Intel EV80Cl96KB User Manual

EV80Cl96KB Evaluation Board
User’s Manual
(bier Number 270738-()O]
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board
Release 001
Copyright 1989, Intel Corporation
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Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
the Board ........................................................................
to your PC ....................................................................
the Host Software ..............................................................
Block Diagram of the
.................................... 10
Interface ..................................................................................
1 1
Digital I/O
.................................................................................. 1 1
Configuration Jumper Locations
(Figure 3a)
Memory Configuration Jumper Locations (Figure 3b)
Expansion Ports, Connectors and LEDs Locations (Figure 4)
........ 16
Host Serial Connector (Figure 5)
8OCl96KB Serial Port Connector (Figure 6)
Analog Input Connector (Figure 7)
.................................................. 18
I/O Expansion
Connector (Figure 8)
Memory-l/O Expansion Connector (Figure 9)
.................................. 19
Power Supply
Connector (Figure 10)
25pin to g-pin Adapter (Figure 11)
................................................ 20
Controller Monitor..
.................................................................................... 24
Background Information
Initiating and Terminating
Base Commands ................................................................
Loading and Saving Object Code
.................................................... 29
File Operations..
Resetting the Target
Program Execution
Program Stepping
........................ 37
Supported Data Types
. BYTE Commands
WORD Commands
Commands ........................................................................ 40
REAL Commands
............................................................................ 41
STACK Commands
STRING Commands
Processor Variables
Single Line Assembly Commands
Disassembly Commands
............................................................................ 46
RISM Variables
RISM Structure
Data from the Host .......................................................... 48
Sending Data to the Host
RISM Commands
Schematics and Parts List
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~.......~..................~......
Appendix A
Specific iRlSM Information
Appendix B
Listing of IRISM-196KB
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-....*.........a
Appendix C
Timing Analysis
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~........~....~.....~......~
Appendix D
Programmable Logic Equations
. . . . . . . . ..~...~....~.........~...........~.....~.........~..
Appendix E
Standard Memory-l/O Connector
. . . ..~......~................................~~.......~..~
Appendix F
Sample Session
. ..O.....................*s..*.............eo... Appendix G
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
Figure 1.
EV8OCl96KB Evaluation Board
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual -90
The EV80C196KB is a next-generation version of the EV80C196KA. The major changes are the use of a standard memory expansion bus compatible with the
EV80C51 FB and EV80C186 boards, and the removal of the card edge bus. Also, the HOLD/HLDA feature of the 8OC196KB is supported. The EV80C196KB is de­signed to be a software evaluation tool for the ROMless 8OC196KB 16-bit microcon­troller. As such, ports 3 and 4 are not available for use as I/O ports unless offboard
latches/buffers and decoding logic are used. All unreserved functions of the 80C196KB are available to you except for the Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI), the TRAP instruction, and 512 bytes of address space. The Chip Configuration Byte is also used by the monitor, but most of its functions are provided by external logic.
GETTING STARTED WITH THE EV80C396KB Powering up the Board
Power (+5, +/-12 Volts) must be connected to JP4 as shown on the board’s silk­screen next to JP4 and in figure 10. Included with the board is a packet containing a Molex connector and crimp terminals for your convenience.
Power supply requirements for the EV80C196KB board are as follows:
+ 5 VDC +I- 5 % @ 280 mA (150 mA if LED’s are disabled by
removing jumper shunt El 6)
+12VDC+/-20%@ 15mA
-12VDC+/-20%@ 15mA
Upon power-up (or after a reset) the board goes through initializations and a shift­ing-pattern is displayed on the Port 1 LEDs when initialization has completed prop­erly.
Connecting to your PC
Once you have applied power to the board, you need to connect Pl to a PC serial port. Pl is configured to interface pin-to-pin with a standard nine-pin AT@)-type
serial connector (see figure 5 for pinout). Make certain that you use a cable provid­ing all nine signals, as they are all needed for proper operation of the host interface. When you have connected the cable, you may observe that the 8OC196KB is held in reset, and all the LEDs turn on. This is because one of the host signals is used to reset the part, and the signal’is often in a reset condition prior to invoking the host software on your PC.
Note: if you have a 25pin serial port it will be necessary to make a 2%pin to 9­pin adaptor (see figure 11 for details).
Starting the Host Software
After the you have made both connections to the board, you can invoke the host
interface. Install the disk in drive A of your system. At the DOS prompt type “A:ECM96”eCR>. Your PC should eventually display the iECM-96 monitor screen.
If you have problems please refer to the sub-section “Initiating and Terminating
iECM-96” in the “USER INTERFACE” section of this manual. For further details on using the monitor, refer to the “USER INTERFACE” section.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
The EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation board is delivered with an 8OC196KB, 8 K-words and 8 K-bytes of user code/data memory, a UART for host communica­tions and analog-input filtering with a precision voltage reference. Also included is programmable chip-select, bus-width and wait-state-counter logic which allows you to custom tailor the board to look like your own system. The board’s physical dimen­sions are 6 l/2” x 7 3/4” with an overall height of 3W. There are six main sections to the EV80C196KB board: Processor, Memory, Host Interface, Digital I/O, Analog
Inputs and Decoding.
Block Diagram of the 80C196KB Board
Figure 2.
