Integra EPLUS 501, EPLUS 701, EPLUS 901 User Manual

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Capa city / Capaci dad 500VA / 250W 700VA / 360W 900VA / 480W
Voltage / Voltaje Freque ncy / Frecuenc ia
Output / Salida
Voltage / Voltaje Freque ncy / Frecuenc ia Trans fer Time / Tiemp o Transfer encia: Wave form / For ma de O nda
Batteries / Baterías
Type / Tipo
* Runti me / Autonomía Tí pica 10-12 min. 17-20 min. 22-25 min. Recharge Time / Tiempo de Recarga Protections / Protecciones
Acosutic Al arm / Alar ma Acústica AC Mode / M odo Normal Battery Mode / Modo Batería (inversor)
Protecti ons / Protecciones
Input Circuit Breaker / "Breaker" de Entrada Surge/Spikes Protection (Line H-N) Protecci ón contra Picos / Rayos (Líne a L-N)
Surge/Spikes Protection (RJ11/RJ45)) Prot ecció n contra Picos / Ray os (RJ11/ RJ45)
Features / Funcionalidades
Power Outlets / Tomas
Mode l: 120V: N EMA x 4
Model: 220V: Schuk o x 2
Communi cation / Comunicac ión Software / Software Product Size & Net Weight / D imensione s-Peso Unitario
279x101x142 mm
3.6 Kg
279x101x142 m m
4.3 Kg
279x101x142 mm
4.9 Kg
Operating / Condiciones de Operación:
Mode l 120V: (81-1 45 Vac) - M odel 230V : (162-290Vac) (1 Ph)
60Hz / 50 Hz: Aut o Sensi ng / Aut odetec ción
Mode l 120V: + /- 10% - Mode l 230V: + /- 10% (1 Pha se / 1 F ase)
60Hz (+/- 1%) - 50Hz (+/- 1%)
2 - 6 ms t ypica l / tí pico
Simulated Sine wave / Sinusoidal Sintetizada
* (Ti mes for 1PC + TFT load / Tiempos p ara 1PC + Pa ntalla TFT)
Sealed Lead Acid - Maintenance Free (VRLA AGM) / Acido Pl omo Sel lada Sin Manteni miento (VR LA AGM)
4-6 hours to 90% capaci ty
Deep discharge and overcharge / Descarga Profundas y Sobre-Cargas
Alarms-Indications / Alarmas-Indicaciones
Battery Mode / Low Battery / Overload / Battery Replacement / UPS Fault
Green lighting / Verde Fijo
Green F lashing / V erde Intermi tente
with Ma nual Rese t / Disyuntor R earmable
Power Outlet Sockets with surge & spikes protection: L-N
Tomas de Salida Pr otegidas contr a Picos/ Rayos: L-N
Tel/I nternet/Ethernet: R J11/RJ45
Mode l: 120V: N EMA x 6
Mode l: 220V: S chuko x 2
USB Po rt / Pue rto USB
Supports/Compa tible: Windows, M ac OSX, Linux, Unix
< 95% RH / 0-40ºC / < 40 dB
USA Headquarters: 10540 NW 26th St, Doral, FL 33172. USA Tel: +1 305-406.3664
EUROPE Headquarters: Ave. Can Bordoll 60, Nave 4. Sabadell 08202. SPAIN Tel: +34 93.745.9694
Latin America Headquarters: Zona Ind. San Vicente II, C/ F, A11 Maracay. Venezuela Tel: +58 243-551.7023
EPLUS 501/701/901
500VA / 700VA / 900VA
Technical information on this manual is property of INTEGRA
This manual Information cannot be
copied or distributed totally or partially without written approval of INTEGRA.
INTEGRA can introduce modifications in their products or manuals without further notice. . INTEGRA is not responsible of mistakes or missing information in this manual. INTEGRA is not responsible for wrong use a third part can do of this information. Trademarks and logos in this manual are property of their owners.
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WARNING: It is required to read and understand this manual. Follow all instructions given in this manual for starting up and operating this product. Only qualified technician must start-up, operate and maintain this product. Keep manuals as a guide for future consults.
WARNING: This product operates with dangerous voltages. It must be installed, operated and maintained ONLY by qualified technicians trained for this kind of products. Service personnel MUST know and understand very well all electric risks related to this product. UPS manufacturer or distributor will never be responsible for any accident produced by lack of knowledge or negligent practices at the moment of install, starting up or maintain this product. UPS manufacturer or distributor is not liable for any damage that might rise from misusing this unit or defective installation.
WARNING: If you are not qualified technician do not try to install, operate or repair this product.
