Intel IXP1200 User Manual

IXP1200 Network Processor Family

ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design Application Note - Rev 1.0, 3/20/2002
Order Number: 278393-001
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Application Note
IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Purpose of ATM Example Design .........................................................................7
1.2 Scope of Example Design.....................................................................................7
1.2.1 Supported / Not Implemented Functions..................................................8
1.3 Background ...........................................................................................................8
1.3.1 Ethernet, IP and AAL5 Protocol Processing.............................................8
1.3.2 Frame and PDU Length vs. IP Packet Length .........................................9
1.3.3 Expected Ethernet Transmit Ban dwidth ...... ....... ...... ....... .......................1 0
1.4 Execution Environment .......................................................................................11
1.4.1 Software .................................................................................................11
1.4.2 Hardware................................................................................................13
2.0 System Overview......................................................................................................................13
2.1 System Programming Model...............................................................................13
2.2 StrongARM Core Software..................................................................................14
2.3 Software Partitioning...........................................................................................15
2.3.1 Lookup Tables............. ....... ...... ...... ....................................... ....... ...... ....16
2.4 Data Flow ............................................................................................................17
2.4.1 ATM to Ethernet Data Flow....................................................................17 VC Lookup.................................................................................17 IP Lookup Table ........................................................................18
2.4.2 Ethernet to ATM Data Flow....................................................................19
2.5 StrongARM Core Initialization .............................................................................19
2.6 Microengine Initialization.....................................................................................20
3.0 Microengine Functional Blocks...............................................................................................20
3.1 ATM Receive Microengine ..................................................................................20
3.1.1 Structure.................................................................................................20
3.1.2 High Level Algorithm ................................... ....... ...... ....... ...... .................21
3.2 ATM Transmit Microengine .................................................................................22
3.2.1 High Level Algorithm ................................... ....... ...... ....... .......................2 2
3.3 IP-Router Microengine ........................................................................................23
3.3.1 Structure.................................................................................................23
3.3.2 High Level Algorithm ................................... ....... ...... ....... .......................2 3
3.4 Ethernet Receive Microengine ............................................................................23
3.4.1 Ethernet Receive Structure....................................................................24
3.4.2 Ethernet Receive High Level Algorithm..................................................24
3.5 Ethernet Transmit Microengine ...........................................................................24
3.5.1 Ethernet Transmit Structure...................................................................25
3.5.2 High Level Algorithm ................................... ....... ...... ....... .......................2 5
3.6 CRC-32 Calculations using IXP1240/1250 Hardware.........................................25
3.6.1 CRC-32 Hardware Checking on Receive...............................................25
3.6.2 CRC-32 Hardware Generation on Transmit...........................................27 Transmit Alignment ...................................................................27
3.7 CRC-32 Checker and Generator Microengines (Soft-CRC)................................28
3.7.1 Functional Differences between Checker and Generator ......................28
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
3.7.2 CRC-32 Checker and Generator High Level Algorithm..........................29
3.7.3 CRC-32 Computation.............................................................................29
4.0 Software Subsystems & Data Structures...............................................................................29
4.1 Virtual Circuit Lookup Table - atm_vc_table.uc...................................................29
4.1.1 VC Table Function .................................................................................29
4.1.2 VC_TABLE_HASHED Structure ............................................................30
4.1.3 VC_TABLE_LINEAR Structure ..............................................................31
4.1.4 VC Table Management API - atm_utils.c...............................................32
4.1.5 VC Table Entry.......................................................................................32
4.2 Virtual Circuit Lookup Table Cache.....................................................................34
4.2.1 VC Cache Function................................................................................34 OC-12 Configuration .................................................................34 OC-3 Configuration ..................... ....................................... ...... .34
4.2.2 VC Cache Structure ...............................................................................34
4.2.3 VC Cache API........................................................................................35
4.3 IP Lookup Table..................................................................................................35
4.3.1 IP Table Function...................................................................................35
4.3.2 IP Table Structure ..................................................................................35
4.3.3 IP Table Management API.....................................................................36 route_table_init() .......................................................................36 mtu_change()............................................................................36 atm_route_add()........................................................................36 enet_route_add().......................................................................37 rt_ent_info()...............................................................................37 route_delete()............................................................................37 rt_help ()....................................................................................37
4.3.4 IP Route Table Entry37
4.4 SRAM Buffer Descriptors and DRAM Data Buffers ............................................38
4.4.1 SRAM Buffer Descriptor Format.............................................................39
4.4.2 DRAM Data Buffer Format.....................................................................40
4.4.3 System Limit on Packet Buffers .............................................................41
4.5 Sequence Numbers - sequence.uc.....................................................................41
4.5.1 SEQUENCE_HANDLE Usage ...............................................................41
4.5.2 Usage Model..........................................................................................42 Example ....................................................................................42
4.6 Message Queues - msgq.uc ...............................................................................42
4.6.1 MSGQ_HANDLE Parameters................................................................43
4.6.2 msgq_init_queue() .................................................................................43