The Intel@)80C196KB is a 16-bit embedded microcontroller. Being a member of the
MCW-96 family, the 8OC196KB uses the same powerful instruction set and the
same architecture as the existing MCS-96 products. The 8OC196KB is an enhanced
CMOS version of the 8097BH. Its enhancements include up/down and capture modes on Timer2, multiplyin nearly twice as fast, Hold/Ho d Acknowledge logic, and power-down and idle modes
speeds almost 3 times as fast, overall execution
to save power. For more information, please refer to the 1989 “16-Bit Embedded Controller Handbook,” Intel Corporation order number 270646-001 and the 8OC196KB Datasheet order number 270634-001.
There are five 28-pin memory sockets provided on the EV80C196KB board: Ul , U6,
U8, U13 and U14. The sockets are designed to support byte-wide, JEDEC-pinout, memory devices of various types and sizes, i.e. 8K x 8 SRAM or 16K x 8 EPROM. Ul and U8, U6 and U13 are connected as two 16-bit memory banks and U14 is
connected as an 8-bit memory bank.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
-1 I-
appendix B and appendix C for details on reserved areas of memory.
Even Bytes
Odd Bytes
Memory Type
8K x 16-bit Monitor EPROM from 0-FFH and 1 DOO-1 DFFH
u13 U6
8K x 16-bit ROMsim/RAM from 2000H-5FFFH
2 u14
8K x 8-bit ROMsim/RAM from 6000H-7FFFH
Host Interface
The PC host interface is accomplished with the 82510 UART (U20) connected to Pl via RS-232 drivers. The UART resides in the address range 1 EOOH - 1 EFFH. Therefore, register 0 in the UART would be at address 1 EOOH of the 8OC196KB, reg. 1 would be at 1 EOl H, reg. 2 would be at 1 E02H, etc. up to reg. 7 at 1 E07H. The registers will repeat again with reg. 0 at 1 E08H due to the limited decoding granularity of the EPLD. Pin 12 of the UART, OUTl#, is used to tell the PC host when the 80C196KB is executing user code by a true level on the Ring Indicator input of the host serial port.
Digital I/O
With the exception of the NMI input, which is used by the Host Interface, all Digital I/ 0 functions of the 8OC196KB are available to you. There are eight LEDs on-board along with buffer/drivers which allow you to quickly observe the state of Port 1, HSO.0 and Port 2.5/PWM (see figure 4 or the schematics in appendix A for loca-
tion). The TxD and RxD pins of the 80C196KB (Port 2.0 and Port 2.1) are con-
nected to RS-232 buffer/drivers, which are connected to P2. All of the I/O signals
are available on JP2 (see figure 8 or the schematics in appendix A for pinout).
Note: because RxD is connected to an RS-232 receiver (U19 pin 3) any attempt to use it as a digital input will result in a contention. If you would like to use it as a digital input, remove jumper shunt El9 to disconnect the receiver.
Analog Inputs
The Port 0 inputs of the 80C196KB double as both digital and analog inputs. The
EV80C196KB board includes circuitry to make the analog inputs easier to use. A precision voltage source for Vref is provided on board (U3 and U4) which can be carefully adjusted by trimming RPl . Also, jumper shunt E4 allows Vref to be con-
nected to Vcc instead of the output of U3. By removing E4 entirely, an off board
reference can be connected to JPl . By removing jumper shunt E2, ANGND can be
isolated from Vss. Protective clamping diodes are installed on each channel. RC
networks are provided in sockets (to ailow you to change the input impedance to
match your application) on all of the analog input channels.
If Port 0 is to be used
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
as a digital input, it is recommended that the capacitors be removed, and the resis-
tors replaced with wires. For additional connection information refer to figure 7 or the schematics in appendix A. The ground and power planes beneath the analog
circuitry (Dl , D2, R3, C2, U3, U4, JPI and the analog connections on the 80Cl96KB) are isolated from the digital power and ground planes of the board to
keep noise from the analog inputs.
The decoding logic on the EWOCl96KB board serves three purposes; to provide Chip-Enable signals to memory and peripheral devices, to select the buswidth for the device(s) being accessed and to provide wait-states for slow devices. This section is provided in case you need to modify the memory configuration of the
EV80Cl96KB board. It is not necessary to understand this section for normal usage of the board.
The heart of the decoding logic is U12, a 24-pin 5AC312 Intel EPLD or a C22VlO programmable logic array which is socketed to allow easy changes.
For the sake of convenience it will be referred to as “the EPLD” throughout this text. The EPLD uses latched addresses A8-Al5 along with CLKOUT, HLDA#, RESET# and STALE (STretched ALE) from the 8OCl96KB as decode inputs.
There are 4 enable outputs from the EPLD, all of which are low-level true, however only one should be true at a time to avoid bus contention. They are decoded from the address lines, and an internally-latched signal called MAP. MAP is cleared when the RESET# input is true, and set when the Monitor EPROMs are accessed in the address range 1 DOOH-I DFFH. MAP will always be set when the board is in the USER mode.
pin 21 = CEO
Enables memory in Ul and U8 (monitor EPROM as shipped).
pin 22 = CEl
Enables memory in U6 and U13 (user 16-bit ROMsim/RAM as shipped).
pin 15-CE2
Enables memory in U14 (user 8-bit ROMsim/RAM as shipped).
pin 14 - CS510 Enables U20, the 82510 UART, which is
used for host communications.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual 4 3-
The BUSWIDTH output of the EPLD, pin 16, is fed into the buswidth pin of the 8OC196KB. Therefore, it is driven low for accesses to 8-bit memory and high for accesses to 16-bit memory. As shipped, it goes low simultaneously with CE2 or CS510 as these are the only areas of memory mapped as 8-bit.
