The Intel® Desktop Board DZ87KLT-75K may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published
specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in the Intel Desktop Board DZ87KLT-75K Specification Update.
Revision History
Revision Revision History Date
001 First release o f the Intel® Desktop Board DZ87KLT-75K Technical Product
This product spec ification applies to only the standard Intel® Desktop Board DZ87KLT-75K with
BIOS identifier KLZ8711D.86A.
All Intel
computers (PC) fo r installation in homes, offices, schools, co mputer rooms, and si mila r locations. The
suitability of this pr o duct for other PC or embedded no n-PC ap plications or other e nv ironments, such as
medical, industrial, alarm sy s te ms , te s t e q uipment, etc. may not be sup p orted without furthe r e valuation by
Intel Corporation may have patents o r pending patent applic a tio ns , trademarks, cop y rights, or other
intellectual proper ty rights that relate to the presented subject matter. The furnishing o f documents and
other materials and inf ormation does not p rovide any license , e x press or implied , by estoppel or otherwise,
to any such patents, trad e marks, copyrig hts , o r other intellectual property rights.
Intel may make change s to specifications and p roduct descrip tions at any time, without notice.
Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked “reserved”
or “undefined.” Intel reserves the s e for future def inition and shall have no resp onsibility whatsoev e r for
conflicts or inco mpatibilities arising from future changes to the m .
Intel desktop boards may contain d e s ign defects or errors known as e rrata, which may cause the p roduct to
deviate from p ub lis he d specifications. C ur rent characterized errata are available o n request.
Contact your local Intel sales office o r your distributor to obtain the latest sp e c ifications befor e p lac i ng y our
product order.
Intel and Intel Core are trademarks of Intel Cor poration in the U.S. and/or other countries.
* Other names and brands may be claimed a s the property of others.
Copyright 2 013, Intel Cor p oration. All rights re s e rved.
desktop boa r ds are evaluated as Information Techno logy Equipment (I.T.E.) f or use in personal
May 2013
Board Identification Information
Basic Desktop Board DZ87KLT-75K Identification Information
AA Revision BIOS Revision Notes
G74721-003 KLZ8711D.86A 1,2
1. The AA number is fo und on a small label on the comp o ne nt s ide of the board.
2. The Z87 chipset used on this AA r e v i s io n c onsists of the follo wing component:
Device Stepping S-Spec Numbers
Intel Z87 Express Chipset C1 SR13A
Current characterized errata, if any, are documented in a separate Specification
Update. See
motherboards/motherboards.html?wapkw=desktop+boardsfor the latest
This Technical Product Specification (TPS) specifies the board layo ut, components,
connectors, power and environmental requirements, and the BIOS for the
Desktop Board DZ87KLT-75K.
Intended Audience
The TPS is intended to provide detailed, technical information about the Intel Desktop
Board DZ87KLT-75K and its components to the ve ndors, system integrators, and other
engineers and te chnicia ns who need this level of information. It is specifically not
intended for general audiences.
What This Document Contains
Chapter Description
1 A description of the hardware used on the Intel Desktop Board DZ87KLT-75K
2 A map of the resou r ces of the Intel Desktop Board
4 A description of the BIOS er r or m es s a ges , beep codes, and POST codes
5 Regulatory compliance and battery dis pos al information
Typographical Conventions
This section cont ains information about the conventions u sed in this specification. Not
all of these symbols and abbreviations appear in all specifications of this type.
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
Notes call attention to important information.
Cautions are included to help you avoid damaging hardware or losing data.
# Used after a signal na me to identify an active-low s ig na l (s uc h as USBP0#)
GB Gigabyte (1,073,741,824 bytes)
GB/s Gigabytes per second
Gb/s Gigabits per second
KB Kilobyte (1024 bytes)
Kb Kilob it (1024 bits)
kb/s 1000 bits per second
MB Megabyte (1,048,576 bytes)
MB/s Megabytes per second
Mb Megabit (1,048 ,576 bits)
Mb/s Megabits per second
TDP Thermal Design Powe r
xxh An address or d ata v al ue ending with a lowercase h ind i c ate s a he x a d e c im al value.
x.x V Volts. Voltages are DC unless otherwise specified.
