error Beep Codes .......................................................................................... 152
Table 82. Integrated BMC Beep Codes .................................................................................... 153
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS List of Tables
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Introduction
1. Introduction
This Technical Product Specification (TPS) provides board-specific information detailing the features, functionality, and high-level architecture of the Intel® Server Board S2600CO.
Design-level information related to specific server board components and subsystems can be obtained by ordering External Product Specifications (EPS) or External Design Specifications (EDS) related to this server generation. EPS and EDS documents are made available under NDA with Intel and must be ordered through your local Intel® representative. See the Reference Documents section for a list of available documents.
1.1 Chapter Outline
This document is divided into the following chapters:
Chapter 1 – Introduction Chapter 2 – Product Overview Chapter 3 – Functional Architecture Overview Chapter 4 – Technology Support Chapter 5 – System Security Chapter 6 – Platform Management Functional Overview Chapter 7 – Advanced Management Feature Support (RMM4) Chapter 8 – On-board Connector/Header Overview Chapter 9 – Reset and Recovery Jumpers Chapter 10 – Light Guided Diagnostics Chapter 11 – Environmental Limits Specifications Chapter 12 – Power Supply Specification Guidelines Appendix A: Integration and Usage Tips Appendix B: Compatible Intel Appendix C: Integrated BMC Sensor Tables Appendix D: Intel Appendix E: Management Engine Generated SEL Event Messages Appendix F: POST Code Diagnostic LED Decoder Appendix G: POST Code Errors Glossary Reference Documents
Server Board S2600CO Family Specific Sensors
Server Chassis
1.2 Server Board Use Disclaimer
Intel Corporation server boards support add-in peripherals and contain a number of high-density VLSI (Very-large-scale integration) and power delivery components that need adequate airflow to cool. Intel ensures through its own chassis development and testing that when Intel® server building blocks are used together, the fully integrated system will meet the intended thermal requirements of these components. It is the responsibility of the system integrator who chooses not to use Intel developed server building blocks to consult vendor datasheets and operating parameters to determine the amount of airflow required for their specific application and
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Introduction Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
environmental conditions. Intel Corporation cannot be held responsible if components fail or the server board does not operate correctly when used outside any of the published operating or non-operating limits.
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Product Overview
Processor Support
Two LGA 2011 (Socket R) processor sockets S2600CO4 - Support for one or two Intel® Xeon® Processor(s) E5-2600 product with
a Thermal Design Power (TDP) of up to 135W.
S2600COE - Support for one or two Intel® Xeon® Processor(s) E5-2600 product
family with a Thermal Design Power (TDP) of up to 150W with possible configuration limits.
16 DIMM slots – 2 DIMM slots/channel – 4 memory channels per processor Channels A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H Support for Registered DDR3 Memory (RDIMM), LV-RDIMM, Unbuffered DDR3
memory ((UDIMM) with ECC and Load Reduced DDR3 memory (LR-DIMM)
Memory DDR3 data transfer rate of 800, 1066, and 1333 MT/s and1600 MT/s DDR3 standard I/O voltage of 1.5V and DDR3 Low Voltage of 1.35V
Intel® C600-A chipset with support for optional Storage Option Select keys
Rear I/O connections
One DB15 Video VGA connector One DB9 Serial connector Four USB2.0 connectors Four RJ-45 Network Interface Connectors supporting 10/100/1000Mb
Internal I/O connectors/headers
One 2x5 pin connector providing front panel support for two USB ports One internal type A USB 2.0 connector One internal low-profile 2mm USB port for USB Solid State Drive One 2x15 pin SSI-EEB compliant front panel connector One DH-10 Serial Port B connector Two internal IEEE 1394b connectors (Intel® Server Board S2600COE only.)
Cooling Fan Support
Two 4-pin managed CPU fan headers Six 6-pin managed system fan headers One 4-pin managed rear system fan header One 4-pin I2C header that is intended to be used for third party fan control circuits
using a Maxim 72408 controller. (Intel® Server Board S2600CO4 only.)