Programmed into the EPLD is a 3-bit wait-state machine clocked by the rising edge of CLKOUT from the 8OC196KB. The transition sequence of the wait-state machine is controlled by the current state of the machine and the inputs to the EPLD (for further details see appendix E). While the bus of the 80C196KB is idle the wait-state machine is locked in state 0, which is called async-start. The conditions for leaving async-start are 1) ALE being asserted, 2) HLDA# not being asserted and 3) a
value on A8 - Al5 requiring wait-states. Because the falling edge of ALE can occur
before the next rising edge of CLKOUT can clock the wait-state machine, a signal called STALE (for Stretched ALE) is used. STALE does not go low until after the rising edge of CLKOUT.
During async-start, the output WAIT# from the EPLD is asserted asynchronously based upon a value on A8-A15 requiring wait-states. If no wait-states are required,
WAIT# will not be asserted and the wait-state machine will remain in async-start.
However, if one or more wait-states are needed WAIT# will be asserted and the
wait-state machine will transition out of async-start on the next rising edge of
CLKOUT. The next state entered depends on how many wait-states are needed. If
only one is required the next state is remove&old, where WAIT# is deasserted
regardless of the inputs to the EPLD. If two watt-states are needed the next state is hold-2, where WAIT# is always asserted, then the state after that is remove-hold.
The additional states, hold-3 - hold 7, work just like hold-2 with WAIT# always asserted. The wait-state machine wJI count through from hold-2 to hold-n to generate n wait-states before jumping to remove-hold to deassert WAIT#. The
maximum number of wait-states is seven.
The previous paragraph described how the signal WAIT# is generated based on the rising edge of CLKOUT. However, the 8OC196KB needs to have a valid signal on it’s READY input pin until the falling edge of CLKOUT. Therefore, it was necessary to clock WAIT# through a negative-edge-triggered-JK flip-flop (U15A) by the falling edge of CLKOUT to generate a signal called WAITN#. As in the EPLD, WAITN# is asserted asynchronously while ALE is high and WAIT# is asserted. After ALE goes low WAITN# will remain asserted until WAIT# is deassetted and the flip-flop is clocked. Besides the WAIT# signal, the WAITN# signal can be asserted by the
USEREADY signal from the expansion bus. As shipped, the EPLD has the following
Monitor EPROM
82510 UART
Enable Signal
CEl CE2 CEO cs510 N/A N/A
Memory Region in User Mode
2000H-5FFFH 6000H-7FFFH 0-FFH, 1 DOOH- DFFH
8000H - BFFFH
-14 EV8OC196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
- E4 Analog Voltage Reference Source A-B AVref = VCC B-i: AVref = U3/U4
Avref from JPl
E2 Analog Ground Reference
A-B AVss = Vss
Avss from JPl
E3 2000H-3FFFH Memory Location
A-B External B-C
E7 82510 UART Interrupt Signal to 8OC196KB
A-B UART Interrupt = EXTINnP2.2 B-C
UART lnterrutp = NMI
El6 LED Driver Enable
L E20 Enable RESET signal from host
A-B RESET from P2
RESET from Pl
Reset circuit insolated
- E6 80C196KB CDE U5 pin 14
El1 HLDA# Input to PLD U12
A-B CDE = Vss
A-B HOLD/HLDA feature in use
CDE = Vcc
HOLD/HLDA not used
El9 8OC196KB RXD signal from P2
RXD driven by U19 pin 3
RXD can be used by JP2
Figure 3a.
Configuration Jumper Locations
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual -15
E8 U8 pin 27
Pin 27 = Al 5
Pin 27 = WRL#
E9 UlN8 pin 1
Pin 1 = A15
Pin 1 = Vcc
El0 Ul/U8 pin 26
Pin 26 = Al 4
Pin27=A15 Pin 27 = WRH#
Pin27=A15 Pin 27 = WRH#
R-C Pin 26 = Vcc
El2 U13 pin 27
El7 U14 pin 26
A-B Pin26=A13
Pin 27 = WRL#k
Pin 26 = Vcc
El3 U6/U13 pin 1
El8 U14 pin 27
Pin 1 =A15
Pin 1 = Vcc
Pin 27 = WR#
El4 U6/U13 pin 26
El5 U14 pin 1
Pin 1 =A14
Pin 26 = Vcc
Figure 3b.
Pin 1 = Vcc
Memory Configuration Jumper LocationiD
Pin 1 =A15
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
DPl LED Array
1 P1.0 2 PI.1 3 P1.2 4 P1.3 5 P1.4 6 P1.5 7 P1.6
JP2 input/Output Expansion Connector
JPl Analog Input Connector
JP3 Memory-i/O Expansion Connector
JP4 Power Connector
Pl 82510 External UART Port-
P2 8OC196KB Internal UART Port -
Figure 4.
Expansion Ports, Connectors and LEDs
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual -17-
Pl Host Serial Connector DB-9S RS232
Host RS-232 Connection on
Nos. Signal Name
Evaluation Board
5 (AB) SG Signal Ground 4 (CD)
DTR Data Terminal Ready
3 @A)
TxD Transmit Data
2 WV
RxD Receive Data
1 W=)
DCD Data Carrier Detect
Digital Ground INIT thru E20-C RxD of 82510 TxD of 82510 DTR Pl-pin 4
Pin Nos.
Host M-232 Signal Name
Connection on Evaluation Board
6 (CC)
7 (CA)
8 W
9 W
DSR Data Set Ready RTS Request To Send CTS Clear To Send RI Ring Indicator
DTR Pl -pin 4 CTS Pl -pin 8 RTS Pl-pin 7 Run Indicator
P2 Serial Port Connector DB-9S RS232
Figure 5.