* This symbol is used to indicate third-party brands and names that are the p roperty of thei r
respective owners.
Revision History
Board Identification Information .................................................................. iii
Errata ...................................................................................................... iii
What This Document Contains ..................................................................... v
Typographical Conventions ......................................................................... v
49. Regulatory Compliance Marks ............................................................ 97
Four 240-pin DDR3 SDRAM D ual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) sockets
10-channel (7.1 + 2) Intel® High Definition (Intel® HD) Audio via the R e alte k*
Integrated gr aphics support v ia an HDMI v1.4a interface
1 Product Description
1.1 Overview
1.1.1 Feature Summary
Table 1 summarizes the major features of the board.
Table 1. Feature Summary
Form Factor
Legacy I/O Control Nuvoton* legacy I/O controller for Consumer Infrared (CI R ) and hardware
ATX (12.00 inches b y 9.60 inches [30 4 .80 millimeters by 243.84 millimeters])
• 4th generation Intel® Core™ processor with up to 95 W T D P in an LGA1150
― PCI Express* 3.0 x16 graphics interfaces
― Integrated memo ry controller w ith d ua l c hanne l DDR3 memory support
― Integrated graphics processing (processors with Intel
― External graphics inte rface controlle r
• Support for DDR3 1066 MHz up to 2400+ MHz DIMMs (see Section 1.5 for
complete details)
• Support for 1 Gb, 2 Gb, and 4 Gb memory technology
• Support for up to 32 GB of sys te m me mory with four DIMMs using 4 Gb
memory technolo g y
• Support for non-ECC memory
• Support for 1.5 V (standard v oltage) and 1.35 V (low voltage) JEDEC memory
• Support for XMP memory
Z87 Express Chip s e t c onsisting of the Intel® Z87 Platform Controller
Hub (PCH)
ALC898 audio codec incl ud ing:
― Front panel audio connector with supp o rt for Intel HD A ud io and AC ’97
― Five analog audio j ac ks on the back panel
― Onboard S/PDIF out header and b ac k panel optical S/PDI F out connector
• 8-channel (7.1) Intel HD Audio via the High Defi nitio n Multim e d ia Interface*
• Support for PCI Express 3.0 x16 add-in graphics card
Separate module that provides both Blue to oth* and WiFi included w ith the
Intel® BIOS resid e nt in S PI Flash device
Hardware monitoring and fan control through the Nuvoton I /O c o ntroller
Table 1. Feature Summary (continued)
Wireless Module
Intel® Visual BIOS
Instantly Available
PC Technology
Hardware Monitor
• USB 3.0 ports:
― Six ports imple m e nte d w ith s tac ked back panel co nne c tors (blue)
― Two ports imple me nte d through one dual-por t inte rnal connector (blue)
• USB 2.0 ports:
― Two ports imple me nte d with stacked back p ane l c onnectors (orange high
current charging p orts)
― Six front panel p orts are implemente d through three dual-port internal
connectors (two b lac k and one orange high current charging port)
• Serial ATA (SATA) ports:
― Six SATA 6.0 Gb/s interfaces thro ugh the Intel Z87 Express Chipset with
Rapid Storag e Te c hno l o gy RAID support (blue)
― Two SATA 6.0 Gb /s inte rfaces through a Marvel 88SE9172 controller
• Two IEEE 1394a ports:
― One port via a back panel connector
― One port via a fr ont-panel connector (blue)
desktop board
Note: Only Bluethooth v2.1 is supported
• Support for Advanced Conf i g uration and Power I nte r face (ACPI), Plug and
Play, and SMBIOS
• Support for PCI* Local Bus S p e c ification Revision 2.2
• Support for PCI Express * Revision 2.0
• Suspend to RAM support