4.6.3 msgq_init_regs() ....................................................................................43
4.6.4 msgq_send() ..........................................................................................43
4.6.5 msgq_receive() ......................................................................................44
4.6.6 Example .................................................................................................44
4.7 Buffer Descriptor Queues - bdq.uc......................................................................45
4.7.1 BDQ Management Macros.....................................................................45 Features....................................................................................45 Limitations.................................................................................45
4.8 Counters..............................................................................................................46
4.8.1 Global Parameters .................................................................................47
4.8.2 Use of the Counter Subsystem ..............................................................47 Counter Base Address..............................................................47
iv Application Note
IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design Counter Index. ....... ...... ...... ....................................... ....... ...... ....47 Global Counter Enable and Flags .............................................48
4.8.3 counters.uc.............................................................................................49 counter_reset()..........................................................................49 counter_inc() .............................................................................49 port_counter_inc() .....................................................................49
4.8.4 counters.c...............................................................................................51 counters_init()............................................................................51 counters_print() .........................................................................51
4.9 Global $transfer Register Name Manager - xfer.uc.............................................52
4.10 Mutex Vectors .....................................................................................................53
4.10.1 mutex_vector_init().................................................................................53
4.10.2 mutex_vector_enter() .............................................................................53
4.10.3 mutex_vector_exit()................................................................................53
4.11 Inter-Thread Signalling............. ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..............................54
5.0 Project Configuration / Modifying the Example Design........................................................54
5.1 project_config.h...................................................................................................54
5.2 system_config.h ..................................................................................................55
5.3 Switching Between Hardware Configurations .....................................................55
6.0 Testing Environments..............................................................................................................55
7.0 Simulation Support (Scripts, etc.)...........................................................................................56
8.0 Limitations.................................................................................................................................56
9.0 Extending the Example Design ...............................................................................................56
10.0 Document Conventions ...........................................................................................................57
11.0 Acronyms & Definitions...........................................................................................................57
12.0 Related Documents..................................................................................................................58
Application Note v
IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
1 IP over ATM Encapsulation Format ......................................................................9
2 Frame and PDU Length vs. IP Packet Length ....................................................10
3 Expected Ethernet Transmit Bandwidth..............................................................11
4 Developer’s Workbench - ATM Data Stream Dialog Box....................................12
5 Developer’s Workbench - IX Bus Device Status Window ...................................13
6 System Programming Model...............................................................................14
7 IXP1240 1xATM OC-12 and 8xEthernet 100Mbps Microengine Partitioning......15
8 IXP1240 OC-3 4xATM and 8xEthernet 100Mbps Microengine Partitioning........16
9 IXP1200 2xATM OC-3 Software-CRC and 4xEthernet 100Mbps Microengine Par-
10 ATM to Ethernet Processing Steps.....................................................................18
11 Ethernet to ATM Processing Steps.....................................................................19
12 ATM Receive High Level Algorithm ....................................................................21
13 ATM Transmit High Level Algorithm ...................................................................22
14 IP Router High Level Algorithm...........................................................................23
15 Ethernet Receive High Level Algorithm ..............................................................24
16 First Cell of a PDU in RFIFO and in DRAM ........................................................26
17 Two-Cell PDU in DRAM......................................................................................26
18 Transmit cell as seen in DRAM...........................................................................27
19 Transmit cell seen in TFIFO............... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...........................27
20 CRC-32 High Level Algorithm.............................................................................29
21 Hashed VC Table Structure................................................................................31
22 VC Table Index ...................................................................................................32
23 VC Lookup Entry Table (VC_TABLE_HASHED) ................................................32
24 VC Lookup Table Entry (VC_TABLE_LINEAR) ..................................................33
25 IP Route Table Entry - ATM Destination.............................................................38
26 IP Route Table Entry - Ethernet Destination.......................................................38
27 SRAM Descriptor to DRAM Buffer Mapping .......................................................39
28 Buffer Descriptor Format for ATM Transmit Destination Port .............................39
29 Buffer Descriptor Format for Ethernet Transmit Destination Port .......................40
30 DRAM Data Buffer Format - 12 Byte Offset (Received by ATM) ........................40
31 DRAM Data Buffer Format - 6 Byte Offset (Received by ATM, Transmitted by
Ethernet) .............................................................................................................40
32 DRAM Data Buffer Format - 6 Byte Offset (Received by Ethernet, Transmitted by
ATM) ...................................................................................................................40
33 DRAM Data Buffer Received by Ethernet...........................................................40
34 Buffer Descriptor Queue API...............................................................................46
35 Buffer Descriptor Queue Descriptor Structure (Resides in SRAM).....................46
36 Buffer Descriptor Queue Structure (Only Relevant Part Shown) ........................46
37 Illustration of Array of 32-bit Words.....................................................................57
38 Illustration of Byte Sequence ..............................................................................57
39 Definitions ...........................................................................................................57
vi Application Note
IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design