Pin Nos.
5 VW 4 (CD) 3 VW
2 W
1 (CF)
Host W-232 Signal Name
SG Signal Ground
DTR Data Terminal Ready
TxD Transmit Data
RxD Receive Data DCD Data Carrier Detect
Connection on
Evaluation Board
Digital Ground INIT thru E20-A RxD of 8OC196KB
TxD of 8OC196KB
DTR P2-pin 4
Pin Nos.
Host M-232 Signal Mame
Connection on Evaluation Board
6 (CC)
7 GA)
8 W
9 W
DSR Data Set Ready RTS Request To Send CTS Clear To Send RI Ring Indicator
DTR P2-pin 4 CTS PBpin 8 RTS PP-pin 7 No connection
Figure 6.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
JPI Analog Input Connector
2x13 Pin MOLEX 39-51-2604 or Equiv.
ANGND - 1 VREF ---- 3 ANGND - 5 ANGND - 7 VREF ---- 9 ANGND -11 ANGND -13 VREF --- 15 ANGND -17 ANGND -19 VREF --- 21 ANGND -23 VREF --- 25
Figure 7.
JP2 I/O Expansion Connector
2x25 Pin MOLEX 39-51-5004 or Equiv.
1 thru 49 - VSS
2 - Analog Channel 0 4 -VREF 6 - Analog Channel 1 8 - Analog Channel 2 10 - VREF 12 - Analog Channel 3 14 - Analog Channel 4 16-VREF 18 - Analog Channel 5 20 - Analog Channel 6 22 - VREF 24 - Analog Channel 7 26 - ANGND
2 - Pl .O Bi-directional 4 - Pl .l Bi-directional 6 - P1.2 Bi-directional 8 - P1.3 Bi-directional 10 - P1.4 Bi-directional 12 - Pl .YBREQ## Bi-directional 14 - Pl .G/HLDA# Bi-directional 16 - P1.7/HOLD# Bi-directional 18 - P2.0/Txd Output 20 - P2.1/Rxd Bi-directional 22 - P22/Extint Input 24 - P2.3fl2CLK Input 26 - P2.4fl2RST Input 28 - P2.5/PWM Output 30 - P2.6!T2UPDN Bi-directional 32 - P2.7/T2Capture Bi-directional 34 - HSO.0 Output 36 - HSO.l Output 38 - HS0.2 Output 40 - HS0.3 Output 42 - HSI.0 Input 44 - HSI.l Input 46 - HSl.2/HS0.4 Bi-directional 48 - HSl.3/HS0.5 Bi-directional 50 - vcc
Figure 8.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual -19-
JP3 Memory-l/O Expansion Connector
2x30 Pin MOLEX 39-51-6004 or Equiv.
vcc __--------------- - 1
A0 Output ---------- 3 Al Output ---------- 5
A2 Output ---------- 7
A3 Output ---------- 9
A4 Output --------- 11
A5 Output --------- 13 A6 output --------- 15
A7 Output --------- 17
_________-__------ 19
A8 output --------- 21 A9 Output --------- 23 Al 0 Output ------- 25 Al 1 Output ------- 27 Al 2 Output ------- 29 Al 3 Output ------- 31 Al 4 Output ------- 33 Al 5 Output ------- 35
vss _______---------- - 37 CLKOUT Output - 39
RD# Output ------- 41 BREQ# Output --- 43 ALE Output ------- 45
NMI Input ---------- 47
RESET# Output - 49 No Connection --- 51 HLD4# Output --- 53
-12VDC ________-_-- 55 vss _____-_--------- -- 57 vcc ___------------ --- 59
7cl 70 70 7u
70 30 3u
q u q u
q u q u q u q u q u q u q u q u
q u q u q n
q u q u
q u q u q u
q u q u
q u q u q u
2 - vcc 4 - DO Bi-directional
6 - Dl Bi-directional 8 - D2 Bi-directional
10, - D3 Bi-directional 12 - D4 Bi--directional 14 - D5 Bi-directional 16 - D6 Bi-directional 18 - D7 Bi-directional
20 - vss
22 - D8 Bi-directional
24 - D9 Bi-directional 26 - DlO Bi-directioal 28 - Dl 1 Bi-directional 30 - D12 Bi-directional 32 - D13 Bi-directional 34 - D14 Bi-directional 36 - D15 Bi-directional
38 - Vss 40 - vss 42 - WR# Output
44 - BHE# Output 46 - UserReady Input 48 - INST Output 50 - P2.2/EXINT Bi-directional 52 - No Connection 54 - HOLD# Input
56 - +12VDC 58 - Vss 60 - Vcc
Figure 9.
JP4 Power Supply Connector
4 Pin MOLEX 26-03-3041 or Equiv.
Figure 10.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
To Evalboard
Note: Signal mneumonics are reference to the host.
To host PC
Figure 11.
25pin-to-g-pin Adapter
EV8OCI 96KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
The EV80C196KB board uses an Embedded Controller Monitor (ECM) written for the MCS-96 family of 16-bit microcontrollers. This monitor supports basic debug facilities (LOAD, GO, STEP etc.) in the user’s target system. The ECM is broken into two independent programs, one of these executes in the EV80C196KB (iRISM­96KB) and the other executes in a IBM PC or BIOS compatible clone(iECM-96). These two programs communicate via an asynchronous serial channel using a binary protocol defined specifically for this application.