• Wake on PCI, PCI Express, LAN, f ront panel, CIR, and U S B p orts
• Two Gigabit (10/100/1000 Mb /s ) LA N s ub s ystems using the Intel® i217V
Gigabit Ethernet Contr oller and Intel
i210 Gigabit Ethernet Controller
• Thunderbolt™ Technology Interfac e
• Three PCI Express 3.0 x16 bus add-in card connectors from the processor
PCI Express x16 slot is electr ic allyx8 or x16
― 1
PCI Express x16 slot is electric ally x8 or disab le d
― 2
PCI Express x16 slot is electric a lly x4
― 3
• Three PCI Express 2.0 x1 bus add-in card connector s from the PCH
• One Conventional PCI bus add-in card c onnector from the PC H v i a a PC I
• One PCI Express Full-/Half-Mini Card slo t w ith s up port for mSAT A
Note: No USB is routed to the PCI Exp ress Full-/Half-Mini Card s lo t
• Voltage sense to detect out of range p ower supply voltages
• Thermal sense to detect out of range thermal values
• Six fan headers using PWM control
• Fan sense inputs used to monitor fan activity
• Fan speed control using voltage co ntrol (4-pin fan header s f ront, rear, and
auxiliary) with selectable support in BI O S for 3-wire fans
•Support for Platform Environme nta l C ontrol Interfac e (PEC I)
1.1.2 Board Layout
Figure 1 shows the location of the major components on Intel Desktop Board
Product Description
Table 2 lists the components identified in Figure 1.
A PCI Express x16 add-in card connector (x4 elec tr ic a l; x 16 compatible)
B Conventional PCI add-in card conne c to r
C PCI Express x16 add-in card connec to r (x8 electrical; x16 compatible)
D PCI Express x1 add-in card c onnector
E PCI Express x1 add-in card connector
F PCI Express x16 add-in car d c onnector
G Battery
H Rear chassis fan header 2
I PCI Express x1 add-in car d connector
J Rear chassis fan header 1
K Back panel connectors
L 12 V pro cessor cor e v oltage connector (2 x 4 pin)
M LGA 1150 processor socket
N Volta g e regulator status LEDs
O Processor fan header
P DIMM 3 (Channel A DIMM 0)
Q DIMM 1 (Channel A D IMM 1)
R DIMM 4 (Channel B DIMM 0)
S DIMM 2 (Channel B DIMM 1)
T Front chassis fa n hea d e r 1
U F ront chassis fan heade r 2
V Onboard power button
W Onboard rese t button
X Piezoelectric speaker
Y Main power connec tor (2 x 12)
Z Standby power LED
AA Front panel USB 3 .0 connector
BB BIOS security jumper
CC Chassis intrusion header
DD SATA 6.0 Gb/s connectors through the PC H (b lue )
EE SATA 6.0 Gb/s co nne c tors through a Marvel 88SE9172 controller (gray)
FF PCI Express Full-/Half-Mini Card slot
GG Consumer IR receiver (input) head e r
HH Alternate front panel po w e r/sleep LED header
II Front panel connector
JJ Power On Self Te s t (PO S T) LE D d i s p lay
KK POST LED display
LL Front panel USB 2.0 connector (black)
Table 2. Components Shown in Figure 1 (continued)
Label Description
MM Power Superv is or LED
NN Fr ont panel USB 2.0 conne c tor (black)
OO Front panel USB 2.0 co nne c tor (orange high cur r e nt c ha r ging)
PP Board status LEDs
QQ S/PDIF header
RR Auxiliary fan header
SS IEEE 1394a front panel connector
TT Front pane l aud io connector
Figure 2 is a block diagram of the major functional areas of the board.
Figure 2. Block Diagram
1.2 Online Support
To find information about… Visit this World Wide Web site:
Intel Desktop B oard DZ87KLT-75K
Desktop Board Support
Available config ur a tio ns for the Intel
The board support s 4th generation Intel Core processors. Other processors may be
supported in the future. This board supports processors w ith a maximum wattage of
95 W Thermal Design Power (TDP). The processors listed above are only supported
when falling within the wattage requirements of Intel Desktop Board DZ87KLT-75K.