1.0 Introduction

Intel develops example software to demonstrate the capabilities of the IXP1200 Network Processor Family. This document describes the implementation of example software demonstrating the IXP1200, IXP1240, and IXP1250 in an ATM environment. In particular, this example design uses the IXP12xx to route IP packets between ATM and Ethernet networks.
From the point of view of this example software, the IXP1240 and IXP1250 are synonymous - the project utilizes their common hardware CRC feature; but is not aware of the IXP1250’s additional ECC capability. The IXP1200, on the other hand, does not have hardware CRC support, and thus supports only a software-CRC configuration.
This document serves as a companion to the comments in the source code, and is intended to clarify the structure and general workings of th e design. The fo llowing material is covered: purp ose and scope of the design; software partitioning and data flow, StrongARM
initialization; microengine functional block description; sub sy stem s and data structures; inter­thread signaling; project configuration; testing environments; simulation support; limitations, and example design extension. The end of this document contains lists of document conventions, acronyms and definitions, and related documents.

1.1 Purpose of ATM Example Design

Core and microengine
This example design demonstrates just one software architectu re in which the IXP12x x can be used in ATM-related designs. It is not intended to be ’production ready’. Rather , it is intended to serve as a starting point for customers designing similar applications. It is also intended for customers to understand the IXP12xx Network Processors capabilities and expected performance.
Users may modify the code, adding additional modules that are proprietary or more specific to their needs, and estimate performance, although performance numbers gained from this design are applicable only to the example as presented. Customer changes to the design can result in either increases or decreases in performance.

1.2 Scope of Example Design

This document describes the implementation in sufficient detail that a programmer should b e able to successfully modify the source code. The README.txt file that accompanies the software should be consulted for instructions on running the project, building the code, and the actual layout of the source files.
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design