The partitioning of the ECM into two separate programs supports a number of goals in the development of this system:
The system is easy to adapt to a new target because the code which runs in the target is very simple and small.
The feature set of the user interface is not limited by the resources of the target since the user interface is implemented in the host PC.
Concurrent operation of the ECM and the target system was easily achieved. This allows you to interrogate and (carefully) modify the state of the target system while it is running.
This manual section describes the user interface provided by the iECM-96, the interface between this PC resident software and the target resident software, and the structure of the software in the target. Appendix B lists the resources of the 80C196KB that are reserved for this RISM implementation. Appendix C is the listing for the iRlSM software which runs in the 80C196KB on this board. It uses an Intel 82510 UART for host communications.
The iECM-96 was designed and implemented by Intel to support user’s of the MCS­96 architecture, and is placed in the public domain with no restrictions or warranties of any kind.
Host system is an IBM PC AT, PC XT, or BIOS-compatible clone. (Interfaces via COMl or COM2 at 9600 baud.)
Sixteen software execution breakpoints Concurrent interrogation of target memory and registers Supports BYTE, CHARACTER, WORD, STRING, DOUBLE-WORD and
FPAL-96 REAL variable types. Single-Line Assembler/Disassembler Symbolics compatible with Intel’s OMF debug records
Supports LOAD, SAVE, LIST, LOG, and command INCLUDE files.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
Two words of user stack are reserved for use by the iRISM-96 software.Other
memory and/or registers in the target memory will be used by the iRISM-96 software. The exact number and location of this memory is implementation dependent. See appendix B or C for further information.
An asynchronous serial port capable of operation at 9600 baud must be available in the target system. The RISM described in this document uses an Intel 82510 UART. This version also uses the NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt)
to signal that a received data character is available.
1 The TRAP instruction is reserved.
Breakpoints and program stepping will not operate if the user’s code is in EPROM or other nonchangeable memory.
EV8OC196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual -239
OVERVIEW Embedded Controller Monitor (ECM)
An ECM (Embedded Controller Monitor) provides basic debug capability and is installed in your target system. Capabilities include loading object files into system
RAM, examining and modifying variables, executing code, and stepping through code. In the past, most of these monitors have been configured to run with a stan­dard “dumb” CRT with some form of auxiliary port for loading and saving object code
from a host system.
It is now common for a personal computer to act as the host for program translation and also emulate a dumb CRT during user interaction with the ECM. The ECM developed for the MCS-96 family makes the assumption that the user interface will always be a personal computer; no provision is made for interface
to a dumb CRT. By making this assumption it is possible to reduce the size and
complexity of the code that must be installed in the target system. A term’ has been coined for this code resident in the target -- RISM. The term RISM stands for Re-
duced instruction Set Monitor and is an obvious takeoff of the term RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computer) used to describe a class of computer architectures. The RISM consists of about 300 bytes of MCS-96 code which provide primitive opera-
tions. Software running in the host uses the RISM commands to provide a complete
user interface to the target system. The advantage of this approach is that the ECM can be readily adapted to different target systems and requires only a small part of
the available target memory space. The disadvantage is that the user interface
must be provided by a personal computer. The structure of the RISM is a short section of initialization code and an interrupt
service routine (ISR) that processes interrupts from the host system. The RISM ISR
consists of a short prologue and then a case-jump to one of 20 to 25 command
executors. These executors are simple and short; the flow though the entire ISR (including the prologue) is 15-20 instructions. The serial communication occurs at 9600 baud, which limits the frequency of these interrupts to 1 Khz. In the worst case
the EV80C196KB board will be slowed by the execution of a fairly short RISM ISR
every millisecond while executing user code. It is possible to operate the EV80C196KB board so that no real-time is lost to the iECM-96 unless the user is actively interrogating the target. (See the section “Initiating and Terminating the iECM-96” and the description of the RISM REPORT-STATUS command for details
on this).
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
The user interface to the iECM-96 supports commands to initiate and configure the
ECM-96, perform I/O operations involving DOS files, execute user programs, and
interrogate variables in the target system. Interrogation can be done in a number of formats and in most cases can be done concurrently with user code execution. A single line assembler and disassembler are also provided.
Note: on the disk included with the Ev80C196KB is a file called DEMO.LOG.
DEMO.LOG is a sample iECM-96 session for you to invoke and become more
-familiar with the features of iECM-96. Appendix G is a printout of DEMO.LST which was created by turning on the list feature and invoking DEMO.LOG by
typing *‘include demo.log”<CR> at the iECM-96 “*‘* prompt.
Background Information
Numeric and Symbolic Input
The command parser used by the iECM-96 software requires that numeric inputs
always start with the digits O-9. If hexadecimal numbers are entered which start with
A-F they must be preceded by a “0”.
For example, enter “OAA55” instead of “AA55”. This requirement is similar to ASM-96. If symbolic information has been downloaded as part of an object file (see “Loading and Saving Object Code”) then you can enter a valid symbol name whenever a number is expected. The symbol name must be preceded by a period (“.“) so that the parser knows to try searching the symbol table. If the symbol is ambiguous then it will not be accepted by the parser. The probability of ambiguous references can be reduced by specifying the module name along with the symbol name. The module name must be preceded with a colon (“:“).
If a variable TEMP is declared both in MODULE1 and in MODULE2, then a refer­ence to the TEMP declared by MODULE1 would be “:MODULEl .TEMP”. PLM-96 or C-96 line numbers can be called out by a pound sign (“#“) followed by the line number.