See the Intel web site listed below for the most up-to-date list of supported
Use only the processors listed on the web site above. Use of unsupported processors
can damage the board, the processor, and the power supply.
This board has specific requirements for providing power to the processor. Refer to
Section 2.5.1 on page 66 for information on power supply requirements for this board.
The board supports graphics through either the processor Intel HD Graphics or a PCI
Express x16 add-in graphics card.
The board support s integrated graphics for processors with Intel HD Graphics. Intel® High Definition (Intel® HD) Graphics
The Intel HD graphics controller features the following:
• 3D Features
DirectX* 11.1 support
OpenGL* 4.0 support
• Video
Next Generation Intel
video playback and enhancement features that improve the end user’s viewing
Encode/transcode HD content
Playback of high definition content including Blu-ray* disc
Superior image quality with sharper, more colorful images
Playback of Blu-ray disc S3D content using HDMI (1.4a spec compliant
with 3D)
DirectX* Video Acceleration (DXVA) support for accelerating video processing
Full AVC/VC1/MPEG2 HW Decode
HD Graphics with Advanced H a rdware Video Trans coding (Intel® Quick
Sync Video)
Note: Intel Quick Sync Video is enabled by an appropriate software application.
Clear Video Technology HD support is a collection of High Definition Multimedia Interface* (HDMI*)
The High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is provided for transmitting
uncompressed digital audio and video signals to telev ision sets, projectors and other
video displays. It can carry high quality multi-channel audio data and all standard and
high-definition consumer electronics video formats. The HDMI display interface
connecting the processor and display devices utiliz es transition minimized differential
signaling (TMDS) to carry audiovisual information through the same HDMI ca b le. The
processor HDMI interface is designed according to the High-Definition Multimedia
Interface Specification with 3D, 4K, Deep Color, and x.v.Color.
The maximum supported resolution is 4096 x 2304 @ 24Hz or 2560 x 1600 @ 60Hz.
The HDMI interface supports the HDMI 1.4a specification.
Depending on the type of a d d-in card installed in the PCI Express x16 connector, the
HDMI port will behave as described in Table 3.
Product Description
PCI Express x16 add -in card installed
Table 3. HDMI Port Status Conditions
PCI Express x16 Connector Status HDMI Port Status
No add-in card installed Enabled
Note: May require B IOS setup menu change s . High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection (HDCP)
HDCP is the technology for protecting high definition content against unauthorized
copy or intercep tion between a source (computer, digital set top boxes, etc.) and the
sink (panels, monitor, and TVs). The PCH supports HDCP 1.4 for content protection
over wired displays (HDM I). Integrated Audio Provided by the HDMI Interface
The HDMI interface from the PCH supports audio. The processor supports two High
Definition audio streams on two digital ports simultaneous ly.
Table 4 shows the specific audio technologies supported by the PCH.
Table 4. Audio Formats Supported by the HDMI Interface
Audio Formats HDMI
AC-3 - Dolby* Digital Yes
Dolby Digital Plus Yes
LPCM, 192 kHz/24 bit, 8 Channel Yes
Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD Master
Audio* (Lossless Blu-ray Disc
Audio Format)
Yes Multiple Display Configurations
The f ollowing multiple display configuration modes are supported (with appropr iate
driver software):
•Single Display is a mode with one display port activated to display the output to
one display device.
• Intel
• Extended Desktop is a mode with up to three display po rts activated to drive the
Display Clone is a mode with up to three display ports activated to drive the
display content of same color depth setting but potentially different r efresh rate
and resolution settings to all the active display devices connected.
content with potentially different color depth, refresh rate, and resolution settings
on each of the active display devices connected.