1.2.1 Supported / Not Implemented Functions

The following identifies the ATM, Ethernet, and StrongARM supported functions, as well as those functions that are not su pported.
ATM Support Ethernet Support
1xOC-12 port or up to 4xOC-3 ports (full-duplex).
Segmentation and Re­assembly (SAR).
ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5 with CRC-32).
IP over ATM LLC/SNAP Encapsulation.
Routing from ATM to Ethernet ports based on IP.
Unspecified Bit Rate (UBR).
Full ATM VC name space. 16K Virtual Circuits (VC)
simultaneously in use.
Up to 8 100Mbps Ethernet ports (full duplex).
Routing from Ethernet to ATM ports based on IP.
StrongARM Core
Processing Hooks
RFC1812 compliance. AAL5 Protocol data units
(PDUs) for signaling, (ILMI, LECS, PNNI, CIP)
forwarded to the StrongARM core.
NOT Implemented
Control Plane processing. ATM Traffic shaping. ATM ARP support.
The majori ty of RFC1812 router validations are performe d i n the layer 3 forwardin g code running on the microengines, while rare case exception packets are sent to the StrongARM core control plane for validation and processing. No processing code on the StrongARM core is currently implemented. Refer to the document "IXP1200 Network Processor RFC 1812 Compliant Layer 3 Forwarding Example Design Implementation Details" for further information.
This example design can be configured to run in three different hardware/software configurations (see the README.TXT file for further information):
Configuration Description
One ATM OC-12 port and eight 100Mbps Ethernet ports
Four ATM OC-3 ports and eight 100Mbps Ethernet ports
Two ATM OC-3 ports and four 100Mbps Ethernet ports
For use with the IXP1240/1250, which uses hardware CRC capability.
Similar to the above configuration (requires the IXP1240/50), except that it uses four OC-3 ports.
For use with the IXP1200 (which does not have hardware CRC capability). Instead, CRC computation is performed by two microengines (thus the reduced data rates).

1.3 Background

1.3.1 Ethernet, IP and AAL5 Protocol Processing

Figure 1 identifies how this design processes Ethernet, IP , an d AAL5 protocols., Reading from top
to bottom, Ethernet packets go through the LLC/SNAP Encapsulation, followed by segmentation into ATM AAL5 cells. Reading from bottom to top, it also shows the reverse process, in which AAL5 cells are reassembled into Ethernet packets.
8 Application Note
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
Figure 1. IP over ATM Encapsulation Format
to ATM
Ethernet Data
Enet Header IP Packet
IP Data
(LLC/SNAP) Encapsulation
SAR Sub-layer
4 bits
3 bytes
CS-SDU Info Field
Payload 48 bytes
8 bits
16 bits
3 bytes
3 bits
IP Header Payload
2 bytes
48 bytes
1 bit
8 bits
IP Packet
0-47 bytesUU1 byte
ATM Header (5 bytes)

1.3.2 Frame and PDU Length vs. IP Packet Length

Figure 2 shows the relationship between IP Packet Length (X axis), Ethernet Frame Length, and
AAL5 PDU length (Y axis). Packet lengths 20 - 128 bytes are shown to illustrate 1-, 2-, and 3-cell PDUs. The same pattern continues through the maximum Ethernet MTU size - the 1500 byte packet, which requires 32 cells. There are a few important items to notice on this graph:
2 bytes
1 byte
48 bytes
ATM Cell
Cells from other VCs can be interleaved with cells from this VC
4 bytes
ATM to
1.The smallest possible Ethernet frame is 64-bytes, which includes the IP packet in addition to
a 14-byte Ethernet header and 4-byte FCS. Adding an 8-byte preamble and 12-byte interframe gap (960ns) to this frame increases it’s wire-occupancy time to 84 bytes. After IP packet length exceeds 46 bytes, Ethernet frame length is a linear function of IP packet length.
AAL5 PDU length is a step-wise function of IP packet length, due to rounding up to ATM cell
boundaries. At 53 bytes per cell, the 4-byte ATM header and 1 byte HEC are included here, but the physical layer SONET overhead is not shown.
The smallest possible IP packet, 20 bytes, corresponds to an IP header that does not contain an
IP payload. This packet fits into a single cell PDU, as do packets up to size 32 bytes (20 byte IP header plus 12 paylo ad bytes).
Minimized TCP/IP packets are 40 bytes - 20 byte IP header, 20 byte TCP header, and 0 TCP
payload bytes. These "40 byte packets" require 2 cell PDUs - they do not fit into single cell
Application Note 9
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
PDUs because 8-bytes of LLC/SNAP plus 8 bytes of AAL5 trailer pu sh them over the 48 byte payload capacity of a single ATM cell.
Fully populated 64-byte minimum-sized Ethernet frames carry 46-byte IP packets, and also fit
into 2 cell PDUs, as do IP packets up through 80 bytes.
Figure 2. Frame and PDU Length vs. IP Packet Length