Symbolic Output The symbolic output routines, in general, deal only with address information. They will not try to convert data values into symbolic form. When the symbol table is searched for a symbol name to associate with a given value the routines also per-
form type checking. If one, and only one, symbol matches both the type and value
of the address being displayed then the output routines will display the symbol name along with the numeric value of the address. If more than one label has been as­signed to a given address then the symbolic output routines will ignore all of them.
The exception to this rule occurs when the disassembler finds multiple labels as­signed to a given code address. The disassembler will display all the known sym­bolic labels attached to a code address.
If the symbols table gets very large the symbolic output routines will become pain-
fully slow, particularly on an 8088 based PC. This problem can be avoided by using modular programming and translating a subset of the modules in the debug mode. Another alternative is to use the “SYMBOLS OFF” command to suppress symbolic output Symbolic input is not affected by this command.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual -25
Controlling Lengthy Commands Most of the commands supported by iECM-96 appear to complete without delay.
Some commands (e.g. displaying or filling a large area of memory) take an appre­ciable length of time to complete. In general these commands can be aborted by entering a CARRIAGE-RETURN. Those commands which display a large amount of information can be paused by hitting the SPACE bar. After you have checked the data currently on the screen you can depress the SPACE bar again to resume the output.
Aborting from iECM-96
Entering a control-C will cause the iECM-96 to close any open files and return to DOS.
Initiating and Terminating iECM=96
This section describes the commands for invoking iECM-96 from DOS and exiting back to DOS.
This command, entered at the DOS prompt, loads the iECM-96 software and exe­cutes it. Several options are available with this command. Option strings always start with a hyphen (“-‘I) and can be entered in upper or lower case. The operation of these options is described below. Any or all of these options can be entered in any order, if the options are contradictory then the actual option accepted is the last one entered.
-COM2, -COMl These options tell the iECM-96 software which serial communication port is to be used. If neither of these options is entered then COMl will be used as a default. If iECM-96 detects valid CTS (Clear To Send) and DSR (Data Set Ready) signals from
the appropriate COM port it will sign on and display a command prompt. If the target
is stopped the command prompt will be an asterisk (“*“). If the target is already running the prompt will be a greater-than sign (5”).
-DIAG If CTS or DSR are not present, iECM-96 will complain about it and ask if you want to
proceed or exit. It is possible, but not likely, that iECM-96 will operate properly even after compl’aining. It is more likely that there is a problem with the serial port or the cabling which will prevent proper operation. If the problem is not obvious (e.g.
disconnected cable or no power to the target hardware) then the -DIAG invocation
option can be used to help isolate the problem. The -DIAG option puts the iECM-96 system in a special mode which allows many tests to be used to find interfacing problems, or target bugs.
The diagnostic mode is intended to support debugging of boards which use the
iECM-96. It can be particularly useful in systems which have multiple address
decoding modes, such as the EV80C196KB. Upon reset this board has EPROM at
location 2080H, the address where the 8OC196KB starts execution. After executing some initialization code, the board can change the address decoding so that ROMsim/RAM is available in the partition which contains 2080H and the RISM is relocated to another area. This allows you to download code which is designed to operate in the on-chip ROM of MCS-96 family parts (2000H - 3FFFH). The diagnos-
tic mode allows the use of diagnostic routines which disappear from memory space
-269 EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
when the RAM is mapped into the system. It also provides a simple routine to check
the communications interface between the host and the target.
In the EV80C196KB board, there is a serial port loop-back mode which allows de­bugging the host/board interface. Upon reset the board is in the echo mode. Until it receives an ASCII slash (I’/“) or reverse-slash (‘7”) it will increment every character it receives from the host and send the incremented value back to the host. It will also
display the binary code of the character the board received on the Port 1 LED%. If a
reverse slash is received by the RISM it will leave the echo mode (set USER MAP flag true), remap memory and start normal operation. If a slash is received it-will stop echoing incremented received data and start responding to RISM commands with the diagnostic flag set. In this mode there are diagnostic routines resident in
EPROM which are useful for debugging the board. Initially after invoking the diag­nostic mode, the Program Counter points to the beginning of a RAM test at 2200H. See the source code listing in appendix C for further details.
Note: The target hardware will have to be reset before using the DIAG com­mand option.
Note: When executing diagnostic routines from EPROM, certain commands
such as Breakpoints and Stepping will not work as they need to modify the code to work properly.
When the host software is invoked in the diagnostic mode it will tell you to enter characters on the keyboard. These characters will be sent to the target and the
response from the target will be displayed on screen. This is a simple confidence check on the serial communication channel. You are told to enter a slash or re­verse-slash to terminate this mode and proceed in either the diagnostic mode or the
normal user’s mode. If the user interface is invoked without the -DIAG option it will
immediately transmit a reverse-slash which should put the target in the normal
mode. Systems which do not implement the diagnostic mode will load the reverse­slash into the RISM-DATA register where it will languish till more useful data is sent by the host.
-8096, -8096BH, -Cl 96KB These three options control the single line assembler and the disassembler in the iECM-96. If the 8096 (8x9x-90) or 8096BH (8x9xBH) options are selected then the additional instructions in the 8OC196KB will be considered invalid for both the single line assembler and the disassembler. If none of these options are selected then the iECM-96 will default to Cl 96KB mode.