2. Product Overview
The Intel® Server Board S2600CO is a monolithic printed circuit board (PCB) assembly with features designed to support the pedestal server markets. It has two board SKUs, namely S2600CO4 and S2600COE. These server boards are designed to support the Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2600 product family. Previous generation Intel® Xeon® processors are not supported. Many of the features and functions of these two SKUs are common. A board will be identified by name when a described feature or function is unique to it.
Table 1. Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family Feature Set
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
Add-in Card Slots
Support up to six expansion slots Slot 1: PCIe Gen II x4 electrical with x8 physical connector, routed from Intel® C600
Chipset, support half-length card
Slot 2: PCIe Gen III x16 electrical with x16 physical connector, routed from CPU1,
support full length card
Slot 3: PCIe Gen III x16 electrical with x16 physical connector, routed from CPU2,
support full length, double width card
Slot 4: PCIe Gen III x8 electrical with x8 connector, routed from CPU2, support full
length card; support Intel designed SAS RAID on Card (ROC) Module (PCIe slot form factor)
Slot 5: PCIe Gen III x16 electrical with x16 connector, routed from CPU1, support
full length, double width card
Slot 6: PCIe Gen III x16 electrical with x16 connector, routed from CPU2, support
half-length card, Intel designed PCIe riser card
One low-profile eUSB 2x5 pin connector to support 2mm low-profile eUSB solid
state devices
Two AHCI SATA connectors capable of supporting up to 6Gb/sec AHCI SATA 0 supports high profile, vertical SATA DOM with onboard power. Eight SCU SAS/SATA connectors capable of supporting up to 3Gb/sec Intel SAS ROC module support (Optional, PCIe slot form factor) Intel® RAID C600 Upgrade Key support providing optional expanded SAS/SATA
RAID capabilities
RAID Support
Intel® RSTe SW RAID 0/1/10/5  LSI SW RAID 0/1/10
Video Support
Integrated Matrox G200 2D Video Graphics controller
Four Gigabit through Intel® I350-AM Quad 10/100/1000 integrated GbE MAC and PHY controller
Trusted Platform Module (Accessory Option)
Server Management
Integrated Baseboard Management Controller, IPMI 2.0 compliant  Support for Intel® Server Management Software  Intel® Remote Management Module 4 support (Accessory Option)  Intel® Remote Management Module 4 Lite support (Accessory Option)
Form Factor
SSI EEB (12”x13”)
Compatible Intel® Server Chassis
Intel® Server Chassis P4000M family
4 Revision 1.0
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Product Overview
Chassis Intrusion
System Fan 1 Connector
Slot1, PCI Express* Gen2
RMM4 Lite
Optional 12V Power Connector
Slot 2, PCI Express* Gen3
BIOS Default
Slot 3, PCI Express* Gen3
2.1 Server Board Connector and Component Layout
The following illustrations provide a general overview of the server board, identifying key feature and component locations. Each connector and major component is identified by a number or letter, and the description is given below the figure.