1.3.3 Expected Ethernet Transmit Bandwidth

This example design has more Ethernet transmit wire capacity than most full-bandwidth ATM input workloads is able to consume. All configurations of this example design include more Ethernet bandwidth than ATM bandwidth. This assures that Ethernet reception is fast enough to supply ATM transmit at full wire rate, and that Ethernet can transmit fast enough to consume A TM receive at full wire rate.
When Ethernet receive bandwidth exceeds ATM transmit wire-rate, the design discards the excess Ethernet input. In the reverse direction, ATM receive wire-rate is less than Ethernet transmit wire­rate, and so Ethernet transmit will never be fully consumed.
Given that the design receives cells at OC-3 or OC-12 wire-rate, Figure 3 shows the expected Ethernet Transmit bandwidth. This pattern is a direct result of the minimum Ethernet frame size and cell granularity of AAL5 shown in the previous figure. For exampl e, a 32-byte IP packet would completely fill one cell, and when forwarded to Ethernet, Ethernet it expands to consume the entire 84-bytes of wire-time associated with a 64-byte minimum size Ethernet frame. In this scenario ATM is more Mbps efficient than Ethernet, 949 Mbps Ethernet output would be expected. However, as only 800Mbps of Ethernet bandwidth is available, the one-cell PDU workload will drive the Ethernet wires to their 800Mbps capacity and discard the last 149Mbps.
10 Application Note
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
A 33-byte IP packet overflows into 2 cells, requiring 53 more bytes on the input wire. This effectively slows down the input rate, and the theoretical best-case Ethernet Transmit bandwidth for this input drops to 475Mbps, well within the capacity of the 8 100Mbps Ethernet ports. Indeed, only in the one-cell/PDU case does the Ethernet transmit bandwidth requirement exceed the 800Mbps available.
As packets grow larger , the n et ef fect of over flowing to the next cell is smaller. However, the peaks in maximum bandwidth are also lower, reflecting the additional ATM header that is needed for each additional cell in the PDU.
The following figure identifies the expected aggr egate Ethernet tran smit bandwid th for ATM OC-3 and OC-12 wire-rate input:
Figure 3. Expected Ethernet Transmit Bandwidth

1.4 Execution Environment

1.4.1 Software

The software execution environment supported by the Developer’s Workbench is described in the README.txt file that accompanies the source code files for the project. This includes descriptions of the directory and file structure, and project reconfiguration instructions. See Section 5.0 for additional information on configuring the project.
The software simulation of the example design consumes test data streams from the Data Stream feature of the Developer’s Workbench or through a network simulator Dynamic Linked Library (DLL). Sample Ethernet and ATM data streams are provided.
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
Figure 4 shows how data stream PDUs can be created in the Workbench for ATM, Ethernet, IP, and
other protocol data streams. These data streams can then be assigned to feed different ports. To test how the example design performs IP routing, different destination IP addresses can be chosen in the PDU.
Figure 4. Developer’s Workbench - ATM Data Stream Dialog Box
Figure 5 shows the IX Bus Device Status window. This window gives a continually updated
snapshot of IX Bus activity. It can be used to gain an overall picture of what data is being transferred over the IX Bus "on-the-fly", and the data or wire transmission rate. The Data Streaming feature and the IX Bus Device Status window are both documented in the IXP1200 Development Tools User’s Guide.
In the simulation environment, the IP and ATM VC table management software that normally run on the StrongARM core are emulated with a combination of Transactor (simulator) foreign mode ls and interpreted Transactor scripts.
12 Application Note
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
Figure 5. Developer’s Workbench - IX Bus Device Status Window

1.4.2 Hardware

The README.txt file contained in the vxworks subdirectory of the project source code describes how to build and run the project on h ardware using VxWorks simulation mode by default, some simple changes to the project configuration must be made before it will run on hardware. To run on hardware, Tornado 2.1 Workbench 2.01 need to be installed on the host system. Further details may be found in the README.txt file in the vxworks subdirectory.