4th generation Intel Core processors support PCI Express 3.0, 2.x, and 1.x:
•PCI Express 3.0 with a raw bit rate of 8.0 GT/s results in an effective bandwidth of
1 GB/s each direction per lane. The maximum theoretical bandwidth of the x16
interface is 16 GB/s in each direction, simultaneously, for a total bandwidth of
32 GB/s.
•PCI Express 2.x with a raw bit rate of 5.0 GT/s results in an effective bandwidth of
500 MB/s each direction per lane. The maximum theoretical bandwidth of the x16
interface is 8 GB/s in each direc tion, simultaneously, for a total bandwidth of
16 GB/s.
•PCI Express 1.x with a raw bit rate of 2.5 GT/s results in an effective bandwidth of
250 MB/s each direction per lane. The maximum theoretical bandwidth of the x16
interface is 4 GB/s in each direc tion, simultaneously, for a total bandwidth of
8 GB/s.
For information about Refer to
PCI Express te c hnology
Product Description
1.4 Intel® Z87 Express Chipset
Intel Z87 Express Chipset with Direct Media Interface (DMI) interconnect provides
interfaces to the processor and USB, SATA, LPC, LAN, and PCI Express. The Intel Z87
Express Chipset is a centralized controller for the board’s I/O paths.
For information about Refer to
The Intel Z87 chipset
Resources used by the chipset Chapter 2
Direct Media Interface (DMI) is the chip-to-chip connection between the processor and
the PCH. This high-speed interface integrates advanced priority-based servicing
allowing for concurrent traffic and true isochronous transfer capabilities.
1.5 System Memory
The board has four DIMM sockets and supports the following memory features:
•1.5 V DDR3 SDRAM DIMMs with gold plated contacts, with the option to raise the
voltage to support higher performance DD R3 S DRAM DIMMs.
• 1.35 V Low Voltage DDR3 DIMMs (JEDEC specification)
• Unbuffered, single-sided or double-sided DIMMs with the following restriction:
Double-sided DIMMs with x16 organization are not suppor ted.
•32 GB maximum total system memory (using 4 Gb memory technology). Refer to
Section 2.1.1 on page 49 for information on the total amount of addressable
• Minimum total system memory: 1 GB using 512 MB x16 module
• Serial Presence Detect
• Support for DDR3 1066 MHz up to 2400+ M Hz DIMMs
DDR3 2133 dual channel mode is s upported via the Overclocking Assistant
DDR3 2400 dual channel mode is s upported via XMP profiles and manual mode
DDR3 2667 single channel mode is supported via XMP profiles and manual
•XMP version 1.3 performance profile support for memory speeds above 1600 MHz
To be fully compliant with all applicable DDR SDRAM memory specifications , the board
should be populated with DIMMs that support the Seri a l Presence Detect (SPD) data
structure. This allows the BIOS to read the SPD data and program the chipset to
accurately configure memory settings for optimum performance. If non-SPD memory
is installed, the BIOS will attempt to correctly configure the memory settings, but
performance and reliability may be impacted or the DIMMs may not functi on under the
determined frequency.
1.5 V is the recommended and default setting for DDR3 memory voltage. The other
memory voltage settings in the BIOS Setup program are provided for performance
tuning purposes only. Altering the memory voltage may (i) reduce system stability
and the useful life of the system, memory, and processor; (ii) cause the processor and
other system components to fail; (iii) cause reductions in system performance; (iv)
cause additional heat or other damage; and (v ) affect system da ta integrity.
Intel has not tested and does not warranty the operation of the processor beyond its
specifications. For information on the processor warranty, refer to
Intel assumes no responsibility that the memory installed on the deskto p board, if used
with altered clock frequencies and/or voltages, will be fit for any particular purpose.
Check with the memory manufacturer for warranty terms and additional details.
Table 5 lists the supported DIMM configurations.
Table 5. Supported Memory Configurations
Capacity Configuration
1024 MB SS 1 Gbit 128 M x8/empty 8
1024 MB SS 2 Gbit 128 M x16/empty 4
2048 MB DS 1 Gbit 128 M x8/128 M x8 16
2048 MB SS 2 Gbit 128 M x16/empty 8
4096 MB DS 2 Gbit 256 M x8/256 M x8 16
4096 MB SS 4 Gbit 512 M x8/empty 8
8192 MB DS 4 Gbit 512 M x8/512 M x8 16
Note: “DS” ref er s to d ouble-sided memor y modules (containing two rows of SDRAM) and “SS” refers to
single-sided memor y modules (containing o ne r ow of SDRAM).