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
Main Power
Slot 4, PCI Express* Gen3
USB_4 (Internal Type A USB Connector)
Slot 5, PCI Express* Gen3
Storage Upgrade key connector
Slot 6, PCI Express* Gen3
FAN BOARD_I2C (Intel® Server Board S2600CO4 only)
DIMM E1/E2/F1/F2
SATA_0 connector
Status LED
SATA_1 Connector
SAS/SATA_7 Connector
Diagnostic LED
SAS/SATA_6 Connector
NIC 3/4
SAS/SATA_5 Connector
USB 0/1/2/3, NIC 1,2
SAS/SATA_4 Connector
SAS/SATA_3 Connector
CPU 2 Power connector
SAS/SATA_2 Connector
System Fan 7
SAS/SATA_1 Connector
Serial Port A
SAS/SATA_0 Connector
CPU 2 Fan Connector
DIMM H1/H2/G1/G2
DIMM A1/A2/B1/B2
CPU 1 Power connector
CPU 1 Fan Connector
USB 5-6 (front panel USB connector)
DIMM C1/C2/D1/D2
ME Force Update
USB port to support SSD
BMC Force Update
HDD LED Header
IEEE_1394B_0 Connector (Intel® Server Board S2600COE only)
TPM Connector
Password Clear
System Fan 6 Connector
BIOS Recovery
System Fan 5 Connector
IEEE_1394B_1 Connector (Intel® Server Board S2600COE only)
System Fan 4 Connector
Serial B connector
System Fan 3 Connector
System Fan 2 Connector
SSI Front Panel
6 Revision 1.0
Figure 1. Major Board Components
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Product Overview
Figure 2. Intel® Light Guided Diagnostic LED Identification
See Chapter 10 for additional details.
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
Figure 3. Jumper Block Identification
See Chapter 9 for additional details.
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Product Overview
Serial Port A
NIC Port 3 and 4
Diagnostics LED’s
NIC Port 1, USB Port 0 (top) and 1 (bottom)
NIC Port 2, USB Port 2 (top) and 3 (bottom)
Status LED
Figure 4. Rear I/O Layout
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
2.2 Server Board Dimensional Mechanical Drawings
Figure 5. Mounting Hole Locations (1 of 2)
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Product Overview
Figure 6. Mounting Hole Locations (2 of 2)
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
Figure 7. Major Connector Pin-1 Locations
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Product Overview
Figure 8. Primary Side Keep-out
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Product Overview Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
Figure 9. Secondary Side Keep-out
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Functional Architecture Overview
Intel® C600
(w/ Dynamic SKU’ing)
LPC (33MHz)
USB 2.0 (480Mbs)
NC-SI PORT 1 (RMII) 100Mbps
RMM4 Dedicated NIC Module Conn
2x5 HDR
USB 2.0
Zepher Conn
TPM Conn
4 USB 2.0 EXT
Upgradable to
Dual 1Gb LAN
Dual GbDual Gb
Dual 1Gb LAN
Dual GbDual Gb
USB 2.0
2 USB 2.0 INT
PCIe Gen1 x1
SPI Flash
SPI Flash
SCU[3:0] P[5:2] P[1:0]
USB 1.1 (12Mbs)
Intel® Xeon®
Intel® Xeon®
Slot 2: x16 Conn
Slot 1 x8 Conn
Slot 3: x16 Conn
Supports: UDIMM/RDIMM QRx4 (1.5V) LV-DIMMs (1.35V) LR-DIMMs
Copper Pass Romley-EP Pedestal Server System
Architecture Diagram
DMI2 PCIe Gen2 x4 (4GB/s)
QPI Port 1 8.0GT/s
QPI Port 0 8.0GT/s
P2 P1P3P0
P1P3 P2P0
PCIe Gen3 x16 (32GB/s)
PCIe Gen3 x16 (32GB/s)
PCIe Gen3 x4 (8GB/s)
Slot 5: x16 Conn
Slot 4: x8 Conn
Slot 6 x16 Conn
PCIe Gen3 x4 (8GB/s)
PCIe Gen3 x4 (8GB/s)
PCIe Gen3 x16 (32GB/s)
PCIe Gen3 x16 (32GB/s)
PCIe Gen3 x8 (16GB/s)
PCIe Gen1 x1 1394b INT
1394b INT
3port 1394b
PCIe Gen3 x4 (8GB/s)
PCIe Gen2 x4 (4GB/s)
3. Functional Architecture Overview
The architecture and design of the Intel® Server Board S2600CO is developed around the integrated features and functions of the Intel® processor E5-2600 product family, the Intel® C600-A chipset, the Intel® Ethernet Controller I350 Quad Port 1GbE chip and the Server Engines* Pilot-III Server Management Controller.