2.0 System Overview

2.1 System Programming Model

Figure 6 shows the system hardware, as seen by the software. Data flows from the receive p orts on
the left, through the IXP12xx’s RFIFO and its various hardware resources, and then to the TFIFO and out the transmit ports on the right. ( While logically indepe nden t, receive and tran sm it po rts for each interface are implemented in the same physical hardware package. The figure uses a single block arrow to illustrate 1-4 AT M por ts, and 1 -8 Ethernet por ts, d epending on the configuration.)
. While the project runs in
as well as the IXP1200 Developers
Application Note 13
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
The StrongARM core shares access to SRAM and DRAM with the microengines, and thus can manage the VC and IP tables. The StrongARM core runs a Developers Workbench debug library to connect to Developers Workbench running on a remote ho st t o debu g an d download microcode.

Figure 6. System Programming Model

2.2 StrongARM Core Software

In this example implementation, the StrongARM core runs VxWorks, and initializes the hardware; controls the baseboard 82559 PCI Ethernet NIC; runs the IXP1200 Developer's Workbench debug library, and connects it to a remote system host via the PCI Ethernet NIC; runs various startup utilities (including atm_init() to initialize the IP route and VC Lookup tables) and provides those utilities for run-time; and runs an agent to consume exception packets which are not handled by the microengines in the data plane.
In the simulation environment, the IP and VC table management software are emulated with Transactor foreign models - DLLs which are linked into the Transactor. The same source code is compiled into the Transactor foreign models for SIMULATION, and th e VxWorks utilities to run on HARDWARE.
14 Application Note
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design

2.3 Software Partitioning

The following figures show how the microcode functional blocks are partitioned on IXP12xx hardware for the three system configurations.

Figure 7. IXP1240 1xATM OC-12 and 8xEthernet 100Mbps Microengine Partitioning

Ethernet TX
Ethernet RX
Fill Fill Fill
Port0 Port1 Port2
Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet
Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet
OC-12 Port
OC-12 Port
= Thread = Microengine = Physical Port
Port 8 Port 8 Port 8
Port 8
Fill Fill Fill
= Scratchpad
IP Route IP Route IP Route
IP Route
Ethernet RX
Port4 Port5 Port6
PktQ PktQ PktQ PktQ
PktQ PktQ PktQ PktQ
All three figures show the ATM ports on the left, and the Ethernet ports on the right. All ports are bi-directional, but are shown as uni-directional for clarity. The IX bus is configured in dual 32 bit unidirectional mode.
The ATM Receive microengine uses the SRAM VC Lookup Table to assemble ATM cells into AAL5 PDUs in DRAM. It forwards the descriptor to the fully-assembled PDUs to the IP Route microengine via a single message queue (MSGQ) in scratchpad RAM.
The IP Route microengine reads the IP header from DRAM, performs additional checks per RFC1812, performs an IP lookup to make a routing decision, then enqueues the Ethernet frame to the appropriate Ethernet Transmit packet queue. In the Software CRC configuration, the packet is processed by a CRC-32 checking microengine before being enqueued to an Ethernet transmit packet.
In the reverse direction, Ethernet frames are received on the Ethernet ports by the Ethernet receive microengine(s), which perform IP lookup and RFC1812 check s. The packets are then enqueued on the appropriate queues to be consumed by the ATM transmit microengine. In the software CRC configuration Figure 9, the PDUs are first processed by a CRC generation microengine before going to the ATM Transmit microengine.
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
In the OC-12 configuration, there are two message queues (MSGQs) in scratchpad RAM, one for PDUs from each Ethernet Receive microengine. The pool of threads in the ATM transmit microengine alternately poll the two MSGQs.
In the OC-3 configurations, there is a buffer descriptor queue (BDQ) in SRAM associated with each ATM transmit port. BDQs are similar to packetqs, but they are slightly more efficient in configurations, where for example the transmitter dedicates a thread to each BDQ.