This option will cause the object file loader to ignore type definition records in the
object module. If this is invoked then the symbolic I/O routines will only recognize basic data types such as BYTES, WORDS, and LONGS. More complex data types
such as PLM arrays and structures will not be recognized. This option is included because early versions of the host software got confused while loading certain type definition records generated by C-96. These problems have been fixed but the option was left in case similar problems remain.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual -27-
-POLL, -SIGNAL These two options control how the host software detects whether or not the user’s code is running. If poll mode is selected then the host will periodically poll the target with a REPORT-STATUS command. This takes no additional hardware but forces the target to waste instruction cycles responding to the poll. The signaling mode avoids this overhead but requires that the target set the Ring Indicator modem control line whenever it is running user code. The user interface will then check this line before it issues a REPORT STATUS command. If neither of these options is selected then the signal mode isselected as a default. On the EV80C196KB the OUT1 # pin of the 82510 is used to generate this running signal. Therefore, the signal mode is recommend.
RES This command and its abbreviations will reset the entire target hardware system if the target system is implemented to support this operation. On the EV80C196KB
jumper shunt E20 must be installed from B to C for this command to work properly.
This command operates by dropping the DTR modem control line. This comes into the target as DSR. After dropping DTR the iECM-96 software will wait about 1 second to allow the target to complete its initialization routines. The iECM-96 will politely warn of this time delay and then ignore the user until it expires. Unless special precautions are taken in the design of the target system, any data in RAM (including downloaded object code) may be corrupted by the reset. On the EV80C196KB, the RAM contents should not be affected by a RESET.
This command enables you to temporarily leave iECM-96 and return to DOS. Once
you have suspended iECM, you may perform other functions in DOS, including using other software programs, such as ASM-96, as long as there is sufficient mem-
ory to do so.
To reenter iECM, type exit at the DOS prompt. iECM will return with all conditions in
effect at the time it was suspended. QUIT
This command will close any files that iECM-96 has opened and exit to DOS. Note that this command can be used even if the target is running. iECM-96 sets the selected COM port to 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, and one STOP bit. The port will be left in this state by iECM-96 when control is returned to DOS.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
Default Base Commands
These commands are used to set the default base for numeric input and output. The valid bases are: 16 (hexadecimal) , 10 (decimal), and 8 (octal). The default base is
used to display variables. It is not used to display addresses (which are displayed in hexadecimal) or breakpoint numbers (which are displayed in decimal). The default
base is also used to enter numbers into the command parser, but it is possible to override the default base during input by adding a character at the end of the num­ber which forces the appropriate base to be used. The override characters are H (or
h) for hexadecimal, T (or t) for decimal, and 0 (or o) for octal. The override charac­ter must appear immediately following the last digit of the number with no interven­ing space.
BASE This command will display the current default base.
BASE=cvalid-base> This command will set the current default base to <valid-base>. When entering this command it is advisable to use an override character to select the new default base:
BASE=1 00
; selects octal BASE=1 OT ; selects decimal BASE=1 OH
; selects hexadecimal
This avoids confusion when changing bases. As an example of the confusion which
is avoided, consider the following commands entered while the base is hexadecimal.
The command:
BASE=1 0
will leave the default base as hexadecimal and the command:
BASE=1 6
will result in an error because 16H (22T) is not a valid base. The command:
will select decimal as the default base but it is cleaner and simpler to use the over-
ride character:
This works independently of the current default base and leaves a useful record in log or list files which may be open.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual -29-
iECM-96 uses files in the host system to load and save object code, enter prede­fined strings of commands, to keep a log of commands that are entered by the user, and to keep a record of an entire debug session which includes both the characters entered by the user and the response generated by iECM-96 on the host screen. The commands which operate with files are described in the following sections.
Loading and Saving Object Code
iECM-96 accepts object files which are generated by Intel’s development tools. iECM-96 will not accept files which contain unresolved externals or files which con­tain relocatable records. These files must be passed through RL-96 in order to resolve the externals and/or absolutely locate the relocatable segments. iECM-96 will also not accept HEX format files. There is a utility on the disk (HEXOBJ.EXE) for converting HEX format files to Intel object format files loadable by iECM-96. While still in DOS type “HEXOBJ <filename>.hex <filename>.obj”cCR> to convert <filename>.hex to a usable format for iECM-96. HEXOBJ does not attempt to con­vert any symbolic information contained in the HEX file. The iECM-96 commands which operate on object files are:
LOAD <filename> LOADSYM <filename>
SAVE caddr> TO <addr> IN <filename>
The metasymbol <filename> means that a valid MS-DOS file name must be entered in that position of the command string.
LOAD <filename> This command loads the content records of the object file <filename> into the target memory and loads any associated symbolic information into a symbol table main­tained in the host system’s memory.
LOADSYM <filename> This command loads the symbolic information from <filename, into the symbol table maintained in the host system but does not load the content records into the target’s memory. This command is useful when you have left a debug session with the target still running a program that has been loaded. At a later time you can re­invoke iECM-96 and interrogate the running program without stopping it. The LOADSYM command allows the use of the symbolic information contained in the object file without reloading the content records. (Content records cannot be loaded while the target is running).
SAVE caddr> TO caddr> IN <filename> This command saves a region of memory as an object file which can be reloaded into the target memory at some latter time. No attempt is made to include any symbolic information which may have been in the symbol table maintained in the host system.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User‘s Manual
Other File Operations
In addition to object files, the iECM-96 makes use of include files, log files, and list files. Include files contain commands to be executed by iECM-96, they must contain the exact sequence of ASCII characters that you would enter from the keyboard to execute the command. Include files can be tedious to generate with a text editor so
iECM-96 can generate log files in which are stored characters entered by the user. The intent is that log files be used later as include files to recreate command se­quences. List files keep a running record of both commands entered by the user and of the response generated by iECM-96. Comments can be included in list and
log files to make them easier to understand. A comment starts with a semicolon (I;‘) and ends with a carriage return or ESC. The semicolon is considered to be part of
the comment but not the CR or ESC. The command parser will ignore comments
but will put them in the list and log files.