The following diagram provides an overview of the server board architecture, showing the features and interconnects of each of the major sub-system components.
Figure 10. Intel® Server Board S2600CO Functional Block Diagram
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Functional Architecture Overview Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
3.1 Processor Support
The server board includes two Socket-R (LGA2011) processor sockets and can support one or two of the following processors:
Xeon® processor E5-2600 product family, with a Thermal Design Power (TDP) of
up to 135W
Xeon® processor E5-2600 product family, with a Thermal Design Power (TDP) of
up to 150W with Intel® Server Board S2600COE with possible configuration limits.
Note: Previous generation Intel® Xeon® processors are not supported on the Intel server boards described in this document.
Visit the Intel web site for a complete updated list of supported processors.
3.1.1 Processor Socket Assembly
Each processor socket of the server board is pre-assembled with an Independent Latching Mechanism (ILM) and Back Plate which allow for secure placement of the processor and processor heat to the server board.
The illustration below identifies each sub-assembly component.
Figure 11. Processor Socket Assembly
3.1.2 Processor Population Rules
Note: Although the server board does support dual-processor configurations consisting of
different processors that meet the defined criteria below, Intel® does not perform validation
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Functional Architecture Overview
testing of this configuration. For optimal system performance in dual-processor configurations, Intel® recommends that identical processors be installed.
When using a single processor configuration, the processor must be installed into the processor socket labeled CPU_1.
When two processors are installed, the following population rules apply:
Both processors must be of the same processor family. Both processors must have the same number of cores. Both processors must have the same cache sizes for all levels of processor cache
Processors with different core frequencies can be mixed in a system, given the prior
rules are met. If this condition is detected, all processor core frequencies are set to the lowest common denominator (highest common speed) and an error is reported.
Processors which have different Intel QuickPath (QPI) Link Frequencies may operate
together if they are otherwise compatible and if a common link frequency can be selected. The common link frequency would be the highest link frequency that all installed processor can achieve.
Processor stepping within a common processor family can be mixed as long as it is
listed in the processor specification updates published by Intel Corporation.
3.1.3 Processor Initializion Error Summary
The following table describes mixed processor conditions and recommended actions for all Intel® server boards and Intel® server systems designed around the Intel® Xeon® processor E5­2600 product family and Intel® C600 chipset product family architecture. The errors fall into one of the following categories:
Fatal: If the system can boot, it pauses at a blank screen with the text “Unrecoverable
fatal error found. System will not boot until the error is resolved” and “Press <F2> to enter setup”, regardless of whether the “Post Error Pause” setup option is enabled or
disabled. When the operator presses the <F2> key on the keyboard and enter BIOS setup, the
error message is displayed on the Error Manager screen, and an error is logged to the System Event Log (SEL) with the POST Error Code.
The system cannot boot unless the error is resolved. The user needs to replace the faulty part and restart the system.
For Fatal Errors during processor initialization, the System Status LED will be set to a steady Amber color, indicating an unrecoverable system failure condition
Major: If the “Post Error Pause” setup option is enabled, the system goes directly to the
Error Manager screen to display the error and log the error code to SEL. Operator intervention is required to continue booting the system.
Otherwise, if POST Error Pause is disabled, the system continues to boot and no prompt is given for the error, although the error code is logged to the Error Manager and in a SEL message.
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Functional Architecture Overview Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS
System Action
Processor family not Identical
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Logs the POST Error Code into the System Event Log (SEL). Alerts the BMC to set the System Status LED to steady Amber. Displays “0194: Processor family mismatch detected” message in the
Error Manager.
Takes Fatal Error action (see above) and will not boot until the fault
condition is remedied.
Processor model not Identical
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Logs the POST Error Code into the System Event Log (SEL). Alerts the BMC to set the System Status LED to steady Amber. Displays “0196: Processor model mismatch detected” message in the
Error Manager.