Figure 8. IXP1240 OC-3 4xATM and 8xEthernet 100Mbps Microengine Partitioning

Ethernet TX
Fill Fill Fill
Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet
Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet
OC-3 OC-3
Port 8
Port 9 Port 10 Port 11
IP Route IP Route IP Route
IP Route
PktQ PktQ PktQ PktQ
PktQ PktQ PktQ PktQ
OC-3 OC-3
= Thread = Microengine = Physical Port
Port 8
Port 9 Port 10 Port 11

2.3.1 Lookup Tables

Not shown in the diagrams, the microengines make use of either three or four lookup tables:
VC Lookup Table - resides in SRAM and is used by the ATM Receive microengine.
IP Lookup Table - resides partially in SRAM and partially in DRAM, and is used by the IP
Route microengine and the Ethernet Receive microengine.
MAC Address Hash Table - resides in SRAM and is used for RFC 1812 Port address
Software CRC configurations use a table of pre-computed CRC-32 syndromes in SRAM.
= Scratchpad
Ethernet RX
Port4 Port5 Port6
Ethernet RX
Port0 Port1 Port2
16 Application Note
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IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
Figure 9. IXP1200 2xATM OC-3 Software-CRC and 4xEthernet 100Mbps Microengine
= Thread = Microengine = Physical Port
Port 8
Port 9 IP Route IP Route
Port 8
Port 9 Unused Unused
= Scratchpad

2.4 Data Flow

2.4.1 ATM to Ethernet Data Flow

Check Check Check
Generate Generate Generate
PktQ PktQ PktQ PktQ
Ethernet TX
Fill Fill Fill
Ethernet RX
Port0 Port1 Port2
Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet
Figure 10 outlines th e processing to receive ATM cells and forward them to Ethernet ports. For a
given VC, three different types of cells of the PDU can arrive: the first cell, middle cells, and last cell:
1. The first cell of the IP over ATM PDU contains three types of headers: ATM header, LLC/ SNAP header, and IP Header. This is sufficient information to make a forwarding decision. The payload portion of this cell is moved directly from the RFIFO to DRAM.
2. Subsequent middle cells are moved directly from the RFIFO to DRAM without any additional processing.
3. When the last cell of th e PDU (which contains the AAL5 trailer) is receiv ed, the payload of the cell is moved directly from the RFIFO to DRAM, and the completed PDU is then enqueued for Ethernet transmi s sion. VC Lookup
A VC lookup is performed on each cell received over an ATM port. The appropriate VC Table Entry is located using the VPI/VCI value in the ATM header plus the port number. The lookup provides an DRAM packet buffer base address, plus the CRC-32 syndrome for the PDU. As each additional payload is added to the DRAM buffer, the offset value is incremented and the CRC
Application Note 17
Modified on: 3/20/02,
IXP1200 Network Processor Family ATM OC-3/12/Ethernet IP Router Example Design
syndrome is updated appropriately. The VC Table Entry also contains an AAL type field. Currently, this example design supports only classical IP over ATM, where the AAL type can be either 0 or 5. A value of 0 indicates that the VC is not open, so any cell received on that VC is immediately discarded.
The LLC/SNAP field specifies the protocol type. Currently, the only valid value is 0x AA AA 03 00 00 00 08 00 (classical IP over ATM). While this implementation consumes and produces just one valid LLC/SNAP pattern, this pattern is not hard-coded. The LLC/SNAP bits are included in the IP route table entry, as well as the VC lookup table. This is to make it easy to modify the design, not only support a different LLC/SNAP pattern, but also to be able to support different valid patterns for each VC. IP Lookup Ta ble
Each PDU contains an IP header in its first cell. Therefore, a single IP lookup is performed for each PDU, regardless of the number of cells in the PDU.
Figure 10. ATM to Ethernet Processing Steps
ATM PDU on Rx Port
Receive ATM Cell
VC Look-up check
LLC/SNAP header
on first cell
If end of PDU
Strip AAL-5 trailer
IP Lookup
VC Lookup Table Entry
IP look-up on first cell
Route Table
to buffer
Packet Buffer
Cell N
(40 Bytes)
Cell 1
(48 Bytes)
Cell 0
(48 Bytes)
Locate buffer & offset
Buffer base
Check CRC on AAL-5 PDU
Ethernet PDU on Tx Port
IP Payload
Build MPKT,
add Ethernet header on first MPKT
CRC-32 Residue
18 Application Note
Modified on: 3/20/02,
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