Note: on the software disk included with the EV80C196KB is a file called DEMO.LOG. DEMO.LOG is a sample iECM-96 session for you to invoke and become more familiar with the features of iECM-96. Appendix G is a printout of DEMO.LST which was created by turning on the list feature and invoking DEMO.LOG by typing ‘*include demo.log”<CR> at the iECM-96 *‘*” prompt.
The list and log files commands allow for default filenames and allow either overwrit-
ing existing data in the file or appending data at the end of the file. This allows you
to gather list and log data in the default files which avoids the creation and manage-
ment of a large number of separate files. Log and list files are stamped with the
date and time whenever they are opened to make it easier to use this capability and then go back and sort out the data from several debug sessions with a text editor.
The commands involved in include, log, and list operations are:
INCLUDE <filename> F’AUSE LIST LIST <filename> LOG ~;XY;~~narne>
Three of these commands require you to supply a valid file name, the rest use the appropriate file name that has already been entered.
INCLUDE <filename> This command will attempt to open <filename> as a read only file.
If the file can be opened then the command parser will take commands from that file until the end of the file is reached. The include file will then be closed. Only one include file will be opened at a time.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual -31-
PAUSE This command is documented in this section because it is intended to be used as part of INCLUDE files. It is not really a file oriented command itself. When this command is entered the iECM-96 will stop parsing commands until a SPACE char­acter is entered from the keyboard (it can’t come from an INCLUDE file). This pro­vides a method of pausing in the middle of an INCLUDE file operation until you have a chance to see what’s going on and acknowledge the pause condition by depress-
ing the SPACE bar.
LIST This command behaves like the LIST <filename> command described below except that it uses the last <filename> that was entered as part of a LIST <filename> com-
mand: If no such command has been entered then the default filename “LIST.ECM” will be used.
LIST <filename> This command will attempt to open <filename> as a writable file.
If a file with cfile-
name> already exists then iECM-96 will ask if the file is to be overwritten or if the
new data should be appended to the end of the existing file. It will then open the file and stamp it with the current date and time from the system clock. After this, com-
mands entered by the user and the responses generated by iECM-96 will be re­corded in the file.
This command behaves like the LOG <filename> command described below except
that it uses the last <filename> that was entered as part of a LOG <filename> com­mand. If no such command has been entered then the default filename “LOG.ECM” will be used.
LOG <filename> This command will attempt to open <filename> as a writable file.
If a file with cfile­name> already exists then iECM-96 will ask if the file is to be overwritten or if the new data should be appended to the end of the file.
It will then open the file and stamp it with the current date and time. After this, commands entered by the user will be recorded in the file. Note that this file may contain nonprintable characters
(e.g. ESC).
The LISTOFF closes a LIST file that has been specified by the LIST command. This
stops new list information from being recorded. The LISTON re-opens the list file in the append mode so that recording can start again.
LISTON also stamps the list file
with the current date and time from the system clock.
The LOGOFF closes a log file that has been specified by the LOG command. This
stops new list information from being recorded. The LOGON re-opens the log file in
the append mode so that recording can start again. LOGON also stamps the list file with the current date and time from the system clock.
EV80C196KB Microcontroller Evaluation Board User’s Manual
Commands which control program execution allow you to reset the processor, set
execution breakpoints, start execution, stop execution, step, and super step. The commands will be grouped by their major function for the sake of discussion.
Resetting the Target
The processor can be reset by executing the iECM-96 command:
This command physically resets the processor by setting the RISM-DATA register to OXXXXOOOl and issuing a MONITOR-ESC RISM command which will cause the target to perform a RST instruction.
iECM-96 provides sixteen program execution breakpoints. If a given breakpoint is inactive it is set to zero, if it is active then it is set to the address of the first byte of an instruction. Breakpoints set to addresses which are not the first byte of an instruction will cause unpredictable errors in the execution of the user’s code. When execution is started iECM-96 saves the user code byte at any active breakpoint and substi­tutes a TRAP instruction for that byte. Executing a TRAP instruction will cause the iECM-96 to restore the user code bytes where the TRAP instructions were substi­tuted and then decrement the user’s program counter so that it points at the original instruction. The user’s program will appear to stop execution immediately before executing the instruction with a breakpoint set on it. All the TRAPS will be removed from the user’s code and the original code restored.
Note: Most monitor programs similar to iECM-96 display a message on the console when a break occurs (e.g. “Program break at 1234H”). This is not done in iECM-96 because the system supports concurrent interrogation of the target which the user’s code is running; it is possible (perhaps probable) that the break will occur while you are in the middle of displaying or modifying the state of the target. Any special break message would have to interrupt the execution of the command. Because of this the iECM-96 does not output a special break message. You have two ways to find out that a break occurred:
I)- The prompt will change from a greater-than 5” to an asterisk (“*“).
2). The status of the processor shown in the “control panel” at the top of the console screen will change from “running” to “stopped”.
Commands which set the breakpoint array are:
:l[ cbp-number> ] BR [ cbp-number> ] = <code-addr>
The square brackets in the latter two commands are part of the command syntax and must be entered by the user, the angle brackets are part of the “meta” language used to describe the syntax. Breakpoints can be displayed while your code is run­ning but they cannot be modified.
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