WARNING: Internal area of this product is locked by screws. Do not try to access inside the UPS unless you are
a qualified technician. UPS must be checked, repaired and maintained by qualified personnel only.
CAUTION: There are dangerous voltages in the UPS power outlets although the equipment is not plugged to
power line.
CAUTION: Inside this equipment, due to internal batteries, there are ALWAYS dangerous voltages, thought the UPS is OFF and unplugged of power line.
OUT OF SERVICE UNITS: It is strongly recommended to dispose this piece of equipment according to valid
directives in your country. At the moment of disposing all pieces need to be managed appropriately to avoid possible environmental damage or for some materials to be recycled.
BATTERIES: Do not throw it to fire (risk of explosion). Do not open the batteries, there are dangerous liquids inside
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Support: If a failure or problem is detected please check troubleshooting section in user manual. If problem cannot be solved
please contact authorized service center or authorized dealer. Batteries: Rechargeable batteries can be charged and discharged hundreds of times. However they will eventually wear out. This is not a defect or failure so that batteries wear out is not covered by this warranty. Battery lifetime will depend of operative conditions like working temperature, type and frequency of discharging cycles. Higher the temperature shorter will be the lifetime. Frequent and deep discharging cycles also will short lifetime. For critical applications batteries should be revised and replaced periodically. Long storage (longer than 6 months) without required recharging will wear out batteries. This situation is not covered by this limited warranty since this is not considered as a defect. Check recharging instructions on user manual.
Conditions Limited Warranty “PLUS”
1.- Subject to the conditions of this limited warranty, this product is warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship at the time of INTEGRA supplies the product.
In Europe, warranty time is 2 years on electronic parts and 2 year on internal batteries from INTEGRA invoice date. In America, standard warranty times could vary depending on country/region or can be extended by purchasing
warranty options. Please check warranty plans and extensions with your local distributor.
2.- If during the warranty period, this product fails to operate under normal use and service, due to defects in materials or workmanship, authorized distributor or service center will, at their option, either repair or replace the product in accordance with terms and conditions stipulated herein. Transportation expenses are not covered by this limited warranty.
3.- Warranty is valid only if the original invoice issued by INTEGRA, specifying date of purchase, serial number and name of the dealer, is presented with the product to be revised. INTEGRA and authorized partners reserve the right to refuse warranty service if any of this information has been removed, changed or missing in original invoice document.
4.- If product is repaired or replaced, repaired or replaced product will be warranted for the remaining time of the original warranty or for 90 days on repaired part from date of repair, whichever is longer.
5.- INTEGRA or their distribution/service partners reserve the right to charge handling fee if returned product is free of failure or it is out of warranty because any of the reasons described in this warranty.
6.- If product is out of warranty a reparation proposal will be sent to the user for his approval. If proposal is not accepted, service center will keep product available for the user during 60 continuous days. After this period product would be disposed and user will not be able to rise any claim.
7.- Rechargeable batteries, like included in this product, will definitively wear out even under normal operation. This is not a defect or failure so it is not covered by this warranty.
8.- This warranty does not cover batteries wear out caused by improper or long storage (over 6 months without required recharging indicated in product manual). Even performing recharging procedure this product cannot be storage longer than 18 months. Problems on batteries caused by this kind of long storage are not covered by this warranty.
9.- This warranty does not cover product failures caused by installations, modifications or repair performed by non authorized person. If product is open by not authorized technician warranty will be considered void. This warranty does not cover failure caused by inadequate installation or maintenance, misuse, accidents, fire or floods.
10.- This product can include protection devices like input fuse or input breaker. Activation of this kind of devices is not a failure it is caused by an improper product installation. Input fuse or breaker reset or replacement is not covered by this warranty.
11.- This warranty does not cover damages produced during transportation from user to technical service caused by improper packing of the product by user.
12.- Warranty terms and conditions cannot be modified or extended by third parties without written approval of INTEGRA.
Limited Warranty “PLUS”
- INTEGRA does not warrant that the operation of this product will be uninterrupted or error-free during its lifetime. If product fails to work, the maximum liability of INTEGRA under this limited warranty is expressly limited to the lesser of the price you have paid for the product or the cost of repairing or replacement of any hardware components that malfunction in conditions of normal use.
- In no event will INTEGRA be liable for any damages caused by the product or the failure of the product to perform, including any lost profits or savings or special, incidental, or consequential damages. INTEGRA is not liable for any claim made by a third party to INTEGRA or to final user.
- INTEGRA is not responsible for damage that occurs as a result of your failure to follow the instructions intended for this hardware product.
- INTEGRA is not responsible for damage that occurs as a result of your failure to follow the instructions intended for this hardware product.
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