4th generation Intel Core processors support the following types of memory
•Dual channel (Interleaved) mode. This mode offers the highest throughput for
real world applications. Dual c hannel mode is enabled when the installed memory
capacities of both DIMM channels are equal. Technology and device width can vary
from one channel to the other but the installed memory capacity for each channel
must be equal. If different speed DIMMs are used between channels, the slowest
memory timin g will be u sed.
•Single channel (Asymmetric) mode. This mode is equivalent to single channel
bandwidth operation for real world applications. This mode is used when o nly a
single DIMM is installed or the memory capacities are unequal. Technology and
device width can vary from one channel to the other. If different speed DIMMs are
used between channels, the slowest memory timing will be used.
For best memory performance always install memory in the blue DIMM sockets if
installing only two DIMMs on your board.
Product Description
1.5.2 USB
The PCH contains up to two Enhanced Host Controller Interface (EHCI) host controllers
that support USB high-speed signaling. High-speed USB 2.0 a llows da ta transfers up to
480 Mb/s. All ports are high-speed, full-speed, and low-speed capable.
The PCH also contains an integrated eXtensible Host Controller Interface (xHCI) host
controller which supports USB 3 .0 ports. This contr oller allows data transfers up to
5 Gb/s. The controller supports SuperSpeed (SS), high-speed (HS), full-speed (FS),
and low-speed (LS) traffic on the bus.
The Intel Z87 Express Chipset provides the USB controller for the USB 2.0/3.0 ports.
The port arrangement is as follows:
• USB 3.0 ports:
Six ports implemented with stacked back panel connectors (blue)
Two ports implemented through one dual-port internal connectors (blue)
• USB 2.0 ports:
Two ports implemented with stac ked back panel connec tors (orange high
current charging ports)
Six front panel por t s are implemented through three dual-port internal
connectors (two black and one orange high current charging po rt)
Computer systems that have an unshielded cable atta ched to a USB port may not meet
FCC Class B requirements, even if no device is attached to the cable. Use a shielded
cable that meets the requirements for full-speed devices.
For information about Refer to
The location of the USB c onnectors on the back panel Figure 12, page 51
The location of the front panel USB headers Figure 13, page 52
The board provides eight SATA connectors, through the PCH, which support one device
•Six SATA 6.0 Gb/s interfaces through the Intel Z87 Express Chipset with Intel
Rapid Storage Technology RAID support (blue)
•Two SATA 6.0 Gb/s interface s through a Marvel 88SE9172 controller (gray)
The PCH provides independent SATA ports with a theoretical maximum transfer rate of
6.0 Gb/s. A point-to-point interface is used for host to device connections.
The PCH supports the Serial ATA Specification, Revision 3.0. The PCH also supports
several optional sections of the Serial ATA II: Extensions to Serial ATA 1.0
Specification, Revision 1.0 (AHCI support is required for some elements).
Many SATA drives use new low-voltage power connectors and require adapters or
power supplies equipped with low-voltage power connectors.
For more information, see:
For information about Refer to
The location of the SA TA c onnectors Figure 13, page 52
. Intel® Rapid Storage Technology/SATA RAID
The PCH supports Intel® Rapid Storage Technology, providing both AHCI and
integrated RAID functionality. The RAID capability provides high-performance RAID 0,
1, 5, and 10 functio nality on all SATA ports. Other RAID features include hot spare
support, SMART alerting, and RAID 0 auto replace. Software components include an
Option ROM for pre-boot configuration and boot functionality, a Microsoft* Windows*
compatible driver, and a user interface for configuration and management of the RAID
capability of the PCH. Intel® Smart Response Technology
Intel® Smart Response Technology is a disk caching solution that can provide improved
computer system performance with improved power savings. It allows configuration of a
computer syste m w ith the a dvantage of having HDDs for maximum storage ca pacity
with system performance at or near SSD performance levels.