Takes Fatal Error action (see above) and will not boot until the fault
condition is remedied.
Processor cores/threads not identical
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Logs the POST Error Code into the SEL. Alerts the BMC to set the System Status LED to steady Amber. Displays “0191: Processor core/thread count mismatch detected”
message in the Error Manager.
Takes Fatal Error action (see above) and will not boot until the fault condition is remedied.
Processor cache not identical
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Logs the POST Error Code into the SEL. Alerts the BMC to set the System Status LED to steady Amber. Displays “0192: Processor cache size mismatch” detected message in
the Error Manager.
Takes Fatal Error action (see above) and will not boot until the fault
condition is remedied.
Processor frequency (speed) not identical
The BIOS detects the processor frequency difference, and responds as follows:
Adjusts all processor frequencies to the highest common frequency. No error is generated – this is not an error condition. Continues to boot the system successfully.
If the frequencies for all processors cannot be adjusted to be the same, then this is an error, and the BIOS responds as follows:
Logs the POST Error Code into the SEL. Alerts the BMC to set the System Status LED to steady Amber. Does not disable the processor. Displays “0197: Processor speeds unable to synchronize” message in
the Error Manager.
Takes Fatal Error action (see above) and will not boot until the fault
condition is remedied.
Minor: The message is displayed on the screen or on the Error Manager screen, and
the POST Error Code is logged to the SEL. The system continues booting in a degraded state. The user may want to replace the erroneous unit. The POST Error Pause option setting in the BIOS setup does not have any effect on this error.
Table 2. Mixed Processor Configurations Error Summary
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Intel® Server Board S2600CO Family TPS Functional Architecture Overview
System Action
Processor Intel® QuickPath Interconnect link frequencies not identical
The BIOS detects the QPI link frequencies and responds as follows: Adjusts all QPI interconnect link frequencies to highest common
No error is generated – this is not an error condition. Continues to boot the system successfully.
If the link frequencies for all QPI links cannot be adjusted to be the same, then this is an error, and the BIOS responds as follows:
Logs the POST Error Code into the SEL. Alerts the BMC to set the System Status LED to steady Amber. Displays “0195: PProcessor Intel(R) QPI link frequencies unable to
synchronize” message in the Error Manager.
Does not disable the processor. Takes Fatal Error action (see above) and will not boot until the fault
condition is remedied.
Processor microcode update missing
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Logs the POST Error Code into the SEL. Displays “818x: Processor 0x microcode update not found” message in
the Error Manager or on the screen.
The system continues to boot in a degraded state, regardless of the
setting of POST Error Pause in the Setup.
Processor microcode update failed
The BIOS detects the error condition and responds as follows:
Logs the POST Error Code into the SEL. Displays “816x: Processor 0x unable to apply microcode update”
message in the Error Manager or on the screen.
Takes Major Error action. The system may continue to boot in a degraded state, depending on the setting of POST Error Pause in Setup, or may halt with the POST Error Code in the Error Manager waiting for operator intervention.
3.2 Processor Function Overview
With the release of the Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2600 product family, several key system components, including the CPU, Integrated Memory Controller (IMC), and Integrated IO Module (IIO), have been combined into a single processor package and feature per socket; two Intel® QuickPath Interconnect point to point links capable of up to 8.0 GT/s, up to 40 lanes of Gen 3 PCI Express* links capable of 8.0 GT/s, and 4 lanes of DMI2/PCI Express* Gen 2 interface with a peak transfer rate of 5.0 GT/s. The processor supports up to 46 bits of physical address space and 48-bit of virtual address space.
The following sections will provide an overview of the key processor features and functions that help to define the architecture, performance and supported functionality of the server board. For more comprehensive processor specific information, refer to the Intel® Xeon® processor E5­2600 product family documents listed in the Reference Document list.
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