For more information on Intel Smart Response Technology, go to
In order to use supported RAID and Intel Smart Response Technology features, you
must first enable RAID in the BIOS.
Product Description
1.6 Real-Time Clock Subsystem
A coin-cell battery (CR2032) powers the real-time clock and CMOS memory. When the
computer is not plugged into a wall socket, the battery has an estimated life of three
years. When the computer is plugged in, the standby current from the power supply
extends the life of the battery. The clock is accurate to ± 13 minutes/year at 25 ºC
with 3.3 VSB applied via the power supply 5V STBY rail.
If the battery and AC po w er fail date and time values will be reset and the user will be
notified during POST.
When the voltage drops below a certain level, the BIOS Setup progr am settings stored
in CMOS RAM (for example, the date and time) might not be accurate. Replace the
battery with an equivalent one. Figure 1 on page 13 shows the location of the battery.
1.7 Super I/O Controller
The I/O controller provides the following features:
• Consumer Infrared (CIR) header
• PS/2-style keyboard/mouse interface on the back panel
• Serial IRQ interface c ompatible with serialized IRQ support for PCI systems
• Intelligent power management, including a programmable wake-up event interface
• PCI power management support
The BIOS Setup program provides configuration options for the I/O controller.
The board support s Intel HD Audio through the Realtek ALC898 audio codec as well as
the HDMI interface. The audio subsystem supports the following features:
•Advanced jack sense for the back panel audio jacks that enables the audio codec to
recognize the device tha t is connected to an audio por t.
•Digital-to-Analog Converters (DAC) with 110 dB SNR (A-weighting) and Analog-toDigital Converters (ADC) with 104 dB SNR (A-weighting).
•Ten DAC channels support 16/20/24-bit PCM format for 7.1 channel sound
playback, plus two channels of concurre nt inde pendent stereo sound output
(multiple streaming) through the front panel output.
• Three stereo ADCs support 16/20-bit PCM format, multiple stereo recording
Table 6 lists the supported functions of the front panel and back panel audio jacks.
Table 6. Audio Jack Support
Audio Jack
FP Green Default
FP Pink Default
Rear Blue Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Default Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Ctrl panel
Rear Green Ctrl panel Default Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Ctrl panel C trl panel
Rear Pink Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Default
Rear Black Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Ctr l p ane l Default Ctrl panel Ctrl panel
Rear Orange Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Ctrl panel Default Ctrl panel
1.8.1 Audio Subsystem Software
Audio software and drivers are available from Intel’s World Wide Web site.
For information about Refer to
Obtaining audio sof tw a r e and drivers Section 1.2, page 17
Product Description
1.8.2 Audio Subsystem Components
The audio subsystem includes the following components:
• Intel Z87 Express Chipset
• Realtek ALC898 audio codec
• Front panel audio header that supports Intel HD audio and AC ’97 audio (a 2 x 5-
pin header that provides mic in and line out signals for front panel audio
connectors) (yellow)
• S/PDIF digital audio out header (1 x 4-pin header) (yellow)
• S/PDIF digital audio out connector on the back panel
• 5-port analog audio input/output stack on the back panel
The back panel audio connectors are configurable through the audio device drivers.
The available configur able back panel audio c onnectors are shown in Figure 4.
Item Description
A Rear surround
B Cente r c ha nne l and LFE (Subwoofer )
C S/PDI F out (optical)
D Line-in
E Line-out (front speaker)
F Mic-in (side surround)
Figure 4. Back Panel Audio Connectors
The back panel audio line out connector is designed to power headphones or amplified
speakers only. Poor audio quality occurs if passive (non-amplified) speakers are
connected to this output.
For information about Refer to
The locations of the f ront panel audio header and S/PDIF audio header Figure 13, page 52
The signal names of the f ront panel audio header and S/PDIF audio header Section, page 54
The back panel audio c onnectors Section 2.2.1, page 51